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Pre - Processing Flow

SEGY Input, Resampling

Field Report
Geometry Observer Report
SPS File
Geometry Assignment

Velan 1
Spectral Analysis

NMO Correction
BPF, Low Freq. Filtering


DBS Autocorrelation
(Brute Stack)

NMO Correction Velan after DBS



Main Processing Flow

Decon CDP Gather

F-K Stacking F-K Demultiple Radon Demultiple Radon Stacking


Velan for PSDM PSDM PSTM Velan for PSTM

Post Stack MIG

PSDM Stacking Velan for Mig PSTM Stacking

Filtering Filtering Filtering

Scalling Scalling Scalling

Final Stack
Segala sesuatu tidaklah sesulit yang kita
lihat, segala sesuatu lebih menguntungkan
daripada yang diduga, dan jika ada
kemungkinan berhasil, maka hal itu akan
benar-benar terjadi dan pada saat yang

- Jim Dornan -
2D Marine Geometry
Auto-2D and Geometry Setup
2D Marine Geometry
2D Marine Geometry
2D Marine Geometry
2D Marine Geometry
Shot Gather
Shot Gather with Trace Length (3500)
Spectral Analysis

Low Freq Noise

Direct Wave

Amplitude Not Recovered

True Amplitude Recovery (TAR)
Geometric Spreading Correction

Low Freq Noise decreased

Direct Wave -- GONE

Amplitude -- Recovered
TAR Test
TAR Test
Shot Gather After AGC

Low Freq Noise increased

Amplitude -- reduced
Shot Gather After AGC
with AGC operator length 500
Trace Muting/Editing
Top Mute /Low Cut
Bandpass Filter
Spectral Analysis
Spectral Analysis
Deconvolution (Minimum Phase Predictive)
Shot Gather TAR+AGC+MUTE Bandpass Decon
Kemampuan Anda mengembangkan orang lain
merupakan cara bagi Anda untuk maju ke
depan. Cara terbaik untuk maju ke depan
adalah mengajarkan kepada orang lain untuk
maju ke depan

- Donald K David-
CDP Gather Pre Process
Before Decon
CDP Gather Pre Process
After Decon
Spectral Analysis
Input : Shot Gather
Spectral Analysis
Input : After Bandpass
Spectral Analysis
Input : After Deconvolution following bandpass
Velocity Analysis I
Velocity Analysis I Editor
RMS Velocity
Velocity Analysis I Editor
RMS Velocity
CDP gather with NMO(Vel 1)
Input Data : After Decon
Stack Before Deconvolution

Water bottom Multiple (Near)

Stack After Deconvolution
Brute Stack

How about this?

Water bottom Multiple (near) -- GONE

Spectral Analysis Brute Stack
Optimisme yang sesungguhnya adalah
menyadari adanya masalah tetapi mengenali
pemecahannya, mengetahui adanya kesulitan
tetapi yakin bahwa itu dapat diatasi, melihat
yang negatif tetapi menekankan yang positif,
menghadapi yang terburuk tetapi mengharap
yang terbaik, punya alasan untuk mengeluh
tetapi memilih untuk tersenyum

- William Arthur Ward -

Radon Filter 1
Radon Filter 1
CDP gather with NMO(Vel 1) Radon 1
CDP gather with NMO(Vel 1) Radon 1
Velocity Analysis II
Velocity Analysis II Editor
RMS Velocity II
Velocity Analysis II Editor
RMS Velocity II
Interval Velocity
Interval Velocity Single
CDP gather with NMO(Vel II)
CDP gather with NMO(Vel 2) Radon 1
Radon Filter II
Radon Filter II
CDP gather with NMO(Vel II) Radon II
CDP gather 5000
From Pre-Process NMO & Radon Filter

CDP gather Pre-Process CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO
(Vel I) (Vel I) Radon I (Vel 2) Radon I (Vel II) Radon II
CDP gather 5250
From Pre-Process NMO & Radon Filter

