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Part 6 Structural Design Ey 3 Design Wind Pressure : The design wind pressure, p, for a structure or an element of a structure at any height, above mean ground level shal be determined from the relation : Pe = Corte a2) where, pz = design wind pressure at height, KN/m? Cz. = gust coefficient which shall beGz, Gy, oF G asset forth in Sec 24.66 Gp. = pressure coefficient for structures or components as set forth See 24.57 @, = Sustained wind pressure obtain from Eq (24.1) 2.464 Design Wind Load for Buildings and Structures: Design wind load on the main wind force Tesisting systems of buildings and structures shal be determined by using one of the following. feo methods 2) Method 1 Surface Area Method) : The surface area method shall be used for gabled rigid frames » find single storey nid frames and may be seed of other Framing systems. In this method the des Wind pressures shall be assumed to at simultaneously normal al exteior surfaces inchuding root bf buildings or structures. The forces Fy, acting normal to the Building surfaces or the roof, shal be ‘aleulated as follows i) Forall framing systems: Fi=DpAy (243) where, F, = wind force on primary framing systems acting normal to a surface, or roof, or a part thereof. P= design wind pressure on building surfaces, KN/m? p, for windward surfaces as used in Eq (242) =P, for non-windward surfaces as used in Eq (2.42) ‘Ay = atea of the building surface or roo teibutary tothe framing system at height 2 "pon which the design pressure p operates, im square metres DT ieee ts celers ce eecateal caine gotta frames and oer single-storey ad frames hall be investigated for both the fore canned from Eq 248) and hat een by the relation Le-ri 44) where,p, = internal pressure = Ci 4, Chi = internal peak pressure coefficient as given in Sec 2.4.67, and 4, = sustained wind pressure evaluated at mean roof height, given by Eq (2.4.1). ‘The resultant force of the complete framing system of the building shall be taken to be the summation of forces Fy due to the effects of the pressures on all surfaces of the building, For the maximum force ‘on the building, forces along all critical directions shall be investigated. Method 2. (Projected Area Method) : This method may be used for any building or structure as a whole excep! those specified in a(H) above. In the projected area method the horizontal pressure shal $e saumed to ct upon the ful vical projec area ofthe srctute andthe vertical pressure shall e azsumed to act simltaneously upon rizoatal projected are, except where the pressare Coefficients are given for the surface area, eg. Table 6217. According to Method 2 the tofal wind force on the primary framing system of & Building ora structure shall be calculated using the F,= Dp,A, @45) where, , = total wind force on the framed system of the building in a specified direction, kN P, = design wind pressure, in kN/m?, for use with the overall pressure coefficient Cy for the cross-sectional shapes provided in Tables 62.15 0.62.21 Projected frontal area normal to wind tributary tothe framing system at height 2 in square metres. Chapter 2 Loads In the projected area method, the overall pressure coefficients C, provided in Tables 6.2.15 to 62.21 for various cross-sectional shapes, shall be used for the total height of the building or the structure having a particular cross-sectional shape. In order to determine the most critical loads, the total wind. force F, shall be calculated fr each wind direction for which the overall pressure coeficent C, is provided. 24.65 Design Wind Loads for Components and Cladding : Design wind load on individual structural components sich a5 roofs, walls, and individual cladding urls and their immediate supporting members fand fixings etc, of enclosed buildings and structures shall be determined in accordance with the following, ‘lation F = 3(cpea-Cyti Pe 46) where, Fs total wind force ona building component perpendicular to the surface, KN , = external peak pressure coeficent for componenis, see Fig 627 and 628 for rectangular bulling 3, = intenal peak pressure coefficient as given in Table 62.14 sustained wind pessureacing on exemnal surfaces ofa bling 4. = Wind pressure developed atthe interior of the building. . ‘The pressures q and q, shall be determined as follows : Fork s18m: gq = 4, andq,=4, For h>18me 4g 4g, for (+ ve) values of Cpe, and 4, for(-ve) values of Ce, 4, = 4, forall values of Gy If the peak pressure coefficients C,,and Cp, are not provided in Fig 62.7 and 628 and in Table 62.14, the following equation may be used for determining the wind forces on structural components. F s.25EpA, ean where, p, = design wind pressure for components as given in Eq (24.2), KN/m? A. = Projected area of the component normal to wind a level, 2 above ground in square metres 2Acé Wind cat tn: Wed cm asl ng is dt lens et A i Se et oe ng a as oe pe eee ee eee FOP ede ee erent cag mae ep rent ete Ree oP er eee a te oe effects on non-slender and slender buildings and shall be set equal to the Gust Response Factors, Gy, G, cor Gas set forth below: 8) Gust Response Factor, G, for Non-slender Buildings and Structures : For the main wind force resisting systems of non-slender buildings and structures, the value of the gust response factor, Gy shall be determined from Table 6.2.11 evaluated at height h above mean ground level of the building: or structure. Height h shall be defined as the mean roof level or the top of the parapet, whichever is greater, b) Gust Response Factor, G, for Building Components : For components and cladding of all buildings and structures, the value of the gust response factor G, shall be determined from Table 6.2.11 evaluated atthe height above the ground zat which te component or cladding under consideration is located on the structure Bangladesh National Building Code 6-35 Part 6 Structural Design Table 62.11 Gust Response Factors, Gy and Gy Telghtabove Gy and Gy sround level [Exposure A | ExposureB | Exposure O45 Ter Ta Tit 60 159 1294 1140 90 111 125s tian 120 1457 1353 1107 150 1418 1215 197 180 1388 1301 1089 no 1363 ise Ysa 240 1382 1178 tor 270 132% 1:70 107 300 1309 1162 106? 330 1287 1st 1061 309. 1268 Cit 1085 450 1252 1133 1.051 509, 1238 1126 Toe 600 1215 re Tow 70 1198 1103 1033 809 1180 1.095 108 300 1166 108 104 1000 11st 108 120 m0 14 tars 1018 1200 1134 1070 1013 1300 1126 1065 1010 1400 18 10st 1008 1500 mn 1087 10085 1600 1104 1.053 1.08 1700 1098 To Toot 1800 1092 1046 1000 1900 1087 1048 1000 2000 1.082 1.010 1.000 200 1973 ro3s 000 2400 1068 1030 1000 2600 1.058 1.026 1.000 2300 1051 122 1000 S000 1045 ror 11000 Note: () For main wind-orce Tsing sysems, ave Balding or stactre height fora (2) Tine interpolation is accepable fo intermediate values of = ©) Gust Response actor,@ for Slender Buildings and Structures : Gust response factor, & for the primary framing systems of slender buildings and structures shall be calculated by a rational Snalysis incorporating the dynamic properties of the primary framing system as given by the following relations. 48) where, eas) 2410) C36 Chapter 2 ‘Loads eae a (wis.72) See ee eee eee See eas Be ee vies ae ee ees foe lease vere ees 0.00328 for open framework (lattice) structure SR pen ae Co eer ee = prea rein ye isis Other parameters of Eq (2.4.8) through (2.4.11) are defined in Sec 2.4.2. Values of the parameters a, D,, sand 7 shall be those given in Table 62.12. ‘The gust response factor G as determined by this provision shall account for the load magnification effect caused by the wind gusts in resonance with along-wind oscillations of the structure, but shall not provide ‘allowances for any cross-wind response such as that due to vortex shedding, galloping, flutter and ovalli ‘nor for any torsional loading effect resulting from such response. Cases where cross-wind or torsional fesaigg i posible specials advice sll be Sought for further analysis, or wind funnel tests specified in ‘Sec 1.5.35 shall be made for determining such effects. on cos oat Facter, J 0.005 0.001 2.0005 ‘0.000: oe we rd o a Fig. 6.2.2 Pressure Profile Factor, J, as a Function of 7 Bangladesh National Building Code 637 Part 6 Structural Design 100 100 a se 9 4 Woyoug sounuosay A ‘oyoay soteuosey 4 toovg sozeu0soy 4 “ioyoas souvu0ssy Fig. 6.2.3 Resonance Factor, ¥, as a Function of Y and Ratio c/h a8 Chapter 2 Loads IAQ | i| 10 Exposure. Structure Size Factor, S 08 os. oa 1 5 « s 67890 2030 ad50 60 80 100 200 300 400 600 600 800 1000 Height, h(i) Fig. 6.2.4 Structure Size Factor, $ Table 62.412 Building Exposure Parameters Pressure Coefficients for Buildings, Structures and Components : The pressure coefficients Cy to be used in Eq 24.2) for the determination of design wind pressure shall be equal to the Values describ below: a) Ce external pressure coefficient as given in Fig 6.25 and Fig 62.6 and in Table 6.2.13 for ‘external surfaces of buildings or structures. This coefficient shall be used with Method 1 given in Sec 24.6:4a(). Gy internal peak pressure coefficients as given in Table 6.2.14 for internal surfaces of buildings. These coefficients shall be used along with the coefficients Cp for design wind load on components, or with Cpe for design wind load on buildings af per provisions of ‘Sec 2.4.64a (ii) " Bangladesh National Building Code 6-39 Part 6 Structural Design Notation : B Horizontal dimension of building, in metres measured formal to wind diecion| ee Gat response cocticient h Mean roof height, metres except that eave eight may be sed for 810 L Horizontal dimension of building, in metres measured orale to wind direction >, ign wind pressure % Sustained wind pressure, in KN/m? evaluated at respective ha z Hight above ground in metres o Roof slope from horizontal, degrees Plan Cavey Pave, ternal Pressure Coef for Walls * 6 7/—_ Ratemal Pressure Cotfigent ye for Wal F2*CePp0%, ‘Surface TB G ‘For use with’ ott, il Windward wall | altvalues | 08 | p,=CoCpede fi =o10 | -05 Leewardwa | “Oss | a6 = ear 100 | = 95 | pe=Co Crete =e] = >400_| 702 Tidewall | allvaues | -07 | p,=CGqa, Elevation These contigo ay Pe weed when B=. Rectangular Building Alternatively, use Table 62.15 and Method 2, Sec External Pressure Coefficients, C, for Roof pe Windward Side Wind dea Leeward Disesion | _ WL Ty gp er sic Normal 05 “07 — OF — 02 03 ba 05001 6] — - 07 toridge 09" forall 05 -07 -09 -075 -02 03 05a. |. values of 19 07 09-073 -02 03 «05 «ome | mL 215 “07-09-09 = -09—-035 02018 | anda Parallel] WE och toridge <25 -07 -07 WB or hi 225 =08 =08 + Goefiints are to be used with p= Co Cy fy 88850024560) * Both values fC. shal be used for loud calculations. Note: (1) These coetfients hal be wsed with Method 1, See 24.6... (2) Referto Table 6213 for ached roo (@)_ For fleble buildings and structures, use approprate Z as detemnined by Sec 246.6 0 {@)_ Pls and minus sighs signly presure acing toward and away irom the oufaces respectively {8} Linesrinterpolaton may be made for vakies of @ iv, and 1/8 ratios other than listed Fig 6.2.5 External Pressure Coefficients, Cpe for Primary Framing _ Systems of Rectangular Buildings Chapter 2 Exteel prestre eoetcin, Gel Use Fig625 for sume (1/8) ar] -03 and 02 tor ect ° s07 | oes seproprate 105 sa 03 for 0310" aa (0) Pitched Roof —— Tara presse cello, Cpe Wo ecten aa Go Fist enon Second oan a nd span corees apm ot ee | att aelalt | Maar tare pee 2 corsa | oy | 09 02 | 01 os -02 eo 2 ‘as 33 | 3303 | aa a8 | 8 “th car (b) North-Light Roof y Ener posse colicin Gag Wied rectin aeene “oe Fest span | Second span iy fr oan a PT ae Pe ° or 09 | oo | 0502 [-oses | -osoa | os05 oa 02 0 20202 | ‘as | “a2ea | os’ | toe | or 03 (c) Sow-Tooth Roof” Notes = (1 For compononts and cladding use Fg 626 lor as80" and 270%, Ge =Ivauss pron Pig 265) = [OSB wee, NAD. of Sp: (2) Wren two vais of Coe ae ted roots tal be designed fr both voles Fig. 6.2.6 External Pressure Coefficients, Cpe for Multi-span Buildings Bangladesh National Building Code 41 Part 6 Structural Design ©) Che external peak pressure coefficient as given in Fig 62.7 and 6.2.8 to be applied on external surfaces of buildings to obtain design wind load on individual components and cladding in accordance with Sec e a + ® overall pressure coefficient as given in Tables 62.15 through 62.21 for various cross- sectional shapes to be used with the projected area of buildings or structures when Method 2 in Sec 24.6.4(b) is used. If pressure coefficients Gy, Cj Che oF Care not provided herein for certain buildings, structures or components reliable references shall be fllowed or specialist advice shall be sought. Table 62.13 External Pressure Coefficients, Cpe for Arched Roofs Condition Rise-to-span. Windward] Centre | Leeward Ratio, | Quarter half Quarter Roofs on elevated o< ro. +09 -07-r -05 structures 02 fs Se | CC CE 7 us TH [14 [155 | 10 [18 TIO (b) Blvation too | 155 | 195 | 200 | 170 } iso | 115 eal zoo | 190 | 225 | 255 | 200 | 140 | 120 > & ff 240.0 195 250 | 2.80 2.20 1.60 125 Z Note) These cofficents ay tobe used with Method? given in te SeczAstal Use Cyos Oto roofinallcae (a) Plan ©) Linea interpolation ray be made for intermediate valus of Wand Rectangular Building Table 62.16 Overall Pressure Coefficient, G; for Buildings and Structures such as Chimneys, Tanks, ete Tape Type or surface GpforhiD values of T 7. jae (wind nomad Toa Ts) 7 T 7 7 ixagonal or octagonal (0a. > 0167) All 10 12 14 Round (Dg, > 0.167} Moderately sooth 05 ae Rough (D/D = 0.02) 07 08 09 Very rough(D7/D = 0.08) 08 10 12 Round (Dyfaz_< 0.67} Al o7 og 12 ‘Notes 1) The design wind Tore shall be calculated based on The area of the sraclure projected on a plane normal othe wind direction. The force shall be assumed to act parallel othe wind direction 2). Linea interpolation may be usd for I/D values other than those shown. 3) Notation D: diameter or least horizontal dimension, metres. Dé depth of protruding elements such as rine and spoilers, metres. iz_height of structure, metres. Table 62.17 Overall Pressure Coefficients G, for Monoslope Roofs Over Unenclosed Buildings and Structures 0° TB (degrees) | 3 z z T aE raat 775 io az 725 03 oas— 05517 J 095 15 035 048, 08 o7 | oss | 09 035 20 05 08 O75 a3 | “to | 055 09 2% 07 os os | 15 | ia | 105 095 2 09 20 12 goo or pia ie 10 Tocation of centre of pressure, X7le for L/B values of: tS i Tse 101020 055 03 os B 035 03s oa 30 035 a as, ‘Noter i) Wind forces act nonmnal the surface and shall be directed inward or outward 2) Wind shall be assumed to deviate by + 10 degrees frm horizontal 3) Notation 1 dimension of roof measured normal to wind ditection, metres 1L-_dimension of roof measured parallel to wind direction, metres AC distance fo centre of pressure from windward edge of roof, metres Q_ angle of plane of ool from horizontal degrees. J Bangladesh National Building Code 6-45 Part 6 Structural Desi Table 62:18, Overall Pressure Coefficients, C,, for Solid Signs [ativan Tevet ‘Above Ground Level v cr MIN & =3 TE =e i 5 13 10 13 3 1a 16 1a 10 15 2 15 20 135 40 15 30 185 60 185 240. 