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01. Definition, Classification and General Use of Earthworks Materials

The following definitions of earthworks materials shall apply to this and other Clauses of the
Specification in which reference is made to the defined materials :-

(i) Top Soil shall mean the top layer of soil that can support vegetation. It shall include
turf which is not acceptable for turfing under Clause B611.

(ii) Suitable Material shall comprise all that which is acceptable in accordance with the
Contract for use in the Works, and where described in the Contract to attain the
specified CBR values.

(iii) Unsuitable Material shall mean other than suitable material and shall comprise :

(a) material from swamps, marshes and bogs;

(b) peat, logs, sumps and perishable materials;

(c) material susceptible to spontaneous combustion;

(d) clay of liquid limit exceeding 90 and per/or plasticity index exceeding 65;

(e) materials having a moisture content greater than the maximum permitted for such
materials in the Contract, unless otherwise permitted by the S.O. The maximum
permitted moisture content shall be specified by the S.O. after carrying out field

(iv) (a) Rock shall mean those geological strata of hard material which necessitate the use
of blasting or approved pneumatic tools their removal. Rock boulders found in
general excavation shall constitute rock if such boulders are of size exceeding
0.17 cubic meter or if found in trenches and foundation pits such boulders shall
be classified as rock if the sizes exceed 0.08 cubic meter.

(b) Notwithstanding the above, rock shall not include material which in the
judgement of the S.O. can be loosened with a dozer mounted drawn ripper of the
following description:-
Dozer Unit :- Plant with a minimum weight of 236 kN (13.6 tons) and nett
horse power rating of 300 H.P. or 225kW. The tractor unit is to
be in good condition and operated by experienced personnel
skilled in the operation of ripping equipment.

B601 Definition, Classification and General Use of Earthworks Materials (Contd)

1. (iv) (b) Ripper Unit :- The ripper to be attached to the dozer snail be the most efficient
parallelogram or ripper manufactured. The ripper shall have shanks in good
condition with sharpened cutting point.

(c) Shale and clay boulders will not be considered as rock. The S.O.s decision as to
whether or not the materials of the excavation is classified as rock shall be final.

(v) Rock fill shall consist of hard durable inert material of suitable size for
deposition as in Clause B607 and compaction as in Clause B608.

(vi) Soft fill shall mean all suitable material within the groups in B601.2.

(vii) Impermeable layer and clay plug shall mean such soil of which 35-45% will pass
through the sieve no. 200 (0.075mm) and with a liquid limit of less than 40 and
with a plastic index of less than 20. The effective cohesive angle of friction
should greater than 15 KN/m2 and the effective angle of friction should be
greater than 5 degree as determined from a sample at optimum moisture content
under standard British Code of Practice for Compaction, Test 13, BS 1377 :

(viii) Suitable fill material shall in addition to Clause B601-1 of the Specification
comply with the following in accordance with BS 5930 : 1981 :-
(a) It shall be granite as in Table 9 of the BS 5930.
(b) It shall be Grade III to Grade IV in Table 10 of the BS 5930.

2. For the purpose of Clause B608 materials are grouped as follows :-

(i) Cohesive soil includes clays with up to 20 per cent of gravel or rock and having
a moisture content not less than the value of the plastic limit (Determined in
accordance with BS 1377 test No. 3) minus 4; also chalk having a saturation
moisture concept of 20 per cent or greater.

(ii) Well graded granular and dry cohesive soils; include clays containing more than
20 per cent of gravel or rock and / or having a moisture content less than the
value of the plastic limit (determined in accordance with BS 1377 test No. 3)
minus 4, well-graded sands and gravels with a uniformity coefficient exceeding
10, chalk having a saturation moisture content within ash and spent domestic

(iii) Uniformly-graded material includes sands and gravels with a uniformity

coefficient of 10 than or less, and all silts and pulverised fued ashes. Any soil
containing 80 per cent or more of material in the particle size range 0.06-
0.002mm will be regarded as silt for this purpose.

B601 Definition, Classification and General Use of Earthworks Materials (Contd)

3. The Contractor shall employ only that plant which is suited to the soils to be handled. He
shall not at any time use any plant which damages or reduce the natural strength of the
soil either in its in-situ state or during handling and placing or in its final compacted state.

4. Any fill material used within 50mm of concrete structures or cement bound materials
shall have a soluble sulphate content not exceeding 2.5g per litre when tested in
accordance with Test 10 of BS 1377, unless special precautions to the approval of the
S.O. are taken to protect the concrete or cement bound materials.

5. No excavated suitable material other than surplus to requirements of the Contract shall be
removed from the site except on the direction or with the permission of the S.O. who may
require material which is unsuitable only by reason of being frozen to be retained on site
when in that condition. Should the Contractor be permitted to remove suitable material
from the Site to suit his operational procedure, then he shall make good any consequent
deficit of filling arising therefrom.

6. If any suitable material excavated from within the Site is, with the permission of the S.O.,
taken by the Contractor for purposes other than the forming of embankments and other
areas of fill, sufficient suitable filling material to occupy after full compaction, a volume
corresponding to that which the excavated material occupied shall, unless otherwise
directed by the S.O. be provided by the Contractor from his own resources.

7. Suitable material and top soil surplus to the total requirements of the Works and all
unsuitable material shall, unless the S.O. permits otherwise, be run to spoil in tips
provided by the Contractor.

8. Where the excavation reveals a combination of suitable and unsuitable materials the
contractor shall, unless otherwise agreed by the S.O., carry out the excavation in such a
manner that the suitable materials are excavated separately for use in the Works without
contamination by the unsuitable material.

9. Unless otherwise described in the Contract turf not required for relaying and all top soil
shall be removed from the areas of cuttings and unless surplus to requirements stock piled
for re-use for the soiling of slopes of cuttings and embankments, berms, verges, central
reserves and for the provision of beds for the cultivation of trees and shrubs.

B601 Definition, Classification and General Use of Earthworks Materials (Contd)

10. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for stockpiling of top soil and/or
suitable material, and for the provision of sites for the purpose. Suitable material other
than top soil shall be compacted in accordance with Clause 608 when stockpiling.

11. Excavation shall be carried out only in the areas and to the levels shown in the Drawings
or as directed by the S.O.

B602 Explosives and Blasting

1. The Contractor shall store explosive in a licensed store or magazine provided with a separate
compartment for detonators. Explosives shall be handled only by currently licensed shot
firers. The Contractor shall ensure there is no unauthorized issue or improper use of
explosives brought on the Site and shall maintain a strict check on quantities issued and
consumed. The requirements of Malaysian laws with respect to security, handling of
explosives and blasting shall be complied with. The Contractor shall also co-operate with the
relevant Local Authorities and local Crime Prevention Officer in these respects.

2. Explosives shall be used in the quantities and manner recommended by the manufacturers.
The written consent of the S.O. shall be obtained on each occasion the Contractor wishes to
use explosives.

3. When blasting is to be carried out the Contractor shall determine the danger zone likely to be
created and ensure, by the use of heavy blasting mats when necessary to prevent material
being projected, that no damage is caused to persons or property on or off Site.

4. Plaster shooting shall not be permitted within 400 metres of any building or structure.

5. Where blasting is proposed adjacent to building or other structure, existing or under

construction and being part of or outside the Works, the Contractor shall satisfy the S.)., by
preliminary site trials, that safe values of vibrational amplitude and particle velocity will not
be exceeded.

6. Unless otherwise agreed by the S.O. the vibrational amplitude shall not exceed 0.1mm and
theparticle velocity shall not exceed :-

50mm/s where blasting is confined to single events

25mm/s where blasting is frequently repeated

Vibrograph readings shall be recorded throughout the period of blasting or as required by the

B602 Explosive and Blasting (Contd)

7. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of BS 4992 in respect of the use of
electrical detonators in the vicinity of static and mobile radio transmitters including normal
radio and television broadcasting stations and radar units associated with aircraft movements.

