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() ()
address (), ()

.. adequacy
2003-2006 adequate --
adessive -- ()
adjacency ()
adjacency pair ()
a-bar-binding - () ( adjacency principle ()
), adjacent --
adjectival --
adjective ()
abbreviation (), adjoin
(), adjunct ()
() adjunction ()
abbreviatory --, adjunctival --
-- adnominal --, --
abducted (), adstratum ()
() adultocentric --
a-binding - () ( adultomorphic --
advanced tongue ()


advancement ()
ablative --
adverb (),
ablaut () --
abrupt -- adverbial (),
absolute -- --
absolutive --, adversative --
aerometry ()
accent (), () affect ()
accented -- affected --,
accentual -- --
accentuation () affective --
acceptability () affirmative --
acceptable -- affix (), ()
accessibility () affixation (),
accidence () ()
accommodate affixing ()
accomodation () --
accusative () --
accusativity () affricate --
acoustic -- affricated --,
acoustic domain () affrication ()
analog agent (o)
acoustic feature/cue () agentive (/),
() ()
acoustic phonetics () agentless
acoustics () agglutinating --
acquire , agglutination ()
acquisition (), (), agglutinative --
acrolect () agr
acrolectal -- agrammatism ()
acronym () agreement ()
across-the-board (), airstream ()
phenomena () mechanism
actant () Aktionsart (Aktionsart) ()
active -- alethic --
actor-action-goal -- () algorithm ()
() alienable --,
actualization () --

allative -- () apical --
allo- - apico- -
alpha movement () apocope ()
alpha notation () apodosis ()
alphabetism () appellative ()
alternant () appendix ()
alternating --, applicability ()
-- applicable --
alternation () application ()
alveo(lo)-palatal -- applicative --
alveolar -- applied linguistics ()
alveolo-palatal -- apposition ()
ambifix () appositional --
ambiguity () appropriate --
ambiguous -- appropriateness ()
ambisyllabic -- approximant --
ambisyllabicity () arbitrariness ()
ambisyllabification () arbitrary --
ambisyllabify arbitrary reference ()
amelioration () arboreal --
amplitude () arc ()
anacoluthon () archiphoneme ()
analogy () archistratum ()
analysable -- area ()
analysis-by- () areal --,
synthesis --
analytic -- argument ()
analyticity () arrangement ()
anaphor () article ()
anaphora (), articulate
() articulation (),
anaphoric --, ()
-- articulator ()
anaptyctic -- articulator model ()
anaptyxis () articulator-based
anchor , feature theory ()
() articulatory --
anchored -- articulatory analog ()
anchoring () articulatory ()
angle brackets () phonetics
animate -- articulatory ()
animateness () phonology
antecedent (), articulatory setting (),
() ()
anterior -- (2) artificial language ()
anthropological () ascension ()
linguistics ascriptive ()
anthropophonics () aspect(ual, -izer) (), ()
anticipation () Aspects / (),
anticipatory --, model/theory / ()
-- aspectual
antipassive () aspectualizer ()
antonym () aspirated --
antonymy () aspiration ()
aorist (o) ASR
aoristic -- assign ,
a-over-a - - () assignment (),
aperiodic -- ()
aperture () assimilation ()
apex () association (), ()
aphaeresis () association line ()
aphesis () associative --
aphetic -- asterisk ()

asterisked -- bidialect(al)ism ()
asymmetric () bidirectionality ()
rhythmic theory bilabial --
asyndeton () bilateral --,
atelic -- --
ATN bilateral opposition ()
atomic phonology () bilingual --,
atonal -- --
ATR bilingualism (),
attenuative --
attested -- bimoraic --
attitudinal -- binary feature ()
attribute () bind /- ,
attribute () /-
attribution () binding (),
attributive -- ()
audible friction () binomial --
auditory phonetics () biolinguistics ()
augmentative --, bioprogram(me) ()
-- hypothesis
augmented bipositionality ()
transition network () biuniqueness (),
grammar ()
autohyponym () bivalent --
autolexical syntax () black English
automata (, .) vernacular ()
automatic -- blade ()
automatic speech () bleaching (),
recognition ()
automaton () bleed
autonomous -- bleeding ()
autonomous syntax () blend (),
autosegment () ()
autosegmental () ()
phonology blending ()
aux block ,
auxiliary --
avalent -- block language ()
avoidance () blocked --
languages blocking ()
axiom () Bloomfieldian(ism) ()
axiomatic -- Bloomfieldiansim ()
axis (o) Boolean ()
baby-talk (), bootstrap(ping) ()
() borrow
back -- borrowing ()
backchannelling (), bottom-up ,
back-formation () bound --
backgrounding () boundary tone (o)
backlooping () boundary-symbol/- () /
bar --, marker ()
() bounded foot ()
barrier () boundedness ()
base () bounding theory ()
basic -- brace ()
basilect () bracketed grid ()
basilectal -- bracketing ()
beat (), bracketing paradox
() ()
behaviourism (), brackets ()
() branch (, )
benefactive -- branching (),

