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Caf Reading

Year level: 6
Learning Intentions from CAF Reading:
1. I can use my prior knowledge to connect with the text.
2. I can ask questions throughout the reading process to improve my inferential comprehension.
3. I can predict what will happen in the story using the text to confirm.

The Very Brave Bear by Nick Bland

Coloured pencils
Victorian Curriculum

Prior Knowledge Navigate and read imaginative, informative and persuasive texts by interpreting structural featuresand applying appropriate text
processing strategies (VCELY318)
Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas (VCELY319)
Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have
experienced (VCELT328)
Current Focus Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways (VCELT356)
Identify the relationship between words, sounds, imagery and language patterns in narratives(VCELT344)
Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas (VCELY347)
Knowledge on the Recognise and analyse the ways that characterisation, events and settings are combined in narratives, and discuss the purposes and
Horizon appeal of different approaches (VCELT374)
Use prior knowledge and text processing strategies to interpret a range of types of texts (VCELY377)
Use comprehension strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information(VCELY378)
Lesson Plan

Tuning in (45mins) Discuss learning intentions from CAF reading written on the board. Get students to explain what each means, how do we apply it?
1) Prior knowledge- experiences we have had, through doing and reading. It helps us to understand the text.
2) Why does the illustration look opposite to what the text says?
Why would the author set the story here?
What can I infer in the text- how do I know that?
3) Our prior experience with other texts and using information for the focus text can assist us to predict what might happen.

Introduce the text and look at the front cover: LI 1,2&3 What questions do students have so far? Any predictions? Has anyone read
this or a similar book before- same author?
Do a picture walk: LI 2&3 How have our questions and predictions changed?
Read through the story, stopping to pose questions and predict throughout. Encourage students to raise hands if they have some.
Stop at cave page.
LI 1,2&3: What questions and predictions have changed from the beginning? What are the predictions and questions now?
Explain main activity.
Main Activity (30mins) Students have three options:
1) Predict the ending- students write about a page of working finishing the story based on the inferring and predicting skills used
through the reading.
2) Research bears and buffalos using a Venn diagram. Recap how to use a Vann diagram. Can look at their biomes/habitats, diet,
behaviours, features, so on.
3) Create a new front cover for the text with an explanation of why they have made it so- why specific colours? Why certain
characters or settings?
Students have 25-30 minutes to complete work.
Conclusion (25mins) Come back as a group. Get a student from each activity to share their work with the class.
Finish reading the text. Ask students how they felt their predictions went- were they close? Did they realise that the frog is on every
page? Why would the illustrator and author want the frog on every page?
If time, get more students to share their work.

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