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6 29-2

10.burn 8%

both palm buttok.palm. top of toe rt. thign 1/3-- #

12. burn 10 % 1)genital with upper arm

4.Rule of nines --- .

40% anterior low limb ** ..

1. : 8% . rule of palm
rule of nine , palm ..
?? ..
1) 2) (?)
3) 4 4) 8 #

5.burn 54 %

28. % 41.5%
1)both leg and anterior upper arm

1.The nurse is beginning IV resuscitation therapy for a client weighing 85Kg(187 lb)
with visible second- and third- degree burns covering 40percent of client's body.
Using the Parkland formula, enter the amount of fluid in litters needed during the
first 8 hours of IV therapy. (Answer using 1 decimal place.)
# 4X85X40 =13600 /2 = 6800


7. forearm themogenic burn first ?

1)Ice apply 2)
3) clean guaze 4)silvadin oint apply
thermal burn- caused by exposuere to flames. hot liquids. steam. hot objects.

hoy liquid burn ? running cold water cleaning

18. 8 2 assign new patient

1)2 chicken pox 2) 4 asthma# 3) 10 MRSA 4) 9 acute diarrhea

25. 3 ER . ?1)genital 2)abuse #

42. 5 buttock . bath . ?

- 1 -
abuse .#
buttock ?...

29.2 both hand and wrist grobal ,, thikeened? (second

burn: ..^^) ?1)
social worker refer , 2) evening shift , 3)
wound minimer ,4) care
remain with child to decrease seperation ane anxiety

admission assess
. ?
1) 2) #

6. 3yr son burned. Parents didnt want to voluntary history taking. nr?
1) abuse. Call to center . its nrs authority
2) if you dont give information, Ill do~ #
3) pts sx is priority. Take care pt. 4) just vital sign checking.

25. 3 ER . ?1)genital 2)abuse #

9. trunk femur 2 36 . plan?

11) acute pain# 2) social isolation 3) body image 4)

infection hypovolemia# hypothermia pain

burn ? 1)Body image 2) social isolation#

flluid volume deficit. decreased cardiac output. ineffective breathing pattern.
acute and chronic pain

59. 2 burn , chest(trunk?) burn ?

acute pain # body image isolation

35. 2, ~~~.. ?
~~, coping skill.

24. 3 . care ?
pain hypovolemia# infection hypoglycemia

31. first degree sore nursing 1) wet dressing # 2) anti

- 2 -
##change position

50.2 burn . ? body imagine

7. burn trunk , extrimeties 24 ? 1) body image

48. 3 burn care ?(multi)

32.burn 1 . ? 1)pain. 2)isolation. 3) body image

1)cardiovascular : respiratory system and sepsis : isolation
2)neurologic : calories and fluid intake
3)immunology : hand washing. 4)musculo skeletal immobility and ROM exercise.
meticulos hand washing. aseptic technique. preventing acquired hospital infection
: free from infecion. visitors should not come into direct contact. protective clothing.
(gown. glove. mask. wear shoes cover )

32k. thicken burn I can barely look at

my spouse. my spouse will not share my same face. ?
2) it will upset that you reaction will be expected#
3) that is too bad and

*In persons over age 2, common symptoms are

high fever, headache, stiff neck.
These symptoms can develop over several hours, or they may take 1 to 2 days.

*Other symptoms can include

nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light,confusion,sleepiness.

*In advanced disease,

bruises develop under the skin and spread quickly.

*In newborns and infants, the typical symptoms of

fever, headache, and neck stiffness may be hard to detect.
Other signs in babies might be
inactivity, irritability, vomiting, and poor feeding.
As the disease progresses, patients of any age can have seizures.

37. bacterial meningitis 12 . ?

1)24hr # 2)
3) 48
28. bacterial meningitis ? --multi choice
1) babinsky negative 2) cu...... reflex positive 3) restless 4) 5)

- 3 -
21. Bacterial meningitis precaution ?
1) visitor . 2) surgical mask ...

