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Port Salford Gateway

Irlam/Barton, Salford
Development Framework
Document PSG1 April 2012
Peel Holdings (Land and Property) Ltd is submitting a suite of documents
in response to the Publication Core Strategy of Salford City Council
(January 2012).

Summary of Case Salford Housing Market Research Study

(Document S1) Turley Associates (Document T4) GVA

A Representations Overview Report Salford West Housing Capacity Study

(Document R1) Turley Associates (Document T5) Turley Associates
This document sets out Peels case with cross
references to supporting documentation DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK REPORTS
Port Salford Gateway
Housing Policy Representations
(Document PSG1) Peel
(Document R2) Barton Wilmore
Port Salford : National Logistics Hub
(Document T1) Peel Hazelhurst
(Document H1) Peel
The Rationale for Expanding Port Salford
(Document T2) Baker Rose

Port Salford : Employment, Gross Value

Added and Business Rates Impact
(Document T3) Amion
01 Introduction and Vision 5

02 Planning Context Summary 11

03 Appreciating the Place and its Assets 17

04 Creating a Framework for Development 31

05 Creating the New Places 41

06 Detailing the New Places 61

07 Deliverability 69

08 Benets 71

00 Contents
Appendix 1:
Sustainability Assessment of Port Salford Gateway 75

Port Salford
Introduction and Vision
This report is prepared on behalf of Peel Holdings (Land and
Property) Ltd (Peel) and should be read alongside Peels
response to the Publication Core Strategy (PCS) see
Document R1. Peels response sets out the reasons why it
considers that the PCS is unsound. It seeks an increase in
the amount and quality of housing and provision for
expansion of Port Salford as a tri-modal logistics and
distribution hub. Peel proposes three Broad Locations
(locations) where development to achieve these aims can

01 Introduction and Vision

take place which would achieve sustainable growth for
Salford and deliver substantial local economic, community
and environmental benets.

The changes Peel requests be made to the PCS to make it

sound are set out in detail in Document R1.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 This report focuses on the Port Salford Gateway increasingly vital for the Region to maintain its
6 location which includes proposals for expansion of competitiveness and reduce CO2 emissions. The Vision
Port Salford as a nationally signicant tri-model The approved Port Salford will result in a very
logistics hub together with up to 1,400 homes to signicant reduction in lorry-km per annum
Sustainable mixed-use development comprising expansion of Port Salford, to
the east of Irlam. It demonstrates how the location travelled on UK roads by enabling more freight
create a nationally signicant tri-modal logistics and distribution hub alongside
is suitable, achievable and available to deliver a to travel by water and rail.
nationally signicant hub and meet some
a new housing community that meets current housing needs and assists in
of Salfords housing needs. It presents an There is a strong economic and environmental securing the regeneration of Irlam.
indicative development framework of the rationale for expansion of Port Salford to
proposed development based on sustainable achieve the critical mass which is essential
design and development principles. It requests in this sector. Delivery of this proposal will
that the Port Salford Gateway be identied as a require release of land from the Green Belt and
Broad Location for this development and establishment of a new permanent Green Belt
supported in principle in the Core Strategy. boundary along the M62. This provides the
basis for also delivering an urban extension of
Port Salford is unique in being a truly tri-modal Irlam for housing. The exceptional circumstances
(ship, rail and road) logistics hub located within the which justify this release and the rationale for
largest conurbation and consumer market outside the proposed new Green Belt boundary are
of London and the South East. It forms part of the set out in Peels response to the PCS
Atlantic Gateway economic growth zone and is Document R1.
supported by Salford City Council. Port Salford
is a key logistics destination linked by the Peels proposals are shown on the illustrative
Manchester Ship Canal (MSC) to the deep sea masterplan at Figure 5.9. These comprise
Port of Liverpool. As such it has the potential to expansion of Port Salford to the west and
be directly connected via the Port of Liverpool to north of City Airport to meet demand for
other UK and European ports by coastal shipping tri-modal logistics and distribution facilities and
services; as well as via transhipment. Port Salford the creation of a residential led urban extension
will become part of the infrastructure of global of Irlam incorporating a broad range of housing
supply chains, both importing and exporting deep together with open space and public realm.
sea and European container ows.

Port Salford will have direct access to the

motorway network, a wharf on the Manchester
Ship Canal (MSC) and a rail terminal that will be
capable of servicing Channel Tunnel trains as well
as other deep-sea ports (and domestic terminals)
within the UK, providing a tri-modal supply chain
offer to manufacturers and retailers that will be
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)


Artist visualisation: Port Salford Gateway view from the east

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)


The Site Report Structure

Port Salford Gateway adjoins the Greater Bridge. It will improve local accessibility and The M62 forms the northern boundary of the The remainder of this report is set out as
Manchester conurbation approximately 10km improve trafc conditions on the M60. location and its embankments are intermittently follows:
to the west of the Regional Centre. It is situated vegetated with maturing woodland.
between Irlam, Eccles and Urmston. Between the A57 and the M62, the three Chapter 2 summarises the planning context
principal land uses are for aviation (City Airport); In landscape terms the location is a zone of
The location is crossed by a number of golf (Boysnope Park), and agriculture. City transition from a rural landscape north of the Chapter 3 describes the Port Salford location
national transport routes including the MSC, Airport Manchester (CAM) serves business, M62 through to urban settlement and activity in terms of its location, environmental
the Manchester-Liverpool railway, the M62 pleasure and emergency services using light alongside, and south of, the A57. character and its relationship to
and M60 motorways and the A57. aircraft and helicopters. The Airport is not neighbouring communities
particularly visible from the A57 although its
Between the A57 and the MSC, some of the use is evident by virtue of the large number Chapter 4 sets out the key principles that
land to the west is currently used for industrial, of small xed winged aircraft and helicopters will inuence layout and design
warehousing, storage and wholesale purposes. that access it.
The Salford City Stadium is just north of the Chapter 5 provides more detail on design
Ship Canal adjacent the M60 Barton Bridge. The proposals for expansion of Port Salford approaches to the Port Salford expansion
Land adjacent to the Stadium has planning would occupy land used for golf and agriculture. zone and the East Irlam Housing Extension
permission for retail development. The area The City Airport would sit centrally within a
west of the Stadium has planning consent nationally signicant tri-modal logistics hub. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 examine the suitability
for Phase 1 of Port Salford, a major tri-modal of the proposals, their deliverability and the
freight warehousing and distribution facility with The eastern fringe of Irlam has amenity green benets they will bring locally and nationally
a new private railway line northwards to the space, including Irlam Football Club and an
Liverpool/Manchester line. associated recreation ground; along with elds
used for horse grazing. The western fringe of
The proposed Western Gateway Infrastructure Peel Green has greenspaces in community
Scheme (WGIS) is being progressed as part of use, including sports pitches at Salford City
the Port Salford scheme. This will enable trafc Academy; and the Peel Green Cemetery which
that currently uses the A57 to bypass Peel is also used for informal walks.
Green and will provide a new crossing over the
Ship Canal for local trafc to the east of Barton
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

r Ra
nch este
l to
Botany Live
Salford City

Figure 1.2 GREEN PSG1

Land Use

Peel Green
Key Cemetery
Proposed Broad Location
Chat Moss
City Airport

Port Salford Phase 1 (consented) City Airport

Salford City Stadium )
57 Salford
Urban Area Foxhill (A
d City Stadium
Glen Roa na

ool Ca

Peel Green Cemetery p
er ip
Liv Sh





Port Salford
Boysnope Park Phase 1
Golf Course




IRLAM Davyhulme Park

Golf Course
Planning context summary
Salford the place
Salford is a city of considerable contrasts. It includes part of the
Greater Manchester Regional Centre which is an economic driver
of national importance and is home to signicant clusters of

02 Planning Context Summary

knowledge based and creative industries which has seen high
levels of job creation in recent years. It also includes a number of
stable and very prosperous communities and high quality urban
and rural landscapes. The City has certain locational advantages
especially in terms of the transport connections, including the
Manchester Ship Canal (MSC) and national rail network, which
make the area around Port Salford Gateway unique.

Alongside the key econmic and infrastructure

assets are areas of longstanding urban decline
and severe deprivation. While economic growth
and urban regeneration of recent decades have
transformed some areas, many parts of the city
are yet to experience real benet from recent
periods of growth and remain vulnerable to
ongoing economic uncertainty.

Despite recent progress, Salfords economic

performance lags behind regional and national
averages average wages in Central Salford
remain lower than the Greater Manchester and
North West average and levels of unemployment
are above the national and regional averages.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 This is despite many new jobs being created in that delivering a plentiful supply of family housing
12 recent years and, in part at least, stems from a is a key priority in support of economic and
mismatch between the skills required for the jobs regeneration objectives. However, recent
being created and those of many of the resident investment in economic projects such as Media
population. Increasing skill levels is therefore a CityUK, has not been matched by provision of
key priority. Retaining existing and maximising enough of the type of housing that those taking
opportunities for new employment of the skill the jobs require.
levels that local people can access should be
part of a holistic economic regeneration strategy. These factors combine to drive high levels of
It is also critical to ensure there are strong links in-commuting to Salford from most parts of
between areas of opportunity and areas of greater Manchester and surrounding boroughs.
need. This is the overarching theme of Salfords While net in commuting to a Regional Centre
Sustainable Community Strategy which is titled is to be expected, the levels experienced in
Connecting People to Opportunities. Salford are disproportionate to the citys
economic performance and reect an
Salford has a history of declining population. unsustainable pattern of development. The
This is a consequence of relative lack of levels of housing and economic development
economic opportunities and a shortage of good proposed in the PCS would lead to increased
quality housing which prompt many economically in-commuting over the Core Strategy period
active people to seek opportunities elsewhere. because they would not balance planned
The socio-economic groups that are most likely economic growth with housing provision.
to leave Salford and are the hardest to attract are
those that have most positive impact on the The PCS recognises the scale of the challenges
regeneration of the city those that relevant and rightly acknowledges that the most
research terms new graduates, family appropriate way to address them is to secure
builders and those involved in the knowledge rapid and sustainable economic growth and
economy1. The loss of such talent is a concern deliver the housing which is needed to support
at Greater Manchester level hence one of the key and facilitate this.
priorities of the emerging Greater Manchester
Strategy is to retain and attract talent. Despite
The Port Salford Gateway proposals can
this, the PCS proposals would result in declining
population in the latter parts of the Plan Period. make an essential contribution to meeting
these policy objectives.
Salfords housing stock is dominated by smaller
terraced housing typical of an industrial city.
There is relatively little family housing and few
neighbourhoods which meet the housing
expectations of the socio-economic groups that 1 The Northern Way Residential Futures: Tribal/Arup/
Salford seeks to attract. The Council recognises CURS. May 2009
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

National Planning Policy Framework

PSG1 Policy themes

The overarching objectives and vision of the
PCS emphasise the delivery of sufcient levels of
housing and economic development to support
The Plan for Growth the sustainable growth of the City. This is broadly
in alignment with the key principles of national
level policy, including the National Planning Policy
Infrastructure UK Framework. However, these positive objectives,
and the key principles of national policy, are not
translated into detailed policies capable of
National Infrastructure Plan 2011 delivering sufcient levels of development on the
community, opportunity, prosperity
ground. In this regard Peel considers the PCS to
be unsound and that its vision and key objectives
will not be achieved.

For this reason Peel is recommending a series of

changes to the PCS required to make it sound,
including increasing the amount of new housing
and employment development the City is
March 2011
planning for. Peel proposes that the new housing
and employment development requirements will
be met partly through the release of land at Port
Salford Gateway to deliver a national logistics
hub as an extension to the permitted Port
Salford scheme, along with up to 1,400 new
high quality family dwellings. This section of
November 2011
the Development Framework therefore considers
the Port Salford Gateway proposals general
compliance with various layers of relevant
national planning and associated policy and
the strategic objectives of the PCS, consideration
of which have informed the changes needed to
make the PCS sound.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Alignment with National Planning Guidance PSG1

The Port Salford Gateway proposals meet the key The proposal will deliver up to 1,400 high separate national policy statements and their The achievement of a further shift from road
objectives of national policy, in particular: quality homes as a sustainable extension role in serving business, leisure, training and freight to more sustainable water and rail
of Irlam and help to meet Salfords housing emergency service needs (paragraph 33). It alternatives will further reduce the amount
The development of a national logistics hub at needs. The site is wholly deliverable (i.e. also states that local authorities should take of lorry trafc in the UK with a signicant
Port Salford Gateway will deliver sustainable suitable, available and achievable), will support account of the need for strategic infrastructure consequent reduction in carbon emissions.
economic development within Salford, and the regeneration of the area by providing for including nationally signicant infrastructure
Greater Manchester providing accessible a more diverse stock of housing and will within their areas (paragraph 162) The delivery of up to 1,400 new dwellings
jobs within a deprived area of Salford and deliver an increase in the local population next to a major new employment location
promoting the regeneration of Irlam and and associated boost to the sustainability and Alignment with Core Strategy Objectives and accompanied by signicant sustainable
Salford West, it therefore accords with viability of local services, thereby supporting transport infrastructure will help to reduce
The Plan for Growth and the core planning the objectives of the NPPF (eg paragraphs The PCS is considered to be unsound in its current high levels of in-commuting to the City. Such
principles at paragraph 12 of the NPPF 23 and 50) form. This unsoundness arises in part from a failure moves towards more sustainable transport
to translate the vision and higher level strategic will minimise the contribution that Salford
The development of a tri-modal national The mixed-use proposal represents a highly objectives into detailed policies which will achieve makes to climate change in accordance
logistics hub presents a unique opportunity sustainable approach to the development the vision of the Core Strategy. It is therefore with PCS Strategic Objective 8.
to facilitate the expansion of port capacity in of the Port Salford Gateway. Housing will benecial to consider the proposed Port Salford
the North of England in accordance with the be provided to support planned economic Gateway in the context of the PCSs strategic level
National Policy Statement for Ports. Port development, attracting future employees objectives which are generally considered to be
Salford phase 1 is supported by the National to the area and thereby ensuring co-location sound and correctly dened for the City.
Infrastructure Plan and has received support of labour and employment, minimising levels
from the Regional Growth Fund programme. of commuting in accordance with the key The Port Salford Gateway proposals meet the key
The NPPF states that the planning systems principles of sustainable development strategic objectives of the PCS, in particular:
should do everything it can to support such (paragraph 17 of the NPPF)
proposals (paragraph 19) The development of a national logistics hub
The need for expansion of Port Salford as a will support high levels of economic growth
The development of a tri-modal national national logistics hub provides an exceptional in accordance with PCS Strategic Objective 2
logistics hub will deliver signicant justication for the release of the necessary
environmental benets, enabling sustainable land from the Green Belt. The signicant The development of a national logistics hub
movement of goods utilising road, rail and economic need for and regeneration benets will signicantly increase the unique competitive
water and located close to major market areas of the proposals outweigh any harm that will advantage of Salford and the wider Manchester
within Greater Manchester and beyond. This be caused to the Green Belt. The proposal City Region in accordance with Strategic
is consistent with the key objectives of the therefore meets the requirements of NPPF Objective 3
NPPFs support for moves towards a low paragraphs 83 85
carbon future (paragraphs 18 and 30) and The delivery of up to 1,400 new dwellings will make
is in accordance with Governments key The NPPF conrms that development plans a signicant contribution to meeting Salfords
objectives as set out in the Strategic Rail should take account of the need for growth housing needs especially for family housing in
Freight Interchange Policy Guidance. of ports (and airports) that are not subject to accordance with PCS Strategic Objective 4
To Southport To Preston To Prestwich
To Leeds

