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Project F004

Report 3

to the


March 1998



Project F004

. Report

A Progress Report

to the



Wang, X., Feng, Z., and Forney, L.J.

March 1998
Computational Simulation of Turbulent Mixing
with Mass Transfer

Xiaodong Wang l, Zhigang Feng $, and Larry J. Forney *

Institute of Paper Science and Technology &

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA 30318


In this paper, we present a series of computational simulations of three-dimensional

turbulent mixing with mass transfer for various pipe mixing arrangements. The sim-

ulations are carried out with the ADINA software, in which general-purpose finite

element and finite volume formulations along with the k-e turbulent model are used

for incompressible Navier-Stokes flows with mass transfer. Based on the predicted

pressure and velocity profiles and the standard deviation of tracer (or fiber) spatial

distributions at certain distances downstream from the injection point, we compare

the mixing performances of various transverse, concentric, and multijet mixers as

well as four silo mixing units. In addition, we deduce certain design information

pertaining to different mixing configurations.

I Assistant Professor, IPST

l: Research Associate, IPST

Associate Professor, School of Chemical Engineering

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I Introduction

Turbulent mixing of various fluid streams has many industrial applications in areas

such as sewer discharge, chemical reactions, heat transfer operations, and mixing

and combustion processes [5] [12]. In the paper industry, fiber water mixture needs

to be diluted and delivered smoothly and uniformly to the headbox forming section.

One of the key components is the so-called silo mixing unit depicted in Fig. 1,

which consists of various pipe mixing arrangements. In this work, we consider the

following mathematical models related, but not limited to current silo designs: (i)

transverse mixers at different injection angles; (ii) concentric mixers with different

nozzle shapes; and (iii) multijet mixers. Full-fledged simulations for four silo mixing

units with complex three-dimensional geometries are also investigated. Considering

the fact that the rheology of low consistency fiber water mixture is very similar to

that of water, we employ the mixing model of two turbulent miscible fluids with the

same density and viscosity, however, different inert tracer concentrations.

In the general area of turbulent mixing, many research efforts have been di-

rected to experimental investigations. Recently, some numerical studies have been

performed on two- or three-dimensional turbulent mixing with mass or heat transfer

for simple geometries [10]. However, very few studies are available for dealing with

complex three-dimensional turbulent simulation with mass transfer. Some of the

recent advances in applying CFD techniques to the chemical process industry are

documented in Ref. [11]. In this paper, we present a systematic study of various

fundamental pipe mixers and silo mixing units using the Al)INA software, which

consists of the program on heat transfer in solids ADINA-T, the program on displace-

ments and stresses ADINA, the program on fluid flows and heat transfer ADINA-F,

the pre-processor ADINA-IN, and the post-processor ADINA-PLOT. All the solid

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model geometries used in this paper are created with the ProENGINEER software,

and their corresponding meshes are generated with the automatic mesh generation

algorithm in ADINA-IN. A detailed description of the recent development of the

ADINA-F program is available in Ref. Ill.

In the following section, we summarize the governing equations and the criteria

used in measuring mixing uniformity. We discuss in Section 3 transverse jet mixers

with different angles. In Section 4, we focus on concentric mixers with various

nozzle shapes. The relatively new multijet mixing arrangements are considered in

Section 5, and the full-fledged silo mixing unit simulations are presented in Section 6.

Design information deduced from the computational simulation results is presented

in Sections 3 to 6 as well as in the concluding section.