2100 280 2100, Note it) Signs with openings comprising less than 50% of the gross area shall be considered as solid signs. E 22) Signs for which the distance from the ground tothe bottom edge Isles than 0.25 times the vertical dimension shall be considered to beat ground level 3) Toallow forhoth normal and oblique wind directions, two cases shall be considered ') Resultant force acts normal o sign at geometric centre, and bb) Resultant force aets normal to sign at fevel of geometric centre and ata distance from windward edge of 03 times the horizontal dimension 4) Notation Ratio of height to width ‘M: Larger dimension of sign, metres ‘N__ Smaller dimension of sign. metres. Table 62.19 ‘Overall Pressure Coefficients C, for Open Signs and Lattice Frameworks ? : Fataided Round Members Members Dia, < 0.87 DyG, >0.467 Zor 20 12 08 0110029 13 13 09 031007, 16 15 1 Notes: 1) Signs with openings comprising sor move ofthe gross aoa ae classified asopen si 2). The'caleulation ofthe design wind forors shall be based on the area of al 3 ‘exposed members and elements projected on a plane normal fo the wind “rection. Forees shal be assumed to act parallel the wind direction. Notation + Ratioof solid area to gross area D_:_Diameter ofa typical ound member, in metres. Table 62.20 Overall Pressure Coefficients, Cp for Trussed Towers ? a Towers “Triangular Tower =O a0 ae 0.025 to 0.44 ie e tee #17526 a7 a5e 071010 134076 10+ ‘Note? 1) Force cos ficients are given for towers with structural angles oF similar Ta sided members. 2) For towers with rounded members, the design wind force shall be determined using the values inthe above table multiplied by the following factors For €<028: factor = 067 For03.< 6507: factor =0.67 e+ 047 For082e= LO: factor=10 '3) For triangular section towers, the design wind forews shall be assumed to act normal toa tower face. 4) For square section towers, the design wind forces shal be assumed to act ‘normal ta tower face. To allow forthe maximum horizontal wind load, which ‘occurs when the wind is oblique to the faces, the wind load acting normal toa tower face shall be multiplied by the factor 1.00.75 efor e< 0.5 and shall be scsumed to act along a diagonal 15) Wind forces on tower appurtenances, such as ladders, conduit, lights, elevators and the ik, shall be calculated using appropriate force coefficients for these elements. '6) Forguyed towers, the cantilever portion ofthe tower shall be designed for 125% ‘of the design fore, 17) = reduction of 25% of the design force in any span between guys shall be made for determination of controlling moments and shears. 8) Notation e+ Ratio of solid area to gross area of tower face. D___Typical member diameter, in metres Table 62.21 Overall Pressure Coefficients, Gyp and Gp, for Tower Guys ¢ degrees) 0 1s 035 Ls a0 fe 0 The force cofiens shall be used in conlnction ih} {Spostd aces ofthe over guy in sare ete, else pete ee pte 2) Nowton Geo Foe ccf er the component of ore etn decton ofthe wind Fort culient fr tn ccnpenen of force pibgemeel te eciierel te wine nce Pecans Onan p Rigi bebreen rd dtcttn nd chor of he uy in degrees. 30 Py 50 o 0.80 045 ” 0 90 D Notes cea Chapter 2 Loads Bangladesh National Building Code Part 6 Structural Design 24.6.8 Effect of Local Topography : If a structure or any portion thereof is located within a local ‘pographic zone, such as regions around hills and ridges as shown in Fig6.2.9, the sustained wind pressure Iying by a local topographic coefficient, C;. Value of obtained from Sec 24.62 shall be modified by multipl the coefficient, Cy shall be obtained from Fig 6.29. Notes: ! * 15ly or 25H 15lyor 25H 1 Woiver grate >| — aire i gn yor 167 H whichever is greater) Local topographic zone Local Topographic Coefficient, C;at Crest Upwind slope Coefficient, C (tan ¢) ts Ty 21 3 02 us 203 237 ree tne = eupwin stp, ee ee ere eee ee er eee reared snance oe a = RT nee tes Ee atest ees eotatee ee ee deer a oe ee 1) ferinemeie isc pn sn nip epee @ Cj = 10 or a point ator out side the boundary of the local topographic zones as shown inthe figure For any point within the local topographic zone, value of the coefficient, Cy shall be obtained by interpolation from the value at crest given in the table and the value of Cy=1 at the boundary of the ‘zone The interpolation shall be linear with horizontal distance from the crest, and with height above the focal ground level Fig 629 Local Topographic Coefficient, Ct for Hills and Ridges. 25 254 252 Chapter 2 ‘Loads EARTHQUAKE LOADS cae sacs see atc aan ties private ek Pe re sc et ee rte oe fee plate ime reel eee SSpreant a nee hale Seuiuad hie Goer nae ee ey Se ee eee Dr ee ee ee ee ees Seer Definitions ‘The following definitions of terms shall be applicable only to the provisions of Sec 2.5: BASE : The level at which the earthquake motions are considered to be imparted to the structures or the level at which the structure as a dynamic vibrator is supported. BASE SHEAR : Total design lateral force or shear at the base of a structure. BEARING WALL SYSTEM : A structural system without a complete vertical load carrying space frame, see BEARING yst ‘orp! vying 9p. BRACED FRAME : An essentially vertical trans system ofthe concentric or eccentric type which is provided to resist lateral forces. 2 a bes : BUILDING FRAME SYSTEM : An essentially complete space frame which provides support for gravi loads, see Sec 1.3.2. ee " i as ea DIAPHRAGM : A horizontal or nearly horizontal system of structures acting to transmit lateral forces to the vertical resisting elements, The term ‘diaphragm’ inclides horizontal bracing systems, DUAL SYSTEM : A combination of a Special or Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame and Shear Walls or Braced Frames designed in accordance with the criteria of Sec 1.32. ECCENTRIC BRACED FRAME (EBF): A steel braced frame designe ESSENTIAL FACILITIES; Buildings and structures which are necessary t remain functional during an emergency ora post disaster peri FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM : A floor or roof diaphragm shall be considered flexible, for purposes of this provision, when the maximum lateral deformation of the diaphragm is more than fwo times the average Storey drift of the associated storey. This may be determined by comparing the computed midpoint in-plane Gellettion of the diaphragm under lateral load withthe storey driftof adjoining vertical resisting elements Linder equivalent tributary lateral load 3 I FLEXIBLE ELEMENT OR SYSTEM : An element or system whose deformation under lateral load is significantly larger than adjoining parts of the system. FLEXIBLY SUPPORTED EQUIPMENT : Non-rigid or flexibly supported equipment is a system having a cca eee tate eee getiet mateo aia me . HORIZONTAL BRACING SYSTEM roof diaphragm. INTERMEDIATE MOMENT RESISTING FRAME (IMRE) : A concrete ot steel frame designed in accordance with Sec 8.3 or 105.17 respectively. MOMENT RESISTING FRAME : A frame in which members and joints are capable of resisting forces primarily by flexure, ORDINARY MOMENT RESISTING FRAME (OMRF) : A moment resisting frame not meeting special detailing requirements for ductile behaviour. PRIMARY FRAMING SYSTEM : That part of the structural system assigned to resist lateral forces. RIGIDLY SUPPORTED EQUIPMENT : A rigid or rigidly supported equipment is a system having a fundamental period less than or equal to 0.06 second. ‘SHEAR WALL : A wall designed to resist lateral forees parallel to the plane of the wall (sometimes referred toasa vertical diaphragm ot a structural wall). conformance with Sec 1.8. horizontal truss system that serves the same function as a floor or Bangladesh National Building Code 649 Part 6 Structural Design SOFT STOREY Storey in which the lateral stifnss less than 70 per cent ofthe stifness ofthe storey SPACE FRAME : A three-dimensional structural system without bearing walls composed of members interconneeted so as to function as a complete sel contained unit with oF without the aid of horizontal diaphragms or floor bracing systems. SPECIAL MOMENT RESISTING FRAME (SMRF) : A moment resisting frame specially detailed to provide ductile behaviour complying withthe seam requirements provided in Chaptea 8 and 10forconerste and Steel frames respectively. SPECIAL STRUCTURAL SYSTEM: A structural system not listed in Table 62.24 STOREY : The space between floor levels. Storey-is the storey below level-x. STOREY SHEAR, V, : The summation of design lateral forces above the storey under consideration, STRENGTH : The usable capacity of an element or a member to resist the load as prescribed in these Provisions: STRUCTURE : An assemblage of framing members designed to support gravity loads and resist lateral forces. Structures may be categorized as building and non-building structures as defined in Sec 1.2.2. TOWER: A tall, slim vertical structure. ‘VERTICAL LOAD-CARRYING FRAME : A space frame designed to carry all vertical gravity loads. WEAK STOREY : Storey in which the lateral strength is ess than 80 per cent of that of the storey above. 253. Symbols and Notation ‘The ollowing symbols and notation shall apply to the provisions of this section: A = the combined effective area, in square metres of the shear walls in the first storey of the structure A, = _ the effective horizontal cross-sectional area, in square metres of a shear wall in the first storey of the structure. the torsion amplification factor at level ‘numerical coeficient specified in See 2561. ‘numerical coefficient specified in Sec 258 and given in Table 62.26, numerical coefficient given in Sec 25.62. the length in metres ofa shear wall element in the first storey inthe direction parallel tothe applied forces. idteral force st level ifor use in Bq 255). lateral force applied to level, nr x respectively. Jaterl forces on an element or component or on equipment supports. that portion of the base shear V, ‘considered concentrated af the top of the structuze in adaition 1 Fy. force on foor- of roof-diaphragm. acceleration due to gravity freight in metres above the base to level -m or respectively structure importance coefficient given in Table 6223. structure Importance eoefficlent specified In Sec 258 for structural and non-structural components and equipment. level of he structte referred toby the subscript eg, the uppermost level in the main portion of the structure. the level under consideration eg. =1 designates the first level above the base. response modification coefficient for structural systems given in Table 62.24 Sit coefficient for soi characteristics piven in Table 6224 = fundamental period of vibration, fn seconds, of the structure in the direction under consideration. 2 designates the first level above Rg 5 7 v = _ the total design lateral force or shear atthe base Vy = _ the design storey shear in storey w the total seismic dead load defined in Sec w;, that portion of W which is located at or assigned to level «or x respectively wy = the weight of the diaphragm and the elements tributary thereto at level-x, including applicable portions of other loads defined in Sec 25.5.2. 650 Chapter 2 a w thewelght ofan shanantor copottas z scialc ve couteen given indie 6222 5 hovzonaldiplaernent a level relative to the base du to appli lateral forces, in metre, for use in Fa 53) 254 Seamic Zoning uh eee i, Beat Geeetc Znteg Mag Tee seas eg map of Baoan ety clean Pg 220. ou the severity ofthe probable intensity of selamic protind mation and damages, Bangladesh has been divides Ito three felanic Bone, ue Zane 1 Zone 2 and Sone’ as chown in Hg G20 with Zone 3 being the ot 2542 Selection of Seiamic Zone and Zone Coefficient : Seismic zone for a bulldng site shall be determined based on the location of the ate on the Seismic Zoning Map provided in Fi 6210, Each Sclding or atracture shal be assigned a Seiamic Zone Coeiient 2 Soretpenting othe slsmc 20ne of these set forth in Table 62.2, 255 Design Earthquake Forces for Primary Framing Systm tees ben eee tee een ls cazatel Sse Sth provision tot in ths cto, He design Seta loves hal essed ac encore inthe dracon of each pra on fhe Dango th structure, exept oer Fatal oy te rovenract seclodend 2551 Selection of Lateral Force Method :Seomi trl forces on pray framing stems shall be determined by using ete te Equivalent Sais Force Method provided in See 256 othe Dynamic Response Method given in Sec 2.57 complying with the restrictions given below 2) The Equivalent Static Fore Method of Sec256 may be used for the following structures 1) Allstructures regular or iregula in Sismie Zone 1 and in Structure Importance Category IV {i Seismic Zone except case b(Wv) below. = ey 5) Regular struchats ule: 75 sess ti igh with Iafcal fosce msttance provided by Seite psi lens Tobie 62.26 eaepl se Be) Boo regular etocsues ocvaary ban Wieasies tere FB) A tower ike balding or stricture having flexible upper portion supported ona rigid lower Sree 1) both portions of he structure onadered separately can be clase as regular structures, 3) the serag trey sins of he lower Pan a lest ten tines Ln average soc} suitness the upper portion, and 2) the period of te cite structure isnot greater than 1.1 times the period of the upper ee ree esteem ee yl he Dyan ane Mecsodox presi Sac at be ws tl danse of soca at shal a Distats evvucees acm nbotne eee = 2 Shuctues 72 meso now in ight except as peciad bycase above ty Sorters toring csi rvices: Sire wea oene rTyeRNN cell tind in Table 63 or sctres having epularetues notdeseba i St ale 613 cent ii), Sfrctures over 20 metres in height in Seismic Zone 3 not having the same structural system ihroupiocd es img ence rat pertatertin See LA iv). Strutt; regular of iegular ical on Sol Probe Type Ss given in Table 6.225, which have a period greater thay OY second, Te analyst hal include te efit ofthe col atthe site and shall conform to Sec (c). 