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The History Herodotus Heccrons, Hsrory T- & David Grene fhe eae nde ha maker Sele tric fen hun che msn han tee Sistas ancy nedroc dn supastioe re Becca w cnc pa te at Sas hs we fm sere vet lig am lowe) whe tengo amething ew The Pr es ey tho erin bys ener Rona Tee Keenamasand ny le sy ich ee te Ge se and fe sg: ton sh who prem Sl Hens mt sundevhr ey safe Sa ie mat ven mre pray he perl an Hens shh ay Segre pe rosin Vew nang ah ‘per tna bit at hve ee ge et ‘eto el bs weed eae felesion nthe mh ote irae an en ace theres one ere Esk Horna mt stan ag Stetson mpc, eel Oe cnt ad sect Bx panna oxy tte Bc ta he thea acon Hem sm ely al oe ee tine ets era tbc he mat napa See et ea Se see en ihe heer en Eaton the ols eons oat dance Int Noenc colli oraen wo auhmcorenine te War sr aig or ten, soe Eg Hs spent eget hsm ene wth ia gi of dress cee oo me ee cla sur ee hat en hl hove engl he pa, esence theese eh es tena ed Horan al Tarheel ow ee Eeah Hons cere enw ug rhc Chico Tansey. 18 ® Book One 1. 1, Herod of Halcarasas, am here sting (oth my his tony hat time ay ot draw the calor fom wh man has bought Into being, nor thor great and woederul deeds, mast by both Grek and barbartane, fl of thei report, ar together wich all this the eon why they fought one another “The chrenclers omong the Pesan say that ie was the Phoeni- ane who wets the cause ofthe lingo fr hey came om wht ical the Red Se! to oursa, ad avi seed in the coun in which they now live, they at once set about lng voyage; and caring Eypian and Asian fegh, dey put ino othe as, nd among them Argor At this te Argos exclll all others of ‘thie i now called Hells. To Angin, then, came the Phoenicians, ed there they put thet cago on dep. On dhe fifth o sth day ther ther ave, when alms ll thee goods had been sol ol there came down tothe sea, with mang other vomen, the kings ‘Shachter er ramne—ieie dhe same in both dhe Oreck ar Pein Sccounsos lo, and che wate daughter of inchs. The women All od by the stern ofthe ship and were baying om among the ‘wae whatever hey had moss het hears on: they ido, the Phoencan It cut a pent shout and made for them. The most ofthe women, they sy escaped, bu To and some others were ce tel ef The Phoenicians need them ito thee ships and sailed way to Ee 2 That show, che Persians sy, lo came to Ea (chou tht ‘sc how the Grek tl tard chat was the Begining of the Grromping, Afr this, sy the Penson, certain Greeks, hose ame they cannot dele, pa ineo Tye ia Phonic coum wd ‘ied of the king’ daughter, Europa. These must have been Cie 1 Hein’ Ra (an) Se no ur Rad Sen lan seme ewe Ep and tA Pees) ey eae nn » “ (ay) ‘ans, So fa, the Pnians,it wat i for tat, bt ler that the Grats were guilty of the second pice of ijn or they male vith a lng ship t Aen i Coch and the ve Pant, and fe there, when they had done the bins on which they came, they ‘aed ef the Kings daughter, Medea, The king of the Colchians set eral to Greece oak for sacifcton forthe earn ‘is dae and to demand her ream. But the Grech enseted (heal the Pesion stor) chat the Persians, on thet side had ‘or gen srifacton fr dhe carping of Augie lo, ads they ‘hemseles woul give noe to the Colcana 5 Itwasin che next genertion after this the ory oe, tha Alevander’theson of Pram, having head ofthese deed. wanted fox hielo, a wie fam Greece by rape and rer, for he was certain that he wold noc have to ve sic ot tsch 1 the Gres had not So he cared olf Helen The Grek fit. Solved so demand her tok, aswell a tiiction fr hex caring (of, But when they dds, the Pesan rough pint her he rape of Medes, sting thatthe Greks had given no sasfction for tat ‘oc had rendered her when sed. Dd they now want station from others 4 Upc this pont twat ony rape on bot sides, one frm the orher ba fom here on, say the Prin, the Grech were peat 0 ame. For the Gree, y