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When the Endogenous Hallucinogenic Trace Amine N,N-Dimethyltryptamine

Meets the Sigma-1 Receptor

Tsung-Ping Su, Teruo Hayashi and D. Bruce Vaupel (10 March 2009)
Science Signaling 2 (61), pe12. [DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.261pe12]

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NEUROSCIENCE disturbances have generated conflicting re-

sults as to whether TAARs are involved in
When the Endogenous Hallucinogenic schizophrenic symptomatologies, including
hallucination. TAAR1 knockout mice dis-
Trace Amine N,N-Dimethyltryptamine play a def icit in “prepulse inhibition”
(PPI), or the ability to suppress the magni-
Meets the Sigma-1 Receptor tude of startle induced by an incoming
acoustic signal that had been previously ex-
Tsung-Ping Su,*1 Teruo Hayashi,1 D. Bruce Vaupel2 perienced (20). They are therefore a rele-
Published 10 March 2009; Volume 2 Issue 61 pe12 vant animal model for schizophrenia be-
N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a hallucinogen found endogenously in human cause the PPI is typically impaired in
brain that is commonly recognized to target the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptor schizophrenic patients (20). In addition, a
or the trace amine–associated receptor to exert its psychedelic effect. DMT has genetic study has demonstrated associa-
been recently shown to bind sigma-1 receptors, which are ligand-regulated molec- tions between polymor phisms in the
ular chaperones whose function includes inhibiting various voltage-sensitive ion TAAR4 subtype with susceptibility to
channels. Thus, it is possible that the psychedelic action of DMT might be mediat- schizophrenia (21); however, conflicting
ed in part through sigma-1 receptors. Here, we present a hypothetical signaling reports later emerged that demonstrated a
scheme that might be triggered by the binding of DMT to sigma-1 receptors. lack of association between the TAAR4 or
TAAR6 gene and schizophrenia (22, 23).

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Some amino acid metabolites are biogenic humans (4, 5). Saavedra and Axelrod then Thus, it remains to be fully established
amines that, unlike the major neurotrans- demonstrated the formation of DMT in rat whether TAARs mediate the psychoto-
mitter amines, such as dopamine, nore- and human brain (6), leading both groups mimetic action of DMT.
pinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine to propose that DMT was an endogenous A report now demonstrates that DMT
(5-HT), are typically present at low con- hallucinogen (4–6). Several studies have targets a receptor called the sigma-1 recep-
centrations and accumulate in high since confirmed the psychedelic properties tor (Sig-1R) (24). DMT binds to the Sig-
amounts only if the amine-digestive en- of DMT in humans (7–14). 1R with a moderate affinity at about 14
zyme monoamine oxidase is inhibited. DMT is generally believed to exert its μM (24). Although this affinity is not im-
These trace amines (TAs) include β- psychedelic effects through the 5-HT re- pressive when compared to other Sig-1R
phenylethylamine, tyramine, octopamine, ceptor, specifically the 5-HT2A subtype, ligands, such as (+)pentazocine (which has
synephrine, and tryptamine, as well as which was identified by using the semisyn- an affinity in nanomolar range), high con-
some of their metabolites or derivatives. thetic hallucinogen lysergic acid diethy- centrations of DMT (100 μM, about 7
TAs are purported to be involved in sever- lamide (LSD) (15). However, certain be- times as high as its affinity for Sig-1R)
al human diseases (1). Here, we focus on haviors seen in rats treated with DMT (0.5 could nonetheless inhibit voltage-gated
f indings related to N,N-dimethyltry- to 35 mg/kg administered intraperitoneal- sodium channels (24), a hallmark action of
ptamine (DMT), a tryptamine metabolite ly), such as jerking, retropulsion, and Sig-1R ligands and Sig-1Rs (25). Sig-1R
with psychedelic effects. DMT is the main tremor, do not involve the 5-HT system or knockout mice, which reacted normally to
ingredient in the hallucinogenic beverage other monoaminergic systems (16). Micro- the locomotor stimulating effect of
called “ayahuasca,” which has been molar concentrations of DMT enhances methamphetamine, did not become hyper-
brewed (by boiling the bark of Banisteri- phosphatidylinositol production in a man- active in response to DMT (24), a phe-
opsis caapi together with the leaves of ner that is not blocked by the 5-HT2A re- nomenon also observed with the prototypic
Psychotria viridis) and used by indigenous ceptor antagonist ketanserin (17), which Sig-1R agonist N-allylnormetazocine, an
people around the South American Ama- suggests that part of the action of DMT is opiate analog better known as SKF-10047
zon basin (2, 3). Using purif ied DMT, not mediated through 5-HT receptors. With (26). Furthermore, the locomotor-stimulat-
Szara and colleagues f irst reported the the discovery of the G protein–coupled TA- ing action of DMT resembles that of SKF-
psychoactive effect of the compound in associated receptors (TAARs), which acti- 10047 (24, 26). These results definitively
vate adenylyl cyclase and cause cyclic link the action of DMT to the Sig-1R.
1 Cellular
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) accu- The Sig-1R was originally thought to be
Pathobiology Section, Cellular
Neurobiology Research Branch, Intramural mulation (18, 19), it was speculated that the opiate receptor subtype that mediated
Research Program, National Institute on Drug TAARs mediated part of the pharmacologi- the psychotomimetic or drug-induced psy-
Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Depart- cal or psychedelic effect of trace amines, chotic-like effect of SKF-10047 in animals
ment of Health and Human Services, 333 including DMT, as well as LSD. (19). Al- (27). However, the same laboratory later
Cassell Drive, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA.
2Neuroimaging Research Branch, Intramural though DMT at 1 μM is as potent in elicit- found that the psychotomimetic effect of
Research Program, National Institute on Drug ing cAMP accumulation as the prototypic SKF-10047 was not reversed by naloxone,
Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Depart- trace amine tryptamine or LSD (19), it is a universal antagonist for all opiate recep-
ment of Health and Human Services, 333 unclear whether TAARs mediate the tor subtypes (28). Thus, the Sig-1R was
Cassell Drive, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA.
psychedelic effect of trace amines, includ- recognized to be a nonopiate receptor
*Corresponding author. Cellular Pathobiology ing DMT, because TAAR antagonists have (29–31) that might mediate the psy-
Section, IRP, NIDA, NIH Suite 3304, 333 Cas-
sell Drive, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA. Tele-
not been tested in humans in this regard. chotomimetic effect not only of SKF-
phone, 443-740-2804; fax, 443-740-2142; Furthermore, gene association studies at- 10047 but also of the dissociative anesthet-
e-mail, tempting to link TAARs and psychiatric ic phencyclidine (PCP) (28, 32). However, 10 March 2009 Vol 2 Issue 61 pe12 1


