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r hai a r:,-rh e r i i fe c a n b e g i n at a poi nt of ciated *'ith the brain and nervoussystemon

a{lv.rr..nent be;-ond the b'eginning of this the one hand, and ri'ith rhe heartand circula-
one . tory systemon the other.
L i i rn . .x p re s s i o n o f h i m s e i i of hi s true According to Rosicrucian philosophy.
iniji -' ' i i j ,.,ri i ti ..c c m e s th ro u g h the process of there are certain points in the human bod,vat
deai:n; .r ith ihe universal force about him. which the enormously high frequenciesof
O r : r p i ,-,:i c a i l i v e s a re c o n s ta nrl y moci i fi ed the psychic seif are stepped down in order
an,-i i,.::-,'.'-ereci b.,v the phy'sical conditions that the energiesof the cosmic realm may
u iti: ..r','::r-.i .,vedeai. !7e can take one of r*'o becomeuseful to man on the physicalplane.
atii:'':'i.-., :r-,'*'ardthis pcsirion in u'hich v,'e Insofar as the human body: is concerned.
finr i-,.' .,--i','es.ll can L'e one in u'hich u'e ihese points of coniact ber*'eenthe psychic
r es e i i " :' ,rg p i a c e C i n s u c h a p o si ti on-and and physical u'orids are referred tc collec-
i..vri;i: -i:it'nti'iient actuallv th'*'art the possi- tively as p-sychiccez,ters and are associated
biiiii ' ' ,: c ro \r' i h , d e v e l o p me nt, and aci - r.i'iththe activiriesof certain glands.
Vtnc--ir:::.rl ioward a more complete com- Frorn a ph.vsiologrcal
point of vieu',glands
pr , : ' n e r..:.:a o f th i n g s -o r i t c an be an aC - are of two kinds, namely exocrineand endo-
knc.i'ir*gnent cf the position in which we crine. All glands produce secreiicnsu'hich
a. r c,rrrr :r a p o s i ti o n b e Vo n d Ou r control , but have important influencesin the u,orkingsof
thar: ''"",r::,inour control rests the ai-.ilit_vto the body. Exocrine giandsreleasetheir secre-
srrivt i'.,r ihose values r.r'hichseem evident as tions directly onto the surfaceswhere thel'
bein:: ,r, nr:re value than rnere resistance to areto exert their influence.Endocrineglands,
r he.:i - ,--i :h i n g sa b o u r u s . W ' e rvi i l gai n l i rtl e on the other hand, releasetheir secretions,
h1 i. .:; r.: a g a i n s t u ' h a t u e a rc; \' e can gai n knou'n as hormones, into the bloodstream
rnr,rtl: .- -ooperating rvith the forces about q,hich then rakes them to all tissuesof the
us, ltr*irlin that ver_vprocess more body. There is no function of the bodv, no
a\.r'ai. i. rhe Divine Mind of *'hich \.e are a activity within the cells of the body, includ-
L' di, . - .
ing the repiication of DNA itself, that cioes
nct come under the direct or indirect influ-
ence of hormones. Psychiccentersare asso-
and PsychicCenters* ciated q,ith endocrine glandsand are, ihere-
Are They the Same? fore, the governors of ali activities in the
A :r- .'r i::on-' Wiashington, D.C., rises to
()n the other hanci, chakrasare defined as
add:es. ,-reFcrum as follows: "When I first
jc inr : . Orc i e r i m a C e th e rn i stake of usrng centersof force at which energyflows bet.*een
'* the psychic and physical bodies of man. On
the f*r::- ,:lakra, not that the Rosr-
crucian! use the term nsychic center instead. the srrength of this limited ciefinition it
The ::r.'r,-' whom i was speaking tried to r,;'ouldappear that rhere is little or no func-
convii-ii-{ n-rethat u.'hatRosicrucians call ps1'- tional distinction berweenpsychiccenterson
chic ,:.:.-:icrsare not the same as chakras. the one hand, an<i chakras on the other.
Ho*'er',::, i am not convinced. Is there reallv However, according to the experts,chakras
a -
- p. are seenas "saucer-likedepressionsor vorti-
- :7+- r r - -

