2017-06-29 Calvert County Times

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Photo by Mike Batson

2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017



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Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times Local News 3

School System Developing Strategic Plan

Citizens React at Four Public Meetings
By Dick Myers
Staff Writer

Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS) The district has made recent in- Calvert County could develop Curry cautioned the attendees to not
is in the process of developing a long-term vestments in improving the tech- more partnerships between the make blanket judgements about perfor-
strategic plan. The plan is being developed nology infrastructure in the district district and local companies and mance based on socio-economic back-
by a steering committee assisted by a con- and has prioritized increasing digi- organizations. grounds. He said the Patuxent-Appeal cam-
sultant, Strategic Management Group. Four tal learning in the classroom. Expressed the desire to increase pus has low PARCC scores but also has a
public meetings were held June 21 and 22 to Focus groups identied the following ar- the dialogue with the community. high number of military families who often
gather citizen input. About a hundred peo- eas of improvement: About 20 people attended the Southern have challenges because of being moved
ple attended those four sessions at Windy Stafng and other resource al- Middle School pubic meeting. Curry said around. He also noted that Beach Elemen-
Hill Elementary, Calvert Middle, Hunting- locations are perceived to not be the dialogue there was similar to that at the tary had a high number of military families.
town High and Southern Middle schools. equitable. other three events. The Southern meeting One parent felt that paying attention to
According to a presentation at each of There are persistent achievement featured comments from parents, educa- the slow learners was dragging everyone
the four public meetings, the focused, gaps for certain student popula- tors and paraeducators, students and other down and wondered if separate classes
coherent and actionable strategic plan is tions, including African American community members. The point about pro- werent the key. But Curry said that fed-
intended to guide the school system for the students, students receiving special grams for gifted and talented students was eral regulations would prevent that. And
next ve years. Superintendent of Schools education services and males. of particular concern to the speakers. a former student said her high school class
Dr. Daniel Curry led the discussion at the Professional development op- One parent said, I know my daughter beneted from having special education
meetings. The plan is intended to over- portunities are not always offered isnt getting anything extra. She added, students included.
come increasing student needs, tightening at convenient tines or in engaging She is very motivated. Curry said the fo- Another parent expressed concern about
budgets, rising accountability and growing methods. cus groups agreed with her. We are going females outperforming males. Curry said
regulation, by: It has become increasingly more to do something about it, he insisted. that wasnt always the case but added, We
Prioritizing a focused and action- challenging to attract the most high- Curry added that the options avail- need more male teachers and more males
able set of important levers for im- ly-skilled staff to the district. able to high school students are high but considering teaching as a future.
proving performance; Some teachers feel low morale due they fall off at the middle and elementary The consultants will go back to the draw-
Aligning all district stakeholders to high workloads and not feeling school levels. ing board and look at the themes heard at
on a clear path forward over the next valued for the work they do. Several speakers expressed concerns the four community sessions and then pres-
few years; and Opportunity to emphasize recruit- about the use of cell phones, feeling it may ent a draft strategic plan to the school board
Providing a guidance document to ing a diverse workforce in order to have gotten out of hand and be getting in for review and approval.
drive allocation of district limited more closely reect the diversity of the way of them developing critical think-
resources (nancial, human capital the student population. ing. Curry said that some teachers use the dickmyers@countytimes.net
and others). Limited opportunities in place for cell phones for instruction, and he observed
So far, the process, which included students who are identied as gifted the prevalent use of them in society.
about 15 focus groups, has identied some and talented.
strengths and weaknesses of a system that There is a perceived need for more
has seen declining enrollment in recent enrichment opportunities for high

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4 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

Community Has Conversation

About Opioid Epidemic
By Dick Myers
Staff Writer

The Calvert County Sheriffs Office was Windsor. He gave the sobering statistics or Stephanie Newman delivered a message
blindsided by the countys serious opioid 63 drug overdoses and 10 fatalities so far of hope to the audience. Outpatient and
problem. We didnt predict the opioid this year. Whites are by far the greatest inpatient treatment is available, she said,
problem, Sheriff Mike Evans told the at- casualties and heroin is the drug of choice in addition to withdrawal and medication
tendees at a Community Conversation in Calvert. Lusby comes in first place for management and co-occurring treatment.
about the problem, on June 21 at Calvert number of incidents, followed by Chesa- And, theres self-help in the form of
Marine Museum in Solomons. peake Beach and Prince Frederick. Twice 12-Step programs, peer support, Medi-
Evans said his agency had anticipated the as many males as females overdosed. cated Assisted Recovery Support and
prescription drug problem and worked hard Windsor cautioned about the lethal na- SMARTRecovery. Sharon Coulson
with other agencies to nip it in the bud. But ture of fentanyl, which is 40 times more You cant look at somebody and know alone do not determine an addiction.
everyone involved with the drug problem potent than heroin. There has been one they are going to be an addict, she said. Newman said just two of three of
admits that all that did is shift users to the fentanyl-related fatal overdose in the coun- But there are signs for the observer. New- the above symptoms can be an opioid
cheaper and easier to find heroin and other ty so far this year. But even more scary is man explained those signs and the symp- usedisorder.
opioids. Of the eventual solution, he said, something called carfentanyl which is used toms of opioid abuse. Signs include: declin- Attendees at the Community Conver-
Its not going to be a quick fix. as a pain killer for very large animals. It ing school, work and home performance; sation were also given information about
Evans said treatment is preferred to in- is 4,000 times stronger than heroin, and frequently being late or missing things; Naloxone, an otherwise safe anecdote to
carceration, but if the user doesnt want to obviously lethal to humans. It has not yet frequent observed mood changes; changes an opioid overdose. Naloxone, which is
be helped, the only alternative is to lock reached Calvert. in friends or social circle; spending a lot of now available in pharmacies without a pre-
them up. Thats what happened to the son Of course, Calvert is far from alone in time in activities necessary for opioid use; scription, does no harm to the person if it
of Sharon Coulson, one of the presenters. the problem. According to the Washington asking for opioid medications; others miss- is administered and they arent overdos-
She preached a message of tough love for Post, nearly 1.3 million Americans in one ing opioid medications; regularly asking ing, according to Julie Mashino of Calvert
parents. Coulson is currently housing her year have been admitted to hospitals for for money; frequent complaints of pain; County Behavioral Health Services. She
sons childs mother, also an addict, who opioid-related issues. and giving up or reducing important nor- gave training on administering Naloxone
has been in recovery for two years and is a Calvert County Health Officer Dr. Lau- mal activities. to those in attendance.
drug court graduate. rence Polsky told the audience that small Newman said symptoms of opioid abuse, A Community Conversation was spon-
Coulson is a big supporter of the local counties such as Calvert cant possibly do include taking more and in larger amounts sored by Calvert Alliance Against Sub-
drug court, which is relatively new. And it alone and asked them to ask their fed- than intended; persistent desire or unsuc- stance Abuse (CAASA), Calvert County
Coulsons advice to parents - Dont bail eral legislators for help. One form of help, cessful efforts to cut back; persistent use Behavioral Health Services, Calvert Coun-
them out. he said, is research on less addictive pain despite recurrent social problems; craving; ty Sheriffs Office, and Maryland State Po-
Governor Larry Hogans war on opioids killers. recurrent use in hazardous situations; and lice Barrick U. CAASA Executive Director
has led to funding at the sheriffs office for The Health Departments Behavioral continued use despite knowledge that its a Candice DAgostino was MC for the event.
a Drug Intelligence Program officer, Joe Health Services Dual Diagnostic Counsel- problem. Other symptoms also include tol- dickmyers@countytimes.net
here erance and withdrawal, although those two

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Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times Local News 5

Soybean Farmers Improve

Crop Sustainability
Marylands soybean farmers have im- neighbors and future generations remains
proved the sustainability of their crop, the same, says Travis Hutchinson, chair-
according to a recent review of gov- man of the Maryland Soybean Board and
ernment data released by the United soybean farmer from Cordova, Maryland.
SoybeanBoard. American soybean farmers sustain-
Thanks to the responsible use of tech- ability performance is increasingly impor-
nology and continuous improvement in tant to customers who buy their products.
management practices, Marylands soy- Currently, 98 percent of U.S. soybeans are
bean farmers have increased their produc- certified sustainable, according to the U.S.
tivity on less land per bushel, the report Soybean Sustainability Assurance Proto-
Posing with the symbolic $50,000 donation from Dominion to PEARL. says. The United Soybean Boards Soy col (SSAP).

Morgan States PEARL

Sustainability research gathered datasets The protocol is a certified, aggregate
from the U.S. Department of Agriculture approach to the sustainability perfor-
(USDA), Environmental Protection Agen- mance of U.S. soybean production. The
cy and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. data used is regularly compiled by the

Holds Open House

Since 2010, Maryland soybean farmers U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
have harvested 29 percent more bushels of and other sources that collect it from U.S.
soybeans, on just 11 percent more soybean soybean farmers through existing govern-
acres. Those additional acres were bor- ment programs.
Lab Receives Large Donation from Dominion rowed from other crops, according to the Marylands farmers produce soybeans
United Soybean Board. all across the state. The soybeans pro-
By Dick Myers Over time, Maryland farmers also have duced in Maryland provide poultry and
Staff Writer put more of their acres into conservation, livestock feed, food, and other everyday
Its called PEARL for short. And like The agreement we are announcing to- watershed and wildlife programs, which products. Those include healthier soybean
a pearl tucked away inside an oyster, this day will focus on a number of items, from reduced their environmental impact. With oils for salad dressing and deep frying,
PEARL is hidden away too, in a corner of collaborative research and community out- nearly a third of Marylands land mass in new more sustainable plastics and print-
Jefferson Patterson Park on St. Leonards reach to economic development and work- farming, and almost the entire state with- ing inks, and feed for the poultry and live-
Creek. PEARL stands for Patuxent Environ- force training. It seeks to leverage the in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, how stock produced across the state.
mental and Aquatic Research Laboratory, strengths of the Maryland Department of Maryland farmers manage their land has a In Maryland, farmers grow about a
operated by Morgan State University. Natural Resources and its expert staff of huge impact on the health of the Bay. half a million acres of soybeans, produc-
Each year PEARL holds an open house managers and scientists with Morgan State The responsibility for taking care of ing more than 20 million bushels of beans
that attracts a large crowd to see what Universitys academic proficiency, com- the land, water and air we utilize to pro- each year. With a value of $173 million to
theyve been up to. This years fifth such munity connections, and resources, Ruth- duce soybeans is our livelihood and the the states economy, soybeans are one of
event on June 23 was significant for a num- erford said. Through this partnership, we heritage thats been passed to us. While Marylands top crops.
ber of reasons. It was held during Morgan hope to enhance collaboration, opportunity, our farms are often bigger or look different
States 150th anniversary. And, Lt. Gov. and build resilience for the future, all while than they did a generation or two ago, our From Maryland Soybean Board.
Boyd Rutherford was on hand to celebrate cultivating the next generation of environ- commitment to doing whats right by our
the signing of a partnership agreement be- mental stewards who learn, live, and work