2552 Seismic Dead Load : Seismic dead load, W, i the total dead load of a building ora structure, including permanent partttons, ard applicable portons of ter onde sted below 2) Imstorage and warehouse occupancies, a minimum of 25 percent ofthe floor live loa shall be applicable. , 2 1») Where an allowance fr partion loa is included inthe flor design in accordance with See 23.33, all such loads but not less than 0.6 KN/m? shall be applicable. ) Total welghtof permanent equipment shall be included, Bangladesh National Bi ea Part 6 Structural Design 10 : SEISMIC ZONING MAP OF BANGLADESH Chapter 2 Loads 25.6 Equivalent Static Force Method This method may be used for calculation of seismic lateral forces forall structures specified in Sec 25.5.1(a) 25.61 Design Base Shear : The total design base shear in a given direction shall be determined from the following relation es) where, ‘Seismic zone coefficient given in Table 62.22 Structure importance coefficient given in Table 6.2.23, Response modification coefficient for structural systems given in Table 62.24 ‘The total seismic dead load defined in Sec 2552 Numerical coefficient given by the relation 1.258 ms 252) Site coefficient for soll characteristics as provided in Table 6.2.25 Fundamental period of vibration in seconds, of the structure for the direction under ‘consideration as determined by the provisions of Sec ary The value of C need not exceed 2.75 and this value may be used for any structure without regard to soil type or structure period. Except for those requirements where Code prescribed forces are scaled up by 0.375R, 0 ‘minimum value ofthe ratio C/R shall be 0.075. ‘Table 6.222 ‘Table 62.23 Seismic Zone Coefficients, Z ‘Structure Importance Coefficients J, 1” Seismie Zone Zone ‘Structure Importance Category ‘Saructure (see Fig 6.2.10) | Coefficient (see Table 6.1.1 for occupancy) Importance Coefficient i Tt T Essential eciies 12s | 150 Hazardous facilities 125 | 150 IL Special occupancy structures Koo} 1.00 IV Standard occupancy structures | 1.00 | 1.00 V_Low.rsk Suuowres t00_|_1.00 2562 Structure Period : The value of the fundamental period, T of the structure shall be determined from one of the following methods : 2) Method A : For all buildings the value of T may be approximated by the following formul T= Cythy) 94 @53) where, Cj, = 0053 forstel moment resisting frames 0073 ‘or reinforced concrete moment resisting frames, and eccentric braced steel frames 0.049. forall other structural s Height in metres above the base to level n hg Alternatively, the value of C; for buildings with concrete or masonry shear walls may be taken as 0.08y/A; . The value of A shall be obtained from the relation Ap =BA,[0.24(De/h)] esa) ‘The combined effective area, in square metres, of the shear walls in the first storey of the structure. ‘The effective horizontal cross-sectional area, in square metres of a shear wall in the first storey of the structure. De = The length, in metre of a shear wall element in the first storey in the direction parallel to the applied forces. ‘The value of Dg/lig_ for use in Eq (2.54) shall not exceed 0.9. Bangladesh National Building Code Part 6 Structural Design Table 6.2.24 Response Modification Coefficient for Structural Systems, R Basie Structural Syste eral Farce eng Sp & Beating Wall Tight famed walls wih shear panels ‘System Plywood wale for sven, 3 storeys or less &i)_Allothe ight raed walls 2, Shearwalls, ') Concrete i) Masonry ‘Ligh sel famed bearing was with esion only bracing [raced frames where bracing cates gravity lads Steal i) Conerete i)_feaw timber 1 Balldng Frame T. Steel eecenic breed Trane (EB) Sysem 2. Ligh frmed walls with sheer pares nrc a er Seger 9 roles 3, Shear walle i) Conercte i) Masony 4 Conga frames (CBF) iy Stet = pony Reine T- Special moment essing faines SHRP) rome Sytem Seek i) Conerete es Intermediate moment resisting frames (IMF), coneete) ‘Gcdinay momeat resisting fares (MEE) Coe ad. Dual System T Shear walls 1) Concrete with steel or concrete SMRF ii) Concrete with steel OMRF il) Concrete with concrete IMRF® iv) Masonry with steel or concrete SMRF ¥) Masonry with steel OMRF vi) Masonry with concrete IMRF ® 2. Stes! EBF 1) With see! SMRF ii) With steel OMRE 3. Concentric braced frame (CBF) i) Stel with steel SMRF 5i) Steel with steel OMRF iil) Concrete with concrete SMRF ©) iv) Concrete with concrete IMRF ©) ‘Special Structural SeeSee 132,133,135 Systems ‘Notes : (1) @ @ 4 9 Basic Structural Systems are defined in See 1.3.2, Chapter 1 See Sec for combination of structural systems, and Sec 1.3.5 for system limitations. Prohibited in Seismic Zone 3. Prohibited in Seismic Zone 3 except as permitted in Sec Prohibited in Seismic Zones 2 and 3. Sec oo Chapter 2 ‘Loads Table 6.2.25 Site Coefficient, § for Seismic Lateral Forces (!) ‘Bite Soil Characteristics Coefficient, Ss Description A soil profile with either {) A-rock-like material characterized by a shear-wave velocity greater than 10 Zed.m/s or by other suitable means of classification, of b)_Stiffor dense Soil condition where the soll depth is less than 61 metres A soil profile with dense or stif soil conditions, where the soil depth exceeds |, 12 1 mettes A soil profile 21 metres or more in depth and containing more than 6metres of | 15 Soll tofmedium si clay butt more than 12 metres of soft clay S4_ | A soil profile containing, more than 12 metres of soft clay characterized by a] 2.0 | Shear wave velocty fess than 152 m/s Z Hs oie (1) These coofcent sal be etablished Tm prOpeRy abwantRTeT GOTTA ea Ta OCT ‘where the soll properties are no known in sulficent deal o determine the sol profile type, 0 Proll $3 salfbe tse. Sol profile Sy need notbe assumed unless the bulding ofa dtermines that soil profile S may be present atthe sl, rin the even that sol profile Sys established by scott datas ¥) Method B : The fundamental period T may be calculated using the structural properties and Geformational characteristics of the resisting elements in a properly substantiated analysis. This requirement may be satisfied by using the following formula : T=2n, Sma? /eSra 55) ft fat The values of fj represent any lateral force distributed approximately in accordance with the principles of Eq (25.4), 257) and (258) or any other rational distribution. The elastic deflections, 8) Shall Be calculated using the applied lateral forces, f, The value of T determined from Eq (255) shall ‘ot exceed that calculated using Eq 253) by more than 40%, 25.3 Vertical Distribution of Lateral Forces: In the absence of a more rigorous procedure, the total fatera force, which isthe base shear V, shall be distributed along the height ofthe structure in accordance with Eq (256), (25.7) and (25.8) VaF+ VF 256) Et where, Fj = Lateral force applied at storey level -i and Concentrated lateral force considered at the top of the ‘building in addition to the force Fy. ‘The concentrated force, F; acting atthe top of the building shall be determined as follows: 007 TV <0.25V — whenT> 02 second 572) 00 when TS 07 second (2570) ‘The remaining portion of the base shear (V-F,), shall be distributed over the height of the building, including level-n, according to the relation : py =F iso Fan ist Bangladesh National Building Code 6-55 Part 6 Structural Design Ateach storey level-x, the force Fy shall be applied over the area of the building in proportion to the mass distribution at that level. 2.564 Horizontal Distribution of Shear : The design storey shear Vy, in any storey x is the sum of the forces F~ and Fr above that storey. Vz shall be distributed to the various elements ofthe vertical lateral force resisting system in proportion to their rigidities, considering the rigidity of the floor or root iaphragm. Allowance shall alo be made for the incressed shear arting dive to any horizontal torsional moment as specified in Sec 25.65. 25.6.5 Horizontal Torsional Moments : Provision shall be made for the increased shears resulting from horizontal torsion where floor diaphragms are not flexible. ‘The torsional design moment at a given storey shall be the moment resulting from eccentricities between appli design lateral forces at eves above that storey and the vertical resisting elements in that storey plus anaccidental torsional moment ‘The accidental torsional moment in any storey shall be determined assuming the storey mass to be displaced from the calculated centre of mass in each direction a distance equal to 5% of the building dimension at that level perpendicular to the direction of the force under consideration. Where torsional irregularity existe (Pan Iregularity Type I a8 defined in Table 61.4) the effects shall be brcountod for by ingeasing the acadental tasion extn level by an amplification factor, Ay determined from the forma Az =[Snux/(12808)] <30 ess) where, dnax = ‘The maximum displacement at levels dayg_ = The average of the displacements at extreme positions ofthe building at level ‘The more severe loading for each element shall be considered for design. Combination of Structural Systems : When structural systems defined in Sec 1.32 are combined to be incorporated into the same structure, the following requirements shall be satisied: 2) Vertical Combinations: ‘The value of the response modification coefficient R used inthe design of 2ny sowey fora given lzeton shall not be greater han that used for he stone above, However, {hs requifementsived not apply to. storey where te de we that storey i less than 10 pet cent of the total dead weight oF the stature Structures may be designed using the procedures of Sec 25.6 under the following conditions: 4) Theeentire structure is designed using the lowest value of R forthe lateral force resisting systems ii) The following procedure is used for structures conforming to Sec2.55.Ja(iv). 1. The flexible upper portion, shall be designed asa separate structure, supported lateral the rigid lower portions using the appropriate value of R as si 2h ignore ied as ena tere abn SPR eerie rn cee ae reanfen s aie esac on era ne Be ate oe ade SAS aelite aa es aut Dae ae a? b) Combinations Along Different Axes: i) In Seismic Zone 3, where a structure has a Bearing Wall System in only one direction, the value Of R used for the orthogonal direction shall not be greater than that used for the Bearing Wall System defined in See 1.32. ii) Any combination of Building Frame Systems, Dual Systems, or Moment Resisting Frame ‘Systems defined in Sec 13.2 may be used to resist design seismie forces in structures less than 50 min height. Only combinations of Dual Systems and Special Moment Resisting Frames (SMRB) can be used to resist the design seismic forces in structures exceeding 50 m_ in height in Seismic Zones. 257 Chapter 2 Loads Dynamic Response Method ‘The Dynamic Response Method, where used, shall conform to the criteria established in this section. The analysis of the structure shall be based. on an established principle of mechanics, using a mathematical el specified in Sec 1.26.1(a) and one ofthe dynamic analysis procedures given in See 35.72 and 2573. ‘The mass and mass moments of inertia of various components of a structure, required for the dynamic analysis, shall be calculated based on the seismic dead load specified in Sec asl esa meee ee ane me eens era elena Sa ere ae erp era ee aaa 8) Response Spectrum : The response spectrum to be used inthe dynamic analysis shall be any one of » ebabeite ee ae : i) Site Specific Design Spectra : A site ‘ific response spectra shall be developed based on the geologic, tectonic seitmologic, and soil characteristics associated with the specific site. The Spectra shall be developed. for a damping ratio of 005 unless a different value Is found to be consistent with the expacted structural behaviour a the intensity of vibration established for the site ii) Normalized Response Specta : In absence of a sitespecific response spectrum, the normalized » respons peste ee eel vena ») Time History: Ground motion ime history developed for the sperfic site shall be representative of actual earthquake motions for the directions under consideration. Response spectra from time history, either individually or in combination, shall approximate the site-specific design spectra conforming to paragraph a (i) above. 40 Solt to Medium Clay and Sand” ‘sot Type 83) a0 —| -— Deen Conesinioss oF Sift Cay Sole!” | (Sor Type 8) ook and Sut Saas - ‘Sot Type S)) ofS 20 | acl 10 ° L 1 ° 05 10 8 20 25 30 Period, (s Note {Sy Specral accaleration 9: Acceleration due to gravity 2: Seismic zone coelfcient (2) For structures on Soll Type , refer to See 25716) Fig. 6.2.11 Normalized Response Spectra for 5% Damping Ratio ‘Bangladesh National Building Code 657 Part 6 Structural Design 258 Structures on Soil Profile Type $4 The following provisions shall apply when required by Sec 2.55.1 (iv): 8) The ground motion representation shallbe developed in accordance with paragraphs a) and b ii) Possible amplification of building response due to soil-structure interaction and lengthening of eae peat ee atl areet aee recess ae iil) The base shear determined by these procedures may be reduced to a design base shear, V, by dividing by a factor not greater than the appropriate R value for the structure but shall not be less than that required by Sec 2.57.2c(). d) Vertical Component: The vertical component of ground motion may be defined by scaling the corresponding horizontal. ground accelerations by a factor of two-thirds. Alternative factors may be tused when substantiated by sitespecific data, 2.572 Response Spectrum Analysis : Where this procedure is used, an elastic dynamic analysis of a Structure shall be performed based on the criteria set forth in this section with a mathematical model conforming to Sec 126.1(2) and using a esponse spectrum as specified in See 257.(a ). The analysis shall include the peak dynamic response of all modes having. a significant contribution to total structural response. Peak modal response shall be calculated using the ordinates of the appropriate response spectrum curve which correspond to the modal periods. Maximum modal contributions shall be combined in a Statistical manner to obtain an approximate total structural response. 18) Number of Modes : The requirement that all significant modes be included may be satisfied by demonstrating that, for the modes considered, a least 90 per cent of the participating mass Of the Structure is included in the calculation of response for each principal horizontal direction. ) Combination of Modes: The peak member forces, dlplacements storey fores storey shears, and oon ence y seein eae Ain epioetne eee eee amet es oreo Faocilct suionet valang of tine Pspenss patomelen Wine hide diesel poco are act Toraralya, modal infraction elec stall be Eovaidered when combining modal axa, ©) Scaling of Results : Where the base shear for a given direction, determined by this procedure, is different from the base shear obtained by using the procedure of Sec 2.5.64, i¢shall be adjusted as i) When the base shear is less than that determined from Sec, the following values shall be taken 1. The value ofthe base shear as obtained from Sec 2.5.61, for irregular structures. 2. 