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=e Epil deal = ple Ya fo Cc Obra Soa AL l MS! OP eu fof f f Ss 3 4 ‘s posne wy) j KeaP BOSE | ASU dal 1 Rod L doh bed Bail! me Beh ce bi aba Wes, geokie dey 9 MALI OS Nay jg Geltil LE Re Mai bee pl gl ONAL ge 25S ai] c G5. Kialla 8h to Uhl alge PLY A wae y « Prep OVC Jo dha, Dales Ab adil il nts eka SIM bl yay oe Vile Bb Soke Wl cya! gl — ch jt — gid ei ol ae) bl ge al gl OF lel jl eh SEM 3 ad Mg ge SV cya Lb Ue aghstas Y aff ala plo bl — J ge lb § — © Jal ow lal GB Nese Date y te je oC alll Mo BY oe ok we gin ol wel pF UL ge ak pala pyh, Mali Gp aby etely @ gdoga Iya 6 tes Soe fade Potts Lyert gem MELB! yaly «AOS go aT 25 abl gt ol Ab eT OAM Jb ead gt IL ge Cy ol — aaah ole Ch ok a Shall pled py J8y 6 Ble Garis BF AY «HAD ye Og Ll Ge ypelall KAI od Yost 3B IER ga 28 ge Lely geo daw e238 erg Mast E, Bréhier, L'tist. de Ie Philosopiie Voi-1 pa (1) ee Le hE Sy 6 dl gl este Gtclh fll Glade gat Uk eg (1D Pl enale Ofc Gad tude Ril y pall etal pty yeas A.C. Crombie ol te Aepariment LF 4 yan Uy ¢ 3506 Jal pas yaote GY Ugh Ll Olale Ba HAE past Soe —uihieoe Se AE a8 oy rhiclh CA gall Ly slo eel GL SMah gf Jp 1 esha Add Te aye» Pak oMja Lead dy 1a %y galll ety dll Fe ol KE OIG Jor als ite asd Je pegs eizad lay yA Hoang fll lsh toe Leite Je 32h eally Le ob ye Beal oe bt Fal aaa AM ely os pre tl Nl olan dh gen hoe dake gly BS tiki Giles gly e JS ye Seedlal Ubde BM agcbl UF sos ol We AT yz Li ae gS ae Meal aa lye GA J a bl OF cA alll Gyula Ue do cabal Jo Pa a IS ps Ko Mali po saslet fe satel Cooke AB ITE. RL oly ages gay ME Lola ti T Jo talssT c oLaaal Woe Ly o (pote of Tae gi Agape YI cred ete te cplead gle pt ll SIF ya lia AO sane Sek ge date GAS ye cell yay We fe Sage Foy Wea fa dole All dtc aeyay poalll ty Sle Je GbaT Lda gee arth e eel Ct Aether bay cid silly Don A Jo Blas el tle d OO CMF ge tle aby Le cpaten Ob pithy tangie gh — gall) Yo ale cbgin, Od gets gem diag ashttly ecards ayés ol tan (2tbly} yall Upaine ob A yiel gh legal bos por alia (Ul lle yoy djl (4) slog ota Gl Sadly t doly pile lye el gle nell Ue glad « da Hd Ales hel Jo (25 Maylly ¢ Oya diy gd Syl ca ye Ih els ar Se beng LILLE 6 pall PULL SUAS y ¢ fae y Sls (Lab GD ell ge Las J ters itm gag 6 flo alle My cling gale ge Lube coeled 6 oy 2” agate! Vee deel Ue Gaye ab go ppt he DD van ads ab Ugly isle pare ol A, Koyré, Trois Legons sur Descartes 1937 —p.9 & 24. (1) lp cer se Wats pS dey SM dy pl coy ttl athe joy) il teil ae tab chy Po tb GEE De jn y tie Slot eres te AW hege ye d Sg git phd Shey wake Je bat, GLa 2. lf Ried cults ple Coen bm (ye 6 jell Leng colder AI earths © Jee Bell QUEL Jo ola, Bly eal gl ols My ed Gat Ue Sh Cia ey Ad a5 Loy ¢ syaifl Jobe ‘epi Teal |p git LAL «had ie Jp aiay ¢ Habline wry ¢ babi ey, Ghd oh jae «Slay wey Ge eye label! a Aneta Yl tage ge SLEM JL WLS aod quagt — walle — andy Uo Jel oe 24 bye obpall de On polly Dpably lead Gala CICELY it ceill geo ye hed OVE T py oleate ge gee le ALN pole B gall ge A Mh ye Bt pee oe pat wlduse Ke Asiosio LES og dell y ai yell alas] 5 Jedd aL, aecdel qgall Lat Lhe Jie ol Gels ee SL Geb ; VROA 3S I de Blt aye STI 6 AW yaad tle ib ty chill ge ale wht ois | da (1) sed Gal tel y cll pend Ghali ¢ LASUAT pyat ot y] wlll ye Gala SY ys clit y Jit yo UL Cth gall y — pe lasae Galle yb y all] aie glial a l:Sl Le ge TEN ye lil — SE gl AUN dada!) dose cet oem tt Silda] eal 1S ah de aby ME pelell Old Je Oble odo AFT Lally « Mi ab d kta SUS (yt GUIS YL oda acy g $ Deke gl dogkll ge Whe OF tej fe ecelys olstel pats Sgt decll ya Lendl iki ofp aM te . - . et ages OF Uedill Ge gogo Galo dw (255 Waly eb bP x @ ge Leer eye COE Le AD e Gat ye CELS Ql eh wy I bee geo sky oN) dadell Gude ceed ab ola LS Ne Sie Gaal dyle dic Uyel, tanta oe cA lds yb de Cpe aly ela ves Tl Gut gh, Te hase col Jyatily Abbe Yl ele o iy flat Deeg Gilhs cyt sie by Fy Daw EUG Ul pleted b Gaba Leal os Gale @ A OL yale yal Mi Lylae Go sintl dagiad GN ETleny Gall ph pate Ay DMM egey ye JA Vy dele ye GAR 2 Be dyad gl Qo ode aby cya Vise JET ceili cake obo all poe geoph mf gale dali ge els Tally Sf Meceity GP ols lle Sle Y taal aielge df ecbaall Sol gh ley Fite Sh ge enalll Jo petal. a . oli, ia tose aeay y Gyr be vow ob Gels ob — ee Vy soul Jak Y call Soul paeay « AE Y ghelye gn laayes glee BM ALI AG yey Dll oe elt Gace Vg ¢ Genel ee 6 ME ete ppt ey 8h Gee, oe Or polall RSM yo WSC 5 gylll J CLE Wide Jeb ent fat oh sets od Steel — Aa J. Ayer T Slee YB 6 alge yd ged! Vy 2 LP pgdl tel aad” ya hs cre oed Role SUL tat ok BH Lod gh — gpclall Azhall ia) aye ee] dane 6 ELF SEN odes Le egy gH ia DUill plas Ne olatll, Na Y Jian LSS Seat Yy eset ade PF tay caged a yp all ode GY Cis We Os A. J. Ayer, Language, ‘Frath aed Logic tS y» (1) lle Ue Gall § Oy « (1964 gl ni) Sela cab ge yee — VY ge lel eel \ i —\Wwo Jas Pragmatism Joall —ill Nel 03 De Gi Ulin gts bly aL gh cis el LaaJly— hole ino gM adllobaie ol ol Uh Sy ct Shuill sbe ye ra Ue hei gee “ile ealeny dhl Joh LF dey camped i Olas inne bat gh ce Bea Saal ces ST Jose gon SF ya t WbLad of Lag gorge cid gb a tadlow be adil, be pogo kT | EL! IK, y FORE gt aher Q,05lih LYE agey ge Cant GI Lull ye piel 6 lergey Weds & yyalh pl iad At — jell Jo SL, — ALF LMM Nek lab Aad gel ell Wary « pial pe gE lad Dall honey 4 le pegs cya Ube td sling € dade be ye eggs be leeyiage Se y# ty Ly ty Rigi og lf hye FE go pale pede Sigh vga lei Saal 2 Ss8aS anag noo Hill Real pyet ge Gayeldl al dy Giyile In Defence of Philosophy, : diss of \4o+ ple oo GM. Comforth against Positivism and Pragmatism eb ge Sea Get aah ell plat ils (1) potable telnet oat Uy yy yal Gaball de sil gL estill Ga pee Lagly Spall OL LIL c S2k ul Sols 6 Tlaall tale dled ol ELI Je ABS patton ete UUs all Cale dye Uy duel syallal pat ot geactsl 8 G3 Vy « Gab Laden glen coef sleil © ate Gj Lda Jeuatt ll age y | yo Madey (pty ab an tte W. James, Pragmatiom : O15) — ay leg Foes be us hyd Hakeld inde a ll Sal si y VANE pla Sie Ay Sa ally Hpald | decel Go yar — yov ge Her de JAE Cl ye SoS! Jeet O25 (¥) Sie ge le oy Vea Ly 14 gly ey cy Qed a ot EE (1) 2 eS Ma fee —\te © gt oral Sal gel at Vb SF dell Sone Silat ya Wyaedely cy ell otaxel J De ail pads ais ol eres Me lsat ANG lela 30 Gd Seat Wa oly Gey Pasian rete eK he lel cay OBO 3 € 9 Uy opid Wr Gd creel BLUME cy Gh oseey els GR gl II Sf EXAMI gee gio of CIB ok ot deli gaye clei Ul, J io BUF Fae Ae py NG — Lat ol ad bby Lak 4» GF Elass ey Oe elas] ghey & 5290 LL ayy WI Git Sel ly tall Jae / Rist | tea oy, WB Lie og Sint, Vit SOT) «A pal gall Js8 Ms « cage IIS AMS SLL Se oye peal Sa! slyiel prtclic eye pte! este