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Bruno Okocha

Dr. Smith



Why Stick to What Kills Us Instead of Living Free Life. (locked in the shadows)

Religious dogma is a principle that governs the society to have the believe in God and to also

maintain certain practices. Religious dogma is a dangerous idea because it has strict rules that are

meant to be obeyed but causes fear in the greater proportion of people. Considering the aspect of

religion killing the greater proportion of people than Nazism is due to the fact it has introduced the way

of politics which is clarified to be known as dogma. The intertwining of religion practices and that of

political act has led to the confusing state of many minds which has ruin the way the people see things

or believe in what they most times practice. That also brought in a very dangerous idea known as

religious dogma which have miss leaded many people today. In other to find solutions to these problems

we should make sure that the leaders are well trained and have good understanding in what they are

going into and to what they have being thought and told before taking charge, and that the people are

not being deceived by what they wear or have but should be convinced by the words of God that is

being talked about and practiced. therefore, building the faith of nonbelievers to believe and not to be

force into it in religion or Criticized for not believing the first time.

As we furthermore talk about the aspect of religious dogma, we should also consider the ways at

which this various religion tends to practice what not only they believe in but to the idea they come up

with such as the arrangement of early marriages, the act of aborting innocent infants that are not yet

born, the political hierarchy in churches, patriarchy politics that happens worldwide and death


When we analyze this rules that are being set, we should come to think of it by saying, are the

people passing this messages to us also practicing it or is it just meant for the middle and low-class
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people? Are this rules and regulation being followed up with by both the rich, middle and poor or its

only meant for the low class to follow while the top class be in control of others? Technically, the answer

to these very questions being asked are yes because the so called high class people do not practice what

they preach but condemn others for choosing to live with their own faith and in what they believe in

that they see to be best for them therefore, letting only the middle class and low class suffer for their

faith and the sins of the rich as well because the rich at all cost become very intimidating to a point they

look for all possible way of directing their faults and blames to someone who is striving to make a living

and has faith in God but due to the things being seen and observed most choose to back off while some

stay because of the fear that they should not being seen or labeled as the black sheep in their various


For instance, someone like Creflo Dollar, who is well known to be a senior pastor of world

changers church international with the pay of $27 million that leads one of the nations largest churches,

owns a million-dollar Atlanta home, drives a costly Rolls-Royce not just that but he is also transported by

a private jet and 2.5 million apartment located in Manhattan happens to be an ordinary church member

that has no connection still rich and practices same faith just as the middle and low class people do. The

leaders in church would by every means try to invite him for meetings that dont connect or consigns

him, from the meeting to luring him into being one of the top men and telling him to look at the bigger

picture of life using words like brother you need to sue a seed for the lord to multiple more and bless

you in abundant.

If money is known to be the way of getting a position in the lords vein yard that means not only

that politics runs in the house but they have made the perspectives of conniving and thinking about

their own self then the people, manipulating the innocent once to gain their interest.

In addition, some in the greed of making easy and fast money lie to the people saying that
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The fact here is that the middle class and low class are being seen or classified as low people due

to the religion and the way it leads the people. Aside from that lets go into the catholic life style where

the dogma is being practiced but the most people are blind in mind but have eyes. Imagine a priest

weather from the catholic or Anglican asking the church members for money in the name of church

building and development and the money forwarded to his desk is being used to do something that

dont involves the budget of the church this happens is not just the Catholic but all churches as well.

Now to my other question, I hope we didnt forget Creflo Dollar, the Mega senior pastor who drives

expensive car and have an expensive house with private jet that takes him where he wants? According

to the researchs being made, during a recent sermon, Dollar addressed his critics in the media who

challenged him when he tried to convince the members of his congregation that they should buy him a

$65 million private jet. Dollar then said those who tried to damn him to a life of TSA pat-downs and long

lines were doing the work of Satan, and that one day he would ask God for a billion dollars to buy a

spaceship so he can go to Mars. Wide-eyed and rabid, Dollar told his congregation: "I can dream as long

as I want to! I can believe God as long as I want to! If I want to believe God for a $65 million plane, you

cannot stop me! You cannot stop me from dreaming!" (Daily Beast).

If it was the be an ordinary member of the church saying this or seeking for that amount of money

the people wouldve jumped into conclusion of saying the person tried or was about to scam them all

and then giving death sentence as swift as possible and the need listening to his story line would be

none and void in the case of Dollar it is the Lord who speaks. Not just that Dollar was trying to scam his

people but he also uses them on daily bases to make money out of his own selfish interest and by

making this poor innocent once carry his cross and then involving God and using force to control the

people therefore working them up like servants and stealing from them with the act of manipulation.

