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To Whom It May Concern, Date: May 72,2071

I completely and without reservations recommend Nicole Cowgill for any position she
would apply for as a teacher. During the2016-2017 school year, I have worked closely with
Nicoie as a collaborative teacher in her math and ELA classes at Follansbee Middle School. This
was my first year at Follansbee Middle School, and Nicole has assisted me tremendously. As a
new colleague, she has helped me learn the procedures of the school and has been very
welcoming. I have learned different instructional methods to teach math and ELA from Nicole as
well different classroom management strategies, especially when using technology and
applications. Nicole and I often consult about the needs of the students, and what we could do to
help them. Nicole was great at being open minded to my opinions and insights as well sharing
her insights and opinions with me.

Nicole is patient and understanding of students' individual needs. She prepares lessons
that are often unique, creative, and fun for the students. Her lessons benefit a variety of different
types of learning styles such as visual, auditory, and hands-on learning. She interviewed for and
received a grant for her students so that her students can use Reflux math to help increase their
math fact fluency. In her classes, her students feel welcomed and engaged. She has tutored
several students that have missing skills in after-school tutoring. Though a general education
teacher, Nicole is well adverse in the IEP process as well as working with students with special
needs. This was shown by the way she was accommodating to the students with learning
disabilities and her inclusion of students in the autism class to participate in the many activities
that her class was completing.

For classroom management, she uses excellent strategies that the students are invested in
and looking forward to using. She uses an online application that follows the PBIS format in her
classroom to help foster positive behaviors in her classroom. This helps to establish a link of
communication between Nicole and the parents. This application helps to notify the parents
when the students are not behaving, but also when they are doing a great job in the classroom.
She is positive and focuses on the desired behaviors rather than the negative behaviors.

As a colleague in the fifth grade team, Nicole is incredibly generous with her time and
expertise. When she can, Nicole will volunteer to help cover for someone during her planning
and the mornings. When she finds an excellent resource, Nicole shares it with the other fifth
grade team members to use with their groups. She communicates well with the team. When she
is concerned about a student, she brings it to the attention of the fifth grade team at PLCs. She is
an integral part of the fifth grade team that is invaluable.

Nicole would be a valuable member of any school's team. I'd be happy to answer any further
questions you might have about her.

Th4nks, and_ bgsl r-e gards,

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