M rw

61 ay

M60 Proposed Broad Location

Urban Area


) Road Infrastructure
(A5 Manchester Ship Canal
16 Oldham Approved Rail connection

City Airport
To Liverpool
M602 To Leeds

chester ECCLES
Man Can
l to hip CITY
rpoo r S
To Liverpool Live est







To Liverpool
and M6

To Liverpool CADISHEAD


5 7)



and M6
To Stockport

To To Manchester torway
To Atlantic
0 1.0 2.5 5.0
Chester M56 Mo Figure 3.1
Altrincham Airport and M6
Strategic Context
Appreciating the place and its assets

03 Appreciating the place and its assets

City context

The Port Salford Gateway Broad Location is situated

RAILWAY between the towns of Irlam, Eccles and Urmston around
LIVERPOO M60 10km west of the Regional Centre. It is bounded by urban
CITY AIRPORT CITY STADIUM development on three sides and by the M62 on the fourth.
CHAT MOSS The location is highly accessible to the Regional Centre
including Salford Quays/MediaCityUK and to other economic
drivers such as Trafford Park and the Trafford Centre.

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)


(X) (X)

(VII) (VII) (V)

Indices of multiple deprivation (VI) ECCLES WARD (X)
X (10% Most Deprived) (IX)

IX (X) (X)
VIII (X) (X)
(X) (IX)


I (10% Least Deprived) (IX)







(VI) (III)
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Economic and social prole PSG1

Irlam and Eccles are both relatively self-contained Port Salford Gateway is located within a part of
towns albeit that Eccles closer relationship with Salford which is within the 10-20% most deprived
the Regional Centre has led to stronger economic nationally with regards to employment; and
and social links. By comparison, Irlam is relatively immediately adjacent areas to the north and
isolated and has beneted less from the improved west within the 3-7% most deprived. The wards
economic prosperity of the Regional Centre. immediately around Port Salford Gateway (Barton,
Eccles, Irlam and Winton) demonstrate particularly
Eccles is a mixed community with areas of high levels of deprivation. Figure 3.2 shows the
good quality and popular family housing close levels of deprivation around the broad location
to areas of high concentrations of deprivation based on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010.
and poorer quality housing. Irlam has a less Table 3.1 highlights how the four closest wards
diverse range of housing and also includes compare to Salford; North West and England
signicant areas of deprivation. averages on various indices.

Table 3.1
Socio-economic prole of wards around Port Salford Gateway

Index Barton Eccles Irlam Winton Salford North West England

Unemployment 6.3 5.1 4.0 5.9 5.2 4.4 3.9

(% December 2011)

% 16-74 year olds with no 37.8 31.3 35.4 39.4 35.5 31.9 28.9

Mortality rate 177 136 107 136 126 112 100

(% vs England average)

Average household income () 27,592 35,149 31,827 29,198 31,345 33,263 35,780
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

ester R
Botany l to
Bay Live
PSG1 Figure 3.3
Social infrastructure
Peel Green
Proposed Broad Location

Chat Moss

Bus Route

Manchester Ship Canal
City Airport

Bus Stop
) Salford

(A City Stadium
P Primary school
s Secondary school ad

ol l

erpo na
Liv Ca

GP Surgery ip


Dental Surgery

Care Home Port Salford nch

Pharmacy Phase 1
Boysnope Park
Post Office
Community centre

Convenience Store
Petrol Station
Built Sports Facilities
Restaurant/public house DAVYHULME


IRLAM Davyhulme Park

Golf Course

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Social Infrastructure Topography and landform PSG1

Irlams local centre is on the A57 Liverpool Road The majority of the location is level. Land rises
about 800m from the southern part of the location very gently from the A57 as one moves north;
and has a good range of local services and with a relative high point east of Irlam around
community facilities (see Figure 3.3). Irlam and Barton Grange (26m above sea level). The M62
its sister town, Cadishead, have seen public and is in a slight cutting and land to the north of it
private-sector investment in housing, commercial irises very gradually,
and retail regeneration during the past few years.
South of the A57, land generally slopes gradually
The area has three primary schools; within down to the Ship Canal. However landform south
1.0km the nearest being 400 m away. Irlam and of the A57 has been signicantly altered with
Cadishead Community High School is the closest construction of buildings, planting of shelter
Secondary and Further Education establishment belts on bunds and tipping of dredgings from
located 2.9km to the south west. There are three the Ship Canal.
convenience stores situated within 0.7km of the
site, doctors surgeries located 0.9km from the site
and a pharmacy within 0.55km. Irlam Library is
situated within 0.5km of the site on Fiddlers Lane.

The new Salford City Stadium is a key sporting

and community facility. This role will be enhanced
once the planned investment in retail development
around the Stadium is complete.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)
to Manchester
and Leeds Railway
ay Connection
es ter R to Manchester
Botany l to


Figure 3.4 GREEN
PSG1 Connection
Connectivity to City
22 Centre
Railway Peel Green
Connection Cemetery
to Liverpool
Chat Moss

City Airport

57 Salford
Key (A
City Stadium


Proposed Broad Location ol na
rpo Ca

Liv Sh

Port Salford Phase 1 (consented)

Port Salford es

Wharf (consented)
Phase 1 Ma

Road Infrastructure to Manchester
Makro Airport and
Manchester Ship Canal M56
Public Right of Way

Existing Bus route & stop

Western Gateway
Infrastructure Scheme (WGIS)
Approved Rail connection DAVYHULME
to Port Salford
Potential A57 dualling and
realignment to avoid private
Potential M62 Link Road
and Junction IRLAM
Potential Access Points

Potential bus route

Motorway Road Ship

Connection Connection Connection to
to Liverpool to Warrington Atlantic
and M6 and M6
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Connectivity and movement PSG1

Port Salford Gateway location has excellent Ship Canal. It will incorporate pedestrian and
strategic transport connections. It has direct cycle facilities which will improve accessibility
frontage to the MSC and therefore direct water across the Ship Canal particularly for trafc
access to the Port of Liverpool see gure 3.4. not allowed on the motorway bridge. This will
It is crossed by the Liverpool-Manchester railway also improve sustainable access to the Salford
which connects to the West Coast Mainline. It City Stadium.
is immediately adjacent to the M60 close to its
interchange with the M62 and has direct frontage These works will improve the operation and
to the A57. reliability of the M60 ows in the Barton Bridge
area and complement the Highways Agencys
The area is well served by public transport. The A57 proposed Managed Motorway System on this
is a dened High Frequency Route and a Key stretch of the M60. WGIS is designed to facilitate
Radial Bus Route with a service every 10 minutes. strategic development within the Port Salford
There is regular, frequent, bus connectivity with Gateway area, subject to scrutiny for each
Eccles Interchange (for rail and Metrolink) and one individual development proposal.
route connects with the Trafford Centre, which is
a Major Transport Interchange. The existing buses Peel is currently progressing an amendment
also route in a loop through the housing areas on to WGIS which will provide the opportunity to
the motorway side. bypass the existing section of the A57 to the
east of Port Salford which has several sub-
The A57 provides a signed footpath/cycleway standard design features, residential frontage
linking Irlam and Eccles on its northwestern footway. and varies between single and dual carriageway.
Four Public Rights of Way (PRoW) cross the farmed There are road connections within the WGIS
areas. They follow former mossland farm tracks and consent to link this new A57 with junctions 10
light railway tracks and form part of an extensive and 11 of the M60.
network of rights of way over Chat Moss.
With this variation, the A57 will be a continual dual
Port Salford Gateway will experience signicant carriageway between Irlam and the M60 except
transport-related changes over the next few years for a short section to the west of Port Salford.
as a consequence of the consented Port Salford
(Phase 1). This consent is supported by a new Salford City Council has previously considered
private rail line, major new highway infrastructure vthe potential to create a link between the M62
(WGIS), and by Travel Plan obligations. and A57 through a new junction on the motorway
and a link road across the proposed development
WGIS involves new local highways, major changes area. Reference to this proposal is made in both
to the M60 and a new opening bridge over the the Salford UDP and the Draft Core Strategy.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

A ay
es ter R
Botany A e rpool t
Bay Liv

M 60

PSG1 Figure 3.5

Landscape context and character
A Peel Green

oo e
Br ltey
Proposed Broad Location

City Airport Chat Moss
City Airport
Port Salford Phase 1 Boy
Broo s
Agricultural Land A k ) Salford
Foxhill 57
Parks and Greenspace
(A City Stadium l
oad na


Site of Biological Importance poo Port Salford hip
er rS Chi

Liv Phase 1 ste

Ship Canal A he Facto



Watercourse Boysnope Park
Golf Course
Public right of way A
Open views
Listed Buildings

Recreation Areas
A Overhead power line
and pylon

M62 in low cutting



IRLAM Davyhulme Park
Golf Course

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Landscape and townscape character Views PSG1

The Salford Landscape Character Assessment semi-detached properties, mostly two-storey. Barton Bridge, Trafford Centre, Trafford Park and A baseline landscape and visual assessment
(LCA) places the agricultural areas of the site in Areas of green space, including Irlam Football Davyhulme to the south and east. has identied a range of potential viewpoints
the Southern Chat Moss Character Area, which Club, a recreation ground and rough grassland and visual receptors that may be affected by the
excludes Boysnope Park Golf Course and the surrounding Fallows Farm provide a buffer to The areas character has a moderate value. The development. These fall into the following classes:
City Airport. The LCAs landscape objectives and properties, along with mature trees on Fiddlers southern areas have a varied and less distinctive
policies are consistent with the sites current Lane and the golf course boundary. character, and the northern area is more distinctive Public views from rights of way, roads,
Green Belt designation, and the LCA notes they as a mossland landscape. motorways, rail-lines, parks, pitches and
may need to be reviewed following preparation of The southern boundary is formed by the A57 open spaces
the Salford Core Strategy. Liverpool Road. The road has an urbanised or The landscape of the location is in fair condition
industrial character, although occasional dwellings due to its transitional setting and land uses. It is Private residential views
The character of the area is partly inuenced by and the Boysnope Park Golf Club provide inuenced by the surrounding agricultural land and Private business views
arable agricultural land in the north, based on the intermittent depth of vegetation. rich peat soils of Chat Moss, as well as its location
dark peaty soils of Chat Moss. This provides a adjacent to the M62, A57, associated industrial
The most sensitive public views are from rights
rural character. However, the formal landscape The eastern boundary is formed by Peel Green. uses, Irlam and Eccles. Based on this the site is
of Boysnope Park Golf Course and the City of way within the site and north-west of the
It includes a sports centre and recreation ground judged to be of moderate sensitivity to change.
Airport introduce a change in character, forming M62; and also from parks and pitches on the
associated with Salford City Academy, Peel Green
a gradual transition from rural to urban where Cemetery and associated mature tree planting edges of Irlam and Eccles. These viewpoints are
the location meets the urbanised A57. adjacent to the site. Beyond this the Brookhouse considered to be of medium sensitivity (using
estate largely consists of two storey terraced and Landscape Institute guidelines). Views from the
The M62 motorway forms the north western semi-detached properties. A57 or the M62 are of low sensitivity, although it
boundary. It is in a shallow cutting with tree and is recognised that the M62 runs through Green
shrub planting meaning it has reduced visual but Further east the Salford City Stadium and the Belt, so the landscape treatment between the
signicant noise impact on the rural atmosphere. M60 Barton Bridge are prominent landmarks, M62 and the development will be important to
It has street lighting along half its frontage with the along with the Trafford Centre and Chill Factor protect the visual quality of Chat Moss.
Port Salford Gateway. indoor ski slope in the middle distance.
Fifteen properties (or groups of properties) within
North of the M62, the Chat Moss farmland is The edges of Irlam, Peel Green and the A57 and around the site have a high sensitivity to
at with an open rural character. The eld pattern generally have a poor visual relationship with visual change.
is rectilinear with boundaries formed by deep the Green Belt, with a range of building styles
ditches, mature hedgerows, trees on eld and boundary treatments, some of which are
boundaries and linear tracks. Some elds in poor condition.
abut isolated blocks of unmanaged woodland.
The axis of the M62 and an overhead 400kV Long views from the north (e.g. from the A580
transmission line cut across the rectilinear eld and the A574 at Boothstown) have a strong
structure, disrupting the pattern of the landscape. foregrounding of woodland on Chat Moss,
with the 400kV overhead line also visible. The
The west of the location is bounded by the edge location is a minor component of the view which
of Irlam which largely consists of 1950s style is backgrounded by the large structures of the
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)


