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Gold Experience B1+ Progress test 9

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1 Rewrite the sentences using the words given. Use between two and five words, including
the word given.
1 Babies cry loudly when theyre hungry.


If babies are hungry, they cry loudly.

2 I think you should do the project now.


If I ________________________________ do the project now.

3 If you dont hurry, you wont catch the train.


Unless you ________________________________ the train.

4 Someone who lives in a small house doesnt need lots of furniture.


No-one ________________________________ they live in a small house.

5 Where in the world would you like to live if you had the chance?


If you ________________________________ in the world, where would it be?

6 Theyll travel by plane unless its too expensive.


If ________________________________ expensive, theyll travel by plane.


GOLD EXPERIENCE B1+ PHOTOCOPIABLE 2015 Pearson Education Ltd. 1

2 Choose the correct answers.

Wedding troubles
I remember the worst journey I have ever 1) had/have. I was travelling from London to Edinburgh, to
go to a friends wedding and everything went wrong. Let me tell you how it
2) could have been/could be better. If I had woken up earlier, I 3) wouldnt have been/wasnt in a hurry.
If I 4) would have bought/had bought my ticket in advance, I wouldnt have had to wait in a queue and I
would have caught my train. But the queue was very long and when I reached the platform, the train
had just left. If I had caught the train, I 5) will arrive/would have arrived in time for my friends
wedding. I missed the ceremony and I was also one hour late for the after-wedding party! My friend
was furious with me in fact shes not speaking to me at all. Do you think if I 6) explain/will explain
what happened that she will forgive me?

3 Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

My new flat
I decided to move house for several reasons. I had changed jobs and the small 1) ____ I had in a street
in town was quite far away from my new office. Whats more, the kitchen was tiny and the 2) ____ in
there was cracked and needed replacing. The single bedroom was 3) ____ and I had no space or any
4) ____ for my clothes. I also needed an extra room so that I could find a flatmate to move in and share
the cost of the rent with me. Ive always wanted to have a flat overlooking the river, so that was another
good reason for moving. I was lucky enough to find the ideal place in a 5) ____ of flats right near the
river. Now I have two bedrooms, a beautiful bathroom and my new flatmate is great. She keeps her
room 6) ____ and never makes a mess. I love it!

1 A bungalow B caravan C log cabin D terraced house

2 A mattress B washbasin C sink D bowl
3 A cramped B spacious C enormous D roomy
4 A curtains B cutlery C shelves D drawers
5 A building B mansion C block D house
6 A comfortable B enormous C efficient D tidy

GOLD EXPERIENCE B1+ PHOTOCOPIABLE 2015 Pearson Education Ltd. 2

4 Choose the correct answers.

When I go on holiday with my family, my priority is keeping costs 1) on/to a minimum. As you
probably know, travelling can be expensive especially if you go by plane! So we often 2) take/make
advantage of any cheap tickets online and when we arrive at our 3) destination/location we usually
camp or stay in a cheap hotel. When I was young, I wanted to be a 4) pilot/driver with an airline so that
I could travel around the world and I love visiting new places. I dont even mind when a journey takes
longer than expected, like once it took ages to go 5) towards/through customs and we nearly missed our
plane! The best thing for me is coming 6) into/on contact with other cultures because you learn so much
about different ways of life.

5 Listen to five people talking about moving house. Match the speakers (15) with the
statements (ah). You do not need three of the statements.
a making new friends ____
b learning about a new area ____
c improving career opportunities ____
d leading a healthier lifestyle ____
e living in a bigger house ____
f helping family members ____
g earning more money ____
h having a shorter journey to work ____


GOLD EXPERIENCE B1+ PHOTOCOPIABLE 2015 Pearson Education Ltd. 3

6 Read the article and choose which sentence (AF) fits each space (15) in the text. You do
not need one of the sentences.

I hate the countryside!

I remember the day we moved house vividly. How could I possibly forget? 1) ____ The removal men
got quite wet as they loaded our furniture and boxes into their truck. I watched them angrily. I was
eleven years old and I didnt want to move. If anyone had asked me, Id have told them we should stay
where we were. But they didnt. No one ever asked me anything.
Id lived in that small terraced house my whole life and I loved every part of it. My bedroom was small
and cramped, but it had all my posters and pictures on the walls and it was full of my memories. My
window looked out across the street and I cant count the number of times I sat there watching the cars
and the people passing below. The noise of the traffic comforted me at night too and helped me sleep. I
also liked listening to the voices of Mr and Mrs Brown next door. 2) ____ Mr and Mrs Brown were like
part of my family. I played with their dog and two cats and they gave me biscuits and advice about
school and my parents. I couldnt stand the thought of leaving them. How could my parents do this to
me? Why? Wed been happy there, hadnt we? I was definitely prepared to hate the new house.
Its lovely, my dad had said. Its in the country. 3) ____ Youll have a big, spacious bedroom with a
view of the river! I wasnt impressed. The countryside? Who wants to be in the middle of nowhere?
My mood got worse as dad drove us down narrow country lanes, further and further from civilisation.
Then we turned a final corner just missing some small brown animal that ran across the road and
stopped outside an old broken gate. I could just see a white house, surrounded by an overgrown garden.
4) ____ My mums face was ecstatic. Here we are! Its just as beautiful as I remember. And look
roses all round the door!
I looked. Yes, there were roses faded red flowers that were past their sell-by date. I got out of the car
and walked up to look through the hedge. 5) ____ But I couldnt hear anything except a mooing noise. I
looked through the branches. There was a field and it was full of big, ugly, white cows! Apart from the
sound of the cows there was nothing. No cars, no music, no people. My mum was smiling. Isnt it
amazing darling? she asked. I couldnt look at her. I absolutely hated it.

A Its quiet and there are fields and flowers all round it.
B Perhaps there were some other houses, some signs of life.
C It was part of what I loved about living in the city.
D There was only a thin wall between our houses and if they had an argument, you could hear
every word!
E The grass was so high you could hardly see the downstairs windows.
F It was grey and gloomy, just like my mood, and it was also pouring with rain.


GOLD EXPERIENCE B1+ PHOTOCOPIABLE 2015 Pearson Education Ltd. 4

7 Complete each sentence with one word only.
1 Thanks ________ your email. I read it this morning at break.

2 It was great to ________ from you! Im glad everythings going well.

3 Sorry I havent written ________ , but Ive been away on holiday.

4 How are you? I havent heard from you for a ________ .

5 Write soon. I cant ________ to hear your news!

Total: 50

Optional writing task

8 This is part of an email you received from an English-speaking friend. Write your reply in
140190 words.
I guess youre settled into your new school now. Whats it like? Is it very different from your
old one? Do you ever see any of your old friends? I really hope youre getting on well!
Write soon,


GOLD EXPERIENCE B1+ PHOTOCOPIABLE 2015 Pearson Education Ltd. 5

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