B603 Excavation of Cuttngs

1. Hauling of material from cuttings or borrow pits to the embankments or other areas of fill
shall proceed only where sufficient spreading and compaction plant are operating at the place
of deposition to ensure compliance with the requirements of Clause B608.

2. The slopes of cuttings shall be cleared of all rock fragments which move when prised with a
crow-bar. Where in the slopes of cuttings layers of rock and soft material alternate and the
S.O. considers that the slope, immediately after dressing, will not permanently withstand the
effect of weather, the Contractor shall excavate any insecure material to an approved depth
build up the resulting spaces with Class E concrete to Clause B1602 or masonry using rock
similar to the adjoining natural rock so as to ensure a solid face.

3. Constructional plant shall not use the surface of the bottom of a cutting unless the cutting is in
rock containing no soft material or the Contractor maintains the level of the bottom surface at
least 300mm above formation level. Any damage to the subgrade arising from such use of the
surface shall be made good by the Contractor with material having the same characteristics as
the material which has been damaged. From the time the Contractor begins to trim the
remaining material to formation level on any given area, the movement and use of
constructional plant thereon other than that used to complete this operation shall be in
accordance with the requirements of Clause B703 and all plant used shall comply with the
requirements of paragraph 1 of that Clause.

B604 Excavation Below Embankments and Below Formation Level in Cuttings

1. Where any material below the natural ground level under embankments or below formation
level in cuttings is required to be excavated, the resultant excavation shall be backfilled with
suitable material or as described in the Contract, deposited and compacted as specified for the
forming of embankments. Nevertheless where in these circumstances such backfill has to be
deposited below standing water the contractor shall use only an approved granular material of
maximum size not greater than 400mm and which on analysis by sieving complies with the
requirements of Table B6/1. Such material may be deposited below water without the
associated use of compaction plant.

B604 Excavation Below Embankments and Below Formation Level in Cuttings (Contd)

Table B6/1 Free-draining Material
BS Sieve Size Percentage by Mass Passing

10 mm Up to 100
5 mm Not more than 85
500 mm Not more than 45
75 mm Not more than 5

2. Where shown on the Drawings approved rock fill material, graded from 400mm to 15mm and
with not more than 10 per cent less than 150mm in site, shall be placed directly on the
naturally occurring weak material. The rock fill material shall be deposited in accordance
with the requirements of Clause B607 and compacted so as to comply with the requirements
of Clause B608 for the compaction of rock.

3. If, after the removal of material as specified in the first paragraph of this Clause, the
Contractor allows the material so exposed to reach a condition where compaction of
backfilling is impracticable , he shall make good either by additional excavation and filling in
the manner specified in this Clause, or by waiting until the condition of the exposed material
is fit to receive the approved backfill.

B605 Excavation of Foundation Pits and Trenches

1. The sides of pits and trenches shall be adequately supported at all times. Except where
otherwise described in the Contract they shall not be battered.

2. Trenches and pits shall be kept free of water in accordance with Clause B610.

3. The bottom of all excavations shall be formed to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings.
Any pockets of soft soil or loose resulting cavities and any large fissures filled with Class E
concrete to Clause B1602. After placing of any blinding concrete required by the Contract, no
trimming of the side faces shall be carried out for 24 hours.

B605 Excavation of Function Pits and Trenches (Contd)

4. All excavated materials from such excavations not required for refilling shall be disposed of
in accordance with the requirements of Clause B601.
5. The Contractor shall make good with suitable material or concrete (Class E concrete to
Clause B1602 as directed by the S.O.)
6. (i) Any excavation greater than the net volume required for the Works as described in the
(ii) Any additional excavation at or below the bottom of foundations to remove material
which the Contractor allows to become unsuitable.

B606 Refilling of Foundation Pits and Trenches and Removal of Supports

1. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or directed by the S.O., all fillings for this purpose
shall consist of suitable material as defined in Clause B601 deposited and compacted by
approved plant in accordance with Clause B608. Timber sheeting and other excavation
supports shall be removed as the filling proceeds except where they are required by the
Contract to be left in position, but the removal of such supports will not relieve the Contractor
of his responsibilities for the stability of the Works.

B607 Forming of Embankments and Other Areas of Fill

1. Embankment and other areas of fill shall be formed of material defined as suitable material
in Clause B601.

2. All earthworks material placed in or below embankments, below formation level in cuttings
or elsewhere in the Works shall be deposited and compacted as soon as appropriate to the
compaction plant used as permitted in Table B6/2 of Clause B608 or as permitted departure
therefrom. Embankments shall be build up evenly over the full width and shall be maintained
at all times with a sufficient camber and a surface sufficiently even to enable surface water to
drain readily from them. During the Construction of embankments the Contractor shall
control and direct constructional traffic uniformly over their full width. Damage to compacted
layers by constructional traffic shall be made good by the Contractor.

3. Compaction of embankments and other areas of fill shall be under-taken to the requirements
of Clause B608.

4. If the material deposited as fill subsequently reaches a condition such that it cannot be
compacted in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, the Contractor shall either :-

B607 Forming of Embankments and Other Areas of Fill (Contd)

4. (i) Make good by removing the material either to tip or elsewhere until it is a suitable
physical suitable material; or
(ii) Make good by removing the material by mechanical or chemical means; or
(iii) Cease work on the material until its physical condition is again such that it can be
compacted as described in the Contract.

5. Material used in rock fill embankments and rockfill toe shall, except for any specified
external cover to slopes or near formation level, be such size that it can be deposited in
horizontal layers each not exceeding 450mm loose depth and extending over the full width of
the embankment. Material shall be spread and leveled by a crawler tractor weighing not less
than 15 tonnes and compacted in accordance with Clause B608. Each layer shall consist of
reasonably graded material and all surface voids shall be filled with broken fragments before
the next layer is placed. The top surface and side slopes of embankments as formed shall be
thoroughly blinded with approved fine graded and verges be topsoil as defined in Clause

6. Isolated boulders within the range 0.015m3 in size may be incorporated in embankments not
of rock fill at the discretion of the S.O., provided that the specified compaction requirements
are met and no stone exceeding 0.015m3 shall be placed less than 600mm below formation
level of carriageways or hardshoulders.

7. Work on embankments and/or cuttings in areas required for the construction of bridges and
other structures shall not be carried out until the S.O. agrees that construction of such
structures is sufficiently advanced that there is no risk of interference or damage to them.

8. In carrying embankments up to or over culvert or pipe drains and where required in the
Contract, up to or over bridges, the Contractor shall bring the embankments up equally on
both sides. Where special forms of compaction, adjacent to structures are described in the
Contract, filling may proceed over widths less than the full width of the embankment and in
steps not exceeding the depth of one layer above the adjoining area of full. In rock fill
embankments the materials shall be carefully packed for such distance from the structure as is
described in the Contract.

9. If the Contractor wishes to continue to use the surface of embankments for constructional
plant before trimming to formation level, he shall bring up and maintain the area between the
extremities of any carriageway, including any central reserve and hardshoulders to a level not
less than 150mm above formation level whereupon constructional plant will be allowed to
use the surface so formed but any damage to the subgrade caused by the use of such surface
shall be made good by the Contractor.

10. In area of shallow filling where after removal of topsoil the ground level is within 300mm of
formation level, constructional plant shall not use the surface unless the Contractor brings up
and maintains the surface unless the Contractor brings up and maintains the surface level at
least 300mm above the formation level. Any damage to the subgrade arising from such use
shall be made good by the Contractor with the material having the same characteristics as the
material which has been damaged.

B608 Compaction of Embankments and Other Areas of Fill

1. All materials used in embankments and as filling elsewhere shall be compacted as soon as
practicable after deposition. Compaction shall be undertaken to the requirements of this
Clause and Table B6/2 by approved plant, except where the S.O. directs or permits a
departure from the requirements of the Table. The Contractor shall use only those items of
plant listed in the Table which are appropriate to the soil and site conditions.

Site trials have to be carried out to determine the states of compaction attained.

