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Year the Beast is Coming

Congratulations, congratulations, Happy New Year! Wish everything is going smoothly! Do you
like celebrating the New Year? The lunar calendars New Year is here again, each and every
family is so busy! My mother is in the kitchen mincing stuffing for dumplings, my father is
sticking red Spring Festival couplets on our main doorpost, my older sister is currently wearing a
red Chinese-style cotton-padded jacket, happily in the courtyard setting off firecrackers. But, do
you know why, come every Spring Festival, everybody wants to eat dumplings, set off
firecrackers, wear red clothes, and stick up Spring Couplets? Here, I tell you about the
interesting story of Year the Beast.
People of ancient times actually did not like celebrating the New Year because Year came,
which was equivalent disaster coming. Originally, Year was a type of scary, single-horn beast.
It was terrified of heat, and loved to sleep, usually living in the deep deep depths of the ocean,
sleeping for 365 days at a time, only until until the 365th days night, it wakes up, crawling from
the ocean onto the land to look for things to eat. On that day, people warn each other: Year
the beast is coming, Year the beast is coming. As long as Year the beast appeared, the land
would start to flood, furthermore, regardless of whether it was a human or animal, as long as
the beast saw it, they would be eaten to the very last bit, because it already hasnt eaten
anything for a long time. People are very afraid of Year the beast, come every winter, they
would prepare trail food, hurrying to hide from the devastations in the mountains before
Year the beast comes.
This years winter arrived again, the weather was incredibly cold. The villages seniors and
children were all preparing the nonperishable provisions for the journey up the mountains. The
village leader yelled Go quickly! while bringing the villagers anxiously towards the way up the
mountain. Only one left was old lady Ding who lived in Eastern part of the village, because last
year her only son was eaten by Year the beast, she felt lonely and devastated all by herself, so
she would rather die than leave, she wanted to stay and was prepared to risk her life against
Year the beast. Then, in the village an old beggar with hair disheveled suddenly appeared, his
hand leaning on a bamboo walking stick, staggering towards the front of everyone, and said
very pitifully, Give me a little bit of something to eat, pity me, I already havent eaten for many
days! The villagers were in the midst of hurrying up to mountain to hide from Year the beast,
no one had the frame of mind to pay attention to him. Seeing with his very eyes the villagers all
having gone, the old beggar still did not get the least bit of food to eat. He lost hope, and right
when he was about to leave, old lady Ding saw him, and called to him: Old man, I have here a
few leftover dumplings, do you want to come have a taste? As soon as the old beggar heard,
he was extremely happy, upon he took the dumplings he feasted on them. After eating, he
patter his stomach, asking: Weird, why is everyone so anxious, wanting to run up into the
mountains, yet you are not leaving?
Old lady Ding sighed out a breath, tears streaming, she brought Year the beasts devastation of
peoples story into light, lastly she also added:Year the beast will come in a moment, after you
finish eating hurry and leave! So as to avoid you being eaten by it.
Who knew that after the beggar heard, he roared with laughter, saying: I thought it was some
serious matter, actually its only year the beast.


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