breath group () child language (),
breathy -- (1) acquisition ()
broad () choice ()
BT BO, chmeur --
buccal -- Chomsky hierarchy (Chomsky) ()
bunching (), Chomsky-adjoin Chomsky
() Chomsky- (Chomsky)
bundle () adjunction ()
burst () Chomskyan Chomsky (),
CA (Chomskian) --
calculus () chrone ()
calque (), chroneme ()
() chunk ()
canonical -- chunking ()
CAP cinematics ()
capacity () cinemic --
cardinal () cinetics ()
cardinal vowels () circonstant ()
caregiver/caretaker / () circumfix ()
Cartesian ()
linguistics circumscription ()
case () citation form ()
cataphora (), clashing ()
() class ()
cataphoric --, classeme (),
-- ()
categorial -- classification ()
categorical () classifier ()
perception clausal --,
categorization () --
categorize clause (),
category () ()
catenative -- clause-mate --
causative -- clause-wall ()
cavity () clear l l (),
c-command (), l ()
cleft sentence ()
ceneme () click (click) ()
cenemic () cline ()
central -- clinical linguistics ()
centralization () clipped form ()
centralize clitic (),
centre (), --
( ) () cliticization ()
centre-embedding (), cliticize
() close --
centum language (centum) () closed --
chain (), closure (),
() ()
chain/choice / cluster ()
charm (), coalesce
() coalescent --
charmed --, coarticulation ()
-- coctail party ()
charmless --, phenomenon
-- coda ()
chart () code ()
checked -- codification ()
checking (), codify
-- cognate --,
chereme () --
cherology () cognitive () ()
chest pulse (o) (meaning)

cognitive grammar () composition ()
cognitive metaphor () compositional --
cognitive semantics () compositionality ()
cognize compound --
coherence () compounding ()
cohesion () comprehension ()
cohesive -- computational (),
cohesiveness () linguistics ()
co-hyponyms () computational ()
co-index (), system
conative --
co-indexing (), concatenation ()
() concessive --,
colescence () --
collapse (), concord ()
condition (),
collective --, ()
-- conditional --
colligate /, conditioned/conditi -- /
/ oning (),
colligation (), -- / ()
() configuration ()
collocability () configurational --
collocate () configurational ()
collocation (), languages
() congruence ()
collocational -- congruent --
colour () conj
colouring () conjoin
combinatorial -- conjoined --
command (), conjoining ()
() conjugate ,
comment ()
commissive -- conjugation ()
common -- conjunct - (o)
communicate conjunction (),
communication () (conjunct) ()
communicative -- conjunctive --
commutation () connected speech ()
Comp, COMP, C connection ()
compact -- connectionism ()
comparative --, connectionist --
-- connective --
compensatory () connectivity ()
lengthening connector () ()
competence () connotation (),
complement () ()
complementarity () connotative --,
complementary -- --
complementation () consonant ()
complementizer (), consonant harmony ()
consonantal --
complete feedback () conspiracy ()
complex --, conspire
-- constant --
complex symbol () constant opposition ()
complexity (), constative --
() constituency ()
component (), constituent (),
() --
componential () constrain
compose constraint ()
composite -- constricted --

constriction () co-ordinating --
construal () co-ordination (),
construct () (),
construction (), ()
(), co-ordinative --
() co-ordinator ()
construe Copenhagen School ()
consultant (, ) copula ()
contact (1) () (1) copulative --
content () copy (),
contentive ()
context (), copying ()
(), core (),
(), --
(), co-referential --
() co-referentiality ()
contextual --, co-representational ()
-- grammar
contextualization (), coronal --
corpora (, .)
continuant -- corpus (corpus) (),
continuity () ()
hypothesis correct --
--, correctness ()

() correlation ()
contoid () correlative --
contour (), correspond
(), correspondence ()
-- cost ()
contracted -- co-text - ()
contraction () count --
contradictory -- counter-agent ()
contrafactive -- counterbleed
contrary -- counterbleeding ()
contrast () counter-bleeding - ()
contrastive -- counter-example ()
contrastive accent () counter-factual --
contrastive stress () counterfeed
contrastivity () counterfeeding ()
control (), counter-feeding - ()
control agreement () counter-intuitive ()
principle counter- ()
controller () intuitiveness
convention () covered --
conventional -- covert --,
conventional () --
implicature C-place ()
converge cps ()
convergence () crash (),
conversation ()
analysis creak (),
conversational () ()
implicature creaky --,
conversational turn () o--
converse -- creative --
creativity ()
converseness () creole (),
conversion () (),
co-occur ()
co-occurence () creolization (),
co-operative () ()
principle creolize ,
co-ordinate --
co-ordinate -- criteria ()

critical linguistics () degenerate foot ()
cross-over (), degree (),
() --
cross-sectional (), deictic --
() deixis ()
cryptophasia () delayed --
c-structure () delete
cue () deletion ()
culminative -- delicacy (),
culminativity () ()
cultural () delicate --,
transmission --
cupping () delimitative -- ()
curly brackets () delinking ()
CV phonology () delinking ()
CV rule (o) delta
CV, CVC, etc. , , ... demibeat ()
cycle (1) () demonstrative --
cyclic -- demotion ()
cyclical -- denasalised --
cyclicality () denominal ()
dark l l (), denotation ()
l () denotative --
data () dental --
dative () deontic --
daughter --, () deoralization ()
daughter adjunction () dependency ()
daughter- () grammar
dependency dependency ()
grammar phonology
Davidsonian dependent --,
semantics (Davidson) () --
de dicto (de dicto) depth hypothesis ()
de re (de re) derivation ()
death of language () derivational --
debuccalization () derive ,
debuccalized --
declaration () derived --,
declarative -- ()
declension () derived ()
declination (), environment
() description ()
decode descriptive --
decompose descriptivism ()
deconstruction () descriptivist ()
decreolization (), desiderative --
() designated terminal
decreolization () element (DTE) ()
decreolize , destressed -- ()
destressing ()
deep structure () det, DET, D
default --, deterioration ()
--, determiner ()
-- developmental ()
defective -- linguistics
deficit hypothesis (), deverbal ()
() deviance () (2)
defining -- deviant --
defining vocabulary () device (o),
definite -- ()
definiteness () devoiced --
defooting () devoicing ()
deforestation () dia- -