2. Variations from the methods given in Table B6/2, or the use of plant not included therein,
will be permitted only if the Contractor demonstrates at site trials that a state of compaction is
achieved by the alternative method equivalent to that obtained using the approved by the S.O.

The procedure to be adopted for these site trials shall be agreed with and approved by the

Before the Contractor commences compaction he shall inform the S.O. as to which of the
approved plants of Table B6/2 he proposes to use or whether he proposes to depart from the
methods set out in Table B6/2. The site trials shall then proceed.

The site trials are to be carried out to determine the laboratory and field optimum moisture
contents which are to be deduced from the laboratory and field dry density/moisture content
relationships and also to determine the specified requirements.

The dry density/moisture content, field density and specified tests shall be carried out using
the appropriate methods described in B.S. 1377, except that in the case of the CBR tests the
test specimen shall be undisturbed samples obtained from the field. The method of obtaining
the disturbed samples shall be approved by the S.O.

B608 Compaction of Embankments and Other Areas of Fill

The S.O. may at his discretion also permit the CBR tests to be carried out in situ provided
that the Contractor shall first submit his proposal in writing for the approval of the S.O.

The methods of compaction determined from the site trials giving results which satisfy the
Contractor shall follow the same methods for the rest of the compaction works. The
Contractor may not depart from the accepted method unless further trials are carried out.

From the results of the site trials it shall be determined whether the material used by the
Contractor may be defined as suitable material with respect to the specified requirements.

In the event that the material used fails to attain the specified requirement, the Contractor
shall either increase his compactive effort above that recommended in Table B6/2 of Clause
B608 or alternatively at the site trials that the requirements can be obtained.

3. Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment under this Clause.

4. The S.O. may at any time carry out comparative field density tests on material which he
considers has been inadequately compacted. If the test results, when compared with the
results of similar tests made on approved work in similar materials carried out in accordance
with Table B6/2, show the state of compaction to be inadequate and this is held to be due to
failure of the Contractor to comply with the requirements of the Contract the Contractor shall
carry out such further work as the S.O. may decide is required to comply with the terms of
the Contract. If however the Contractor has fully complied with the requirements of the
Contract the S.O. will issue a Variation Order to cover any remedial works.

5. Without prejudice to the provisions of the Conditions of Contract and in order that the S.O.
may make proper provision for the supervision of compaction in the permanent work, the
Contractor shall not less than 24 hours before he proposes to carry out compaction processes
during period of overtime, apply in writing to the S.O. for permission to do. If compaction is
carried out during periods of overtime without such permission the S.O. will carry out field
density tests to determine the state of compaction achieved. The results of these tests will be
compared with results of similar tests made on the work known to have been carried out in
accordance with Table B6/2 under supervision. If the state of compaction is thereby shown to
be inadequate the Contractor shall at his own expense carry out such further work as the S.O.
may decide is required to comply with the terms of the Contract.

B608 Compaction of Embankments and Other Areas of Fill (Contd)

6. Each layer of rock used as rock fill in embankments shall be spread and levelled in
accordance with Clause B607 and systematically compacted by at least 12 passes of a towed
vibratory roller with a static load per metre width of roll of at least 1800 kg or a grid roller
with a load per metre width of roll of at least 8000 kg or other approved plant. Where,
however the rock contains sufficient soil material for satisfactory compaction to the
requirements of Table B6/2 for well-graded granular soil the fill shall be compacted to such
latter requirements.

7. When materials of widely divergent characteristics are used in embankments and fill areas
they shall be spread and compacted in separately clearly defined areas in such manner as to
comply with the requirements.

8. If more than one class of material is being used in such a way that it is not practicable to
define the areas in which each class occurs, compaction plant shall be operated as if only the
material which requires the greatest compactive effort is being compacted.

Definitions and Requirements Associated With Table B6/2

A. A depth of compacted layer is the height by which the embankment is raised by each
successive compacted layer.

B. The number of passes is the number of times that each point on the surface of the layer
being compacted has been traversed by the item of compaction plant.

C. The compactive effort of each compactor is a function of the mass of the machine and the
compaction plant in Table B6/2 is listed in terms of their masses. The mass per metre
width of roll is the total mass on the roll divided by the total roll width. Where a
smoothwheeled roller has more than one axle the machine shall be assessed on the basis
of the axle giving the highest value of mass per metre width.

D. A camping roller, for the purposes of this Specification, is a machine with a roll or rolls
from which feet project. The projected end area of each foot shall exceed 0.01m3 and
the sum of the areas of the feet shall exceed 15 per cent of the area of the cylinder swept
by the ends of the feet. The requirements for tamping rollers apply to machines that have
2 rolls in tandem. If only one tamping roll traverses each point on the surface of the layer
on any one pass of the machine, the minimum number of passes shall be twice the
number given in Table B6/2.

B608 Compaction of Embankments and Other Areas of Fill (Cont)

Definitions and Requirements Associated With Table B6/2 (Cont)

E. (i) For pneumatic-tyred rollers mass per wheel is the total mass of the roller divided by
the number of wheel.

(iv) In assessing the number of passes of pneumatic-tyred rollers the effective width
shall be the sum of the widths of the individual wheel tracks together with the sum
of the spacing between the wheel 230mm. Where the spacings exceed 230mm the
effective width shall be the sum of the individual wheel tracks only.

F. Vibrating rollers are self-propelled or towed smooth-wheeled rollers having means of

applying mechanical vibration to one or more rolls.

(i) The requirements for vibrating rollers are based on the use of the lowest gear
on a self-propelled machine with mechanical transmission and a speed of 1.5
2.5 km/h for a towed machine, or a self-propelled machine with hydrostatic
transmission. If higher gears or speeds are used an increased number of passes
shall be provided in proportion to the increase in speed of travel.

(ii) Where the mechanical vibration is applied to two rolls in tandem, the
minimum number of passes shall be half the number given in Table B6/2 for
the appropriate mass per metre width of one vibrating roll. If one roll differs
in mass per metre width from the other the number of passes shall be
calculated as for the roll with the smallest value. Alternatively the machine
may be treated as having a single vibrating roll with the higher value.

(iii) Vibrating type rollers operating without vibration will be classified as smooth-
wheeled rollers.

(iv) Vibrating rollers shall be operated with their vibration mechanism operating
only at the frequency of vibration recommended by the manufacturers. All
such rollers shall be equipped or provided with a device automatically
indicating the frequency at which the mechanism is operating.

B608 Compaction of Embankments and Other Areas of Fill (Contd)

Definitions and Requirements Associated With Table B6/2 (Contd)

G. Vibrating-plate compactors are machine having a base-plate to which is

attached a source of vibration consisting of one or 2 eccentrically weighted

(i) The mass per unit area of base-plate of a vibrating-plate compactor

is calculated by dividing the total mass of the machine in its
working condition by its area in contract with compacted soil.

(ii) Vibrating-plate compactors shall be operated at the frequency of

vibration recommended by the manufacturers. They shall normally
be operated at travelling speeds of less than 1 km/h but if higher
speeds are necessary the number of passes shall be increased in
proportion to the increase in speed of travel.

H. Vibro-tampers are machines in which an engine-driven reciprocating

mechanism acts on a spring system through which oscillations are set up in
a base-plate.

I. Power rammers are machines which are actuated by explosions in an

internal combustion cylinder, each explosion being controlled manually by
the operator.

J. In the case of power rammers and dropping-weight compactors one pass

will be considered as made when the compacting shoe has made one strike
on the area in question.

K. For items marked * the rollers shall be towed by track-laying tractors. Self-
propelled rollers are unsuitable.

L. Where combinations of different types of categories of plant are used, the

compaction requirements shall be :-

(i) The depth of layer shall be that for the type of plant requiring the
least depth of layer, and

(ii) The number of passes shall be that for the type of plant requiring the
greatest number of passes.

