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1. What is your opinion about the European Arrest Warrant?

a. First thing up, Let us first know what European
Arrest Warrant (EAW) is. EAW came into operation in
2004, which allows for speedy extradition of suspects
from one European country to another to face trial or
serve a prison sentence. It is basically the sending of
suspects for the commission of a crime, back to its
home country. Aside from it would be less of a hassle
for the country extraditing the suspect, it would also be
favorable to the suspect since there would be
somehow an assurance that his rights would be
protected given the fact that he would be prosecuted in
his own country. And that means, there is a lesser
chance of discrimination.
2. Do the judicial authorities in Philippines issue a
great number of EAWs?
a. No, basically because Philippines cannot
issue EAW. Going back to the definition of
European arrest warrant, it says that EAW has
something to do with the speedy extradition of
suspects from one European country to
another. One European Country to another,
and apparently Philippines is not a European
Country hence it cannot issue EAW.
3. Give some example problems or difficult situations
with respect to the issuance/execution of an EAW?
a. There are several problems with EAW. First, it
has an unintended consequence that issuing
countries can use it to pursue people for relatively
minor offences. Another thing also is that it would
be costly to send suspects from one country to
another. And last, there is an issue regarding
suspects that were allegedly deprived of being
provided with legal representations in the issuing
state as well as the executing state.

So, thats basically it. Thank you and God bless.

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