Overview of Network Design, Security, and Standard

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Toward Smart Microgrid with Renewable Energy:

An Overview of Network Design, Security, and Standards

Mihui Kim*

Department of Computer & Web Information Engineering, Computer System Institute,

Hankyong National University, Anseung, Korea

Abstract. An increasing demand for efficient and safe electricity management

has motivated the development of smart grid and accelerated the technical re-
search for smart grid. On one side, a smart microgrid has been recently given an
interest as a relatively small-scale, self-contained, medium/low voltage electric
power system (EPS); it houses various distributed energy resources (DERs)
with renewable energy and controllable loads in a physically close location. In
this paper, we overview the research trend for the network design and security
issues of smart microgrid, different from smart grid, and survey the effort of
standardization for them. Through the survey, we derive the novel research is-
sues to address for the successful realization of smart microgrid.

Keywords: Smart Microgrid, Renewable Energy, Distributed Energy Resources

(DER), State of the Art of Research and Standard Trend, Network Design,

1 Introduction

Smart grid is to expand the current capabilities and efficiency of the grids generation,
transmission, and distribution systems for autonomous power distribution, efficient
electricity management and safety. Moreover, the next-generation electric power sys-
tems will not only address the existing problems in the current power systems, but
also add in advanced new features as follows: support for diverse devices, superior
power quality, operation efficiency and estimation, grid security, consumer participa-
tion, grid self-correction, and market boost [1].
Comparing with the smart grid, a microgrid is a relatively small-scale, self-
contained, medium/low voltage electric power system (EPS) that houses various dis-
tributed energy resources (DERs) (i.e., solar panels or wind turbines) with renewable
energy and controllable loads in a physically close location. The microgrid can benefit
from less transmission losses and less cable costs because of in vicinity of generator
and consumption. Moreover, it can decrease carbon emissions, and increase the resi-
lience of the utility grid [2,3].

Corresponding author.

B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2013, Part I, LNCS 7971, pp. 142156, 2013.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Toward Smart Microgrid with Renewable Energy 143

Smart microgrid is a relatively new concept and paid attention in research and in-
dustrial fields because of the benefits. In this paper, we present the state-of-the-art
research and standardization trends of smart microgrid. The rising number of DERs in
smart microgrid brings up new research issues. They should optimally connect with
each other to share or route the energy. Network design issue thus becomes important.
Sharing the energy provides a new economic model, and it emphasizes security in
smart in addition to basic safety in grid. Moreover, the exposure of sensitive informa-
tion, i.e., all kinds of personal attributes and activities, makes the privacy problem
more significant. To optimally share the energy, real-time management is required,
and on the other hand it could become a palatable target of adversary from a view-
point of availability threat.
The new issues in smart microgrid affect standardization. At first, to deal with the
peculiarities of different DESs with sophisticated sensing and actuating units, the
IEEE Std. 1451 is suggested as a system design model of energy gateways or nodes
with uniform interfaces [4]. These nodes have an energy interface not only to the
power distribution grid but also to active sources or loads. Moreover, communication
standards focus on the smart microgrid. Cognitive radio is a candidate technique for
smart microgrid networks (SMGNs) [5], and also WiMAX and WiFi are considered
[6]. In this paper, we introduce the standards for smart microgrid.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 clarifies network ar-
chitecture of smart grid and microgrid, and presents the research issues appearing
because of the architectural features. Section 3 provides the research trend and Sec-
tion 4 introduces the standardization contents. Section 5 concludes this paper with
still-open research issues.

2 Network Architecture of Smart Grid and Smart Microgrid,

and Research Issues
In this chapter, we compare the network architecture of smart grid and smart microgr-
id with figures and explain their relationship. Different network architectures give
novel research issues. We also introduce research issues with recent attention, related
with smart microgrid.

2.1 Network Architecture

Smart grid has a huge infrastructure and communication networks, and thus the net-
work has hierarchical architecture: home area network (HAN), neighborhood area
network (NAN), and wide area network (WAN), as shown in Figure 1. The HAN
provides access to in-home appliances while the NAN connects smart meters to local
access points, and WAN provides communication links between the grid and core
utility systems. Figure 1 shows a basic illustration of the electrical power grid and the
smart grid multitier communications network. As the characteristics of each tier net-
work, different wireless communication techniques can be adapted, i.e., WiFi or Zig-
Bee for HAN in indoor small area, WiMAX, cognitive radio (CR) WiFi or 4G for
NAN with wireless mesh topology, and WiMAX, 4G or CR for WAN [7].
144 M. Kim