they, invaded Asia bere ever the Pe sane invaded Europe: “i the work of unjust men, we thik, «aur ff women a al hut once dey ave Boe cari of, to ake ‘evoul the avenging of them the prt ffs a isthe porto sense ment poy no heed othe mater: clay the women wuld ‘ot have Been cried had they no mind robe" The Pesan say that they, fo ther par, made no account ofthe women eae of from Ast but ha the Gress, bce of Lacedaemonian woman athena 2 great amy, came eaight to Avia and deol che ower of Pim, and fom tat tne forth he Pentans regu che Greek peoples thet foes. Forthe Pera csi asthetrown, Ass and all he barbarian people wo lve i it ue Eure and the Grek people they regal aetily sepa 2 Thi he arf Airs, the Calle ce 5: Alert sme by bil Pa al tom Gre eae 4 Het ae he nt “barr” nt Cok on whch Si (5-6) 8 4. Thc sb the Pea it happend, and iii the cp cx of Tey ta iy acne egies e Sh Ge esas ova he Pee age wh he Festanforthey oy ty teeta agit et Ti yey yeh bet pa nA a when Sekandshe waren ne spre es h ‘ePonena ny hase ma ot cee “Ts th ts of Fst al Pw Fo put am notin ny show that ease a thy teed orth te ym en to fp tow fe its psu te Gly od, ngs ae att toa moray vce sel Sve Si ero he hat vo pet re thon nw cone sland ee are pena ne eel ine eae, Sct ag a a rnc nevesbetn thane pcs ake men bo site ies as an byt seo f Aas dr false pps nse a nt ow om ecu Eten Sand Php dtd pet es SBR Tac Gena he ef tnt aon Ein t aledsons fhe assets “inten He bee ly esi Borah ote mabe male edn Rn Bt bere Cena te ss mee Fr fn at he Cnr, wach an Oe TEI yeni Gh mr of ch det ecuel bens wih epee Ge That cet tg eG meen fete Son dren bg eee SSUUSEEL eg aiaen Sher ite eh Se “noel he Rr ya be ret a i is Min pittance ts Hectic ete Fess ode Het eis Tasimns res besmorke oe re A te Gated foamed roe aes opened eS The Ene Se (cle Pa) the Blk Se * (16-9) diy, wat no subjugation of the es uta mater of a and plan 7 The woveriney of Ly belonged tothe Herel” bad devolved upon che fy of Cosas, who wee called Mermmadec snd hist how happened. There was one Cancaules, whom the (rect cll Myla the rier of Saris and descend foe AL oes, the on of Heracles, For Agron, the son of Nin, the sono Bel, she som of leas, wa the fa of the Heracl tob g of Sua, and Cindoules, he son of Myris, wa the ast. hone ‘who ad been kings ofthis county before Aron wet descendants ‘fy, the son of Ans, om hoe ths whole Lan pon tes tna: for ere it was called te land of the Mei. Tews bythe Mei tha the sons of Heracles were ented mith the len ance dance with an orl; dhe Heracldae were born of slave gi, Be: longing co lands, and Heracles They held sway for eo nc ‘went pnertions of men, or ve hundred and ive eae, so ae ceeding athe inthe ale, ntl Candles, som of Man, 8. This Candales felis lve with his own wf aed becase he was 20 in ove, he thought he ad in et fr the mos ea of women, So fe thought Now, he had boymard named the son of Dass, who was his chef favorite among them. Candles ‘sed to conf ll his mest serous concent ths Oye, and of couse he was fever overran the beauty of is wie bay to him. Some time theefter™or twa fated that Canales shoul nd lle spoke wo Gypes thus “Oyges, I do not chink that you credit me when I ell you abot the beauty of my wiles for deed mes eas are dle agent of eli than tei eys. Conve, then, ‘hac you see her naked "The ether made cutry agus nd ‘i, "Mase, what ack word dis you hve speken in bung ‘me lok pon ny misses naked! With the Laing de of er ‘lots, a woman ls ade the respect that is het! Many ae the fine things dicoveel by men old, and smeng them this ce, tat ‘ich should ook upon hisewn, ony dea live that your we 'sthe most beau ofall wren, and I bg oot to demand ‘me what i unwl 9, With thee words he would ave foght hin of beng ‘eds some evi shoal come ro imu ot ofthese things bt 6 Theending te mens shee “ent Heck” (om) 37 the other nari and i: "Bef gol hea, Gres