oe Ly 6 Engecoyll ST Li ger Vaal Lin wptlall galt KTH Jpdes do Ll od $ ledt agey ge ole be EM + tyr le Bob Dd yh be Ln tay aye Vy e cy lal! eis 2 ey Vie FalaM yl Glad p caploliad Jats Lali OM cde g 2 yey leis yt cls 1S Cagliell Azo Sood! gee oy Bjlea i Ind ey les of hae gy lies $4 conse ile Guin: oor ale TTS bem 4 go IS Ayer Ty OLS LLalll g» Ge y lll pial dailenai gill ise petll Lregll ere By See SH Llib Jglaz tcl ule w. ages Q) shin Olge ck Wes ye boty by on Go jbl f Ve — vas vA Boe vaoy le sie ¢ 3 alall dale GhYl WT Ue ¢ JAW ab = bode Lg Py Ge Hee Os © CLS Na of Bao oi Me gy bn ye 2 Of Sayall (¥) 6 rab. pao Jes ‘4 Nae dg Dee ee Sante VAST Oy ab M Bill Syti y Jill oa eel a rattan HE VS 6 oii se ge let ill git s sheth Ue Hoke Halll done gil plal | 1 Rall fis i yey 0] ge Crees yay taylan be ot Neh Sea EEN ge ey Riko om GPL Ih fo ual bond Rede ond CBN bah D ge otk JL Mo WIN, « exist Jal . . € ged tot Via fo lady ¢ Shat cal ceils Mall! “5 oy weal wptlag Cults okde ef ytd FT Yay cJtbly eit Mh eee Ul ie ye Waly Me Rll peed \agdel BSF ZV lastly (Uta Code ce tp Ion BT Jotades esa let \ | —\to gf sped time BUtaE ey toll cde ye tinge JS ba i t i ( | | | | | | cTgege Beh We sida GLTy a tegcey pKa gh pat lp «Reh b ipa eh Dheke ge Shag WDM ye pe (GY GU ILI Lastly Kosh nee pbs isa pity Sige aye? ay fie Lideys ele gal VLE pe Olathe gg Fells stall, ee gta Ua go leggy Jalal! bide a) Agta Mt at ae aw! fe yo July pe ius dealers aptSH alt tpLesel HH —\e- Sah Wah clekal alge bagi FAI Foss att ty, ere KG pol alas Miyyie etn dale Ue bse leah ope bal dyad ya Joab IT Gf Chgeat GT Mia ce WIT, 6 ide Lela d eet Z oe le Caen gE) dak jolene yo deyane Catal yh Be HENS ald le eM Ul joball BATU bly 6 ae yye + ASN He I ell dy GUE Jue Jel Gee Sa Lal gy Soe Sle ol — balel gl Lis go — "5g Ralys se tg WSs LT IT Uae BI fe Salo oie! ylan of A8i CAT olde go GS SL BT yas 5 of desl! ob 5:2 g0 ee BS Vy 6 SSL ye a febe Je Bg eal Kol ald 65) Ao Xa « gh 5 ID fill Otel shee] 1 Coll Soll ie beg ge Ssltt SCH ye alaley [ty liegoge a del Wo jbl J Claale gh Clee oS oh Jaat Le ne OF gue « Jesaiel cos Ste! 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(CG) - vay opal lal dele = tee ueutl 1% ozs Caw of Leh ei! var lt iS Je JM peal a Vf debit oy L TAN Rech doy GME ~ 119 bel poe lo ily Ua Salell Lott Tr sgrall pedh Salle nq sheds ual ay lL ls OIL TNA FASE fo al tle — V8 coll all — Wve lll Cut AAR shee VAG cab VAY ot Ee ale Gl fecal * Seat yl ee ech dey LISS] tiles U0 sa & Se tae Gy yg Gaal Las pital feet Gag Sieh & Medio — 40 Fol Laka Fant sl Stage — yay ot C(O) = 144 Rael toast : e 7 Bt ols a Apidae as yl FN CIT (eerty ouikp un) C24 Ce) ite bintly Hed GIT ye cod ort gol eT ys a il TEs Gal Ball ol ge — ye Re, Kala ll 4 yi ub) fl-Ve LOST si . cst Sal nee Cr) va ges all otlas Gate — Rall G pall ol je igsl ” VUE e355 an gssley ge ot Be (1) sh Beh gd as gt ltl se, MM ey yg taglll oy ULL NAH aya US day We poll! tas I IG] rata Halal uN Ge yy deg atte dhe - 1 yy web ay bi dl Nt bed gts ST a all 3 Sh Ol Jue wV¥e Ball B55 Sle JsNI fea Slt WS of - Hee rey I cake T= rev del Vee gel GILT yay yen yedll dal § ay rev rN ESI , Leal _ male a etl unl gall Bl oot gael alll sy ereyies ISD 3) calli - rye fe) dp vas Ball oy gaalll Bie — YAe Bll oe oat Yay sles — rat (le sean YAK Bi gall ze Bll gate holst lela Sy j Noone qh abl be 5 Js Jil o wT ti aradll= rea Sey Gtt slr at, BE ot he pay TVA sales — peg SENS A yee lil baal nw . GAL ley = GL) sL(h) Br eit 2.85 oe psgh BA ree gt eaten riv shy ght a TTS (Ailey sine Ce) = rea jeal gly Ct) = rra dlery! Ua — ry gaint Ly BM CT) rye WL) oigtll — ppg Cilsll Gils Lod slovt Fad Nhe Cm) rey eat AS Caill Gs bebe (0) eS pe fone TYE Gilley GLIY! Ws (3) — rye rey el de (Cp) ee SU 5 epg Cmte Vl tie ghill Fell erg ree poyl Bm ry busi te glad ay ts GEM ¥ to gout te Gell — YSy abel ge + Yee sale yes shal Jl VT) : Ral) geet Oe poy lwhbes ET deb C1 Ved calli nde — oA Jil Saab 2 es seall Cy Ja rev dant BU Cae Ch) oq’ cessed ail oT azul etl (y): yea Ml Ca Ve HUNG Co) pe cox 2 TU nas de de () oF galt ast 6 1) hits od Sop rie ce hye NG Seanad ll te Mle — PY 4 cE olin = TNE SEY eG ned SEY de dhe — YT ett, See 8 Gig ot Fok ey TPAN soles — FAY EAU Tella y yyq aula ALL . < ell baal AA JL ey — SLI TAA JIE) — rar ntl ee SAL Salty TAA Zo 5.3 ,lhy 351M: JIA! ab ely eae inks yk vay py! GBS Lo rave Stil il ye vat SLE) 65% miter quill Ab se (UY) = WAM elle! Mle se py = van esl steve pun Sua de Cw) = ben EI gow gal ole bh coy Ge TOU bt & Weald = bye ilegyl alll = 008 gecbll alll = toy JEM ait wtyt ples tert ell oll evs Jp dey) 4aLll ety th alll See dahl fell aay iby Ll Sle Ble — eye Gites db tall oe Be Lie ena Boe yl Gell de . te gale — £Y¥ Robey wld) Seth eat” arr (35H fe fil ell — 40 geil ue dt ils gay — OY WL, ASI Te 3 ty4 opel we re ey Pe yl Gd pS de pow oe) led ate. 2 EY gale ES (jaa wey £ta ts yall — foe Ibyedl Byall-gee— £14 sagt s Gye padi — foe salley bal Sree Lee ubel Syed alan = teh EMT pplean = fhe Guat ge Beal ody ihe y geal ENO cee aoe vec eee cee dilly ality wlaleall in db pm BWW! ane cena, 988! BHO Oe ce ee pel ath SUE GAY cee cee tee eee ce rally call chu ene Slt th ae ave et vee oe + e795 Al 6 ELV lial GLAU lise SGe Jb Sept (dee gna gle foes 96 Carell ia act ee SOI gdh iF — pt bah yah sl OT ae ge — : dhad ya I gl Ne eaal eli 6.8) gall oha elle Ske, rey + SHH sell Jy § = Me JF — olan ia as a) + wollen dhe Basti ge Se yall edad ay — Gal pele ae gy RM GUEST Us | A ee N se Sil ale Spe Sp CLall & Mp- pst lente J] Ube pchel SS sy5 Ged Helens ¢ oA ne date rll ols WIGS 13) pane Be dP OY oe StS 4 fe : 6 git ce Soll oo Ge TL, heed ole el EST peo Get yay Sel eA de et ted USL ones fs FW Ale al ole (os) Hib dh A (us yet GN ST oye Ms Jey ole! nin fubisels ¢ Geet 3 itt de 1 ass ol ogo OMT OST G Tp) Sle BE! yl gle Uda Jey — Ue Pyrtho Ss 2g Bak ge ola fled + SUT alall go ythaporas yey sti Jp35 OF yp Va luce ¢ by So U3] ¢ gaStl bel Sse} old ale B-¥ JE LYE oat! GES! y Bode Wj35 — a OIL! hm eB ull s bee als op. cit J 4p Bi gale! Goa B eetall Clndaall je lady Ler labey ff: J 4 h Vn UI a. leegies SIS aaunla] daulal die : dsl jad aalal bond gee 1 SL pail athe! _ ft Vaca Yle jaula)l cle seis tcLe say coke PAU Gc gol IY oll Ailscalgraa chat tlh sles aids lanol SW og hs Sse oels Moa SY el “pre esl J Stat! | latal, Masta clas asad Usk: decd Glia tales asly sleaBl syer ate — Wilby \egiegey Leb ly fet Coles ge cuted Jt fail (> jay opellly CU ye Lect ell date’ cl cg ilcondl es 8 Nese dialdll comke ge Ul Bel Le Gal jas hy ells BM ogo MA I \'A ~ gate qpelttin ANN congo! Ka hale Medal eu 5 etal get ob gnu SiN pe i ge ony