Resume - Antenanie Enyew Goshu - June2017 PDF

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Antenanie E.

506 N Jordan St, Apt 101| Alexandria, VA,22304
M: +1 617-510-1402 /+251-920-101010| E: Skype: antenanie35
Over 16 years of experience with strong analytical, team player and results-oriented recently graduated
from Tufts University in Humanitarian Assistance. Have demonstrated prior experience in analysis, a
consultant for seven years, well versed program and knowledge management. Proficient in using statistical
software (ENA-SMART, EPI-info, SPSS), conducting research and numerous evaluations. Worked in Ethiopia,
South Sudan, Uganda, Washington DC and the Philippines.
Tufts University, Friedman School of Nutrition and Food Science, Boston Sep 2016 May 2017
Masters of Art in Humanitarian Assistance: Concentration in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition, and
Forced Migration. Coursework: Humanitarian Action in Complex Emergencies, Nutrition, Food
Security & Development, International Nutrition Programming, Gender, Culture and Conflict in
Humanitarian Complex Emergencies, GIS, M&E in Nutrition and FS projects, Innovation in HA and
Disaster response (MIT), Nutrition in Emergencies, Policies, Practice & Decision making, Field
Methods in Humanitarian Crises (Harvard).
Fordham University, New York Mar 2012 Jan 2017
Masters in International Humanitarian Assistance (Thesis Level). Coursework: Forced migration,
Accountability in Humanitarian Action, civil-military cooperation, Humanitarian Logistics,
Humanitarian Negotiation, community participation & mobilization in emergency response, Ethics
of Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Management, and Strategic Issues in Humanitarian Affairs.
International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA) February 5-March 02/2012
Coursework: Team Building, Motivation and Management, Leadership, Actors, Roles and
Mandates, Sphere Project, Humanitarian Reform, MDGs, Disaster Management, Human Rights
Law, Refugee Law, Middle East overview, WASH, Nutrition, principles of communicable disease,
risk assessment and control in a Humanitarian emergency.
Century University, New Mexico April 2004 Feb 2007
MBA in Health Care Management in Distance Learning
Haramaya University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia Sep 1996 July 2000
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
Relief International, Center of Excellence Health-Research Intern, Washington DC June-August/2017
Support HQ in system approach to map out how RI health, WASH, economic opportunity and
nutrition programs have implemented the RI Way.
Founder/Owner/ Technical Director, Ethiopia Nov 2009 Present
Le Monde Health and Development (LHD) Consult PLC, Ethiopia
Conducted research, baseline survey, evaluations since 2010 as principal and co-investigator for 2
UN agencies and more than 25 INGOs (NRC, SC, Care, MSI, WL, PIN, GAA, CDC, Abt, DCA)
Analyzed evidence generated by LHD consult and produced reports summarizing key findings and
recommendations for UN agencies and NGOs.
Published two articles for SC and prepared national documents for MOH/CDC and Jhpiego (IP
Country Program Advisor, Ethiopia Mar 2010 - Dec 2016
Interact Worldwide/Plan-UK/PACF-ViiV HealthCare, UK based
Provided TA for five local NGOs in programming including; M&E and quarter reporting.
Nutrition Survey Consultant, South Sudan April 2016 - June 2016
Relief International, Upper Nile and the Jongolie States, South Sudan
Led the design, training of data collectors, supervise data collection, data analysis, report write-up
and presentation of the finding for nutrition cluster of two counties standard SMART
Emergency Coordinator Global Medic, Philippines Mar 2012- Apr 2012
Global Medic, Canadian Based NGO Philippines
Led the evaluation of emergency WASH project in Leyet Province in three municipalities,
A Field Study on the utilization of Rain Fresh Ceramic Gravity Filters, hygiene kits, WASH
interventions and Influences on the diarrhea Disease, Leyet Province, Philippines
Nutrition surveillance program Manager, Uganda August-Nov 2012
ACF-Uganda, Northern Uganda
Conducted nutrition & IYCF surveillance in 14 Districts 3 times/year and build District Health Office
capacity in the process. The task also include writing surveillance reports.
Emergency Nutrition Consultant/Nutrition Officer, Ethiopia Feb 2008-Dec 2010
UNICEF-Ethiopia, Nutrition and Food Security Section, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Designed a national community-based management of severe malnutrition project which covers
four regions in Ethiopia.
Developed emergency nutrition program, M&E, capacity building and regular progress reports for
MOH and Regional Health Offices
Social Franchising Training Head May 2007 Feb 2008
Marie-Stopes International-Ethiopia (MSIE), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Led a development of family planning and safe abortion networking of 140 private health facilities,
branding, selection of franchise, train health providers and follow up and compile reports
Nutrition & HIV/AIDS Coordinator Dec 2006 - Apr 2007
Project Concern International, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Provided technical assistance to local partners on nutrition for pediatric AIDS cases, pregnant
women in PMTCT program
Training Officer, Ethiopia Sep 2004 - Sep 2006
AED/LINKAGES, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Assisted in the development of IYCF guideline and micronutrient, Nutrition & HIV guideline,
training manuals in ENA-BCC and IEC/BCC materials
Developed training modules, IEC/BCC materials and facilitated delivery of training for thousands
of Health workers and hundreds of Regional, Zone and District level officials and NGO staffs
Health & Nutrition Coordinator Dec 2002 - Aug 2004
MSF-Holland, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Responsible for the day to day implementation and monitoring of planned activities related to
Emergency Health and Nutrition (TFP, OTP, SFP,TSFP).
Head, Bati Health Center Sep 2000 - Nov 2002
Amhara Regional Health Bureau, Bati Health Center, Ethiopia
Managing and Coordinating primary health care services like RH, EPI, disease and outbreak
surveillance, safe water supply, hygiene and sanitation, IEC and curative services.
SN Published articles and national documents (co-author) Published on
1 Utilization of Integrated Community Case Management services in Ethiop Medical Journal
three regions in Ethiopia after two years of implementation 2014, Vol. 52, Sup. 3
2 Effect of performance review and clinical mentoring meetings (PRCMM) Ethiop Medical Journal
on the recording of community case management by HEWs in Ethiopia. 2014, Vol. 52, Sup. 3
3 Development of national infection prevention and patient safety (IPPS)
training packages including trainers guide, participants manual and
powerpoint presentations for the training of health workers; and trainer
guide for training of support staffs
4 HIV prevention package, MARPs and Vulnerable Group, September

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