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Parker Henley

English 101

Smoke Signals

20 June 2017

Born From the Ashes

In the movie Smoke Signals Victor Joseph and Thomas Builds-the-Fire are

risen from the blaze. They were welcomed to this world by fire and there lives would

never be the same. These two would grow up to become completely different

individuals. Victor would bully Thomas constantly. It stemmed from a pent up anger

deep inside of him that began to build when the flames overtook Thomas House. Victor

struggles with his thoughts when he is around Thomas as he finds him to be an


These boys are very different and dont get along very often. Thomas is more

reserved and easy-going. Victor is more of an aggressive individual who criticizes

Thomas quite often. He is stubborn and acts like he doesnt care. Thomas just wants

to be friends with Victor but is always shot down. These boys are about 22 years old

when the story takes place. Victor Joseph is the son of the Arnold Joseph who saved

Thomas from the fire. Unfortunately, Arnold had also started the fire and lived with the

guilt every day. Arnold cut his hair and turned more to drinking after that tragedy. This

ultimately would cause pain to his family.

Victor and Thomas are Natives from the Coeur D'Alene Reservation in Northern

Idaho. This reservation is all but known for its wealth, prosperity, and hygiene. Rarely

will you see a white man on the reservation. It was the year 1976 when Victor and
Thomas came into this unforgiving reality of theirs. In 1988 Arnold had abandoned his

son at the age of 12 because he could no longer take how he was hurting his family.

He fled for Phoenix where he met his neighbor, Suzy Song.

One day Victors mom gets a call from Suzy. She tells her that Arnold is dead

and that someone should come to pick up his ashes. At first, Victor was going to go

alone but did not have quite enough money. Thomas offers money as long as he can

come along. Reluctantly, Victors lets him join on the journey. They head to Phoenix by

bus where they meet interesting individuals. Once they get to Phoenix they head to

Arnold's trailer by foot. Upon arrival they are greeted by Suzy who Victor shrugs off and

acts very rudely towards. Thomas steps in and acts pleasantly with her.

Suzy proceeds to be cordial and even tells them stories about Arnold. She even

told Victor that Arnold lit the fire. Victor doesnt believe her but Suzy has too much

evidence. Victor starts to understand his father. He never really understood his father

when he lived with him but what Suzy tells him about his father opens him up. He

realizes his father loved him and that he never wanted to hurt his son. Victor becomes

a changed man. The two head home after this and end up in an accident. Fortunately,

the two made it out ok and managed to make it home.

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