21. bacterial meningitis ? 30

25. bacterial meningitis () 1) 24

17. meningitis pt ?
1) 2) favorite book # 3)

13. meningitis pt care ? multi

Darked room #
v/s check .#
pain .#
supine position apply

1. Vehicle accident ( )?
1) pamphlet 2) -
3) peer group video .#

25. prevent injury

side rail # restraint

29. infant ?
1. 6cm ( 6cm) 2. #...

2. child bicycle safety teaching ?

1) . 2) .#
3) . age . ?
1) 2) .#
3) (light color) .

19.3 (motor) vik ? placed bright flag. traffic lights

reinforced learning. consistency. traffic officer signal

6. ?
1)Heater setting 138F .
2) Key .

- 4 -
3)Crib mist tent lowest place .# 4)car seat in front of seats rear lie

~~ children safety ? 1) special locker

2) 130F 3) mattress lowest #

36. , ? ##
112.. . scalp

infant safety? 1) Bullet locking case 2)clib-lowest# 3)130F (hot


2. 1

2) prone position .
3) bottle .

- 6 ..#

2. ? -

1. safety high risk, priority?

2months-parents smoking .
19months - fresh apricot & grape ##
10years - bike traffic same direction
11years - belt cross lap belt

24. risk- 1)2M home 2)19M #

4. 7month priority hazard?

1) # 2)
3) living room
4) living room pillow over

bathing . (10month?) . Concern ? Chair

5. 18 ?
1) label . 2) .
3) (almost ) .

10. ?
1) ipecac syrup keep .#2) drink .

22. child medication . ?

- 5 -
1) #. 2)
3)8 .

. ? 1) 2) 3)child proof case

stored out of reach. high shelf. locked cabinet.
poison not stored at home. used container :discarded. prepare telephone no.
prepared ipecac syrup: two doses. medicine labeled in child proof container.
and stored out of reach. smoking away from child

14. poisoning conference ?

if pt poisoned, must give Ipecac syrup immediately #

( ?)

Ipecac is used in the emergency treatment of certain kinds of poisoning. It is used

to cause vomiting of the poison.

Only the syrup form of ipecac should be used. A bottle of ipecac labeled as being
Ipecac Fluidextract or Ipecac Tincture should not be used.

However, before using ipecac syrup, call a poison control center, your doctor

24. . accident poisoning ..

gas accident poisoning .(abonate moxide? )#
child proog container sufficient.
original container .#
Medication Storage: Store all medication and vitamins in a high, locked cabinet out
of children's reach. Keep medicine in the original labeled container
Always store harmful products in their original containers

8. safety ?(multi)

1) Ipecac syrup .
2) safety cap .

3) CO .#

4) .#

lie the person on their side with a cushion behind their back and their upper leg
slightly forward, so they don't fall on their face or roll backwards

Don't give syrup of ipecac or do anything to induce vomiting.

16. poisining? SATA

- 6 -
Epica syrupe for .
original bottle . #


1) .

2) .

3) child proof .

4) .

27. . require follow up?( .)

? child proof container .#
, .

5. 15 "" (SATA) #
1) ( ) .
2) (balloon) .( )
3) .
4) . #

6. 18ms ?
1) . 2) poison .
3) .# 4) warm water heater 60 .

Infane safety correct?

1) table food heaten food posterior of hand .
2) ??chip . ## food ..

7. 5ms sun screen ?

1) 5 sun screen lotion . 2) 30 .
3) . 4) 6ms #

8. 4 ? 1) .

9. 2 ? 1) .# 2) .

18. injury risk ?

1) macular degeneration toddler #

- 7 -
2) 3 ~story house( ~ )

3.3 safe.. correct?

1)(.....) (3
) 2)....bleeding.. #

safety correct?
1) table (on the table) seat belt(?)
2) child-proof

11. 2 party ER . lower lung upper

wheezing sound nurse ?
1) ? 2) peanut ?#

12. school age teaching ?