However where the Contractor uses a lighter type of plant to

provide some preliminary compaction only to assist the use of
heavier plant, this shall be disregarded in assessing the above

B609 Preparation and Surface Treatment of Foundation

1. Preparation and surface treatment of the formation shall be carried out only after completion
of any subgrade drainage and unless otherwise agreed by the S.O. immediately prior to laying
the sub-base or road-base where no sub-base is required. The sequence of operations shall be
as follows:-

(i) Formation of Soft Materials

(a) All surface below carriageways, laybys, cycle tracks, footways and hardshoulders
shall, after reinstatement of any soft areas, be well cleaned and freed from mud
and slurry.

(b) The surface shall be compacted by 4 passes of a smooth-wheel roller having a

mass per metre width of roll of 4400 kg 6000 kg.

(c) The trimmed formation shall be rolled by 1 pass of a smooth-wheeled roller

having a mass per metre width of roll not less than 2100 kg or a vibrating roller
having a mass per metre width of vibrating roll of not less than 700 kg or a
vibrating-plate of not less than 1400 kg per m2.

Where the completed formation is not immediately covered with sub-base or

roadbase material, it may be protected by a membrane of 125 um thick impermeable
plastic sheeting with 300 mm laps set to prohibit ingress of moisture or by sealing. If
the Contractor allows the moisture content of accepted compacted material to reach
a value above the maximum permitted for the material under the Contract for
compaction the Contractor shall allow the material to revert to an acceptable
moisture content and if directed by the S.O., make good the surface by recompaction
before laying the sub-base or roadbase.

Table B6/1 Compaction Requirements D = Maximum depth of compacted layer (mm)
N = Minimum number of passes

Types of Category Cohesive Soils Well Graded Uniform Graded

Compaction Plant Granular and Dry Material
Cohesive Soils

Mass per metre width of roll: D N D N D N

Smooth Wheeled Over 2100kg. up to 2700kg. 125 8 125 10 125 10*

Roller Over 2700kg, up to 5400kg. 125 6 125 8 125 8*
Over 5400kg. 150 4 150 8 Unsuitable

Grid Roller Over 2700kg. up to 5400kg. 150 10 Unsuitable 12 150 10

Over 5400kg. up to 8000kg. 150 8 125 12 Unsuitable
Over 8000kg. 150 4 150 Unsuitable

Tamping Roller Over 4000kg. 225 4 150 12 250 4

Pneumatic-Tyred Mass per wheel

Roller Over 1000kg. up to 1500kg. 125 6 Unsuitable 150 10*
Over 1500kg. up to 2000kg. 150 5 Unsuitable 12 Unsuitable
Over 2000kg. up to 2500kg. 175 4 125 10 Unsuitable
Over 2500kg. up to 4000kg. 225 4 125 10 Unsuitable
Over 4000kg. up to 6000kg. 300 4 125 8 Unsuitable
Over 6000kg. up to 8000kg. 350 4 150 8 Unsuitable
Over 8000kg. up to 1200kf. 400 4 150 6 Unsuitable
Over 12000kg. 450 4 175 Unsuitable

Table B6/2 Compaction Requirements D = Maximum depth of compacted layer (mm)
N = Minimum number of passes

Types of Category Cohesive Soils Well Graded Uniform Graded

Compaction Plant Granular and Dry Material
Cohesive Soils


Vibrating Roller Mass per metre width of a

Vibrating roll over 270 kg
Up to 450 kg. Unsuitable 75 16 150 16
Over 450kg, up to 700kg. Unsuitable 75 12 150 12
Over 700kg. up to 1300kg. 100 12 125 12 150 6
Over 1300kg. up to 1800kg. 125 8 150 8 200 10*
Over 1800kg. up to 2300kg. 150 4 150 4 225 12*
Over 2300kg. up to 2900kg. 175 4 175 4 250 10*
Over 2900kg. up to 3600kg. 200 4 200 4 275 8*
Over 3600kg. up to 4300kg. 225 4 225 4 300 8*
Over 4300kg. up to 5000kg. 250 4 250 4 300 6*
Over 5000kg. 275 4 275 4 300 4*

Vibrating - Plate Mass per unit area of base


Over 880kg. up to 1100kg. Unsuitable Unsuitable 75 6

Over 1100kg. up to 1200kg. Unsuitable 75 10 100 6
Over 1200kg. up to 1400kg. Unsuitable 75 6 150 6
Over 1400kg. up to 1800kg. 100 6 125 6 150 4
Over 1800kg. up to 2100kg. 150 6 150 5 200 4
Over 2100kg. 200 6 200 5 250 4

Table B6/2 Compaction Requirements D = Maximum depth of compacted layer (mm)
N = Minimum number of passes

Types of Category Cohesive Soils Well Graded Uniform Graded

Compaction Plant Granular and Dry Material
Cohesive Soils


Vibrating Roller Mass per metre width of a

Vibrating roll over 270 kg
Up to 450 kg. Unsuitable 75 16 150 16
Over 450kg, up to 700kg. Unsuitable 75 12 150 12
Over 700kg. up to 1300kg. 100 12 125 12 150 6
Over 1300kg. up to 1800kg. 125 8 150 8 200 10*
Over 1800kg. up to 2300kg. 150 4 150 4 225 12*
Over 2300kg. up to 2900kg. 175 4 175 4 250 10*
Over 2900kg. up to 3600kg. 200 4 200 4 275 8*
Over 3600kg. up to 4300kg. 225 4 225 4 300 8*
Over 4300kg. up to 5000kg. 250 4 250 4 300 6*
Over 5000kg. 275 4 275 4 300 4*

Vibrating - Plate Mass per unit area of base


Over 880kg. up to 1100kg. Unsuitable Unsuitable 75 6

Over 1100kg. up to 1200kg. Unsuitable 75 10 100 6
Over 1200kg. up to 1400kg. Unsuitable 75 6 150 6
Over 1400kg. up to 1800kg. 100 6 125 6 150 4
Over 1800kg. up to 2100kg. 150 6 150 5 200 4
Over 2100kg. 200 6 200 5 250 4

Vibro-Tamper Mass:-
Over 50kg. up to 65kg. 100 3 100 3 150 3
Over 65kg. up to 75kg. 125 3 125 3 200 3
Over 75kg. up to 75kg. 200 3 150 3 150 12

Power Rammer Mass:-

100kg. up to 500kg. 150 4 150 6 Unsuitable
Over 500kg. 275 8 275 12 Unsuitable

Dropping-Weight Mass of rammer over 500kg.

Height of drop:
Over 1m up to 2m 600 4 600 8 450 8
Over 2m 600 2 600 4 Unsuitable

B609 Preparation and Surface Treatment of Formation (Contd)

(ii) Formation of Rock Fill

(a) The formation shall be regulated and blinded in accordance with the
requirements of Cause B607.

(b) The trimmed formation shall be rolled by 1 pass of a smooth-wheeled roller

having a mass per metre width of roll of not less than 2100 kg or a vibrating roll
not less than 700 kg or a vibrating-plate compactor having a mass per unit area
under the base-plate of not less than 1400 kg per m2.

(iii) Formations of Rock Cuttings

Surface irregularities under formation level remaining after trimming of the rock
excavation shall be regulated to the requirements of sub-base material as described in
the Contract. Small fissures in the rock or areas where compaction of sub-base is
impracticable shall be filled only with lean concrete.

B610 Earthworks to be Kept Free of Water

1. The Contractor shall arrange for the rapid dispersal of water shed on to the earthworks or
completed formation during construction or which enters the earthworks from any source and
where practicable, the water shall be discharged into the permanent outfall for the pipe
drainage system. Adequate means for trapping silt shall be provided on temporary systems
discharging into permanent drainage systems. The arrangement shall be made in respect of all
earthworks including excavations whether for pipe trenches, foundations of cuttings.

2. The Contractor shall provide where necessary temporary water course, ditches, drains,
pumping or other means of maintaining the earthworks free from water. Such provision shall
include carrying out the work of forming the cuttings and embankments in such a manner that
their surface have at all times a sufficient minimum crossfall and, where practicable, a
sufficient longitudinal gradient to enable them to shed water and prevent ponding.