Fig. 1. Hierarchical
H Architecture of Smart Grid [7]

Fig. 2. Smart Micrrogrid Network with Renewable Energy in Smart Grid

Meanwhile, smart micro ogrid (SMG) is reminiscent of a small scale smart gridd; it
has abundant distributed geenerators and consumers for medium/low voltage elecctric
power in close location, butt requires the control such as advanced metering infrastrruc-
ture (AMI) of smart grid inn order to efficiently share the energy. Therefore, the geene-
rators and consumers is thee same as HAN in smart grid, and smart microgrid netw work
(SMGN) connecting them playp a similar role with the NAN, as shown in Figure 2.
As one of main NAN/S SMGN communication technologies, 3GPP and WiM MAX
(IEEE 802.16) have been doing research for the architecture of smart grid, i.e.,, an
Toward Smart Microgrid with Renewable Energy 145

important application of machine to machine (M2M) communication [8]. User

equipment (UE) with machine type communication (MTC) application in M2M may
become the smart meters, and MTC users may be authorized someone requiring in-
formation in smart microgrid, e.g., other smart meters or utility company.
At first, 3GPP introduces architectural reference model to provide smart
grid/microgrid services in [9]. Figure 2 shows the architectural reference model con-
sisting of UE using MTC application, MTC server, and 3GPP network entities in-
volved in MTC. The model covers three architecture models, direct model, indirect
models, and hybrid model. In the direct model, the 3GPP operator provides direct
communication where MTC application directly connects to the operator network
without the use of any MTC server. In the indirect model, communication is con-
trolled by MTC server provider or 3GPP operator. In the hybrid model, the data
transmission in the user plan is used for the direct model while the signaling in the
control plan is used for the indirect model.

Fig. 3. Architectural reference model for smart microgrid in the 3GPP [9]

IEEE 802.16 introduces high level system architecture for M2M communications
as shown in Figure 4 [10]. It can be also applied to SMGN. The system architecture
consists of IEEE 802.16 M2M devices with M2M functionality, M2M server com-
muting to one or more IEEE 802.16 M2M devices (e.g., smart meters), and M2M
service consumer (e.g., other meters or utility company). The M2M server may be
146 M. Kim

located inside or outside the connectivity service network (CSN). The M2M applica-
tion operates on IEEE 802.16 M2M devices and the M2M server. The system archi-
tecture provides the communication between one or more IEEE 802.16 M2M devices
and an M2M server, as well as point-to-multipoint communication between IEEE
802.16 M2M devices and IEEE 802.16 base station. In the basic system architecture,
IEEE 802.16 M2M devices can perform as aggregation points for non IEEE 802.16
M2M devices with different radio interfaces. In the advanced system architecture,
IEEE 802.16 M2M devices can act like an aggregation points for other IEEE 802.16
M2M devices.

Fig. 4. M2M service system architecture for smart microgrid in IEEE 802.16 [10]

Meanwhile, smart microgrid has the important features in the high penetration lev-
el of distributed renewal power generators and it has to have the close relationship
with consumers. To keep systematical connection, networking or topology issue are
recently introduced. Power sharing and routing emerges as a novel feature and survi-
vability, reliability and availability are highlighted. Table 1 summarizes the characte-
ristic of smart microgrid in comparison with one of smart grid. We will introduce the
research trend for these features in detail in next section.
Toward Smart Microgrid with Renewable Energy 147

Table 1. Comparison of smart microgrid and smart grid

Element Smart Microgrid Smart Grid

Generator small scale large scale
gathered in vicinity (neighbor- distributed in wide area
hood) various energy sources, e.g.,
limited energy sources, e.g., water (hydroelectric), wood,
solar panels or wind turbines wind, organic waste, geo-
medium/low voltage electric thermal.
power system very high voltage electric
power system
Consumer small scale large scale
located together in generators separated from generators
should compare with costs of should compare with costs in
between smart microgrid and time slots
smart grid
Network small scale large scale
two tier networks (HAN/NAN) three tier networks

2.2 Research Issues

To support such new features of SMG, recently researches focus on the follows: net-
work design, security, control algorithms, and system architecture. At first, optimal-
ly sharing the energy or routing [11,12], and overlay topology [2] between DERs. The
security, as a noticeable issue on SMG, emphasizes the privacy [13-16] and attack
defense [17,18] because the data of SMG is mostly private data and inviting data to
adversaries. The control (e.g., handling and fault isolation) of a high number of distri-
buted generators (i.e., rooftop photovoltaic (PV) panels) is challenging. SMGN has
scalability issue due to such many generators, should do real-time monitoring and
quick response. Moreover, novel algorithms or new information-based control me-
chanisms are required in SMGN, such as scheduling based on charged energy [19], or
energy routing [2,11]. System architecture for SMG is newly designing, e.g., connec-
tion of smart meters through cognitive radio [5] and dynamic energy-oriented sche-
duling [19]. Table 2 summarizes the solving problems in recent research and their
solutions, and the detail contents describes in Section 3.