EIN led alagiely Nd JSGai Vice Syed GAS! ye ede 5 gl Revo! HAN Up feo; Ble Galil lel Jb CASE pall cya lehldsed KEY Mee GLYN tide Mies Gf « UAL pe — pALM cand ¢ GLedYl Hidie pull de ase! wy US Hf Maoh by fob 5 3b ll OleiD! Tui Gaye — baths wes Fa gad Healy Joling pling leer! ox See eter ce bt! . ——— Carnap, Logical Syntax of Languag. P- 280 (1) ake case ge polis JL CASH ode Jal a ton, 6B LenS Jo ul Ui pth, go ada lad Mel Jo Uy « poling LF oye bubs OLA a0 pill de Uly «chip AC) Ob ay Sage dIY SIN oil Fey elagey loberdy gel, ile Shel ange d Saad oA KELL Lal, slabs GLIYI Gh, behaviorism t Lely 6 LIYE Jae jgotttt Ci gh ge GASH Jp cileitl! ole ; 1S po a alee pad byl pall jo lage ol perl gl alesi™h a pry AWA G22 WH, « ety dlls J Jour gh 41M je Yl ; SPe okie ya de ST ood gh All lad de cau) SLIY Azelf CB jin gb Feast (Bal cdo eas gh lal p of ue Sy ATH cl shea ly cieK Ol olde GlIY ge ld Low gl ob Ldl cy bez 1A) Ging — Uagety Uta pe — bey Uy « sts ALL, Elie Sy pty Capra Fel By Watery «lay pats OF Olai Yl deg lepulleds 9 of an ot eatigee sl sole op es 6 KS oui heey Cpls ign Dal Jp olall he SMT bas LIQ tag Bly be Sa Glelye WN elys Bab adol eo : OC wp ek oe ae a shiny © GOS athe Bo patti tiple gh tinge Gro O) $ Aachen pot OS ed CH Ee eee sies . leds dedy olga ode Van et Sil tie Gy Sy 6 dranliog bs Gb ely gyi ta ky Osh Mw path keh « ie ks io gf Leds bs vs * ae r . oe pal gsbill Ley Mee Urabl ANA foot de ol . AGIAN acel go gyocerd Ghali a WR ! Pgh ' op ad Vogt elall Of SS Ue ce $ SK iMe ge LN Spy tl — tt Bing pb pil fell Lolo gan 6 Seal sells oz fash Sal se tide gl gli Wigde od Gd Ulal oe ah bal dlp Aya’ Gh egal Le dMl fp ihader shar eyes Vn ll ageteg « 28d get gf tua SE sel ge JSS Jul heey ge 4 aio: (A807 ple Gl} polos Babb dead dbL jt Ma Tall ee ded BS Veh GLa ters 22 Sell gpdegh Syl ie e - ee tet aul ee Jal poh seas 6 4 Os OC Vy FAY c np el Y agers sate ah KE Un gut oyge Sl an YS i. ATS pha yp ole oT A tal oy gue at BE ooh jo bul ist dol ow Ect Gell por : ‘ peel PMU rere PELE epetteeen cgdll ue J BU oie Adee hae hast dbl Js ull los & & yates Jp Gi. — el peo bel oh — aes ey thal y am oe C.E.B. Joad, Relure, to Philosophy, Pe 17e-180, 5 Ct) Weloberg, JR. AB Eveminaiton of Logicel Pacitiviem, p. 184 ol (i) a t¥ faye tlel leat GY Ub age dees 3° Sy cep lft erges sais ors, V9 CHL aL gly iil bd rd ine ret Ce abl gd HLS YL ALT a de — & eo ge oF oly eA Ge pA Lp oats Mea lal iil ede el ani ola! oF SLI YL a gatas Lele Mp Cahbey cag eam eae Fs ctelo & 6 fb hl go igh Ni OL conde COLI pyee? Bat” © teal Kye ego (=. CBlay dang at OWI aLAY Gulls fas VEU AT ches gold LAK Mole goad 1 SLI OS 5s A epee Nata Ye lll | de cot «eal ilp Vr dl Mb Seed oi se ths ha C8 oleh Bb rpt otf a Ved c go ft Y bd Al feet of, eB lpi ob pg — Dynal ax li — Wel ped £ ee Ai hus p55 Base gio jal eles Moline 3 Go all OFF ge pol pai aagele gh opgh Chey (Ste) CLIP Gas go fish Gl Jdkall 5 # ell Me cB ggom alte ol BU ge Wo nb glatom gh acnuch ol hall let ol ds Wyatpet eacl Gei ) adia Hat lel abs Glas eed 23 J ay Cyde — eal gt of tne (im betoslsol, — gli! sf cf LAP VAL! pl cA Uy £ Jet ergo oll gece ade Gli ge ee egllsto: gl cepts lapge gh uli Sagb 2 HaesLiTh lal 8 6 Uyseoltay pall rob Y SLIM apseten STE 2s Ten age aL ML 5%5y 63 pol Se sath logeliog pall ode Gs sb ge ee dL —ta— wal palit ath ol Saal le eal Say tia lobia tide go bel iih ap el gf lg fe Bag Ste La avy Use ea whe Stale orl dy payee Jabal ey Sie VA Fs thept opp ag da ll SAY pte anes + iy oll Doe aie cal GLI ge Bale oe th! pos Legh dgtia ¢ Giyeke ila + aa dagihe pet IE (lige bajo ) Balad AAD ypc oth Fs apa! aces cell pes Mie whl Aap ygel Vi ile I aged € \geadk fi4s deeded al edi gal Gb Spall etl ox aged) Uagh o,f fs eS, pele Take Mpa ame psbte SP UsT ghey « Malad reyes ~ Pr 1 Real ya poll (Seat) dee! Ae iy SS iii 3 sy dade old) Aslesh fala Rael ope apo opie dil dots Bhd Preqmation ALA CC. &, Peirce 1408 Fd jy JAS e ey fal pele ae |i p, Dewey NNW 183? cages W- Fames. Wire br: i lye alo el hed shsna 3 CM Save copy « Sly gical a DUN wall! gp 5 wae G pte 2 dh 4 pal patie a —a- ub Ou AVC gas BSG lw ee AI B® - i 4g b> eb Eb boytT UL lal gS 5 SA ge aed dat Jott Chkas Vee alr git ally AKI pozely « LSS ale we ill ia d Je He (pat V5, JS} Plans of action of GF ox beliet fle] serly § de Si gan i ab sh ab 5 SS 7 GaMa ge VE OW Vy de tile de Uo ge Ge ae OF ge EAI do tal toll elie Gab ya? UL ras oils a, Ty ge, Ce Hye Ue lei, late ¥ aaaty 3 a Sa ¢ dane oj fh easy 6 ll ol dP ps8 @ one Gate? et Ya Vor pa Y sal (Glpneai gl) GAIL] deme \ i & BLL GN poob LEM bho poled ST age lo shen SH dh ath sal p Cyrmall Abelly oc ALN GG chal gil ly geo _ ND elle Vshadiary SCT OB F ons 6 Ball Viga Gel gi if sae GhI Ldley ld luo d cal al Zand JUS Gah Lily YW og 7s the 9 al Gh Gi] y eHbal Whe Je Gy bUl fee ad TEAM ye et ayall 0 abd hs SBR aah G ee ed The Popular Science. Monthly 12 3 VAYA she g dll 8 (1) ee seas J Say ptiy How to make owr ideas clear to onssefves dly> = Review Philosaphique # gi Jl plul ga zkigs ei (tl Bale go pie diy W.B, Gallic, Peirce and Pragmatism : Ou (+): 1 Lil? ver ple Pelican Books J. Buehler, (1) Philosophy of Peirce i Selected writlogs (2) Charles Peirce’s Empericism 1934, Peirce #Collicted Papers (lal 1) bidet Ve (Jeng «5 cub Uy a ters Uige d petite sol os OV EAL ya Elo gighited Cas gi ge JAB LLYN Joa aie NG Jy, \jo Gd Caste-value Br pasll Lega ge Wak, yaall che eel Shy tLe ail 6 dy & ye pth DB pey als Bb je & yl. are OSoell fbi LS co Si Wed, sir ad \ ced AL Lh bey 3 Bh des A eed Saohe 3d ggse cay ge o . we dually Insfrumentalism mgs wale Cash -va Shes lie won ol gtd \eighy Relyelly JUely SHENG dels al ete ehh ao eghotty Hubl od oh pie is dc LL 1 W. Jumes : (D Pragmaticm (Ss (2) Essays im Radical Em (3) Mea of Treth (ee BH) een ple ods ¢ adh abs dN bets otk @ B. Henle, Introduction to jemes (Classieel Aumeticat piles.) E. Bouirowx, William James. G. Kennedy, Introduction to D. J. Dewey, Development of American Pragmation (10 Contemporery Americen Philos, vole Hy, p. 91-51), 1850 “C.Esid, Jods Intredaation to Modern Philosopty, C¢ ah be) (elt ty ok we dM ihe, los.) 2 a8 () jewey (in Classical American Phi ———— —ol— yal eS Gi ares ee lye of Aw gh) 4 dee 5 al _ Jods dhe Se fee Up le Bd ¢ byele Jelly igh ale We Gebel Jost Lis Jaaily 6 cndlell pale bat elie ep Aged +1 tbh 5 She FN Na EA eae ie gic Sheil os GU SG AE Lal Gl Gb ll at gage Get agit saad bait GA pill ID Gyre geo Updos hb ab oe diet CU Ul Lal edleead 125 Cat dae Lely « hig de BELL Secel Vip g caged Ba poi olen leap boils sil oj BCAA eb ae Y Cocke cael ae be pete a gp daa feild! SGU salen ot clay er (i ALY SLM