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What is Learning?

Learning Strategies

Significance of Strategy

What is Concept?

Concept Attainment

Concept Attainment Models

What is Concept Mapping?

Applications of Concept Maps

Vee Mapping

Applications of Vee Mapping



1.1 What is Learning?

Every branch of human activity has made rapid progress like

predicting and observing 'Leonid Shower', performing keyhole surgery

using lasers in medical science and using computers in all fields like

banking, communication, industries, education, etc. The changes

in many fields are reflected in education, where, the knowledge is

not only merely imparted, but makes the learner apply them in

various situations.

Ausubel (1985)explicitly states that one function of a school

is 'transmission of knowledge'. Knowledge in our minds is specifically

defined as a hierarchical structure of concepts, in which inclusive

concepts occupy a position at the apex of the structure and subsume

progressively less inclusive and more highly differentia1 subconcepts

and factual data.

Acquisition of knowledge is the learning of organised

information. The information can be organised into units, such as

concepts, rules, ideas, principles, images a n d networks.

Comprehension is learning with understanding and understanding

involves meaningful learning of (a) relations among the parts of the
information and (b) the relations between the information and a

person's knowledge and experience.

In conventional education 'learning' usually refers to the

process by which students acquire information or skills from someone-
an instructor - who is already in possession of them.

The various factors that affect learning are prior knowledge,

attitude and aptitude towards subject matter, intelligence, etc.

1.2 Learning Strategies

According to Ausubel, the most important single factor

influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Thus
meaningful learning results when a person consciously and explicitly

ties new knowiedge to relevant concepts they already possess.

Rote learning on the other hand results, when new knowledge

is arbitrariIy incorporated into the cognitive structure. The acquired
information is not anchored to existing ideational systems. That is,
the material is not linked with existing concepts in cognitive structure,
and forms 'discrete and isolated traces'.

The learning strategies generally adopted by students are

surface and deep level processing. In the case of surface level
processing, the student directs his attention towards learning the text
itself and has a reproductive conception of learning, and is more or
less forced to keep to a rote learning strategy. In the case of deep

level processing on the other hand, the student is directed towards

the intentional content of the learning material and is directed
towards comprehending what the author wants to say about. for

instance, a certain scientific problem or principle.

The unity of cognitive approach and knowledge structure

indicates that the adoption of an atomistic or surface level approach,

effectively prevents a deep level understanding being reached, and

second, the close association between cognitive approach and

examination performance indicates that an atomistic approach is

likely to lead for a large majority of students to atleast partial failure

in their examinations.

Only by adopting a holistic or deep level approach. the

student is led to relate and reflect on items of knowledge required.

The development of personal knowledge and critical thinking

considered as essential outcome of higher education are achieved

only through holistic approach which enhances meaningful learning.

Rote learners! those who acquire new knowledge by verbatim

memorization and arbitrary integration of this knowledge into existing

knowledge structures may not be as successful as meaningful learners

in correcting their misunderstandings.

The relatively meaningful learners may be able to relate the
new information they acquire in the classroom to their prior knowledge

and organise this information (Novak and Gowin 1984) in the

bigger and more organised chunks of information, thus reducing

their memory overload, increasing their processing capacity and

decreasing the possibility of acquiring new misunderstandings during


1.3 Significance of Strategy

Science education will generally impart knowledge in such a

way, that students will learn what they are taught and transfer what

they have learnt to a more complex situation. The second is that

science instrudion involves? both the learning of content and the

learning of process. One way of conceptualising a process is as a

strategy someone might learn for performing a specific science task.

Recent developments in information processing have provided

the means to represent strategies in specified detail. Bessmer and

Smith (1972) have described strategies as a sequence of information

processing steps and decisions, which when executed correctly, result

in the successful completion of a specified task. The informations

that are used in the strategies are sets of related concepts. Because
of this, strategies also represent the sequences in which concepts are

Bessmer and Smith (1972) argue that important aspects of

subject matter domain can be usefully represented as an interrelated

set of concepts (conceptual network) and a set of tasks relevant to

that conceptual network.

When a task is to be learned for each of several similar

conceptual networks, it is called a lateral transfer sequence. A

sequence of different tasks that use a common set of concepts is

called a vertical task sequence.