B611 Soiling, Grassing and Hydraulic Mulch Grass Seeding

1. Except where otherwise specified, the areas to be grassed shall be covered with topsoil which
shall be reduced to a fine tilth free from stones and other debris with any dimension greater
than two thirds the thickness of the topsoil layer. Any remaining stones or other debris shall
not be upstanding more than 30mm. The topsoil shall then be lightly compacted to the
thickness described in the Contract.

Prior to seeding or turfing, fertilisers shall be evenly distributed on the topsoil at a rate not less
than 75g per m2.

2. The Contractor shall test the soil prior to application of hydraulic mulch seeding and shall
carry out all necessary treatment to ensure that the seeded areas will be satisfactorily

3. The types and mixtures of seeds and mix proportions shall be as follows :-
70% Panicum Maximum Cv Hamil.
10% Parts Calopogonium muconoides.
10% Parts Centrosema pubescens.
10% Part Pueraria phaseoloides.

Alternative mixtures of seeds and mix proportions may proposed by the Contractor for the
approval of the S.O. whose decision shall be final.

The mixture of the seeds shall be by weight. The seed shall be furnished in separate
containers with seed name, lot number, net weight percentage of purity and germination and
percentage of maximum weed seed content clearly marked for each kind of seed. The
Contractor shall furnish the S.O. with duplicate signed copies of statement by the Vendor
certifying that each lot of seed testing within six months of date of delivery. This statement
shall include name and address of laboratory, date of test, lot number for each kind of seed
and results of tests as to name, percentage of purity and germination, percentage of weed
content for each of seed furnished.

Seeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground is excessively wet or dry
or otherwise untillable. Seeding shall only be done when conditions are favourable. Seeding
shall be sown at the rate of not less than 1.8kg per 100m2 by the use of seed chills, rotary
hand seeders, power sprayers, blowers or other equipment approved by the S.O. When
required seed shall be inoculated before mixing and sowing in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions.

4. Mulch material shall be clean hay, straw or other local non-toxic material approved by the

B611 Soiling, Grassing and Hydraulic Mulch Grass Seeding (Contd)

5 The Mulch material shall be spread uniformly over the seeded areas. It may be spread by
hand or by a blower or other equipment approved by the S.O. The mulch shall be loose
enough to allow sunlight to penetrate air to circulate but large enough to shade the ground
and reduce water evaporation and to prevent or reduce water or wind erosion. The mulch
shall be held in place by spraying with Asphaltic Material, staking and tying light discing
or other methods approved by the S.O.

6 During the currency of the Contract, the Contractor shall now once those areas which are
stated in the Contract. The mowing shall be carried out when the grass or other vegetation
is 100mm high and the grassed or turfed areas shall be cleared of grass cuttings.

7 The seeded areas shall be watered and maintained during the currency of the Contract and
during the Defects Liability Period. Any areas not satisfactorily established shall be
redeeded at the Contractors own cost. The Contractors attention is drawn to Clause 45 of
the Conditions of Contract when applied to hydraulic mulch seeding.

B612 Watercourses

1. Excavations carried out in the diversion, enlargement, deepening or straightening of

watercourses shall include the operations of any necessary trimming of slopes, grading of
beds, disposal of excavated materials and pumping, timbering works and material necessary
for dealing with the flow of water.

2. The beds and sloping sides of watercourses shall, where shown in the Contract, be protected
against the action of water by rubble paving to form a flat or curved surface as indicated.
The protection shall consist of large smooth faced stones or of mass or pre-cast concrete.
Stones for rubble paving shall be roughly dressed square: no stone shall be less than 250mm
in depth nor 0.03 m3 in volume and no rounded boulders shall be used.

3. Where stone protection is required in the beds of watercourses the stones shall be set on
edge and securely bedded, breaking bond with the longest dimension at right angles to the
flow of water and fitted closely so as to leave only a minimum of voids between the stones
which shall be filled in with suitably shaped and tightly wedged spalls. The Contractor shall
ensure that the paving stones or concrete, especially at the ends, will not be undermined or
damaged by the action of water during construction.

B612 Watercourses ( Contd )

4. Where stones protection is described in the Contract on the sloping sides of watercourses,
the stones of the size and shaped as described above shall be set in a similar manner to that
required for paving in the bed, but in additional shall be bedded onto a 75mm layer of non-
fines concrete.

B613 Filling Existing Watercourses

1. Where watercourses have to be diverted from sites of embankments or other works, the
original channels shall be cleared of all vegetable growths and soft deposits and carefully
filled with suitable materials deposited and compacted as specified in Clause B607 and

B614 Clearing Existing Ditches

1. Existing ditches shall, where shown in the Contract, be cleared by removing vegetable
growths and deposits. The sides shall be trimmed throughout and the bottoms uniformly
graded and the ditches kept clean and maintained during the currency of the Contract.
Material removed from existing ditches shall be disposed of in tips provided by the
Contractor outside the Site.

B615 Granular Fill to Sructures

1. Granular fill required for compaction against earth-retaining structures shall consist of
well-graded crushed or uncrushed gravel, stone, rock fill, crushed concrete or slag or
natural sand or a combination of any of these. It shall not contain unsuitable material as
defined in Clause B601.1 (iii) nor have a soluble sulphate content exceeding 2.5g per litre
as defined in Clause B601.4.

2. Not less than 95 per cent of the material shall pass a 125 mm BS sieve and at least 90 per
cent shall pass the 75 mm BS sieve but not more than 10 per cent shall pass the 75 mm BS

3. Up to 5 per cent of the material may be made up from isolated boulders not exceeding
0.015m3 in size provided that the fill can be compacted in the manner specified in Clause

B616 Aggregates for Berms

1. Aggregates for berms shall conform to the grading requirements given in Table B6/3.

B616 Aggregates for Berms (Contd)


BS 410 !
Sieve Size Percentage by Weight
mm Passing B.S. Sieves

Table B6/3

When the aggregates are subjected to five (5) alternations of the sodium sulphate
soundness test (ASTM C 88-76, Soundness of Aggregates by use of sodium sulphate or
magnesium sulphate, 1976) the weighted loss shall not exceed 10 mass percent.

The aggregates shall be deposited and compacted to the lines and levels shown in the
Drawings and in accordance with the Specifications.

B617 Protection of Completed Earthworks from Erosion

The Contractors attention is drawn to the Preliminaries when applied to erosion of

completed earthworks. Besides measures specified in Clause B610 of the Specifications,
the Contractor where required, shall in addition carry out Hydraulic Mulch Grass Seeding
in the erodable areas before Hydraulic Mulch Grass Seeding works commence in other


3.1 General

All drains and drainage structures shall be constructed in accordance with these
Specification and the specifications for other work items involved, and in conformity with the
lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Superintending

Where the precise information as to line and level of Drainage Work is not indicated
on the Drawings, the position of the centre line and levels of such works shall be agreed on
Site with the Superintending Officer before such works are commenced. The Contractor shall
make due allowance in his rates for any adjustment which may be needed in the setting out of
the Works.

It shall be the Contractors responsibility at all times until the completion of the
maintenance period to ensure that all drains are kept clean, free of silt and in working

3.2 Existing Water Course and Temporary Drains

The Contractor shall ensure that the existing water course is not obstructed during the
various stages of the Contract Works, and he shall take necessary measures to prevent erosion
of earth and siltation of streams from exposed cuts and fills.

During construction, the streams and drains shall be kept drained as far as practicable
and the work shall be constructed in a neat and workmanlike manner. Temporary earth drain
shall be constructed whenever necessary or as shown on the Drawings. They shall be made
good on completion of the permanent drainage system unless otherwise directed by the
Superintending Officer.

3.3 Excavation of Stream Improvement

3.3.1 Excavation

Stream improvement or diversion shall be excavated to the cross-sections as shown

on the Drawings and graded at a uniform gradient to the outfall or as directed by the
Superintending Officer. All excavation shall be executed in such a manner so as to ensure
that the stability of the side slopes is maintained.