2 Research Approaches

We consider here the turbulent flow of a homogeneous, viscous, incompressible fluid

with constant properties. By representing the fluctuating parts in the eddy viscos-

ity _t, turbulent kinetic energy k, and turbulent dissipation rate e, we obtain the

following governing equations from the mass and momentum conservation equations

[7] [14]'

= 0
OVi OVi __ I 019 0 OVi (1)
Ot + - p + + )
where p, _, yt, vi, and p stand for fluid mass density, kinematic viscosity, eddy

viscosity, time-average fluid flow velocity in direction xi, and time-average pres-

sure, respectively. Furthermore, for the standard k-e turbulent model, we have two

additional equations:

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Ok Ok _ 0 _'t Ok k
+ v_ a_,j((:,+ + :,:_
_ vt_oe_ 1 _ (2)
where a_, a2, Crk, and a_ are designated constants; _ denotes the inner product of
Ovi Ovj
the velocity strain tensor 2eijeij with eij - (O_x_+ 0-_x_
)/2; and the turbulent
lb* time
scale T and viscosity vt are expressed as:

T= -+
k c (3)
_'t- %kT (4)

with a constant c_.

In addition to the mass and momentum conservation equations with the k-e

turbulent model, we employ the following tracer conservation equation to model the

mass transfer phenomena in the turbulent flow,

Oc Oc 0 Oc
o-7 + _Jaxj = ax--;
((_/s_+ _:/_)_) (5)
where c, Sc, and a_ are the time-average concentration of tracer (or fiber), Schmidt

number, and a selected constant. We note that a similar equation can be directly

obtained for the temperature distribution in the case of heat transfer.

The governing equations (1), (2), and (5) are implemented in the ADINA-F

program. Moreover, the turbulent diffusivity _,/Sc + L't/ae as a function of spatial

locations is incorporated in the user-supplied subroutine provided by the ADINA

software. In this work, we select a_ - 1.44, a2 - 1.92, ak - 1.0, a_ - 1.3, cu - 0.09,

Sc - 1.64 x 106, and ae - 0.9. The modification of these constants based on the

experimental validation will be reported in a forthcoming paper.

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The mixing uniformity is measured in terms of two relative standard deviations

Crcand Crc_of the concentration c with respect to the arithmetic mean & We define _,

Crc, and Crcuat a certain pipe cross section A downstream from the nozzle as follows:

c_2 = /A(c -C)2dA/fAd A (7)

2 = /A (C-C /fAudA (8)

We recognize that the integrals fAudA and fAcudA are directly related to the
volume flow rates and tracer concentration through mass balances. Denoting q and

as the flow rates of the streams with tracer concentrations cl and c2, respectively,

from the mass conservation laws, we obtain

fnudA - q+ Q (9)

cudA - clq + c2Q (10)

which can be used to validate the computational results.

3 Transverse Mixers

The most widely used pipe mixer is the transverse mixer shown in Fig. 2, in which

a jet with diameter dl issues fluid containing tracer into a tube of diameter d2. The

ambient fluid velocity of the tube is v2, and the initial tracer jet velocity is vi.

We compare, in this work, transverse mixers with the following physical param-

eters: dl- 0.1092 m; d2- 0.3048 m; vi- 3.0 m/s; v2- 1.0 m/s; Cl- 0.03;
7I' 2 7I'

c2- O; and consequently q- _dlVl- 0.2810 x 10 -1 m3/s; Q- _d2v2 =

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0.7297 x 10 -1 ma/s. Figure 3 shows the solid models of transverse mixers with

various jet injection angles. In order to compare the mixing efficiency of various

transverse mixers, we present in Fig. 4 the quantitative measures based on the com-

putational results at the corresponding cut planes. In the subplots f_ udA and

are compared from the

AcudA, the numerical results with the references derived

mass conservation laws in Eqs. (9) and (10). In addition, the subplot f_ cdA/A

represents the uniformity of the mixing, and the subplot/A cudA/A stands for the
average tracer mass flow rate. Figures 5 and 6 depict the mass-ratio contours and

pressure distributions for transverse mixers with different injection angles. It is

clearly shown in Fig. 5 and the subplots crc2 and crcu

2 in Fig. 4 that the mixing effi-

ciency of the pipe mixer with a 90 injection angle is better than that of the mixers

with acute angles, and by pointing the injection jet upstream, i.e., 0 > 90 , only

