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The True Essence of


Frederick A. Landy
I give all the praise and glory to God my Father, His Son Jesus Christ and
the precious Holy Ghost! This book is dedicated to my lineage. For the many
times Ive heard, It has to be in you to sing that way, because your grandma can

This book is dedicated to my maternal grandmother, Rev. Sheldonia Brown &

my grandfather, Deacon Edward Brown Sr.; to my father, Mr. Allen Dunbar and
my mother, the late Mrs. Tarrela L. Landy-Dunbar, it was through these that God
has made it all possible, what you see today.

To Mrs. Kathlene Simmons, whom I deem as the Mother of Music from my

home church, Thankful Grove Missionary Baptist Church (Williston, South
Carolina). To Pastor Freddie L. & 1st Lady Mary Bush of the Thankful Grove
Missionary Baptist Church, I will never forget where it all began and to where it
is continuing, to my overseer, Apostle John H. Price, Sr. and Co-Pastor Bertha
Price of Praise Tabernacle of Prayer (Aiken, South Carolina), God bless you!
The True Essence of Music

Frederick A. Landy
2013 by Landy's Gospel Creations

Published by Landy's Gospel Creations

2012-2013 Landy's Gospel Creations. All Rights Reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored

in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means---for
example, electronic, photocopy, recording---without the prior written
permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in
printed reviews.

Landy, Frederick A.

The True Essence of Music

Table of Contents


Musical Terms...8

Singing Preparations.......10

Chapter one Roles to play.......14

Chapter two How to obtain musicality.19

Chapter three Success in singing.......21



The True Essence of music assessment..34

About the author......65


Music can be considered many different things by various

individuals, but my connotation of music is a very concise one. It is
described by this simile, Music is like art, in reference to a painter.
The lyrics are the different paint colors that the artist uses to create his or
her piece of art. The voice is the paintbrush that either slowly, smoothly or
franticly paints the lyrics onto the faces of ones audience, which serves as
the canvas!

This representation came to me one day while I was doing a recital

back when I was a music performance vocal major at the University of
South Carolina Aiken for two years. Think about it! What kind of pictures
are you painting onto the faces of those in the audience? Are you really
portraying the right aura that lines up with the song you are singing at a
recital, concert or unto God in Praise & Worship?

The process that it takes to become a well-seasoned singer,

worshiper can be a challenging one. Through it all, the final result is well
worth it, which is having the understanding of knowing that someone has
been touched by the gift and talent that has been divinely given unto you
by God.
Musical Terms

Notes- given through the alphabets A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

Octaves- levels in the voice or musical instrument where the notes are
repeated over and over again in different pitch ranges.

Melody- is the smoothness of a song. It can be done in a connected

manner (legato) which is felt in love songs; or it can be in a more
detached, sharp manner (staccato) which can be felt more in gospel songs.
Lyrics- this is basically the text of a song which includes such words as:
Main Verse/Chorus, Verse, Vamp/riff (musicians favorite part:
improvisation); breakdown (an abrupt stop where the musicians then go
back to the original melody); or lastly Bridge is the section of a song
where the leader in a song leads the choir or group to the running verses.

Rhythm- can be simple or complex and are characterized by equal or

regularly alternating beats (Websters Pocket Dictionary & Thesaurus of
the English Language)

Fredericks term:

The piano home row: this consists of twelve keys on the

keyboard/piano/organ. With using three fingers to the left hand for notes
C-E and four fingers on the right hand for notes F-B major keys.
Singing Preparations

(The "DF, P, B, S" Model)

DF--- Define your footwork (make sure your feet are where they should
be for efficient singing.)

P--- Posture

B--- Breathing

S--- Sing
First, have physical balance (DF & P)

Second, breathe easily. (B)

Lastly, be present and do not have your mind wandering off into no
mans land, but become ready to sing! (S)
Now lets prepare!

Some exercises that can be used before one prepares to sing are as

1. Rib stretches
a. Place both arms above the head in crossed position.
b. Pull up with locked hands
c. Stretch to the right for 15 seconds.
d. Bring it back to the center.
e. Stretch to the left for 15 seconds.
i. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

2. Energy yawns
a. Open your mouth as wide as you can (Repeat 6 times).
3. Voice trills
a. Rub the sides of both of your cheeks and relax your face.
b. Now begin to sing various notes up to at least 5 octaves (taking it up each
i. Repeat about 8 times.

Portions adopted from:

Meribeth Bunch and Cynthia Vaughns The Singing Book 2004 by W.W.

Norton & Company, Inc. New York, NY.

Chapter one
Roles to play


This is a form of connecting body movements with a particular

piece of music by means of helping a choir or group sing with clarity the
words of a song to sing with understanding of the lyrics as one issues out
the lyrics at the proper time. There is a lot of room for creativity to be
displayed in this particular area.