The location is about 3km from the Astley and Farmland birds, such as skylark, lapwing Part of the site lies in Salfords Mossland Policy 1.5 metres of existing soils and ooding of the
Bedford Mosses and the Holcroft Moss SSSIs and linnet, along with brown hare have been area which requires development applications exposed surface. This would not be permissible
which form part of a complex of bogs known recorded in the area, as is typical of Chat to consider whether soils are capable of given the proximity to the airport and the need
as the Manchester Mosses Special Area of Moss. There are records of water vole in the restoration to lowland raised bog habitat. for safeguarding against bird strike hazards -
Conservation (SAC). Due to the distances and farmland ditches. These species are prioritised Chat Moss was once an extensive area of extensive areas of exposed peat and water
lack of hydrological connection, development in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). blanket bog habitat. The Moss, particularly in would attract large ocks of gulls.
in the Port Salford Gateway is unlikely to affect this area, was used from the mid 19 Century
the integrity of the SAC. The golf course contains seven ponds which to the 1940s for deposition of waste, including Even if permissible, successful restoration of
are likely to support amphibians. The presence nightsoil in the Victorian era. It has also been active bog habitat would be unlikely due to
There are no protected areas within the of great crested newts is unknown although the subject of deep drainage and agricultural ambient atmospheric nitrogen levels, especially
location. The Foxhill Glen Site of Biological there are no previous records. The golf course improvements. These activities had led to the close to the M62.
Importance (Grade C) is a small area of woodlands are of relatively recent origin and loss of any bog habitat.
grassland and woodland alongside the Boyles have not yet developed ecological value. Thus in terms of Mossland policy the site has
Brook within the curtilage of the City Airport. Some drainage ditches still show evidence of no potential value for restoration of bog. The
The agricultural land is used intensively and the In summary, there is relatively little present deep peat in the exposed banks but it is very deep peat soils do act as a carbon sink, so the
elds have little botanical value. Several eld ecological interest, although it will be unlikely that bog habitats could be restored carbon sequestration impacts of development
boundaries are formed by ditches and lines of necessary to mitigate the loss of ditches, due to the extent of drainage and nutrient will need to be considered in Environmental
wet woodland, which are prioritised in the mature woodland, ponds and habitats for enrichment that has taken place. Peat Impact Assessment.
Greater Manchester Biodiversity Action Plan. farmland birds and mammals. restoration would involve removal of at least
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)


Civic Greenspace Heritage Airport Safeguarding

The location currently has no public open space. At Eccles, the Peel Green suburb is well provided The City Airport (formerly the Barton aerodrome)
The Boysnope Park Golf Course is privately owned in terms of formal and informal sports facilities and was built in 1930 and was the rst purpose-built
amenity parks and semi-natural greenspaces. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has standard
and managed, although members of the public municipal airport with ight control tower, hangar, requirements in terms of the safeguarding of ight
can use the course on a green fee basis. There are some local deciencies in childrens play. passenger terminal and runways in the UK. The
In fact the majority of provision for Peel Green is paths and management of the area surrounding the
three storey octagonal red brick Air Trafc Control aireld, to reduce the risk of bird strike or accidents
In Irlam, the most signicant civic greenspace is provided between the settlement and the Port
Tower with concrete roof is a Grade II listed to aircraft. Funnel shaped ightpaths (with dened
Princes Park which functions as a town park. It is Salford Gateway proposals in the form of sports
building. The Main Hangar and Workshops obstruction limitation surfaces) are required on
linked to the old River Irwell which still holds water pitches and semi-natural greenspace spaces
and the Ofce Buildings are also Grade II listed. approaches to runways. It is the airport which has
and is used by an angling club. Collectively, the associated with the Brookhouse community
woodland (between the Liverpool-Manchester the responsibility of ensuring these are met and on
Princes Park and the Old River Irwell provide a
Victoria rail line and the M62), the Peel Green advising on potential implications of development
large (over 20ha) semi-natural greenspace.
Cemetery and the Salford City Academy. in the vicinity.
Salfords Greenspace Strategy indicates that Irlam
has a particular deciency of play areas and local The adopted policy for Salford requires the
semi-natural greenspace, but is presently provision of sports pitches and childrens play
adequately served for sports pitches and most facilities in any new residential development.
categories of civic park. Opportunity will also be sought to improve
semi-natural greenspace and footpath connectivity
from Irlam towards Eccles and Chat Moss.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)


Drainage Noise Air Quality Agricultural Land Quality

The land generally drains gradually from north The adjacent transport network is a source Parts of the strategic highway network near the The quality of the agricultural land was tested in
to south with the Ship Canal being the eventual of noise in some parts of the location and broad location experience high volumes of trafc November 2010. The surveys showed evidence
discharge point for various watercourses which appropriate stand-off and mitigation measures and are designated as Air Quality Management of made ground (in the form of night soil and
cross the SDA. This includes Boyles Brook may be required to protect residential amenity. Areas. Any impacts on air quality will need to be dredgings from the adjacent Ship Canal). The
which runs through the aerodrome and some carefully considered as part of the development. levels of heavy metal and other contaminants
other un-named ditches which cross the Appropriate stand-off distances will be needed in arising from these deposits mean the land is
golf course. respect of residential development near the M62. classied as being of Grade 3b in accordance
with DEFRAs classications. It does not
The majority (95%) of the area is within Flood therefore comprise best and most versatile
Zone 1 which is considered to be at low risk of agricultural land.
ooding. Small peripheral areas of the proposed
Port Salford expansion are within Flood Zone 2
which is considered to be at moderate risk of
ooding. This is not a signicant constraint to
development and will be addressed as part
of a detailed Flood Risk Assessment.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Creating a Framework for Development

04 Creating a Framework for Development

Opportunities and constraints
Port Salford Gateway has many attributes and qualities
which enable sustainable development of a nationally
signicant tri-modal logistics hub and associated residential
and greenspace development to benet Irlam and Eccles.
As with any major development area, there are technical
and environmental constraints but these can be overcome
through sensitive layout and design. These opportunities
and constraints are listed overleaf.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Opportunities
32 The consent for Port Salford will deliver over Opportunity for sustainable housing expansion Peaty soils will require special hydrological
3,000 jobs in an area of high unemployment. of Irlam to meet housing requirements and management to prevent drying out
The expansion, which is only possible in this sustain and regenerate the community
location, could create an additional 7,000 jobs. The existing 400kV overhead transmission
Potential to diversify housing stock through line reduces landscape quality and creates
In conjunction with WGIS, the Port Salford consent development of a new neighbourhood of family a 30m-40m undevelopable corridor
will also deliver an enhanced transport infrastructure and affordable housing including elements of
which can facilitate further job creation. aspirational house types

The expanded Port Salford would deliver carbon Potential to create signicant new green Design Vision
saving through fewer lorry-km per annum infrastructure
To expand Port Salford as a nationally signicant tri-modal logistics hub,
The expanded Port Salford can be linked to Constraints well-connected by all modes of transport to national and local networks;
the duty-free red diesel zone permitted by carefully sited and landscaped to mitigate impacts on landscape character
Port Salford, thus enabling economy of internal Road capacity on adjacent motorways is and the amenity of neighbouring settlements.
freight movements. constrained
To create a sustainable residential extension for Irlam, with family and
The broad location is a large and continuous Land is greeneld and part of a wider open
landscape to the south of Chat Moss affordable homes of good architectural quality, linked to new greenspace
open area with few environmental/heritage
which will also benet the towns existing community.
Site currently designated as Green Belt and
The vast majority of the location is in single adjacent to valued landscape and habitats of To create a green infrastructure which will maintain natural systems, improve
ownership Chat Moss connections between Irlam and Eccles, enhance landscape quality and
safeguard the integrity of Chat Moss.
There are no signicant ood risk or ground A57 has sections of single-carriageway and its
contamination issues potential for upgrading to form new accesses
to an expanded Port Salford is currently
restricted by private residential frontages
Opportunity to create a high quality gateway to
Irlam, Eccles, Port Salford and the City Airport
Airport Safeguarding requirements affect
from an upgraded A57
positioning and layout of buildings and
options for biodiversity enhancement
Potential for connection to the M62 creating
another high quality entrance to the area and Development would necessitate loss or
relieving junctions on the M60 relocation of Boysnope Park golf course
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Figure 4.1 PSG1

Opportunities and Constraints
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 A framework for development Structure and Layout Movement and Connections
34 The over-arching principle will be to create a mix The A57 Liverpool Road can be realigned if
The principal urban and landscape design New recreational walking and cycling routes
challenges are to: and diversity of land uses that support the necessary to overcome any capacity or will be provided in new greenspaces, improving
economy of Irlam and Eccles, as well as technical constraints and upgraded to a full dual access between Irlam and Eccles and links to
Create a high quality of entrance and providing a nationally important tri-modal carriageway and will provide separate means Port Salford and Chat Moss.
frontage for Port Salford, the new residential logistics hub to benet Salford and Greater of access to each of the development parcels.
area and City Airport Manchester. Between Irlam and Eccles, land This will overcome the technical constraints The new housing area could be linked to Irlam
uses will be structured as follows: imposed by existing residential frontages. The centre and the A57 by a bus route along
Safeguard and enhance the amenity of development will maximise existing transport Fiddlers Lane.
neighbouring residential areas City Airport Manchester, retained on its capacity and be subject to a rigorous Travel Plan.
existing footprint, north of the A57 A potential movement strategy is illustrated on
Enhance the quality and utility of transport If needed in order to address trafc impacts, Figure 4.2.
links into and between Irlam and Eccles The recently-completed Salford City Stadium there is an opportunity to create a dual
and planned retail development will be carriageway link from the A57 to a new junction
Protect the intrinsic quality of the Chat Moss completed as a further stimulus to growth on the M62, near Irlams eastern boundary.
landscape north of the M62 and regeneration
These improvements will combine with the
Create a transition in character from a rural Port Salford, consisting of: planning permission already granted for WGIS to
to an urban landscape deliver a full-specication dual carriageway with
Port Salford Phase 1 the consented
separate footpath/cycleway between Irlam and
development, south of the A57. This has
the M60 Junction 11, at the same time taking
planning permission for 155,000 sq m of
goods vehicles and through trafc out of
logistics buildings and storage, and a
Peel Green.
private rail link from the Liverpool
Manchester Victoria rail line
The consented rail link for Port Salford will also
enable construction of sidings and railfreight
Port Salford Expansion, north of the
distribution units in the Port Salford Expansion,
A57, providing a further 355,000 sq m
together with a safeguarded red diesel route.
of capacity
Existing public rights of way will be retained and
New residential neighbourhood east of Irlam
enhanced by the creation of additional links for
pedestrians and cyclists between Irlam and
Green infrastructure networks, including
Eccles, using both the A57 and green
woodland buffer zones around the Port
infrastructure buffer zones. The existing bus
Salford Expansion, neighbourhood
routes can easily accommodate a new stop
greenspaces for Irlam and Eccles,
and/or circulation space at the A57 gateway.
naturalistic watercourse corridors and high
Collectively these measures will enable
quality landscape treatment of the A57
sustainable commuting into Port Salford.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)
to Manchester
and Leeds Railway
ay Connection
R ilw
chester to Manchester
Botany l to


Figure 4.2 GREEN
Movement Strategy. Port Salford ECCLES
Expansion site 35
Railway Peel Green
Key Connection Cemetery
to Liverpool
Proposed Broad Location Chat Moss
Railway Infrastructure

City Airport
Road Infrastructure )
57 Salford
(A City Stadium
Manchester Ship Canal


Public Right of Way pool na
r Ca

e Port Salford
Liv ip

Phase 1 h
Port Salford rS

Bus route & stop

Western Gateway
Expansion site che

Infrastructure scheme (WGIS) Ma
Approved Rail connection Motorway
Potential A57 Dualling and Connection
Realignment to Manchester
Makro Airport and
Potential M62 Link Road
Proposed M56
Potential Bus Route Residential
Potential Access Points

Gateway Entrance
Port Salford Phase 1
Proposed Port Salford Expansion FC
Proposed Residential Development

Wharf (consented)
Potential rail sidings

Connection Road
to Liverpool Connection
and M6 to Warrington
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Landscape and Visual Considerations Design principles are listed below, with detail in chapter 5. The Natural Environment
36 A high quality landscape will: The northern part of the site has remnants
Irlam a strong woodland buffer along the A57 Liverpool Road a high quality
of a degraded mossland ecosystem with local
western edge of the Port Salford Expansion, boulevard landscape with a separate
provide a robust green infrastructure, interest in the form of ditches, ponds, mature
and high quality civic greenspaces in the footpath/cycleway and excellent boundary
maintaining and enhancing natural systems woodlands and farmland birds and mammals.
residential extension, including retention of treatment that creates a consistent rhythm
(biodiversity, surface water, climate To ensure no net loss of biodiversity and to
mature trees, with provision for circular of movement. Gateways to the main
management) create a robust functioning ecosystem,
walking and cycling routes and continued development areas will use high quality
development will adopt the following principles:
access to Chat Moss materials to reect local architectural
mitigate adverse visual impacts of
and heritage inuences, and create
development Mature trees, woodlands and existing
Peel Green, Eccles open land east of the distinctive character
ditches will be retained where possible
Port Salford Expansion will provide multi-
create distinctive character and setting for
functional green infrastructure with sport, Port Salford Expansion the A57 frontage
the different land uses, adding quality to the New native species woodlands with
allotment, orchard and community meadows, will include a high quality of landscaping
area and encouraging inward investment structural diversity (edge, core, glades) will
complementing existing open spaces and architectural detailing, including siting
be created
of ofces, atriums and fenestration on
provide enhanced opportunities for elevations facing the road. The frontage
Private Residential Properties close to Port
recreation and sustainable travel for residents Open spaces will include meadows, hedges,
Salford Expansion high quality boundary would include landscaped car parks to
of Irlam and Eccles orchards
treatment and dense woodland planting create an adequate separation between
adjacent to the dwellings the road and buildings. Other boundaries
safeguard the integrity of the landscape of would be formed by strong landscape Swales will form part of the structural
Chat Moss, north of the M62 buffer zones landscape (large open waterbodies are not
Chat Moss the rural character and quality
possible due to airport safeguarding)
will be safeguarded by a strong woodland
buffer south of the M62, enhanced Landscape Character and Heritage a
rectilinear development pattern, typical of Explore necessary ecological mitigation or
farmland management north of the M62
the Mosslands, can be recreated using compensation on Chat Moss
and provision of high quality greenspace
networks east of Irlam to help absorb future building lines and belts of woodland
demand for doorstep walks. Sensitive planting, avenues, hedges and swales within The Green Infrastructure Strategy plan
landscape treatment of the potential new Port Salford Expansion. Building styles (Figure 4.3) illustrates the design principles to
M62 junction would minimise the visual appropriate to c19 mossland farmsteads, safeguard and enhance the areas landscape
impact of the overbridge and lighting the 1930s civic architecture of the airport or quality, biodiversity, heritage, access and
the late Victorian Ship Canal can be picked greenspace provision.
up in the detailing of residential areas and
development gateways.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Botany Man
l to
Bay rpoo

Figure 4.3 PSG1

Green Infrastructure Strategy

Peel Green
Key Cemetery

Indicative Building Parcels Chat Moss

Existing Woodland
City Airport
City Airport
Port Salford Phase 1 Foxhill (A Salford
Glen City Stadium
Agricultural Land ad na
l Ro Ca


er ip
Liv Port Salford Sh

Open Greenspace r

Phase 1

Proposed Meadow Grassland anc


Proposed Structural Planting

Proposed Tree Planting

Water Course Makro

A57 Landscape Corridor

Proposed Sport Pitches

Proposed NEAP Play Area

Proposed LEAP Play Area DAVYHULME


IRLAM Davyhulme Park

Golf Course
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Recreation Sustainability

38 The loss of Boysnope Park golf course is not All buildings will be designed and built to high
considered likely to lead to a shortfall of golf architectural and environmental standards
provision in the area. An assessment would including all housing achieving at Least Code
be undertaken of golf supply and demand for Sustainable Homes Level 3 and appropriate
before planning permission is granted and if compliance with BREEAM standards for energy
concluded necessary, a condition precedent efciency, building orientation, use of renewable
requiring the provision of a satisfactory sources of energy and provision for recycling of
replacement facility could be imposed water and waste heat.
on any planning permission.