Hogan Highlights Brandywine

tween the state (Department of Natural Re- in the heart of Maryland.
sources) and Morgan State University. And, Wilson and Maryland Natural Resources
to make things even sweeter, Dominion En- Secretary Mark Belton formally signed the

Interchange Progress
ergy announced a $50,000 grant to the cen- agreement.
ters research effort. Maryland Public Service Commis-
Morgan State University President David sion member and former delegate Tony
Wilson touted the labs contribution to Cal- ODonnell touted the role of private indus- One of the record number of road proj- Construction crews recently began pri-
vert Countys economy and the aid it had pro- try in the work of the lab. He said he and his ects happening across the state this sum- mary construction of the Spine Road over-
vided to local watermen. He said the institu- fellow commission members had spent the mer has reached a construction milestone. pass, which will connect two new service
tion is committed to giving the state a good previous day touring the Dominion Cove The $55.7 million project at the MD 5 roads on each side of Branch Avenue.
Return on Investment. About the days Point Plant. (Branch Avenue) interchange with MD Once the MD 5 interchange project
event, he said, This really is about celebrat- ODonnell introduced plant manager 373 (Accokeek Road) and MD 381 (Bran- opens to traffic in summer 2019, motor-
ing what we do here today to make sure the Mike Frederick, who said his company three dywine Road) in Brandywine began last ists will enjoy a safer, more efficient ride
Chesapeake Bay is here for our children and years ago had contributed to the labs Blue summer and is now one-third complete on Branch Avenue in southern Prince
grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Crab study and that his announcement was with construction of the Spine Road over- Georges County. Area commuters also
Wilson noted that his institution was a continuance of that partnership. He then pass underway. will have a new 247-space ridesharing lot
founded 150 years ago in a church basement announced the $50,000 Dominion contribu- This project is one of the prime exam- as an additional option a transportation
in west Baltimore with one professor and tion to a thunderous applause from the audi- ples of Governor Larry Hogans commit- benefit for those in the Washington and
eight students and had grown to 8,000 stu- ence assembled under a large tent. ment to bring congestion relief to Mary- southern Maryland regions.
dents from 40 states and 70 countries. Visitors could walk around the lab and land and will result in a safer commute for Funding for the $55.7 million project
Rutherford said of the agreement between take boat tours of St. Leonards Creek. A thousands of residents in Charles County is part of the $1.97 billion investment in
Morgan State and the Department of Natu- lunch that included freshly-shucked oysters and southern Prince Georges County. highway and bridge improvements Gover-
ral Resources: This is at the heart of what on the half shell was provided. Our administration promised to fix nor Hogan announced in June 2015.
Gov. Hogan and I try to do in Annapolis ev- dickmyers@coutytmes.net Marylands crumbling roads and bridges, While SHA and its transportation part-
ery day. as well address the worst traffic in the na- ners work hard to maintain safe traffic mo-
tion, and with the MD 5 interchange proj- bility in work zones, each driver need to
ect, we are doing exactly what we said we actively modify his or her driving style to
would do, said Governor Larry Hogan. help prevent crashes.
This important project will help remove Maryland drivers can also Know Before
a major bottleneck in Prince Georges They Go! by calling 511 or visiting www.
County and ensure safer and more effi- md511.org for live traffic updates, includ-
cient travelling for our citizens. ing construction delays and lane closures.
During morning and evening rush
hours, drivers experience delays at two From Maryland Department
congested intersections Accokeek and of Transportation.
Livingston roads which directly connect
to neighboring communities.

Pilantana Anderson of the NRG Chalk Point Aquaculture Morgan State University President David
Center with a young Atlantic sturgeon on display at the Wilson
PEARL open house.
6 Crime The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

Sheriffs Ofce Press Releases

The following is a sample of recent Thefts:
crimes and investigations handled by the The Calvert Coun-
Calvert County Sheriffs Ofce. ty Sheriffs Ofce
received a call for a
CDS Violations: suspect pulling on
Shantell Renee Hurley, 29, of Prince door handles of ve-

Fountain Sale
Enjoy the soothing sounds of water in your garden. Choose from Massarelli,
Frederick, Tyrone Conde Claggett, 30,
of Lexington Park and Desmond Cur-
tis Freeland, 27, of
hicles in the area of
the Rod and Reel lo-
cated in Chesapeake
Chesapeake Beach Beach. William La-
Athens, Henri & more. Over 25 running fountains to choose from. were arrested and fayette Brown, 59,
Save 50 $ 00
Any Fountain Priced $150 to $350
Save 100
$ 00
Any Fountain Priced Over $399
charged for Conceal
a Dangerous Weap-
of Huntingtown was

on, DWI by drugs

All units are self-contained. Just plug them in. Professional installation and delivery is available. (check (marijuana dipped in Destruction of Property:
store for details) Fountains can be delivered and set up the same week as your purchase. Tabletop fountains, PCP), Fail to Obey Between June 13th and June 23rd, the
pond spitters, and indoor fountains also available. Winter covers are available to protect your fountain in the winter.
Lawful Order and Calvert County Sheriffs Ofce received
All fountains need a small concrete slab if they're not going on a solid surface. Allow 4-8 weeks for Special Orders & Colors. CDS Possession. calls for the following areas having eggs
thrown at their property.
Dekorra & Other Pond Liners 3500 block of Dotty Court in
Decorative Choose from rigid & vinyl liners. Huntingtown,
Lightweight Rocks 8800 block of Dayton Ave in North
Use in your yard to hide well caps Save 25% Off
any size or style in stock
& septic lids. 11500 block of Bootstrap Trail in Lusby
any size
25% Off 8400 block of Clear Spring Dr. in Ches-
apeake Beach.

Crape Myrtles - Summer Flowering Trees Claggett Freeland

On June 20, two residents in the 12000
block of Palisades Dr. in Dunkirk had
their mailboxes stolen.
Mix or Match Buy 3 Get 4th Free all colors. choose FroM
shruB, DwarF, or tree sizes Shelly Marie Dodson, 45, of Lusby was
arrested for possession of Methadone and Request for Information:
Theft. The Calvert County Sheriffs Ofce is
asking the publics assistance in identify-
Burglaries: ing a white male driving a newer model,
12800 area of Lake View Dr in Lusby, dark blue Ford Mustang, with a loud ex-
residence entered haust. This vehicle has repeatedly driven
11500 block of Ropeknot Rd in Lusby, through their neighborhoods, in the Hun-
residence entered tingtown area, doing burnouts in the cul
8200 block of Sycamore Rd in Lusby, de sac on Carries Ct and other neighbor-
residence entered ing subdivisions.
2100 block of Sixes Rd in Prince Fred-
Plant Your Own Hummingbird & Butterfly Garden erick, residence entered

Mix or Match 5 For $45 o

a s P
( . $9.99 - $12.99)
ll tD erennials reG
ther sizes rices vailaBle

Check Welfare
Calls for children and or the elderly left A childs body temperature can rise up
in vehicle: 3 to ve times faster than adults can. A child
Calls for pet left in vehicle: 1 dies with 107-degree body temperature.
The Calvert County Sheriffs Ofce Even if it is 60 degrees outside, your car
wants to remind citizens the dangers of can still heat up to well above 110 degrees.
leaving children, pets and the elderly in Sources:http://www.nbcnews.com/sto-
BEE BALM BLACK-EYED SUSAN PURPLE CONEFLOWER COREOPSIS vehicles during the hot summer months ryline/hot-cars-and-kids/death-hot-cars-
could result in a fatality. facts-gures-prevention-n153776

D0-it-Yourself Summer Projects Cracking a window open and parking in

the shade are not sufcient safeguards. From Calvert County Sheriffs Ofce

Maryland State Police Report

Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle: Theft from Motor Vehicle: On 6/15/17
On 6/12/17 at 3:11 pm, Trooper First Class at 8:57 am, Trooper Jones handled a report
Edge Stone Costello responded to the 500 block of for the theft of the registration year sticker
& Curb Stone Cambridge Colonial Gray & Patuxent Reach Drive in Prince Freder- being stolen from a vehicle. The victim
Flagstone Path Natural Stone Pallets
$ 88 Paver Pallets ick for a reported attempted vehicle theft. was unable to report when or where the
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moved the keys without permission with continues.
a plan for friends to remove the vehicle
from the premise. Ryan T. Graves, 18 of From Maryland State Police
Now ScheduliNg Summer laNdScape & Prince Frederick and the juvenile were Barrack U Prince Frederick.
hardScape projectS both arrested. Graves was incarcerated in
the Calvert County Detention Center and
Schedule an Appointment Today! 1-800-451-1427 or www.WentworthNursery.com the juvenile was released to the custody of
Juvenile Services.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times 7



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8 Sports The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