The fact is that religion that is being practice this days and then have brought massive hate and

greed to many. If we could view it from a different perspective it tells us that the presence of dogmatic
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act is involve and that brings in the fear of many that knows but dont want to say bad things about fake

religious leaders.

Although, this scam has made Dollar a very wealthy man with a stable of two Rolls-Royces,

clothes made of shiny reptiles, and multimillion-dollar homes around the country. But Dollar believes he

deserves more but he doesnt care about the others financial status.

We should not forget that aspect at which religion has killed people financially, how it also affects

the cultural value, physical and mental value as to say.

We should also put it in mind that its not just our thinking that have made parents go hard on

the younger once who for many reason find the one that their hearts bits for, respect and want in their

life. If truly we are saying that religion is not harmful to the people and its not seen as a dangerous idea,

how about we take a look at how the Jewish parents take their children out from the mix of other kids

or see the separate school they put their kids, maybe we still need to listen to the way our men of God

talk both Christian and Muslim or the blacks coming into another blacks mans home due to the fact that

the young once are trying to know, understand and find trust in the other or some kids of now just dont

think its safe inviting someone they believe to be ok to their home to join the family on the table just to

be asked if she or he is a born again Christian or starting to judge by the name, he bears and the

neighborhoods she or he comes from.

This remaindered me of someone I knew, his by name Nonyalum and his from west Africa.had a

friend and, we all meat, talked, laughed. it was a great moment if I may say and hanged out in the city to

spend time just we three, not until that very moment when Nonyalums friend invited us to her house

saying that they parent would be glad to see us which he dragged me along with him. At first food was

mentioned in the conversation so that kind of played a good melody keyboard in my ears, I was getting

the belly set for that day.

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We visited the house on Sunday afternoon around 2:00pm and was welcomed. Though having the

mind that we would only spend few minutes and that the food was to be saved according to my

thinking. It all happened to be that were called for questioning and to give answers, I felt insult to the

last but had to bear because it was only going to last a while which I told my friend never would I show

up to places like this. At first, the house was in happy mood and the peace all a sodding was lost and the

questions came raining. Though he answered the once he could which I had no choice but to join

answering some I know best. However, it all became the way more difficult that somethings were not

supposed to be said and the question just had to be left unanswered and then we left and never

bothered calling. The point here is that the aunt and dad dont like someone who dont go to their kind

of church but I asked myself if we all go to church and pray who do we pray to and to whom should we

pray to? Technically, if they were no church they would have being no mean way of looking at ourselves

as low or high-class people.

In the aspect of early marriage, it is known to be a contract or an act of selfish interest of most parents

giving out their children either male or female to strangers in the name of so called religion and the

greed of money or should we say this dont kill the feature of the boy trying to study hard to either

become the next leader of tomorrow or that of the female trying as well to be a leader or work in her

field of her choice and to choose when she wants one in her life? The too much believe in religion has

tarnished the brighter images of the young once both psychologically and physically and this have left

many so ignorant about life in general.

During the days of our four fathers was the birth of religion dogma and that still exist up to this very

generation. If we should take for instance the colonial masters who go into different countries trying to

act good in the day but killing raping and using innocent lives at night. What if we take the act of religion

to be that which brought in slavery, even to the very point of deceiving people and killing those who

choose not to.

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The implication that religion did brought to the people is one of a dangerous idea and has taken

so much lives which only those who are not rich suffers and the others go through the pain alone. The

fact that a sacred text contains divine commands to despise or kill the Other does not mean that the

believers in the sanctity of the text must actually be doing so. Religions change as the societies in which

they are embedded change. While a few Israeli extremists portray Palestinians as Canaanites or

Amalekites who deserve to be slaughtered, most modern Jews find these notions repugnant. While

Christians invoked the New Testament to persecute and slaughter Jews for roughly two millennia, few

still do so todayeven though the New Testament still contains verses like His blood be on us, and on

our children (Matthew 27:25). Similarly, the fact that one can find verses in the Quran demanding that

Muslims kill infidels does not mean that most Muslims in the twenty-first century believe that they

should do so. Henry Munson. Author links open the author workspace.

In conclusion, I support the writer Steven Pinker in his book In Defense of Dangerous Ideas saying

Religion kills and it has lead many to killing each other in name of the Name of their gods and that still

exist to this very moment.

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Work Cited

"Creflo Dollar: Demons Stole My Private Jet." Daily Beast, 29 Apr. 2015. General OneFile,


918670a517c1b9dc4b4bd578e8. Accessed 25 June 2017.

Henry Munson. Author links open the author workspace.

Religion and violence, 0048-721X, 2005/10/01/

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