3.3.2 Slip of Side Slopes
Should any failure of the side slopes occur, the Contractor shall take such
necessary measures as approved by the Superintending Officer to make good to the required
profiles by backfilling and compacting or by bakau piling, all at the Contractors own

3.3.3 Disposal of Excavated Materials

Any unsuitable material shall be removed to such depth and extend as directed by
the Superintending Officer and removed from the site. The resulting void shall be backfilling
and compacted with suitable granular material.

3.3.4 Protection of Side Slopes

Side slopes of excavated drains or streams shall be trimmed to a neat finish and
close turfed to prevent erosion.

3.3.5 Filling-up Existing Channels

Existing channels to be filled-up shall first be cleared of all vegetable growth,

timber debris and soft deposits. Suitable materials shall then be placed in layers not exceeding
225mm thick and compacted as directed by the Superintending Officer.

3.4 Excavation for Foundations and Trenches

3.4.1 Stability of Sides of Excavation

The Contractor shall ensure that at all times the sides of the excavations for pits and
trenches for foundations of culverts, wall, manholes and other structures are maintained in a
safe and stable condition, and shall be responsible for the adequate provision of all timbering
and strutting required for this purpose to the satisfaction of the Superintending Officer.

3.4.2 Excavation to be Kept Dry

The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in his tender price for dealing with
all water that may find its way into excavations from any source whatsoever and shall at his
own expense excavate sumps, cut temporary drainage channels and provide and work all
pumps, plant and materials necessary for dealing with such water. The Contractor shall be
solely responsible for draining away, pumping or otherwise removing all water from the

3.4.3 Treatment of Bottom of Excavation

In excavations other than in rock, a bottomlayer of excavation not less than 150mm
in thickness shall be left undisturbed and subsequently removed only when the culvert, drain
invert, blinding concrete or sand layer is about to be placed, in order that softening or
deterioration of the surfaces of the excavations may be minimised. The bottom of the
excavation shall then be carefully trimmed by hand to the required levels or slopes.

3.4.4 Inspection and Approval of Excavations

Except only when otherwise agreed by the Superintending Officer the final formation
shall not in any case remain exposed to the weather for more than 24 hours before being

3.4.5 Over-Excavation

The Contractor shall make good at his own expense any over excavation, whether
horizontally or vertically, than is necessary to receive any structure for which the excavation
is intended, as shown in the Drawings or as directed by the Superintending Officer.
Excavation to a greater depth than is directed shall be made good with well compacted sand,
and caving in of sides and excavating to a greater width than is necessary shall be filled and
well compacted with approved material.

3.5 Unsuitable Materials In Trenches

Where the invert of the trench at the levels shown in the final working drawings is
naturally unsatisfactory and cannot form a firm even bearing foundation for the culvert or
drain either on account of rock or wet ground or from any other cause, the Contractor shall, if
directed by the Superintending Officer, excavate the trench deeper than the invert levels
shown on the drawings as required. Sand shall then be placed in the excavations up to the
level of the invert and well rammed all to the approval of the approval of the Superintending
Officer. The Contractor is entitled to payment for such extra excavation and backfilling.

3.6 Compaction of Bottom of Trench Excavation

The bottom of all excavations after being trimmed and levelled shall be well rammed
and compacted with mechanical rammers to provide a good solid foundation. Whenever the
excavated surface has softened or otherwise deteriorated under the action of ponded water, or
by any other cause, the Contractor shall make good the formation by excavation and
removing the soil at such places down to a solid foundation and shall fill to the specified level
all as directed by the Superintending Officers opinion, softening of the formation arose from
the Contractors neglect or from cause within his control.

3.7 Blinding Foundations

The bottom of all excavations to receive concrete structures shall be blinded with a
layer of Grade 7 concrete of the thickness shown on the Drawings immediately after they have
been inspected and approved by the Superintending Officer. The concrete shall be as dry as
practicable and shall be well tamped into the ground.

The top surface of all blinding under reinforced concrete parts shall be brought to a
level finish with a heavy wooded screed so that the specified cover of concrete under the
reinforcement is provided.

Special precautions shall be taken to prevent water from washing out the concrete,
while setting.

3.8 Backfilling

Backfilling of foundation pits and trenches shall be carried out only after the works
within the excavation have been inspected and approved by the Superintending Officer and shall
be as soon as practicable. Unless otherwise directed by the Superintending Officer the backfilling
shall consist of approved excavated material free of rock or other hard material that may damage
the culvert or structures. The backfilling shall be brought up evenly on either side of culverts or
structures in layers not exceeding 150mm in uncompacted depth for the full required length and
compacted to a dry density as determined by the B.S. Heavy Compaction Test, by power
rammers, vibrating-plate compactors or other plant as may approved by the Superintending
Officer. Adequate care shall be taken to ensure that pipe culverts are not damaged by heavy
constructions equipment.

If the Contractor allows material which on excavation, is suitable for re-use to

become unsuitable and it is in this condition when required for backfilling, it shall be disposed off
by the Contractor and replaced with other suitable material at his own expenses.

All surplus excavated material not required for backfilling shall be deposited in
embankments, or otherwise disposed off as directed by the Superintending Officer.

Heavy earth moving and compacting equipment shall not operate closer than 1.5
metres to the culvert or structure until it is covered to a depth equal to at least one fourth of
the diameter of the culvert, but in no case less than 600mm, unless otherwise approved by the
Superintending Officer.

Timbering and other excavation supports shall be carefully removed as the

backfilling proceeds except as otherwise specified. The Contractor shall be at all times
responsible for the stability of the Works.

Where directed by the Superintending Officer, timbering, sheeting or other

excavation supports shall be left in foundation pits and trenches.

3.9 Sediment Basins

The Contractor shall immediately after clearing and before the commencement of
earthworks construct temporary sediment basins at locations as shown on the drawings or to be
selected and approved by the Superintending Officer. They shall be constructed to the details as
shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Superintending Officer. The Contractor shall from
time to time or as directed by the Superintending Officer remove and clear away all material
retained by the sediment basins.

On completion of the permanent drainage system, such sediment basins shall be

removed and the areas affected to be made good to the satisfaction of the Superintending Officer.

3.10 Catch Drain

When the top of cutting is greater than 6 meters, catch drains shall be constructed
along the top of the cuttings, where the ground slopes towards the cutting. They shall be located
as shown in the Drawings or as directed by the Superintending Officer, and constructed so that
the invert slopes at uniform or increasing gradient to water course, side drain or turn out. Where
practicable, catch drains shall be constructed in advance of excavation for cuttings.

The drains shall be of the type, shapes and sizes as detailed in the Drawings.

3.11 Brickwork

3.11.1 Bricks
All bricks shall be clay bricks obtained from an approved kiln and shall
be of standard size, hard, sound, well burnt and free from active lime. Not soft,
broken or otherwise defective bricks shall be allowed to be used. Before any bricks
are ordered, samples shall be deliveries of bricks shall be up to the samples

No brick shall absorb more than 15% of its own weight when soaked in
water for 24 hours.

Bricks shall be unloaded by hand and stacked on a clean and hard


3.11.2 Cement Mortar

Cement, sand and water for cement mortar shall comply with the
requirements as specified under Section 5. Cement mortar shall consist of one part
Portland cement and three parts of sand by volume. The cement-sand mixture shall
be added with a fine hose and the mass thoroughly mixed to produce a uniform,
consistent mortar.

Mortar shall be made in as small quantities as is required and shall be

used within half an hour after mixing. No mortar which has begun to set shall be re-

3.11.3 Brick Laying

All brickwork shall be constructed in English bond on a full bed of

cement mortar. Whole bricks shall be used except for closers or where expressly
authorised. The bricks shall be soaked in water for at least half an hour immediately
before use.

All brickwork shall be carried up perfectly true and plumb through

successive courses so that no part of the work is more than 1m above any adjacent

Vertical joints and beds shall be filled solid with mortar and shall not
exceed 10mm in thickness. Vertical joints of alternate courses shall be directly
above one another. Bricks shall be properly bedded in mortar and surplus mortar
struck off flush. Joints on faces of brickwork to be plastered shall be raked out to a
depth of 12mm as the work proceeds, to form a key for plastering.

