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The text for the poster

seems almost hand

drawn, as if he is giving
the poster a personal
touch. This text is the
biggest on the poster
because the artists
This poster features the name is what will attract
artist sat with his family - attention.
his younger brother, his
Mother and his dog.
From this, audiences
can create a more Information for this
personal link to the artist particular concert date
and possibly even better is shown in the bottom
understand some of his left hand corner. The
music (i.e. absence of location is the biggest in
Father in the family size because this will
photo). immediately determine
whether a fan go see
the show or not.
This was a poster designed to promote Loyle Carners UK
tour following the release of his album Yesterdays Gone -
the tour follows the same name as the album. I found this
poster effective because it goes against common
conventions seen in posters for the rap genre. Not many
other rappers feature their family on the front of a poster
which makes this one in particular stand out. As previously
mentioned, the presence of his family on the poster creates
a personal link between the artist and the audience
member. You could also argue that the presence of the
dog is needed for the awww factor; this could draw
additional people in because the dog catches their eye.
The use of black and white makes the photo seem old,
again, tying in with the idea of this being a family photo.

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