Table 2. Recent research issues for smart microgrid

Solving problems in recent re- Solutions

Network de- network to provide reliable overlay topology design
sign [2,12] service, faster restoration, sus- maximizing the usage of re-
148 M. Kim

tainable grid operation and plat- newable energy [2]

form for exporting or importing cost-aware network design
power energy routing [12]
topology between DERs
Security attack defense detection method using Ker-
[5,11,13-18] secure routing nel GLRT for malicious data
privacy attack in state estimation [5]
secure key management us-
ing a PKI, and a secure
routing procedure [11]
privacy-preserving protocols
in computation for power con-
sumption or billing [13-14]
Control algo- scalability energy routing to increase the
rithms real-time monitoring and quick utilization of renewable re-
[11,19] response sources and reduce the depen-
energy routing dency of the SMG to the utili-
scheduling ty grid [11]
scheduling based on charged
energy/cost [19-21]
System archi- connection of smart meters utilize cognitive radio in
tecture [5,19] scheduling white spaces [5]
dynamic energy-oriented
scheduling [19]

3 Research Trend of Smart Microgrid

3.1 Network Design Issues

To share renewable energy efficiently between DERs, energy routing (i.e., setting up
energy efficient path) is brought up as a novel feature in SMGNs [8,20-22]. The au-
thors in [20] propose a novel stochastic framework, leveraging distributed storage that
alleviates many of the problems of the current grid, e.g., difficulty of the grid in
routing the renewable sources due to their stochastic and often volatile nature. In [21],
to maximally utilize the distributed energy resources and minimize the energy trans-
mission overhead, the authors develop the distributed energy routing protocols for
smart grid; it can be also applied to smart microgrid. The authors in [11] propose a
secure energy routing mechanism, and the authors in [22] show that false data injec-
tion attacks against distributed energy routing can effectively disrupt the effectiveness
of energy distribution process, posing significant supplied energy loss, energy trans-
mission cost and the number of outage users, through simulation.
Toward Smart Microgrid with Renewable Energy 149

In [2,12], SMG is introduced as a technology to provide reliable service, faster res-

toration, sustainable grid operation, and a platform for exporting or importing power,
in order to increase the utilization of renewable resources, reduces the dependency of
SMG to the utility grid, and consequently reduces the load on the grid. To increase
reliability and survivability in SMGNs, the overlay topology design maximizing the
usage of renewable energy is presented in [2]. The topology is made with the mini-
mized number of SMGs in each cluster through integer linear programming (ILP)
formulation. SMGs in a cluster share the energy with each other. As a next version,
the authors in [12] upgrade to cost-aware network design, enabling economic power
transaction with ILP to match the excess energy of each SMG to demands of other
SMGs. They give an example of different SMGN topologies formed by their pro-
posed scheme (i.e., cost-aware smart microgrid) for two different time periods which
are 01:00-03:00 and 19:00-21:00. Each ring depicts a cluster. In Figure 5(a), since
demand is not high during overnight, several SMG clusters can form survivable rings.
Meanwhile, as shown in Figure 5(b), during mid-peak hours, the overlay topology
design scheme tends to form larger ring in order to fulfill the increasing power de-
mand and during peak hours only one ring is formed since the only feasible solution is
clustering all SMGs in a ring in order to fulfill the load

(a) (b)

Fig. 5. An example of different SMGN topologies between a) 01:00-03:00, b)19:00-21:00 [9]

Cognitive radio in white spaces (e.g., unused local TV broadcast spectra) can sup-
port physical-layer security with detected low-latency communication links for smart
microgrid. Thus, the authors in [5] systematically design the system architecture,
control algorithms (e.g., price-based utility function with sophisticated control strate-
gy), and security for microgrid. Meanwhile, in [23] the authors model the micro grids
using the graph theory and developed the optimization solution to determine location
where the new transmission, generation, and storage facility will be installed.

