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Andr Aguirre Apolo 1st BI

My educational system
My educational system lasts for 4 years the students begin to study at 14 years and
end at 18 years old, because I think at these age, they are young and very prepared,
also at these age they are independents. Moreover the educational system begin to
September and end in May. Also in my educational system the students have 3
months of vacations and 14 days in the Christmas. Also the classes are from Monday
to Friday and in the Saturday the students have the option of do many extracurricular
activities like many sports, drawing and music. In addition the student have classes
from 8am to 1pm, with a 20-minutes so they can rest a little moment of the classes,
and have a break at 11:40. Furthermore the system have as obligatory subjects are:
Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Idiom, and the optional subjects are. Arts,
CAS, and Swimming.

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