The premises of the view of learning and transfer in a

vertical task sequence are that a strategy for a task would be learned

during instruction, recalled, and used during a later performance of

the same task, and transferred to a new task involving the same set

of concepts. In a sequence of increasingly complex tasks, an

acquired strategy for one task would serve as a subroutine in a

strategy for the next more complex task, thereby facilitating learning

of the new task. Hence this approach is a dynamic model of

human thinking, as it provided explicit representation of the reiationship

between concepts and the sequential cognitive processing of those


Ausubel's theory of learning (1963, 1968, 1978) is a set of

interrelated psychological concepts designed to explain processes in

the transfer of knowledge through vertical statements.

1.4 What is 'Concept'?

Bruner and his colleagues pointed out that any concept has
two critical features. The most obvious is the simple differentiation

of the relevant attributes from the irrelevant ones. The second

consists of the way the relevant attributes are combined to define

which events are instances of the concept. For example, a book is

something which has pages and words are printed on the pages.

Here are two relevant attributes (words-pages) and a rule which

combines the attributes (both words and pages must be present).
The fact that the book is red in colour or that it is heavy is an

irrelevant attribute. since it is not necessary to the concept "book".

Novak and Gowin (1984)state that concepts play a central

role in the acquisition and use of knowledge. They go on to
elaborate that 'umbrella' ideas typified by concepts, principles must

be established before information can be meaningfully learned.

Teachers who view and present science as a list of unrelated terms,

rather than a concept building process, perpetuate science classroom

learning environments which foster negative attitudes and alienate

most students. According to Tullock (1986), effective science teachers

demonstrate an understanding of facts, concepts, and principles by

not only presenting accurate science lessons which include robust

explanations and specific examples, but also by reading confidently

and expertly to unexpected changes of direction during the lesson.

Ausubel's theory of learning specifically targets learning in
an educational setting. As in Gowin's epistemology the key concepts
of Ausubel's theory refer to the structure of knowledge. The central
premise of Ausubelian theory is that the cognitive structure of
substantive content is the most important iactor influencing the
assimilation of new knowledge. Both Gowin and Ausubel see the
acquisition of meaning as an active process, whether new meanings
are received in essentially a final form or discovered by investigation.

1.5 Concept Attainment

According to Ausubel, the most important single factor

influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Thus
meaningful learning results when a person consciously and explicitly
ties new knowledge to relevant concepts they already possess. Ausubel
suggests that when meaningful learning occurs, it provides a series
of changes within our entire cognitive structure, modifying existing
concepts and forming new linkages between concepts. That is why
meaningful learning is lasting and powerful whereas rote learning is
easily forgotten and not easily applied in new learning or problem
solving situations, which the present science curricula so advocate.
Hence concept attainment is achieved through meaningful learning.

1.6 Concept Attainment Models

Flow Charts, Cycle Diagrams and Predicability Trees are

some of the ways to represent concepts, which are shown in Figure 1.
None of these forms, however, is consistent with Ausubelian theory.
Figure 1 7a

Flow Charts (A), Cycle Diagrams (B) and Predicability Trees (C) :
the three ways to represent concepts

Piants Animais Excretor

- ,

Phospnate rocks

Manne fish Phosphates

alternatives Shallow marine

more attractive

(Technical. legal,
Further considerations
reasons, think of
of land application


I ' rabbit
I (C)

Source : Learning how to learn, Joseph D.Novak and Bob D.Gowin,

Cambridge University Press, 1984, P.39
Gagne and others have used learning task hierarchies to
represent the structure and sequences for complex learning tasks.
Concept ladder, semantic mapping and concept tree graphs are
some of the ways of representing knowledge structure which promote
concept attainment.

Concept ladder is a technique which relates the new concepts

to others in hierarchical fashion (Gillet and Temple 1982). An
example for the concept of friction is shown in figure 2. The
reasoning of the hierarchy begins and ends with observable

Creating concept ladder helps students focus what they

know about, and also indicates, what areas they don't know about,
helping them to set purposes for expanding their knowledge through

Semantic Mapping (shown in figure 3) according to Johnson

and Pearson (1984) is another alternative diagrammatic approach
which might just 'catch' some of those visual learners which the
standard methods miss.