1) Roller skate . 2)
. 4) ()#

33. school age ?

dental care& oral hygiene

24. 8 safty first assess? 1)

2)no helmet 3) 4)

13. , ?
1) light 2) facing oncoming car.

10. car seat

toddler convertible? #
toddler behind underneath pad
school age who must sit in front seat air bag .
Comfort is the most important aspect of the seat pad. Try prodding and poking
various seat pads, and imagine yourself riding in the seat

11.Children .
schooler should be seated at the front, with
Toddler: seatbelt should be snuggly fitted over thigh#

- 8 -
( ) seat pad .

14. Car seat, ?

seat ,
convertible seat good for
snugly across thigh of toddler in boost seat
school age who must sit in front of the car, air bag as back as possible.#.
Once your baby outgrows its infant seat, you'll need a convertible car seat as they

2. . newborn baby car seat (Multi)

5point 2point ~

# Adjustable Seat Belt Car Truck Lap Belt Universal 2 Point Safety Travel Black

2 rear facing

avoid #

19.3 (motor) vehicle ?

placed bright frag. traffic bright clothes. traffic officer signals

20. 7yr old childs mom has learned safety.f/u?

1) my sos will ride skate board with same direction of car
2) my son car back seat
3) my son dont need any device to ride bicycle.# age ?
1) ..
2) #
3) light .

22.pre-school age bicycle . Safety? 1) .

13. 3 car seat . ? rear back seat

14. 27lbs ? face back seat

- 9 -
When combined with safety belts, air bags protect adults and teens from injury
during a collision. They have saved lives and prevented many serious injuries. But
infants and children can be injured or even killed if they are riding in the front
passenger seat when an air bag opens.

Air bags were designed with adults in mind: They need to open at up to 200 miles
per hour to protect an average-sized, 165-pound (75-kilogram) male from injury.
While this force is appropriate for adults and bigger kids, it can be dangerous for
smaller passengers, possibly resulting in head and neck injuries.

9. 2 days old Car seat(sata)

1)Rear-facing car seat #
2)Harness ? ( ) baby's neck
3)my fist Harness shoulder
4)5) Harness 2 finger #
#A child car seat harness should fit snuggly across your child's body, with space for
two fingers between the harness and the child.
#Dont place anything beneath the child car seat to protect your car seats (a
blanket, for example

31. 8 week infant safety, correct?

rear facing & air bag
lowest mattress in crib / crawl mattress ( #
water heater 130F

28. New born car seat

1)rear facing for new born, blanket .
2)convertible rear facing & forward Toddler
3)Booster preschooler , seat belt shoulder & lap
4) , air bag .#

90.Use of reg. seat belt: child can peek at window

14.24 seat belt ?

1)5 grocery store seat belt #
2) (should)

50. safety concern ?

1) boot seat and wearacross the hip#
2) skate board vehicle direction

- 10 -
14. toddler
1) above shoulder
2) drowning

7. A 4 year old child is for discharge. What is the suitable car seat to this child?
a.rear facing seatm b.front facing car seat
c.booster seat with car seat belt # d.back seat

school age , airbag

Lap sheet? slugly tight #

Newborn 30 - 50 120 - 160 50 - 70 2 - 3 (lb- 4.5 - 7 )

Infant (1-12 months) 20 - 30 80 - 140 70 - 100 4 - 10 (lb- 9 - 22 )
Toddler (1-3 yrs.) 20 - 30 80 - 130 80 - 110 10 - 14 (lb- 22 - 31)
Preschooler (3-5 yrs.) 20 - 30 80 - 120 80 - 110 14 - 18 (lb-31 - 40)
School Age (6-12 yrs.) 20 - 30 70 - 110 80 - 120 20 - 42 (lb 41 - 92 )
Adolescent (13+ yrs.) 12 - 20 55 - 105 110 - 120 >50 >110