gM F.C. 8, Sebiller VV -P Aet Ut, } Glas B jee diy oy ek gl (Bal Nat ye Bo agble adhe Gael tle Ga» abyt Kol gp fe WSC cogs ICs Ls aly # Shall elle lel abs «Deal Ss Kah Split Gli SH. engl pos Gcy Gal SYS Hamanism GLI Coal Yn 5 _ Mabadt Slat ll agery ed ell 940) oe Sill 2 al boas boyl d Bit Jat hg ge Oty AEN Mie lel OT Mo ge gecelas peed Ue Wo yby oo. leguaney Updos Caloze ll deadhy pK dese hadith Ga lel yl gil feed Gye pa shi LM Sally Halal “egal i ggal” Ute de apap « Hilal Bihs pd Ysa Lysol gyal eae gh Uta cole an ERAT cgi y « J — or ae jail: Wo SWI «ae 3a asia ddd ot eS ed wpe Geil SL Mg wel be Mi pe |. Wa er Meee Ge 9: . eaux all Vie pel ae ainda foie Jeti, aie ch pays Flag Sal oda gist gh W. James yanecb eee a Crea iil & jicay Git)-- «Rea Mes Y cad i te & (pit, He Hate gly! ue} JEAN « chs Gh Tal Why yaov g7? OFF ceed eb alcabl ob « Sel AZT ge alte WS. yoy J, Dewey ples «alt! gs otlok Aad Sie oy — tetas, W Ae « leh! ar cd loygng EL cy ee 58 agey ple Jad sith ao Spal clas a naile™ Shey plablayp Ge ¢ fed liale ats! ci dei Jp Bad gle TIS il eles, ws 35 cae os SY Geka gag Splcal-| po eg gape opS2y Bab) gor Set ol pled ake pute i Us f ciel oe SF BLN gli iy ll pty aS gs 449 peotll aS bol) Cas ete ga RH godly cll at ile Jab oa, lll Ua dager (+ “ie jy lend «Gel pale ge tate sue 21 al go lJ alert Archle J. Bahm, Philosophy, An Introduction, 1953, pr o* ak) ‘ ” 445 Leds Some Probleme of Philos. aS oer eo oe wee ' 0 aS Gg CEM. Jord 3,6, —! Philosophy & Civitizition & 4” ve so Philosphy 195° 2 fe ill Jpotl Gul jatil J ouide ELM A SME ya soll 9 SCI J] of 3B ell CAT NL y eth Socely «Ga pill JEM oyey Je Mall deghl oge-y SID, Soil Rag yy Culeed ASI J GUA Ol Aalll L 5! W288 Tu coll Sia ye Maree alll LEM ee eed pb ba § Rall old By. pllal Jalsly 0 Weal B31 la dst ‘AMM critical Rail Ail My New realism + PERT Mh ob LI old! yo SU Jail eb joe F Aalll Aad doll Code Goa I Sal Lads oe Wa gtighka lauey valaly ok oie alll tM sgey Salll Ap get) 6 Sal Old oyey he mae Veg eM kal Tall Seb gee Jil alery 2 Kodi Cereey Salli agey gory «bese All Glad co zal 3h on de ast oS jat, agli 9 Banal eae Ballly « to yall O° tie SGM Rata § ASTI ya oy — slat aan + ee Gli af all 5 led! Marxism 4S olns pt iil Dialectical Materialism a1 4sil) J yasly GUY! Hegel Vase fb jel hy) Karl Marx Vay ohh Jb El yo BSR OS — Slay okey bm ky GEG halisl Aa hye : © oll lol soT a cage cige D Sele Mel LUG Stalin gglleny Buleharia ¢y 35 Lenin du! (ys Hay & Engels 2s all DD pet ee Myo ce Dovey es — psy 4a al Sa ob pat pee as ast op et IS Vig SN i, — eil5 ay Communism Eboc Get plo cas BUS Je ised 4 Hepat ple ge Ny SL A Se ALE oy ge bolgl aiye koe nb tue dy sey OM Ly ht halal pyeie Hascup Gd peel Kay ST Ml geddh Byrd, eS NEN pe geal bh pelt Gel clét jos) Dll hal oh seed) eo celal ezde ol Seed tae ally 6 ( cel A HAPS UAD oscit Jatt blye aM, — oly le ge sell yo 0S od lage ET Ul dag aye fhe - | Jp instrumenialism ell rede Gerkusy (cde!) dell is ashe SM gay Stal al Je laf Joe SIEM al Lani pte ed M1 kart Mare wat bye IMT hs — ua Ze ke hs Poel ca ASU capa Fenty dee all ade oh ines conatt le Joall op Meal dope oSAIy «54 OE fell dea sed UP oer Moe onthe Cypdeatanl 9 6 eral lh susp Lal st 9 : i jopeiey AI Ce 2 EM sda Jaded ll LILI GN Gb agnieny Ge Se PM net ge OM ant « SURE 2 Thy «clara D629 OL ceo Msi Say aL CAN ob is OOS e ait ais dolls eRe RE Sid Bp — Lp ts — Halll Kall «fl nest Bake EM Joogll SG sldse W985 £4 all go dato Ay Cried oy oll t dye © Sylame GS Bp tll tb a3 ge 1 Byedle ala cyl ade al eet bee ci gall lia oS T5584 aallee ol we OF Sst oy SSM Silat ell op OF coed UI Rai RL LAS STUB Cy set ho toy tise opal Ge uot pula “ULtt Lin LS ! eli at gli Splint acy tat cael olay lal a dole] CN oat pi tile Ud IT Le 20 Saag SI ay dee di ual tT es «sate lela ‘ats — oS Gm A deat SUA lela op at upp «cob yy SLI pas ee Cornforth, : oe Mn lis) hy K. Mary, Theses on Feuerbeck, Xi ) fe Defence of Philosophy, against Positivis;}& Pragmatism, 1950, p7-9 (Goad, Guiide to Philos., 1986, p. 475 3.8 Li, ) BRIN y 3 gab Jo ods cell) ge sallee sl lia Le sy olit uy UB Cy) scl MY ES A ALM py hy ( ftell psig agSlll phot y WHtisd aT HELP ge all ge LET lel ee UE wily (bgt pT UL pele gy 2 TM IL yl cBeyk —w- fuse 4b Gb oS ¢ oon pis che MN oe booby 6 Ural pe W ote go det Va 57 Dp oe ptall Ae'bys LLIYL (oa «phe des AN tat abel Bll gy 8 5 SW ol yo ot Mo ase, il of Jo Xa See wy de Sy Y gh SUN la yet dat edly Halal « Gilat ly ga nil iN AyafW 73 «bly iy Katy taalih Qe eel etd Up en al a weet 5 45 pits ¢ pee euit Fie’ (| teal aly diel mts fab ool JUS calle Ite yall all i yoy « DaLIRy Sahl fell Ob gh gly Ce aLiy ee 3 cee Viol ASW Adal C paiy 6 Kua ial Golde Ayla Y| {ish daub Adee VY Ghai Yl tegh pati of de gabe iV yee oft ol Aldi wil dupyall lao WL Ud ec Luly dl ol et Pa Jel by Jl oleh ge OLY bE TAD ye Laged| Bye es) tus nt g pts ob 35 28 (4S) ADH Ash ci 13h Ofbe pWake g BWlady gee eal lala or. Xl sy 3 » i ‘ ell Hye. Soe Ost Wel YJ oll Gam D ol ae dayes _ Me Conforth, In Defence of Philosophy, Against > de? i) m ane) Progmatism™ 1S) datos ws y a £4 alt 9805 Tyg TY 9 Daly bey YA bata BL WS Positivis tl iS § CEM, Jord 048 ¢ geil Oladaal 3 oF date eve @ ‘ik “ - a o a 4 le i 5 Eb gp lel antl ie Mls oly! eee i doyilyHentllylldayH JNJ « Bye A ae a cn fp hay & ALA der deo! eat de SP sal Ae lay ge KG Galil Glial fe Uige Sy Saye . 2. bdgM ashes Stadt ale Ici pally cogeege gale aged d Soul o> zy wee Bl ade Upon Jo Bohl B all a bi lye cot Mlb Syles 20 EN page dh til) JF gall aN wheyagey Jill ow by gl UTA «Gb ow Gags hes gS Ys Of Mahl, Saat IAN ge Mime Lesllel obs opey User cell oneailsl oy Jae! he SP By. «ASSAF Bl cel Jp leageey Lytle gy illlly @,LN - ey BIAy Ball yoy & cued ae ga bee GIL agedl Je JUL 1h gol Ut @ piezo Mial’M Cat ¢ YS nn p ginyay Bhi) cola all + eked BI GLEV yoy 3 calell dogo gh IS Fale tacdg Letel «cee yds Sroye- dN Metal ew oad ay De epteel Lilly a Ghily agejl > yAiAny ¢ Heidegyer 41m edge 9d ObHy age dl» ye VAER fle Jacd-Paul Sartre Fj. dy dyrdl Fale ye Galil ola Pt Ge SH Old Jong gue Soegdl the Gist c coll gotloagey re etal GLI! Els Up ad BAN el ace FH po ale dy cael on OKC Fe baye cecal GL cde Nol Salas eal te” BB BD GL bat bel py Gleif go le SLID GCS cage (HT-e) ten he wel bbe pe fel | nena ease I Ay TD : mse ae —-aA— paul i ob bole Sos “eA pany prey cla iiss oli! ol doce! wnat sb Shah cast Ga (ded shige Bia ic liege algrls ests © fog Gl, thy FGM ReD cilyay yet | ef beh Bs Babe st ok seal eff fo QU calla oaks, Glai Sh jose of get tle vy) Zolll EY ols ad gl yotletl gt ae be oy 6 clad eo Gel (oe wil) cts eid oe tle spall apesl Ee Mit] y welll ge See