slight improvement can be achieved. This conclusion correlates with the experimen-

tal finding discussed in Ref. [9]. However, in the paper industry, in addition to the

mixing efficiency, we also have to consider the large-scale vortices where fiber flocks

or bundles may form. As is clearly indicated in Fig. 6, significant circulations or

vortices can exist near the injection point due to the adverse pressure gradient in

transverse pipe mixers with right or obtuse injection angles. Furthermore, to avoid

having the jet impact on the wall and consequently create the pressure pulsation

and flow disturbance in the approach flow system, we may have to consider the jet

trajectory. It is shown from the absolute velocity band plots in Fig. 7 that the jet

trajectories of the transverse mixers with acute injection angles are less likely to im-

pact the opposite wall. More detailed information on the jet trajectory is available

in Refs. [3] and [6].

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transverse mixer

fan pump
corner cut

Figure 1: A typical silo pipe mixing system.

Figure 2: A typical transverse pipe mixing model.

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I __0. 1092


+[ "


kk so_.._'
j ................. t-_ t
k,12 0o__

Figure 3' Solid models of transverse mixers with various jet injetion angles.

IPST Confidential Information - Not for Public Disclosure
(For IPST Member Company's Internal Use Only)
0.015 . . .
' 0.015
- , , , .
x: 1500
+: 1350 x: 150
o: 1200 +: 135
__: 90 o: 120
--: 900
< .. 600 < 600
-.: 450 _ -.: 450
-o 0.01. '_ -: 30 -o
::3 0.01 _: 30o
--,< ._._._-_
, .... '' "-_-' _=':-' '_' ',,4-' _
_.,_ -- ' "=' ' . ...... ---' ' "-' . _.

0.005 .... 0.005

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x/d2 x/d2

1 .... 1

0.8 x: 150

'-'.,,_ +: 135 0.8l, ' _ +: 135
C ' "._"%, o: 120
', '.:.,,,._ __: 900 J.',, _ o: 1200
0.6 ,, -'._.'b,,,, 60 0.6[".",_ --: 90
c,u,.., __ "'."'. ;_'"'_,.. _.: 450 . :, I -'._ ..: 60
-,,x '-:h.'"_ ' 300 _"_ I "._'_ -.: 45

0.4 ......
-. f.
- "'b :.>"_. - 0.4
,' -..r.

"_- -_ ''':._-. ....._

1 1.5 2 2.5 3
I. x
"_J_ --
1.5 2 2.5 3
x/d2 x/d2

0.06 .... x 10-4

o.o5,__ , i, _ _ _ _ -
O.Oz_ ,,_,,:q + Q x II II.

< . x: 150 -.c lq+c 2Q

-'o +: 1350 <3
"O x: 1500
:30.03 +: 1350
._.< o: 1200 = o: 120

A: 900 "-"<2 Z_: 900
0.02 V: 600 V: 600
[]: 45 ( []: 450
0.01 O: 30 I O: 300

0 I I I I

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

x/d2 x/d2

Figure 4' Mixing uniformity measures of various transverse pipe mixers.

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(For IPST Member Company's Internal Use Only)

ADiNA-F .,L,,
90 0


,_ 0.03000

l; 0.01800
i_- o.ooooo

xg-.y ,x
30 0 1500 z
TIME 1,000

.... 0.02400 [: 0.03000

0.00600 ?= o.01aoo

:_-o.ooooo i_;o.ooooo'*

- !

x_ ,..fx
45o 135o z


._:: o.o3ooo
0.02400 _
.... 0.03000
o.ooooo ii?_

xS-.y Yyx
0 120
0 z


0.02400 I:::


Figure 5' Tracer distribution (mass-ratio) of transverse pipe mixers with various
injection angles.

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O0 o

soo _.,_'

,,..J,,,,. /

:/_ 2400

'U_e6..Pressure ba_d lO]Otsof tranSVersePipe _iXers ;'[:_:_'___'

IPST Cnlideatiat With various i_Jectio_ a_g]es.