19.4 baby care? 1) backseat forward seat . 2) 4

. 3) stuffed . 4) blanket

? 8weeks infant safety ? (1) air bag rear facing

(2) crawl mattress ( )# (3) 130

25.9 ?
1) car seat 2) walker .
3)5point convertible car seat belt apply#

10. 5 car seat ? #1~5 5 point harness

2)5point #
3)rear seat ( ,,)

3. infant ?
crib pad

9. Child safe ?()

- 11 -
1)13 .
2)School aged .
3) Infant Prone position .#

1. toddler safety ?
1) toddler red light . 2) briefcase .
3) labeling .
4) water heater 120f .#

22. child safety ? ()

infant slat 4cm . #
infant water heater 120F setting.
4 back seat & rear facing . *

3year safety ? 1) 120F# 2) childproof


injuried high risk?1) 45 ,

2)hallway smoke alarm ,3)3-ponged cane .#

23. toddler safety

1) toddler red light 2) 150F
3) . ( )
4) 2feet .

4.safty conference ? 1)30LB rear facing car seat

2) locked carbinet 3) 3feet

2.4, 6 ?(
I have 50C hot tube.
I have electric stove in the garden beside kichen.#

Preschooler safety ? 1)fireplace ?? .

should fire alarm. immediately escape essential. all matches is stored safety.

soft ?
supervise. #

- 12 -
21.10month baby . f/u
Door only buttom under stair : (?)#
Cabinet lock only on the cabinet on the hezard metalier :
lock (?)
Fire alarm 3 step in house

17. ?
( )
light .
side rail all .

5. ?
. #
.confusion side rail ...

11. conference . ?

1) .#
#within reach crutch .walker.

8. safety ?
wandering agitation .#
safety need only inpatient and discharge.

10.safty ?
1)combustive garage . 2)smoke detect kitchen hall way

6. ?
1) .2) 3) (?) .

7. safety concern?
1) ? 43(109.4F) .
2) ? 2.5Cm(1inch) .
3) 2 5Cm(2inch) .#
4) .

- 13 -
safety child- preschooler concern?
2) #
3) tricycle on the road /?

62. please choose incorrect one about the safety?

1)set up smoke detector at the hallway 2) fix water &heater temperature at 130 F#

17. ? 1)crib slate 2 #. 2)


11. 1inch. ? pillow.

15. 3
nurse ?
1) 2) .

3 electronic open door garbage

. ? . Delay

25.Cardiac monitor follow up ?

extend ^^ care environment?

1)fasten a wrench of halo traction of cervical injury ##
2) 5

28. ?
1) top 3) bleach poison
2) 8 #

8. Infant care(multi)
back rear facing #
bed place .
circumcision infant tip penis redness swelling
spoon bathing cord 2-3 times
pseudimens(vaginal discharge)#
infant 4

21. safety ? nipple electrode

721. ?
1) phototherapy warm blanket

- 14 -
2) infusion pump alarm line manual #

10. ?
1) bed2)Impusin pump #3)NG tube suction

23. ? 1)undressed baby lying under photography

2) .#

36. ..preschooler ?
1. microwave .()

64. safety? 1) 2 0.45% IV site 4 2) oxymetry

3) pertusis 4) mist tent stuffy toy

28. COPD O2 ?
1) O2 microwave 2) O2

11. safty ? 1) 2)
3) flashlight 4) , in the hall out toilet

11. ? 1)CVA .

safty ?
1) baby seat ,2)

1) infant infant seat
2) 3) 4)

11.child walking walker

No. It is generally believed that infant walkers don't help your kids learn to walk
sooner than if they didn't use a walker. In fact, one study, Effects of baby walkers
on motor and mental development in human infants, concluded that
'walker-experienced infants sat, crawled, and walked later than no-walker controls,
and they scored lower on Bayley scales of mental and motor development.'

Another study, Infant walkers: developmental tool or inherent danger, found that
'the use of the infant walker did not influence the onset of independent walking.'

So while it is maybe not clear on whether or not using a mobile infant walker will

- 15 -
delay the time that your child learns to walk, there have been no studies showing
that it will help you child walk sooner than if you didn't use one.

