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Courtney Lombardo

ELRC 2507- Summer 2017

July 2, 2017
Final Lesson Plan

Unit Plan Topic Habitats

Lesson Subject area The Tropical Rainforest- Science

Objectives 1.The students will identify key

characteristics and features of a tropical
2. The students will identify animals that
live in the tropical rainforest and evaluate
why they live in this environment.
3. The students will describe the
importance of the tropical rainforest and
discuss how they can be preserved.
Procedures 1. Introduction to topic- the teacher
will present information on
tropical rainforest using popplet
2. The teacher will explain the
directed browsing activity to the
students. (ex: The teacher would
say: Today you will be
researching tropical rainforest on
the computer. You will use links I
have provided you to gather
information and answer
3. After all students have completed
the directed browsing activity, the
students will take the information
they have gathered and create a
popplet of their own. The teacher
will use their popplet on habitats
to demonstrate to the students how
to create a poplet and what theirs
should look like.

Note: this lesson/ activities may

take several days to complete.
Teacher Technology Activity The teacher will introduce tropical
rainforest to the students by presenting
information through Popplet, an online
graphic organizer tool.
Student Created Technology Activity 1. The students will complete a
directed browsing activity to
gather more information about
tropical rainforest. The students
will use provided links to answer
meaningful questions about
tropical rainforest.
2. The students will then use the
information gathered from the
directed browsing activity to
create their own popplet on
tropical rainforest.
Materials needed 1. Popplet on habitats, specifically
tropical rainforests
2. Directed browsing activity-
students will be provided with
links and appropriate questions
3. Class computers or tablets

Evaluation Rubric Attached to weebly

Standards LS-E-C1 Identify the components of a

variety of habitats and describe how
organisms in those habitats depend on
each other (GLE 35)
2.LS4.1 - Make observations of plants and
animals to compare the diversity of life in
different habitats.
LS-E-C1- Describe features of some
animals that benefit them in their
environments (GLE 32)
SE-E-A3 Describe a variety of activities
related to preserving the environment
(GLE 48)

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