diachronic -- distinctiveness ()
diacritic (), distinguisher (),
() ()
diagramming () distributed --
dialect () distributed ()
dialectal -- representation
dialectology () distribution(al) ()
dialinguistics () distributional --
diamorph () disyllable --
diaphone () ditransitive --,
diasystem () --
diatype () divergence ()
difference () docking ()
hypothesis do-deletion / do () / do
differential -- insertion / support () / do / do ()
diffuse -- domain ()
diffusion () domain ()
diglossia (), dominance (),
() ()
diglossic --, dominate ,
-- domination ()
digraph (), donkey sentence (donkey) (),
() ()
diminutive () dorsal --
diphthong (, ) dorsum (),
diphthongal -- ()
diphthongization () double articulation ()
diphthongize double-bar (),
direct --, ---
-- double-base ()
directed -- doubly filled
directionality () COMP filter ()
directive -- downdrift ()
director () downgraded
disambiguate downgrading ()
discontinuity () downstep ()
discontinuous --, downstepped --
-- DP
discourse () drag chain ()
discourse () DRS
attachement drum language ()
discourse in D-structure ()-
common sense () DTE
entailment dual --
discourse () dualism ()
representation dualist (),
theory --
discovery (), duality (of ( /
() patterning/structure ) ()
discrete -- )
discreteness () dummy - (),
disharmonic -- ()
disharmonicity () duration ()
disharmony, () durative --
disjunct () durativity /
disjunction () dynamic --
disjunctive -- dynamic time ()
displaced -- warping
displacement ( dynamism ()
dissimilation () ear-training ()
dissyllabic -- echo --
distinctive -- eclectic --

eclecticism (o) entry (),
economy () ()
ECP entry ()
-ed form ed (), environment ()
() epenthesis ()
edge (), -- epenthetic --
educational (), EPG
linguistics () epicene --
egressive -- epistemic --
ejective -- () eponym ()
elaborated --, eponymous --
--, equational --,
-- --
E-language - () equative --,
elative -- --
electroaerometry () equi NP deletion (),
electrokymograph () (),
electrokymographic -- (),
electrokymography (), ()
() equipollent --
electromyograph () equipollent ()
electromyographic -- opposition
electromyography (), equivalence ()
() erasure ()
electropalatograph (), ergative --
() ergativity ()
electropalatographi -- error () ()
c esophageal --
electropalatography () essential conditions ()
() essive --
element () EST
elicit tat de langue (),
elicitation () ,
elide tat de langue
elision (), ethnography of ()
() communication
ellipsis () ethnography of ()
ellipted -- speaking
elliptical -- ethnolinguistics ()
elsewhere condition () ethnomethodologist ()
embed ethnomethodology ()
embedded -- ethnopoetics ()
embedding () etic --
EMG etymological --
emic/etic -- / -- etymology ()
emotive -- etymon ()
emphatic consonant () eurhythmic --
empty -- eurhythmy ()
empty category () evaluative --
principle eventive --
-en form en (), evidential --
evidentiality ()
enclitic -- exceptional case ()
encode marking (ECM)
endearment, terms () exclamation () (1)
of exclamative --
endocentric -- exclamatory --
endoglossic -- exclusive --
endophora (), exhaustiveness ()
() exhaustivity ()
endophoric -- existential --
engineering () exocentric --
entailment () exoglossic --

exophora (), finite-state
(), grammar ()
() finite-state
exophoric -- language ()
expand first language ()
expansion () Firthian (Firth) ()
experiencer (), fis phenomenon (fis) ()
() fission ()
experimental () fixed --
phonetics flap --
explanatory --, flapped --
-- flat --
expletive -- flat --,
explicit -- --
explicitness () floating --,
exponence () --
exponent () flotation ()
expression () focal area ()
expressive -- focus (),
extended standard ,
theory ()
extension (), folk etymology (),
(), ()
() foot ()
extensional -- foreground ()
extensive --, foregrounding ()
-- foreign language ()
external adequacy () forensic linguistics ()
externalized () form (o),
language ()
extralinguistic -- form of address ()
extrametricality () form word ()
extraposition () formal --
extraprosodicity () formalism ()
extrasyllabic -- formalist --
extrasyllabicity () formality ()
extrinsic -- formalization ()
face () formalize
factitive --- formant ()
factive -- formation rule ()
factivity () formative ()
falling/fall -- formulaic language ()
family (), fortis --
-- fortition ()
fatherese () fossilization ()
favourite -- fossilized --
feature () frame ()
feature geometry () free --
feed frequency ()
feedback (), frequentative --
() fricative --
feeding () friction ()
felicity conditions () frictionless -- --
field () continuant
filled pause () front --,
filler (), (),
() fronted --,
filter (), --
, fronting (),
filtered speech () fronting ()
final --
finite --