ces" in the surfaceof the psychicbody. Each

I n r.:-,-.,.;a a h tn a
g n a n s w e r to our frater' s
chakra gives the appearanceof being com-
que-<iir,:; is irnportant to reaiize that frorn
posedof petalsrvith a sremexrendinginward
the bc{,,:-ing of time, ali creation has been from the surface.:fthe bodv and finallv mak-
supilLli:.:i trvo great principies. These two ing contactwith ceriain nervegangliaof the
prin;ili=s are knou'n under many narnes but svmpathetic arm of fhe autonomic nervous
fbr i.r..,-,scs of our present discussion are slrstem.The overail appearanceis, therefore,
r ef er rr,t :c a l l e g o ri c a l i y a s t he Tree of that of a number of flowers havine their
Knci-*'i,.,,,:r anci the Tree of Life. In the stems firmly rooted in the svmparheticner,
hun".'--- '.,-j"v, these two principles are asso- \IOU S S r/S tem.
Page 79
FT5FlUAil T,

Here. then' i,; ihe first major distinction

gestion. unconsciousiy interfere with the
that \1'c ffii1!' ir,:t' b'eFveen psychic centers) ha.mor'tio.lsfunctioning of the subconscious
on r he one h a l l i , a n c i c h a k ra s o n th e o t her' phaseof rnind.
Psychrc centers- ererting their, influence via The challengero eachstudent on the Path
the blood, are associated r'r'ith the Tree of is to so organizehis or her relationshipwith
Life u'hiie chaoras are associated with the the activities of the subconsciousphase of
nervous slrsten:arid, rherefore' r'r'ith.theTree mind that it becomesa true vehicle for the
of Knou'ledgc. fhis distinction underscores Cosrr,icMind which is immanentr'vithinit.
a fundamental iifference in the Rosicrucian The discipline leading to such a harmoni:a-
approach aS cOil-':o3red rt''ith the Eastern' Narurally there are
tion is called mlsrici,cm.
Filt",cu aplrfi:i'-1: :o enlightenment of rnan's
ditierent paths.In the Hindu syslemof chak-
C OOS CT OUS !l i :' ! S
ras, the p"rn ,o iliumination involvesa tech-
F r om an e s .l ' + ti c p o i n t o f v i e rv , th e ner- niquc ccrnmonl,vreferred to as "raising the
vouS SlSteIr, :- : i'ehicie b'-vmeans of rvhich kun"daiini."
man ma]' 3r.ei:-',iall,vgain master)' over the Kundalini is considerecito 'ne a force or
forces of Nat,:r i- li1'the phrase "gain mastery
energyrvhichresidesin the chakraat the base
over" *'e,jc .'ii: :Tieanto imply dominance in
of the spine and representsthe basicenergy
the sense!ha: ,:,n rvill learn to use the forces 'oodv' lt is referred to as a fire which is
- of the
of Nature ir':r-11rratter which way he chooses'
in srriking contrast to the energyor vitality
Rather, this gr:''*aseis intended to mean that enteringthe body from the sun. Kundalini is,
man u'ili leari: lc lring his personaf individ-
therefcre, an energy of negativepolarity as
uai will inic h;:ri'r-tonious relationship with
comparedwith the positive polarity of Nous
rhe Cosmic s,-,) iilat "the forces of Nature *'iil
which enters the body with each breath.
be happy :c- ii,. i-ris bidding," as is promised
From a Rosicrucian point of view, then,
to Rosicri:cian Neophyte. The phtTsical
"".ftas a r::,ai:i:cstationof the 1au'and order kundaiini is predominantly spirit energy
which rveknow is not absoiuteiy negativebut
of the Cosn:rr ,s :herefcre the great crucible
onlv relatively so. Strictly speaking then,
in r','hich this i-,:eat Work is to be
"lrought. kunJaiini has little to do with so-calledsex
And the neii'i:;r:: s!.'stemis the vehicle through
energ) i.vith rvhich it is associated in the
*'hich iue u'ili .j::.h eventuaiiy learn hou' to
minds of some people.
br ing our l n ...' ,' i J u a l c o n s c i o u s n e s s i nto
harmonv r."'i:i, the Cosmic Consciousness Kuncialini is conceivedas beingdual, con-
manifestinc ic .-''ery cell of ever,vtissue of the sistingof a positive,masculinepolarity,and a
bodl:. negaii\ie,feminine poiarity. When the kun'
daiini is raised,the negativepolarity is thought
For pur;-'+....-t-)t our discussion, the ner-
to travel up the ieft-handchain of the sympa-
vous systeil . - lhe hurnan body may be
thetic nervoussystem.This left-handchainis
eilv lded ini i ., ' i i i e e fu n c ti o n a i s e g l n ents,
referrecito as the Ida. Analogously,the posi-
namelv ccrlbi',srinal, rvhich is associateci
tive polarity of kuncialini ls consideredto
rl'ith the objt,:::ve./subjecrive phase of con'
travei up the right-hand chain of the sympa-
sclousnessi irir :!iirlpzthetic nervous system
thetic nervouss.vstem,u'hile a mixture of the
u'hich is asso'.,:rieci with the subconscious
ru'o polarities travels up the canalor chamber
phase; and lh. :srasympathetic nervous sys-
in the spinal cord. The right-hand chain of
tem q.'hich is associared with the cosmic
the s1'mpatheticnervoussystemis referredto
ohase of ccnsiiousness. According to this
as the Pingaiawhile the canal in the spinal
sch"*e, thei:. lhakras are associated with
cord is referred to as the Sushumna.
and reflect tht ','''c.rkingsof the subccnscious
phase of minc 'e'hich, according to Rosicru- in their raising,the threestreamsof kunda-
cian philcsoii,'. is the essential mind of the lini areconsideredto travel upward from the
-l-:ris chakra at the baseof the spine to make con-
psychic boc'-: subconscious phase of
*it'td ls amena:rie to suggestion and it is by tact i.r.'ith,and to vivify in turn, each of the
fauity reasr--i:ir- that we. through autosug- other chakrasalong the path, and evenruaily