Are infant walkers safe?

As the statistics from the AAP show, many infants are injured when they use a
mobile infant walker.

Injuries include:

falls, especially down stairs

pinch injuries to fingers and toes
Most of these injuries aren't because the walker itself is dangerous, but only that
it makes your child more mobile, which can cause injuries if your house isn't well
childproofed. Afterall, your infant isn't going to get burned or poisoned by the
walker. Instead, using a walker, he can get to and knock over a hot cup of coffee,
pull something off of the stove, get too close to a fireplace or grab something
poisonous out of a cabinet

6. safety ?
1) 3 cane
2) smoke detector hallway
3) #

25. ?
1)1 month 2) 3)31Lb

28.safty? 1)30L real face 2)MD pt rubber sole avoid 3) rub rug#

34.4 safety?
1. toy .##
2.9 . 3.2 .

21. Safety of children. Concern. Multi? 5 choices

Place the medicine in the back of the shelf on top of the refregator #
Place the handle of the pot facing the out #

Have children wear helmet when outside

Have children swim in the pool while working in the garden. (?#)

- 16 -
11. 3 : (m)
1)Place bumper guard along the side of the crib
2)Can place the baby in prone position when baby is awake and when mom is

47. . newborn baby car seat (Multi)

5point 2point convertible seat apply

Lap sheet? slugly tight

36. - .()
1) garage .
2) .
3) . #
4) .

33. home safety?

1) stove

13. (SATA)
public area personalized cloth .
TV 3 .
plastic bag floor unlocked .

34. ?
1) cord
2)fercility manager connection
3) two person
4) pulled out
(1)short. out of reach. 2)safety covers are used an any open outlets, 3) when not
used. unplugged.Any wires are stored out of reach)
Do not carry the electric device by the cable. Do not use the cable in order to
pull the plug out of the socket.

- 17 -
66. . ?
extended cord across .

? 1)Recappis 2)charge position side rail down 3) HBV vaccination#

4) THR 70 sitting

safe care? An drowing- side rail up

safety? 1)Needle recapping 2)AN 78 crawl Hx side rail

3) 16 pelvic Fx raction->HBS vaccine #

safe-f/u ? 1) Anti acid ASA 2) Lt weakness

holding cane Lt hand 3) dysphasia liquid food

7. ?
1) .

13. multi

get out of bath tube towel bar hold #= ..
shower water 120F(48.9) 40-42 ..
my spouse installed low-watt fre...( ) in the kicken=>
low-watt #

hot water 150F? 48?
low watt #
+ 120F(45.6) low watt 2

36. multi
rug .
40.5 .#
hot .



- 18 -

12. Nurse visit moderate Alzheimer pt. What should the nurse follow up? (mult.)
a. pot holder is facing front instead of back #
b. first step of the stair is different color then other steps#
c. There is throw lug on the bathroom floor
d. shower chair in the bathtub
e. there is hand bar in the bathroom#

35. .

throw rug#
staircase handril #

42. fall risk?

throw lug tube shower chair

4. conference ?(SATA)
1) #
2) #
3) edge ? ( )

40. Visual disturbance? Multi

1) color
2)throw rug #
3) #
4) sunglasses

47. fall highrisk? (multi)

walker # wrap-rounded sunglass
# HTN lol #

- 19 -
21. falls risk (SATA)
1)hearing loss#
2)visual loss#
4)chronic pancreatitis 5)?

13. fall down high risk multi

walker # HTN med # AD # depression #

30. fall high risk? .

1) walker #
2) wrap-rounded sunglass
3) . #
4) HTN () lol .#
5) Hypothyroidism synthyroid .
6) confuse#

9. ?? (multi)
1)uneven edge stairs#
2)dim light#
3)throw rug#
4)CVA pt confusion

10. fall down risk? SATA (,

visual impairment.#
urinary frequency#
hearing impairment.#
position change .#

45. (mulit)
1) #
2) id band #

- 1 -

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