SkKierkegeerd \AG2 +> 5, 1S ell dee ggeoddl Mis tc oh Wl gs Gol Ua Ll ak oll} Bey (teliat es Hei Gey he & thy tok ey a0) iY syo9 aged plot co cath ecko ab toa ¢ be del sid fla pdt @ Cl erBily Ast Bol) Bt Dozers ashe wage heel See fb gala elle ll ay be Se dyed oN Ally oh GLANS pd el pitt se Baye Uys atatllell o Bl gpg coset aif Bagel aul EH ey batt af ty Aelll cea wh ae ttles dle ah Ge di leage pie? é Ejpall wail eo y dee beh fe od SS pap d onsen pe ull sed ge YOY Al lems Sytll ycld Spel ee wal gy otha a paella gy le Mie ele cab” gay ond gh wtf ghagh of yo witige lanl bay cdl aye gh gL OF oes (eas of e ektll AIM SLIM yey of paid Cepee Gayest —a— B25 STI acd gp LD c oy Ty aaidhe ay «OSS ge ge ds Chee BAS OM oy bed AA yLal ala gs aged by OA 6 B jaw J bet lao gerne 39 pong CA odin Srycels US Loh Nets he EM Ul ceesly ¢ yen JT pheae isl oS of off endl ue TANG pat Le oyege cle Gb pill: dlys Skil Le JEM Real Ue cussed cay pal atl ccuaae Bbbily al See CMA by go We Ee ES » Wp Bll Glo oe de kat TT 5 Ja Ghis co Uyskee ggtesd Jor regu! Lyialés of 1 Clie dl ose ela Suu Sines ce alate cos DL c easeg cw 9 hey Saley Jo LIN jt aye dl cooly € JS > wes st2 of ale situations « Wilye» Je ans © de doles gia b hes ca BM Me ger elie gy : ty Bahl SLAM yy ce SUS apse oh ie wie Bye oh Uy feos O8% Vlas ob teh Soest BBs ade Le « BILGE Ly ohuny 6 Qolgg Byes oo) ake 90 se sly ly len yale gf Be N ypo BS, Cred pary fdlell oy Si 8G if ' + oxteze piloy dial YL é\ eylerels és Eb lee SU Cus yedh Siald of 2 LN Bl ylly Bye GS se SSW GV c aghly gly Gaal! J BAY GIy gal £ AL Wy stat she Call JME Y longer s Gl nies HLM oe TEs oly gc) bead lf dele cya ge sl OIL C5 patl ia yoy OS of LIP gabon ll ne mgt ga Cag cyl pally exsiey Gell peadell yak ye seh gg ctlae SF pled Al yeah de 1 alien —Vwe— pole edd Jeolyal aka SS im gay c Ig 6G] GH op dyn, "peg ea ale gl Jt gpaall sei oy Asli] dindd Auge dl Ri ot be le he Chuds ov cartlcl # Aheiboy 3 O42L) Gant onan s i Jp OM ystis Jel Jes cll tells dee, MAM ge dl de di ci GB OBE! JB] ge «fb es, Laage sl Halil Naw sl op oa caged spat ge WI Gi bd ob VSS LLB c slelog oe cao (Mey Walid Bad aye Bpolall yelall BT Bye ge MBhall faa : B eel yf tt OI calgl Bogs ol eye LT Uy e telah seal cade Mia pali Gi lal 3i « Utiliey {oe bil ye Sled ela "gS M NN Ay gal B ghS Alu tage Wa op tel Le ge fe épolell Sil ZV yo se gtdlesl yal JY aN Ily Helly eS plp hay wat OWLEM lel g Go of ye JS oe gg 6) adi LEY Jo Sagy Le pty c opley) Sokol op ayes sgt ee Be gdyl JJ WH TUM a fo JS: oly S ge + athe oe hl ot (1) Oxford wuiversity Press | i¢15 y Princeton University Press He Ai As A short life of Kierkegaard > og ec ts Walter Lowri sls Enisteuea & Being 0,08 Heidegger Ul Klerkezat ls aligm and Humanism fe yp eh, 1036 Fale a 2 O48 ¢ \408 Philip Mairet J (by a7) Existenti Paul Foulquié: Existentialism (Eng. Trans. by Kathelene Raine) H..T. Blachham : Six Existentialist Thnkers) Norberto Bobbio : Philos. of Decadentism A 8! Emile Bréhier, Les Thémes Aetuels de la Philosophie (1954) tady of Existentiatism- -—M eB A AOL Steg ptr, J yl din tered PIM ab op Spy cool age le de Sits ol 6 LEY Lda pyeat CyUT ida ll eyestl vis T Gl 20! leslie cay BALM Gage gu — esta Sa LN Fs EE LD ge tll cll PUL ge 5g ye CaS ah me pal Lege Pe lack dy 6 tea Load (al aaah dle Bah Blog oop ol SAB FE ELL ol BIS YY c (elt Ua deal Gly HT G28 se de — tll ney lll — las G Jeu tele taby Sobel Geis well ye — Npegea ya ge Wee dete 6g Aull tel AL oll GS AIM ye Gabe WIT Gy pole cory SLAB ST Se 5! Cheaie (dem Ye hee OBL le IF a lll any bd — Obl Fob ye Bypll (dhd US sada lalear Rall abe LLU eros WL Al pam i Jy e SUH wkly GI gu Hae le Biicy fy Upendsl Asbo ALI We SaZ ol wf 3h 2 Sie GBS i ly KOU E27 bps pol Mala Raye gh Hel ala Gola Yb cae gideleW ab iy pie os SF pall ag taf] ahd rbbeth ol, Sly « azealtpal ie 2 SN eds BoD 6 ied FRM al Adel ARNG 228 5 oe Boo ye Stall Gold ye Sal Juadll Blud> hy — odedi We Gb odes ify, stall Min Gi pay Le VeaddT GB ye Le EN (1) A. Pap, Elements of Analytic Philosophy, 1949, p. 477678 + O58 (¥) Barnes, W.H.F., The Philaropical Predicament, 1950, p. 63 3 0.5 (F) | i } -—we- adleld] liek dey gs ¢ legal Gaby Gye Stball Lads Lach fag abl pea Cea eRe ah eg Nile Mod Shela Gy oF ye Hye IM hg, oo LI Lilet 4G ish bot a alel ol ge Lee Gel By CE paar ) Uyile coors CYNE Waa Ve ye FU IL ghd) WE ee eH Ope Me hay B, Russell (f— yave) des avis Samtaymas FL soy) Ls | SM isle yl bad ee ok fee GL aed des St fa ebay lh Bh ooo Jey al slash fe = ales - esp and ad ened ang anaes lel wo B. Ruscell, Hist, of Western J51 6 oll ge ds ue JG ale b al Philos, 1948, p- 654-854 we yee Shel ale cle LV do? Pls gait KGW» oh Jal © Rays gi gt LY Bole KIM 5) 9 UG ya Fnrucll Melll 1 mee by Deh GEMM LeU Gyo Luall ied Sil ya g § (Fl eh5 oe ol) Lic, Boke QyKG a5 sal gh 3 Sah T(t ties el Ge ay J25 cae) 5 cy Galt Baless be ATL ae they oli ae Ole Qo ants eit Sel cid sls ghte eh shel 535 olf Yt Ue ee Ca cate oF cd eS GUTS aa! OD) Sel be 1M gas pstle as tel oy cides of deg of cs Shas — ala 33 Bh be Waco ge fell San BI oP BS lye — oat aay piel deo we. xD PEN Sli yo tall es BNF cost SH loleads tet ee sell gets WAU AS Je — Li Gl eeaeeall Balad | sgt ot Go oy O79 6 Ne S Rego GE tr at oy Oseoall gy Le 6 BS Jol (22 Hh Sb, oe Gb hs BaBYN Mio dey KAI eRe y Ge jen, a to shh the Go bye Pleo ye eli lel Sood uo jour dp teks Behm, Philosophy, 1953 p, 158-30 ; ol (4) FeV we (stor) ce UB gf UL acalt cele fa sldl 55st Cy) SAN ese ete yoy EIU pl oe LH Lest A get Ma i ged Get + det go mst eitibies Jeol! A plath 3 5 jel Sond! Je (yr) eB BES Plath dpJlj gall oF e Le coldly geld bond! Jes ree ere als Fol crlpaudl Ce tealall tlie y eta oae mika leaned a Tor ena a tliat a iii nth —w . . z. a ‘Mh pall! Quail di ety 3 i 3h Yl Koad A Cy Ue Rng Vs ay cheats «GT faba le dl ee SHU ease edly 2B ipl gh aif seg! Nee ol] Sloye gl gj sin ancy lean Cypany Gl ll Yeah hae «Mode Shaye th ac ae Lin pat egal alla dy « Ulall she J SLY ie fil Land aE Al or, oll a tll idol Gl ppl ge OE he onl Ma ayy el good ULL, WL oy ail cot dee dpe Sib abl ge Lal OH, gle te Teal gp GALI olan le Sully ys Jha Semel Layla oiler Yl biagar ge SS ge fe abl icky Co yry alaghe a2 26 cin Aloka d co 251 tes (gngeg Mal pel Cpe yt elt wee op baste Yat AN Ca ol ce lied « Spezia aaa cht GUST 9B Jah bol GLY Sst GF baal gealyt z8 Ste off Teel Aida) lel Ube GSS lesa. Yash bal Bakash Myo Dan cl « Joall Jalal La last SxS gh { SigeoS5lll plete de Jol ge « Aga Ghyll yp ail a pee paty «La yey gle uy JAM op Wel probed ef dp atbal — 9 fis kil ls ay — ach Se ef odia UVb ¢ Yah! Sally Bakll ow 34 bal ¢ cu Get Bole a Al TRAN (ply « reality