r es i c i rrs!i l th i n th e c ro u ' n c h a k ra at the top of ieachcr or guru, the Rosicruciandepends

t hc h rr-j . i n rh i s p ro c e s s th e e n ti re nervous only.uponthe God of his or her Hearr.In this
s v s r c rri. i n c i u .l i n g th e b ra i n , h ecomes hi ghl r mrnner t h e n e o p h , v t e t a k e s c o n s c i o u s co n -
s en s i i r:.:.1u. ' i th th e re s u l r th a t the i ndi vi dual trol of hi s or her evol uti on and develops a
bec.-n - re c e p ri v eto a g re a te r rangeofvi bra- partnership r,"ith the Master Within ri'hich is
torv fr.quencies than before. rhe onl l ' true gui de. It i s through rhe M ast er
that the funcrions of the psvchic cen-
Licr.'3i's1, because of the ,Jangersinherent
iers are harmonized. *,ith the concomrtanr
in t n i s " ri te o f p a s s a g e " fro m one l evel of
increase in the sensitivitv of the nervous svs-
ps1'chi,,'sensirivity to anoiher, the neopht'te
r c qu i ;,' ; :h c g u i J a n c e o f a g u ru rr,ho i s erpe-
ricn.e!: in such rnarters. The Hindu approach ls it to be taken then that in the Rosicru-
io e;-r,,.1i-,tenment.therefore, Concentrates cian approach there is no altereC t-lou' of
upt : n ,,r:;ro v i n g th e s e n s i ti v i r v of the ner- energy among the vari ous hranches of t he
vc1-:s:i.,i::'!-n,thereby expanding the activities nervous svstem? In order to approach an
: rll-
.1,: '
of I ' -.' - rc c o f Kn o rv i e d g e . V/h a t, then, of rhe ans\\'er ro this question, iet us take a brief
R.Osirr',..:ranaooroach J i ook at the pol ari ti es exi sti ng i n the aut o-
nomic nervous system.
T h . l o s i c i u c i a n a p p ro a c h t o eni i ghren-
mL-nt i> reflecteci in the ancient injunction; First of all, it shoulci be realized that rhe
"Scici,:c i,"'ithout conscience brinp nothing various segments of the nervous sl'stem
1 "' - \
irui :u:;: io the soul personaliti'." Science manifest an inherent Cualitv. Thus, there rs
her. :.ijis ro acquired knor','1edge,tvhiie the right-hand chain of the symparhetic svs,
c ons c i t::;e re fe rs to th a t i n n e r k no* ' i ng, that tem rvhich is associated *'ith energies of a
pcsitive polarity', anil the left-hand charn
cosi.ri. .n'.;ri'ledgethat resiJes u,ithin each of
us ar,i . r:itiected in the activities of the Tree rvhich is associated *'ith energies of a nega-
of L; i c F o r th i s re a s o n th e R o si cruci an w ' ay tive poiarity. The paras,vmpathetic nervous
is reicr:-,-'j tc as "The rvay of the Heart" and s-vstem is iikeu'ise duai, consisrinp of nerve
