Jan 2016

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT www.viuresource.com usn [[ LT 108: Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2015/Jan.2016 Microcontrollers ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Mi Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. PART=A 2 1 a. With neat diagram, with the programming model of 8051 with addresses of SI ports i Ao give 128 bytes RAM allocation (2 Marks) 7 b. Interface 8051 to 8K external RAM and 32K external ROM a hhodB0S1 access a them? (OB Marks) 2 a. Explain difference addressing modes of 8051. Give an examPlefor eh of them and met tions of cach. (07 Marks) Explain the following instruction of 8051 with example (vélues).. i) XCHD Ar @Ri ii) MOVC A, @ A+ PC ii RWAP A 4. g ae iv)RLA ¥) MUL AB DAA (09 Marks) Be . Examine the following code and analyse the result withllgs register. Content eS MOV A. # ~30d Eg MOV Rz, # ~S0d a8 ADD A.Rs cormansy £2 3 a. Explain the different types of conditi jjonal jump instruction of and g unconditional jump instruction of 8051 heifTerence range associated with jump a4 inetruction, (aa Maris) Be b. Classify the CALL instruction in 8051 hone. (06 Maris) 12 2 Wate program‘ genomte ond Pcs, which ave less then Fh. (06 Marka) SE 4 a, What are assembler directives? ur of them. (0s Maris) 3 b. Write a program to find LCM (Li Multiplier) of two number my and mo a 9 Marks) 3 ©. Explain C data types for 8 areata size in bits and data range. {06 Marks) FE 5a. explain MOD and GAN MeaagfOr 8051 Gers asians ei b. For every 50 chocolateyending machine is getting heated up, it requires minimum of Isee a2 break after every SMghoeBlages. Provide solution for this real time problem. Marks) £5 6 a Whatisbaud simer of the 80S1 is used to set the baud rate? (04 Marte Bs b. Explain 5c its bit pattern. (08 Marks) 2 ©. Write a send the data message “ MICROCONTROLLERS ” of the length ' a Fate 2400, Sbit data, Istop bit serially. (08 Marks) ge 78 Interrupt. Explain the six interrupt of 8051, with primary and interrupt oS (08 Marks) b. to move stepper motor by 20steps is anticlockwise direction interface, i (8 Marks 3 ¢. (explain the advantages of interfacing 8255 with 8051 ue, (O4 Marks) bos jai RiSP430 architecture with neat block diagram. (08 Marks E in memory address space of MSP430 with neat diagram. (04 Maris) a ‘ALP to find larger element in a block of data using MSP430. (08 Maria) S_. | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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