Shepherd of the Bay Lutheran St. Marys Swimmers Make

Churchs First Soccer Camp Scholar All -American Team
For the first time in the 95-year history of or higher during the spring 2017 semester.
the College Swimming & Diving Coaches St. Marys posted a 3.41 team grade point
Association of America (CSCAA), more average during the spring semester, ranking
than 700 teams have received Scholar All- the Seahawks grades among the Top 30 in
America recognition across all three divi- Division III. The Seahawks were one of 127
sions and included among the teams was Division III mens swim teams to receive the
the St. Marys College of Maryland mens accolade for the spring semester.
swimteam. This is the Seahawks second CSCAA
CSCAAExecutive Director Joel Shino- Scholar All-America Team Award under
field cited St. Marys success, noting:Coach first-year head coach Casey Brandt as St.
Casey Brandt again led St. Marys to one of Marys gained the same honor for the Fall
the nations top GPAs.He added, We are 2016 Semester.
very fortunate to have schools like St. Marys St. Marys was also the only Capital Ath-
and people like Vice President for Stu- letic Conference mens swim team to be
dent Affairs and Dean of Students Leonard honored by the CSCAA. In addition, the
Brown and Director of Athletics & Recre- Seahawks had both its mens and womens
ation Scott Devine who support these excep- swim teams recognized as Scholar All-
tional student-athletes. America Teams.
Sixty young people from St. mays and Calvert counties participated in Shepherd of the Bay Lutheran In total, 720 teams, representing 443 insti- By Nairem Moran, St. Marys College.
Churchs first soccer camp June 19-23. The Lusby churchs Pastor Josh Olsen led the camp and was
assisted by students from Winnebago Lutheran Academy of Fond Du Lac, WI, who stayed with church tutions, achieved a grade point average of 3.0
members during their visit to the area. Photo by Joan Hoerning for Shepherd of the Bay Lutheran Church.

Seahawks Womens Swimming Team Honored

Golf Course to Close Back Nine For the first time in the 95-year history of
the College Swimming & Diving Coaches
reation Scott Devine who support these ex-
ceptional student-athletes.

for Landscaping Upgrade

Association of America (CSCAA), more In total, 720 teams, representing 443 in-
than 700 teams have received Scholar All- stitutions, achieved a grade point average of
America recognition across all three divi- 3.0 or higher during the spring 2017 semes-
The Calvert County Division of Parks required. On some days, it may be possible sions and included among the teams was the ter. This is the Seahawks second CSCAA
and Recreation announced it will be plant- to play the front nine holes twice in order to St. Marys College of Maryland womens Scholar All-America Team Award under
ing Bermuda grass on the back nine holes get in 18 holes of play. During the time of the swim team. first-year head coach Casey Brandt as St.
of the Chesapeake Hills Golf Course begin- closure, the golf course will offer a $3 dis- St. Marys posted a 3.65 team grade point Marys earned the same honor for the fall
ning July 5, 2017. Although the sprigging count on nine holes of play with a cart and average, which ranks tied for ninth with 2016 semester.
process only takes a few days, the back nine $5 off 18 holes of play with acart. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute among The Seahawks were one of five Capital
holes will remain closed for up to four weeks Located in scenic Lusby and just minutes the 173 Division III institutions honored by Athletic Conference womens swim teams
while the grass grows in strong enough for from historicSolomons Island, the Chesa- theCSCAA. to be awarded by the CSCAA as Frostburg
foot traffic. peake Hills Golf Course offers an enjoyable CSCAAExecutive Director Joel Shino- State University (3.14), University of Mary
This upgrade to the landscaping will and challenging experience for all golfers. field cited St. Marys success, noting:Coach Washington (3.48), Salisbury University
allow us to provide a better fairway year- Visit online to learn more about Chesapeake Casey Brandt again led St. Marys to one (3.45), and York College of Pennsylvania
round, explained Chesapeake Hills Golf Hills Golf Course, Calvert Countys pre- of the nations top GPAs.He added, We (3.39) all made the cut. However, only St.
Course Manager Tim Hepler. mier public golf course, at www.Chesapeak- are very fortunate to have schools like St. Marys had both its mens and womens
During the closure period, the front nine eHills.com. Marys and people like Vice President for swim teams honored as Scholar All-Amer-
holes will remain open and tee times will be From Calvert County Government. Student Affairs and Dean of Students Leon- ica Teams.
ard Brown and Director of Athletics & Rec- By Nairem Moran , St. Marys College.

politically active last season and kneel be universally offensive and actually do
during the national anthem to raise aware- erode the NFLs brand. Just last year,
ness of on-going oppression of minorities. Commissioner Roger Goodell, with a
Now his on-field contributions dont jus- wink and a giggle, suspended Richardson
tify the perceived trouble accompany his for one game after he went on a 143 mph
employment. joy ride. After being pulled over, police
And with that, a statement: this isnt detected the odor of marijuana, found a
about the issue fueling Kaepernicks pro- semi-automatic handgun and discovered a

Unemployed Activist
test. Thats been debated, picked over, 12-year-old passenger. What a role model!
marinated and cooked to a crisp. Opin- And while were pondering the transgres-
ions are set. Hopefully it advanced our sions of NFL players, do not forget the
country in a positive way. leagues very dubious (mis)handling of
What is worthy of further consideration concussion data likened to the tobaccos
A month before NFL training camps Boykin (Seahawks) and, just for you Ra- is why Kaepernick remains unemployed industrys statistical manipulations and
begin, former 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick vens fans, Ryan Mallett. and what it says about tolerance of play- the $765M settlement it paid out to former
remains mysteriously unemployed. Smiths career quarterback rating is ers choosing to be athletes and activists players in 2013.
Considering only football-related fac- 72.4. Clemenss is 69.4 and hes won just a combination that has produced change Amidst this ethical and moral ooze,
tors, theres no plausible explanation for 8 of 21 starts. Mallett slept through prac- agents like Jackie Robinson, Billie Jean Kaepernick, a man who has been genuine
his want of work. Kaepernick boasts a tice, missed a team flight and lost 3 of 4 King, Muhammad Ali, Kathrine Swit- and thought-provoking about his anthem
career quarterback rating of 88.9, an im- starts with the Texans in 2015. Im unac- zer and Arthur Ashe. The NFL, with its protest and who is an all-star philanthro-
pressive 72-30 touchdown passes to inter- quainted with the rest. When we meet, in- stated intent to protect the shield, didnt pist, is the great villain the NFL would
ceptions ratio and in February 2013 came troduce yourself as Sean Mannion; I wont want to be bothered and it might be/prob- prefer to see eradicated from its payroll?
within one goal line play of winning the know the difference. ably is using Kaepernick to send this mes- Whatever brand protection the league
Super Bowl. What has he done lately? So with no rational football argument sage: no unnecessary controversy on our sought post-protest has been undone by
Last season, with a talent-challenged 49ers for Kaepernicks unemployment, whats stagewe are the lords of pro football. the wall Big Brother NFL and Party leader
team, Kaepernick threw 16 touchdown the dirty little secret? As The Dude Dont miss the hypocrisy. And re- Goodell built between Kaepernick and the
passes, just four interceptions and posted said, This is a very complicated case ally, how could you in time when certain football field. Kaepernick shouldnt be os-
an impressive 90.7 quarterbackrating. you know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta people can say denigrating things about, tracized, he should be appreciated for his
And yet, not one of the 32 NFL teams what-have-yous. well, just about anyone and suffer no con- social awareness and lauded for his cour-
has signed Kaepernick this offseason. To Call it public relations, brand protec- sequences? The NFL waved off Ray Rice age to act (more athletes should). At the
offer some context to this curious situ- tion or sensitivity to consumer concerns and is apparently doing the same with very least, he should be employed. That
ation, here are a few employed backup - package it however you want. Just be Kaepernick while it continues to employ hes not is an indictment of the NFL and
quarterbacks: Ryan Griffin (Buccaneers), sure to acknowledge what cannot be de- the likes of Ben Roethlisberger, Adam the skewed value system it perceives ex-
Sean Mannion (Rams), Geno Smith (Gi- nied: Kaepernick remains unemployed Jones, Michael Floyd and Sheldon Rich- ists in its patrons. Does it?
ants), Kellen Clemens (Chargers), Trevone because he decided to be socially and ardson, players with rap sheets that should Send comment to RonaldGuyJr@gmail.com
Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times Education 9

CMM Volunteer Council Announces Scholarship Winners

The Volunteer Council at the These young volunteers un- service at CMM during the year.
Calvert Marine Museum (CMM) derstand the importance of giv- Assisting with the generous
is pleased to announce the 2017 ing back to the community and funding to allow for five recipient
scholarship recipients. The Award CMM is proud to have them as awards was the CMM Volunteer
Presentation was held on Friday, members of the volunteer fam- Council, CMMS Board of Direc-
June 16 at the Calvert Marine Mu- ily. I am honored to have been tors, Patuxent Small Craft Guild,
seum. The Volunteer Council, led selected as a recipient and plan to Canoe/Kayak Club, and the Solo-
by President Ray Brule and Vice use the funds to help pay for text- mons Island Model Boat Club
President Karl Garland, wanted books and laboratory supplies. (SIMBC). This idea began with
to give incentives to young vol- The generosity of these funds al- offering one scholarship and we
unteers and established a new lows me to complete the rigorous are so pleased that the other clubs
scholarship program two years academics of my college educa- and Board of Directors jumped
ago for students pursuing higher tion with less worry over college on board, said Volunteer Coun-
education. Five $750 scholarships expenses, said award recipient cil President, Ray Brule.
were awarded and presented by Aimee Beardmore. The program
Squeak, CMMs very own otter. is open to applicants 25 years From Calvert Marine Museum.
The 2017 recipients are: Aimee and younger who are in college,
Beardmore, Sydney Goodrich, or are graduating high school se-
Whitney Jefferson, Drew Mason, niors headed to college, and have Photo courtesy of Robert Hurry pictured (l to r) are Drew Mason, Whitney Jeffer-
and Shayna Zabiegalski. completed 20 hours of volunteer son, CMM otter, Sydney Goodrich, Aimee Beardmore, and not pictured is Shayna