bcgir,-=..-.,ththe Cod of our Heart. fibers u'hich arise q'ithin the unper DorElon
of the brain srem, and nerve ftU.rr u'hich
F ro i : :h e R o s i c ru c i a n p o i n t of vi el , en-
arise wirhin the lcwermosr porrion of the
iighlc n t:rn r i s i rre v o c a b l v i l n k eci to one' s
spinal cord. Hence, rhe parasympatheric siTs-
c oncc i -:i rJ n o r e x p e ri e n c e o f t he Infi ni re.
lerr rnanifesis a verrical. top-to-botrom divi-
T hus . :::tn e r th a n fb c u s i n s e x cl usi vel v on
sion rvhile the sympatheric system manifests
dire,.::s':r:siti:ation of rhe .,aryo,u, svstem, \^,e
a lateral, right-to-lefr division. The tr','osvm-
bring i',-rr efforts to bear on how best ro
pathetic chains are located ber*'een the top
harr:-ror,:eour indiviciual consciousnesswith
and bottom sections of the parasvmparheric
the Cc-s.:ricConsciousness of q'hich \r'e are a
system, and appear to be associatedwith the
par t . i l ::i fh i s c o n s ta n t s tri v i n g to evol ve the
body's ri ght-side-to-iefr-side electrical poiar-
c har a c :.: a n d s o u i p e rs o n " l i rv i hat l eads
it1'. In an analogous manner, the two poles of
ine. ,-i ta :-,'to ' th e n e c e s s a rya n d c oncomi tanr
the parasympathetic nervous sysiem mav be
s ens i ti :;ri c -n o f th e n e rv o u s s y stem and the
associated with the body's weil-knou'n heaci-
acccinc; nving-increasein psvchic sensitivity.
to-foot elecrrical polariry.
In thi: ',...:-,-rhe Tree cf,Knor'ledge is harrnon-
i;ed '.iii-r the Tree of Life. This process of Many- members who foliow onl_vthe Rosi-
har nr ' :i ' :::i i c rn i s d i re c te d b v th e God of our crucian approach report experiencing an
Hearl , :re u i ri m a te g u ru , ra rher than bl - ener6ryflow starting at rhe base of the spine
sorncar::-. r-xtern&l to ourselves. ani ri si ng up the spi nal col umn. In sor ne
cases the energy florv is experienced during
Th'":s. .: second point of distinction l,.enveen the meditarive state and travels up the srlne
t he R o s ,,-ru c i a n s y s te m , b a s e C on psvchi c io lodge at a poinr in the foreheid b,eiu.een
c enie rs , ;n C th a t o f th e H i n d u . based on the e-ves.In no case has there been anv reDorr
c hak r a s i s a s fo l i o w s : W h i l e the H i ndu of fear or discomfori associared o'ith'this
apir , rri :' ' rrq u i re s rh e g u i d a n c e of a personal energy flow. This energv flo.,v may be a
1986 P age 81

r eilec t lo l i .; a g re a te r h a rm o n r- o r i ncreaseJ strlicrure, a body rhat does nor allor.r.fbrthe

