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Creative Problem Solving

1. Module Outline

Session 1:
Introduction to the module and assessment
Learning and problem solving
What problem am I going to solve?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Introduce you to the module and the methods of working.
2. Develop an understanding of your personal learning profile.
3. Introduce the personal learning log and assessment process and procedures.
4. Receive information on the problem opportunities to be used throughout the
rest of the module. Choice to be made by session 4 when you meet the problem
opportunity givers.

Session 2:
How creative am I?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Review the importance of being creative.
2. Experience the conditions needed for creative thinking and how creative
thinking can be blocked personally and organisationally.
3. Explore thinking as a creative process.

Session 3:
How can I encourage creativity in a dynamic business environment?
The main aims of the session are to:
1. Define creativity from different perspectives.
2. Develop your own definition of creativity from personal and business
3. Understand the interrelationships between creative process, knowledge
creation and problem solving.
4. Explore the six stages of the effective problem solving process.

Session 4:
How do I know what the problem is?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Review the importance of problem analysis.
2. Establish the importance of forensic questioning and practise the technique
3. Introduce you to the range of problem analysis techniques applicable to
effective problem solving, in an experiential manner.

You will have an hour with your chosen problem opportunity giver to ask questions
and do initial problem analysis.

Session 5:
How do I creatively explore the identified problem?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Review the importance of creative exploration
2. Explore a variety of creative exploration techniques applicable
to effective problem solving, in an experiential manner.
Session 6:
How do I map the problem?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Review the importance of problem mapping.
2. Apply End Result Thinking technique.
3. Introduce you to the range of problem mapping techniques applicable
to effective problem solving in an experiential manner.

Session 7:
How do I generate all the possible solutions?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Review the importance of solution generation
2. Introduce you to the range of solution generation techniques applicable to
effective problem solving, in an experiential manner.

Session 8:
How do I hold all the gains?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Review the importance of potential problem analysis.
2. Complete a potential problem analysis for identified problem opportunity.

Session 9:
What? Why? How? Where? When? Who?
Have I solved my chosen problem?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Review the importance of reflection, in the context of active listening, giving and
receiving feedback together with appropriate questioning.
2. Understand and experience reflection and active listening.
3. Reflection on individual problem opportunity and the six-stage process of
creative problem solving.

Session 10:
How are we going to solve the problem by session 11?
How are we going to put all our skills to good use?
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Understand the specific roles people have in effective teams.
2. Understand how people work effectively in a team.
3. Elect into teams for the team problem opportunity and start work as a team
using the working documentation on the team problem opportunity.
4. Have the chance to hear about the problem to be solved as a team and
question someone from the company concerned about the problem. Action plan for
next week.

Session 11:
Can I work with others to solve the problem given?
JD + panel
The main aims of this session are to:
1. Work together to solve the given problem.
2. Assess how individuals have worked together with others to solve
a problem.
3. Present the team solution(s) to the panel and get feedback on ideas.
4. All participants know what needs to happen next re. assessment.

Module Convener
Janet Dean

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