The development will meet local and strategic

greenspace needs including:

New play areas, pitches and accessible

semi-natural greenspace in the residential
area east of Irlam

Dedication of land east of Port Salford

Expansion for community benet to add
value to the existing resource of open
spaces comprising Salford City Academy
elds, Brookhouse community woodland
and Peel Green Cemetery and create a
strategic green infrastructure resource
over 20ha in extent.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Development Framework
M60 North

Development will deliver a mixture of spaces

and uses, as illustrated on the Strategic
Development Framework Drawing:
National logistics hub (rail, canal and
road-served industrial, storage and ay PSG1
ter Railw
distribution uses, with ancillary ofces) ches
o l - Man PEEL 39
85 hectares rpo

Residential around 45 hectares Port Salford

An upgraded A57, with additional potential
to create a link road to a new junction on
the M62

Green infrastructure, including woodlands, City Airport

footpath/cycleways and community City Stadium

Port Salford Port Salford

Expansion Phase 1
Figure 4.4
Strategic Development Framework
M60 South

Port Salford Phase 1 Existing Bus route & stop

Proposed Port Salford Expansion A57 Liverpool Road Improvements

City Airport Western Gateway

Infrastructure Scheme (WGIS)
Urban Area Approved Rail connection
to Port Salford

Proposed Residential Potential M62 Link Road

Potential Access Points
Green Infrastructure
Gateway Entrance
Ship Canal IRLAM
Local Centre
Wharf (consented)
Town Centre
Public Right of Way

Detailing the Place
Port Salford Expansion
The detailing of the scheme would accord with Shaping Salford,
the Citys urban design guidance, which sets out principles
applicable to the City as a whole and to Irlam and Cadishead.

05 Detailing the Place

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 High quality multi-modal infrastructure

42 The technical and transport requirements
for the Port Salford Expansion have been
investigated by Peel and its team. Key
elements of design are:

Direct internal access and connections to

the wharves on the Manchester Ship Canal

A private rail connection from Port Salford

Phase 1, provided by a bridge over the A57,
using the consented rail corridor from the
Liverpool-Manchester Victoria line

A red diesel route integrating Port Salford

Phase 1 with the proposed expansion

Upgrading and realigning the A57 Liverpool

Road to provide a bespoke highway access
which connects to the M60 while avoiding
residential areas

Safeguarding of a potential dual carriageway

link from the A57 to a new junction on
the M62
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Connection ay
to Manchester hester R
and Leeds Man
l to
Bay L

Figure 5.1 PSG1
Port Salford
Railway Connection
Key to Liverpool

Motorway Connection
to Manchester Airport
Existing Railway Line
Chat Moss and M56
Manchester Ship Canal

Proposed Access to Port Salford

Phase 1
City Airport
Approved Rail Connection

Gateway Entrances

A57 Liverpool Road Improvement Salford

Western Gateway City Stadium
Infrastructure Scheme (WGIS)

Potential M62 Link Road

Port Salford Port Salford

Proposed Internal Roads Expansion Phase 1

Proposed Red Diesel Route

M an



Motorway Irlam
Connection FC

to Liverpool
and M6

IRLAM To Atlantic
To M6
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)



PSG1 Figure 5.2

To Eccles and City
Port Salford Expansion
44 Port Salford
Peel Green
Key Cemetery
Bus Route and Stops (No.67&100)

A57 Footpath/Cycle Links

Chat Moss
Local Footpath/Cycle Links

City Airport

City Stadium

Ro Port Salford
Port Salford rpool Phase 1 na
Expansion Liv
e Ca
7 hip
A5 rS

Potential bus



To Irlam and
IRLAM Warrington
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Local Movement and Connections Green Infrastructure and Landscape Quality Gateways and Frontage Internal landscape PSG1
To maximise opportunities for sustainable travel, Landscape design comprises the following The realignment and upgrading of the A57 offers The following principles will help to create a
key elements of design are: elements: an opportunity to create a high quality dual- strong internal landscape:
carriageway boulevard with a separate footpath/
Provision for diversion of bus services into High quality landscape treatment of the A57, cycleway. This will result in a considerable A rectilinear pattern, typical of the
the development the Port Salford Gateway and road frontage improvement on the present discordant variety of Mosslands, can be recreated along an
industrial and storage uses. The gateway and the axis parallel with the M62/A57
A new full-specication footpath/cycleway Strong internal landscape structure, using boundary treatment to the Port Salford Expansion
adjacent the realigned A57 between Irlam boulevard treatments, swales and robust will incorporate design detail to reect local The development will provide a high quality,
and Eccles landscapes to parking areas transport heritage inuences e.g. late-Victorian safe and attractive environment for workers
Mosslands and Manchester Ship Canal inuences and visitors
Footpath/cycleway links in green corridors Careful planning of building layouts, scale and (through use of brick, iron and timber); or 1930s
from Irlam to Eccles using the buffer zone massing civic architectural styles seen at City Airport. Individual units will be linked by an internal
adjacent the M62, Barton Moss Road and network of streets to enable walking
the right of way along the northern edge of Robust woodland buffer zones between the The gateway also offers an opportunity for a and cycling
City AirportGreen Infrastructure and development and Irlam, Chat Moss and landmark building, perhaps using B1/B2 uses
Landscape Quality adjacent private residential properties incorporated into a B8 unit; with distinctive Natural surveillance will be promoted by
architectural detailing (e.g. atriums, fenestration arranging buildings with excellent frontages
Community greenspace buffer zone between on key elevations). to footpaths and car parking spaces
the development and Peel Green

Provision for biodiversity in the buffer zones

and through farmland management north of
M62 to offset impacts on priority species
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Scale and Massing Buffer zones and biodiversity

46 The Green Infrastructure Strategy plan
Careful design will be needed to avoid
oppressive frontages or discordant scale. (Figure 5.3) indicates how quality and diversity
Such techniques include: of landscape in and around Port Salford
expansion can be delivered.
Adequate distances from roads and public
spaces to create a visual buffer The new woodlands will be of native species
characteristic of the mossland ecosystem
Signicant landscape provision along site (e.g. downy and silver birch, alder, and willows)
boundaries to distract from the scale of
the buildings Naturalistic swales in the structural landscape
around and within the development plots
Treatment of elevations and facades to
avoid box-like appearances e.g. through New sections of hedgerows and meadow
fenestration, cantilevering of canopies, grasslands can incorporate a variety of
external atriums and use of colour indigenous species to promote bio-diversity

Orientation of the buildings to create

a consistent rectilinear pattern.

Gateway buildings and boundary

treatments to create landmarks of high
architectural quality

Section through motorway and Port Salford Expansion (not to scale)

Woodland buffer planting with
understorey planting and Informal open space
ground cover of meadow grass comprising meadow

Individual/scattered trees
Motorway Motorway
embankment with M62 Motorway embankment with
Agricultural land
existing colonised existing colonised
scrub scrub


Ground modelling to assist Footpath/Cycle route

Public Right
screening of development
of Way
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)



Figure 5.3 PSG1

Port Salford Expansion:
Green Infrastructure
Peel Green
Manchester Ship Canal Chat Moss
Motorway Connection
A57 Liverpool Road Improvement to Manchester Airport
and M56
Existing Woodland/Trees
City Airport
Proposed Greenspace

Proposed Meadow Grassland

Proposed Structural Planting
Foxhill City Stadium
Proposed Tree Planting Glen

Proposed Gateway Landscape
Port Salford

ol R Phase 1



p Ca


Residential Area



Davyhulme Park
IRLAM To M6 Golf Course
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Port Salford Expansion Masterplan

The masterplan at Figure 5.4 indicates a potential layout
for the Port Salford expansion, in line with the design
principles and standards described in chapter 4 and
in the preceding narrative.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Connection ay
to Manchester
and Leeds Man
Botany l to
Bay Live

o to
Figure 5.4 PSG1
Port Salford Expansion:
Indicative Masterplan
Railway Connection
to Liverpool
Peel Green
Key Cemetery

Chat Moss
Road and Railway Transport
Manchester Ship Canal

Port Salford Phase 1 City Airport

Proposed Access to Port Salford
Development Site
Approved Rail Connection Salford
Foxhill City Stadium
Potential Vehicular
Gateway Entrances

A57 Liverpool Road Improvement

Port Salford

Western Gateway Phase 1

Infrastructure Scheme (WGIS)

Potential M62 Link Road

Proposed Red Diesel Route na
p Ca
Existing Woodland/Trees
n ch
Proposed Greenspace

Proposed Meadow Grassland

Proposed Structural Planting

Proposed Tree Planting

Bus Route and Stops

Local Footpath/Cycle Links


Motorway Irlam

Connection FC
to Liverpool

and M6

Davyhulme Park
IRLAM Golf Course
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 East Irlam Housing Area

A well-connected place Landscape, Green Infrastructure and Quality Scale and Massing

The new housing is well-connected to Irlams Walking and cycling will be encouraged through The residential extension will add value to Irlam The following principles will inform the design of
existing local facilities and services. The main the following measures: by creating a distinctive housing vernacular and the new housing:
gateways are: a robust green infrastructure network which
Access into Irlam via the four gateways listed includes provision for: The pre-dominant scale of the development
The principal access from the A57, opposite above will be of two-storey houses
Boysnope Wharf Retention of mature woodlands and trees,
Existing rights of way from Irlam onto Chat and a selection of young woodlands from Courtyard and mews styles will be needed
A secondary access from Fiddlers Lane, Moss will be retained and enhanced the golf course landscape on selected main street frontages to
which would include pedestrian, cycle and replicate the mossland vernacular
bus connections with the adjacent parts A new footpath/cycleway from Irlam to Enhancement of existing rights of way
of Irlam Eccles and the Port Salford Expansion along Two to three-storey townhouses may be
the upgraded and realigned A57 New footpath/cycleway connections in appropriate near the A57 at the site entrance.
A pedestrian / cycle access at Silver Street green corridors
A new footpath/cycle link from Irlam to Occasional large buildings will create local
A greenway onto the A57 Eccles and the Port Salford Expansion, Diversication of the overhead line easement focal points
using the green corridor provided by the to reduce its stark character and introduce
The road layout of the new development will be landscape buffer alongside the M62 new habitats and play spaces Housing layout will maximise frontage onto
calmed through design measures to prevent green infrastructure
rat-running from Irlam along Fiddlers Lane Circular footpath/cycleways in new Childrens play areas to meet need and
towards the A57. greenspaces address existing deciencies. Street frontages should g be ne-grained
and facades should provide a structure with
A sports pitch some vertical and horizontal sub-division

Small wetlands and swales

Strong structural woodland buffer zones

against the M62, Port Salford and the M62
Link Road
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Port Salford Expansion



Figure 5.5 PSG1

East Irlam Housing Area:


Local Connections

Chat Moss
Ship Canal

Public Rights of Way

A57 Liverpool Road Improvements

A57 Footpath/Cycle Links

Existing Main Bus Route

Potential New Bus Route

Potential M62 Link Road

Residential Area

Port Salford expansion

ol R
Internal Road Structure Wharf

Proposed Footpath/Cycleway

Principal Vehicular

Gateway Entrance

Local Light Vehicular Entrance FC

Pedestrian/Cycle Entrances



Town Centre


Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Buffer Zones and Biodiversity

52 The following principles will ensure biodiversity
is enhanced and managed:

The shelterbelts and farmsteads of Gladwyns

Farm and Barton Grange will be retained and
used as focal points in internal views

A substantial new landscaped buffer will be

created between the eastern edge of the
residential area and Port Salford

New areas of public open space and amenity

land will incorporate diverse new habitats
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Port Salford Expansion

Figure 5.6 PSG1

East Irlam Housing Area:

Green Infrastructure

Chat Moss
Existing trees/woodland blocks

Proposed green space and

green corridors

Proposed tree planting Barton Grange

Proposed Structure planting

Proposed Swales and Ponds

Gateway Entrances

Proposed sports pitches

ol Roa
Proposed NEAP Play Area

Proposed LEAP Play Area Boysnope

A57 L

s Lane


Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Illustrative Masterplan

The masterplan at Figure 5.7 shows indicative transport and green infrastructure
for the residential development, with an illustration of possible development parcels.
Within the overall concept of a broad range of family housing, including elements of
aspirational housing three character types are proposed.