iS! ib i SM ie is Se Jey fab seed Aub ULI UL « tt a BSA Sa ng GY gly, V neko ol et « ihe BY (lll —_we= Se Wald alll org Who ge fb EH yo KEE LL po ly oblb Linsilee lel Ginny Ob] LT Sad Ge « Lied 13 3M ohn oll Joy 6 Le aiahh We oh Wat sell eal 6 a Sealy a sel naar gp Uy jill Sed ATL Co eke i rat Ne oye UAL carole dated cell SG Sd yy Mae Jeally BI Gs, Zbl Bad ob Seb vale dt Jee gis We aed, 1 dlaol se dibs fla | fea, RES Of xe Sst MM SSSA JER Nal Ca LBs ob gtd Gl] Ele ltd nb Sill Jeol of § aly get Gl celdeY 5 “ be Raa de Ml ley italy « AEs Je dele g Koo SAN Jat a Wales £ aeded 5.210 Gla 2 Ask Slat 35 a teal yh 2 AN Sa Sf tll oll quae ll Lo bell Belk ea? bss Wie jag ¢Ayleol bit 5y Slatl fo lal is Dae old of ae polit — aeldey OSH Shel wos yells é Jods ts of asl] lege ol bid ope OL «Btls ALP AE L yd od Satzzal gh a ALP Gai Ma ge EYED cpus ll al BL, iy fat adng f SLAY Slay ceztl ok gi lou ble GS kat $ sUaKe, Jal obeys ge tee Fe es pal eo GF belly Je jist so i det le] « Ladle ALN GS oT gE My. ety YEE pay 6 Byctlen SLe ALE Bl Man olay pyr iy Uy « (ie fe co Sth aby $7 Y SC LY SLY LL yl Pll Yad Joad, Guide to Philos., p. 487-83 Lm ted ob laig « Silay af CBD MI poke as er 2 a8 (1) -wo os ol Ayple dl Mas ke ye cath oa gh d Leadall 25? » SEH aellall {leet gles Bialilly SSG ye JP et tl bo Jes (dese Cr eal ~ wk SK he ermal of « (Su grate fal B gi ed) pal cedtal pel Balas Ylookk SUS! o seh / Seo Hull é oy eS & ae Lust dash 82h lady ees «yet A yo aol ae shy igs ie sr i ht Sa piste ols gy worl, holt ofl Be alec Sh ell used § age Uebel ery 625 pst poo what Bt Sell TW gag « Lt abs & BS UW we GWE og YS Ly dh vane Be Ehud bet YS p@ ol deed pla vel by (gale ll Jolt ll og Se gH all ce a deena ote 8 big ty tag | ext aay Fay GAghabl yglt Gbyalll ath US Ute ty8I alia, He0 pedi shad ALLL JSCET Bago ple LAT fe eget Te WIKI ayes Y dgeSillls — HS Sed Ol Je bed Gym bial oakyey Yall Goad ob gin — dll + RSLS Ble pag Ny. BL oF KE Uy «neal ist elated Nelo Batt KC Ul celia, Rule at b Le SH ele Shab Noecal Jo C8 Gua BOK ly « ee ark, Ueleo sie lee — STW Je go Vin Gales lila gl i 4 Br acdat oll flee. el ee Mo ce Vy — poll cil Gg ayeral BREE act 0 ge Bh deglee kay Saelill Gf ¢ Say AB jatar - eaileeg ZY Ua Oley Gla tne — Oayrye ye Be 6 ba VIL ys DLL git il lined Sayed Gigs ge Ll Bsa oye liao ad pais V_pelto oy Co oll egdel Gasp Ghai Walt ee ‘el cog ety bY, SUL Hels gat (tly ce KS Lymn lel as ig ating Bh Big elt Bhi, Sail ayo jie oy Je cslat'l aed atl Nay le ay eed oP Gli Ofc pAlltl apaull Lea Ae gas lye weil ps 2a, ON ogo 6 adh th, Gl JS de Eekees ey Slaps qeekl «4433 ,5 anit arle 3 eth gh 64% yo Wy sNzally ly call ce Ut dl syed aed 8 Ql Slat oa cae Wiatiade J oi syeadh cad « gel Lhe B Pals ectly fis ey us e Iv Messino Selvadori, The Rise of Modeva Communisen duis! sl (1) | “A> Liberal Answer to Corsennism! yo-Sl gelll ¢ vaer dal ee / | i 1 i qs I | 5B a eye olde alga 4 —w aoe seme gil Hida pe et B55 6 tiie le debate, cages alge ge 2M aly col \Sy 6 onal aig G a 1 OK oye KI rd gag tlkct, wk dl Dik IY ap oss airy, pele — Js oe LAT abl ble de oo cai ad lige iI 6 pay Caglh Cay Get BF ee ty st isy Ya “Bs hie, AM ail ge aged el ge Belell Gb Gye Way eg 28 Cpe ine Al Vee He Sha alll el oe site yt Mea bo Ke C pally aged GD TL oS gh 5 rood ye at Gh Byulsll \doluay ole fl dys oye Gtal des shy gil cect nclell cazlhe pl Sith ol Gill ge TLL a baad aay Shey ott hF dtan sy Ub pl ali Fan et 1 pall JUN go 5% Passi Ms SF sie dagen S95 cihayet 38 ey SF f Reals Cale of ele (SE 3] Seiemee gall line LB JU Ko lll call Byal 6B pall UL] cat yyute Yer ye Catt Yc US Teds ae gai! els! ola SIGE esa b Lodl objectivitly 165.250 JSS, oe Dill Jail B Cagis Na alojney — slong po Vo lbsy V4 ge E. Brchier : Les Temes Actaels de la Philosoph e- 1954 ,&'! (1) buy bs a dea” Libel) Soy poledl Hest gg J yig be OU baled le J] BY (1) An Ouiliae of Philosophy ahi gr JS! all lle g B. Russell o —«w Sie Raul! p ge ye — oo e é FO) = Bln (@) = A AW (oy) 2st tne (1) eesti Crm gyal alk () = ORL (4) 1 AT colle Ce) ceil de (1) = sgh pla dated G (+) Eh (4) wi (5) - ele HAF Get ye alll pyein oe dled gist Gey ill BT © Bboy Capes oad yb leyaye at LUST, Wepre Salil OVAL Joti pat BALI Soul! gabe Ol Jl Be Yb Clea aie ety) cata elegy gd Ob jam ge Mpa ct Wes F cam slegtel GQ OSb OL kr Spal ad eal Gla gly Borge EG Np pete tet gle at Je Es DUS TIS Jol ga f bills Pec BL tl lenpinge wo hr Ny 6 Es begin ye Slab Gf gf Slit Jo UEDA 5 8 Ody lly bbe de coal oh ole on Gils Yee gales a1 egdoga eu BAUER @ guege ae LAE Lae yey sll yl age DL pia ale SE « Lablical Lie a5 Lolly OF al a SHLD a ge Th Lb pale beste ot Ly fh al gale p pS lin Soa Ute of KEY, & gt zl el gel a yal eee eld SOC BISA LY cel NS 8 Cal Mgr pgs egal igll Wha by SST ab cnsacal STy ikall Gos eal aaglely — lal adh b Gye — eye ye bs ‘ ou fot AEB lablad GT bel lo « tong Sue ye bi sel (pine 2 bua Sab Has do aye pg 9h ya he yen Mla Jl -Ye— siptly HEN gt on GOA op Me Shp gp Bi pll Eggh G Svadly 9.2 ill aged Balse ep poll cle Lina = ip Byle pF Wy 6 BLN Ulple DM le yd Uo leysheg - : PeN LETae at 2 ae eseseone al eh yol al isl po mm Bhat edd tie sy cterkes BMH fold Mad Of gh ya po POM oll ods tes tagedldane dled: Sonteiogy Lesgls'tl fag of JAB ayad eyed Soe 2g MCN Seed cs tats Yiskes Ws ede cil lif Wby sts Bs ey? baa? Je ap aha! bait Ab os ao pe cable ll oe lo ik leis $ sett es Ih Me elyy dy ho se u =e sh los pe Yo oye olf Sty ls ‘Welt, Recent & Contemporary Philosophy p- Fpl ne dhl sy olge et pate tl el oS Ve eeere——_—_——‘ vi oH gil bel all shag a ad all oo beta Celie pV Cale ny, J} = Ryall OCCA cb Me Goal! Cul he Wb ceed y Jy e teed M0 i + PEKIN de yo SUN Gala of Ce pig No at rery FG all 8 be sb hed petal (O) IL Leal pans Bll 4 5 ob Epistemotogilye sgctay ll LT dle ciee ge sell Tage Lt ICL Foal ly aby ah ea 6 Sledes Mrs Sa) Sto all chs ot SULLA of OL! es BR & p20 Ball CHT 9 CAL jlte oh SN ai yoe pp aya ol Saket el ol arog tied col tS ll ode apt tb chen Cage cunly fea al TUptlgal bog Hall abo gebe te il toys Ul SEY ge lsh Ggte byt \Liginy Ball oda euble fT waht (htt EM AM a ely db fuatee gil eo ST LSS gt ea + pi! a ya egos lp — Ua yiledl — Segll toy be Gygeeg lh lly ss Looks le Suuatt Shel lea Jeo Tada 2857, « G ply send Bll AEs JUS yo agedt Leng ltl DUD clot sue Le aged JS cob pal i? t gil coon al hed eu SN sell fn Ged gil ti gh Axiotogy ed pa WU JH, ly EN uy Ultimate Values WA a ol tdeats: (et Gat dh les loglzeh YLeIb t= ye Truth, Goodness, Beauty SS a | -y-— Shine (oyerglh ol eset (oF Stl dala ge oe Jacene bes lal Jo Upices, tel geldnae d] TUT, EU Sid op raormative & jae pale ct Saree ost) esi alias J Jo Gye 8h