90 o


E::: 34.OO0
;ii- 2.4OO
::_i::- O.8OO
_i_' o.ooo

_,. Y
o 150
o z

'._- 3.200
ilia- 2.400
'' 1.600 i_ 2,400
::_[i-0,8OO _i--1.600
_- o.ooo :::_o.ooo

x..L._ _.T.
o 135
o z

_,v_ il iii!ii!_i_:
'_J' '_-'_
_- 3.200
:ii_.-.2.400 :;ii-'2.400
1 600 '!!!' 1.600
0.8oo 0.800
_--o.ooo i:::r


x.A._ ,..r,x
0 1200 z


:/ 3 200
t,.ooo 3.200
iiii' 0._0 i:!::i--1.6OO
::_i-o.ooo iii- o.sOO
:_ _:,_- O.OOO

Figure 7: Velocity contour of transverse pipe mixers with various injection angles.

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4 Concentric Mixers

In the paper industry, concentric mixers are also used extensively. An early com-

putational study on this subject is presented in Ref. [4]. In the concentric mixers

depicted in Fig. 8, two pipes are installed coaxially with the smaller one contained

in the large one, and fiber stock within the small pipe is injected into the large pipe,

which normally contains low consistency fiber stock or white water with a lower ve-

locity. The possible design variations of concentric mixers are the nozzle cut angle

0 and nozzle shape.

We compare concentric mixers with the following physical parameters- d_i -

0.1092 m; dlo -- 0.1244 m; d2- 0.3048 m; vi - 3.0 m/s; v2 - 1.2 m/s; cl =

0.03; c2 - 0; and consequently, q - _lr d21iVl-- 0 .2810 X 10-1 m3/s; Q - _r

_(d 2 -
d2o)V2- 0.7297 x 10-1 ma/s. Figure 9 shows the solid models of four concentric

mixers with various jet nozzles. The quantitative measures at the corresponding

cut planes are presented in Fig. 10. Figure 11 depicts the mass-ratio contours of

four concentric mixers. It is interesting to note that in this set of configurations

commonly used by the paper industry, the concentric pipe mixer is more effective

than the transverse pipe mixer, and the nozzle shapes do not affect the mixing

very much. This conclusion is counterintuitive concerning the existing knowledge

in various chemical engineering areas where the tangential mixing efficiency is only

one sixth of the normal mixing efficiency [6]. Nevertheless, we notice that the ratio

of the injection jet radius and the main pipe radius in such chemical engineering

problems is often small, i.e., the jet is in effect issued into an infinite body of fluid,

which is not the case in the paper industry. Of course, further work must be done

to optimize these geometries, that is, for a fixed flow ratio q/Q and distance-to-

mixing ratio x/d2, the optimum diameter ratio must be determined to minimize the

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:.......... T
v. o;,,,
_ V2 .............

Figure 8' A typical concentric pipe mixing model.

variation coefficients cTc and Crcu.

To further the investigation of nozzle shape effects, we compute another set of

geometry and velocity ratios. As can be seen from Figs. 12 and 13, the mixing

efficiency of the contracting nozzle is much better than that of flat nozzles with

various cut angles.

5 Multijet Mixers

As a relatively new mixing idea, multiple jets are often used to impinge on each

other to create a more efficient mixing zone. Early experimental and computational

studies are reported in Refs. [2] and [8]. It is conceivable that in the near future

multijet mixers will be introduced in the paper industry along with the current

coaxial and transverse mixers.

In this work, we compare three multijet mixers (2, 3, and 4 jets) with the cor-

responding transverse mixer with a 90 injection angle. Different multijet mixers

are indicated with the jet number n. The physical parameters are listed as follows:

dl - 0.7722 x 10 -1 m; d2 - 0.3048 m; v2 - 1.0 m/s; Cl - 0.03; c2 - O; and con-

7r 2 71'

sequently q - n_dlVl - 0.2810 x 10 -1 ma/s; Q - -_d2v2 - 0.7297 x 10 -_ ma/s.