Brickwork adjacent to reinforced concrete shall be bonded to the

concrete structure with wrought iron cramps of approved pattern set at 1 m centres.

Reinforced brick walls shall be built in stretcher bond and shall be reinforced at every
fourth course with Exmet or other approved brick reinforcement, starting two courses
above floor level.

Where sumps are over 1m deep, step irons as shown on the Drawings shall be
provided to give easy access.

New brickwork shall be protected from the sun and shall be kept moist for at least
one day after it has been built.

3.11.4 Mortar Rendering

Exposed surfaces of brickwalls shall be rendered with 12mm thick cement mortar.
The surface to be rendered shall be thoroughly cleaned and all rendering shall be put in two
coats, the first being left rough and scored and the second coat shall be trowelled to a fair
and smooth face as soon as it is laid.

All rendering shall be protected against the sun and rain by adequate and suitable
coverings. The rendering shall be kept damp while it is setting and for at least 1 day after it
is set.

3.12 Cascade Drains

Cascade drain shall be provided where directed by the Superintending Officer or as

shown in the Drawings. Cascade drains shall be constructed with insitu concrete with
stepping as shown on the drawings.

The stepping shall be manually trimmed to the specified grade before Grade 20
concrete bedding is placed. The contractor shall ensure that the infills at the drops of
steppings are well compacted and trimmed to a neat finish.

Where heavy rain has washed out the formation for drainage channels, the washed
out sections shall be refilled with sand and well compacted, at the Contractors expense. No
earth backfilling shall be used.

The Contractor shall ensure that the backfilling besides all drainage channels is well
compacted and any scour taking place in this area shall be refilled and compacted by the
Contractor at his expense.

Weepholes shall be formed with 100mm diameter VC pipes set flushed against the
inner face and projecting 25mm beyond the water face. The weepholes shall have a slope of
1:10 downwards and shall be spaced as shown on the Drawing.

The inner and of the weepholes shall be covered with wire mesh and graded granite
aggregates passing 37.5mm B.S. Sieve size shall be heaped in a thickness and dimension as
shown on the Drawings pockets against the back of the wall.

3.12 Precast Concrete Drains

All precast concrete drain sections shall be made of Grade 20 concrete with
maximum 20mm aggregates ( unless otherwise stated ) to the shapes, sizes, dimensions and
details as shown on the Drawings.

The precast sections shall be cast in 600mm or 1000mm lengths and shall not be
handled for laying until they have been cured for at least 7 days.

Precast drain sections manufactured off the site by an approved manufacturer shall be
legibly marked with the date of casting for each batch and shall be accompanied by concrete
cube test certificates. The Contractor shall inform the Superintending Officer the date of
casting of each batch of drain sections and no casting shall be carried out in the Absence of
the Superintending Officers Representative.

The concrete in the drain sections shall be of a dense, impermeable texture, free from
air holes and other defects. Sections that have been rendered on the inside faces to give a
smooth finish shall be rejected.

Any precast drain sections which are abraded or scoured at their internal faces within
the Period of Maintenance shall by replaced by the Contractor at his own cost.

Precast concrete drain inverts shall be laid on Grade 20 concrete bedding of the
specified details as shown on the Drawings. The inverts shall be properly bedded with
uniform support throughout their length. They shall be laid with 6mm wide joints to the
required lines, levels and grades shown, or as directed by the Engineer. The joints shall be
properly filled and tamped with 1:3 cement sand mortar.

Where stepping is required, the bottom of the trench excavated shall be manually
trimmed to the specified grade before Grade 20 concrete bedding is placed. The Contractor
shall ensure that the infills at the drops of steppings are well compacted and trimmed to a
neat finish.

3.14 Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts

3.14.1 Materials

(a) Box culverts shall be precast concrete structures of approved manufacture complying
with British standard to cater for full MOT Type HB Loading which requires a proof test
laod of 112.5 KN applied over an area of 375mm x 75mm at any position on the culvert
cover slab. The box culverts shall be designed to withstand direct traffic loads at
pavement levels or immediately under the load surface.

(b) Both surfaces of the box culverts shall be smooth, dense and hard. The culverts shall be
free from cracks other than those occurring superficially and usually of irregular pattern,
and from defects resulting from inferior material or faulty methods of manufacture.

(c) The date of manufacture, name and trade mark of the approved manufacturer shall be
clearly shown on the culvert.

(d) The quality of materials, the process of manufacture and the finished section shall be
subject to inspection by the Superintending Officer. Box culverts shall be rejected if
they fail to conform to any of the Specification requirements. The Superintending
Officer reserves the right to call for Test Certificates and request the tests to be carried
out on samples, all at the cost of the Contractor.

(i) Fracture or crack;

(ii) Defects that indicate imperfect proportions, mixing and moulding;

(iii) Surface defects indicating honey-combed or open texture;

(iv) Damaged ends where such damage would prevent making a satisfactory joint.

3.14.2 Handling

Lifting holes shall be provided in the box culvert inverts for handling. A spreader
shall be used when slinging the inverts to avoid cracking the legs.

3.14.3 Jointing

The box culverts shall be jointed as specified. In butt joint, the ends of the inverts
shall be butted such that the legs are truly in line. The inverts shall be laid to not more than
20mm apart and the gap filled with 1:3 cement mortar with only sufficient water added to
ensure workability and the wedges removed before finally fairing the joints. Special care
shall be taken to see that any excess of cement mortar is neatly cleaned off while each joint
is being made and any earth, cement or other material is thoroughly cleaned out of the

3.14.4 Laying

The bedding for box culverts shall be provided as shown on the Drawing. In granular
bedding, the bedding material shall be compacted by tamping and shall be screeded off to
the required levels. Box culverts shall be constructed ahead of embankment construction
unless otherwise specified or permitted by the Superintending Officer. The culverts shall not
be installed by the Contractor until the length called for at each section has been approved
by the Superintending Officer.

For the foundations on rock or other hard materials the compacted thickness of the culvert
bedding shall be not less than 25mm. In bad ground the unsuitable material shall be
excavated and backfill with approved material before placing the sand bedding.

3.15 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culverts

3.15.1 Materials

(a) Concrete pipes for culverts shall be precast concrete drainage pipes of approved
manufacture complying with the Australian Standard specification for precast concrete
drainage pipes Australian Standard No. AS 1342 1973.

The following classes of pipe shall be used :-

Class X extra strength reinforced

Class Y special strength reinforced

Class Z special strength reinforced

Note : Subject to the approval of the Superintending Officer precast concrete drainage pipes
conforming to British Standard B.S. 556 1972 may also be used.

(b) The pipes shall be straight with the ends in planes normal to the longitudinal axis.

The interior and exterior surfaces of the pipes shall be smooth, dense and hard.

Pipes shall be free from cracks other than those occurring superficially and usually of
irregular pattern, and from defects resulting from inferior material or faulty methods of

Dents not exceeding 3mm deep, and bulges not exceeding 3mm high shall be permitted
provided they do not extend in any other direction for a distance greater than twice the
wall thickness of the pipe, and provided that the minimum cover is maintained.

(c) The following Markings shall be clearly shown on each section of the pipes:

i) The pipe class

ii) The date of manufacture

iii) The name and trade mark of the manufacturer

iv) The load line, indicating the correct laying position of the pipe with respect to the
direction of loading.

(d) The quality of materials, the process of manufacture and the finished pipe shall be
subject to inspection by the Superintending Officer. Pipes shall be rejected if they fail to
conform to any of the Specification requirements. The Superintending Officer reserves
the right to call for Test Certificates and request for tests to be carried out on samples,
all at the cost of the Contractor.

Individual sections of pipes may be rejected because of any of the followings:

(i) Fractures or cracks passing through the wall, except for a single end crack that
does not exceed the depth of the joint.