frozen expression (), ghost segment - ()
() given --,
FSP --
f-structure () glide (),
full -- ()
function , global --
(), glossematics ()
() glosseme ()
function word () glossogenetics ()
functional --, glossolalia ()
-- glossolalic --
functional grammar () glossolalist ()
functional sentence glossolalistic --
perspective () glottal --
functor (), glottalic --
(), glottalization ()
() glottalize
fundamental () glottis ()
frequency glottochronology ()
fuse , goal ()
fusion (), Gods truth ()
(), govern
(), governed --,
(), --
() governing --
fusional -- government ()
future tense () government ()
fuzzy --, phonology
-- government theory ()
gap () government-
gapping () binding theory, ()
GB government and
geminate -- binding theory GB
gemination () governor ()
gender () GPSG
genealogical () gradability ()
classification gradable --
general -- ungradable --
General American () gradation (),
generality () (),
generalization () () ()
generalize gradience --
generalized -- gradual --
generalized phrase- gradual opposition ()
structure grammar () grammar ()
generate , grammarian ()
, grammatical --
grammaticality ()
generation () grammaticalize
generative --
generativist () grammaticalness ()
generic -- graph ()
genetic () grapheme ()
classification graphemics ()
Geneva School () graphetic --
genitive () graphetics ()
genre (), graphic substance ()
() graphological --
geographical () graphology ()
linguistics grave --
geolinguistics () greed ()
geometry () grid ()
gerund () grinder ()
gesture ()

grinding (), homophone ()
-- homophonic --
groove -- homophony ()
grooved -- homorganic --
grooving () honorific ()
ground -- hortative --
group --, HPSG
(), hypercorrection ()
() hypernasality ()
guttural -- hypernym ()
habitual -- hypersememic --
half-close -- hyperurbanism ()
half-open -- hypocoristic (),
Hallidayan (Halliday) () ()
hand configuration () hyponasality ()
haplology () hyponym ()
hard consonant () hyponymy ()
hard palate () () hypophonemic --
harmonic (), hypotactic --
-- hypotaxis ()
harmonic () IA
phonology iamb ()
harmony () iambic reversal ()
hash () IC
head () iconic --
head-driven phrase- iconicity ()
structure grammar () ID AK
headed -- idealization ()
headword () idealize
heavy -- ideational --
hedge (noun/verb) () ideophone ()
heightened sub- () ideophonic --
glottal pressure idioglossia ()
Hertz (Hertz, Hz) idiolect ()
hesitation () idiom ()
heterography () idiomatic --
heteronym () idiophone ()
heteronymy () I-language - ()
heterorganic -- ill formed --
heuristic -- illative --
hidden Markov (Markov) ill-formedness ()
model () illocutionary --
hierarchical -- imitation ()
hierarchy () immediate ()
high -- constituent
higher category () immediate ()
historical () dominance
linguistics imperative ()
hocus-pocus - (hocus-pocus) imperfect tense ()
hodiernal -- imperfective --
hold (), impersonal --
() implicational ()
holding () scaling
holophrase () implicational ()
holophrasis () universal
holophrastic -- implicature ()
homograph () implosive --
homographic -- inalienable --,
homography () --
homonym () inanimate --
homonymic -- inanimate --
homonymy () inceptive --,
homophene () --

inchoative -- intensifier (),
included -- ()
inclusion () intensifying --,
inclusive --, --
-- intension (),
incompatibility () ()
incompatible -- intensional --,
incorporate , --
intensity ()
incorporating -- intensive --
incorporation () interaction (),
indefinite -- ()
indefiniteness () interchangeability ()
indeterminacy () interclausal ()
indeterminate -- grammar
index () interdental --
indexical -- interface (),
indexicality () (),
indexing () (),
indicative () ()
indices () interference ()
indirect --, -- interjection ()
inessive -- interlanguage ()
infelicitous () inter-level ()
utterance interlingua(l) (interlingua) ()
infinitival -- intermediate --
infinitive () internal adequacy ()
infix () internal ()
infixation () reconstruction
infixing -- internalize
INFL, I internalized ()
inflect language
inflecting -- International (),
inflection (), Phonetic (),
(), Association ()
-- interpersonal --
inflectional -- interpretive --
inflexion () interrogative --
inflexional -- interruptability ()
informant () interrupted --
information () intervocalic --
-ing form ing (), intonation ()
() intransitive --
ingressive -- intransitivity ()
inherent features () intrinsic --
inherit intrusion ()
inheritance (), intuition ()
() intuitive --
initial -- invariable --
initial symbol () invariance ()
initialism () invariant --
initiation () inventory ()
initiator () inversion ()
innate -- IP
innateness () irrealis --
insert irregular --
insertion () irregularity ()
instantaneous -- -isation/-ization - ()
institutional () -ise/ize -
linguistics -ised/-ized ---
instrumental -- island ()
instrumental (), iso- -
phonetics ()

isochrony/isochroni () / () language awareness (),
sm (),
isolated -- ()
isolated opposition () langue (langue) (),
isolating -- ()
isolation () laryngeal --
isomorphic -- laryngealization ()
isomorphism () laryngograph ()
item () laryngoscope ()
item and larynx ()
arrangement (IA) latent consonant ()
item and process lateral --
(IP) laterally (.)
iteration () law ()
iterative -- lax --
iterativity () layer ()
Jakobsonian (Jakobson) () layering ()
jaw setting () lead ()
junction () learnability ()
juncture (), lect ()
(), lectal --
() left dislocation ()
() left-associative
jussive () grammar ()
Katz-Postal - (Katz-Postal) left-branching ()
hypothesis () left-linear grammar ()
kernel (), lemma ()
-- length (),
key () ()
kine () lenis --
kineme () lenition ()
kinesic -- level (),
kinesics () --,
kinetic --
kinship terms () levelling ()
label , level-skipping ()
, lexeme ()
() lexical --,
labelled --, --
-- lexical noun phrase ()
labelling (), lexical NP ()
() lexical phonology ()
labial -- lexical ()
labialization () representation
labialize language
labio-dental -- lexical-functional - ()
labio-dentalization () grammar
labio-dentalize lexicalist --
labio-velar -- lexicalize
labio-velarization () lexicography ()
labio-velarize lexicology ()
LAD lexicon (),
lag (), ()
(), lexicostatistics ()
() lexis ()
lambda () (), LF
() LFG
lamina () liaison (liaison) (),
laminal -- (),
laminar -- (),
lamino- - ()
landing site () license ,
language (), --