Concept circle technique is another meta cognitive tool,

invented in 1987 by Wandersee and is defined as two dimensional
geometric figures (circles). Which are isomorphic with the conceptual
structure of a particular piece of knowledge and are accompanied
by a title, concept labels and explanatory sentences. Figure 4 is
an example of concept circle diagram which shows the inclusion
and relative important relationships between concepts.
Figure 2

Concept Ladder for Friction

Physical effects ? Push or Pull

Example ? a Contact force

Kinds of ? Rolling, sliding, fluid

How observed ? Heat, slowing down

School science and Mathematics,

Source .
Vol. 89 (2), February 1989, PP. 130 - 135

Figure 3

Semantic Mapping for the term 'Angiosperm'

What is it ? What is it like ?

seed in closed

Source : School science and Mathematics,

Vol89 (2),February 1989, PP. 130-135.
Figure 4

Biochemical Cycles



Major quantities of
....... water in earth

The matter in living "...,

things recycles : Water, ".... I ice
carbon and nitrogen are '..... earth's '\

used up. ... , I

water ',
..I I
I ....
, ',

This figure is two concept circle diagrams done by a student in a ninth grade
environmental science course.

Source : Journal of Research in science Teaching.

Vol. 27, no (lo),1990,PP. 923 - 936.
1.7 What is Concept Mapping?

The Concept Map is a device for representing the conceptual

structure of a subject discipline in a two dimensional form, which is
analogous to a road map. A concept, as defined by Novak, is a
regularity in objects or events designated by a specific label. Concept
Mapping is a technique for representing knowledge in graphs.
Knowledge graphs are networks of concepts. Networks consist of
nodes (pointsivertices) and links (arcsiedges). Nodes represent
concepts and that of links represent the relations between concepts.

Concepts and links are labelled. Links can be non, uni, or

bi-directional. Concepts and links may be categorised, they can be
simply associative, specified or divided into categories such as casual
or temporal relations. Thus Concept Maps are diagrammatic
representations which show meaningful relationships between concepts
in the form of propositions. Propositions are two or more concept
labels linked by words which provide information on relationships
or describing connections between concepts.

Concept Maps organise knowledge into a hierarchical structure

in which subordinate concepts are subsumed under superordinate

concepts. Rote learning would be just a series of propositions that

are memorized, but not related to each other. With Mapping, new

concepts and propositions are connected into a whole exismg relevant

As a research and evaluation tool in science education,

Concept Mapping is 20 years old. The technique which grew out

of work by Novak (1972) and his graduate students at Cornell

University was originally intended as a vehicle for exploring meaningful

learning acquired through audio-tutorial instruction in elementary

school science. Since that time it has been adopted by many

teachers who have employed it at all levels in diagnosis and testing,

instructional design, and curriculum development and more recently

as a meta cognitive aid in helping students 'learn how to learn'
(Novak 1990).

From Ausubel's (1968)assimilation theory of cognitive learning,

Novak and his associates worked with the idea that new concept

meanings were acquired through assimilation into existing concepts/

propositional frameworks. Given the additional ideas from Ausubel's
theory, that cognitive structure is organised hierarchically and that

most new learning occurs through derivative or correlative subsumption

of new concept meanings under existing concept/ propositional ideas,

he developed the idea of hierarchical representation of concept/

propositional frameworks. which he (Novak 1977) and his associates

later described as cognitive maps or Concept Maps.

Written or spoken messages are necessarily linear sequences

of concepts and propositions. In contrast, knowledge is stored

in our minds in a kind of hierarchical or holographic structure.

When we generate written or spoken sentences, we must transform

information from a hierarchical to a linear structure.

Conversely when we read or hear messages we must transform

linear sequences into a hierarchical structure in order to assimilate

them into our minds. Figure 5 illustrates how Concept Mapping

aids this psychological - linguistic transformation and is used to

facilitate writing.

Novak and his colleagues have found that all domains of

knowledge can be represented by Concept Maps. There is no

domain of knowledge for which Concept Maps cannot be used as a

representational tool.

Figure 6 is a Concept Map showing key concepts and

propositions involved in Concept Mapping.

Concepts are generally isolated by circles and connected by

lines. Lines are labelled with 'linking words' which describe how
the connected concepts are related to each other. Two connected

concepts make up a 'propositional linkage'. Concepts are arranged

hierarchically, that is, the most general concept is found at the top

of the map and lower concepts which are less inclusive are arranged

below them. 'Cross links' are propositional linkages that connect

I I a.
Figure 5 -
Schema illustrating how information is translated from or to the
hierarchical structure of the brain to or from the linear structure of
spoken or written language.