90 per cent of the value from Sec 256.1 for regular structures except that the base shear shall rol be less than 80 per cent of that determined using T from Sec ii) When the base shear is greater than that determined from Sec, the value need not exceed that required by e(i) above, except for structures required to conform to Sec¢) Al corresponding response parameters, including deflections, member forces and moments, Shall be adjusted in proportion to the adjusted base shear. d) Torsion: The analysis shall account for torsional effects, including accidental torsional effects as prescribed in Sec 2.3.6. Where three-dimensional models are used for analysis, effects of accicental forsion shall be accounted for by appropriate adjustments in the model such as adjustment of mass locations, or by the equivalent state procedure provided in Sec 25.65, 2.573 Time History Analysis : When this procedure is followed, an elastic or inelastic dynamic analysis Oisstracta abl be ade wing a mathematical model ofthe sucute apeiied in See 12610) and Spplying at ils base or any other appropriate level, a ground motion time history as specified in See ZEEPAU “Tne timesdependent dynainic esponse of the'structure shall be obtained through ‘numerical integration ofits equations of motion. Seismic Lateral Forces on Components and Equipment Supported by Structures 2381 Lateral Forces on Structural and. Newstructural Components, and Equipment : The minimum design seismic lateral forces on elements of structures, non-structural components, equipment and thelr sttachments including anchorage and bracing to the main structural system shal be determined in accordance withthe formula Prazrcw" 25.10) os Chapter 2 259 Loads where, F’ = Total lateral seismic force Z = Seismic zone coefficient as given in Table 62.22 I = Structure Importance Coefficient for components as given in Table 6.2.23 C= Horizontal force Coefficient as specified in Sec 25.82. W’ = Weight ofan element, component or piece of equipment. ‘The total lateral seismic force, F’obtained from Eq (2.5.10) shall be distributed in proportion to the mass distribution of the element, component or piece of equipment. These forces shall be applied in the horizontal direction to cause the most critical loading for design. Friction resulting from gravity forces shall not be ‘considered to provide resistance to seismic ‘Seismic lateral forces on attachments for floor- or roof-mounted equipment weighing less than 1.8 kN and for furniture need not be determined for design purposes. oe . See ca ee lace ee ae eee ce aoe Sees ore areas Re ase a eee ere artes ean 'b) For non-rigid or flexibly supported equipment, supported by a structure and located above grade on a structure the seismic lateral force shall be determined considering the dynamic properties of both the equipment and those ofthe structure which supports it, but the value of C shall not be les than that listed in Table 62.26. In the absence of an analysis or empirical data, the value of C’ shall be taken as twice the value listed in Table 62.26 butt noed not exceed 2.0. For piping, ducting and conduit systems which are constructed of ductile materials and connections, the values of C’ may be taken as those given in Table 6.2.26. ©) The value of C’ for elements, or components and equipment laterally self-supported and located at ‘or below ground level may be two-thirds of the value set forth in Table 62.26. However, the desi Tateral forces obtained from Eq (2.5.10) for these elements shall not be iess than that as would. ‘obtained using the provision of Sec 2.59. 2583 Seismic Lateral Forces on Floor or Roof Diaphragms : Seismic lateral forces on floor and roof diaphragms and collector elements shal be determined in accordance with the following forma + dR eee e511) de, a) The force F determined from Eq (2.5.11) need not exceed 0.75 ZIwy but it shall not be less than 035 ZI. b) When the diaphragm is required to transfer lateral forces from the vertical resisting elements above the diaphragm to olher vertical resisting elements below the diaphragm due to offset in the placement of the elements or to changes in stiffness. in the vertical elements, these forces shall be ‘dded to those determined from Eq (28.11). Seismic Lateral Forces on Non-Building Structures Non-building structures shall include all self-supporting structures other than buildings that carry gravity loads and resist the effects of earthquake and other lateral forces. Determination of seismic lateral forces for such structures shall be based on the following provisions: 2.39 Seismic Dead Load: For non-building sfructures the seismic dead load, W shall include all loads defined for buildings in See 2552. In addition, W_ shall include ll normal operating contents for structures Stich as tanks, vessels, bins and piping 2592 Fundamental Period : For structures with primary framin fundamental period T, shall be determined in accordance with Sec 2.5.6. obtained by using a rational method such as Method B of Sec 25.6.2. 25.9.3 Structures Similar to Buildings : The seismic lateral forces on structures with primary framing tems similar to buldings (Le structural systems listed in Table 6224) shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Sec 2.55 through 25.8 with following modifications : sstems similar to buildings, the or other structures, T shall be Bangladesh National Building Code oe Part 6 Structural Design a) _ Intermediate moment resisting frames (IMRF) may be used in structures within Seismic Zone 3 and in structure importance categories III through V, if, () the structure is less than 15 m in height, and (i) R= 4.0 is used in load cafculations. b) Seismic dead load and structure period shall be calculated in accordance with See and respectively. ‘Table 6.2.26 Horizontal Foree Coefficient, C’ for Elements, Components and Equipment Elements of Structures and Non-structural Components and Equipment Value of C” 1 | Elements of Structures 1. Walls including the following a." Unbraced (cantilevered) parapets 2.00 b. Other exterior walls above the ground floor!) a7 §Allinterior bearing and nonbearing walls and partitions : 4. fiasonry or cone fencen over hmhigh 075 2. Penthouse except wen framed by an extension ofthe structural frame) o7s 3, Connections for prefabricated structural elements other than walls, with force 075 applied at centre of gravity 4. Diaphragms) IL | Nonstructural Components 1. Exterior and interior ornamentation and appendages 2.00 2 Chimneys, stacks, trussed towers and tanks on legs: 1. Supported on or projecting as an unbraced cantilever above the roof more 2.00 than one-half thelr total height b. All others, including those supported below the roof with unbraced 075 projection above the roof less than one-half their height, ot braced or guyed the structural frame at or above their centres of mass. 3. Signs and biboards 200 4 BlGrage racks including contents) 075 5. ‘Ancage for penn oorsupported cabinets and book tacks more than O78 13m infeight (including content) 6 Anchorage for suspended cclings and light fatures® ©) 075 F.__hecess floor systems”) 075 un | Equipment EP and vessels (eluding conten) together with support system anc 075 2. Hite mechanical and plumbing equipment and associated conduit, 075 } ductwork and piping, and machinery ( Noter ()"See See 2587 for res supported at or below grade ©) Seesee1723 and 2582 (8). Where loxble diaphragms provide aera support fr walls and partition, the value of Cfor anchorage shall be Increased 50 pr cin forth conte oneal of fhe dlaphragin Spex (4) Applies to Seamie Zones? and 3 ony 5) SalSceiF29 and 2583 {6} Celing weigh shall inde alight cures another equipment or patios which re aeally supported by the ceiling. For the purpose of determining the seismic force a ceiling weight of not less than 0.2 kN /m2 shall be ‘sed Catling constructed of th and plaster or gypsum bosrd screw or hal attached to suspended members that supports celing atone level ecending from Walt wall ned not be analysed provided the wals are not over idm (2) W tor acces lor systems shall be the dea load ofthe ccs loo systems pls 25 pe cent ofthe for lve Joad plus a 0.5 KN/m? partition load allowance. (@) Equipment includes buts ot Limited to bolls chillers, hea exchangers, pumps, ai-handing units, cooling towers contra pancis, motors, swilhget, transformers and le safety eqpment Ilse indides major Conduit ducting and piping serving such cquipment and fie sprinkle systems. Se Sec 2582 for adtional requirements for deermining_C” fornon-aigi or lexbly mounted equipment Chapter 2 Loads 25.9.4 Rigid Structures : For rigid structures (ie. those with period, T' < 0.06 second) including their ‘anchorage, the total lateral force, V shall be determined in accordance with the relation : v =05ZIW (25.2) 259.5 Flat-bottom Tanks at or Below Grade: Seismic forces for flat-bottom tanks or other tanks with ‘Supported bottoms, founded at or below grade, shall be calculated using the procedure of Sec 2.5.94 considering the entire weight of the tank and its contents. Alternatively, stich forces may be determined using one oF the following methods. 2) Acesponse spectrum analysis, which includes consideration ofthe actual ground motion anticipated atlhtite and the inertial effects ofthe contained lui. i - b) A substantiated analysis prescribed for the particular type of tank provided that the seismic Zones and Structure importance Categories aren conformance with Pig 6210 and Sec 23 respectively. 2596 Other Structures: For structures (other than buildings), which are not covered by Sec 25.93 through 2.5.95, the minimum seismic lateral forces shall be determined in accordance with the following, provisions: a) The fotal lateral seismic force, V_ shall be determined using the provisions of Sec 25.6 with the coefficient R taken from Table 62.27. However, the ratio C/R shall not be less than 05, Table 6.2. Coefficient, R for Non-Building Structures Structure Type ‘Tanks, vessels or pressurized spheres on braced or unbraced legs 3 2 Castin-plae coneete silos and chimneys having walls continuous tothe 5 foundation 3. Distributed mass cantilever structures such as stacks, chimneys, silos and skiet- 4 supported vertical vessele ‘Trussed towers (free standing or guyed), guyed stacks and chimneys Inverted pendulum-type structures Cooling towers: Bins and hoppers on braced or unbraced legs Storage racks Signs and billboards 10. Amusement structures and monuments 1, _Allother self-supporting structures not otherwise covered. b) The vertical distribution of the total lateral seismic force, V, may be determined by one of the following procedures: 1. Using provisions of Sec 2.5.63. 2 Using procedures of Sec 25.7, Exception: For iregular structures assigned to Structure Importance Categories [and Il, which eannot be modeled asa single mass, the procedures of Sec 257 shall be used. ©) When any ober established, standard oc method is use sa bass for otining he seismic Inter ees for a particlar type of ron building structure covered by this section, such a standard may be ‘used subject to the following Hmitatons © e . i) The Seismic Zones and Structure Importance Categories shall be in conformance with the requirements of Sec 254 and 1.23 respectively. ii) The values for total lateral force and total base overturning moment used in design shall not be less than 80% of the values which would be obtained using these provisions. Bangladesh National Building Code 6-61 Part 6 Structural Design 26 261 262 263 264 MISCELLANEOUS LOADS General ‘The procedures and limitations for the determination of selected miscellaneous loads ave provides in this section Loads hat are not specified in ls section or elsewhere in ths chapter may be detefmined based on Information rom tllble references or pecan advice may be sought Definitions ‘The following definitions and notation shall apply to the provisions of this section only. ESSENTIAL FACILITIES : Buildings and structures which are necessary to remain functional during an ‘emergency or a post disaster period RATIONAL ANALYSIS : An analysis based on established methods or theories using mathematical formulae and actual or appropriately assumed data, SITE-SPECIFIC DATA : Data obtained either from measurements taken ata site or from substantiated field information required specifically for the structure concerned, Rain Loads Rain loads shall be determined in accordance with the following provisions. 2634 Blocked Drains : Each portion of aro shall be designed to sustain the load from all rainwater that could be accumullated on it ifthe primary drainage system for that portion is undersized or blocked. Ponding, instability shall be considered in this situation. 263.2 Controlled Drainage : Roofs equipped with controlled drainage provisions shall be designed to ‘sustain all rainwater loads on them to the elevation of the secondary drainage system plus 0.25 kN/m?. Ponding instability shall be considered in this situation. Loads Due to Flood and Su For the determination of flood and gurge loads ona structural member consideration shall be given to both hyrdrontaic and hydrodynamic effects. Required loading shall be determined im aceordarce with the {Siablshed principles of mechan based on ste gece ceri and In compliance with the flowing provisions ofthis section. For essential facilites ike cyclone and fload shelters and fr hazardous facies [Specified in Table 6.1.1, values of maximum flood elevation, surge height, wind velocities et, required for Re determination of food and surge loa, shal be laken ocresponing to 100 yeat slush period, For Structures other than essential and hazardous facilites, these valves, shall be Based on S0-Vear eetuen pened 264A, Flood Lends on Structures at Inland Areas: or structures ited at inland areas subject to flood, icads due to flood shall be determined considering hydrostatic effects which shall be caleulated based on the flood elevation of 8.yearretum period, For riverside structures such as that under Exposure C specified in Sec 24.4.1, hydrodynamic forces, arising due to approaching wind-generated waves shall also be determined in addition to the hydrostatic load on them In this case, the amplitude of such wind-induced ‘water waves shall be obtained from site-specific data 26.4.2 Flood and Surge Loads on Structures at Coastal Areas hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads shall be determined as follows For structures sited at coastal areas, the 2) Hydrostatic Loads : The hydrostatic loads on structural elements and foundations shall be determined based on the maximum static height of water, Hm produced by floods or surges as given by the relation Hm = max (he ly) 61) where, hy = Yy—Yy and (262) hg = Maximum surge height as specified in (i) below. Elevation of the extreme surface water level corresponding to a T-year return period specified in (il) below, metres, Ye levation of ground level atsite, metres. vr 4) Maximum Surge Height, Ig: The maximum surge height, ly associated with cyclones, shall be that corresponding to a 50-year or a 100-year return period as may be applicable, based on site specic ana fn the absence ofa more nigrous site speci analysis the following relation may be us hg = Ip~ (1) 263) Chapter 2 ») Loads where, fir = design surge height corresponding to a return period of T-years at sea east in mete, given in Table 62.38 = Gntnce of he dirclure ae measured from the epring te high-water limit on the sea coast, in km; x= 1, ifx<1 k = rate of decrease in surge height in m/kin; the value of k may be taken as 1/2 for Chittagong; Cox's Bazar-Teknaf coast and as 1/3 for other coastal li) Extreme Surface Water Level , j.: The elevation of the extreme surface water level, yp for a site, which may not be associated with a cyclonic storm surge, shall be that obtained from a site specific analysis corresponding to a 50-Year or a 100-year return period. Values of y, are given in Table 62.29 for selected coastal locations which may be used in the absence of any site Specific data Hydrodynamic Loads : The hydrodynamic load applied on a structural element due to wind-induced Jocal waves of water, shall be determined By 2 fational analysis using an established method and based on site specific data. In the absence ofa site-specific data the amplitude of the local wave, to be ‘used in the rational analysis, shal be taken a8 hz) =he/4 21m, where, hy is given in Sec 26.8.2(a) Such, forces shall be calculated based on 30-year or 100-year return period of flood or surge. The ‘corresponding wind velocities shall be 260 km/h or 289 km/h respectively. 