and ee tier mp le ma ogg ha a tal you nor pet {eta re nightly from ee. For ey own pa “ion entre tase wi neko se fs been sen by ‘Fer wp youn he tm whoo dey, hing my coming, my we to wil one to het Saree dr tse nce nance On se wl oy terclthes tne by oe he aks hem ofan owl give You faesure ove her Bat hen she gos fom he chat teed tnd you ste teil het let you toed then she doer ot se You het teh he de te Ina, ens Gygs wataatew aid be mt seh Cane, when Be oe he Bou ete ha ame, ed ‘Grp tt hs teroom, a ead Hs ul, to, came ina (ater andy she came nad nd er cae, Gyge ewe ter When she went te bed se Gyger wa behind es he tipped out tte woran are hina ews gg though the thor She undesond then what hal been doy he ub ad though the waste tamed herbed ot or ton ae {uemtod;hovng in mind t ke onshment on Canales. Fr Shoog the Lyin and ded noe the gray ofthe rb iia ee crea man tobe ee ed on comin peat she Tie Sof that nese shed obi ba eld et pene But when the day dawned header sich of er hosel se Tans he tw ete nt yl rd set fr Oya. He pe Tecra hugh hes knowing ning of wat hd eppened and eon et sumone since he a teen won before too ‘Sine naendance whenever he een shuld eall has. AS Gps Sopesc the woman si his: “Gygs there ar wo fade Be Bi our ac ge you your cewek you wl uae. Ether you iCal and ake me athe kinphip ofthe Lins fst olf de aghay 2 you ae, ha You may me By cane, coy Candle cre nd ok on tae you ca forearm th ETERS ie lil Fr he Gyn amma wth hah toluene secniy of srk» chote But he ido pee Sade heron ow tht mecaty ly iy be i: et # (uaa) ul is master or hse be ill by others. So he chose hit owe survival. Then he spoke t her and asked her fre “Since Joe force me til my master all uvling lec me hen fee what way we shall tack i.” She anocred ands “The wach, ‘on him shal be made fom dhe seaune place whence be showed feo jounated awh eerie at you sal ack "2. So they prepared their plot, andy as night came on—for ‘here wa no ging lack for Gygs, nor any iSdance of che matter tut thae cher hans o Candas must diehe followel the ‘woman into he bedroom, She gave hie 3 dagger and hid him be hind the very door. And ater that, as Candles was taking hin et, Grae Slipped out and Klled him, and ot wos that he. Cys, thd the wife and the Kinphip of Lin, Athiocas of Pass, sho live a the sme cine, made mention of him in poet of ambhe 1, He had inde, the kingship, and it was stengthened by a ‘ace rom Deigi. Fr when the Lydans made» pres todo stout what had happened to Candaules and were in ats about ie the conspirators who were with Gyges came toa ageement with he est of the Lyians that the oracle should proclaum hi king of ‘Ly, he should indeed be bing if shouldnt, he should eed tack the power othe Herds The orale gave i rower ands Gras gained his kinship. Behe mach the Pthasi tha the eoci sald yet have vengeance on a descendant of Ges in the ft generation, Bu of hs word nether the Lyons noe thet ngs mae any acount until wa ule "4. Thus it was thatthe Mermnads pind the sovereignty and dspoiled the Herald, and Gye, when he bec Linge Aelia offerings ro Delhi and not afew a tat. For fall the letications of sve, che most of them in Delp are hist an par fom the alver he dalcsted a vat desl of gol nclating whe ‘most worth remembering, sx golden bows, Thee son inthe se ‘ote houte ofthe Gorsthian and weigh thie talent” Though, ‘ely spoken, (not che Weare howe ofthe coral ofthe (Corinthians but hat of Cyesels, the sn of Eaton, Ths Ces was 7. fara deus of Gre wg menue eh de tach tte tc (ue) xo ‘he fia ofthe brbrians of whom we know who deicated object, fat Delphi—the Ere, that er Midas, the son of Oda, king of Phrygia. For Mes, too, dedicate his royal done on which heat and gave judgnent, and his iadeal is a marvel to ee. The done ‘ands where Gye ota This old and the silver that Gps

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