Family streets typically semi-detached Affordable units would be dispersed amongst

two-storey houses with occasional mews and/ the whole scheme, including all types and sizes
or detached units. These would be delivered at of property, in accordance with the relevant
a density of 35 to 40 dwellings per hectare (dph) standards to be agreed with Salford City
Council at the time of development.
Avenues and Groves areas where there is
more mature vegetation and/or frontage onto An indication of density and character is shown
greenspaces would be of lower density, with on Figure 5.8. Overall, it is considered the
a mix of detached and semi-detached units, location could deliver around 1,400 homes.
typically at a density of 30 dph

Home-zone typically of medium density

housing including mews and some apartments
up to 4 storeys in height. These areas could be
delivered at around 45 dph on parts of the sites
closer to Irlam and the A57. These areas could
include any local retail or community facilities.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Port Salford Expansion

Figure 5.7 PSG1

East Irlam Housing Area:

Indicative Masterplan

Chat Moss
Existing trees/woodland blocks

A57 Liverpool Road Improvements

A57 Footpath/Cycle Links Barton Grange

Potential M62 Link Road

Existing Main Bus Route

Potential New Bus Route

Proposed Residential Development

Proposed Internal Roads

Proposed Footpath/Cycle Network

Proposed green space and
green corridors

Proposed tree planting

Proposed Structure planting

Proposed Swales and Ponds



Gateway Entrances

Proposed sports pitches Lane


Proposed NEAP Play Area



Proposed LEAP Play Area

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Port Salford Expansion

PSG1 Figure 5.8

East Irlam Housing Area:


Density and Character Zones
Chat Moss
Key Makro
Homezone and Urban Core

Avenues and Groves

Barton Grange
Family Streets
Parcel 6
Parcel 3

Parcel 1

Parcel 7 Boysnope
Parcel 4

Parcel 2 Wharf

Irlam Parcel 5






Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Port Salford Gateway Masterplan PSG1

The above narrative sets out how the component
parts of the Port Salford Gateway would be
detailed to achieve the design vision. The
composite masterplan at Figure 5.9 brings
together the two components to illustrate how the
place would function as a well-integrated place,
contributing to Irlam and Eccles, while providing
a nationally-signicant tri-modal logistics hub.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Botany l to
Bay Live


PSG1 Figure 5.9

Port Salford Gateway:

Illustrative Masterplan
Peel Green
Chat Moss
Proposed Broad Location

Existing Woodland City Airport

City Airport )
Foxhill (A Salford
Port Salford Phase 1
Glen City Stadium
ad na
l Ro Ca

Salford City Stadium

er ip
Liv Port Salford Sh

Urban Area ter

Phase 1 es


Agricultural Land

Open Greenspace

Proposed Meadow Grassland

Proposed Structural Planting

Proposed Tree Planting

Water Course

A57 Landscape Corridor

Motorways Irlam
Western Gateway FC
Infrastructure Scheme (WGIS)
Approved Rail connection
to Port Salford
IRLAM Davyhulme Park
Potential M62 Link Road
Golf Course
Proposed Sport Pitches

Proposed NEAP Play Area

Proposed LEAP Play Area

Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Artist visualisation:
Port Salford Gateway view from the west
Suitability Assessment
As a place for people Sustainable economic development

Port Salford will be the UKs rst tri-modal Port Salford will require additional expansion land
Port Salford Gateway is a unique mixed use opportunity for (served by short sea-shipping; rail and road) over the remainder of the plan period. Its unique
employment and housing. A Sustainability Assessment of the logistics hub. The combination of unrivalled locational characteristics and evidence of market
proposed development is set out at Appendix 1. connections to national and international demand for this type of facility justify its
transport networks and proximity to major expansion. Such expansion will deliver major
conurbations and markets mean that no other social and economic benets to the area around
location in the UK is capable of delivering this Barton, in particular the communities of Irlam and
type of facility. Its delivery is a key component Eccles, by delivering a wide range of jobs in an

06 Suitability Assessment
of the National Infrastructure Plan and has area of high unemployment. It is estimated that
attracted support from the Regional Growth the expansion of Port Salford would create
Fund and Salford City Council. around an additional 7,000 jobs. This would
represent a signicant boost to Salfords
There is considerable and growing demand economic performance and support
for this type of facility and the approved Port ongoing regeneration.
Salford scheme will be delivered within the early
part of the plan period. It will create over 3,000 Expansion of Port Salford is consistent with
jobs. These jobs will be in a part of the borough national Government policy and the objectives
where there are higher concentrations of of the Core Strategy and would deliver
unemployment and will include roles requiring signicant economic benets for the region.
a range of skills including many which will offer
particular opportunities for those with relatively
low skill levels.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Meeting housing needs Affordable housing Sustainable regeneration Community infrastructure
62 The proposed broad location is able to deliver Development of this scale would also be able This type of mixed-use development would The proposed housing location is well related
a cohesive new neighbourhood as an urban to deliver a signicant number of affordable help to tackle local regeneration challenges to Irlam and accessible to existing local facilities.
extension of Irlam. It would incorporate a broad homes. These could include a variety of size by bringing signicant new population and The town centre, schools, community, healthcare
range of housing type and size in a well designed and type and provide both rented and shared supporting local services and community and recreation facilities are all accessible to
and sustainable neighbourhood. Based on equity tenures as appropriate to respond to facilities. The locations ability to achieve these the proposed housing. It is also well served
evidence of housing needs, the focus would be the latest evidence of needs in the area. The outcomes is evidenced by the Councils own by existing public transport services which
on the provision of good quality family housing availability of this affordable housing would assessment of the development opportunities could be enhanced and expanded to serve
which would diversify the current housing stock of be secured in perpetuity through appropriate within this location as contained within Annex A the new housing.
Irlam and address a broader need to re-balance planning controls and management. of the Draft Core Strategy Sustainability
the housing stock of Salford. The mix would be Appraisal Report (November 2009). Housing development on the scale proposed
able to accommodate a range of housing and The proposed expansion of Irlam could help to offers scope to deliver complementary
address needs for smaller starter homes, including meet the identied need for affordable housing The expanded Port Salford would reduce community infrastructure. The principal objective
apartments, and for retirement and specialist in Salford. the need for transport of freight by lorries. It is would be that new population supports the
housing and family housing. Elements of estimated that Port Salford expansion would delivery and viability of existing services within
aspirational housing would be possible. result in a signicant further reduction in annual Irlam particularly the existing town centre which
Lorry-km on top of the affect of the approved has experienced signs of decline in recent years.
The Port Salford Gateway can help to address scheme. The provision of housing next to It is estimated that the housing scheme would
Salfords housing needs deliver the Councils employment is a fundamental principle of increase population by 3,220 people. This would
objective of a plentiful supply of family housing sustainable development and helps to minimise increase available consumer spending in Irlam by
in Salford West. the need to travel. Creating a mixed-use around 15.2 million per annum and would be a
development in this location is a highly signicant boost for local retailers and
sustainable way to help deliver the needs businesses.
of Salford for growth within a deprived part
of the City. Where necessary, the delivery of new housing
would incorporate investment in enhanced or
The proposed Port Salford Gateway new facilities whether by investment in off
development complies with national policy on site provision or through providing land and/or
achieving mixed use development and reducing premises for new facilities. This could include
the need to travel. for example additional GP provision, dentist
or other healthcare facilities and/or investment
in existing community centres, leisure facilities,
public realm or such other facilities as may
be found appropriate in consultation with the
local community.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Recreation Enhanced bus services Exceptional circumstances PSG1

Salfords Greenspace SPD identies that Irlam The development would support improvements It is recognised that the land for both housing and
Should the scale of housing generate the need
for additional school capacity, there are options and Cadishead have a generally good amount in public transport provision. Much of the area is employment is located within the Green Belt, and
for extending existing schools or constructing of open space but of low recreational value. The already well served by high frequency bus routes. that its loss will have an impact on the Green Belt.
a new school within the wider area. Appropriate area is poorly provided for in respect of equipped The planned development would build on existing However, exceptional circumstances to justify
provision would be made for this as part childrens areas of play and facilities for youths sustainable transport strategies, including the Green Belt release through a boundary review are
of the allocation of particular parcels of and adults e.g. tennis courts, bowling greens Travel Plan for the approved Port Salford, to further considered to exist (as set out in Peels
land for development. and multi-use games areas. The delivery of reinforce these services. The proposed housing representations See Document R1).
high quality housing and employment would development would be designed to enable full
The development would support the vitality and incorporate accessible open space and access by either new or diverted bus services
viability of Irlam town centre and help to improve recreational facilities. This would include new providing connections to Irlam town centre, the
the sustainability of the community by making equipped play areas and playing eld provision Regional Centre and other signicant community
appropriate provision for improved and to help address existing gaps in provision. It can and leisure facilities.
additional community infrastructure and also be designed to link in with existing spaces
recreation facilities. and facilities, thereby providing future residents The area is already well served by public transport
and workers with new and enhanced and the proposed development could sustain even
recreational opportunities. better provision.

The loss of Boysnope Park Golf Course as a

recreation facility is necessary to bring forward the
employment and housing components. There are
25 other golf courses within a 20 minute drive time
of the existing course and it is considered unlikely
that the loss of the course would result in a
deciency of provision. It is recognised that a
more detailed assessment of the issues will be
necessary at Allocation stage. If this shows an
ongoing need for the facility suitable replacement
provision will be made.

The proposed development would address

deciency in equipped play provision and ensure
no adverse impact on provision.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 As technically acceptable and Landscape and visual Ecology Public transport
64 deliverable The farmed parts of the broad location lie within The broad location has relatively little existing The creation of Port Salford includes a
the southern Chat Moss Landscape Character biodiversity value. Local interest is found in comprehensive Travel Plan aimed at ensuring
sub-area, typied by open views and a rectilinear ditches, mature trees, ponds and a relatively high standard accessibility for non-car borne
eld pattern, punctuated by isolated farmsteads. limited range of farmland birds and mammals. journeys and to discourage unnecessary car
This character, which is very strong north of the journeys. The Travel Plan will build on the existing
M62, breaks down in the broad location due to The development is too distant and excellent bus accessibility in the A57 corridor.
the axis and inuence of the M62, agricultural hydrologically disconnected to have an adverse
changes, golf course construction, the overhead effect on the Manchester Mosses Special Area The Port Salford Travel Plan will be targeted
transmission line and the visibility of the A57 and of Conservation. with the following actions, all of which would
the settlement edge at Irlam. be applicable and more viable with the delivery
The green infrastructure for the scheme would of the proposed mixed-use development:
The development would change the character provide new and enhanced woodlands, ditches
of the landscape but it would be possible to retain and wetlands to mitigate for local habitat losses. additional bus services and improved bus
or create elements which are characteristic of a Peel owns farmland on Chat Moss which can frequencies if capacity becomes an issue,
Mosslands character in the layout and the be subject to habitat enhancements to mitigate also tied into obligations for additional local
architectural detailing. or compensate for on site impacts. services attached to the retail development
consent at the Stadium site
The development would include the creation of The proposals accord with local policy and the
a new green infrastructure which incorporates a National Planning Policy Framework in respect the construction of WGIS which provides a
strong woodland buffer between the Port Salford of ecology. more direct link to the Trafford Bus Station,
expansion and the M62, safeguarding the integrity to add to and improve the existing bus
of Chat Moss to the north. connections; and also the longer term
potential of an extension to Barton from
The development would provide the opportunity Trafford Park of Metrolink or an alternative
to create enhanced and new rights of way in a Express Busway
green setting, improving the connections between
Irlam and Eccles, and linkages to Chat Moss. an internal shuttle bus service connecting
the logistics hub with the external accesses
and bus stops on the A57 and with local
convenience facilities

this bus service then becoming a night time

demand responsive employee service outside
commercial services operating hours;
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Road access PSG1

improved crossing facilities on the A57, The proposed delivery of Port Salford Gateway
west within a short bus ride. The centre of Irlam the WGIS Design Group, Peel has prepared a
close to conveniently located new QBC- has most services for a residential development includes the upgrading of the existing A57 to contingency plan and associated safeguarding. This
standard bus stops and will be accessible via Fiddlers Lane, which dual carriageway in this location as far as the would involve the construction of a new junction on
will be the route of a new bus service. Cadishead Way gyratory at the eastern end of the M62 at the eastern end of Irlam, with a link road
improved pedestrian and cyclist routes on Irlam. In order to be able to deliver this, Peel is connecting it with the A57, the Western Gateway
external roads and high standard facilities The intention is to enhance the existing bus proposing a realignment of the existing Link (WGL) if they are proven to be required. This
on-site; and services in Irlam to include a new route through carriageway slightly to the north. junction would be located between the existing
the proposed housing area, which would then M62 junctions 11 and 12, with sufcient distances
a car parking permit-based management have local connectivity with the existing facilities in With this improvement, which would maintain in accordance with design guidance, between both.
strategy; with permits only issued on a Irlam, via Fiddlers Lane and the proposed primary access for existing frontage sites, there is the
sustainable travel opportunity points access on the A57. This would also enhance the expectation that, subject to further detailed The junction, and the WGL, can be delivered on
scoring basis and car sharing; and with bus accessibility for existing residents of this part consideration of the operation of Junction 11, land in Peels control or within public highway.
off-site parking controls and penalties of Irlam. (which is to be improved and signalised as
part of WGIS), the strategic road network can The concept of a new M62 junction to the west
Provision is made in the Port Salford Phase 1 The existing A57 has some priority cycle lanes accommodate the proposed development. of the M60 interchange is not new; it has been
and WGIS planning permission to continue the and these will be enhanced by the WGIS scheme. promoted by SCC (including in the current UDP)
proposed Trafford Centre Metrolink line over the Any bypassed sections of the current A57 could The previous detailed trafc forecasting and and has been referenced in this draft Core
new Manchester Ship Canal Bridge to the Salford become very cycle friendly as well as providing analyses indicate this expectation, particularly as Strategy process:
Bank. The preferred route beyond the canal more reliability for bus services. the Port Salford operation will be 24 hour/7 days
crossing has not yet been determined by Transport a week, with no large concentration of generated in the current UDP, Policy A9 states that
for Greater Manchester. The current proposals do The WGIS route over the Ship Canal also trips in the conventional highway peak periods. positive consideration will be given to a
not constrain future expansion options to either provides new cross-Canal pedestrian and cyclist link road between the A57 and the M62
east (connecting with the existing Eccles line) or connectivity, which will signicantly help local The Port Salford expansion trafc to/from the at Barton ...
west (to Irlam and Cadishead). non-car trips given their prohibition on the M60 (north), M62 and M602 will, however,
motorway bridge. route through Junction 11. The junction, when in the current Draft Core Strategy Preferred
The existing and expanded Port Salford Travel improved, has limited spare capacity and no Options document, paragraph 12.37 stated
Plan would also have spin-off benets for the In terms of employment for residents in the scope for further capacity enhancement. that SCC will keep under review whether the
proposed housing area on the east of Irlam, proposed housing, the nearest major locations Additional capacity will be released with a provision of a new road link between the M62
given the improved bus services and local Port would be Port Salford and Trafford Park. proposed change to the WGIS consent in and A57 at Barton, including a new junction on
Salford shuttle buses running within the site, These two strategic employment areas will Trafford at Junction 10, with the inclusion of the M62 motorway, is required to improve the
and connecting with nearby residential areas and have excellent multi-modal connectivity with a new sliproad. This will be the subject of a effective functioning of the highway network in
local facilities which employees would want to use. Irlam, as described above. planning application in Summer 2012, following this part of the conurbation
joint comprehensive modelling and analysis by
The proposed housing area is well located for Peel and the Highway Authorities. the Preferred Options Document goes on
convenient access to typical destinations and to say that it may be necessary to evaluate the
services. There are existing Primary Schools within Given some uncertainty regarding the operation effectiveness of the implemented WGIS before
close proximity and Senior Schools to east and of Junction 11, prior to detailed examination by this can be done
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Flood Risk Noise Air Quality