2.64.3 Breakaway Walls : When non-structural walls, partitions or other non-structural elements located ‘below the maximum flood or surge elevation, are required to break away under high tides or wave action, ‘such non-structural elements shail be designed to sustain a maximum uniformly distributed load of 1.0 kN/m? but not less than 0.5 kN/m? applied on a vertical projection of the area 265 Temperature Effects ‘Temperature effects, if significant, shall be considered in the design of structures or components thereof in accordance with the provision ofthis section. In determining the temperature effects on a structure, the following provisions shall be considered a) ») The temperatures indicated, shall be the air temperature inthe shade. The range ofthe variation in temperature fora building ste shall be taken into consideration ae Effects of the variation of temperature within the material of a structural element shall be accounted for by one of the following BN act she ike rat feeb Ce a in AR ti ecrted il Fornell Table 62.28 Design Surge Heights at the Sea Coast Fy" Coastal Region ‘Surge Height at the Sea Coast, ir (mm) T= 50-year) T= 100-year® feknat to Cors Dazar a5 35 ‘Chakaria to Anwara, and Maheshkhali 7a 86 Tlands ‘Chittagong to Noakhali 79 96 ‘Sandwip, Hatiya and all islands in this region 79 96 Bhola to Barguna 62 77 ‘Sarankhola to Shyamnagar 53 64 = Values prepared ‘rom information cbtained from Anne D3, MCSP. NNote=(1) These values may be used inthe absence of site specific data fr structures other than essential facies listed in Table 6.1.1 2) These values may be used in the absence of site specitic data for essential facilites listed in Table Bangladesh National Building Code 6-63 Part 6 Structural Design 266 ‘Table 62.29 [Extreme Surface Water Levels During Monsoon at Selected Locations of the Coastal Area above PWD Datum, y," Coastal Area ym) Location Thana T-soyean | ra100 years Teknat Teknat 233 244 Cox's Bazar Coxs Bazar 3a as Sharlapar Mioheshichali 4o as Lemahali Kitubdla 495 519 Banigram Patiya 505 524 Chittagong Bandar 4n 488 Batenge Bander 408 416 Sonaptar Somsgaz 7m 7 Sendwip Sendip 608 62 Compatyganj Compatyganj 753 738 Hatiya Hath 555 576 Daulatkhan Daulatkhan, 4 ip Dashimina Dasheninn 350 37 Galachipa Gaischipa 3 3% Patuakai Pata 287 303 Khepupara Kalapara 293 30 ee Bamna 33 337 Patharghata Pathanghata 35 3 Raende Sarankhols 36 375 Chardouni Patharghata aa 466 Mongla Mongla 323 336 Kobodak ' Siyetuager 331 3a (Giver extua Kaikhali ae ‘Shyamnagar 3.94 4.12 = Values prepared om information obtained fom Anex-D3, MCSP Nate (The vloes ray be ed i Ue absence of ate specie data Torstar Sins Importance Categories IV and Viste th Table 611 (@)Thwse values may be used in the absence of se specific data for structures in ‘Structure Importance Categories andl tsted in Table 62. ©) when the method b(i) above is considered to be applicable, the structural analysis shall take into Account the following, i) the variation in temperature within the material of the structural element, exposure condition ) gabeelementandthe ata wich te matt! bso or date hea ii) the warping or any olher distortion caused due to temperature changes and temperature gradient in the structaral element, " oe sé ) When it can be demonstrated by established principle of mechanics or by any other means that neglecting some or all ofthe effects of temperature, does not affect the safety and serviceability of the structure, the temperature effect can be considered insignificant and need not be considered in lesign. Soil and Hydrostatic Pressure For tuctures or portions thereot, ping below ground level, lads due to sil and hydrostatic pressure hal be determined in accordance with the provisions of this section and applied In addition to all other applicable loads. Pressure on Basement Wall : In the design of basement walls and similar vertical or nearly vertical structures below grade, provision shall be made for the lateral pressure of adjacent soil. Allowance shall be made for possible surcharge due to fixed or moving loads: When a portion othe whole of the adjacent soil is below the surrounding water table, computations shall be based on the submerged unit weight of soil, plus full hydrostatic pressure, een Chapter 2 Loads 2662 Uplift on Foo Inthe design of basement ors ang snus horizontal ox neatly horizontal constuction alow grade, the upward pressure of water, rany, shall be taken as the full hydrostatic pressure applied Cover the entife aren’ The hydrostatic head shall be measured from the underside of the construction 267 — Loads Due to Explosions Loads on buildings or portions thereof, shal be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this section. 267: Eeplosion fect Closed Rooms: oe ae 2)°”" Determination of Loads and Response: Internal overpressure developed from an internal explosion such as that due to leaks in gas pipes, evaporation of Volatile liquids, internal dust explosion et, in rooms of sizes comparable fo residential rooms and with ventilation areas consisting of window ass breaking at a pressure of 4 KN/m? (3-4 mm machine made glass) may be calculated from the following method i) The overpressure, qo provided in Fig 62.12(a) shall be assumed to depend on a factor Ay/e, where, Ay is the total window area in m? and v is the volume in m of the room considered, ii) The internal pressure shall be assumed to act simultaneously upon all walls and floors in one closed room, and iii) Theaction gp obtained from Fig 62.12(a) may be taken as static action. ‘When a time dependent résponse is required, an impulsive force function similar to that shown in Fig 621210) shall be used in dynamic analysis, where, is the me from the start of combustion ‘until maximum pressure is reached and f; isthe time from maximum pressure to the end of combustion. For and f the most unfavourable values shall be chosen in relation to the dynamic BiSEsTR of te stucttes. However the vals shall be chosen within the intervals as given in eo2 130) The pressure may be applied solely in one room or in more than one room at the'same time. In the latter case, all rooms ate incorporated in the volume v. Only windows or other similarly weak and light weight structural elements may be taken as ventilation areas even though certain limited structural parts break at pressures lest than go. = = : : oes = 10s 5 5 toes 2008 =z = ———__—p bet Tine, #8 (al internal Pressure as to] Variation of Pressure, @ as a Function of Ao/v Function of Time, ¢ Fig. 6.2.12 Magnitude and Distribution of Internal Pressure in a Building Due to Internal Gas Explosion Bangladesh National Building Code Part 6 Structural Design 268 269 b) Limitations : Procedure for determining explosion loads given in (a) above shall have the following limitations: ’) Values of go given in Fig 62.12(a) are based on tests with gas explosions in room correspondin, to ordinary residential flats, and may be applied to considerably different conditions wit caution after appropriate adjustment of the values based on more accurate information. i) Fig 6222 shall be taken as a guide only, and probability of occurrence of an explosion shall be eSerin each eas using appropriate vals? i 26.2 Minimum Design Pressure : Walls floors and roofs and their supporting members separating a tse from an explosion exposure, shall be designed fo sustain the anticipated rhasimimn load effects resuling from such use including any dynamic effects, but for a minimum internal pressure or suction of 5 KN/m?, in ‘addition to all other loads spectfied In this chapter 26.73 Design Pressure on Relief Vents : When pressure-relief vents are used, such vents shall be designed to relieve at a maximum internal pressure of 1.0 kN/m?. 26.7.4 Loads Due to Other Explosions : Loads arising from other types of explosions, such as those from ‘rlernal gas cloud explosions, external explosions due t0 high explosives (TNT) ete. shail be determined, for ‘Specific cases, by rational analyses based on information from rellable references or specialist advice shall be sought. ‘Vertical Forces on Air Raid Shelters For the design of at raid shelters located in a building eg. in the basement below ground level the characteristic vertical load shall be determined in accordance with provisions of Sec below. 26.81 Characteristic Vertical Loads : Buildings in which the individual floors are acted upon by a total distributed live load of up to 5.0 KN/m?, vertical forces on air raid shelters generally located below ground. Tevel, such as a basement, shall be considered to have the characteristic values provided in Table 6.2.20. In {he case of buildings having floors that are acted upon by alive Joa lager than 5.0 KN/mé, above values shall be increased by the difference between the average live loads on all storeys above the one used as the shelter and 5.0 kN/m?, Table 6.2.30 (Characteristic Vertical Loads for an Air Raid Shelter in a Building, ~ No. of Storeys Vertical Load Above the Air Raid Shelter kim? <2 28 3-4 4 > a Buildings of particularly’ stable construction 28) | irrespective of the number of store} (@) Bulléings of pariculary stable construction shall mean buildings having Dearing structural elements made from reinforced in-situ concrete. Loads on Helicopter Landing Areas In addition to all other applicable loads provided in this chapter, including the dead load, the minimum live Toad on helicopter landing or touch down areas shall be one of the loads Ly, L2 or L3 as given below producing the mest unfavourable effect : pecs 64a) i) = RM pao) i) = w Ges, where, Wy = Actual weightof the tellcopterin kN, Vi = Rally Lorde ight oft copterin kN, T= Adirbted ind of S08N/ me, 10°75 for helicopters equipped with hydraulic - type shock absorbers, and 1B torhelicopies wilh gil orsligpe nee penn ‘The live load, Ly shall be applied over the actual areas of contact of landing. The load, L> shall be a single ‘concentrated load including impact applied over a 300 mm x 300 mm area. The loads Ly and Lz may be applied anywhere within the landing area to produce the most unfavourable effects of load. 2.610 27 27a 272 273 Chapter 2 ‘Loads Erection and Construction Loads All loads required to be sustained by a structure or any portion thereof due to placing or storage of construction materials and erection equipment including those due to operation of such equipment shall be considered as erection loads. Provisions shall be made in design to account for al stresses due to such loads, COMBINATIONS OF LOADS ees a tea oe ern aca ete ean oe ae eee ree dor a ee ee A a ee ee er eee ee ne Fee ahaa et acme acs aa acin ehy Sr Le Sn EE re ee eee eer ence NORE Vaneau meat ‘The most unfavourable effet of loads may also occur when one or more ofthe contributing loads ae absent or actin the reverse direction, Loads such as F Hor § shall be considered in design when thee effects are Significant: Floor live loads shall not be considered where their inclusion result lower stresses in the ‘member under consideration. The most unfavourable effects from both wind and earthquake loads shal be Considered where appropriate, but hey need not Be assumed to act smaltaneousy Definitions ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN METHOD (ASD) : A method for proportioning structural members such that the maximum stresses due to service loads obtained from an elastic analysis does not exceed a specified allowable value. This is also called Working Stress Design Method (WSD), DESIGN STRENGTH : The product of the nominal strength and a resistance factor. FACTORED LOAD: The product of the nominal load and a Joad factor. LIMIT STATE : A condition in which a structure or component becomes unfit for service and is judged either to be no longer useful for is intended function (Servceability Kit state) or tobe unsafe (strength limit state) LOAD EFFECTS : Forces, moments, deformations and other effects produced in structural members and components by the applied loads. LOAD FACTOR : A factor that accounts for unavoidable deviations of the actual load from the nominal value and for uncertainties in the analysis that transforms the load into a load effect. LOADS : Forces or other actions that arise on structural systems from the weight of all permanent constructions, occupants and their possessions, environmental effects, differential setlement, and restrained dimensional changes. Permanent loads are those loads in which variations in time are rare or of small magnitude. All other loads are variable loads. NOMINAL LOADS: The magnitudes of the loads such as dead, live, wind, earthquake ete, spécified in See 22 through 2.6 of this chapter NOMINAL STRENGTH : The capacity ofa structure or component to resist the effects of loads, as determined by computations using specied maleril strengts and dimensions and formulas derived fom accepted principles of sractural mechanics o by fd et aboriory tet of sealed model, lowing or felling effec anc differences between laboratory and fed conditions. RESISTANCE FACTOR : A factor that accounts for unavoidable deviations of the actual strength from the Rominal value and the manner and consequences of failure, This is also known as strength reduction factor. SPRENGTH DRSIGN METHOD: A method of proprining oral mentor ng ba fase Ss se SR ET gh een rennin embod fen aed Serena say Tas esepatl bl se cd WORKING STRESS DESIGN METHOD (WSD) : See ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN METHOD. Symbols and Notation Oo ead load ting of: 3} weight of the member el, wei Incorporated into the building te be permanently supported by the member, ations, c) weight of permanent equipment Exrthquakiload © Pemmanent tps amplified earthquake load equal to (0375R)E tends due fdds with welliebied pressures and maximum heights, including loads ue to water pressure during flood and surge Bangladesh National Building Code 667 Part 6 Structural Design 274 275 oom loa ea weight and itl prereofci and waterin so {ie loads due to intended use and occupancy, including loads due to movable objets and movable partitions and loads temporarily supported by the structure during maintenance. Ly inclides any pemisible eduction, If tesitance impact leads is taken into account in desig, such effects shal w included with the live loads Ly roof live loads Toads duet initial rainwater pond eee et eee eee king fr : Fase caer seer eee ee eeeer eal Comtieeree tee changes, shrinkage, moisture changes creep in component materials, movement due to ferential Setar or combinations heme Combinations of Loads and Stress Increase for Allowable Stress Design Method 27.4.1 Combination of Loads : Provisions ofthis section shall apply to all construction materials permitting, theie use in proportioning structural members, by allowable stress design method. When this method is used in designing structural members, all loads listed herein shall be considered to act in the following, combinations. The combination that produces the most unfavourable effect shall be used in design. 