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Parker Henley

English 101

Five Steps

13 June 2017

Steps Towards Change

1. The problem in Crossing Bridges is that Mr. Wall is an opposite person than the

narrator. The major difference is that Mr. Wall is black and older while the

narrator is white and younger. These differences are what lead to clashing

personalities and difficulty with verbal communication. These difficulties can be

overcome with time and patience from both parties.

2. To solve the problem of communication we must get them to spend time together

in order to build a relationship so they can understand each other better. If they

spend time together they will learn each others language and vocabulary. This

works with my life so I dont see why it would work differently in theirs.

3. An alternate solution is to have the narrator teach Mr. Walls how to read and

speak more fluently. This could either frustrate Mr. Walls or it could bring them

closer together through learning. Another alternate solution is for the narrator to

just sit back and learn Mr. Walls facial expressions to help understand his

language. This could become awkward or it could lead to better communication.

4. The best solution might be to just mix all three of the above stated solutions.

Helping Mr. Wall learn to express his thoughts better through learning to read

could in fact increase his overall ability to communicate. Therefore, creating a

bridge over the communication gap. The narrator would have to be involved in

his learning unlike his past tutors.

5. The immediate action that should be taken is to have them meet at least once a

day. This face to face interaction will increase the bond between the two. I could

also see their interactions growing to be that of best friends. I believe this to be

because it seems almost always that people who are opposite or people who

dont get along.

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