CSM Employees Honored

for Design Work
The College of Southern Maryland petition of its kind that honors excellence
(CSM) has been honored with a Paragon exclusively among marketing and PR pro-
Award from the National Council for Mar- fessionals at two-year colleges.
keting and Public Relations (NCMPR) for This years competition drew nearly
its design of the CSMs Fall 2016 Credit 1,800 entries from 247 colleges across
Course Listing. The work of several people North America. Nearly 90 marketing and
was particularly credited with winning the PR professionals from around the coun-
gold award in the print-class schedule cat- try served as judges, selected by NCMPR
From left, Southern Maryland Regional Director for the Small Business Development Center Ellen Flow- egory in the annual competition, includ- members who volunteered as judging co-
ers-Fields, founder of Farming 4 Hunger Bernie Fowler Jr., CEO of Walden/Sierra Dr. Kathy OBrien, U.S. ing Advancement Division team members ordinators. Winners were announced ear-
Navy veteran and veteran advocate Bill Buffington and Director of Hospice of St. Marys Kathy Franzen.
Content Developer/Copywriter Amanda lier this year at NCMPRs national confer-

CSM Hosts Conference for Nonprofits

Lozano (CSM 2008 graduate), Graphic ence in Charleston, South Carolina.
Designer Katie Reyes (CSM 2011 gradu- NCMPR is the only organization of its
ate), Lead Desktop Publisher/Production kind that exclusively represents marketing
More than 150 nonprofit employees fective board member, leadership during a Specialist Brenda Jones, Director of Cre- and public relations professionals at com-
and supporters participated in this years crisis and cultivating staff and volunteers ative Services Lisa Jones with images pro- munity and technical colleges. As one of
annual Nonprofit Institute Conference at for leadership roles. duced by the CSM photography team. the fastest-growing affiliates of theAmer-
the College of Southern Maryland (CSM). Following lunch, the conference culmi- Kudos to our extremely creative and ican Association of Community Colleges,
The seventh annual conference, which nated with a panel discussion on leader- talented team. They create and produce so NCMPR has more than 1,550 members
featured local experts on nonprofits and ship in the nonprofit community featuring many winning pieces that our students and from more than 650 colleges across the
leadership issues, was held April 28 at Director of Hospice of St. Marys Kathy prospects can relate to. Their work is so United States, Canada and other countries.
CSMs La Plata Campus. Franzen, CEO of Walden/Sierra Dr. Kathy impressive, said CSM Vice President of To view the CSM entry that won the
This years Nonprofit Institute Confer- OBrien, U.S. Navy veteran and veteran Advancement Michelle Goodwin. Paragon Award, visit www.ncmpr.org/
ence, Jumpstart Leadership, was a great advocate Bill Buffington, Southern Mary- NCMPRs Paragon Awards recognize cp/uploads/2Schedule_1gold-Collegeof-
success, said Barbara Ives, CSM direc- land Regional Director for the Small Busi- outstanding achievement in design and SouthernMaryland.pdf.
tor of the Office of Strategic Partnerships. ness Development Center Ellen Flowers- communication at community and tech-
This conference focused on refreshing Fields and founder of Farming 4 Hunger nical colleges. Its the only national com- From College of Southern Maryland.
leadership skills, board development and Bernie Fowler Jr. The video can be viewed
branding importance. Events like this at youtu.be/jO_m8pmXL-U.
provide the nonprofit organization board Ives said that planning for next years
members, executive directors and staff conference has already begun. In re-
members opportunities to network, col- sponse to feedback that suggested that late
laborate with other nonprofits and share winter would fit in better with nonprofit
best practices. The panel discussion this schedules, the conference in 2018 is being
year was especially enlightening with five planned for late February instead of April.
recognized nonprofit community leaders The Nonprofit Institute was established
sharing insights on leadership, some of by the College of Southern Maryland to
their leadership challenges and how they assist nonprofit organizations throughout
overcame them and their greatest suc- the region to enhance their effectiveness
cesses. It was truly a great learning and and achieve success in fulfilling their
sharing day for all that attended. missions. For information about programs
Conference participants chose from a sponsored by the Nonprofit Institute, visit
variety of workshops, including work- www.csmd.edu/community/institutes/
shops on social media analytics, content nonprofit-institute.
marketing, mission-driven branding,
fundraising development, a boards role From College of Southern Maryland.
in advancement and development, unem-
ployment insurance, building diversity,
nonprofit financial literacy, strategic plan-
ning, board recruitment, how to be an ef-
10 Feature The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

emory Lane Economic Development to

M Become More Focused
Car Show Department Reorganization Begins July 1
By Dick Myers
Staff Writer
A major reorganization of Calvert Coun- ic Developments accomplishments over
ty Government is set to take place July 1, the past 19 years. Between FY 99 and FY
although the full impact of the changes is 17, Calvert County increased the commer-
likely to be delayed until several new peo- cial tax base by 214 percent or $873 mil-
ple are hired. One of those changes is cre- lion dollars, recruited $798 million in new
ation of a Department of Communications capital investment, increased the commer-
and Media Relations. To accomplish that, cial floor area by 7 million square feet, ul-
several existing functions now included timately resulting in a net increase of 4,741
within the Department of Economic De- new jobs. The business base has increased
velopment will be transferred to the new 148 percent or by 2,955 new businesses,
To benet the family of Sgt. Nolan Scully department. That will leave a newly refo- increased tourism expenditures by 51.3
and Mother Catherines Academy cused economic development effort.
Linda Vassallo has headed the Depart-
percent or $50 million and played a part in
the recruitment of several products (hotels,
ment of Economic Development for 19 restaurants, wineries, breweries and busi-
years. She will become the new director nesses) that attract visitors to the county.
At the st. marys county fairgrounds of the Department of Communications and If economic development was a big game

Sat. July 1, 2017

Media Relations. A new economic devel- safari, then the Dominion Cove Point plant
opment director will be hired; the search would be Vassallos big trophy. Although
is now underway for that person. Until the the company initiated the project, the coun-
hiring, Vassallo will continue to oversee ty was its biggest supporter and Vassallo

8am to 4pm both functions.

Staff of the existing Department of Eco-
nomic Development were busy this week
one of its biggest cheerleaders. Just as it had
been through the siting of the Calvert Cliffs
Nuclear Power Plant and the now-stalled at-
rearranging offices on the third floor of the tempts for an expansion there, the county
Get ready for some Courthouse Square building at 205 Main remained steadfast in support against sig-
nostalgia Street in Prince Frederick across from the
nificant community opposition. The oppo-
sition to Dominion persists with the plant
Vassallo was originally hired by county set to go online next year.
Model Ts to Hot Rods government in 1996 to be a marketing and
communications specialist, but eased into
The Dominion Energy plant is such a
big trophy because of its likely impact on
Jeeps, Trucks, the economic development director posi- the county budget. The fiscal year begin-
tion in 1999. For a while, the county was ning July 1 will see an infusion of $40 mil-
Antique Fire Trucks without a public information officer but lion into the county coffers through what
that position was eventually rolled into is known as a PILOT (or Payment In lieu
Live bands on stage all day Vassallos department. of Taxes).
St. Clair Trio - Spoon Creek A graduate of Towson University with a The plant construction has caused a sig-
Cut Loose Band major in Mass Communications, Vassallo nificant increase in the county workforce.
has both communications and business After it is online, Vassallo agrees that there
Large tents for shade development work experiences. Her new may be some spin-off jobs in businesses
Food & beverage will be available for purchase. department will be under Deputy County setting up to supply Dominion. She said
Courtesy of Mechanicsville Fire Department Administrator Wilson Parran, the main that impact remains to be seen.
t Fo r
P e r f ec s architect of the reorganization. Parran, a Dominion is also beginning construction
t. Mary former county commissioner (2002-2010), of a new office building in Patuxent Busi-
y o u r S t io n !
$20 said the county was lucky to have someone
of Vassallos background to head the De-
partment of Communications.
ness Park (PBP) in Lusby, a county-owned
industrial park picked up from the state.
But other than that project, the park stands
for all vehicles Vassallo said in a June 26 interview that virtually undeveloped.
(Price includes 1 passenger) she is excited about the new challenge. She Such is not the case for the countys
also supplied the County Times with the other industrial park, Calvert Industrial
$5 General Admission
(Ages 13 and under free)
following prepared statement: I am espe-
cially proud of the Department of Econom-
Park on Route 231 in Barstow. The first
tenant in that park was C&P Telephone in

50/50 Drawing
3 Drawings for
attending drivers
1st Drawing $100
2nd Drawing $150
3rd Drawing $500
Must be present to win
Rain Date: Sun. July 2
Left to right: Commissioner Tom Hejl, Deputy County Administrator Wilson Parran, and Linda Vassallo
For more information contact Mike Evans at 301-475-5889
Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times Feature 11