We vary the jet velocity v_ corresponding to the jet number n in order to preserve

the constant flow rate q. Figure 15 shows the solid models of three multijet mixers.

IPST Confidential information - Not for Public Disclosure
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O. 3048 --]

7 1.8288
0 015

-t-[--- ' . '


--_0. 1244

Il- l m_

!E i .----_ , ['

O. I002

Figure 9' Solid models of concentric pipe mixers with various nozzle designs.

IPST Confidential Information - Not for Public Disclosure
(For IPST Member Company's'Internal Use Only)
x 10-3 X 10-3
10 .... 10 ....

-: 90o _: 90
9 9
-.: 45o _.. 45o
... 300 ... 300
8 --: C. nozzle '< 8 --: c. nozzle
< :_
'0 _.._._-- -- ,
o ..' _ '_''':'--- ............. :3
,_,<7 ,__< 7
. ;/ /

/ /
6 / 6

i i i i 5 i i i i

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

x/d 2 x/d2

o .... 10
o ....

'_,,,_ -: 90 o '_\_'"_'
'_ -.: 450 ",_: _: 900
.% : lo-1 _:
_.. --: c. nozzle '"_'_... ..: 30
_'"' _',,,_.
--: c.nozzle
c,j _10-1 _' _.'"
-2 _._"...
I I I 4 & i

'''.... _ ''...
\ ('L'_ '_ "' '' ....

xx__. ........ 10-3 '< ....... '
'_ _ . -__

-2 i i i I 10
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x/d2 x/d2

x 10 -3
0.1 .... 1 ....

0.08 o: 90 0.8 o: 90o

+: 45o +: 45
x: 30o x: 30o
< 0.06 *: c. nozzle < 0.6 *: c. nozzle
"O '"0
::3 ::3

} _ '-'<0.4
.....q+Q ti _ i_

0.02 0.2 "-"'c1q+c2Q

0 i i I i
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x/d 2 x/d 2

Figure 10' Measures of mixing uniformity of various concentric pipe mixers.

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('_ _ 45 0 i

_ _._!!iii!i!.:iii'i?i!! __P, ATIOI 1_4_SS_RATIO,

_ Ct'
I:= C: o.02s2s
_ *_-- 0,02475 .i: 0.02475

_: _* I.,..,4,,
0 ::? iii!;=-0.02025
:_: 0.02025
0.01575 :ili_ 0.01575
(_ '""" :_=0.0,,25 If..'-o.o,_2s
?_. t_NI
= _ 0.00675
_ii:- 0.0022s
_ i_ii? 0.00675
- 0.00225


_ z"l_x
_,_ _ Contracting nozzle

i..-.., _ I....4 . MASSRATIO 1

_ _-
._=_o.o_2s _ ...................... '"'"'"_'______,_ .._ o.o2925
.? 0.02475 _ ':__;s:_
'"'---'"_'"'_'_" ' iiii_' 0.02025
_:_ :i_ 0.01575 ,,_ ___. ..._._.__
_, _'
,-.. 0 i_:_:_
0.02o25 '""_-'_____,
' ' _$_'_ _- o.o_2s
0 _ :i::;:-0.01125
iiiiF- o.ooo7s _e:_ii-'-'_
_' '' ' ii_iiil
_ 0.00675

_ _; 0.002-_ _ 00022s




X 10-3 X 10-3
12 .... 12 ....

11 11

10 ._ ...---- --
-- 10 ,, -- -- --

< / _ ..., _;.-..'.-..'..-.'..-.: _

'"0 9 _:.-..' .....................................
"_ / ._' ..' .......

c_ 8 /.., ... ::3

,__<I:: ' ' ' ,_.<i::

./' -: 900
7 :_ -.: 450 7 -.' 450
6 /'/ "30 ' 30
,' --: c. nozzle 6 --: o. nozzle

5 .... 5
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x/d2 x/d2

o 10
,,,; ,q ....