66 The proposed broad location can minimise the Parts of the area nearest to th M62 and A57 Port Salford will reduce the number of length of
This is consistent with the contingency
approach being proposed by Peel. It is also risk and impact of ooding as it is located experience trafc noise. No new housing is lorry miles needed to support supply chains to
consistent with the joint working between Peel outside a 1 in 1000 year ood zone based on proposed with areas where noise levels would Salford and the wider region. It will have a wider
and the Highway Authorities which is on-going the Environment Agencys ood risk map. It is prevent a reasonable standard of amenity. This benet in air quality terms.
and which will remain in place beyond WGISs therefore an appropriate area for housing and has resulted in setting new housing back from
full opening in 2015/16, when SCCs suggested commercial development. Growth would be the M62 and incorporating a signicant Locally, annual mean nitrogen dioxide
review of its effectiveness can take place. This delivered without putting future residents or landscaped buffer which could incorporate concentrations are currently above
is still well within the Plan period and does not workers at risk from ooding. Delivering growth acoustic attenuation as required. recommended air quality objectives at locations
preclude the proposed contingency from being in this location will also serve to protect those alongside the A57, M60 and M62. Salford City
included in the Core Strategys Infrastructure sites that are at risk from ooding from Elsewhere within the development, any impacts Council has therefore included these locations
Delivery Plan. development pressures. of noise sources will be mitigated through in an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).
appropriate layout and design of buildings. Additional trafc generated by the proposals
The possible motorway junction has a clear Development of the site will increase the could potentially lead to signicant adverse
rationale in national policy terms, since its amount of impermeable surfacing. The surface The expanded Port Salford would include impacts on air quality at these locations.
primary purpose would be to provide direct water drainage scheme will ensure that the risk a number of noise sources. None of these The most signicant impacts would affect a very
access from the Trunk Road Network to the of surface ooding is not increased as a result however, is proposed in close proximity to noise small number of properties adjacent to junction
Nationally Signicant Port Salford Infrastructure through ensuring surface water run-off from sensitive receptors and it is considered that 11 of the M60, where concentrations are
Project. There would also be spin off benets the scheme will mimic the existing run-off rates mitigation can be incorporated into the layout currently well above the objective. A larger
for Irlams accessibility and to the Peel Green (i.e. a greeneld rate) through on-site control and design of the development to ensure no number of properties would be affected by a
area with existing and consented trafc being and attenuation. signicant adverse noise impacts. smaller impact on air quality. At most of these
taken out of junction 11, (in addition to no locations the objective is only exceeded by a
usage by the proposed expansion). The surface water drainage scheme will be It is concluded that the broad location can small amount. The magnitude of the changes
designed in consultation with the appropriate be delivered without adverse impacts on the in concentrations would be quantied in a
It is estimated that with the M62 junction, the bodies including the SuDS Approval Bodies, noise environment of existing noise sensitive planning application. If signicant adverse
number of HGVs per day passing through the Environment Agency and United Utilities as receptors in the area and in a manner which impacts were identied, then mitigation could
junction with the proposed Port Salford appropriate and will take account of ensures that all new noise sensitive uses enjoy be provided to ensure that the proposals would
expansion, would be around 60% of that safeguarding requirements in respect of City appropriate levels of amenity. be technically acceptable.
forecast for the existing Port Salford consent. Airport.
Potential mitigation would include Travel Plan
measures to promote sustainable travel and
reduce trafc levels on congested parts of the
highway network. The approved Port Salford
has a comprehensive Travel Plan attached to
it and delivery of the WGIS would facilitate
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Agriculture PSG1
There is no best and most versatile agricultural
improvements in sustainable travel. Further Manchester, in a manner that is consistent with an
phases of development would be subject to land within the broad location and as such the expanded Port Salford. The consideration of future
Travel Plan measures which could be targeted proposed development would not conict with investment at the Airport remains at an early stage
at alleviating any air quality issues. national policy on such land. In any event, the and will be shaped through a process of business
unique locational qualities of the Port Salford planning, design and technical assessment work.
If it is required to address trafc constraints, a Gateway area mean that expansion of Port Salford This will provide an investment plan which Peel will
new junction on the M62 near Irlam would provide could not be achieved anywhere else. consult on with stakeholders in due course. There
appropriate mitigation for any signicant adverse is an existing Airport Consultative Committee
impacts. This would reduce the number of HGVs Heritage which provides a platform for future engagement.
passing through junction 11 of the M60 and Any future plan would be informed by appropriate
therefore deliver substantial benets for a large There are no listed buildings or conservation analysis of the technical relationship between an
number of properties alongside Liverpool Road areas with the broad location. There are three expanded Port Salford and future investment at
and the M60 between junctions 11 and 12, where listed buildings in the southern part of City Airport. City Airport, to secure the effective and safe
the objective is currently being exceeded. Some The setting of the listed buildings will be unaffected operation of both assets. Detailed technical
properties could still experience an adverse by Port Salford and the proposed housing. assessments will be undertaken at the appropriate
impact but this is not expected to be signicant time, as proposals are brought forward. For the
and would be quantied at the planning Airport Safeguarding purposes of the Core Strategy, Peel and the Airport
application stage. are satised the proposals are compatible. As the
The illustrative proposals for Port Salford have committed and experienced operator of both ports
The residential proposals would be designed been the subject of technical analysis against these and airports across the UK, Peel considers that the
so that no new properties would be introduced requirements by the Airport in association with growth of Port Salford and City Airport can be
in locations where the air quality objectives are Peel. This work conrms that the broad scale and secured in a complementary manner in
being exceeded. On the basis of this it is not layout of development is achievable. Further accordance with CAA requirements.
considered that impacts on air quality present consideration will need to be given to the precise
an insurmountable constraint to delivery of the height and relationship of buildings closest to City
proposed development. Airport at the detailed design stage. Other aviation
related considerations will also be taken into
account as necessary, including the wind
environment, birdstrike hazard, lighting, cranage,
technical safeguarding (interference to equipment)
and roads and railways, to ensure ying operations
are not affected.

Peel will continue to invest in City Airport over the

Core Strategy period, to preserve and improve its
operational viability as an economic infrastructure
asset to the City of Salford and Greater
Available Achievable Viable
The land within the broad location is available before the existing course is de-commissioned. The site is not affected by any technical The land is largely in the ownership of Peel
for development over the course of the Plan The housing would be delivered at say 100+ constraints that cannot be addressed which is committed to delivering the proposed
Period. It is mostly in a single ownership and homes per year and would be completed through the planning and design process development. There are no insurmountable
Peel is keen to bring forward development in during the Plan Period. and appropriate mitigation measures will technical constraints to delivery of the
a timely and co-ordinated way. The limited be employed where necessary in respect of mixed-use development which would
areas of other ownership do not affect the ood risk/drainage, ecology, noise, air quality prevent it coming forward in a phased manner
accessibility or deliverability of the scheme. and heritage. during the plan period. The planned growth
would make best use of the investment in
Phase 1 of Port Salford has planning permission Based on evidence of the need and demand establishing Port Salford and in associated
and funding is in place. Work is due to for additional tri-modal distribution and logistics infrastructure. It is envisaged that the scheme
commence imminently and the approved facilities at Port Salford and the evidence of would be delivered principally through
scheme will be complete by 2014. Subsequent housing need in the area, it is considered investment by Peel and occupiers. The
phases of Port Salford can be brought forward that there is every prospect of the proposed housing would be delivered in partnership
from 2015 onwards in line with projected mixed-use development coming forward with housebuilders.
market demand. It is envisaged that the whole over the course of the Plan Period.
scheme would be delivered by 2025.
Any new utilities or infrastructure needed

07 Deliverability
There is no insurmountable technical or to enable the delivery of the mixed-use
environmental constraint to the delivery of the development in a planned and co-ordinated
scheme. Once Phase 1 is established it is way, including additional rail infrastructure,
envisaged that subsequent phases will be upgrading of the A57 or, if necessary to
brought forward in response to the address trafc issues, a new junction to the
requirements of occupiers. M62, could be secured and delivered as part
of the delivery of the Port Salford Gateway.
The housing land will be brought forward
in a phased manner following changes to Green An initial survey of utilities conrms all main
Belt boundaries (envisaged to be through a Site services are available locally and could serve
Allocations DPD or local plan). This would allow the development with any necessary local
time for any necessary replacement provision reinforcement.
for Boysnope Park Golf Course to be delivered
The approved phase of Port Salford is likely to create over The jobs created will require a range of skill The proposed housing would generate a
3,000 jobs. It is estimated that expansion of Port Salford levels including relatively low skilled roles. These signicant additional contribution to New
can create a further 7,000 jobs. This represents a signicant will be of particular benet in addressing the Homes Bonus funds available in Salford.
current high levels of unemployment and low Based on an average home in this location
boost to the local economy. This will include around 1,700
levels of existing skills which are evident in being within Council Tax Band C (1,354.04
net new jobs in the Salford economy and over 3,600 new some of the areas of Irlam and Eccles which in 2012/3), 1,400 new homes would deliver
jobs in the Greater Manchester economy. This would mean immediately adjoin the area. Peel is keen to the equivalent of 11.4 million in New Homes
that Port Salford would be one of the most signicant maximise opportunities for local recruitment and Bonus, in addition to an increase of 1.9
economic development projects in Greater Manchester over training schemes is part of the development. million per annum in Council Tax revenue.
the course of the Core Strategy period.
It is estimated that this level of investment and The expansion of Port Salford with potential
job creation will add over 200 million Gross to create a further 355,000 sq m of
Value Added (GVA) per annum to the Salford oorspace has the potential to generate an
economy and around 412 million GVA per estimated 7.4 million of additional Business
annum to the Greater Manchester economy. Rates revenue for the city. This is in addition
to an estimated additional 3.2 million per
Local spending power will also be boosted by annum arising from Phase 1 of Port Salford.
the residents of the new housing. Based on
current average expenditure the development It is estimated that new house building
would generate an additional 15.2 million per generates 1.5 full time equivalent jobs per new
annum in the local economy. This in turn will home. The housing development would
be a signicant and much needed boost the therefore create the equivalent of around 2,100

08 Benets
vitality and viability of local centres, in particular new jobs over the lifetime of the development.
Irlam town centre.
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Benets

1,400 124m
72 new homes housing
construction value

200m 350 14.3m

per annum Gross new affordable per annum
Value Added to homes consumer spending
Salford economy

412m 11.4m major

per annum Gross Value New Homes Bonus reduction in
Added to Greater lorry-km
Manchester economy

7,000 1.9m new

jobs created per annum and improved public
in Port Salford Council Tax revenue open space

10.6m 2,100 new

per annum construction jobs: local and
Business Rates 5,600 employed in neighbourhood
supply chain play facilities
Document PSG1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework (April 2012)

Community benets Environmental benets PSG1

The proposed delivery of around 1,400 new The approved Port Salford development
homes would help to meet an identied shortfall would enable greater volumes of freight to
in the housing requirement of Salford and support be delivered using water and rail. It would
local regeneration initiatives. The development therefore result in fewer deliveries by lorry. It is
could incorporate a signicant number of calculated to lead to a reduction in the distance
affordable homes to meet local identied needs. travelled by lorries of 21 million km per annum
and thus in a reduction in regional and national
The planned urban extension would also emissions to air. On a pro-rata basis it is
incorporate areas of new recreational space estimated that the expansion of Port Salford
and public realm and would offer scope for could achieve a reduction of a further 50 million
investment in upgrading existing open space Lorry-km per annum.
provision. The type, size and location of any
new spaces and the priorities for investment in The additional phases of Port Salford would
improved provision would respond to local needs result in further signicant reductions in national
and to the opportunities elsewhere within Irlam. lorry-km and thus further reductions in regional
Improved provision could comprise part of and national emissions to air.
co-ordinated measures to meet recreational
needs, encourage greater participation in The proposed new green infrastructure will
sports and to improve health. enhance woodland biodiversity values and
will greatly increase the levels of access by the
The delivery of mixed-use development within public to semi-natural greenspaces. Impacts
the location offers considerable scope for on farmland habitats will be mitigated by habitat
investment in sustainable transport thereby management on other Peel land on Chat Moss.
improving accessibility to areas of opportunity
and key local economic drivers and helping to The ability to walk and cycle in green settings
address existing levels of car usage. The will be enhanced through the creation of the
development could build on the existing Travel new landscape.
Plan commitments for Port Salford thereby
helping to promote increased sustainable travel. The landscape setting of Irlam, Peel Green
and the A57 will be enhanced by creation
A development of this scale would present of a high-quality road corridor incorporating
opportunities to invest in upgrading other boulevard styles, attractive boundary treatments
local community facilities in response to and architectural detailing which can pick up on
identied needs. the areas transport heritage.
Port Salford Gateway
Appendix 1:
Sustainability Assessment of Port Salford Gateway
Document PSGA1 April 2012
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

Sustainability Assessment

Appendix 1 Sustainability Assessment


Port Salford Gateway

Sustainability Objectives
Peels representations to the Publication Core Strategy
demonstrate the need for the expansion of Port Salford as a
nationally signicant logistics hub and that additional housing
is needed to ensure the sustainable growth of Salford. The
overall sustainability of this strategy is set out in Peels
representations Document R1.