December of 1975. By July of 2003, with Hejl notes that previous commissioner ness and her department has a strong busi- and other agri-businesses as part of Small
the locating of Marrick Properties there, boards favored slow growth and thus eco- ness retention program. Small business Business Appreciation Week in May.
the park became fully occupied. It is now nomic development wasnt a priority. It is a is really the backbone of the community, According to the reorganization plan, the
operated by Calvert Economic Develop- priority for his all-Republican board. If we Hejl said. new Department of Economic Develop-
ment Authority, a quasi-governmental en- dont have economic development growth The county commissioners are also com- ment will include a more focused effort on
tity whose members are appointed by the then we have to have funding from some- mitted to supporting the existing agricul- business development, business retention,
county commissioners. where, he said. Presumably that would ture community and encouraging young agri-business and tourism. How that takes
Vassallo doesnt consider PBP to be a be from residential property owners in the people to get into it. To that end the county shape will likely be forged by the new di-
failure, insisting the county knew it would form of a property tax increase, which hap- hired an agriculture marketing specialist rector with a healthy dose of guidance from
be a long-range project, like Calvert In- pened last year and the existing board vows within the economic development depart- the county commissioners.
dustrial Park. But the county thought PBP never to happen again. ment in January. They also toured farms dickmyers@contytimes.net
would attract defense contractors associ- Vassallo points out
ated with the Patuxent River Naval Air Sta- that only three-percent
tion to locate there and that never happened. of the county land mass
Vassallo notes that the recession interposed is zoned town center
itself. And Commissioner President Tom commercial, not a lot
Hejl observes that the Gov. Thomas John- to spread around the
son Bridge may also be a deterrent to lo- tax burden.
cating on one side and doing business on Even though the
the other. county has hooked its
Commissioner Hejl sat in on the County economic development
Times interview with Vassallo and Par- future on the heavy in-
ran. He noted that the only place available dustry of the Dominion
in the county for business expansion is the Cove Point plant and
proposed Armory Square project in Prince Calvert Cliffs Nuclear
Frederick, the likely location of a new Power Plant, when the
county ofce building. county talks about in-
The county is now going through the dustrial development in
process of updating its Comprehensive the future, it is decid-
Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Industrially- edly light industry. That
zoned land is at a premium. Vassallo was economic development
asked if the success of Calvert Industrial plan will be identify-
Park was an indication that more industrial ing target industries.
land was needed, perhaps in the central or Vassallo says they will
northern parts of the couny. She said that include heritage tour-
would be considered with the updates and ism and software and
also is expected to be addressed in an eco- computer science.
nomic development plan that is about ready Vassallo points out
for prime time and will be incorporated in that her efforts have also
the countys master plan update. focused on small busi- Source: Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation; Calvert County Department of Finance and
Budget; Calvert County Department of Planning and Zoning; and Hoovers/internal data collection
12 The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times 13
14 Obituaries The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
guyleonard@countytimes.net after noon on Mondays may run in the following weeks edition.

Pearl Armiger Miller Huntingtown MD 20639. Roy Edward Lechner, playing poker, eating crabs with fam-
Life Celebration Service will be Fri- ily and friends, and watching sports.
Pearl Armiger Miller, 87, of Hunting-
day, June 30, 2017, 11 a.m. at Chesapeake
June-Bug He was especially fond of the Bal-
town, MD passed away June 26, 2017 at Roy Edward Lech-
Calvert Memorial Hospital. Church. timore Orioles, New England Patri-
ner, June-Bug, 72,
Visitation will be Sunday, July 2, 5- 8 Interment will be at Chesapeake High- ots and the Washington Redskins.
of Lusby, MD, and
p.m. at Rausch Funeral Home - Owings lands Memorial Gardens, 3270 Broomes He was preceded in death by a sis-
formerly of Ohio,
8325 Mount Harmony Lane, Owings MD Island Road, Port Republic MD 20676. ter Martha Nowottnick and broth-
passed away on
20736. ers James and David Beall.
June 20, 2017 at his
Funeral services will be Monday, July 3, Dorothy Dots Vivian Oursler residence.
Surviving are his wife Carol J. Tomlinson
2017, 11 a.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church Dorothy Dots of Huntingtown; children Gail Malley and
Born November
100 Lower Marlboro Road, Sunderland Vivian Oursler, 102, her husband Ronnie and David DeDe
22, 1944 in Rothwell,
MD 20689. Interment follows in the of St. Leonard, MD Williams; granddaughter Tina Marie Mal-
England, he was the
church cemetery. passed away peace- ley and great grandson Aiden Malley all
son of the late Roy
fully on June 21, 2017 of Shady Side; sister Peggy Richards and
Howard Lechner and Grace Lillian (Coe)
at her home in St. her husband Melvin of Brandywine and
Daniel Ray Tomer Leonard, MD. She brother Steve Beall and his wife Marie of
Roy graduated from McKinley High
Daniel Ray was born on July 16, Stumpy Point, NC.
School in Canton, OH. He was enlisted in
Tomer, 56, of Hun- 1914 in Clinton, MD Funeral arrangements by Rausch Fu-
the U.S. Army from May 25, 1964 until
tingtown, MD to Grifth Surch and neral Homes.
May 27, 1970, serving in Vietnam. Dur-
passed away sud- Edith Pearl Oursler. ing his enlistment, he was a Wheel Me-
denly on June 24, She attended and graduated from Surrat- chanic supervising maintenance and re-
2017. He was born tsville High School and then entered into covery operations. Roy moved to Lusby Michael Kevin Horstkamp
on March 28, 1961, Strayer College of Accountancy specializ- from Baltimore, MD in March of 2010 and Michael Kevin
in Morgantown, ing in secretarial and management cours- married his wife Mary Ellen in St. Leon- Horstkamp passed
WV, to David Ray es. After graduating college, she entered ard, MD on June 12, 2010. He was a Truck away peacefully at
and Bernice Von- into employment with the Department of Driver and enjoyed woodworking, shing, his home in Chesa-
nette (Sponaugle) Tomer. He graduated Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, as golng, bowling and dancing. peake Beach on June
from West Virginia University with a a Classication and Wage Specialist. She Roy is survived by his wife, Mary El- 17, 2017. He was born
BA Degree in 1985. Daniel married Leila worked there for over 40 years, retiring in len Lechner; his children, Maxine Lech- August 6, 1954 in
Tabanera in Morgantown, WV, July 30, 1978. ner of England, Teresa Lechner of Ohio, Washington, D.C. to
1988, and moved to Calvert County. He Dots spent a lot of her time traveling Deborah Gates (James Burgess) of Fred- Thomas and Doris
was employed by Nationwide Insurance as back and forth between her homes in ericksburg, VA, and Dale Shaner (Rose) Horstkamp. Michael
a Master Insurance Claims Adjuster. He Clinton and St. Leonard. Her home in St. of Prince Frederick, MD; ten grandchil- was an interior deco-
and his wife, Leila, have been members Leonard was her Riverhouse where she dren; six great-grandchilden; siblings, rator working on residential and commer-
of Chesapeake Church since 2008. He was loved to go in the summertime to crab, sh Pam Harris of England, Carol Stinestring cial projects for twenty ve years. In the
always so excited to serve whenever there and garden. She loved being on the water (Dave) of Ohio, Mary Ash (Ron) of Ohio, past six years, Michael also was a licensed
was a need. He has been active in the Sum- and enjoyed nature. She also loved to cook and George Lechner (Debbie Werstler) real estate settlement agent. Michael was
mit Mens group, LifeStudy classes, Food and bake and her crab cakes were her best of Ohio. He was preceded in death by his a man of faith and an accomplished pia-
Pantry, Peake Youth, and the Communion recipe. She was an expert at playing the sons, Roy Lechner, Jr. and Donald Lech- nist who enjoyed sharing his talents as a
Team. Feeding the body and feeding the game Upwords beating most who would ner; and brother, John Lechner. member of St. Anthonys choir for thirteen
soul were his passions. Evangelizing was play the game with her. If she didnt recog- Memorial contributions may be made years.
his calling. Dan viewed working and living nize a word, out would come her diction- to American Cancer Society, 7500 Gre- Michael is survived by Michael Parrish,
in Southern Maryland as a daily backyard ary to check the spelling! enway Center Drive Suite 300, Greenbelt his loving partner of twenty four years.
missionary experience. He felt so honored She enjoyed passing time with friends MD 20770; Phone : 301-982-2161; website: His brothers Thomas and James Horst-
when he was chosen to become an Elder and family members on her porch in St http://www.cancer.org kamp, and their wives Sue and Kathy.
at Chesapeake Church. In his leisure, Dan Leonard and often looked at her nieces Funeral arrangements by Rausch Fu- Also surviving are nieces Beth Fricke,
enjoyed hunting, shing and camping. He and nephews as her own children. neral Homes. Karen Isailovic and Tracy Hahn, nephews
was a gourmet cook, and enjoyed spend- Funeral Service will be Thursday, June Boe and James Horstkamp and thirteen
ing time with his family and at church. 29, 2017 at 11 a.m. at Waters Memorial great-nieces and nephews.
Surviving are his wife Leila Tomer; son United Methodist Church, 5400 Mackall Edward Maxwell Mack Memorial contributions may
Deilan Tomer and his wife Amy; daughter Road, St. Leonard MD 20685. be made to Calvert Hospice, P.O.
Caitlin Tomer all of Huntingtown, MD; Burial will be at Chesa- Tomlinson Box 838, 238 Merrimac Court
peake Highlands Memorial Gar- Edward Maxwell Prince Frederick MD 20678, Phone: 410-
parents David R. and Bernice Tomer; and Mack Tomlinson,
sister Deniece Tomer of Westover WV. dens, 3270 Broomes Island Road, 535-0892; website: http://calverthospice
Port Republic MD 20676. 66, of Huntingtown, Funeral arrangements by Rausch Fu-
Visitation will be Thursday, June 29, MD passed away
2017, 2-4 p.m and 7-9 p.m. at Chesapeake neral Homes.
June 19, 2017 at
Church 6201 Solomons Island Road, Washington Hospital
Center. He was born
January 12, 1951
in Cheverly, MD to
Edward Maxwell
and Gertrude (Boswell) Tomlinson, Sr.
Now Offering... He was employed as a mechanic with
Prince Georges County. Mack enjoyed
Calvert Countys
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Serving Calvert, Anne Arundel, St. Marys, and Prince Georges Counties
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410-326-9400 410-257-6181 410-586-0520 sarahwilliams@countytimes.net
Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times In Our Community 15

Agricultures Future on Display

Applications Being Accepted for
Caf Management Program
End Hunger In Calvert County is now ment Program unemployed, with little col-
accepting applications for its two Fall 2017 lege education, looking for direction and a
Caf Management Program sessions begin- career path. She completed our program
ning on August 14th and October 23rd. at the top of her class making her a prime
The End Hunger Caf Management Pro- candidate to hire for The Lobby Coffee Bar
gramis a FREE eight-week job-training & Caf. Becca is now working with us full-
course for individualswho are unemployed time and has since been promoted to a Man-
or underemployed in Southern Maryland ager. In addition to maintaining excellence
andinterested in landing a career in the in product quality and customer experience,
Hospitality industry. The program teaches Becca leads a team of over ten baristas. Her
students the skills necessary for working in oversight and leadership are essential to the
a coffee shop, Caf, or bakery as a barista or day-to-day success of The Lobby Coffee
manager. Bar & Caf. But this isnt the end of her End
In addition to job skills, the eight-week Hunger story! This spring, Becca is enrolled
program provides students with the oppor- into the College of Southern Maryland and
tunity to develop and grow their life skills is completing her degree in Social Work.
to include financial management and bud- Becca plans to use her education to continue
geting, anger management, and personal working with End Hunger Programs to pro-
development. vide the same support that she received to
Our Caf Management curriculum is future End Hunger students.
The future of the areas agriculture took place June 23-25 at the annual SMILE (Southern Maryland developed by our End Hunger staff as well Students of the Caf Management Pro-
Invitational Livestock Expo) at the St. Marys County Fairgrounds. Young people competed in showing as community partners and experts in their gram graduate with a National Restaurant
swine, dairy and meat goats and cows, cavy/rabbits, and sheep.
field, says Megan Rollins, Vice President Association ServSafe Certification and re-
of End Hunger In Calvert County. It mat- ceive FREE job-placement assistance.