40, i es 2742 D D+L Dss D+ (Work) 09D + (Wor E) D+ (HorF) D+L+(orF) DsS4L D+S+ (Work) D+L+(Wort) D4L+(HorF) +(WorE) D+S4L+(HorF)+ (Work) Stress Increase : Except as specified in Sec 1.5.5.(b) and elsewhere in this Code, the maximum ermissible increase im the allowable stresses ofall materials and soil bearing capactiles specified in this Rode Tor working (or allowable) stress design method, when load combinations (2) theough (11) in $027.41 above sused, shall be 33% Combinations of Loads for Strength Design Method When strength design method is used, structural members and foundations shall be designed to have strength nl less than thal required to resist the most unlavorble elec of the combinations of factored Toads 2754 278: Exception: in the following sections Load Combinations for Reinforced Conerete and Masonry Structures ‘14D AD +17L +17 Gor 14D +1454 171 TAD + 145417 Wor11)] 44D + 1.7L 1.7 J 75( 14D + 17L+ 17 (Hor F) 41.7 Wort1E)] 05 [1.4 +1484 17L-+17 (sor F) +17 (Wor LAE) } 14 D+L+E) Load Combinations for Steel Structures 14D 12D +1.6lp+05 (Lor P) 12D +16 (Ly oF P)+(05Ly or 0.8) 12D +13W' 051y+ 05 (,or P) 12D+13E+ 05 09D + (.3Wor 15) 1d factor on Lin combinations (3), (4) and (5) shall be equal to 1.0 for garages, areas occupled as places of public assembly, and all areas where the ive load exceeds 5.0 KN/m® Chapter 2 Loads ‘When the structural effects of F, H, or $ are significant, their factored values shall be considered as 1.3F, 16H, and 1.2S and included with the above combinations to obtain the most unfavourable effect, ‘Also for buildings in Seismic Zone 3 and in Seismic Zone 2 having an Structural Importance Coefficient, 1 {greater than 1.0, the following additional load combinations shall be considered 7. 12D+05L+E" 8 O9D+E" 2.753 Load Combinations for Design using Other Materials : When structural members are designed. ‘using the strength design method and using a construction material not covered in Sec 27.5.1 and 2.752, any other code or standard having load combinations applicable for that construction material may be used provided that other requirements of Sec 7 are satisfied. 7 Related Appendix Appendix A Conversion of Expressions from SI to FPS Units Bangladesh National Building Code 669 Part 6 Structural Design This page is intentionally left blank. om CHAPTER Foundation 31 SCOPE ‘The provisions of this chapter shall be apliabl othe design and contruction of foundations of bul and structures for the safe support of dead and superimposed loads without exceeding the allow: Stresses or design capabilities. 32 TERMINOLOGY For terms used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply. BATTER PILE: The pile which is installed at an angle to the vertical. Also known as RAKER PILE. BEARING CAPACITY, SAFE : The maximum intensity of loading that the soil will carry without risk of shear failure irrespective of any settlement that may occur. BEARING CAPACITY, ULTIMATE : The intensity of loading at the base of a foundation which initiates shear failure of the supporting soil. BEARING PRESSURE, ALLOWABLE : The maximum pressure that may be safely applied to a soil or rock. ‘by the foundation unit considered in design under expected loading and subsurface conditions. BEARING PRESSURE, DESIGN : The pressure applied to a soil or rock by a foundation unit. Itis equal to or smaller than the allowable bearing pressure. BEARING SURFACE : The contact surface between a foundation unit and the soil or rock upon which it BOULDER : Cohesionless aggregates of angular, rounded or subrounded fragments of more or less unaltered ck or minerals, 50 per Gen or more of which larger than 200 mm in size. CAISSON : A large, deep foundation unit other than a driven or bored pile that is sunk down to the ground to carry a structural unit, such as bridge abutment or pier Part 6 em Structural Design Part 6 Structural Design CLAY : A natural aggregate of microscopic and submicroscopic mineral grain that are product of chemical ‘decomposition and disintegration of rock constituents Is plas in moderate to wide range. of water contents and the particle sizes are less than 2m. ‘COBBLES : Cohesionless aggregates of angular, rounded or subrounded fragments of more or less unaltered rock or minerals, 50 per cent or more of which is larger than 60 mm and smaller than 200 mm in size. DEEP FOUNDATION : A foundation unit that provides support for a structure transferring loads either by ‘end bearing to soil or rock at considerable depth below the structure, or by shaft resistance in the soil or rock in which itis placed; such as piles. DOWNDRAG : The transfer of load (drag load) to a deep foundation ws friction, when soil settles in relation to the unit by means of negative skin EXCAVATION : The space created by the removal of soil or rock for the purpose of construction. FACTOR OF SAFETY : The ratio of maximum available resistance to the resistance mobilized under the applied load. FILL: Man made deposits of natural earth materials (soil, rock) and/or waste materials. FOOTING : A shallow foundation constructed of masonry, concrete or other material under the base of a wall or one or more columns for the purpose of spreading the load over a larger area. FOUNDATIONS : A system or arrangement of structural members through which the loads are transferred to supporting soll or rock. GRAVEL: Cohesionless aggregates of angular, rounded or subrounded fragments of more or less galtered rock or minerals, having BO per cent or more ofthe particles larger than 4/5 mm and salle than GROUND WATER : That part of the subsurface water that isin the zone of saturation. GROUND WATER LEVEL : The top surface of a free body of water in the ground. Also known as GROUND WATER TABLE. GROUND WATER TABLE : See GROUND WATER LEVEL. LOAD, ALLOWABLE : The maximum load that may be safely applied to a foundation unit under expected loading and soil conditions. LOAD, SERVICE : The load actully applied toa foundation unit which isnot greater than the allowable MAT FOUNDATION : See RAFT. NEGATIVE SKIN FRICTION : Soil resistance acting downward along the side of a deep foundation unit as a result of downdrag, OVERCONSOLIDATION RATIO (OCR): The ratio between the preconsolidation pressure and the effective ov stress, PIER : A deep foundation unit with alarge diameter to length ratio. PILE : A slender deep foundation unit, made of materials such as steel, concrete, wood, or combination theteof, which is either premanufactured and placed by driving, jacking, jetting or screwing; or cast-in-place ina hole formed by driving, excavating or boring. PILE HEAD: The upper part ofa pile. PILE SHOE : A separate reinforcement attached to the bottom end (pile toe) of a pile to facilitate driving, to protect the pile toe, and/or to improve the toe resistance of the pil. PILE TOE: The bottom end of pile. RAFT: A spread foundations supporting an arrangement of columa or walls in a regular or irregular layout transiting the loads to the soi by means of a continuous slab, with or without depressions ‘Gr openings. ‘Als knows MAT FOUNDATION, = RAKER PILE : See BATTER PILE. CH 33 331 332 333 Chapter 3 Foundation. ROCK: A natural aggregate of one or more minerals that are connected by strong and permanent cohesive BBR ‘SAND : Cohesionless aggregates of rounded, subrounded, angular, subangular or flat fragments of more or less unaltered rock or minerals, 50 per cent or more of which is larger than 75 ym and smaller than 4.75 mun SOIL : A natural aggregate of mineral grains that can be separated by such gentle mechanical means as agitation in water. SHAFT RESISTANCE : The resistance mobilized on the shaft (side) of a deep foundation. Upward resistance is calied positive shaft resistance. Downward resistance is called negative shat resistance (see ‘egative skin friction. SHALLOW FOUNDATION: A foundation unit that provides suppos for a structure by transferring loads to sailor rock at shallow depths, Usually, the depth to width ratio s less than unity an the depth is within 3'm from the surface. The load transfer is primarily through shear resistance of the beating strata SILT: A fine grained soil with little or no plasticity. The particle size ranges from 75 um to 2 um. SPREAD FOUNDATION : A shallow foundation which transmits the load to the ground by spreading it through one or more footings or a raf. ‘TOTAL SETTLEMENT : The total downward movement of the foundation unit under load. SITE INVESTIGATION Purpose Application for onstruction of anew building or structure, and forthe alteration of permanent structures which require char foundation loads and their distribution shall be accompanied by a statement describing the soil in the ultimate bearing strata, including sufficient records and data to establish its ‘character, nature and load bearing capacity. Such records shall be certified by an engineer. In areas which have already been developed, advantage may be taken of existing local knowledge, records (of trial pits, boreholes, etc, in the vicinity, and the behaviour of existing structures, particularly those of a similar hature to those proposed. Ifthe existing information is not sufficient or is inconclusive, the site shail bbe explored in detail, so as to obtain a knowledge of the type, uniformity, consistency, thickness, sequence and dip of strata and of ground water condition. Geological ad agrcultzal soil maps of the area ray sive valuable information of site conditions. The local variation of general topography will offen give some indication of the soil conditions and their variations. Records of earlier uses of soil in the vicinity shall be ‘considered for assessing the foundation needs ofthe proposed new structure. Methods of Exploration Subsoll exploration process may be grouped into three types of activites such as: connaissance, ‘exploration and detailed investigation. The reconnaissance method includes geophysical measurements, ‘sounding or probing, while exploratory methods involve various drilling techniques. Some of the common exploration methods ate described in Appendix B The engineer Shall Approve an appropriate method of subsoil exploration and or field test s a8 to reveal type, uniformity, consistency, thickness, sequence and dip of strata and ground water condition. ‘Number and Disposition of Trial Pits and Bori ‘The lsations and spacing of sounding, pits and Poreholes shall be such thatthe sil profiles obtained will [permit a reasonably accurate estimate of the extent and character ofthe intervening soil or rock masses and Will disclose important irregularities in subsurface conditions. For building structures, the following {guidelines shall be followed 2) or lage ans covering indus and resent colon the geological nature ofthe train wil el in deciding the numberof boreholes or tral pis. The whole area may be divided into grid pattern with Ese Rentralion Tenis (ee Append B) perorned at every 100m gid pons The numba of boreholes or tral pits shall be decided by exanning the variaaon in peneatiok curves. Af least 6 oF the required number of borin otal ps shall be located within the aren sind the building })_ Incompact building sites covering an area of (4 hectare (43,000 square feet), one borehole or tral pit in Pio eget ag elect, il daca! nN ©) For widely spaced buildings covering an area of less than 90 m? (1000 square fet) and a height less than Pa reba tact gy et ol per gh) = Depth of Exploration ‘The depth of exploration shal depend to some extent on the site and type ofthe proposed structure, and on certain design considerations such as safety against foundation falure, excessive atiement, seepage thd Bangladesh National Building Code 6-73 Past 6 Structural Design 34 earth pressure. Cognizance shall be taken of the character and sequence of the subsurface strata. The following guidelines shall be followed in determining the depth of exploration : 8) Normally the depth of exploration shall be qne and a half times the estimated width or the least dimension of the footing below the founclation level f the pressure bulbs for a number of loaded areas ‘overlap, the whole area may be considered as loaded and exploration shall be carried down to one and a half times the least dimension. In weak soils, the exploration shall be continued to a depth at which the loads can be carried by the stratum in question without undesirable settlement or shear failure. ')_ Incase of pile foundation, the depth of exploration shall be equal to the width ofthe structure, subject toa maxinnum of 10 m beyond the tp ofthe pie. i % ©) Where rock igtencountered in borings within the depth specified above, the rock is to be cored a minimum of 1.5 m, or further where necessary, to ensure a recovery of at least 35% from any 1.5m penetration. The depth, to which weathering process affects the deposit, shall be regarded as the minimum depth of Oe eater ee ere eee all ee oes nae fn at el processes nec he soil characteristics, this depth may be mere CLASSIFICATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SOILS Soils shall be classified in accordance with Fig 63.1 and Table 6.3.1. The basic soil types are boulders, cobbles, gravel, sand, silt and clay, defined in terms of the particle size ranges shown in Table 6.3.2. Soils are dived into three major groups, coarse grained, fine grained and highly organic, The fine grained soils shall be classified using the plasticity chart shown in Fig. 63.1. In addition to the classification given in Table 63.1, a soif shall’ be described by its colour, particle angularity (for coarse grained soils) and ‘consistency. In addition to the above classification soils exhibiting swelling or collapsing, characteristic shall be recorded. For swelling soils, the swelling pressure shall be established from oedometer test or linear shrinkage condition following available geotechnical cozrelation. For undisturbed soils information on stratification, degree of compactness, cementation, moisture conditions and drainage characteristics shal be included, Plasticity Range Inter- ; Low ee High 70 § 604 4 304 = Sh us| £204 a 2 Ez 24 ou oie aap 2) 08 4 ont ; o 7 0 3540 5 60 80 100 Liquid Limit (Wy ), per cent Fig 63.1 Plasticity Classification Chart (based on Materials Passing a 425 um Sieve) ora Chapter3 Foundation FRIGS Tor Parts Saale Taos Ceacon "stn aed used on Estimated Weis) Tar ier Cae oo tm a FSI GEE IY ow [recta : cea EiietineStotes |. < cen Is Ccs3 ee pea er Ceaser cop | ay pes Sand pve cet of males ieee ecto ge to 73) 5 pT SUT re RCTA ETS om | ene Tiegteow'n™ | andl? Gave atlas | Sisawe