licenser (), logophoric --
() London School ()
licensing (), long (sound) -- ()
() longitudinal / / (/),
light syllable () --
line () loopback ()
linear -- loss (of language) () ()
linear grammar () loudness ()
linear phonology () low --
linear precedence () lower category ()
rule lowering ()
linear prediction () loyalty (language) () ()
linearity () LP rule
lingua franca (lingua franca), ludic --
() ludling ()
lingual -- () macrolinguistic --,
linguist () --
linguistic --, macrolinguistics ()
-- macro-phylum ()
linguistic () main --,
anthropology --
linguistic atlas () maintenance ()
linguistic () major --,
determinism --
linguistic () major class feature ()
environment mandibular setting ()
linguistic () manifest
geography manifestation ()
linguistic () manner --,
historiography ()
linguistic () manner of ()
philosophy articulation
linguistic relativity () map ,
significant () mapped --,
generalization --
linguistics () mapping (),
linguo- - ()
linkage () marginal auxiliary ()
linked -- margins ()
linking () marked --,
linking -- --
liquid -- markedness ()
little pro pro () marker ()
l-marking () marking (),
loan (), ()
-- Markov process (Markov) ()
loc mass --,
local -- --
localism () matched guise ()
localist () matching (),
localistic -- ()
locality (), mathematical ()
() linguistics
(), matrix (),
() (),
location () (),
locative -- (),
locus () ()
locutionary --, maxims of ()
-- conversation
logical form (LF) () m-command ()
logocentric -- MDP
logocentrism ()

mean length of () modality ()
utterance (MLU) mode (o)
meaning () model (), ()
meaning-changing / / model-theoretic
-preserving () semantics ()
meaningful -- modification ()
medial -- modifier ()
medium () modify
mellow -- modular --,
melodic tier () --
mentalese () --
mentalism () modularity (),
mentalistic -- (),
merge ()
() modulate
merge modulation ()
merger () module (),
meronym () ()
meronymy () mono- -
mesolect () monogenesis ()
mesolectal -- monogenetic --
metadiscourse () monophthong ()
metagrammar () monophthongizatio ()
metalanguage () n
metalinguistic -- monophthongize
metalinguistics () monosemy ()
metanalysis () monostratal --
metaphony () monovalent --
metaphor () Montague grammar
metarule () (Montague) ()
metathesis () (1) mood (),
metonym () ()
metonymy () mora ()
metric () moraic --
metrical -- morph ()
metrical grid () morpheme ()
metrical phonology () morpheme- /
metrics () structure ()
microlinguistic --, rules/conditions
-- morphemic --
microlinguistics () morphemics ()
mid -- morpho(pho)nology ()
minimal -- morphological --
minimal free form (), morphology ()
() morphophoneme ()
minimal link () morphophonemics (),
condition ()
minimal pair () morphosyntactic --
minimal pair test / morphosyntax ()
() morphotactics ()
minimal-distance () mot (M) ()
principle mother --, ()
minimalist () motherese ()
program(me) mother-in-law ()
minimality () languages
minor --, motor theory ()
-- move
minority language () move alpha
misderivation () move
mismatch () movement ()
mistake () () MP
MLU multidimensional ()
modal -- scaling

multilateral -- nominative ()
multilateral () nonce ()
opposition non-configurational ()
multilingual -- languages
multilingualism () non-core --
murmur -- non-countable --
mutation () countability ()
mutual (), non-defining ---
intelligibility () non-discrete ()
N grammar
narrative --, non-echo --
() non-equivalent --
narrow --, non-favourite --
-- non-headed --
narrowing () non-linear ()
nasal --, phonology
-- non-native varieties ()
nasalisation (), non-productive --
() nonsense
nasalised --, norm ()
-- normative --
nasality (), notation(al) (o)
() notational (),
native-speaker () --
natural gender () notional --
natural generative () noun (),
phonology --
natural kind terms () NP-movement - ()
natural language () nuclear --
processing nucleus ()
natural morphology () null --
natural phonology () number ()
naturalness/natural / () numeration ()
class object ()
negation () object language - ()
negative -- objective --
negative transfer () obligatory --
neo-Firthian -- obligatory contour
neogrammarian () principle (OCP) (),
neologism (o) ()
nested -- oblique --
nesting () observational ()
network grammar () adequacy
neural network () obsolescence ()
neurolinguistic --, obsolete --
-- obstruent --
neurolinguistics () obviative (),
neutral -- --
neutralizable -- occlusion ()
neutralizable () occlusive --
opposition OCP
neutralization () oesophageal --
neutralize off-/on-glide / ()
new -- offset ()
nexus () onomasiology ()
NLP onomastics ()
no-crossing (o) onset ()
constraint ontogenesis ()
node () ontogenetic --
noise () ontogeny ()
NOM ONOM opacity ()
nominal -- opaque --
nominalization () open --