3.2 Security Issues

Security is as important as or more important than any other performance of interest

for the microgrid. Thus, several recent researches have considered the security aspect,
150 M. Kim

especially secure routing [8,22], attack defense [5,24], and privacy preservation
As we introduced, energy routing between DERs is a novel research issue in
SMGN. The energy routing can be vulnerable against false energy sharing informa-
tion, failing to report security violation and so on, and thus the authors in [11] propos-
es a secure key management using a public key infrastructure (PKI), and a routing
procedure based on transferring securely routing messages. The authors in [22] show
impact of false data injection attacks against distributed energy routing .
The authors in [5] emphasis the importance of security in the both information and
power flows in SMGN. Especially autonomous recovery against unpredicted faults or
contrived attacks should be considered for secure power flows, they propose a detec-
tion method using Kernel GLRT for malicious data attack in state estimation of SMG.
The authors in [24] introduce several intelligent attacks in smart grid communication,
e.g., vulnerability attack, data injection attack, and intentional attack, and present
Even though all of those attacks are based on smart grid communication, they also can
be launched in SMGN. Table 3 explains the attacks and countermeasures.

Table 3. Practical attacks in smart microgrid and countermeasures

Attack Description Countermeasure

vulnerability attack method: by the malfunction of a can be prevented by
attack device or communication channel, or the introducing the fault di-
de-synchronization of feedback informa- agnosis scheme [25] to
tion infer the fault detection
attack effect: an incorrect control and localization
process at the control center
data injection attack method: to alter the measure- it is possible to defend
attack ments of some meters in order to manipu- against malicious data
late the operations of the smart grid injection if a small sub-
attack effect: adversary with full under- set of measurements can
standing of the network topology disrupts be made immune to the
the network operations by paralyzing data injection attacks
some fraction of nodes with the highest [26]
intentional attack method: with full understanding a fusion-based defense
attack of the network topology, the adversary can mechanism is proposed
fully utilize the network structure to dis- in [27] to defend inten-
rupt the network operations by paralyzing tional attack by utilizing
some fraction of nodes with the highest the feedback information
degree from each node for at-
attack effect: network disruption due to tack inference and
node disconnections in the communication defense reaction.
Toward Smart Microgrid with Renewable Energy 151

Among several security issues, the privacy preservation is especially important in

SMGN, because meter readings imply a sketch of daily activities of households, as
shown in Figure 6. Through the electrical usage values, the adversary can
Detect how many people live at your house by watching the number of cycles of
your hot water heater (not accounting for bad hygiene);
Know when youre home by the energy cycle of the TV;
Know when youre awake by the energy signature of the coffee pot or the toaster;
Know whether youve got a hydroponics project in the house.

Some privacy-preserving protocols in computation for power consumption or billing

are proposed [13-14]. The scheme in [14] allows an electricity service provider obtain
sums of meter readings over a time period and a monitoring center obtain sums of
meter readings from meters in an area at some recent time unit while keeping individ-
ual meter reading private.

Fig. 6. An example of electrical usage in a home [28]

3.3 Control Issues

As we explain the characteristic of smart microgrid in Table 1, a high number of dis-

tributed generators or consumers are located in neighborhood. The control server
should handle them and guarantee their fault isolation. Moreover, the control server
should compare the real-time cost information between smart microgrid and smart
grid for energy routing, and thus it is required doing real-time monitoring and quick
response. Authors in [19] propose dynamic energy-oriented scheduling method for
sustainable wireless sensor network, which treats energy as a first-class schedulable
resource and dynamically schedules. This scheduling can be also applied for SMGN
with the dynamic change of the SMGs available energy. The authors [29] observe
that microgrid technology provides an opportunity and a desirable infrastructure for
improving the efficiency of energy consumption in buildings. To improve building
152 M. Kim

energy efficiency in operation is to coordinate and optimize the operation of various

energy sources and loads, they tend to address the scheduling problem of building
energy supplies. Meanwhile, a novel and important control is energy routing. Authors
in [11] focus secure energy routing.

3.4 System Architecture Issues

Systems for SMG should be newly designed to support novel features as we explained
in Section 2. Authors in [5] systematically investigate the novel idea of applying the
next generation wireless technology, cognitive radio network, for the smart microgrid.
Cognitive radio is originally proposed as a solution to rationalize the concept of recy-
cling the spectrum in todays spectrum hungry scenario. Unlicensed users utilize the
licensed frequency and when that particular band is not in use. They design the sys-
tem architecture for SMG adapting cognitive radio.
Moreover, systems in SMGN, e.g., smart meter and EPS, should perform their op-
eration according to new factors, e.g., available energy in their HAN, or costs for
buying or selling energy in smart microgrid or smart grid. Energy is an important
factor for operation. Thus system operations should be designed in considering the
new factors. The dynamic energy-oriented scheduling [19] can be applied for system
design in SMGN.

