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Web Design Terminology

Network - It is defined as several computes connected together for the purpose of sharing
Internet - It is a worldwide collection of computers interconnected to one another.
World Wide Web- It is a collection of resources and information interconnected via the internet.
Web Page - It is a formatted page within a website that contains text, graphics, video and
Home Page - It is the first webpage of a website which usually provides information about the web
site, its purpose and contents.
Web Browsers - A web site must be tested and viewed using the browsers that are commonly used by
users worldwide that way you will be assured that your web site will work in the majority of available browsers
out there.
Essential Elements of Web Contents
Ethical and Legal
Planning your Web Site
Create the goal or purpose of the web site
Identify the primary target audience
Plan the content of the website
Plan and organize the site structure
Plan the web pages details
Planning and designing the navigation scheme
Planning and gathering your resources.
Tag - these are the basic units or building blocks of an HTML file (or code as you may call it now since
writing it may be referred to as coding, too.)
Start Tags - usually are in pairs of start and end tags
Attributes - are used to provide additional information about the tag and goes in name-value pairs
separated by an equal sign
Contents - everything between the start and end tag and ultimately, the range of the content of the tag.
Container Tag - have the start and end tags together with the content
Empty Tag - stand alone and do not require tags.

MS EXCEL Key Terms

Count - a function used to count the cells with content in a range.
Sum - a function used to compute for the summation of the number of a range.
Average - a function used to compute for the average of the number of a range.
COUNTIF - a function used to count the cells with a specified content within a range
SUMIF - a function used to compute for the summation of a range if a certain condition is met.
AVERAGEIF - a function used to compute for the average of a range if a certain condition is met.
Range - the range of cells where you want to look for the criteria.
Criteria - a value or label that determines if a cell is part of the range to be averaged
Average Range - the actual range of cells that will be averaged, if omitted, the range will be used instead.


=COUNT(range) =COUNTIF(range,criteria)
=SUM(range) =SUMIF(range,criteria,sum range)
=AVERAGE(range) =AVERAGEIF(range,criteria,average range)

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