This can be a small anointed assembly of twenty individuals or a

mass assembly of 150 to 200. A choir has been called to show forth the
praises of him that has brought its members out of the darkness into the
marvelous light. (I Peter 2:9b) There should be section leaders in this
assembly, so each member can effectively be active in each song. Section
leaders should spend extra time with the musicians and director to know
the specific notes, rhythms and lyrics of each song.


This is usually a small assembly of three individuals (trio), four

individuals (quartet), or even five individuals which is a quintet. They
should sing with clarity through the guidance of the groups lead singer.

Biblical accounts are in Joshua 6:4-20 where the walls of Jericho

came tumbling down, because the musicians had the favor of God on
them, while another great example is David who was very musically-
inclined and anointed that he was able to calm King Saul in I Samuel

Above all Psalm 150:3-6 declares, Praise him with the sounding
of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with
tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise him
with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let
everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.
Musicians are "instrumental" or, in that way, important to the
worship experience. They add the special emphasis to the Heavenly
song that is within each individual. He or she should constantly focus all
attention on the director of the choir or the lead singer in a group.


This individual is one who has the full right to express a specific
song or songs of choice in its original form, yet to the degree of a varied
more contemporary way, which shows forth his or her uniqueness. A
soloist is a lone singer in music, because he or she is the only one that
stands before an audience.

This consists of two individuals who have split, yet full, rights to a
specific song or songs of choice. One individual must sing in an octave
higher than the other to bring about the musical term, harmony, which
creates a duet sound.


This consists of three individuals who all have a unique part to

contribute to a specific song or songs of choice. For males: one needs to
be a tenor, another base, and the last a baritone. For females, one needs to
be soprano, another alto, and the last a high tenor. It just depends on the
voice classifications therein.
Chapter two
How to obtain musicality

The first question that one may have is, What is musicality? I
never heard of that before! Musicality can be defined as a word that
means more than just the lyrics of a song, furthermore it is the ability to
become one with a song and show individuality and ownership, yet giving
due respect to the original songwriters, singers and musicians. A song, in
actuality, is really a story that is put into musical formation.
Think about it! When you listen to various songs, especially those
from the music genre known now as gospel, the artist are usually telling a
story that paints a vivid picture for the audience, may it be live, via the
television or radio (from the Introduction). Not only that, but in gospel
there is always a parable from the Bible, declaration of the Scriptures or
even a personal testimony that can be heard in each song.

Above all, being reminded of the life, death, burial and most
importantly, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is always refreshing!
Musicality goes beyond the size of an audience or the number of other
great singers in one setting. It is the ability to sing without intimidation
or trying to be in competition. It is to sing with one's whole heart, even if
there are only five people in the audience. To have the opportunity to sing
before thousands is just an added incentive, given one has gained an
appreciation for singing simply before a handful of people or hundreds.
Chapter three
Success in singing

Who is one to tell you that you cannot sing! or that singing just
is not for you! Now, if the truth be told, the individual conveying their
personal observations could be soundly right. There are gifts and talents
that we all have a greater ability and higher level of anointing to function
in through the power of the Holy Ghost, but I believe that we all have a
song that even the angels cannot sing as given by Shekinah Glory
Ministries in their song Sing a new song from the 2007 project "Jesus."
If one feels that God has really truly blessed and anointed him or her for to
minister through song, then one must be consistent and understand that it
takes time to reach certain levels within a given gift!

To clarify, I knew that God had blessed me with the ability to sing
even before I could comprehend it thoroughly, but it was through my
family and many of the saints-of-God from my home church that gave me
the confidence in knowing that God had placed this within me even before
I was born in my mothers womb. I first give honor to God my Father; I
show appreciation to my maternal grandmother and grandfather for letting
me have the freedom to sing as I please around the house and to play the
keyboard, which was all for fun at one time, but now is being done
vocationally in the public arena.

I can never forget growing up, and hearing my grandmother, while

she cooked breakfast or cleaned around the house, get deep into a song of
praise unto the Lord. It was as if she was at the Radio City Music hall or
one of the biggest churches in the world, because she would be just giving
it her all. I never understood it then, but now I know that she had and to
this day still has musicality.

The most interesting sound is to hear my grandmother and

grandfather singing a duet after a good, home-cooked Sundays dinner and
then my aunt and I joining in with them later on! How awesome were
those times! Not only did we do this on Sunday's, but also on holidays and
other family gatherings! It can be said that a family that sings together also
stays together and learns to love even the more! For a family that sings
together grows stronger and a family that prays together stays together,
and sure enough, we did both.
I must also give proper credit to the newly deemed title that the
Lord gave me for the Mother of Music of the Thankful Grove
Missionary Baptist Church, SC, Mrs. Kathlene Simmons. I am talking
about a woman who directed you in singing the right notes and singing in
rhythm. I am talking about a woman who helped you to stay in step with
a song and to keep your eyes focus on the her, as the director. This sums
up this awesome "Mother of Music."