PCP is thought to induce its mind-altering A B

effect through the N-methyl- D -aspartate
(NMDA) receptor, and systematic behav- DMT
ioral studies are needed to differentiate be-
tween the SKF-10047– and PCP-induced
effects mediated by the Sig-1R versus the
NMDA receptor. In addition to their postu- Inhibited
lated psychotomimetic action, Sig-1Rs ion channel
Ion channel
have been implicated in diseases such as
addiction, depression, amnesia, pain,
stroke, and cancer (33).
Sig-1Rs localize at the interface between
the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mito-
chondrion, which is known as the mito-
chondria-associated ER membrane (MAM). High
Low sER
Sig-1R agonists at affinity concentrations DMT
(i.e., close to their Ki values) cause Sig-1Rs
to disassociate from another ER chaperone, MAM
binding immunoglobulin protein (BiP), al-

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lowing them to act as molecular chaperones
to inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) recep-
tors. By stabilizing IP3 receptors, Sig-1Rs
at the MAM enhance Ca2+ signaling from BiP
the ER into mitochondria (34, 35), thereby ER
activating the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cy- Ca2+
cle and increasing the production of adeno-
sine triphosphate (ATP) (35) (Fig. 1). Al- Sig-1R
though Sig-1Rs reside primarily at the ER,
they can translocate from the MAM to the
plasma membrane (also termed the plas- ATP
malemma) or the subplasma membrane production Mitochondria
area when stimulated by higher concentra-
tions (e.g., at approximately 10-fold Ki) of Low concentration of DMT High concentration of DMT
Sig-1R ligands or when Sig-1Rs are overex-
pressed in cells (36–38) (Fig. 1). This may
explain why higher concentrations of Sig- Fig. 1. Hypothetical scheme illustrating the signaling of N,N-dimethyltryptamine through
1R ligands result in the inhibition of vari- sigma-1 receptors. (A) Sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) at the mitochondrion-associated en-
doplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane (MAM) function as ligand-activated molecular chap-
ous ion channels at the plasma membrane
erones, particularly when ligands are present at concentrations close to their affinities
and, in particular, why the channel-inhibit-
(34). Sig-1R ligands, including DMT, at concentrations close to their Ki values, cause the
ing concentration of DMT is almost 10 dissociation of Sig-1Rs from another ER chaperone, binding immunoglobulin protein (BiP)
times as high as its affinity concentration (34), allowing Sig-1Rs to chaperone inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) at the
(24). By triggering the translocation of Sig- MAM (34). This enhances Ca2+ signaling from the ER into mitochondria (34, 35), activates
1Rs from the MAM to the plasma mem- the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and increases adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production
brane or subplasma membrane, high con- (35). (B) Higher concentrations of DMT cause the translocation of Sig-1Rs from the MAM
centrations of Sig-1R ligands may allow to the plasma membrane, leading to the inhibition of ion channels. Thus, Sig-1R ligands
Sig-1Rs to directly interact with and inhibit might shift the site of action of Sig-1R chaperones from the center of the cell to its periph-
channel proteins (24, 38). High concentra- ery. In the present scheme, Sig-1Rs and related molecules or organelles are illustrated in
tions of Sig-1R ligands tonically inhibit the the postsynaptic region for the sake of simplicity, although they may also be present
small conductance K+ (SK) channel, which presynaptically or in glia.
in turn leads to the potentiation of NMDA
receptors (39). The NaV1.5 channel (24, ly established as being involved in causing chotomimetic effects of DMT, such as
25), the KV1.4 channel (38), the voltage- psychotomimesis. Secondly, moderate con- visual hallucinations in humans (7–14).
gated N-, L-, and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels centrations of selective Sig-1R ligands, in- PCP and SKF-10047 cause animals to
(40), the acid-sensing ion channel (41), and cluding (+)pentazocine and PRE-084, are behave as if they are hallucinating (they
the volume-regulated Cl– channel (42) are not reported to cause psychotomimetic-like move their heads and eyes as if they are
also inhibited by high concentrations of effects in animals (43). However, the possi- tracking objects in the air) (28). Could the
Sig-1R ligands. bility that Sig-1Rs are involved in psy- psychotomimetic effect caused by PCP and
So, do sigma-1 receptors mediate the chotomimesis cannot be totally excluded at SKF-10047 in animals (28) be explained
psychedelic effect of DMT? First, we need present. We therefore speculate that Sig- by PCP or SKF-10047 blocking NMDA
to specify that Sig-1Rs have not been firm- 1Rs may partially mediate the psy- receptors and not by their binding to Sig-1Rs? 10 March 2009 Vol 2 Issue 61 pe12 2


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