\ 'g, -: 90
-: 900 ',, x.'_ -.: 450
r \ - .",,,, 'x '_,. ..: 30
\ x'."_.._... -': 450 10-1 \ 'x.'_ --: c. nozzle
\ _.'"_., ..: 300
\ ',<..
\ \ ' ": :_ .--: c. nozzle \ '_

%10-1 ",\ '_'".

'_ _
-... '... %_10-2 "\ x _,...

':L.L ...,.,
'_ 10

0.5 I 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 I 1.5 2 2.5 3

x/d2 x/d2

x 10 -3
0.12 ........

"-": c 1q + c2 Q

0.08 0.8 v* 8
< o: 90 "-": q + <
-o +: 450
: 0.6 o: 900
= 0.06 x: 300 o +: 450
'--'< *: c. nozzle '--'< x: 300
0.04 0.4 *: c. nozzle

0.02 0.2

i i I i 0 i i i I
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x/d 2 x/d2

Figure 12' Measures of mixing uniformity of various concentric pipe mixers. (dli -
0.1526 m; dlo -- 0.1676 m; d2 - 0.4572 m; vi - 3.0 m/s; v2 - 1.0 m/s.)

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II =



"_ Co _
_ '_' 45
ADINA-F ,I<:';

'" o.02925
_" =(-.k. _"_-"'
_ 0_" iL-o.o_ :. 0.02475
_: ''_ _ _ _...-_'?
ii:ii_0.01575 iiii_ 0.01575
_D B... C-I" _ iii_ 0.01125 ::!i_ 0.01125
.:.:._ :iiiiz_
i: _._o.oo_

g-Et .
0 I--_ _ _-j ,-,.

'_ ':-'_
o --
_ _ <_ _' ,_,. 30 0
_: Cont
"'"' I=
_0' II = TlkiE 1.000 -

_ R' Oc_
_ .}...I, 0
_ :_oo_
::--':-0.02475 o.o_5
_-' _ _ ("3 :i!i?-0.o2o25 i:::._-o.o2o25
_ _ iii::; oo1575 i!_i_ 0.01575
0 (_ I_ ::i::_0.01125 )i_ 0.01125
r_ c-l- i_:_..'_
o.oo_ iiii: 0.00e75
t= _-_ :D t?:_.o.oo225


II _


...o _
V1 _X

v2 _f:. d2

Figure 14' A typical multijet pipe mixing model.

The quantitative measures at the corresponding cut planes are shown in Fig. 16.

Figure 17 depicts the mass-ratio distributions of multijet mixers along with the cor-

responding transverse mixer with a 90 injection angle. Compared with the single

transverse jet mixer, the mixing efficiency of multijets is much better. It is also

interesting to note that multijets with an even number of jets perform better than

those with an odd number of jets. For example, although more jets within the

multijet mixer imply better mixing, a two-jet mixer achieves better mixing than a

three-jet mixer for x/d2 > 1.5.

6 Silo Unit

As illustrated in the mathematical model depicted in Fig. 18, th e silo is a cylindrical

water storage tank with a constant water level. The inner pipe protruding into the

fan pump inlet zone contains a higher consistency fiber stock (e.g., 3%), and the

concentric outer pipe collects the recirculation diluted stock (e.g., 29%). In this paper,

we assume that the concentric pipes are rigid. The issue of dynamic instability of

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p_ 0.327,1

..... I./ _
One jef Two jefs


tl- .... _ ...... ::',
i .i
0.4572 (TYP)
Three jets
Four jefs

Figure 15' Solid models of various designs of multijet pipe mixers.

IPST Confidential ,Information - Not for Public Disclosure
(For IPST Member Company's 'Internal Use Only)
0.015 .... 0.015 , . . .