Feedback Sought for Hazard

ters to us that our graduates not only get a Spots are limited and potential students
job, but that they keep their job. We not only are required to meet certain admission re-
want to teach them a skill, we want to ensure quirements. For more information and to

and Flood Mitigation Plans

that what they learn with us carries them apply, visit endhungercalvert.org/programs.
through the rest of their lives and careers.
Meet Becca, a 2016 Caf Management From End Hunger In Calvert County.
The Calvert County Department of Pub- potential natural hazards and man-made graduate. Becca came to the Caf Manage-
lic Safety, Division of Emergency Manage- events, evaluates local mitigation measures
ment, and the Department of Planning and that should be undertaken including public
Zoning seek public feedback on the countys outreach before and during major events
Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan was re- and outlines procedures for monitoring the
cently updated and will be presented to the implementation of mitigation strategies.
Calvert County Board of County Commis- Residents have until Wednesday, July 5,
sioners for review July 25. to review and comment on the Hazard Miti-
The goal of the Hazard Mitigation Plan gation Plan. It can be found online at www.
is to reduce or eliminate long-term risks to co.cal.md.us/HazardMitigation. Comments
people and property from the effects of nat- should be directed to Emergency Manage-
ural hazards such as tornadoes, floods, hur- ment Specialist Shelly Gooding via email at
ricanes, severe storms, droughts, landslides goodinss@co.cal.md.us or by calling 410-
and other events. Calvert Countys Hazard 535-1600, ext.2302.
Mitigation Plan identifies and assesses From Calvert County Government.

Gallery Presents Art for The Arc

CalvART Gallery and The Arc of Founded in 1975, The Arc of Southern
Southern Maryland present Art for the Maryland is a private 501(c)(3) organiza-
ARC. This show is a collaboration be- tion, affiliated at the state level with The
tween calvART artists and clients at ARC. Arc of Maryland and at the national level
The artists are completing part of a with The Arc of the United States, the
piece and it is being finished by the clients worlds largest grass roots organization of,

SHARKFEST Returns to Calvert Marine Museum

at ARC with the help of the staff. Each and for, people with intellectual and devel-
artist is providing something relevant to opmental disabilities.
their medium. There will be printed pho- The opening reception features for light SHARKFEST returns to the Calvert fee), and take your picture in the life-size
tos on canvas the ARC clients will paint refreshments and a chance to meet and Marine Museum on Saturday, July 8. Join jaws of a Megalodon shark. Slide down
or bedazzle as they want and paintings on talk with the artists on Saturday, July 15, us from 10 a.m. 5 p.m. for one of the mu- the jaws of a giant inflated shark, spon-
canvas that have been started by CalvART 5 8 p.m. seums most popular events. Regular mu- sored by Tidewater Dental.
artists and finished by ARC clients. From CalvART Gallery. seum admission applies; CMM members The award-winning Museum Store will
are free. be fully stocked with new shark me-

A Cappella Group Auditions

Sharks are one of the worlds most fas- mentos to take home. Museum members
cinating creatures and SHARKFEST is save 10% off in the store every day and ev-
a chance to learn more about them. Live eryone will enjoy the new express check-
sharks will be featured in the Corbin Pa- out at SHARKFEST. Captain Smiths
Southern Marylands premier womens vilion, along with sturgeon from NRG Seafood and Ritas Ice will be on site with
a cappella group is holding auditions Energy The Chalk Point Generating Sta- food and drink for sale. Complimentary
for all voice parts for participating in tion. The museum will be full of hands- museum passes will not be honored and
our fall season and Christmas program. on opportunities to explore the diversity strollers are not allowed in the museum
Do you sight read? Blend? Like to sing of sharks and their remarkable history on for SHARKFEST. For more information,
with a group? Contact us for an audition planet Earth. Learn fascinating shark- visit www.calvertmarinemuseum.com.
time or with questions:patuxentvoices@ toids, examine evidence of prehistoric
gmail.comorwww.patuxentvoices.org. sharks, paint a shark mural, make a shark- Fom Calvert Marie Museum
Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings, 7:00- themed craft, get your face painted ($5
9:00pm, Port Republic in Calvert County.
16 The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017


5 -8 PM
Friday, July 7, 2017
Check out the First Friday Specials!


41625 Park Avenue, 302-438-1629 41652 Fenwick Street, 301-475-3130
HOME ELEMENTS Opal Gallery Fine Art & In July the North End Gallery will have an all-mem-
ber show themed Red,
Gifts will host the members
of the Color and Light Soci-
ety from June 28th thru July
14th. This show is a group
White and Blues, which
will run from July 5th-
30th. Join them for their
HOME ELEMENTS show featuring the work of Opening Reception on
this talented group of local First Friday, July 7th from
FURNITUREACCESSORIESDESIGNGIFTS artists. 5-8 pm. Come meet their
Painting by Iris Hall-Wiley talented local artists!
Painting by Carmelo Ciancio

22725 Washington St., 240-309-4074

Be sure to stop by on First Friday and receive 25% CRAZY FOR EWE T
off all accent chair orders for 22725 Washington Street, 301-475-2744 F
their First Friday special sale! Come celebrate our Arts & 4
Home Elements will also be Entertainment liquor license S
hosting Second Hope Rescue, at Reds, Whites and Ewe o
featuring adoptable animals First Friday. Bring your project d
who are look- or start something new. Not a

BIG Larrys ing for a good knitter? Sign up for a Sip Sip
home. Knit beginning class and
join the fun!
Crazy for Ewe
Big Subs
Floats PORT OF LEONARDTOWN WINERY 41665 Fenwick St. #15, 240-256-4785
rs 23190 Newtowne Neck Rd., 301-690-2192 Stop by anytime on First
Toast to our newly Friday and purchase an
planted grape vines 11 x 14 chromaluxe panel for

Hot Dogs
beside the patio at half price! Usually $40, these
e C r e am Port of Leonardtown panels will be just $20, while
Ic Winery with great
wine and live music
supplies last.

Hot Pretzel by Gerry Swarbrick! B

s 100% Come join us on
oothies 41655A Fenwick Street, 301-475-2859 fo
Order Ahe Fruit Sm HERITAGE CHOCOLATES Linda Stewart will be signing cop-
22699 Washington St, 240-587-3123 ies of her three Maryland mystery
We also Ca
Comic Book rry many Fresh Strawberries books- Snows Rest, Snows Run,
s & Games available this First and Snows Return on Friday, July
Friday! Strawberries 7 from 5-7 PM. Come meet this tal-

(301) 475-1860 are in still in season and

they pair perfectly with
our creamy dark
ented local author and learn more
about her series of works based
upon the central character, William
Chocolate. Stop in Snow, who is depicted as a regular
for a special treat! person, having faced tragedy, and

County Times
trying to find his way in life.

Make Leonardtown Your Special A

St. Marys County l Calvert County
To advertise on this page Place To Be every First Friday! D
Call 301-247-7611 or w
Email jen@countytimes.net Leonardtown 8
Business Association LEONARDTOWN
Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times 17

Red, White &

Blues Jam
Crazy for Ewe

Jam Band with Bob beautiful
Schaller & Friends
6-8pm on The Square Lessons for all levels.
Get started today!
m- in Leonardtown www.crazyforewe.com

HTRIBUTE TO THE 60S 301-475-2744

Are you a musician who would like to join the Jam Band for the evening? Fesnwick Street
Contact Bob Schaller at schaller@md.metrocast.net no later than July 3rd. Ue Books & Musi
d c
Linda Stewart will
be signing copies of her three
Maryland mystery books-
On The Square Snows Rest, Snows Run
and Snows Return

Friday, July 7 5-7 PM

41675 Park Ave., 301-475-1630
Stop by on First Friday, July 7th for $1 PET VALU 301-475-2859
off the new Summer Sunset Smoothie-a Come meet the team of certified Pet www.fenwickbooks.com
delicious blend of Experts to learn more about proper pet 41655A Fenwick Street
papaya, mango, care and nutrition, Downtown Leonardtown
orange, ginger & hint the many different
of lemon! We will have services offered at
their shop located in
Andy of Emerald Health
Uptown Leonardtown,
Bioceuticals, a new adoption opportuni-
supplement line that ties through their
uses Phyto-Cann in rescue group part-
their formulations, in ners, & more! Free
the store for Julys First samples of food and treats for the kitties
Friday event. Stop by to and pups will also be available, featured
learn about the endo- will be handcrafted doggy treats creatively
cannabinoid system crafted just for this evening!
and phytocannabinoids.
We welcome our special guests, come
BTB COFFEE BAR/ BTB SPEAKEASY meet them and find out more about this
41658 Fenwick St. 301-475-2400 amazing Leonardtown-based group. St.
Stop by the BTB on First Friday, July 7th New View
Maries Choral Arts is a non-profit orga- Fiber Works
for a handcrafted coffee, frappe, smoothie,
- chai & more! The free nization whose Studio
marshmallow mission is to serve
, roasting pit will be and enhance the
y open and coloring artistic needs of Featuring Handcrafted Gifts & Items Produced
l- pages available for the citizens of by Local Artisans & Farmers
e kids of all ages to Southern Maryland through the singing Sophisticated Weavings & Intricately
get crafty or just and performing of choral music. We have Knitted Quality Lace
m plain relax. a choir for everyone, so if you love to sing,
lar Luxury Fibers & Lush Textiles Including Fine
visit our table on First Friday and learn Wool, Alpaca, Angora, Mohair, Silk & Cotton
d more!