Before there were 'formal' music classes, I was already being

equipped by Gods own, Mrs. Kathlene Simmons. She just had swiftness
about her, and still does. She would always number one, say You cannot
chew gum and sing at the same time, which is for safety purposes; and
then she would say, No folded arms; put your arms down beside your
side, take them from out of your pockets and from behind your backs.
After that, we were ready to sing! Even today, she still has it in her, God
bless you Mother!

You may be trying to figure out why these stories are being
shared? Well, to be successful in singing is to know where it all began and
then to thoroughly consider the ups and downs that comes with being a
singer, specifically, as a Gospel singer, the persecutions and sufferings
attached. This is to prepare each individual. Its just like a message that
the Lord gave me to preach back in 2010 entitled, Dont forget to
remember! One must remember where it all begin and then build upon
that foundation.

How can I really know the genre, in my case, Gospel music, and
grow in it, if I have not taken time to consider the singers of old? Or have
forgotten the songs that I was taught when I was growing up in the church,
which would prove to be critical? We must never forget, but rather study
such artists of days past and gone and once doing so, simply ask the Lord
to allow us to be the singer, songwriter, producer, etc, that He wants us to
be. because at the end of the day, it's not our will, but His will to be done
in our lives.

Such an implication gives way to a bright future as a soloist, group

member, director, choir member, or musician. I am an advocate in seeing
individuals who want to be as effective as he or she can be in the area of
music and ultimately reach their goals. To everyone that reads this book,
go forth into your destiny and know that if the ability, but overall, the
anointing, is there make it your priority in getting nourishment for the
gift(s) that God has placed inside of you.
No matter how much time it may take, there is always something
new to learn every day, and when God elevates you dont forget to
remember how you started off and those that helped in the process of you
being who you are today. Consider this, take one day at a time, but learn to
take time each day for your gift(s). Declare every day, God, not my will,
but your will be done in my life, In Jesus Name, Amen!

When it comes down to becoming a better soloist, group member,

director, choir member or even musician, the first thing to take into
consideration is that there has to be commitment and dedication. No
matter how strenuous or over-bearing the idea of rehearsing a particular
song over and over again may sound, its the end result that will tell the

In the Introduction the simile that Music is like art, in reference

to a painter, but another simile that I like to use is that "Music is like a
sport." Just like an athlete must train the body through weight training &
conditioning so must a singer and music practice in order to bring about a
level of perfection in one's gift(s); If it's breathing exercises (running,
cardio) that must be incorporated into one's schedule as a singer, then by
all means do that; and not even that, but there has to be repetition of the
same thing, in order to bring a human level of perfection, so this is not just
a once a week thing, but a two to three times a week type of commitment.

Remember, if the gift or ability is there, nurture it and you will

begin to understand what The true essence of music really is. which is
knowing that its God who we must please and honor through the
ministering of music. Its not mom, though you want to make her proud.
Its not pastor, though you do respect and honor the man or woman of
God. It is God the Father of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob, and of you
(presuming one has been saved, sanctified and filled with the precious
Holy Ghost). Once this is realized, then the rest will follow. In closing, I
declare as it is written in Psalm 67:1, New International Version, May
God be gracious to [you] and bless [you] and make his face shine upon
[you], Selah

Bunch, Meribeth & Vaughn, Cynthia. The Singing Book. New

York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2004.

Shekinah Glory Ministry. Sing a new song. Jesus. Oak

Forest, Illinois, SpoonFed Productions, 2007.

The Holy Bible. New International Version, (NIV). Grand

Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001.

Websters Pocket Dictionary and Thesaurus of the English

Language. U.S.A.: Nichols Publishing Group, 1999.

The True Essence of
Assessment 1

1. What is given through the alphabets A, B, C, D, E, F and G?



2. What is the first step in learning a song and why?




3. What is the second step in learning a song and why?




4. What is the third and final step and why?




5. What are octaves?




6. Is it important to have a melody?




Assessment 2

1. Which song preparation activity is your favorite and why? Less favorite
and why?




2. How important is it to do some type of physical exercises through the

week, before rehearsals and/or worship experiences?




Read the story below paragraph and assess what is wrong in it.

Sanay is a fifteen year old, young African American girl who is

aspiring to be the next big star in the music industry. She is being raised in
a single parent household with a mother who does all she can for Sanay
and her two brothers. Sanay doesnt really like to be told what to do a lot
of times and is beginning to take on a defiant disposition. Her mother has
her and her brothers involved with the Youth Choir at their neighborhood

Sanay has recently led two songs and has gotten standing ovations
by the congregation. With having had such an experience she has begun to
take the choir as her training ground to becoming a star in the secular
world. She arrives to rehearsals on her own time since the church is just a
block from her home and once arriving she feels she should be noticed and
rendered certain accommodations.