an on | ie coun gine ce aaa [pera] tn, dul aceite cc | gave ecm | aba : incetesiany | Rqeiear tie mae ie igen es mn} “SSS TET can | sw |endtasenotee | 3 [ices recover! of | Sands Poorly graded sands, = fate sp | gravelly sand, ites 90 TGc>3 call es PaaS tian SM | Syed pooty ded Yistdow'n | endl santswin| ™ | SS cited ee pea Olesen ch on [ue cree Cap aa TE eee se | movers valegabore'A | gd iat lty our Tow plasiie sit, very fine | Limit values below "A’ Tine of plasticity chart ua [Samckaoeakein [eines ‘Silts & Ci ~] Timit values above AT Tine of plasticity chart pA Seavey eee — Enya ree sand a Sra ore ae OL_| plasticity ‘Liquid limit undried) <°-75 aaa LT Vane oA ae SPSS Fe pied vat | cape sin ey pas er ES ply othe ase Sa Sippy — | Ca aaa Tas oY ST males than Sits & Clays | clay aanay cay sty lay, * ers am emo £2 Sy conchae rae ae ERT i ioaeel _O1_| clay of medium plasticity. Serie Geaea <° . Fig pase ac acnoa | CN value or ew Aro TTT va | emer [eae Scent Sits & clays ge SOT SAT | CE STOTT eT SAD oH Haicy aie Organ dy oth Tigi onde -g on _| plasticity Liquid mit (unde) —< ‘Peat and highly organic Tentified by colour, odour, fibrous texture and soasortigh cqanioigin |__| sae pa aeouse Rote? —* For example, GC-GM, iy, clayey gravel wit sand c, Da/Dig = Uniteity Coxfcient, Ce= Dy Dag x Dia) = Concent of Coat Bangladesh National Building Code 6-75 Part 6 Structural Design 35 351 352 36 361 362 363 364 Table 63.2 Particle Size Ranges ‘Soil Type Particle Size Range Boulders S200 Cobbles 6-200 (Gravel: Coarse 20-60 Medium 10-20 Fine 475-10 Sand: Coarse 06-475, Medio, 02-06 Fine 0075-02 silt 0.002 - 0.075 Cla 0.002 MATERIALS. All materials for the construction of foundations shall conform to the requirements of Part 5. Concrete All concrete materials and steel reinforcement used in foundations shall conform to the requirements specified in Chapters 5 and 8 unless otherwise specified in this section. Concrete to be used in bored or driven cast-nvsitu piles shall have a strength greater than 20 MPa and a minimum cement content of 400 kg/m°. For such piles not exceeding a depth of 6 m, where underwater Concreting 1s not involved and where soil conditions are favourable and nonaggréssive, the concrete strength may be 15 MPa with a minimum cement content of 350 kg/m’, provided that a higher strength concrete fs not needed from structural considerations. Cae Pers ‘Timber ‘Timber used in foundation shall conform to the standards specified in Sec 2.8 of Pact 5. Where timber is ed to soil or used as load bearing pile above ground water level, it shali be treated in accordance with 819:1975. ‘TYPES OF FOUNDATION Footings Footings are foundations that spread the load to the ground at shallow depths. These include individual ‘column footings, continuous wal footings, and combined footings. Footings shall be provided under walls, pilasters, columns, piers, chimneys ete. bearing on soil or rock, except that footings may be omitted under Pier or monolithic concrete walls if sae bearing capacity of the soil of rock is not exceeded. Raft Foundation foundation consisting of continuous slab that covers the entire area beneath the structure and supports all walls and columns is considered as a raft foundation. Pier Foundation lindreal or prismatic shaft foundation having a ratio of depth to base width greater than 4s considered 5 pler foundation. The base ofa per may rest deci on im stratum, or on ples. Casson foundations Sifofall under the category of pir foundations A caisson is hollow sh cx bok thas sunk int poston Sd Becomes the outer part of Enshed per Pile Foundations 4) - Driven Castin-situ Concrete Piles : A pile forined by driving a stel casing or concrete shell in one ot nore piece, which may remain in Place after delving of withacawn, wath the inside fled with ener, alin the eategry of ple Sometimes an elrged ae maybe formed by devng ou concrete plug. ys Ca ee age asd a ore eons is ee Ber eet cee ene gee en renee crea ee een eee eee cere ee ee eee a ee eae ae ©) Driven Precast Concrete Piles : Pile structure capable of being driven into the ground and able to resist Jhandling stresses shall be used for this category of piles, 676 37 374 372 Chapter 3 Foun< 4d) Under-reamed Concrete Piles : These are bored cast-in-situ piles having one or more bulbs formed by enlarging the bore hole or pile shalt. Under-reaming should not be done in cohesionless soil both above and below the ground water table, 6) Timber Piles: Only structural timber (see Sec 28 of Part 5) shall be used as piles for directly transmitting the imposed load to soil. When driven timber poles are used to compact and improve the deposit, this requirement of timber quality may be relaxed. Other Piles: Piles such as pipe piles ste! H-piles, bamboo piles, compacted concrete piles (concrete 9 is" with eniaged seh which cones he base placed in sl batches ha are compacted rior attaining an inal se), composite piles ele. may be used provided due consideration is given . Hestingtallation procedure, dussblty and load cary capac x GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Design Load and Load Combinations Foundation design shall consider the following combination of loads. 8) Dead load + normal live load, and 'b) Dead load +normal live load + wind load or seismic load whichever is critical. Beating Pressure 37-21 © Methods for Calculating Bearing Capacity : When physical characteristics such as cohesion, angle of intemal fiction, deat tare avaiable the bearing capac shall be caculte rom wabllty Considerations and shear falure. Established besring capacity equations shall be used forcalelating bearing ‘Capacity, The elfect of interference of different foundations shall be taken into consideration. A factor 0 Safety of 25 shall be adopted to obtain allowable bearing pressure when dead lond and normal live load is bused, Allowable load shall also limit settlement between supporting elements to a tolerable limit in accordance with Table 633 and 634 Table 63.3 Allowable Displacement Criteria Wateriat ‘Maximum Deflection between ‘Supports Ring i oe eg maT Metal for similar nonirangible finish 17340 SStcrencietans T/isb.t/180 Wooden frames T/i00 Steal or concrete shear wall ‘As per design ructure ‘Maximum Slope of Continuous Structure, Tigh continuous brick walls 0,0050-.0010 Brick dwelling 0.0030 Brick cladding between columns 0.0010 Reinforced concrete building frame 10,0025-0.0040 Reinforced concrete curtain wall 0.0030 Continuous steel frame 0.0020 Simply supported steel frame 0.0050 3.72.2. Safe Bearing Capacity : For lightly loaded structures (two storeyed or less in occupancy category A,B,C & D) and for preliminary design sence of test resul any structure, the sle bearing capacities (presumptive bearing values) as given in Table 63.5 may be assumed for uniform soil in the ‘Where the bearing material directly tnder foundation overlie a stratum having smalier presumptive safe bearing capacity, these smaller values shall mot be exceeded a the level of uch stratum. 3 in lieu of bearing capacity determination by (a) above. Soi load beoring test shall not be applicable where the Of lower strength, unless analysis indicates that the presence of excessive settlements of the building. ‘The test shall be made at the levels contemplated for locations within the building premises. The test surface s od bei 3 , Feld Method of Determining Bearing Capacity: Soil load bearing test suchas “Standard Test 1d for Bearing Capacity of Soll for Static Load on Spread Footing” (ASTM D1194), shall be performed stratum is underlain by a stratum lower stratum shall not create osed building footing and at least at two at the elevation of the proposed test for a clear distance of at least 1.5 m all around the test plate. The loaded area shall be square and at least 20'mum 600 man. Suitable methods shall be applied to prevent drying of the test surace. In the event ‘ground water is present immediately below, at ora ve the level require tobe tested, dewatering facilities Bangladesh National Building Code 677 Part 6 Structural Design shall be installed to maintain ground water at a minimum of 1.2 m below the level of the test plate during the preparation and duration ofthe test or tests. Table 63.4 Rotation Limits for Structures ive Tnitand Souctare Rotation 1700} ager ii Yor saticaly determinae sracTare 1/150 | Satelit for atc determinate truce, ; : anger limit for opes stel and reinforced concrete frames, steel storage tanks, an tito high, rigid aructures, ae 1/250 Safe limit for open steel and reinforced concrete frames, steel storage tanks, tlt of igh rigid stracures Danger limit for panel walls of framed buildings. Tilting of high buildings may become visible. 1/300 | Limit when difficulties with overhead cranes are to be expected. 1/500 _| Safe limit for panel walls of framed buildings, Danger limit for sagging of unreinforced load bearing walls. 1/750 | Limit when difficulties with machinery sensitive to settlement are expected. 1/1000 | Safe imi for sagging of unzeinforced lod bearing walls Danger ki fot Raggang of urvexforca led beting walls. 1/2000 _] Safe limit for hogging_of unreinforced load bearing wall Table 6.3.5 Presumptive Values of Bearing Capacity for Lightly Loaded Structures” [Type of Maternal Safe Bearing Capacity, KPa] 1. Soft Rock or Shale 40 2. Gravel, sandy gravel sly sandy gravel very dense and offer 400 Fgh tance fo patton ing excvaton (al hal include the groups GW, GP, GM, GC) ry 200" 3. Sand (other than fine sand, gravelly sand, silty sa Gil sail include the groupe QW, SP-GM, SC) 4. Fine sand; loose & dry (soil shall include the groups SW, SP) 100" 5. Silt, clayey silt, clayey sand; dry lumps which can be eas 150 crushed by finger (Goll shall include the groups ML, Ml, SC, Mi) 6. Clay, sandy clay; canbe indented with strong thumb 150 preastire (sol shall ince the groups CL, CL CH) 7. Soft clay; can be indented with modest thumb pressure (soil 100 shall include the groups CL, Cl, CH) 8. Very soft clay; can be penetrated several centimeters with 50 thuib pressure (soil shall include the groups CL, CI, CH) 9. Organic clay & Peat (soil shall include the groups Ol, OH, | To be determined after OL,P)) investigation. 10. Fills To be determined after investigation. 7 ero donays areas Genapancy catagory AB Cand Dy ‘Soto thas values shall be wsed wise water abels above the base of below it within a distance equal to the east dimension of foundation. ems 373 38 Chapter 3 Foundation Load platform providing the support forthe test load shall be supported on adequate timber exibbing, which shall not be closer nan 15h from the edge ofthe test plate Selement observation shall be mace s four corners of ts pate by means of dil extension meters. fn addition, setlement messuremen’ shall be token using an engineers level reading © propely referenced, ell-estobished benchmark. A referenced test procedure such as "Standard Test Method for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread Footing”, (ASTM D114), shall be followed for loading and other details ofthe test Estimation of bearing capacity parameters may aleo be obtained from inhele sol ets ach a “Feld Vane Shear Test in Cohesive Soi’, (ASTM D2573), and "Pressuremeter Testing in Soils’, (ASTM D4719). 3.724 Allowable Increase : The allowable bearing pressure ofthe soil determined in accordance with this Section ray fe increased by 3 pr cent when intra forces du 0 ind or earthquake ac siltancovsly with gravity loads. No increase in allowable bearing pressure shall be permitted for gravity loads actin lone: in a one where seismic forces exist, possiblity of liquefaction in loose sand, silt and sandy sols sha ieinvestigated 4725, Elect of Dynamic Force Whore machinery operations or other wibrations ae transmit ‘brough foundation, consideration shall be given inthe fotng design f prevent detrimental iturbance of thesoll Impact forces shall be neglected in foundation design except for foundations bearing on loose granular soils foundations supporting cranes, heavy machinery and moving equipment or where the rao of ive las causing the impact tothe total live plus dead load exceeds 30%e- Settlement 3754 Estimation of Total Settlement: Total settlement of foundation due to net imposed load shall be tstimated in accordance with established engineering principle. An estimate of settlement with respect to {he following shall be made where applicable 4) Elastic compression of the underlying soil below the foundation and ofthe foundation, 4i) Consolidation including secondary compression ofthe underlying soil. \il) Compression and volume change due to change in effective stress or soil migration associated with foweling movement of groutl water: iv) Seasonal swelling and shrinkage of expansive clays. ¥) Ground movement on earth slopes, such as surface erosion, creep or landslide. vi) Settlement due to adjacent excavation, mining subsidence and underground erosion, Estimation of Differential Settlement : Due consideration shall be given to estimate the ifferential settlement under the building structure that may arise under the following circumstances 5) Nonuniformity in subsoil formation within the area covered by the building due to geologic or man ‘nude causes, or anomalies in typ, structure, thickness and denaty of the formation’ ii) Nonuniform pressure distribution due to nonuniform and incomplete loading. iil) Ground water condition during and after construction. jv) Loading influence of adjacent structures. Unequal expansion and contraction of soil due to moisture migration, unequal drying, wetting or softening 3.733. Allowable Settlement: Allowable or Limiting settlement of a building structure will depend on the nature ofthe sracture, the foundation and the sil Asa general rule, 9 total settlement of 25m and ‘iferentialsetiement of 20 mm between columns in most baldings shall be considered safe for buildings fn isolated pad footings. Bulldings on raft can usually tolerate grester total sctlements, Limiting tolerance fr dorih and defen intend in atruclue ke neces a autyctve proce pending on the atts ofthe balding and any speci tegtrements for serv ceabity, Mhere aatnee ener dominate, Timing values giverin Tables 68 3and 634 shall be followed asa guide. REQUIREMENTS FOR FOOTINGS Design considerations specified in Sec 37 shall generally apply for footings. The structural design of reinforced concrete elements shal conform to Chapters €and 7 this Pare ee Bangladesh National Building Code 679 Part 6 Structural Design 381 382 383 39 Dimension of Footings Fig al gece opr elas beng paren sito poo imiting settlement The angle of spread of the loud from the wall base o outer edge of the ground bearing shall not exceed th lowing. Brick or stone masonry 4} horizontal to 1 vertical Lime concrete 3 horizontal to1 vertical Cement concrete ‘horizontal to 1 vertical A footing shall be placed to depth so tha bree citer eal iaiaee igrrlng: oat 1 weather ch 1 signifi Incase of clayey Soil, shrinkage and swelling due to seasonal weather change is not significant, ©) itsbelow pescble excavation coseby, and” di: Ps &) iy tenu500 mato natural grind level unk ok rer weather resistant materia tthe ‘Where footings are to be founded on a slope, the distance of the sloping surface at the base level of the footing measured from the centre ofthe footing shall not be less than twice the width of the footing. When adjacent footings are to be placed at different levels, the distance between the edges of footings shall bbe such as to prevent undesirable overlapping of structures in soil and disturbance of the soil under the higher footing due to excavation of the lower footing. Caras ad re ety Se feet ere ec to Ra Sane eee gene ee ahaa eer et ae seu reaped po Seeaste ere a an eta a eee e vmninant thickness for diff f footing for light hall be a8 sh The minimum thickness for different types of footing for light structures, shall be as shown in Table 6.3.6. oe oF, e ‘Table 69.6 “Thickness of Footings for Lightly Loaded Structures “Type of Footing ‘Minimum Thickness ‘Remark, ee ae DE eanes ite Ua aeTac aes serTER ES TETS epee era cee ei fae alee Plain concrete 200 mmm, or twice the maximum a eeepc Reinforced concrete (epth above. | 150mm Seinen ree neni 0m Resting on ple = Two storeys oF less in OSSupaney calgary A,B, CandD. Footings on Filled up Ground Footings shall not be constructed on loosely filled up ground with nonuniform density or consistency, unless adequate strengthening of the soll is made by applying ground improvement techniques. Where foundations can be separated into two independent units, @ slip joint shall be provided to accommodate unequal settements, ei ey e REQUIREMENTS FOR RAFT FOUNDATIONS: Mat rift and lating foundation shal oly be used wien the applied load of buding or stactre 50 Arranged aston n pail unfomiy balanced leading an be aol yenely bow the mat of Uifotm bearing capacty. The characteristics of the soil under the mat of raft shall Be considered in the tnalysis of londing on mats and dae allowance thal be made for possible concentrated sll pressures under feavilylonded columns, The structural design of reinforced concete shal conform to Chapters 6 and 7. The external cover shall conform to Set 61.5 depending on exposure condition. 