Audience participation The LBA gratefully acknowledges the generous

support of our Platinum Sponsors
Drum Circle!
with the SoMar Drummers
8-10 PM at The Wharf
In the case of rain, the Drum Circle will moved to the Leonar-
dtown Arts Center at 22660 Washington Street, 2nd Floor
18 Calendars The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar,
Community please email zach@countytimes.net with the listing details by
12 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to our Thursday publication.

Month Long Wednesday, July 5

July sale! Save 20% on any red, white, or FREE! This event is offered with the com-
blue items. Sale starts June 19 and ends pliments of the Congregation. Questions
July 8. For more information please call may be directed to (410)257-3555. www.
CSM Kids and Teen College 443-432-3561. facebook.com/NBUnionChurch. Every- Celebrate the 4th with Shoppe for Hospice
College of Southern Maryland: La Pla- one welcome. We look forward to seeing 92 Central Square Drive, Prince Freder-
ta, Leonardtown, and Prince Frederick CSM Observes Code Green Friday/ you! ick, MD 20678
campuses Early Closing. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM 4:00 PM College of Southern Maryland, All Food for Body and Soul Shoppe for Hospice is having a 4th of
A program of enrichment opportunities Campuses 2784 Queensberry Drive, Huntingtown, July sale! Save 20% on any red, white, or
designed to expand a students idea of what 1:30 PM MD 20639 blue items. Sale starts June 19 and ends
is possible. Approximately 300 classes are To decrease energy costs during sum- 4:00 PM July 8. For more information please call
offered morning and afternoons over eight mer months, CSM will close most build- Youre invited to a picnic and Bible study, 443-432-3561.
weeks at all CSM campuses. Extended day ings on Fridays at 1:30 p.m. starting May the food is supplied, so just come. Well
child care available from 7 - 9 a.m. and 4 26 and continuing each Friday through share food and a time of studying the 6th The Southern Maryland Job Source Mo-
6 p.m. For more information please visit July 28 except July 7. However, the Chil- chapter of Pauls letter to the Ephesians. bile Career Center (MCC)
http://www.csmd.edu/programs-cours- drens Learning Center and Teen College He writes about the spiritual warfare in Middleham and St. Peters Parish
es/non-credit/youth-family-programs/ and Public Safety hours and services will which the Christian is engaged and de- 10210 H. G. Trueman Rd, Lusby, MD 20657
kids-and-teen-college/. not be affected, with these services and scribes the spiritual weapons to ght 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
classes to be held according to a normal against sin. Wed love to have you join us! Share information with your neighbors.
Sight & Sound: Jonah schedule. During Code Green Fridays, Come and receive information about job
Lancaster, PA the tness centers and pools remain open Texas Holdem And Cash Games openings, apply for jobs and get other in-
300 Hartman Bridge Road, Ronks, PA until 5 p.m. at the La Plata and Leonar- Julie Rogers Studio of Dance formation at computer work stations, pre-
17572 dtown campuses. The Prince Frederick 4120 Old Town RD Huntingtown, MD pare your resume, nd out about training
3:00 PM Campus tness center operating hours 20639 opportunities. Job Source staff will be
Friday, October 13, 2017 buses will depar- stay the same over the summer. For more 7:00 PM there to help you.
ture from Burlington Coat Factory in Wal- information please visit http://www.csmd. TEXAS HOLDEM and CASH GAMES
dorf, MD to head to Lancaster, PA at 8:00 edu/about/environmental-sustainability/ to benet the Patricia Leone Rogers Edu- Thursday, July 6
a.m. Trip includes a catered breakfast by code-green/. cational Scholarship Fund. Doors open at
Waldorf Chick-l-A, the play, lunch, and 6pm and game starts at 7 pm. Buy in is Celebrate the 4th with Shoppe for
Cost: $160.00
Saturday, July 1 $80 gets you $12,000 in chips and blinds Hospice
are 20 minutes each and start at 25-50. 92 Central Square Drive, Prince Freder-
July 27, 2017- initial deposit $50.00 (ini- Sea Glass Market Early registration before 6:45 gets you an ick, MD 20678
tial deposit is non-refundable), August 27, Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center extra $1000 in chips. $10 50/50 gets you 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
2017- 2nd deposit $50.00, September 27, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM an additional $3000 in chips. Re-buys up Shoppe for Hospice is having a 4th of
2017- Final deposit $60.00 Admission is free! Join us for our annual until the FIRST BREAK!! Food, beer and July sale! Save 20% on any red, white, or
For more information please contact Market in celebration of all things beachy! sodas included!! blue items. Sale starts June 19 and ends
Kathy Adams at 301-254-7903, or Shirley From jewelry to home dcor, this market July 8. For more information please call
Sewell at 240-350-2878. has it allhandmade, homemade, and Sunday, July 9 443-432-3561.

Friday, June 30
homegrown! Enjoy more than 40 booths
featuring a wide variety of gift options. Bluegrass Gospel Express Children: Aquaponics
Interested in having a booth at one of our Southern Calvert Baptist Church Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum
VBSMiddleham and St. Peters Epis- markets, call or email us to learn more! 12140 HG Trueman Rd, Lusby, MD 4155 Mears Ave, Chesapeake Beach, MD
copal Parish www.annmariegarden.org For more information please call the 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Middleham and St. Peters Parish info@annmariegarden.org church at 410-326-6533 or Jerry at Hear a story about farming, learn how sh
10210 H. G. Trueman Rd, Lusby, MD 410-326-4640 240-925-5613 poop from the Bay helps plants grow in the
20657 www.bluegrassgospelexpress.com soil, make some crafts, play games. FREE
9:00 AM - 12 Noon Celebrate the 4th with Shoppe for Hospice
Children headed into Pre-K (Potty
Trained) through entering 5th grade this
92 Central Square Drive, Prince Freder- Tuesday, July 4 High Voltage Quarter Auction
Location to be determined
ick, MD 20678
Fall, may attend. The theme is through 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM CSM Closed 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Passport to Peru, Discovering Gods Shoppe for Hospice is having a 4th of College of Southern Maryland, All Cost is $5 and you will get 2 paddles. Lots
Good Gifts. Contact the Ofce for fur- July sale! Save 20% on any red, white, or Campuses of vendors (which may change) but to
ther information at 410-326-4948. Regis- blue items. Sale starts June 19 and ends CSM will be closed for Independence include:
tration Applications Available in Parish July 8. For more information please call Day. For more information please visit Miche, Style Dots, Signature Homestyles,
Ofce. PDF Version of Registration Ap- 443-432-3561. http://www.csmd.edu/calendar/. Scentsy, Tupperware, Pink Zebra, Taste-
plication Available on the Church Web- fully Simple, Tasty Creations by Beth,
site. www.middlehamandstpeters.org/ Picnic in North Beach Independence Day Celebration Pampered Chef, Longaberger, Thirty One,
christian-formation/children-and-youth/ 8912 Chesapeake Avenue, North Beach Solomons Island Maryland Partylite, Avon, Origami Owl and maybe
vacation-bible-school/ MD 20714 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM others. You bid two three or four quarters
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Fireworks are on for Tuesday. Updates on and have the opportunity to win items at
Celebrate the 4th with Shoppe for Annual Old-Fashioned Church Picnic this page and on our Facebook page www. a fraction of the cost of the items from the
Hospice at Union Church in North Beach. Fried facebook.com/solomonsbusinessassoc/. vendors. For more information please con-
92 Central Square Drive, Prince Freder- chicken and many many picnic favorites! tact Sherri at High Voltage Quarter Auc-
ick, MD 20678 Live music by the All Things New band! tions either by calling 703-615-2823 or
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Moon bounce, arts & crafts, bubbles! Fun highvoltagequarterauctions@gmail.com.
Shoppe for Hospice is having a 4th of for the young and young at heart! Its all

Publisher Thomas McKay The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of Calvert
Associate Publisher Eric McKay County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is published
Advertising jen@countytimes.net by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the
Phone 301-373-4125
newspaper. The Calvert County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service
Graphic Artist in its news coverage.
Sarah Williams
To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writers full name,
Staff Writers
Guy Leonard guyleonard@countytimes.com address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our
Dick Myers dickmyers@countytimes.net Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the Calvert County Times will
make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited
County Times
Zach Hill zach@countytimes.net for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writers argument. Copyright in material submitted
to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the Calvert County Times and its
Contributing Writers licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge receipt of let-
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, David Spigler, Linda Reno ters. The Calvert County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due
Shelbey Oppermann, Doug Watson
to time or space constraints. P. O. Box 250 Hollywood, MD 20636
Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times Calendars 19