(ii) Defects that indicate imperfect proportioning, mixing and moulding.

(iii) Surface defects indicating honey-combed or open texture.

(iv) Damaged ends where such damage would prevent making a satisfactory joint.

(e) The minimum clear cover over the reinforcement in any pipe for wall thickness of
25mm and below shall be 6mm and for wall thickness over 25mm the minimum cover
shall be 10mm.

3.15.2 Inspection

When so directed by the Superintending Officer, the manufacturer shall have holes cut
in the pipes as directed to permit examination of the cover over the reinforcement. The width
of any hole shall not exceed 25mm, the length shall not exceed 100mm and the depth shall
not exceed the appropriate value specified in Clause 3.15.1(e). Not more than one such hole
shall be cut in every 20 or part of 20 pipes of the same class and nominal internal diameter
in an order. The holes shall be repaired by the manufacturer.

3.15.3 Load Test

Every pipe shall be liable to be subject to the Load Test.

i) Up to but not more than 1 in every 50 or part of 50 pipes of the same class and nominal
diameter shall be subjected to the appropriate cracking load given in the table below.
When so tested no pipes shall develop a clearly visible crack, and on removal of the load
any minor crack caused by the load shall close.
ii) When so required by the Superintending Officer, one pipe in every 100 or part of 100
pipes of the same class and nominal internal diameter in an order shall be subjected to
the appropriate ultimate-load given in Table 3.1. When so tested no pipe shall collapse.
iii) The Contractor shall arrange with the manufacturer to supply all facilities for testing the
pipes and shall bear the expense of carrying out the tests.

Table 3.1 Test Loads for Class X, Y and Z pipes


Nominal Class X pipes Class Y pipes Class Z pipes

Size Cracking Ultimate Cracking Ultimate Cracking Ultimate
mm Load Load Load Load Load Load

600 26.0 39.0 39.0 58.5 52.0 78.0

750 32.0 48.0 48.0 72.0 64.0 96.0
900 37.0 55.5 55.5 83.5 74.0 111.0
1050 42.0 63.0 63.0 94.5 84.0 126.0
1200 46.0 69.0 69.0 103.5 92.0 138.0
1500 54.0 81.0 81.0 121.5 108.0 162.0
1800 62.0 93.0 93.0 139.5 124.0 186.0

Class 1.5Z pipes shall have 1.5 times the cracking load of Class Z pipes.

3.15.4 Pipe Laying

The concrete pipes shall be laid in accordance with the principles outlined in the
Australian Standard CA 33 1962. This code sets out recommended design practice of
precast concrete drainage pipes. It includes methods of calculating loads on pipes according
to installation conditions.

Reinforced concrete pipe culverts shall be constructed ahead of embankment

construction unless otherwise specified or permitted by the Superintending Officer.

The pipes culverts shall not be installed by the Contractor until the length called for at each
section has been approved by the Superintending Officer.

Unless otherwise specified or approved by the Superintending Officer laying of all culverts
shall commence from the downstream end and proceed upstream therefrom. Where the grade of
the gully in which the pipe is to be laid is of a steep nature the pipe may be laid on the flank of the
gully in order to reduce the grade and the length of the pipe but this shall be done only in a
manner approved by the Superintending Officer and with satisfactory drains leading to and from
the culvert so as to divert the flow well clear of the bank on the downstream side. Rebated and
socket ends of rigid pipe sections shall be placed facing upstream. The lower segment of each
culvert section shall be in contact with the shape bedding throughout its full length and adjoining
sections of rigid culverts shall be firmly butted together with the ends or rebated and socket pipes
fully entered and the inner surfaces reasonably flush and even. The space between abutting ends
of pipes shall not exceed one-half per cent of the diameter of the pipe. The vertical axis of rigid
pipes as marked by the manufacturer shall be set within 6 degrees of a vertical plane through the
longitudinal axis of the culvert.

3.15.5 Bedding for Pipes

Granular bedding shall be provided for all culverts except where concrete cradle bedding,
cement stabilised fine crushed rock bedding or cement stabilised gravel bedding is specified or is
approved by the Superintending Officer. Where bandage joints or socket pipes are to be used
small recesses 150mm long shall be left under pipe joints to facilitate jointing or in the case of
socket pipes to allow the barrels to bear evenly on the foundation for their full length.

Concrete Cradle Bedding

- Concrete cradle for pipe culverts shall consist of a continuos concrete cradle constructed in
conformity with the details shown on the drawings and the requirements of the Sections 5

Granular Bedding

- The pipes shall be bedded on a compacted layer of gravel sand or sandy soil, all of which
passes a 3mm sieve and not more than 20 per cent of which passes a BS No. 200 Sieve.

- The bedding material shall be shaped to fit the pipe for a width equal to not less than 80 per
cent of the outside diameter of the pipe.

- For earth foundations the compacted thickness of the culvert bedding below the bottom of
the pipe shall be 1/6 of outer diameter of the pipe. For foundations of rock or other hard
materials the compacted thickness of the culvert bedding shall not less than 12.5mm for
each 300mm of filling to be placed over the culvert with a minimum of 230mm.

3.15.6 Jointing

- The pipes shall be jointed as hereinafter specified:-

Butt Joints

- Pipes shall be jointed with collar joints. The ends of the pipes shall be butted and the collar
centered about the joint using wedges or other approved means. The annular shall be filled
with 1:3 cement mortar with only sufficient water added to ensure adequate workability and
the wedges removed before finally fairing the joint. Special care shall be taken to see that
any excess of cement mortar is neatly cleaned off while each joint is being made and any
earth, cement or other material is thoroughly cleaned out of the pipes.

Interlocking Joints

- For pipes over 900mm diameter the jointing space shall be filled from inside the pipe after
completion of embankment construction using 1:2 cement mortar mixed sufficiently dry to
remain in position when forced in with a trowel or rammer.

- For pipes 900mm in diameter and smaller the jointing space shall be filled from outside the
pipe using 1:2 cement mortar as specified above.

Spigot and Socket Joints

- Where spigot and socket type pipes are supplied they shall be jointed with rubber rings
before backfilling is commenced.

3.16 Rubble Pitching

3.16.1 General

This work shall consist of grouted stone pitching furnished and constructed in
accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions
as shown on the drawings or as required by the Superintending Officer.

3.16.2 Materials

Stones for pitching shall consist of field stone or rough quarry stone as nearly rectangular in
section as is practical and with minimum least dimension of 150mm. The stone shall be dense,
sound, durable resistant to the action of air and water and suitable in all other respects for the
purpose intended.

The stones shall, in general, be of the wide flat type with their longer faces roughly
rectangular and parallel. The minimum thickness of stone shall be measured perpendicular to the
face of pitching and shall be as shown on the Drawings.

3.16.3 Construction

Surfaces which are to receive rubble pitching or on which rubble pitching is to be placed
shall be trimmed and tamped firm. A layer of bedding concrete of the specified grade and
thickness shall be spread on the surface immediately before being placed. The stones shall be laid
with their longest faces horizontal in full beds of 1:3 cement mortar and the joints shall be flushed
with mortar.

The stones shall be so handled as not to jar or displace the stones already set. If a stone is
loosened after the mortar has taken initial set, it shall be removed, the mortar cleaned off, and the
stone relaid with fresh mortar.

In vertical rubble pitched walls the exposed faces of individual stones shall be parallel to the
faces of the walls in which the stones are set.

The exposed tops of all rubble pitching wall shall have a minimum 12mm thick layer of
cement mortar capping trowelled smooth and level with a wooden trowel.

3.16.4 Weepholes

Weepholes shall be formed with 100mm internal diameter V-c pipes are set flushed against
the inner face and projecting 25mm beyond the water face. The weepholes shall have a slope of 1
in 10 downwards and shall be spaced at intervals as shown on the Drawing.

The inner end of weepholes shall be covered with wire mesh and graded granite aggregates
passing 37.5mm B.S. Sieve size shall be heaped in against back of the rubble pitchings to the
dimensions as shown on the Drawings.


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