operator () part
opposition () part of speech ()
optative () participant role ()
optimality theory () participial --
optional -- participle ()
oral --, particle ()
-- particle phonology (),
order (), ()
() partitive -- ()
ordered -- passive --
ordering () passive vocabulary ()
ordinal () passivization ()
other-repair () passivize
output () past anterior ()
overcorrection () past definite ()
overextension (), past historic ()
() past perfect (),
overgeneralization () ()
overgenerate past tense ()
overgeneration () path ()
overlap , patient ()
pattern ()
overlapping -- paucal --
overlapping () pause ()
overt -- PCF
overtone () peak ()
palatal -- pedagogical ()
palatal(ization) -- linguistics
palatalization (), pejoration ()
() percentage symbol (%)
palate () (%)
palato-alveolar -- perception ()
palatogram (), perceptual --
() percolate
palatography (), percolation (),
() ()
pandialectal -- perf ,
panlectal -- perfect --
paradigm () perfect grid ()
paradigmatic -- perfective --
paradox () performance (),
paragrammatism () (),
paralanguage () ()
paralinguistic -- performative --
parallel distributed period ()
processing () periodic --
parameter () periodicity ()
parametric -- peripheral --
parametric () periphery ()
phonetics periphrasis ()
paraphrase () periphrastic --
parasite vowel () perlocutionary --
parasitic gap () permutation (),
paratactic -- ()
parataxis () perseveration ()
paratone (o) person ()
parole (parole) (), personal --
() PF
paronym () phantom segment - ()
paronymy () pharyngeal --
parse () pharyngealization ()
parser () pharyngealize
parsing () pharynx ()

phase () plosion (),
phatic communion () (), ()
() () plosive ()
philologist () pluperfect ()
philology () plurisegmental --
philosophical () plus juncture ()
linguistics PM
philosophical () pneumotachograph (o)
semantics poetics ()
phon(a)estheme () polarity ()
phon(a)esthesia () politeness ()
phon(a)esthetics () phenomena
phonation () poly- -
phone () polygenesis ()
phonematic unit () polylectal --
phoneme () polysemia ()
phonemic --, polysemic --
-- polysemy ()
() polysemus --
phonemics () polysyllabic --
phonetic -- polysyllable --
phonetic form () polysynthetic --
phonetic setting () polysystemic --
phonetically () polysystemicism ()
consistent form popular etymology (),
phonetician () ()
phonetics () Port Royal (Port Royal)
phonic substance () portmanteau (portmanteau) ()
phonological -- ()
phonological space () position ()
phonologist () positional ()
phonologization () positional mobility ()
phonologize positive --, --
phonology () possession ()
phonostylistics () possessive pronoun --
phonotactics () possible worlds
phrasal -- semantics ()
phrasal verb (), post- -
() post-alveolar --
phrase () post-aspiration ()
phrase-marker () post-creole ()
phrase-structure () continuum
(PS) grammar post-cyclic --
phylogenesis () post-determiner ()
phylogenetic -- post-lexical --
phylogeny () postmodification ()
phylum () postmodify
pidgin (pidgin) () postpose -
pidginize postposition - ()
pied piping () post-structuralism (),
pitch () ()
pivot () postulates (),
place (of () () ()
articulation) potential pause ()
plain -- power ()
planar -- powerful --
plane () pr, prep
planning (), pragmalinguistics ()
() pragmatics ()
plateauing () Prague School ()
pleonastic pronoun () pre- -
plereme () precede ()
pleremic --

precedence (), pro-drop (pro-drop),
() pro (),
predeterminer ()
predicate (), ()
-- production ()
predication () productive --
predication theory () productivity ()
predicative -- pro-form (o)
predicator () progressive --,
prefabricated () --
language --
prefix () project
prefixation () projection ()
prefixing --, prominence ()
() prominent --
prehodiernal -- promotion ()
pre-lexical -- pronominal --
prelinguistic --, pronominalization ()
-- pronominalize
prelinguistics () pronoun (),
premodification () ()
premodifier () prop ()
premodify proper --
preparatory () proper --
conditions proportional --
preparatory it it () proportional ()
prepose opposition
preposition () proposition ()
prepositional -- proposition(al) --
prerequisites () proscriptive --
prescriptive -- prosodeme ()
prescriptivism () prosodic --
prescriptivist -- prosodic feature ()
prespecification () prosodic phonology ()
prespecify prosody ()
pressure () protasis ()
presuppose prothesis ()
presupposition () prothetic --
prevarication () proto- -
primary articulation () prototype ()
prime () proxemics ()
primitive --, pseudo-cleft - ()
-- sentence
principal parts () pseudo-intransitive ---
principles () pseudo-passive - ()
privative -- pseudo-procedure - ()
privative opposition () psycholexicology ()
privativity () psycholinguistics ()
privilege of () pulmonic --
occurrence punctual(ity) --
PRO PRO () punctuality ()
pro pro () pure vowel (),
procedural () ()
grammar purism ()
procedural () purist (),
semantics --
procedure () push chain ()
process () Q
processing () Q
proclitic -- qualia structure ()
pro-constituent () qualification ()
procrastinate () qualifier ()

