Jan 2015

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT www.viuresource.com w« TTT TTT Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.201) rocontrollers ‘Times 3 hes. Max, Marks:t00 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting atleast TWO questi *h part, PART-& 1a. With neat diagram, explain the internal arehitecture of 8051 (10 Marks) b. Compare microprocessor with microcontroller. (06 Macks) . Calculate the time required for 2 machine eyele instruction, i) Miz it) 11.0592Miz. (04 Marks) 2a, Explain following instructions mentioning their addressin i) XCHDA,@Ry ii) MOVCA.@ A+ DP jo MA byte size, IBB A, # 58h i) DAA) IBC bitel vi) ORL C,100h (12 Marks) ’. Explain the operation of foliowing code with, MOV SP, # 10h PUSH SP POP 00h ADD A, # 10h, (08 Marks) ¢. Briefly explain the range of relative 2 (03 Marks) 3a. Explain ORG, END, DB and 4 (04 Marks) b. Using subroutine, write a su get one second delay. Use subroutine names as follows for 1 ms subroutine for Is Subroutine e. Write a program to SUB. (0 Marks) Numbers are stored between intemal RAM 60h to 64h. Store the result (os vars) 4 a Withnen intemal structure of P.O. Orvis) 1 Write ap Fish as shown below. If switch is closed, tumpON the LED else tum OFF ARLED (08 Marks) — . sos Le as mu ha] - Pe SRVW interfacing dram, write a program to rotate a seppérmotorcockwise. (@@Markn PART-8 Explain TMOD & TCON registers with is bit pate (os saris b. What are interps? Specify vector location or insrupss in $051 (ov sant Vor? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT www.viuresource.com © >. Generate square wave of SkHz & 10kHz on P12 & P13. Continuously use "E 2 in mode 2 for the puxpose, 6 a. Write the steps required to transfer data serially on 8081 ». Write a program to send "Y” serially on 8051. Use baud rate of 2400 bauds. ©. Briefly show control word of 8255 & specify mode selection 7a. Explain the intemal registers of MSP 430. (10 Marks) . Explain status register of MSP 430. (lo Marks) 8 4, Explain clifferent addressing modes supported by MSP 430, (2 Marks) '. Briefly explain the clock system of MSP 430. (08 Marks) 2ord BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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