Human cognit~vestructure hierarchically organ~sed

, Psycholog~cal Structure

Key concepts extracted and
organized hierarchral~ ~

I Text lectures and other sources of ~nfomationtn llnear sequence and sentences
1 1

Source : Learning how to Learn, Joseph D.Nova1 and Bob D.Gowin, 1984, P.54.
Figure 6 11 b

A Concept Map showing Key Concepts and Propositions involved in Concept Mapping.
Linking words together with Concepts form Propositions and these
are shown in a Hierarchical Structure

perception to

Source : Instructional Science, Vol 19, 1990, P. 30

different segments of the concept hierarchy. They may indicate the

synthesis of related concepts, a new interpretation of old ideas, and

some degree of creative thinking.

The Concept Map Yunction Diode' in Figure 7 illustrates

how the concepts are arranged hierarchically with propositions
connecting the relevant concepts.

In Figure 7, electronics which is more general, most inclusive

of all concepts is at the apex of the Concept Map.

The next general concept, semiconductor is linked by a

proposition 'deals with'. The two types of semiconductors namely
'intrinsic semiconductor' and 'extrinsic semiconductor' are represented
below semiconductor by a proposition 'which are'.

The example for intrinsic semiconductor and the two types

of extrinsic semiconductor are shown in the Concept Map.

The two types namely P type (Positive type) and N type

(Negative type) combined to form junction diode is indicated below
Extrinsic Semiconductor. Finally, the applications of junction diode
are indicated below it.

Thus the concepts are arranged in a hierarchical manner

with the most inclusive concept occupying the apex of the Concept
Map and the less general ones arranged suitably below it.
12 Q
Figure 7 -
Hierarchical Arrangement of Concepts.'Junction Diode'.

Electronics 1
deals with

A Semiconductors I

which are

consikts of

P t! Pe
-, ,-
N type
I semiconductor \ >I
sem~conductor ,
---r--- 1 I
consiits of 1 1 consists of
1 holes 1 6,
1 electrons 1

are combined to

1 junction diode 1
, acts as ]
as J us& in ,
rect~iier /
1 detectors 1 I
d~splays /
'---r-' I '-T---'
converts 1

( 1 1 Transator, T.V.
blight emittng
, )edoid

Recent work by Smith (1992) and many others suggests that

knowledge structure and application are tightly linked.

In a Concept Map, the number of concepts and relationships

are taken as indicators of the extent of knowledge in the domain of

particuiar topic. The branchings in a map indicate progressive
differentiation in the knowledge domain. The presence of cross

links in a map reflect the extent of knowledge integration. Cross

links are powerful connections, which form a web of relevant concepts,
probably enhancing their anchorage and stability in cognitive structure.
Rather than just connecting general concepts to specific concepts
they tend to connect different subdomains of conceptual structure.
Examples in a Concept Map represent specificity of knowledge.

Thus Concept Mapping relates directly to such theoretical

principles as prior knowledge, subsumption, progressive differentiation,
cognitive bridging and integrative reconciliation. Therefore, a
Concept Map may be defined as a schematic device for representing
a set of concept meanings embedded in a framework of propositions.

1.8 Applications of Concept Maps

1. Teaching a Topic

In constructing Concept Maps, difficultconcepts can be classified

and can be arranged in a systematic order. Using Concept Maps
in teaching, helps teachers to be more aware of the key concepts
and relationships among them. This helps teachers to convey a

clear general picture of the topic and their relationships to their

students. In this way it is less likely to miss and misinterpret any

important concepts.

2. Reinforce Understanding

Using of Concept Maps can reinforce students' understanding

and learning. This enables visualisation of key concepts and

summarizes their relationship.

3. Check Learning and Identify Misconceptions

The use of Concept Maps can also assist teachers in evaluating

the process of teaching. They can assess the students' achievement
by identifying misconceptions and missing concepts.

4. Evaluation

Students' achievement can be tested or examined by Concept


Concept Maps can also be used to develop curriculum (Cliburn

1986), as instructional devices for ledure preparation and laboratory

reports, to reduce misconceptions and as evaluation tools.

A Concept Map can become a two dimensional hierarchical

organization of the structure of a discipline, a unit of study or even
a paragraph. It can be used in group learning and individual
learning. It is found to be less time consuming and more interesting
to students. It is a very good exercise and can be tried out as a
follow up activity. It could be a good 'short hand' for taking notes

on papers or articles in newspapers, magazines and technical journals.

In organising field trips, Concept Maps could be drawn both for

planning classroom instruction on the topic before the trip and for

discussing it with students afterwards.