dp lpbls pai positiveiiny Ce ads oS ol Wong (OE penn © Bd EB oe Jil ele past cB Soh BB oa, Gl : : at cael dle og ON dele Vienne talaaie GLIAL aes ot aids it Ut J ace cake by , OLD ob pal ale KG Jf Wi cece atest c Jot alle ol gt ob all em JA by geod be GUST MSU A loll sl dag Jol etl > oS algk - aut J Cle dy So cal, oye 3 Galea as Bly gfe: WIT Loli ade yoy tae gl Obs — Gagbish (olin Geli gud | ee gh — Sb PAN 8 yea ue — agai ge Vide By JE ge Whe Fe ageetll Vo bola clei aed Sangll & lb Mee git pa Gye re, 9 sunt b eger le \pegats ce polell Nye ONS ye : Aiadall clinde ye (4) Adee ge} cetya shade le Gal? ya Mlll utade o¢ OD «loyal ye iy nl SS SHU Gy a tate ll in eal eel (ah ol ge itl eal) At wees ee ney nga agg th ae @ —_—_—" 2 Oglala — ¥ eB ge Nee led Juhi « lid 1S cael en Nah agli abla al 8] « ages i sa oe Ip aM AM cae day Fh BNA G Saal alll ONS pal gail F oy F gil Taald 35 cy Win doy Ugleead ab obdall & err getll ge her GLE AS IY SK ll Moretity 4 se a Sas Up ga e Byall gaat Cai yo eg B tll Jed « JEN ale I BoELT S ltt 5 oslaa Gy Jolt ue ig lil Kant ¢ LIS» Jars pele “sal! UL, cep bl si GU GES Sis AB les \peddareg gl YM legal Bb Sod sels « Yee Ml calls Hg Haally Ge Aly llly seailly 331 Vly Melly Jel pei sh bale 3 Bs aby pleas Ul ile ul 6 Clogete yo he #5 olbally «OS tah heey Iga gil eal J chong Jag? Uy Sila Magee > yee! gill Montesquiea WoO -p gefcite DJ GaN TAG ceyety aah gh Ashe Typ Hehe ay cls etal elie deed iste Gy dye of cae! Qyatil oT € coil ogy Oh cl aby ¢ ABS Resceo Pound, Philos, of Law (in: Twentieth Century : 03% (1) Philosphy, 1947, p. 81. . ball padi Ql ges Kiilpe p. 76-1 2 O45 (x) Kohler, J., philosophy of Law, My Philosophy of Law (a Symposium), 1941. D’'Eniréves, A. Natural Law, An Introduction to Legal philosophy Hegel, G.W.F., Philos, of Right Pound, R., ‘nlraduction to the philosophy of Law 1922. Stammier, R., Fhe Theory. of Justice, 1923. Laski., H., The Siate in the Theory of Practice 1923, Cate e) ae te PS vi hah ot apse nid at se ees, Citoraatedtireae lies aay 3 Shad’li Gils cb yendt Wal gil opt Mold be ee ey XS ye eget 9) ng Ssh cage be cay Lee WG, Bs hte tage CoN 6 (he wh seca Fplty Srger Lie Dike yh ctomdt gil Cepedll pds kes be Wis Ll « gil, HbA tat Af Waa Llya \oelyay galt ode eared Og pfs dally Lecally fly ‘Sur ,, al ¢ 96 4BCK a é lized Fc olesth aio Fogle ge ge GM BU el be yell gaa dee calls Wee fob oS ae iss : gate lag ys yield aptle cagdty e Piles Loar ak Polytheism Spells Monotheism ha gilt iS} ep ily Paitiheism syed ttmge Coby! cual ~ehes nears SS ees daelally gill 2 C. Webb os cold O16 pp dll tease G42 Lal & pall Seok ed JLT SS OY fogs yee salt lad uaa to 88 0) Bahm, Philos. ch. 25 (Philos. of Religion) 1. 33° osuphy of Religions 1940. of Religion, 1950. 1923, Erightman, E.S., Edwards, (D. Tiatl), The Pnilosophy Wright W.K., Student's Phils. of Religion, =—vo=— wees calle ye E85 gd Gl] CP Atheism slbYi Lday ( Delsm fas eld oh Mi, GT SE Ge gyn as Pk ids — Sal Bh a od — BLN oe nel BN A gat ‘ CBee etsycctited dM Jet Sep — tle tele of Chisel pT Cy 2) ergs stl aakum, G6 ell yams, « Apethatny SM Halal lelacall Gato g 3 le yall) be atiiey (Lie BEM sais ob sea ghl eb Us (oats Cagle 3 sly Balle”) 3 6 baal! sala sip ed Vy « GIy cla BI poll (3M cil pil ade ye GAG yf AIS Ny CHF exes US Rept Sys — Aa lal ie oe wats # free & ok YL ps de gee glhol, Shite go chat Daly lostaliy sb5 2 of a aH eg Kaly LY yuo fo gall lal, Sse g 6 yl isla Ni ogee JU I Sal I ob oye Ub ads 2 St Sale cart NB OG 6 dag 2 Ostiey gel ole oe Ud atl a, a) se lead jo Lal go BEL LIF OL ell Go pT ys Lata all ort Ce the a ame ball co ISL tel y idee PLN, a ob LIB Ly « all WIG Oy 6 aged Gey lowed go LsilF bE od LU le oe tae ey al els eM La Shy By Ly alae 6 ALI teed ye LiL oti GF de al | lowed do LT aN Bu Je al ade y bil ST See ALY! ely Laull Sy SLM ie LEME BAN) edly — aie Lah = lsall pace y «AYU Gaclll Gal SIM preety Bstealll pagh Wrage JOS Ea SM g Se LT (Seal Ged sg «BU ad yesh Ce) dee LT Ub feat oo (¥) “Yb ILM oy tal Oya BG LG a La al ahah pot Bat —_— IE ge Lae oe a Heald AF uty ore a ahi pois os Cal ( B19.) AHS) So ee ad at oste dy « QM RH nd A Fy Cab ged all LAL ange oad cle ow SS a wae al doles! get det gal WIEN sana Gab ge An St. Augustine @"+ Pi gghntgl kl oa, pally gall exe CBI tated dca 3A aie gel ob Of de Bad eget aly «plains AM sb yp cael, LEG etl, aed peed bp eH SAN ad Caakeny ¢ ADU dail ye pL bl 3 SS Gaal! Bia dogteldl Jaded te gall yall d, chk, WE Sf Jordy oll hates pA ges ( Ji) patel SSN SLeh SA af ye cB Mg pall judy 03M in joy ely dead Jl ek LB, Vio Wee + © S32 yey ¢ @ NL Scienza Nouva Herder’s Ideas for a Philosophical jax Ah fh vay by ja WAL pe jar dl jes ti ieee, wal Hist. of Mankind skate leo gl gal 285 « iene @ pg Gs ls aN © EM ib gclle a vary be See ik yd cosmo @) 1 aly Ve Fe Lenzer: © ona Werkmeister, W.H., Philosophy of Science, 1940. Toulinin, S. Philos. of Science, (1953) * ; gpillall gested bell ell pall te yet? ‘ yo i in; Twentieth ceattry ( : Rosceo Pound, Philos, of Law (im rt Og ae Ayal say ale ey 4) sill Lectures on the Philos. of History Bf Lf ad SN WL pad 3S Sah tm patel A by Web pele Canty Darwin VAAY ey yolo die ade pple gyal ame ips LAT Yh tue syhsll cass cll H, Spencer lt 6 dll age 22 nl Bade Ye yb pte ott Lily A sLNEELB Jad pN Ladd Comte C225 cans! oi 4M Ua BM de Sls BJS V ienedall rl itl oye Mill Gal, leaglr 2S 5H iy Selly SSL HeL Ipde glt ah play OF piss Eel oo aig gol Jl ede dlp ke he yell Gel Lig Salah AR gee iN Suc Bd ae gH Ea yb o Ui ge dM Wpisheam # in wy bee Se gl Jolt pak SAS oe Cam Tape adie AUER CIE gaye apae les iem ef ogag Me BALE Madd pyc aipl yd Cle Guid, cee pb : the oF Gent Lye Je psa alle Yee! arey gal “ade lab gl ale aS bb oy fs ca ey 4 etd dee dol Bucks Wane be 5G 2 cele OL «ee Yh pga Male BLIY! Jel Jaa b — AZ Lae sty, kel posal Satya yo Me coeell ZEN olIy a jails GHW ed ToL IWS UT zat Jaz é uly & Ideal dusk tel y bas ol ess Led Ss Ba Sie ye) Gabel ode go Gall Jelgall 4 agi esl ysl Ct pd Sees td ttl okt OA ade Orley (Ub : SS cog I Lali Levy Br GAS ( cif by Jers) ot (1) Ce Be) cst tell pF ily poli dae Fall cele aR dy (tee —vA— Ais Jp dias Jeu! Jee Ses La se Still 2 cx wy ells arte ect O. it sll dy ay wd Rickert oie Dilthey cds did ge) slides 99 & loge # 2) 3 ah Vb. : die shaeh ot St Vinay, st Ot os at 1d Ge by E Rell pe te bad at ll doh Boll dL lil 225 4a, ebb hat Bald ge gil Me taller Ht Ey pdudl + 2S, gave + obl, Jed ee) cgsllly © Bt plus ted Sh Let { Bosanquet sae in yabiee yo wig ell obs eth Eb cat LL la Bi gM Whe ye at ge sh de 2s si ccdil peads| Sm ro Sole 4h ts 6 coal SF Nal N92 . agheleg ¢ Eelpell Bild ya Nege Pe