39 392 310 Chapter 3 Foundation. ‘Types of Raft Foundations Bibi foundation may be one ofthe following types: 2) Flat plate or concrete slab of uniform thickness usually supporting columns spaced uniformly and Ty poring vole fee eerste Pape ” ) Flat plates as in (a) but thickened under columns to provide adequate shear and moment resistance. ©) Twoway slab and beam system supporting largely spaced columns on compressible soil. d) Cellular raft or rigid frames consisting of slabs and basement walls, usually used for heavy structures. Design provisions given in Sec 37 shall generally apply. Incase the rat : gn. provisions given in Sec 37 shall generally apply. In case the raft supports structure consisting o several parts with Varying loads and heights advisable o provide spar ont between these Pars Joints stall also be provided wherever there is a change in the direction of the raft The minimum depth of foundation shall generally be not less than 1.5 m in cohesive soil and 2m in cohesionfess soils. Foundations subject to heavy Vibratory loads shall preferably be isolated. Dimensioning : The size and_ shape of the foundation shall be decided taking into consideration the magnitude of subgrade modulus, the long term deformation of the supporting, soil and the distribution ofcontact pressure, Distribution of contact pressure underneath a rafts affected bythe physical characteristics ofthe supporting soil. Consideration shall be given to the increased contact pressure developed slong the edges of foundation ‘on cohesive soils and the decrease in pressure on granulaf soils. Both long term and short term deformation and settiement effects shall be considered in the design. 39.2.2 Eccentricity : Since raft foundation usually occupies the entire area of a building, it may not be feasible to proportion the raft so that the centroid of the raft coincides with the line of action of the resultant force due to building. In such cases, the effect of eccentricity on the contact pressure distribution shall be considered in the design. 3923 _ Rigidity of Foundation: The rgiity of foundation affects soll pressure distribution which in turn produces additional stresses in the raft due to moments etc. A rigid foundation also generates high Secondary stresses. The effects of such rigidity shall be taken into consideration in designing rafts. 392.4 Methods of Analysis: The essential part of analysis of a raft foundation isthe determination of distribution of contact preseure below the mat which isa Complex function ofthe rigidity of raft and the Ugicity of the superstructure and the supporting) sil Any analytical method shal therefore ase “Suplilyng assumptions which are seaonably vad forthe condition enalyaed: Choce of particular shall therefore be governed by the validity of the assumptions inthe particular case, REQUIREMENTS FOR PIER FOUNDATIONS Concrete piers shall conform to the requirements for columns. If the bottom of the pier is to be belled for increasing its carrying capacity, such bell shall have at least 300 mun thickness at the edge. The sides shall slope at an angle of not less then 45° with the horizontal. The least permissible dimension shall be 600 mm, lrrespective of the pier being circular, square or rectangular, Plain concrete piers shall not havea height to least lateral dimension ratio more than 6, I this ratio is ‘exceeded , buckling effect shall be taken into consideration. In no case shall the height exceed 12 times the Teast lateral dimension. The following redliction in allowable concrete stress shall. be "mace when the height ‘exceed 6 times the least lateral dimension unless the least lateral dimension is 1.8 m or greater. H a =r{us 5) 101) where ‘f= reduced allowable stress {= allowable stress height of pier,and D = _teastlateral dimension of pier For reinforced concrete piers, the permissible load calculated on the assumption of axially loaded short columns, shall be reduced when the height exceeds 18 times its least lateral diznension by the formula H Py Pf: 5. 3%) 6.102) Bangladesh National Building Code 61 Part 6 Structural Design where P, = permissible load, Ho > heightofpier, BF tees dimension, P = permissible oad a hort cokumn, 3a aaa REQUIREMENTS FOR PILE FOUNDATIONS ‘A plan showing clearly the designation of all piles by an identifying system shall be fled prior to installation 2vocEN pls Ail dedied sass for inv Lisa Pls hall Bat 42 enticatonSorfegponding to tat Shown on the plan. A copy of such plan shal be availabe a the site for inspection at all tanes during the construction ‘The design and installation of ple foundations shall be under the direct supervision of a competent engineer ‘who shal certify that the piles 3s installed satisfy the design criteria. Pile foundation shall be designed and installed on the basis of a site investigation report that will include boring or test pits or other subsurface exploration at locations and depths sufficient to determine the Position and adequacy ofthe bearing soil unless adequate data is avalable upon which the design and Installation ofthe piles can be based. The report shal include but not be limited to: teenie ea pene Neeser eeere Paloload test intogny tot 5 Speke ae one eee ae eae All piles shall be braced to provide lateral stability inal directions. Three or more piles connected by a rig ‘ap shall be considered as being braced, provided that the piles are located in a radial direction from centroid of the group, not less than 60 degrees apart circumferentially. A two pile group in a rigid cap shall be considered to be braced along the axis connecting the two piles, Piles supporting walls shall be driven alternately in lines at least 300 mim apart and located symmetrically under the centre of gravity of the wall load, unless effective measures are taken to cater for eccentricity and lateral forces, or the wall piles are adequately braced to provide lateral stability. Piles left in place where a structure has been demolished shall not be used to support new construction unless saistactory evidence indicates thatthe ples are sound and meet the requirements ofthe Code. Such piles shall be load tested or redriven to verify their capacities Pile cross-section shall be of sufficient size and strength to withstand driving stresses. Pile diameter /cross- section ofa pile shaft at any level shall not be less than the designated nominal diameter /cross-section. Bored castin-situ piles formed by tremie concreting shall have a diameter not less than 400 mm. Design Considerations 3.41.11 Bearing Capacity/Allowable Load /Safe Load : The allowable axial load and lateral loads on piles shall be determined by an established method of analysis or load test. The allowable axial load on a shall be the least value permitted by consideration of the following factors: })—Thecapacity of the pile asa structural member. ‘The allowable bearing pressure on soil strata underlying the pile tip. ig Sesades Sas scot os tans mes he ence pc ora eee ete ee 6 iv) Theeapacity as indicated by oad test, where load tess are required 3.11512. Use of Static Formula : The ultimate load carrying capacity ofa pile may be calculated from soi roperties. The soll properties needed are shear strength parazneters (cohesion, angle of internal friction), Endoll density. PP eae = Any static formula used shall consider appropriate value of adhesion factor (a) for cohesive soil or ‘coefficient of horizontal soil stress (k,) that is consistent with soil condition and pile installation procedure for estimating fictional resistance of an individual pile. In estimating tip resistance, account shal be taken of the change in soll condition at pile tip due to installation process. ‘The minimum factor of safety on capacity calculated cin the basis of static formula shall be 25. The factor of safety shall actually depend on the reliability ofthe formula, depending on a particular site and locality and Chapter 3 Foundation the reliability ofthe subsoil parameters employed inthe calculations. The assumption ofa factor of safe Saif ls constr the lad stement characteristics ofthe structure aaa whole ons given site : 31.13 Dynamic Formula : Dynamic formula may be used for driven piles in cohesionless soils such as gravels, coarse sand and such deposits where pore pressure developed due to driving. is quickly dissipated. ‘The allowable compressive load on any pile when determined by the application of an established empirical formula shall not exceed 400 KN. The formula load shall be determined for gravity drop or power actuated hammers and hammer energy used shal be the maximum consistent with size strength and weight ofthe driven piles. The use of a follower shall be permitted only when approved. The introduction of fresh hammer cushion or pile cushion material prior to final penetration shall not be permitted. Wave equation analysis method may be used for estimating pile capacity of driven piles. Q4L.14 Load Test Reslis Where move accurate eimate of load caoyng capaty of ple required tests in accordance with “Standard Test Method for Ples Under Static Compressive Load" (ASTM D1l43) or luivalent shall be performed on individual piles. At least one pile shall be tested in each area of uniform Subsoil condition, Where necessary, additional pies shall be load tested to establish the safe design capacity ‘The resulting allowable loads shal aot be more than one-half of that test load which produces a permanent ret sotlement of not more than (1.00028 m/e of test Toad noe 20 mm 3115 Negative Skin Friction : Piles installed in compressible fil or soft soil subject to compression shall be designed againt additonal downward load due to downdrag, generally known a negative skin friction of the compressible sol In estimating negative skin friction the following factors shall be considered. i) Relative movement between soil and pile shaft. ii) Relative movement between any underlying compressible soil and pile shaft. 4il) Elastic compression of the pile under the working load. vi) The rate of consolidation of the compressible layer. ‘Negative skin friction is mobilized only when tendency for relative movement between pile shaft and surrounding soll exists. 3a ‘during driving or instal Structural Capacity: Piles shall have the necessary structural strength to resis all handling stresses ation and the necessary strength t transmit the load imposed on them to 0 Gah pecially ais can AIS ee esa ce strength greater than 10 KN/m?shall_ not be limited by its strength as long column. If the soil is weak (undrained shear strength less than 10 kN/m®), consideration shall be given to determine whether the shaft codeine re eae foster LEN a) Sela eg are ae eee Sera eS ge a ee ee en ee Seer ya coolant aca Prope anl ye ae oa 311,18 Lateral Capacity : Lateral capacity of vertical single piles shall be the least ofthe values calculated the bai of so faure structural capac ofthe ple ae defection ofthe pile head Deflection calculations require horizontal subgrade modulus of the surrounding soil. When considering lateral load on piles, the effect of other coexistent loads, including axial load on the pile, shall be taken into consideration for checking structural capacity ofthe shaft. For estimating the depth of fixity, established method of analysis shall be used, or lateral load test to at least twvice the proposed design working load shall be made. The resulting allowable load shall not be more than ‘one-half ofthat test load which produces a gross lateral movement of 25 mm at the ground surface, ‘All ples standing unbraced in air, water or soils not capable of providing lateral support shall be designed as cblumns in accordance with the provisions ofthis Cafe. Ss = 3.11.19. Spacing of Piles : The centre to centre spacing of piles shall be considered from practical aspects of installing the piles and from the nature of load transfer to the soll and possible reduction In bearing capacity ofa group of piles. The spacing o piles shal be such that the average load on the supporting strata vill ot ‘exceed the safe bearing value of those strata as determined by test boring or other established methods. Where piles are founded on a very hard stratum and their capacity is mainly derived from end bearing, the sacing. shall be governed by the capacity of the end bearing strata, The minimum spacing in stich cases ‘all be 25 times the diameter of the pile PPiles deriving their capacity from frictional resistance shall be sufficiently apart to ensure that the 2ones of soil from which the piles derive their support do not overlap to such an extent that their bearing values are reduced. Generally, in such cases, the spacing shall not be less than 3.0 times the diameter ofthe shaft, Bangladesh National Building Code 6-83

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