Sanay has recently become involved with smoking and drinking

and really doesnt show up to rehearsals as frequently as before! The
interesting thing is that on Sundays Sanay makes her way to the choir
stand and feels that even if she has missed more than three rehearsals she
has all the rights and privileges to sing!





Assessment 3

1. Which role do you play now, as stated in Chapter one of the book?




2. Which role do you want to gain experience in and why?





3. Now that you know the definition of musicality, what else do you think
could be added to the definition? Also, do you believe that musicality is an
important factor to "The true essence of music?



Assessment 4
Listening Activity

(Specially designed for teaching purposes, but can be used for ones
own personal benefit. Turn on the radio to your favorite station,
answer each question and then afterwards research to see if you stand
correct in your guesses.)

1. Listen to the provided songs.

2.While listening to each song, answer the following:

Song 1

a. What might the name of this song be?


b. Who is the artist or group?


c. Why do you think the song is named the above title?


d. What lesson or point is being relayed in this song?




e. Do you like or dislike this song? Why?





Song 2

f. What might the name of this song be?


g. Who is the artist or group?


h. Why do you think the song is named the above title?


i. What lesson or point is being relayed in this song?




j. Do you like or dislike this song? Why?





Song 3

k. What might the name of this song be?


l. Who is the artist or group?


m. Why do you think the song is named the above title?


n. What lesson or point is being relayed in this song?




o. Do you like or dislike this song? Why?





Song 4

p. What might the name of this song be?


q. Who is the artist or group?


r. Why do you think the song is named the above title?


s. What lesson or point is being relayed in this song?




t. Do you like or dislike this song? Why?





Song 5

u. What might the name of this song be?


v. Who is the artist or group?


w. Why do you think the song is named the above title?


x. What lesson or point is being relayed in this song?




y. Do you like or dislike this song? Why?




About the author
Frederick A. Landy, the son of Mr. Allen and the late Mrs. Tarrela
L. Landy-Dunbar, is a 2006 graduate of South Aiken High School and
before graduating from high school, Landy received a diploma in General
Christian Studies from the A.F. Bible School, Roseville, California. After
matriculating to college, on May 2010, he graduated from the University
of South Carolina Aiken, where he earned with induction a Bachelor of
Arts degree in psychology with a concentration in sociology, both located
in Aiken, South Carolina. While in his undergraduate studies, he was
privileged to have been the Minority Achievement Program 2006 Mentor
of the Year, USC-Aikens 2008 Homecoming King, and a charter member
for a new organization: Men Achieving Leadership, Excellence, and
Success (M.A.L.E.S.) National in the spring of 2008, and the 2009 Most
Inspirational Mentor of the Year. Also he served within the Student
Government Association as the 2009-2010 Senator of Intercultural

On August 09, 2009, he was licensed to preach the Gospel of Jesus

Christ and with that, In October of 2009, God blessed him with his first
gospel cd project, Focus on Jesus 2009, with DunbarEntainment
Productions, founded by a childhood friend, Mr. Jermaine Dunbar. This
brought about being featured in the University of South Carolina Aikens
newspaper, The Pacer Times and also the local newspaper, The Aiken
Standard. Through this, Landy established LGC Landys Gospel
Creation which is a Christian Entrepreneur ministry that can be found at Furthermore, it is his mission through preaching and
singing to make it known that Jesus Christ is soon to return and now is the
time to get our houses in order!
Beyond all of the accomplishments, honors and accolades of this
educator, recording gospel singer & songwriter, entrepreneur, son,
grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend, they all do not compare to the day
Landy accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior and received
true Sanctification and was filled with the Holy Ghost. As Ephesians 2:8
states, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is
not yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Landy has recently earned a Master of Arts degree in Ministry

Leadership from Cornerstone Universitys Grand Rapids Theological
Seminary and also was a Youth Counselor at Coit Elementary School
located in Northeast Grand Rapids. Landy has had the privilege to serve,
over a year and a half as the senior pastor of an inner-city, multiracial,
non-denominational church by the name of Christ-faith Bible Center
located in Northeast Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also has previously
served as the worship leader and Associate Pastor of Sovereign Word of
Life Ministries International, Southeast Grand Rapids, Michigan and the
pastor of Praise Tabernacle of Prayer located in the heart of the city of
Aiken, South Carolina. Landy's next step is to be a professor of Ministerial
& Biblical Studies and to also continue preaching and teaching the Gospel
truth, being a youth counselor in the public and charter schools along with
making strides in the Gospel music industry. Educationally wise, it is his
desire, sometime in the very near future, to begin working toward a Ph.D.
in Education from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
concentrating in Urban Education.

To book the author as a guest speaker or to host a Gospel Music

Seminar, simply email a request to

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