Thus the Concept Maps, drawn by the learner, can become

a snapshot of that learners mind, as new concepts were worked into

his or her pre-existing conceptual scheme. Hence, it can be done

for several purposes: to generate ideas; (brain storming, etc.) to

design a complex structure (long texts, hyper media, large web sites

etc.): to communicate complex ideas; to aid learning by explicitly

integrating new and old knowledge; and to assess understanding or

diagnose misunderstanding.

1.9 Vee Mapping

Vee Mapping or heuristic is a structured visual means of

relating the methodological aspects of an activity (such as a laboratory

service exercise) to the underlying conceptual aspects. It focuses

on the salient role of concepts in learning and retention.
It is a tool developed to represent, the structure of knowledge
and the epistemological elements that are involved in new knowledge

construction. Epistemology is that branch of philosophy that deals

with the nature and structure of knowledge. Epistemological elements
are those units that together form the structure of some segment of

knowledge and are required to construct a new piece of knowledge.

The Vee Mapping is based on a constructivist epistemology,

as contrasted to the empiricist or positivist epistemology that has

characterised popular views of knowledge discovery.

Constructivist epistemology sees produdion of new knowledge

as a human construction, with all the power and weaknesses associated

with the ideational frameworks, instrumentation used and emotional

vagaries of human beings. The Vee Mapping represents a constructivist

view of knowledge and illustrates the dozen or so epistemological

elements that interact in the process of new knowledge construction.

The Vee Mapping can also be used to dissect an existing domain of

knowledge to its structured elements.

A heuristic is something employed as an aid to solve a

problem or understanding a procedure. It grew out of twenty years

of research work of Gowin. It is a method to help students

understand the structure of knowledge and the ways in which humans

produce knowledge, a scheme for unpacking the knowledge in any

particular field.
The Vee Mapping is a tool for acquiring knowledge about
knowledge and how knowledge is constructed and used. The Vee

used as a heuristic with students. helps them to see the interplay

between what they already know and the new knowledge they are
producing and attempting to understand. It is evident that such a

heuristic has psychological value, because it not only encourages

meaningful learning, but also helps learners to understand the process
by which humans produce knowledge. It deals with the nature of

knowledge and nature of learning in a complementary fashion.

The Vee shape is found to be valuable for several reasons.

First, the Vee points to the events or objects that are at the root of
knowledge production and it is crucial that learners become acutely

aware of the events or objects they are experiencing about which

knowledge is to be constructed.

Second, the Vee shape helps students to recognise the interplay

between disciplinary knowledge constructed and modified over time

and the knowledge an inquiry allows them to consb-uct here and now.

Another value of the Vee shape is that because inquiries

often go awry right at the bottom of the Vee, it is less easy to ignore

relevant key events or objects or key concepts. With the point of

the Vee signal, one is less likely to gather the wrong records or fail

to see the meaning of the records that are gathered.


The two important elements of Vee are concepts and the

objects andior events pertaining to them.

Why Vee Mapping?

The purpose of Vee Mapping is to assist students in unpacking

the relationship between the conceptual and procedural aspects of


This is achieved because the students while constructing the

Vee, have to give explicit consideration to the research question, the

events and objects under investigation. the conceptual structure

which underlies the inquiry, the data recording and transforming

procedures and the knowledge and value claims, that derive from

the investigation (Novak, Gowin and Jonansen 1983). An expanded

version of Gowin's knowledge Vee is shown in Figure 8.

Parts of Vee Map

The left side of Vee consists of following activities.


They are signs or symbols signifying regularities in events

and shared socially.

Conceptual Structures

They are the subjects of theory directly used in the inquiry.

Figure 8 - 18 lr
An expanded version of Gowin's -Knowledge Vee

Conceptual Methodological
Focus Questions
World views :Nature is Value Claims : The
orderly and knowable. Initiate activiry between the wo worth, either in field or
domains generated by theory. out of field, of the claims
Philosophies :
eg. Human understanding
by Touimin. Knowledge claims : New
generaiizations, produced in
Theories : Logically related Active
the context of inquiry accord-
sets of concepts permitting ing to appropriate and explicit
patterns of reasoning leading n criteria of excellence.
to explanations.
Interplay Interpretations, Explanations
Principles : Conceptual rules and Generalizations : Product
governing the linking of patterns of methodology and prior knowl-
in events; propositional in form; edge used for warrent of claims.
derived from prior knowledge
Results : Representarion ofthe data
in tables. ch&s and graphs.
Constructs : Ideas which support
Transformations : Ordered facts
reliable theory but without direct ref-
governed by theory of measurement
erence in events or objects.
Conceptual structurer : Structure of
Facts : The judgement based on trust
theory directly used in inquiry.
in method. that records of events or ob-
Statemenis of Regularities or concept
Records of Events or Objects.
Concepts : Signs or symbols signifying
regulariries in events and shared socially.

phenomena of interest apprehended through concepts

and record marking : occurances, objects.
Source : 'Learning how to Learn' Joseph D. Novak
and Bob D. Gowin, 1984, P.56

They are ideas which support the reliable theory but without
direct reference to events or objects.