qualitative -- reduplicative --
quality () reference ()
quantal --, reference grammar ()
() referent ()
quantal theory () referential --
quantification (), referential indices ()
() referring --,
quantifier () ()
quantitative -- referring- ()
quantitative () expression
linguistics reflexive --
quantity () reflexiveness ()
quantity sensitivity () reflexivity ()
quantum () reflexivization ()
question () regional accent (),
Quirk grammar (Quirk) () (),
quotative -- ()
radical -- regional dialect (),
radix () (),
raise , ()
raising () register (), ()
rank () register tone (),
rate () language (),
r-colouring () ()
readjustment rules () regressive --
realis -- regular --,
realistic grammar () --
realization () regular grammar ()
realizational -- regularity (),
realize , ()
reanalyse reiteration ()
reanalysis () relation ()
reassociation () relational --,
recategorization () --
recategorize relational grammar ()
received (), relative --
pronunciation (), relative --
(), relativisation ()
() relativity ()
recessive -- relativized ()
recipient () minimality
reciprocal --, release (),
-- /
recognition () ()
reconstruct relevance theory ()
reconstruction () relexification ()
recoverability () relic area ()
recoverable -- remote structure ()
recursion () () renewal of ()
recursive ()--, connection
-- reordering ()
recursiveness () (), repair ()
(), repertoire ()
() (repertory)
reduce replacive --
reduced -- represent
reduction () representation ()
redundancy () representative --,
redundant -- --
reduplicant --, resonance ()
() resonant --
reduplicate resonate
reduplication () REST
restricted --

restrictive -- rule-to-rule
restructuring () SAAD
result () sandhi (sandhi)
result(at)ive () Sapir-Whorf - (SapirWhorf)
resultant () hypothesis ()
resulting () satellite ()
resumptive -- satem language (satem) ()
resyllab(if)ication (), Saussurean --, (Saussure) ()
(), SC
resyllabify , scalar expressions ()
/ scale ()
scale-and-category ()
resyllabify , grammar
retract , scansion ()
retracted --, SCC
-- schwa/shwa (schwa)
retroflex -- scope (),
retroflexed -- ()
retroflexion () scrambling ()
reversal () SD
revised extended second language ()
standard theory () secondary aperture ()
rewrite rule () secondary ()
rewriting rule () articulation
R-expression () secondary response ()
rhematic -- segment (),
rheme () segmental --
rhetorian () segmental tier (o),
rhetoric -- ()
rhetorical -- segmentation ()
rhetorical question () segmentator ()
rhotic -- segmented
rhyme () discourse ()
rhythm () representation
rhythm rule () theory
right dislocation () selectional feature / () / () /
right node raising () restriction / rule () ,
right-branching () () /
right-linear () () /
grammar ()
rim (), selective listening ()
() self-embedding ()
rime () self-repair ()
rising/rise -- semantic --,
role () --
role and reference () semanticity ()
grammar semantics ()
roll -- semasiology ()
rolled -- seme ()
root ( ) () semeiology ()
root (), -- semelfactive --
root-and-pattern () sememe ()
round brackets () sememic --
rounded --, sememics ()
-- semi-auxiliary --
rounding (), semi-consonant ()
() semilingual --
RP , , semilingualism ()
rule () semiotic --
rule features () semiotics (),
rule-ordering ()
paradox () semi-productive --

semi-sentence () slit --
semi-vowel () slot (), ()
semology () sluicing ()
semotactics () small clause (),
sense (), (),
-- ()
sentence () social accent ()
sentence accent () social dialectology ()
sentential relative () social function ()
clause sociolect ()
sequence () sociolinguistics ()
sequencing () sociopragmatics ()
serial relationship () soft consonant ()
serial verb () soft palate (),
series () ()
set expression () sonagram ()
setting () sonagraph ()
SFH sonorant --
SGML sonority ()
shadow pronoun () sonorous --
shallow --, sortal --
-- sortality ()
shared constituent sound () / () /
co-ordination () change/law/shift ()
sharp --, sound system ()
-- sound-symbolism ()
shift (), source ()
() space grammar (),
short -- ()
sibilance () speaker () / () /
sibilant -- recognition/identifi ()
sigma () () cation/verification
sign (), spec
(), specialization ()
-- specification ()
signifiant () specified-subject
significant -- condition ()
significant -- specifier ()
signification () spectral --
significs () spectrogram ()
signifi () spectrograph ()
signify spectrum ()
silent pause () speech (), --
silent stress () speech act ()
simple -- speech recognition ()
simplicity (metric) ( ) () speech synthesis ()
sincerity conditions () speed ()
single-bar (), spell-out (), ()
-- () spirant ()
single-base () spirantization ()
singular () spirantize
singulary -- split ergative ()
sister --, () spoken medium ()
sister-adjoin Sprachbund ()
sister-adjunction () Sprachgefuhl ()
situation () spread ,
situation semantics () ,
situational -- --
skeletal tier (), spreading (),
(), (),
() ()
slash () squish ()
slip of the tongue () S-structure ) ()