4 Standardization Trend of Smart Microgrid

The standardization is an important factor to realize the promising techniques, i.e.,

SMG. The authors in [9] provide a contemporary look at the current state of the art in
smart grid, including technologies and standards. As smart grid communication tech-
nologies, GSM, GPRS, 3G, WiMAX, PLC, WiFi and ZigBee are compared in [6].
Cognitive radio is a candidate technique for SMGNs [5]. Table 4 overviews the cha-
racteristics with these standard technologies for HAN/NAN/WAN. All are related
with SMGN because it has the same as architecture of NAN

Table 4. Standard technologies for HAN/NAN/WAN [6,30]

Stan- Spectrum Data Rate Coverage Applications Limitation

GSM 900-1800 Up to 14.4 1-10km HAN,NAN, Low data
MHz Kbps WAN rate
GPRS 900-1800 Up to 170 1-10km HAN,NAN, Low data
MHz Kbps WAN rate
3G 1.92-1.98 GHz 384 Kbps 1-10km HAN,NAN, Costly spec-
2.11-2.17 GHz 2Mbps WAN trum fees
Toward Smart Microgrid with Renewable Energy 153

Table 4. (Continued)

Wi- 2.5 GHz, 3.5 Up to 75 10-50 km NAN, Not wide-

MAX GHz, 5.8 GHz Mbps (LOS) WAN spread
1-5 km
PLC 1-30 MHz 2-3 Mbps 1-3 km HAN, Harsh, nosy
NAN channel envi-
ZigBee 2.4 GHz, 868- 250 Kbps 30-50m HAN Low data rate,
915 MHz short range
WiFi 2.4 GHz, 5 Up to 600 Up to HAN, Vulnerable in
GHz Mbps 50m NAN security
Cogni- 700 Mhz, 2.4 Up to 100 Up to 30 NAN, Practical dif-
tive GHz and 5.1 Mbps Km WAN ficulty
Radio Ghz

The following standards for HAN in SMGNs are introduced in [6,31]: HomgPlug
(powerline technology to connect the smart appliance), HomgPlug Green PHY (speci-
fication developed as a low power, cost-optimized power line networking specifica-
tion standard), U-SNAP (providing many communication protocol to connect HAN
devices to smart meters), Z-Wave (alternative solution to ZigBee that handles the
interference with 802.11b/g), and openHAN (home area network device communica-
tion, measurement, and control). As standards related with DER, smart home,
E-storage, and E-mobility, IEC 62056 and IEC 62051-54/58-59 are introduced in [31],
and IEC 61850-7-410/420 is relevant to hydro/distributed energy communication,
DER, and EMS.
As a novel aspect in SMGNs, to support deal with the peculiarities of different
DESs with sophisticated sensing and actuating units, the IEEE Std. 1451 is suggested
as a system design model of energy gateways or nodes with uniform interfaces [4].
These nodes have an energy interface not only to the power distribution grid but also
to active sources or loads. As shown in Figure 7, in the IEEE 1451 architecture two
different network entities are defined: the network capable application processor
(NCAP) and the transducer interface module (TIM). NCAP and TIM nodes commu-
nicate through the transducer independent interface (TII). Different transducer
electronic data sheets (TEDSs) are distributed throughout a TIM, supporting the do-
cumentation and configurability of several different features. Figure 8 shows the mi-
crogrid networking protocol performing in energy gateways or nodes based on IEEE
Std. 1451.
154 M. Kim

g. 7. Elements in an IEEE1451 network

Fig. 8. Micrrgrid networking protocols based on IEEE1451

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we have proovided the state-of-the-art research and standardizationn in

SMGN with potential advaantages and research challenges, which is a little difffer-
ent architecture and issuess from smart grid. As noticeable points, sharing renewal
energy among DERs brin ngs out a novel research issue in SMGN, i.e., ene rgy
sharing, and thus novel network
n design and control mechanisms in such arcchi-
tecture should be planned d. Security issues, i.e., secure routing, attack defensses,
and privacy preservation n, have been researched. Various standardizations for
communications or devicces have been processing for successful realizationn of
Toward Smart Microgrid with Renewable Energy 155

SMGN. However, the results are still in early stages, and thus the still-open
research issues should be discovered and addressed.

Acknowledges. This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program

through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of
Education, Science and Technology (2012-0004279). The author would also like to
thank Dr. Douglas S. Reeves in North Carolina State University for his helpful com-
ments and support.

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