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Nutri Troops Games Day

Nutri Troops Games Day

Nutri Games Day

Transform your Sportshall

Pupils take the role of healthy heroes for your school as the Nutri Troops in our Nutri hands on
health education workshops delivered by our larger than life Olympic athlete mentors.

The programmes key is to use combine dynamic animated characters with positive role models to
teach the children about nutrition through movement while working up a sweat!

Nutri Troops AIM:

To use animated characters and Olympic role models to teach the benefits of nutrition
through active learning and physical exercise.


To promote and discuss the following healthy

living issues through physical exercise:-

PE Games topics.

1. How food is used for energy in our bodies.

2. The Role the nutrients play and their
3. The importance of a balanced diet.
Nutri Troops Games Day


Our Olympic athlete mentors will start their journey with a fun shake up before introducing
them to the Nutri Troops animated story.

Your Mentor will run the nutrition PE lesson in the sportshall with a teacher, while the
children will learn about Nutrition with our nutrition cards and fast paced PE games.

Each class will be challenged physically and mentally, ending the day with a motivational
whole school assembly and Q & A.


Our PE games use our characters based on the food groups to help engage the pupils. Each game
utilises nutrition cards during play allowing more interactivity. We use audio during gameplay to help
immerse the children into the story.

Nutri Cards
Nutri Troops Games Day


Eatwell Chase

The eatwell nutrimat helps us to choose a variety of foods at each meal. We get healthy by
eating a balanced diet and not one or two kinds of foods all the time.

The Eatwell plate is divided into five groups. The five groups are grains, fruits and
vegetables, protein foods, dairy and oils
Unsaturated oils are part of the eatwell plate. Healthy oils provide good nutrients but we
need them in small amounts because too much is not good for the body.
At every meal we are recommended to choose one food from each food group with a small
amount of healthy oils, that way we will have a variety, healthy and nutritious diet everyday.
This is called a balanced diet.

1.) Empty calories/fats/sweets nutritional cards will be introduced in a later activity.
Remove them from the nutritional cards for now.
2.) Follow the diagram to set up the playing area. Put the eatwell nutrimat posters on the
3.) Several students should represent each category of a food group or healthy
oils.choose two students to be taggers. Give each student a different coloured
4.) Signal to start. The taggers will call out one of the food groups or healthy oils each.
For example if a tagger calls out proteins the students representing proteins will
attempt to run to the other side of the gym without getting tagged
5.) If a student is tagged, they take a nutrition card that represents a food in the protein
food group and place it on the protein section of the eatwell nutrimat poster. They will
need to pile them carefully to keep them on the section of the eatwell nutrimat. Oils
can be placed on the poster outside the plate.
6.) Students will then line up where they started to wait for the next turn
7.) Students that are not tagged are safe when they reach the opposite end of the
playing area, where they wait for the next turn
8.) The game will resume with the students running in the opposite direction
9.) Play continues until both of the eatwell plate nutrimat posters have each of the five
food groups represented and healthy oils
10.) Choose one of the eatwell nutrimat posters. The food group with the highest
nutrition card (lowest or just pick a food group) chooses an exercise for the class to
do.a) Each nutrition card represents 1 repetition of exercise
b.) for example, if the proteins group has 20 nutrition cards, the class does 10
jumping jacks (or rocket blasters, mountain climbers, push-ups, etc.)
11.) Pick two new taggers and play again
Nutri Troops Games Day

Timing and pricing.

Time Session Class(es) Total no. of


9:00 - 9:35am Sports Hall Year 6 Up to 30

Nutri Games:
Nutrition PE

9:35 - 10:10 Sports Hall Year 6 Up to 30

Nutri Games:
Nutrition PE

10:10 - 10:45 Sports Hall Year 5 Up to 30

Nutri Games:
Nutrition PE

10:45 - 11:20 Sports Hall Year 4 Up to 30

Nutri Games:
Nutrition PE
Nutri Troops Games Day


13:00 - 13:35 Sports Hall Year 4 Up to 30

Nutri Games:
Nutrition PE

13:00 - 13:35 Sports Hall Year 4 Up to 30

Nutri Games:
Nutrition PE

13:35 - 14:10 Sports Hall Year 3 Up to 30

Nutri Games:
Nutrition PE

14:30 - 15:00 Assembly / Q & A Whole School -

Nutri Troops Games Day

We cannot wait to turn your pupils into healthy heroes and teach them the benefits of an
active healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Minds. Healthy Bodies. Healthy Heroes

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