stability () structure ()
standard --, structure ()
--, dependency
, structure ()
-- preservation
Standard style ()
Generalized () stylistic --
Markup Language stylistics ()
standard () / stylo- -, -
theory/model () sub-categorization ()
standardization (), sub-categorize
() subfamily
starred form () subgenre - (),
state (), - ()
() subgesture ()
statement (), subjacency ()
() subject ()
static --, subjective --
-- subjunct ()
static -- subjunctive ()
statistical () sublanguage ()
linguistics submorpheme ()
stative -- subordinate --,
stativity (), --
status planning subordinating ()
() subordination (),
stem ()
stereotype () subordinator ()
stock () subsegment ()
stop (), () substance ()
stranded -- sub-standard ()
stranding () substantival --
stratal -- substantive --
stratificational -- substitutability ()
stratum () substitutable --
stray --, substitute --,
strength () substitution ()
stress () substrate (),
stressed -- () --
stress-timed -- substratum ()
strict cycle substring ()
condition () subtractive () ()
stricture () bilingualism
stridency ( subtree ()
) (), suction ()
() suffix ()
strident (), suffixation ()
() suffixing --
string () () ()
strong adequacy () superfix/suprafix --
strong form () superfoot ()
structural -- superheavy syllable ()
structural () superlative --
ambiguity superordinate --
structural change () superstratum ()
structural () supplementary ()
description movements
structural () suppletion ()
suppletive --
structuralism --
supraglottal --
structuralist (),
suprasegmental --

surface structure () telegraphic speech ()
svarabhakti vowel (svarabhakti) telic --
(), telicity ()
() template ()
switch reference () templatic --
syllab(if)ication (o), tempo (tempo) ()
(), tenor (of discourse) ()
() tense --
syllabic -- tense () ()
syllabify , tense --
, tensed --,
tension ()
syllable () term of address (o),
syllable-timed -- ()
synaesthesia () terminal --
synchronic -- terminal analogs ()
syncope () termination ()
syncretism () tertiary response ()
syncretize tessitura (tessitura)
syndetic -- test (), ()
syndeton () text ()
synonym () textlinguistics ()
synonymous --, text-to-speech ()
-- textual --
synonymy () textuality ()
syntactic -- texture ()
syntactics (), that-clause (),
() ()
syntagma () that-trace () / () /
syntagmatic -- constraint/filter/phe () that
syntagmatics () nomenon
syntagmeme () thematic --
syntax () thematicization ()
synthesis () theme ()
synthetic -- theory ()
system () there-insertion there ()
system architecture () theta role - ()
systematic -- theta theory ()
systematic () thirteen men rule ()
phonemics tier (), ()
systematic () timbre ()
phonetics timing ()
systemic -- tip (), ()
t t tip-of-the-tongue
T forms T () phenomenon ()
tacit -- token (), ()
tactic(s) () tonal --
tag (1) () tonality ()
tagma () tone ()
tagmatics () tone group/unit /
tagmeme ()
tagmemics () toneme ()
tail () tonemics ()
tambre, tamber () tonetics ()
tap () tongue () ()
target () tongue-slip (slip of ()
tautosyllabic --, the tongue)
-- tonic --
taxeme () tonicity ()
taxis (), top-down ,
taxonomic --
taxonomy ()

topic () (), unassociated --
(), unbounded ()
() dependency
total accountability () unchecked --
tough movement () uncountable --
trace () underextension ()
traditional -- underlying --
transcribe underspecification ()
transcription () underspecify
transcriptional -- ungoverned --,
transfer () --
transform ungoverned --
transformation () ungradable --
transformational -- ungraded antonyms ()
transient () ungrammatical --
transition () ungrammaticality ()
transition network () ungrammaticalness ()
grammar unification ()
transitional () unified features ()
transitional area () uniformitarian ()
transitive -- principle
transitivity () unify
transparency (), unilateral () ()
() (articulation)
transparent -- uninterruptability ()
tree () unit (),
triadic -- ()
trial -- universal --,
triangle () ()
trill -- (2) universal quantifier ()
trilled -- universality
triphthong (o) universe of (),
triphthongal -- discourse ()
triphthongization () univocality () (2)
triphthongize unmarked --,
trivalent -- --,
trochee () --
trough () --
true generalization () unproductive --
condition unrounded --,
truncate --
truncation () unstressed --
truth-conditional untensed --,
semantics () unvoiced --
Turing machine (uring) () update semantics ()
turn () usage ()
type (), () utterance (),
Type 0/1/2/3 0/1/2/3 () ()
grammars uvular --
typed -- uvularization ()
type-token ratio (), uvularize
() V
typological () V forms V ()
linguistics vagueness ()
typology () valency ()
UC valent ()
ultimate constituent () valeur ()
unaccented --, valley ()
unacceptability () value (),
unacceptable -- ()
unaccusative () variable (),
unanalysable -- --
unary -- variant ()

variation () wide --
variety () word (), ()
velar -- word and paradigm
velaric -- word formation ()
velarization () word grammar ()
velarize word order (),
velum (), ()
(o) word stress ()
ventricular -- WP
verb (), -- wugs (wugs)
verbal -- X-bar (X) - ()
verbal duelling () X-tier ()
verbal play () yers (yers) ()
verbless -- yes-no question ()
vernacular (), zero (),
(), --
() zosemiotics ()
via , movement

visibility ()
visible --
vocable ()
vocabulary ()
vocal cords / lips / (),
bands / folds ()
vocal organs ()
vocal tract
vocal-auditory (),
channel ()
vocalic --
vocalization ()
vocative ()
vocoid ()
voice (),
voice dynamics ()
voice quality/set ()
voice/vocal ()
voiced --
voiceless --
voice-onset time ()
voiceprint ()
voiceprinting ()
voicing ()
volition ()
volitional --
vowel ()
V-place ()
wanna-construction (wanna) ()
wave ()
weak adequacy ()
weak form ()
weather it it (), it
weight ()
well formed --
wellformedness ()
wh- -- (wh-),
whistle(d)-speech ()
whiz-deletion (whiz) ()
Whorfian (Whorf) ()


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