Telephonic Interview

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A telephonic interview is an interview for employment conducted over phone. Telephonic interview
are often used to screen candidates in order to narrow the pool of applicants who will be invited in-
person interview.

Types of Telephonic Interview-

Information gathering interview- Companies often use information gathering interviews to
see if candidates are a potential fit before scheduling a lengthier phone interview.

Screening Calls- Companies may use telephone interviews to narrow down a pool of applicants
for in-person interviews. This type of interview can last anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes and may be
conducted by either a hiring manager or someone from Human Resources

In-depth Telephonic Interview- Companies use in-depth interviews to minimize travelling

expenses associated with interviewing out-of-town candidates

Unexpected- A company representative or recruiter may call you unexpectedly and ask if you
have a few minutes to talk. For this reason, you should always be prepared. Try to determine if the
representative is making a quick informational call or if they want to discuss job-related skills in-

Some Common Telephonic Interview Questions

Can you tell me about yourself?
What interest you about this job?
Why do you want this job? Why to work in this company?
What do you about the company?
What applicable skills do you have?

The phone Interview is where you make your first impression. Your voice and attitude
are the only thing I have to go on during the phone Interview. Negative examples and
rude behaviour are only amplified over the phone because I take my cues from your
voice and the voice tells all.

When Telephonic Interview conducted?

When the interviewer wishes to shortlist the candidates before the next round of interview,
especially the number of candidates are high.
When candidate is applying for an3 overseas job.
When communication skill of the candidate, not other personality traits, is important for the
Dos and Donts during a Telephonic Interview
Take telephonic interview as seriously as personal interview.
If the call is unexpected ask for reschedule. Its always OK.
You need to have enthusiasm and sound confident.
Always put across the details of your experience, skills and your strong points.
Have a copy of your current resume.

Avoid/minimize distraction.
Avoid using mobile.
Use speech fillers such as "uh" and "um" or long pauses.
Rush through the interview.

Effectiveness of Telephonic Interview

The telephone interview allows both interviewee and interviewer to be in a more relaxed
state. The interviewer can use the relaxed state to better gauge the interviewee, and pick up
on things that may be disguised during the more formal interview process.
The telephone interview saves the employers' time and eliminates candidates that are
unlikely to meet the companys expectations.
With the telephone interview there may not be direct contact between the employer and
employee, however, the expectations are still there. Telephone interviews are scheduled
and questions are generally prepared in advance, similar to the way other interviews are
It is a cost-effective method to short-list candidates for the position being interviewed for.

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