resonance the t-,r'opoles oithe para- normal expressionof the soul personaliry.
s v r n p a t h cii. itcr vo u s s) ' ste r T r , insaniry also, rhe inabilir,vro rationali;e,the
On the c:her hand, rhere have also been enriapn.enr in a different reality from rhe
reportstron studentsu'ho haveattemptedto norm! may also be caused by a structurai
rnir the,R.osicrucian and Hindu ap- defectin rhe physicalbody, somerhingin rhe
proaches. S,rch students report a sudden, flou' of nerve energv through the nervous
violent fior.' .rrtenerg,v
srarringat the baseof svsrem.It doesn't take much in the w.ayof a
rhe spine a^,i rushing torvard the brarn. ,Jamagecisynapse, or connecring iink, ro
Thesestudci:rsinvariablv report fear, some- bring mixed,alrered,or incompletimessages
timesterror. and generaiivseekthe aid of rhe io the brain, thus preventinga rarionalvielr.
Council .r: ].r;1ace. cf the r','orldand societ_v.
ces that for one reason or another the soul
Thus, a ii,;r,i poinr of distinction is that,
personality is going through in this incarna-
insofara-.en,ightenmentis ccncerned,in the
rion. and ir seemsthere is no likelihoodthat
Rosicruciar,r.pproach not oniy is the ner-
the same experiencew,ouid be carried over
vous SVStciri,:ithe stucientsensitized,but the
into another incarnation.
consciolrsn"-s". cf the student is graduallyand
naiurailv exi.-andedso rhar evolution of rhe As rve have pointed out in previous arti-
soui pers.lni:l1tyoccurs in an orJerly, har- it refersto Karma, "ciisabled"peopie
monious marner. This gradual, crderlv ap- are not necessarilythe rvorst off of people.
proach refle.:,;the Rosicrucianpoint of view We tend to rhink of them as especialll.
r.vhichhcijs rhar rhere is no quick way ro seiectedfor somc negativekarmic purpose,
mysticaliiiunination, for true knowledqeis forced ro go rhrolrgh life rvirh lessrhan ail
to be foun.i ':: :he Tree of Life which is nor their normal faculties. There are undoubt-
amenabletc-.:u..idenand violent shifts in rrs e,llv orher millions of people withour any
activities. -i- ohr,ic-rus physical or mentaf handicapswho
icad difficult lives, teset ri.irh strife, fear,
ioneiiness, or poverry, who u,ould gladirr,
l!i:ressAfter Death trade places rvith a "handicapped" p"rron
w'ho often is free of menral anzuish.Handi-
A frater rir..;:i Nigeria asks: "'S7hat happens cappeCpeopleare ofren a proteited secrorof
t o a m en ta i r.. rrta rd e d o r a n i n s a n e person scciety. They areoften caredfor and attended
af t er dea ri :l i c e s th e re ta rd a ri o n or the to.
insanitv inst::r'rri'o' rjisappear? Also. u,hat are 'Wc
understandthar being handicappedis
the karml.: ;rplications of the acrions of not a favored condition, but *.e a.. only
such a pcrsoi .,thiie on earthl" bringing into perspectiverhe equalplighr of a
'We greatnumber of other peopiewhoselivesare
genera ,.; do not associatediseasewith
a soul personaiirl'. Diseasesare on rhe physi- an al.mostconstant"hell on earrh." Thereare
cai piane. and surely, therefore, at transition hunciredsof rhousandsof reporred casesof
rhere is nc nt--:repain nor symptoms of dis- child abuseand wife-bearins.Would a ,.han-
ease.Even cr::r-'i:ionaiand mental diseasesare dicapped" person changellacesl lr is diffi-
only exper:ci:,:td during the period of con- say, but rhe chincis are rhat most
scious life. wouic nct.
'When it is *'rong to iook at Karma as punish-
\4'eaic incarnared in a body, pain is
realized thrr:r-r,:r interacrion between rh; bodv mer-rt.In ali the casesmentioned above, ,,re
anci soul. \1.,'i::-:{lur a bodv-, a soui corrld noi cannoi trurhfuliy savthat theseafflictionsare
r ealiz e pai n . 1 ;i :h o u t a s o u l , a b o d r,' s han- t,ltFosed.upon.people hecauseof somerhing
c ir c apor iii n c -, .-.' u l d n o t h e re a l i z e da s pai n. thcy drd ro deserveir, in rhis life or in
another.,there is alrvavsan action for
Retardali,';:: srouid not be looked uDon as ever\"rreaction; but in the casesof a person
a mentai ,jis,..rjcr- The probiem is in the t odv u'alkingdown a dark streetand beingrobbed,

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