_" ""_""--"'_....=l-.-.....= .................... _[: ............

'o 0.01 'o 0.01-_

r..3 _.... :3
..._.<C .................................. _. ,._.<C ...........................................

--: fourjets --: fourjets

.' threejets ..' threejets
-.' twojets -.' twojets
-: onejet -: onejet
0.005 .... 0.005
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x/d2 x/d 2

100 .... 100


', _'.._,%. 10-1


" `% " .....

<,..... t_::?=lO
`% '`% ''....
%1-1 i
`%`% ''% `% '''''''' i'''''''''''''..

--: fourjets `%
`% .`%
`% --: fourjets `%% `%`%
`% '`%
..' threejets `%'% `%.
10-3 , threejets `%`% `% `%'`% `%
-.: two jets `% " -.' two jets `%
-: one jet _ -: one jet
10-2 _ 10
-4 , ! i i

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

x/d 2 x/d2

X 10 -3
.... 1.5 ....

0.12 *: four jets

x: three jets *: four jets
0.1 +: two jets 1 x: three jets
< o: one jet < +: two jets
-o 0.08 -o
= o: onejet
:3 fD

'-'-'<0.06 '--'<

0.04 -,_'"' _'_' -_,_ ()

0.02 "-":q+ .....


i i i I ! i I i

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

x/d2 x/d2

Figure 16' Measures of mixing uniformity of various multijet pipe mixers.

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_ _ ADINA-F z

0 _ Three jets One jet


_ ...[_0.02400 ,::_ 0.02400

_ f"l" _ ii!i:" 0.01867 .,!._ .........

:: _ii_:i_

_o _,.,
_ o.o08oo
!i!: 0.00267
i_:,, o.ooeoo

$'_ _}...,1

_._ _
<_ Four jets X_ Y Two jets Y


_ _ _ _ t 0'02_33 I:0.02933
O _ _ i_l:_:0.02400 -&_-002400

_J ___: '_ 0 00267 !/i'_ 0.00287

_ E_ _.............-._....:._::__..-_ ::_o.o,_, .............
_ ii.::-o.o,_,

i,...i o

these suspended pipes is addressed in Ref. [13].

Industry research suggests that the fan pump location can directly affect the

paper sheet formation. Although many practical aspects, including the suspended

pipe vibration, may contribute to smooth pump operation or even sheet property

variations, in this work, we focus on the issues of fan pump location, i.e., the length

of the outlet pipe, and the corner cut (a common practice in the paper industry).

Therefore, the basic consideration is the same as those for transverse, concentric,

or multijet mixers, where the mixing uniformity is measured at a certain distance

downstream from the injection point.

We consider four silo units illustrated in Fig. 19. The inner and outer pipe

flow velocities are 1 and 3 m/s, respectively, and the equivalent velocity for the

silo water supply from the top is 0.0349 m/s. Case A represents the initial design

configuration. Case B includes the modification with a corner cut. Case C has a

longer outlet pipe. Case D combines two modifications in Cases B and C together.

Figure 19 shows the solid models of four silo units. The quantitative measures at the

corresponding cut planes for each case are presented in Fig. 20. Figure 21 presents

the mass-ratio contours at six different axial locations (cut surfaces) of the outlet

pipe in four silo units. It is evident, by comparing Cases B, C, and D with Case A,

that mixing efficiency can be significantly improved by the elongation of the outlet

pipe; also, the corner cut is not a dominant factor. In fact, in the subplots 2 and

crcu2in Fig. 20, if we compare Case A with Case B or Case C with Case D, we find

that the corner cut enhances rather than reduces the concentration nonuniformity.

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,__,' Water

........... Corner cut Fan pump

"I"F _:'?_:,"'Y2::::)<-'
ib e r s't'o'c"k'"'-, ...,/___

Figure 18: A typical silo pipe mixing unit model.