CDP gather Pre-Process CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO
(Vel I) (Vel I) Radon I (Vel 2) Radon I (Vel II) Radon II
CDP gather 5500
From Pre-Process NMO & Radon Filter

CDP gather Pre-Process CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO
(Vel I) (Vel I) Radon I (Vel 2) Radon I (Vel II) Radon II
CDP gather 5750
From Pre-Process NMO & Radon Filter

CDP gather Pre-Process CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO
(Vel I) (Vel I) Radon I (Vel 2) Radon I (Vel II) Radon II
CDP gather 6000
From Pre-Process NMO & Radon Filter

CDP gather Pre-Process CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO CDP gather with NMO
(Vel I) (Vel I) Radon I (Vel 2) Radon I (Vel II) Radon II
Brute Stack
CDP gather with NMO(Vel 2) Radon 2
Using F-X Deconvolution
Using TVS
Kalau Anda tidak menyadari siapa diri Anda
dan di mana Anda berada sekarang, jangan
meresahkannya karena Anda tidak harus
terikat dengan siapa diri Anda atau dimana
Anda berada sekarang. Anda bisa tambah,
Anda bisa berubah, Anda bisa lebih dari diri
Anda sekarang

- Zig Ziglar -
Post Stack Time Migration
Using Reverse Time T-K Migration
(Interval Velocity Single)
Post Stack Time Migration
Using Implicit FD Time Migration
(Interval Velocity)
Post Stack Depth Migration
Using Implicit FD Depth Migration
(Interval Velocity)
Post Stack Time Migration
Using Fast Explicit FD Time Migration
(Interval Velocity)
Post Stack Time Migration
Using Steep Dip Explicit FD Time Migration
(Interval Velocity)
Post Stack Depth Migration
Using Explicit FD Depth Migration
(Interval Velocity in Depth)
Interval Velocity in Depth
Post Stack Time Migration
Using Stolt 2D F-K Migration
Stolt Strecth Factor (W=1)
Post Stack Time Migration
Using Phase Shift 2D Migration
Migration of dip ( Up to 90 degree only)
Post Stack Time Migration
Using Kirchhoff Time Migration
Post Stack Depth Migration
Using Kirchhoff Depth Migration
Berpikir secara baik berarti membiarkan
otak bekerja secara fleksibel. Jangan
biarkan proses berpikir Anda menjadi kaku,
karena itu akan menyulitkan Anda untuk
berpikir secara lain

- Richard Denny -
Common Offset
Pre Stack Kirchhoff Time Migration (PSTM)
PSTM Gather
Pre Stack Kirchhoff Time Migration (PSTM)
Velocity RMS for PSTM
Pre Stack Kirchhoff Depth Migration (PSDM)
PSDM Gather
Pre Stack Kirchhoff Depth Migration (PSDM)

Problems to data: poor quality due to low S/N ratio, can only cover reflections until
~3000 ms

Gain recovery is necessary to bring up the amplitude decay at late travel time due to
attenuation of earth layer and geometrical spreading of expanding waveform.

Noises are: Low frequency noise (below 2 Hz), water bottom multiple, direct wave,
reverberations, and diffractions.

Predictive decon gives reliable solutions to reduce reverberations, help reduce short
period multiple but fail to reduce long period multiple

Velocity analysis gives a good estimation of RMS velocity for NMO correction;
looking at the result, velocity is increasing with depth, with small lateral variation

Radon filter gives better result in reducing long period multiple, but still left some part
of multiple energy

FX decon after stack is more better than before stack section.

Line Moncex is not sensitive to migration, because of the low dip structure
Noises on 2D Marine Data

Direct wave

Low frequency

Multiples Diffraction
Jalan yang kita lewati mungkin berbeda-
beda, tetapi yakinlah dengan jalan yang kita
lewati itu, kelak pasti akan memberi manfaat
buat kita. Tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan
jika jalan yang kita lewati bercabang dan
memberi banyak pilihan buat kita, mau pilih
jalan yang mana? Up 2 U

- Pranowo Moncex Nugroho -

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