Thursday, June 29
Take building and creativity to a whole
new level at the library. We provide the
space, Legos and other building materi-
Saturday, July 1
Construction Zone
2:00-4:00pm. Bring your family to ex-
plore the Librarys building sets. Its come
and go constructive time in the storytime
room as we bring out the librarys collec-
YoungatHeart By Office of Aging Staff
als.. you provide the imagination.. Calvert tion of Legos, Keva Planks, Lincoln Logs,
Take a stroll down memory lane as
Library Southern Branch. Blocks, Magformers and more. No regis- Holiday Closing we Sing with Christine, Wednesday,
tration. Calvert Library Prince Frederick. Calvert Pines, North Beach, and July 5, 12:30 p.m. Christine will per-
SummerSTEAM. Southern Pines Senior Centers will form country, show tunes, and a few
Combat the heat and join our interactive Monday, July 3 be closed Tuesday, July 4 for Inde-
pendence Day. Meals on Wheels
patriotic songs.
Golfers and wannabe golfers
Summer STEAM hour, exploring excit- Veterans Job Club. will not be delivered. are invited to give us your best golf
ing ways to build a better world through 1:00-2:00pm.
swing at the Closest to the Pin Con-
stories, activities and a snack. This week:
Pollination Nation. Please register. Cal-
Join other veterans and the Division
of Workforce Development and Adult
Congratulations North test, Friday, July 7, 11 a.m. Prizes!
vert Library Prince Frederick. Learning to discuss employment leads, Beach Senior Center
job skill training, human resources guid- Each year, the Maryland Asso- North Beach Senior
SummerSTEAM. ance, networking for veterans and other ciation of Senior Centers (MASC)
awards programming awards to
Center (NBSC)
2:30-3:30pm. general veterans issues. Calvert Library A presentation on religious differ-
Combat the heat and join our interactive Prince Frederick. senior centers across the state. The ences, discussing various beliefs and
Summer STEAM hour, exploring excit- three Calvert County senior centers doctrines, will be held, Thursday,
ing ways to build a better world through Green Crafting. submit write-ups about events that July 6, 10:30 a.m.
stories, activities and a snack. This week: 2:00-5:00pm. are held throughout the year. North Enjoy a Mens Breakfast, Fri-
Pollination Nation. Please register. Cal- Green crafters will meet on Mondays to Beach Senior Center received an day, July 7, 8 a.m. Pre-registration
vert Library Fairview Branch. make crafts out of material that would award this year in the Nutrition and required.
typically be thrown away. Crocheting, Health Promotions Category - Hon- Have fun and battle against friends
MakePLayLearn. needlework, and simple tying will be orable Mention for their Walker and at the Lip Sync Contest, Thursday,
2:30-3:30pm. used. Teens welcome. Calvert Library Cane Clinic. July 13, 11 a.m. Pick up an informa-
Take building and creativity to a whole Southern Branch. tion sheet on how to participate. Pre-
new level at the library. We provide the Newsletter Subscription registration required.
space, Legos and other building materi-
Wednesday, July 5 Renewal
als.. you provide the imagination.. Cal-
vert Library Twin Beaches Branch.
Get The Connection delivered Southern Pines Senior
Resume Writing Workshop.
straight to your door. A years sub-
scription is $12. Make checks pay-
Center (SPSC)
Enjoy an Independence Celebra-
Friday, June 30 Participants will learn the basic funda-
mentals of a professional resume. This
able to the Calvert County Treasurer
and mail to 450 West Dares Beach
tion, Monday, July 3, 11 a.m. Wear
On Pins & Needles. workshop is designed for resume develop- your red,white and blue and join in a
Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678. sing-along of patriotic songs.
1:00-4:00pm. ment by using tools and helpful links to The Connection is also available on-
Bring your quilting, needlework, knit- create a resume that best reflects the par- Help keep your memory and brain
line at www.co.cal.md.us (click on sharp by joining in on some Mental
ting, crocheting or other project for an ticipants skills and experience as they re- Services, then Office on Aging, then
afternoon of conversation and shared cre- late to positions they are applying for. We Gymnastics games, Thursday, July
newsletter), or it can be e-mailed to 6, 11:15 a.m.
ativity. No registration. Calvert Library will review formats, content, grammar, you by providing us with your e-mail
Prince Frederick. etc. You will learn why a rsum is an Learn about Eight Healthy Eating
address. Goals during the Nutrition Educa-
essential marketing tool. Please register.
tion presentation, Friday, July 7,
All July Calvert Library Prince Frederick. Calvert Pines Senior 10:30 a.m.
Art in the Stacks: Calvert Barn Quilts MD Workforce Exchange Job Search Center (CPSC)
@Fairview. Workshop. The Declaration of Independence
7:00-7:00pm. 6:30-8:30pm. will be analyzed and discussed,
Come see miniature examples of the Participants will learn how to navigate the Monday, July 3, 12:30 p.m. Refresh-
barn quilts that will be adorning Cal- Maryland Workforce Exchange (MWE) ments will be provided.
vert County this summer for the Calvert system to conduct an effective job search.
Barn Quilt Trail! Sponsored by the Arts We will cover job search utilizing addi-
Council of Calvert County, the Depart- tional career sites to enhance your em-
ment of Economic Development, and a ployability. We will also provide tips on
number of local artists and sponsors. Cal-

Eating Together Menu

how to complete an online application.
vert Library Fairview Branch, Rt. 4 and We will review position descriptions and
Chaneyville Road, Owings, 410-257-2101. utilize ONET online resource center to
http://calvertlibrary.info. enhance your rsum and application
content. If you have a laptop, please bring
Art in the Stacks: Mary Blumberg, Wa- it. Please register. Calvert Library Prince Monday, July 3
tercolor @TWIN. Frederick. Chicken Parmesan over Noo- Thursday, July 6
Enjoy the beautiful work of Mary Blum- dles, Tossed Salad, Broccoli, Beef-a-Roni, Tossed Salad, Col-
berg, artist, teacher and interior designer! OrangeSlices lard Greens, Lima Beans,
Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, Honeydew Melon
3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach,
Tuesday, July 4
410-257-2411. http://calvertlibrary.info.
Closed for Independence Day Friday, July 7
Breaded Baked Fish, Baked Po-
Art in the Stacks: Heather Heling tato, Broccoli, Fresh Berry Cup
Mixed Media Works. Wednesday, July 5
Local artist Heather Heling uses paint, Turkey and Swiss Cheese
magazine clippings, found objects and Sandwich, Tossed Salad,
ephemera to create inspirational 3D pieces MandarinOranges
of art on canvas. One-woman show runs
July 1 through August 31, 2017. Opening
reception is Saturday, July 15th 1-3pm. Lunches are served to seniors, aged 60-plus, and their spouses through Title
IIIC of the Older Americans Act. Suggested donation is $3. To make or cancel a
Calvert Library Southern Branch. reservation call: Calvert Pines Senior Center at 410-535-4606 or
301-855-1170, North Beach Senior Center at 410-257-2549, or Southern Pines
Senior Center at 410-586-2748. Lunches are subject to change.
20 Entertainment The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

Hunter Hayes
Performance at St.Leonard Volunteer Fire Department June 24, 2017

With Special Guest Lindsey Erin

g On
Photos by Mike Batson

2017 unties
Two Co r ice

One Lo

Southern In Entertainment

Thursday, June 29
Cowboy Crossing
Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill,
Robbie Kidwell 8:00 PM 12:00 AM
Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill, www.anglers-seafod.com
6:00 PM 9:00 PM
www.anglers-seafood.com Tuesday, July 4
Ladies Night, Trivia, & Karaoke Ben Connelly
Anthonys Bar & Grill, Dunkirk Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill,
7:00 PM Solomons
www.anthonysdunkirk.com 6:00 PM 9:00 PM
Nightcap: Tara & Sean
The Ruddy Duck Brewery,
Wednesday, July 5
7:30 PM
July 13th
Wild Card Trivia
PUBLICATION DATE: www.ruddyduckbrewery.com Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill,
Friday, June 30
7:00 PM 9:00 PM
JULY 3rd JULY 5th www.anglers-seafood.com
Doctors | Dentist | Estate Planning
Retirement Homes | Hospitals| More Karaoke
Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill,
Thursday, July 6th
Contact your advertising representative: Solomons Mike Damron
Jen Stotler 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill,
301-247-7611 7:00 PM 10:00 PM
jen@countytimes.net Saturday, July 1 www.anglers-seafood.com

County Times St. Marys County l Calvert County Reaching over 40,000 readers
David Flood
Morris Point, Abell
6:00 PM
Ladies Night, Trivia, & Karaoke
Anthonys Bar & Grill, Dunkirk
7:00 PM
in Southern Maryland www.morris-point.com www.anthonysdunkirk.com
301-373-4125 | www.countytimes.net
u n A
Thursday, June 29, 2017 The Calvert County Times 21

Rearrange the letters to spell something pertaining to Independence Day



1. Pile up 36. Expressed violent 1. Curved shapes 32. Publish in
6. Midway between anger 2. Beastmaster installments
south and 38. A way to surface actor Singer 34. Ink (slang)
southeast 39. Northern gannet 3. A female domestic 35. American inventor
9. Canadian law 41. Outer part of 4. Starches 37. Unclean
enforcers something 5. Without name 40. Snag

Kid'S Corner
13. Bollywood 44. Nothing 6. An air cavity within 42. Mars Excursion
director Prawaal 45. Fathers a bone Module
14. Body part 46. Siesta 7. Relaxing places 43. Abnormal rattling
15. Ancient Greek 48. Sino-Soviet block 8. Midway between sounds
City (abbr.) east and southeast 47. For each
16. Steep cli 49. Of I 9. Editing 49. Country music
17. Korean ruler 51. Cash machine 10. Baseball team legend Haggard
18. As might be 52. Discounts 11. Intended to be 50. Electronic
expected 54. __ Dickinson, poet sung communication
19. Takes kids to 56. Watches over 12. Video game Max 52. Drenches
learn 60. Hindu queen __ 53. Type of sword
21. Absorption unit 61. Steep banks 14. Makes free 55. Lodgings
22. Parts of the feet 62. Fertility god 17. French young 56. Messenger
23. Political action 63. Port on Danube women ribonucleic acid
committee 64. Liquids 20. Express delight 57. Figure skater
24. Cerium 65. Greek war dance 21. Takes to the sea Lipinski
25. Former CIA 66. In addition 23. Monetary unit 58. Acquire by ones
28. Of she 67. Data acquisition 25. Paddle eorts
29. Japanese city system 26. Hit with an open 59. Stony waste
31. Expression of 68. Crash an aircraft hand matter
sorrow 27. Gurus 61. Oer
33. Articial body in 29. Sings to 65. Without issue
orbit 30. Book of maps
Word Search
Puzzle Solutions

Last Weeks

Word Scramble: Paternal

Answer: China
22 The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

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24 The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 29, 2017

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