They are significant relationships between two or more concepts

that guide our understanding of the significant action in the events
studied. Principles are something scholars in a discipline construct,
and student of a discipline may eventually understand.


They are similar to principles in that they explain relationships

between concepts and organise concepts and principles in order to
describe events and claims about events. Theories are usually
regarded as broader and more inclusive, than principles and may
encompass dozens of specific concepts and principles.

Principles tell us how events or objects appear or behave,

whereas theories tell us why they do so.


It explains the beliefs about the nature of knowledge that

guide the inquiry.

World View

It is the general belief system motivating and guiding the


The right side of Vee Map accommodate the following


Focus Question

The kind of records we make is guided by one or more focus

questions. Different focus questions lead us to focus on different
aspects of the events or objects we are observing.


The purpose of transforming records is to organize our

observation in a form that allows us to construct answers to our

focus question.


They indicate the representation of data in tables, charts and


Interpretation, Explanation and Generalisation

They are the product of methodology and prior knowledge

used for warrant of claims.

Knowledge Claim

From the transformed data, one can begin to construct

knowledge claim, claim about what we think is the answer to the
question should be.

Value Claims

They give answers to value questions such as is this any

good? or bad?

Figure 9 shows the concepts, records, transformed records

and knowledge claims for the event of heating ice water.

The Vee Diagram in figure 9 indicates the following things.

The event involves heating of 'ice water'. The appearance

of bubbles occur as the temperature gradually increases and the
change of state occurs at 100C where water is converted into steam.

Hence the principle, that pure water boils at normal abnospheric

pressure is confirmed, and it can be observed that the temperature
remains constant at 100C.

Apart from the above principle, other principles involving

density (ice is less dense than water and floats and warm water is
less dense than cold water and rises) and energy conversion (heat
energy is being transferred to water) can also be easily verified.

Thus the principles are confirmed by observations and

expressed as knowledge claims. Thus the Vee Mapping enables the
students to link what they have observed to what they already
Figure 9-
21 a
Vee Map indicating the Heating of Ice Water

Conceptual Ylethodological

Concepts : Focus Question : Knowledge Claims :

ice, ~ a t e r heat,
. ther- 1. Ice melts when water
M a t happens to the temperature is still cold.
mometer. bubble tempera-
of ice water as we add beat?
2. Water warms slowly
3. Water boils around 99C.
1.Water's temperature does
not change when it is boiling.
Temperature Observation
(around 0C) rlses a little if not
ice disappears.
Ris~ng Temperature rises slowly,
bubbles of gas appear, water
keeps bubblingact~vely.
Records Temperalure rises from PC
to 99". I c e disappears:
bubbles begin to form near
bottom of beaker and rise up

Event :
(hearing ice water)
Source : 'Learning how to Learn' Josheph D. Novak
an Bob D. Gowin, 1984, P.63
1.10 Applications of Vee Mapping

Vee Maps can be used to represent research papers, which

always purport to make some knowledge claim.

In sciences and other fields the given exercise does not

produce the desired understanding. Vee Maps could be used in

such fieids to locate defects, to identify learning problems, and to

make corrections in a systematic way. It is also useful for designing

the instructional programme.

In the teaching and learning of Physics, concepts do not

exist in isolation. Each concept depends on its relationships to

many others for meaning. A Concept Map depicts hierarchy and

relationships among concepts. It demands clarity of meaning and

integration of crucial detail. The Concept Map construction process

requires one to think in multiple directions and to switch back and

forth between different levels of abstraction. In attempting to

identify the key and associated concepts of a particular topic or sub-

topic, one will usually acquire a deeper understanding of the topic

and clarification of any prior misconceptions. This pattern of

subsumption, progressive differentiation and superordinate learning

leads, in time to both a quantitative and qualitative increase in the

learner's knowledge structure.


Hence the aim of the present study under investigation is to

compare the effects of traditional Lecture Method with Concept

Mapping strategies OF teaching on achievement in Physics of Higher

Secondary students.


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