To demonstrate the sustainability of the proposed

Port Salford Gateway Broad Location, the
proposal has been tested against relevant local
sustainability objectives. These are derived from
the Draft Core Strategy and its Sustainability
Appraisal and have been amalgamated where
possible to allow for a focused analysis.

This analysis highlights in bold text Salfords

sustainability objectives and where relevant,
makes reference to sustainability indicators.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

PSGA1 Population and Housing

Objective 1 To secure a self sustaining and balanced The broad location is part of proposals to stock and extend the range and choice of family
increase the supply of housing in Salford. It will housing in the City. It could deliver a wide range
population sufcient to support a full range of local services
make an essential contribution to the objective of housing types including retirement and
of securing a self sustaining and balanced specialist housing and thereby help to address
Objective 18 To ensure everyone has access to a good
population sufcient to support a full range of the full spectrum of housing needs. The
home which meets their needs local services by providing an additional 1,400 development would therefore contribute
new homes. The delivery of this housing can be positively to the objective of ensuring that
part of the supply of housing required to meet everyone has access to a good home which
Salfords objectively assessed housing meets their needs.
requirements and achieve a more sustainable
balance between housing and jobs in the City. The general stability of the housing market and
the size of the available site will ensure the area
The development would provide good quality is able to support affordable housing, which
family housing, including elements of smaller and less viable sites cannot deliver on
aspirational housing, for which there is an the same scale.
acknowledged need in Salford and would
therefore help to diversify the local housing The location for growth provides the
opportunities to enhance Irlam as a place to live
for existing residents through ensuring existing
services remain viable. The proposals would
result in an estimated additional 14.3 million
per annum of local consumer spending. The
development would also support improvements
in public transport services which would
enhance connectivity to existing and proposed
employment areas. These would address the
objective of achieving a self-sustaining
population which supports a full range of local

The proposed development would make a

signicant positive contribution to meeting the
Population and Housing objectives of the PCS.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

Economic Growth and Inclusion Housing and employment growth within Irlam The proposed housing area will be located adjacent PSGA1
will help support the achievement of the Citys to Port Salford and its associated expansion area 79
Objective 15 To maximise economic growth that can be economic growth aspirations through creating therefore achieving a sustainable relationship
an additional 7,000 jobs in areas of signicant between homes and employment opportunities
sustained in the long term
economic deprivation and providing the scale and so supporting economic inclusion.
and type of housing which is needed to support
Objective 16 To enhance economic inclusion and attract economic investment and enhance The proposals for Salford gateway would therefore
economic inclusion. This would add around 200 make a signicant contribution to the achievement
Objective 17 To improve the citys knowledge base million per annum to the economy of Salford and of the PCS objectives for sustainable economic
around 412 million per annum to the economy growth and inclusion.
of Greater Manchester.

Due to the xed locational requirements for

tri-modal access, this economic growth cannot
be achieved anywhere else. Evidence of market
demand and policy support for this sector
indicates these jobs would be sustained in
the long term. The delivery of this project is
therefore fully in accordance with the objective
of maximising economic growth that can be
sustained in the long term and failure to deliver
it would be inconsistent with this objective.

As the report by Amion1 highlights, the Port

Salford Gateway proposal is located in an area
of particular deprivation. Unemployment in the
area is among the highest in the City and skill
levels are among the lowest. The delivery of
logistics employment will help provide a signicant
source of more local employment in sectors that
are well matched to the skill levels of the local
community. The value of providing jobs in areas
of high unemployment, relatively low skills and
where accessibility to the opportunities being
created in the Regional Centre are not as good
as in some parts of the City is signicant in terms
of increasing economic inclusion in this deprived
part of Salford. 1 Employment, Gross Value Added and Business Rates
Impact Paper March 2012. Appended to Document R1
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

PSGA1 Accessibility
Objective 19 To improve the Current accessibility Equipped Areas of Play and Neighbourhood The consented Port Salford Travel Plan builds
Equipped Areas for Play in accordance with upon the existing excellent bus accessibility in
accessibility of facilities and opportunities Port Salford Gateway is a sustainable location the Councils standards. These would be the A57 corridor. There is currently a bus along
The following sustainability indicator underpins for growth being accessible to local services and available to the existing community and deliver the A57 every 10 minutes. It is a dened High
the above objective: public transport connections. Focusing future improvements in the amount, quality and Frequency Route. There is regular, frequent,
growth within this area will therefore contribute accessibility of local recreation facilities. bus connectivity with Eccles Interchange
to meeting this objective. It is however relatively (for rail and Metrolink).
Increase the proportion of households within
less accessible to the Regional Centre and other Overall the proposed location performs well
easy travel time by public transport and
key destinations in Greater Manchester, than against these accessibility criteria. Where The Travel Plan is a 2-tier obligation; the Umbrella
walking to facilities and employment:
the remainder of Salford. Improvements in any standards are not met, there would be plan which is the responsibility of the developer,
Employment 20 minutes; Primary schools
accessibility to communities in both Salford an opportunity to secure funding through and the Occupier plan which occupiers are
15 minutes; Secondary schools 15
West and Central Salford would be improved the planning process to be used to meet the secured into through their leases. The Umbrella
minutes; Hospitals 30 minutes; GPs 15
as part of the Port Salford Gateway proposals. community infrastructure demands of new Plan has the following headline objectives:
minutes; Food shops 15 minutes; Further
education 30 minutes; MediaCityUK 30 development and to improve accessibility
minutes; Local play areas 5 minutes (by The A57 is identied as a priority bus corridor such that all of the above accessibility to reduce/minimise overall employee car
walking only); Neighbourhood parks 15 and major employment areas at Trafford Park, standards are met and exceeded. mileage
minutes (by walking only) the Regional Centre and in the wider City
Region are accessible via the local rail and bus to encourage maximum freight haulage
Potential improvements
network which would be improved as part of interaction between the sheds and the
the Port Salford Gateway development. The objectives of sustainable travel and Terminal
accessibility will be further enhanced by
More local existing employment areas including building upon the Travel Plan Obligations to have pro-active Travel Plan Co-ordination
Northbank Industrial Estate and proposed already agreed as an integral part of the Port in perpetuity, seeking sustainable travel
employment developments including Port Salford planning consent. This Travel Plan behaviour, and with constant liaison
Salford Phase 1 are easily accessible via the would be adopted and adapted to apply to with SCC
local public transport network including bus its expansion. The increase in employees
services 67 and 100 and by foot. also creates additional commercial viability These objectives will be targeted with the
potential for bus operators. following actions, all of which would be
The proposed location also performs well in applicable and more viable with the expansion
respect of accessibility to other key community The existing and expanding Port Salford Travel of Port Salford;
infrastructure including primary and secondary Plan would also have spin-off benets for the
schools, shops and other services. Irlam Town proposed housing area on the East of Irlam, additional bus services, also tied into
Centre and a range of other local services are given the improved bus services and local Port obligations for additional local services
within walking distance of the proposed housing. Salford shuttle buses running within the Site, attached to the retail development consent
and connecting with nearby residential areas at the Stadium site
New residential development would also and local facilities which employees would
incorporate open space, including Local want to use.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

the construction of WGIS which provides will grow with the proposed mixed use
a more direct link to the Trafford Bus Station, development, there are further benets for the
to add to and improve the existing bus location to be created beyond those arising from
connections; and also the longer term the existing consented WGIS improvements.
potential of an extension to Barton from
Trafford Park of Metrolink or an alternative The consented WGIS scheme was based on a
Express Busway design dictated by an earlier consented layout of
the (now) Salford City Stadium development. With
improved bus frequencies if capacity becomes the new Stadium (which opened for the start of
an issue; the 2012 Rugby League season), Peel proposes
to amend the WGIS alignment through the Port
an internal shuttle bus service connecting Salford/ Community Stadium site.
the sheds with the external accesses and bus
stops on the A57 and with local convenience This is the rst part of a A57 Western Link Route
support facilities (WLR) concept, with WGIS realigned so as to
become the new A57, with a design alignment
this bus service then becoming a night time running directly into the existing carriageway to
demand responsive employee service outside form a continuous dual carriageway route from
commercial service operating hours; just east of Irlam. This provides a bypass of the
Peel Green area. The existing, bypassed, single
improved crossing facilities on the A57, close carriageway will remain the Key Radial Bus Route,
to conveniently located new QBC-standard with greater reliability of service provided by the
bus stops resulting low trafc volumes. The Port Salford Gateway location meets the
current accessibility objectives of the PCS and
improved pedestrian and cyclist routes on The next component of the WLR Strategy is a has the potential to secure signicant further
external roads and high standard facilities remote (to the A57) change to WGIS, at Junction improvements which will benet the development
on-site; and 10 of the M60, which will have profound benet and surrounding communities.
for Junction 11 and the Salford residents in its
a car parking permit-based management vicinity. This involves the introduction of an
strategy; with permits only issued on a off-sliproad from the anti-clockwise M60
sustainable travel opportunity points scoring carriageway passing over the WGIS route and
basis and car sharing; and with off-site parking connecting into Trafford Boulevard. This will take a
controls and penalties large volume of WGIS-related trafc out of
Junction 11, whilst maintaining the removal of
In addition to the benets for public transport and weaving trafc on Barton Bridge which is a key
sustainable travel created by Port Salford, which benet of WGIS for the motorway.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

PSGA1 Community Cohesion Crime Perception

Objective 20 To improve community cohesion Objective 14 To reduce crime and the Objective 22 To improve perceptions
fear of crime of the city
To meet the objective of improving community In addition, through further progression of
cohesion, the broad location would provide the local plan towards land allocations, with Objectives seek to reduce crime and the fear of The expanded Port Salford would be a nationally
a wide range of housing and employment associated evidence, the extent of funding crime and one of the key sustainability indicators signicant logistics hub. There is no other
opportunities, supporting the retention and required and a process for requiring contribution is to increase the number of people who are location in the North of England that can provide
growth of the existing population. The housing towards community infrastructure will be satised with their neighbourhood. such a facility. The development of this facility,
will develop a strong sense of place and help established. This can also enhance the social the investment required to deliver it and the very
create a feeling of belonging. This in itself will and economic benet of the broad location. Port Salford would be a secure site and would be signicant employment growth that would occur,
serve to improve local community cohesion. managed in order to minimise the potential for would transform perceptions of the locality and
The proposed development would create a crime. The proposed housing will be designed in would contribute to the ongoing improvement of
In addition, the broad location has the potential strong sense of place and integrate with the accordance with the principles of Secure by Design the wider perception of Salford as a place to live
to indirectly support local services, amenities surrounding communities. It would help to in order to address perceptions and incidence of and work.
and infrastructure, through increased population sustain community cohesion and improve the crime. The development would therefore help to
and business base and associated tax revenue sense of belonging. reduce crime and the fear of crime. Housing development as an urban expansion of
and expenditure. It is estimated that the Irlam has the potential to create a strong sense
additional population of the Irlam location would of place and improve the appearance and
increase local consumer spending capacity by perception of Irlam. The range and diversity of
c 14.3 million per annum. This will help housing together with the quality of public realm
support local retail centres and public services and open spaces would offer something genuinely
and increased use of local services will help to different to typical housing offer in the area.
develop a sense of community and inclusion.
The improvements to the A57 will include a high
The broad location will in addition generate quality of landscaping, with distinctive gateways
signicant receipts for the Council in terms of to the major development parcels (City Airport,
New Homes Bonus and Council Tax revenue. Port Salford and the Port Salford Expansion,
The proposed housing would deliver Council and the new housing area). These improvements
Tax income of 1.9 million per annum and will uplift the visual perception of Irlam which is
New Homes Bonus worth 11.4 million. currently negatively affected by the A57.
This can help the Council maintain and invest
in a wide range of activities, such as libraries, Design of the gateways and the housing area
childrens centres, community centres, sports will accord with the aspirations for quality and
facilities, heritage and tourism assets, to the distinctiveness set out in Shaping Salford, the
benet not only those residing in the broad Citys urban design guide.
location but the wider community also.
The proposed development will help to improve
perceptions of the city.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

Health, Well Being and Recreation PSGA1

Objective 2 To improve physical and mental health

Indicators for this objective include mortality rates Cadishead Park. The delivery of high quality
and life expectancy. The wards around Port Salford housing and employment will incorporate
Gateway have a signicantly higher mortality rate accessible open space and recreational facilities.
than local and national averages. The creation of It will also be designed to link in with existing
new jobs, good quality housing and well designed spaces and facilities, thereby providing future
open spaces would all indirectly help to address residents and workers with new and enhanced
longstanding underlying causes of poor health. recreational opportunities which can help to
Together with other ongoing interventions the promote improved health. There may in addition
development is expected to have a positive be opportunities to enhance existing local facilities
impact on health indicators. through CIL and/or Section 106.