7 Conclusions

In this paper, a systematic numerical study of various pipe mixers and silo mixing

units has been conducted with the ADINA software. To summarize, we obtain the

following information pertaining to the design of the considered mixing arrange-


(1) Although transverse mixers with an injectction angle of 6; >_90 are more efficient

in mixing, they tend to produce large-scale vortices near the injection point, and

the jet is more susceptible to impacting the opposite wall. Therefore, in the paper

industry, an acute injection angle may be considered, and in practice, a longer

distance downstream away from the injection point is recommended in order to

compensate for the loss of mixing efficiency.

(2) In concentric mixers, with the same input flow rates, for the geometries used in

this work (typical geometries in the paper industry), the mixing efficiency is much

higher than those of the corresponding transverse and multijet mixers. In addition,

from the further investigation with different relative injection jet size, we find that

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I i

orner Cut
Case A Case I3
96 #0.8128


----/ 2.4384

r Case C Case D

Figure 19: Solid models of various modifications of silo pipe mixing models.

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0.0135 . . . 0.014 . . .

-" ....................... 0.0135

0.0125 ....
0.013 /' ."'_ _ '_i.___ -: CaseA
<z:: .-
0.012 _ _ . -.: Case B
-o _ 0.013 _ ..' CaseC
,X:).0115 / ./ = .

CaseA "_ ,, "'". ..................

0.011 / 7//./'/
;// -.' Case B ,--,<
0.0125 -_.--.' '.. .. "".. --: Cased
/ Case C
0.0105 / --: Case D

0.01 ' ' ' 0.012 '

2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
x x

o . . . 10
o , . .

-: CaseA '_ -: CaseA

x._,. -.:. CaseB 10-1 'x;_. -.: CaseB

,, ... Case C ',xk. ..: Case C
','"'"x --' ' CaseD "__i \"_ --' CaseD
_uo10-1 .,?.._ -, %_10_2 x..,,
....,.-,. '_..x

.._., _ 10_3 . x _.

10-2 , , , 10-4
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
X x

X 10 -3
' ' ' 4 , , ,

0.25 3.5
.... _o
_ _'_
_' q:)_
'" _ '_ 3 _ _xO
_-I- 0 0
+_+ _ _
0.2 "-": ql + q2+ 2.5
<_ <_
: 0.15 -o
:o 2 .....
- ' Cl ql + C2q2 + C3
.--.< o: Case A ._.<
+: CaseB 1.5 o: CaseA
0.1 x: CaseC +: CaseB
' Case D 1 x: Case C
' Case D

0 ' ' ' 0 ' ' '

2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
x x

Figure 20' Measures of mixing uniformity of various silo pipe mixing arrangements.
(qi and q2 are the flow rates of the inner and outer concentric pipes, and Q is the
flow rate of the silo. ci is the corresponding fiber consistency.)

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:iiii!ii!iii:iiiiii:ii _ J ........
.......... :

x _.':

z i',
_ _'

i x ._! !_ Ii

_::i '

Figure 21' Tracer distribution (mass-ratio) at various cut planes of four silo units.
Each case has six cut surfaces represented by their x-coordinates and the last one
coincides with the end of the silo outlet pipe.

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mixing efficiency can be greatly improved in the case of the contracting nozzle.

This indicates that in the case of mixing chemical additives, the contracting nozzle

is recommended. In general, a flat nozzle with various cut angles _ does not affect

mixing significantly.

(3) Multijet mixing is, in general, better than single jet mixing, and an even number

of jets is recommended.

(4) In the silo mixing unit design, increasing the outlet pipe length has a much

greater and more positive effect on the mixing efficiency than the corner cut.

8 Acknowledgment

We would like to thank the Institute of Paper Science and Technology and the School

of Chemical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology for their support.

We also would like to thank Mr. Andy Brown at the Institute of Paper Science

and Technology for creating the ProENGINEER solid models, and the researchers

in ADINA R&D, Watertown, MA, for helpful suggestions.

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