The Greenspace SPD identies that Irlam and The scheme will include new footpaths and
Cadishead have a generally good amount of cycleways, many in a green setting with good
open space but of low recreational value. The levels of natural surveillance. This will improve
area is poorly provided for in respect of equipped walking links between Irlam and Eccles, and
childrens areas and play and facilities for youths onto Chat Moss.
and adults e.g. tennis courts, bowling greens
and multi-use games areas. There are proposals The proposed development would support
to enhance performance against standards, the objective of improving the health and
including improvements to Princes Park, the wellbeing of residents of the development and
former Ferry Hill Tip and Townsgate SBI and nearby communities.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

PSGA1 Biodiversity
Objective 3 To protect, enhance and restore biodiversity resources

The indicators for this objective include to The site is 3km distant and hydrologically Areas of the site which are not developed also
increase the amount of greenspace which disconnected, from the Manchester Mosses have potential for habitat mitigation, for example,
is positively used for biodiversity. Special Area of Conservation, so development within parts of the site between buildings, to
would not be likely to have any adverse effect the east of the rail connection and within the
In order to respond to this objective and fully on bog habitats on Chat Moss. proposed planted buffer adjacent to the M62.
understand the nature of the biodiversity
present at Irlam, an ecological baseline survey The site has ditches, ponds, mature woodlands The residential development, including a
of the broad location has been undertaken of local habitat value, and supports a range of signicant landscaped zone between the
by a highly experienced ecological consultancy. farmland birds and mammals of biodiversity housing and the proposed logistics hub, would
value, including the protected water vole. be able to incorporate signicant new planting
There are no sites designated for ecological Although it would not be possible to preserve and the creation and management of
interest within the development area. Fox Hill these in situ, it is possible to offset losses of appropriate habitats.
Glen is a local Site of Biological Importance habitats through landscape works in the
found alongside Boyles Brook within the City development area, and impacts on species The development would not impact on any
Airport curtilage. It would not be directly through enhanced management of farmland protected habitat types and is consistent with
affected by development and surface water north of the M62. A similar approach has been the objective of protecting biodiversity.
discharge would be managed to avoid any taken in the approved Port Salford scheme.
indirect impact.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

Land Resources PSGA1

Objective 4 - To protect and improve soil
and land resources

Objective 5 To protect, enhance and

restore geological resources
The development of Port Salford Gateway will
result in a signicant loss of greeneld land. The
land has been tested for its soil quality and found
to be mostly of Grade 3b. There is therefore no
loss of land which is regarded as best and most
Water Resources
versatile for farming purposes.

Objective 6 To protect and enhance water resources

Future development of the Irlam broad location
would also result in a net loss of greeneld land.
There is however no other location (previously Objective 7 To minimise the risk and impacts of ooding
developed or greeneld) that could accommodate
the development. The loss of greeneld land would The proposed location is outside a 1 in 1000 year (SuDS) techniques will be used where feasible on
need to be weighed alongside other sustainability ood zone. Its selection for development accords the site with any discharge to existing sewerage
considerations and in the light of the exceptional with the advice in PPS25. Growth would be delivered infrastructure of watercourses limited to greeneld
circumstances which justify the proposals. without putting future residents or workers at risk rates. The use of linear swales with connected
from ooding. deeper soakaways will from the basis for surface
The objective of protecting and enhancing water control across much of the site. Due to the
geological resources would not be adversely Development of the broad location will increase the proximity of the airport SuDS systems which can
affected by the proposed broad location. Much of amount of impermeable surfacing. The surface water lead to semi-permanent/permanent areas of
the area is underlain by deep peat soils. An drainage scheme will ensure that the risk of surface open water have been discounted due to issues
important aspect of the development will be to ooding is not increased through ensuring surface with potentially attracting birds to the airport.
ensure the substrates are hydrologically re-charged water run-off from the scheme will mimic the existing
through careful management of surface water, to run-off rates (i.e. a greeneld rate) through on-site The proposed development would have a neutral
prevent future drying and settlement of the peat. control and attenuation. impact on water resources and not add to the
risk of ooding
The proposal would result in some loss of The surface water drainage scheme will be designed
agricultural land and greeneld land. This must be in consultation with the appropriate bodies including
against the need for and benets of the scheme the SuDS Approval Bodies, Environment Agency and
United Utilities as appropriate. Source Control type
inltration-based Sustainable Drainage System
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

PSGA1 Air quality

Objective 8 To improve air quality

If required in transport terms, a new junction on The proposed development would lead to an
the M62 near Irlam could provide appropriate increase in emissions. Mitigation measures
mitigation for any signicant adverse impacts. would seek to minimise any increase at
This would actually deliver substantial benets sensitive locations. If a new junction on the
for a large number of properties alongside M62 is required, air quality in certain locations
Liverpool Road and the M60 between junctions where current objectives are exceeded, would
11 and 12, where the objective is currently be improved.
being exceeded. Some properties could though
still experience an adverse impact, however, this
is not expected to be signicant and would be
quantied and addressed at the planning
application stage.

Annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations At most of these locations the objective is only The construction works have the potential to
are currently above the objective at locations exceeded by a small amount. The magnitude of create dust. During construction it will therefore
alongside Liverpool Road, the M60 and M62 the changes in concentrations would be be necessary to apply a package of mitigation
and consequently Salford City Council have quantied in a planning application. If signicant measures to minimise dust emission. Even with
included these locations in an Air Quality adverse impacts were identied, then mitigation these measures in place, there remains a risk
Management Area (AQMA). The growth of could be provided to ensure that the proposals that a number of existing off-site properties
Salford will have an impact on emissions would be technically acceptable. might be affected by occasional dust-soiling
and potentially air quality. This must be weighed impacts. Any effects will be temporary and
against longer term projections of The residential proposals would be designed so relatively short lived, and will only arise during
improvements in air quality through for example that no new properties would be introduced in dry weather with the wind blowing towards a
introduction of more stringent emissions locations where the air quality objectives are receptor, at a time when dust is being
standards for vehicles. being exceeded, ie. appropriate stand-off generated and mitigation measures are not
distances would be introduced. being fully effective. The overall impacts during
Additional trafc generated by the proposals construction are judged to be minor adverse.
could potentially lead to adverse impacts on air Another potential mitigation measure would
quality at some locations. The greatest impacts include Travel Plan measures to promote
would affect a very small number of properties sustainable travel and reduce trafc levels on
adjacent to junction 11 of the M60, where congested parts of the highway network. Travel
concentrations are currently above the Pan measures which could be targeted at
objective. A larger number of properties would alleviating any air quality issues would be given
be affected by a smaller impact on air quality. highest priority.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

Noise and Lighting PSGA1

Objective 13 To protect and enhance amenity

Indicators of this objective include whether a development would be sited far enough away from These mitigation features are not onerous and are
proposal would improve neighbourhood quality, the M62 and with appropriate acoustic barriers/ commonly adopted for noise sources including
minimise light and noise pollution, ensure mitigation to ensure appropriate levels road, rail, aircraft and industrial.
appropriate levels of natural light and privacy, of amenity.
maintain tranquil areas and mitigate the negative The expanded Port Salford would require lighting
impacts of climate change or microclimates. The noise impact of the development in terms to enable its safe operation. The necessary
of changes in road trafc ows is likely to be lighting would be designed to avoid light spillage
Some of these matters relate to more detailed negligible. Noise impacts would not be a material outside the site and would not have a signicant
design than is relevant to the Core Strategy. For consideration either in respect of impacts on adverse impact on general amenity in the area.
example all new development at Port Salford existing noise sensitive dwellings in the area
Gateway would be designed to ensure natural or on the suitability of the Port Salford Gateway The broad location comprises an open greeneld
light and privacy levels are achieved, and site for residential development. site. Its amenity (or tranquillity) is already affected
measures to address any effect on microclimate by the proximity of the M62, the MSC and
would be incorporated into detailed designs. This The following measures would form part of the surrounding industrial and residential areas. The
assessment therefore focuses on impacts masterplanning process in order to meet the land south of the M62 is separated from the more
of noise, lighting and tranquillity. required internal and external noise levels as tranquil areas of Chat Moss to the north of the
stipulated by Salford City Council for new residential motorway. The proposed development would not
An assessment has been undertaken of the dwellings and to minimise noise disturbance: adversely affect this area.
potential impacts of noise from the expanded Port
Salford and of any increases in trafc on Layout mitigation, through provision of noise The proposed development would full the
the principal roads in the area. Road trafc noise buffer zones and/or positioning of non- PCS objective of protecting and enhancing
impacts are the primary consideration when sensitive rooms away from noise sources levels of amenity.
assessing the amenity of residents given the within buildings layouts.
proximity of the M62 and local road network
including the A57. Other noise impacts would Use of noise barriers or bunds.
include the freight rail line, port activity and
industrial and commercial operations. Provision of adequate ventilation to allow
windows on dwellings to remain closed; and/or
The proposals would include mitigation to ensure
that there is an adequate buffer between areas of Enhanced specication glazing including either
high noise and noise sensitive development and acoustic passive or mechanically assisted
that adequate engineering controls are specied ventilation.
to minimise any noise impacts from port, rail and
commercial operations. New residential Suitable glazing and ventilation specications.
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

PSGA1 Climate change Heritage

Objective 9 To minimise contributions in the Port Salford Travel Plan. The signicant The development will result in the loss of some Objective 11 To protect, enhance,
transport infrastructure investment planned for peaty soils, reducing the current carbon-sink
to climate change and enable the appreciation of, the
this location will further enhance sustainable value of the site. However, careful hydrological
citys heritage
transport services in this location. management, essential to prevent peat substrates
Objective 10 To minimise the use of
drying out, will also serve to minimise the soil The proposed location for growth is not located
non-renewable resources As a housing and employment location it will carbon losses associated with the development. within or close to any Conservation Areas.
Indicators under this objective include: support future residents in making sustainable
transport choices and therefore reducing The proposed development would be The only nearby listed buildings are those at
reliance on private cars. The proposed mixed consistent with the objectives of minimising City Airport. (formerly the Barton aerodrome),
carbon dioxide emissions by sector, and
use development would be designed to the contribution that new development makes which was built in 1930. The setting of these
renewable energy capacity promote walking and cycling and ensure towards the impacts of climate change and in buildings comprises the aireld itself this setting
optimum access to public transport services. reducing the need to travel. would be unaffected by the development.
Salford currently experiences a high level of in This will in turn serve to assist in minimising
commuting from many parts of Greater Manchester contributions to climate change. The A57 improvements offer an opportunity to
and North Cheshire. The PCS envisages that this create new boundary treatments and gateways
level of commuting would rise with the currently The proposed location also provides the which can use architectural detailing to reect
planned levels of development. Peel considers that opportunity to incorporate decentralised and and interpret the areas transport heritage (e.g.
the need to commute could be reduced by low carbon energy generation into development Ship Canal inuences, Barton Aerodrome).
achieving a better balance between the housing alongside the delivery of sustainable low carbon
and employment proposals in the PCS. new homes. Shaping Salford (the Citys urban design guide)
suggests how new housing in Irlam can reect
The proposed housing location would help to Delivering growth in this broad location aspects of the Mossland heritage through the
reduce the need for commuting by delivering will achieve a critical mass of housing and use of brickwork, boundaries and property
housing and jobs close to each other and with employment such that decentralised forms of boundary treatments. The few views to
good sustainable transport links connecting the energy generation (such as CHP or biomass) buildings of a Mossland character can be
two. This would reduce the need to commute could be viably provided. This opportunity protected within the greenspace network.
and therefore help support objectives aimed at would be less tangible and deliverable if reliant
reducing carbon emissions and their effects of on smaller sites across a wider area. Development in the location can be delivered
climate change.
without any detrimental impact on any of the
At a national level, the expansion of Port Salford Citys heritage assets
The proposed location for growth is sustainably will increase the tri-modal capacity, resulting in
located in relation to surrounding employment, an increased shift of freight from road to rail or
services community infrastructure and the public short-sea movements, and reducing the number
transport network. The proposed development of road freight movements from the South and
would be subject to detailed Travel Plan the Midlands to northern destinations.
measures which would build on the measures
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)

Landscape, Amenity and Decision Making PSGA1

Character 89
and of a moderate capacity to accommodate Whilst the development would result in a signicant Objective 21 To increase involvement
change due to its location between the area of open land being developed, this loss is
Objective 12 To maintain and enhance in decision-making
settlements of Irlam and Eccles and immediately considered to be justied and mitigation measures
the quality and character of landscape adjacent to the A57 and M62. This is reinforced could make a positive contribution toward the The PCS has been the subject of extensive
and townscape by its transitional nature from rural to urban landscape character and quality of the area consultation. The views expressed have all
industrial where it meets the A57. been considered. The delivery of the broad
Most of the broad location is identied within the
location would be the subject of further public
Salford Landscape Character Assessment (2007).
Any potential development must give consultation and engagement to ensure that
Sub-Area 2 Southern Chat Moss includes the
consideration to the areas importance as part of the local community and other stakeholders
open elds to the south of the M62 but extends
the Green Belt, the mosslands, as a buffer can contribute their views as part of the
north of the M62 across a large open area of Chat
between Irlam and Eccles, and its inuence from decision-making process.
Moss. Boysnope Golf Course is excluded from
the surrounding agricultural land and rich peat
the LCA. Sub-Area 2 includes a strip of woodland
soils of Chat Moss. In addition the PRoW links Increasing involvement in decision-making
screening the Liverpool to Manchester railway line
through the site and to the wider countryside will be central to the development process
and the M62 which runs mainly in a shallow
should be considered along with the local
cutting. Landscape policy guidance is to conserve
vernacular of the surrounding farmsteads and
and enhance the rural landscape, public access
listed buildings at City Airport.
and biodiversity interest as well as restoring and
conserving areas of lowland raised bog.
The proposed broad location would also be an
opportunity for the Council, Peel and other parties
It is clear that the landscape character of part of
to explore the delivery of certain aspects of the
Sub-Area 2 would be fundamentally changed to
Mossland Vision. The proposed broad location
that of a major mixed-use (housing and
may be able to assist the biodiversity regeneration
employment) area. It is however considered that
of the mosslands whilst securing environmental
the need for the broad location is sufcient
management and mitigation. Related initiatives,
justication for this change. Importantly, the
for example the provision of a Childrens
identied barriers of the railway line and motorway
Agricultural Centre at Chat Moss, as identied in
provide a strong and permanent boundary to the
the Irlam and Cadishead Community Action Plan,
larger area of Chat Moss to the north.
could also be considered.

A baseline Landscape and Visual Assessment of

All of the considerations outlined above would
the broad location has been undertaken by an
form an integral part of the approach towards
experienced consultant that judges the area to be
producing a robust and deliverable masterplan
of moderate sensitivity to change based on land
that will inuence the future development of the
use in the local area having a mix of agriculture,
broad location.
residential, commercial and industrial uses. The
landscape is considered to be relatively robust
Document PSGA1 Port Salford Gateway Development Framework: Appendix 1 (April 2012)


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