SN GB Spal lie gop tot ss Schaal ae laels Ce Wesigel, a3! _ (int 20sh Century Patios), (0) pe Si J. E. Boodia Philosophy of History: of History, ist edition CO ME ecail Lene Ys 1858 sy OV) WH. Walsh, Au introdwctien to Philos. = jgulll Gel Ae ge J s dD ggrl gie, celyns pS te Baw) soLett J] 2 Schlegel, F. von, Philosophy of Elistory Klibansky, M.H., Problems of tistorcal Knowledge, 1938 Berdyayes, N.A, The Meaning of History, 4930 Bury, J.B., The Idea of Progress, (920 —we sede bh Mialdh Joa € ggelall dy c Culyill Dy CH agAID OH OBGE. Brehier saer Ha 44, B Sheol) gf led nie IOVS oly oad Byte Ky 6 Iyeld held def GE ww geeal ile: oF cde cagtlte Wp eleaal 3,15 ye Belpel! Ziel gg@ i ost Sage t ple dey Cel upg ¢ eS Ole d JS 5o pall sft “paeay pattel Joly ¢ Tgclly dl ow REL aally VG by ag goa yy, Spl jalcey ¢ tidgg ial pplda Lgdey 3795S FL ye OF pnd Tle GS Rylgll OU yo ly 6 CE Wash « stanly bo sytiy — opt AH zpetil tla sh BL ate! — tT agal jel fo ll a ae VVS By cits 4 lech ple cisall Opals cel oh jer ol2 Yin TLS ye Gy tS ely 6g GM ple ave SY gall aeseey pee MI do caaly VERN Ogenki loays « THM IL @ SCS p J] alti opal Vl hye Oly a ge My Shell Fels JL Opie orl Gah «ci eel CALE AL elie pol ihe eats 9 Z gely cae dhe] all tot of abl yt FA AM aly gl « cliaball, set sal, leet bo intt Javea « Lelie Yl ol hit determinism) & x Jt all «tags 5 GN chy f Sy Silly Holeash ly LLM al LI salt dal ie @ pepe ASU aly c Gleb ye Ub dh Ge G2 ga Syl al Mole PUD ogo cb Shy CEng Al oe Gig 2 dln Gyseb af Je SEL, a Gp bt etal fall done BY Jat Jy caottol + © spill glee sf alll de D dal Lin, fps eal pal lll @ Sho de Sy FL gl dey oh otey (ye ede co posse eke Wl de 2h Op95CIl ery Sociotogic CE ow get ladys OT ee 6 Jal ony Je Jot tae tail UI -celd positivism gcdl ayzde Last ye it Geeskell gla Ral Soraya Sy all GUS a pds fel a Ue esi Sy cba] apl ol ~l19 Cours de Philosphie Positive ¢ Aue gl Udall & val oF Gh i oy ) Segall pdt Gah Wake LA —M tad (halle OLLI Gg lelkal Ke Y faa ee ee SN Seal alga (Bal) x (aabl iat ohh) aha Sp eLT ue pgae all baal «Bl oll OF es dl I gel gleet Ally « epar pelt pal Kiclelys ghSs< heed 718i dal gopde ol ab aes! ip bast dL sai? gh oy ob EY Be banged ill Bee no Lt a hd AP eA ES Ky Blais ker ann ett Ul phe OF db € ke De Bo BalfeY| atejdey E, Durkhetnt ahd tf, sng (ade Jah ls et Bids pte fo ea dl eth oF ols od pede pas hy 6 Atel Eayhel eal S38 gas WAY a a po diy LB eel ‘al el yo a 98! doh al BS edd eb gdy dad gS) « Rial Cue 9 My Zubly oaks Jekery ofl 1B etledy pale jks gamle peedelee ll plaM he Pera aes 4 8 Spe pally (gall) Uplis gh zanlell Je aig, ‘att ob fet Ge Of JB «eae [ls eer (AF it +g jhin ab poll pli Jo" ghia so pee? , ULL ye Joe JI ple bo ey aodl eypll dle d Cle G18) ys Jatt Ill ple Ay ee os Hshetly Shang Teale pig Ally Glsk go — Sele pels Spey — oh Oy came Ghoj B qysate oh FM the ge Leh eines ele] tosyy\Lba, & Joill Sagmpe gp 8” ol fail ade choy ge b arg psi alte Lill cde ef Cokeae Lislef Bo all MOM WEN i ydye Lys gh loqutty yah late Wath Ale ae aye Head! Slpaly toe Lt lel yo yb 4 3Le dn Gls ableany ajlpal, Dol : eB Ane pall ol a Gi OP SpM ata cle Je Leia lo 3, 3b 3h alll de BLE aye noodle «Jal io Bt lle a | Mal ; . bl Gras Gola Ge Gp Olde G6 dae ogo ad ood Oe plas! so tesa ell GeV Gb a i i re allan ICs Ay Udo Jrhite B agile Jol genet et a 2 lll Lada Pdi le EBT Aad Hf ret (3) gets clad A (alias _cil Lda Guay ALS! lal - : ANS Bay cae pl cede pula (Eas ol zeal esteldl egy UT AS aL ell ile go gilt io hs 6 yy Sill sseell OM ALi MM pA le ZiT Ul opie Ge odd ck gh Ve 6 Npsoling [SBI ge otec cotll sole sil CL I leer Ok” eabl cot Graal pall eezienle GM ol ly Ee ay tll Goa 2 oy a8 Soy XA som 0S lm gee ala! ale SLSYI ceed leas abet JEL CBM ge Ub renee gfe TALI pall lad 2 gall E2FF No ays esd « daglell 658 Ue 3 love Soles ye Fell poate ae Jbl lio - Uap 9 « Heolie'll asta Ne Tpagdal patel gsples Seder (I Cl eh fod pull ts G4 poll edo ons Vpn Chol, heer + Bg ot Gurviteh (ed,), Twentieth Century Sociology + O15 (\} Sorokia, Contemporary Social Theories f Barnes, Studies in Sociology Mac Iver, Society, A Text-book of Soctology ‘Ginsberg, Studies in Sociology tsar ata a ay 8d. gal Naturalistic publ qadll JW lip, op Kilo Fad agankt 35 MEW Vm Ky i Lath all clogagll bub he pill Jl Lye cul “xsl ileiete Ogenaledith ae Fes an gala Jae VALI, cola Ube gba ol ods Opera « ai Mera bee 25, Gl oe & Sab cs: fb Sento oY YLIY pl OV yw Je gl enh CAE aie 9 — Hagel le Age Uy — Vesey Fanaa lal gale «gill Land Sled ga die spall elilaal G pli Wy ttt ool Ge ge lylyely cA gp oder gt Sle sed Why ees Bb Yee oT endl atlas Boy OV ey atl exh djcal gl ep tape gal G Lod gael J) tb dh Sie yagi ag, Via sg ol gS ply « OK Uy Ole gist Viel Sag ilps clea le neil Via ge lena o4 lgmalio QY elebles gl tL AZO lated Ye cay yo Nya lables « thee Jd Leyes Mane GLOW pled Ay c Ll pall ale yo 2 gill gah Ucletlnes SH) Ley doll Looe Lpllats git ull \pality Po (poh XY veel oda tay Yide ondnil fea Uplaggie OY Jay cat BM tl LE dp pall od alll dalel, YY —- Camb is b— as fea MOBS LIN ll fe OF fe cael pall ide Need gS 5 AEM Ne yaad a5 Quyne Wl Sy WOU 3 ok yall Lub Nap - 4 gLiY Jl ol» AC Say poll ald! 5 =a (FF igen 4 Hae Tle — Fahl ally 2s (a — exe ST Uedh Gas gil cogil BE eat abla it gall alee J KA Yy Glas Agdst Vasey Strict 43 Angle gglll cxil git — eee Beda xb Lake gow KE Vy Leycally Gall Mmjyet LIT doll cnil shy oLgD EY OAL ye Ls VYCY eyed Gy be de poll pled dye caeeab tl ddd ect eobe lids 2h Med pLigh pala E Jisiy LIP ol LM G Jeuss & tll ah Ml 4 ye ots Usl bee yey ¢ Call ude dail Velac| gaat ge Jed si Cues lel ett Spal ga cobalt gl got 6 Lemuel all Sled cll pall pa lal B ae Ve Buleny de GLY pol D agete 2b Hig « Mle Lelyee Lass ota ool eta oN Jag ol ta ol KE + aah oy GS le fill bp danisd « Je slate pas stat Y Kase Beagle ogg GT (heals Caso eat & el ls lly Set apt foe lls EY Ga pslall Je BG yleal lel des, » Uaalel fo tinal Eee Lab Sot) ya SKY universal Sey ole3 JS Gb Bake Le deghll gs ll of: gilts» ei b ol cpl Le fe Je ate N edad cal, da Ll «AS Wek adjective Regn ye Contd dager BLY) pol old ols Yallyy etter Yo WH ode G Lmtd GW eBsS Pl Bea SG Mb o Ladle dex gal — ey I Ba gry Cahheeas dgery algal ye aan of delye ge la gy aby adlary sali a s,ie Je oe lL Ge Catan) on Gh UL gH fe eA Sate Glen GIS ete Joly cel Gy Usb gorge robe ie ayete seh ld! ge tol oF OME eye aed GE Gals epee cell nll GBT Ls on EBL Maye all kere Zeal ell oul J Wl ols luk, UY Ep Wyalds ol oT spall ge gl may ¢ folk Lege oss. 4 else ghad GUY p/ SB LY GLB Aldo fang Mo pl ay AE ye Ipdoginy of Beas Geel OG « 6 oS of Bub Led 25 gil Bell fell dil Sadi + HLS ge rales, cle scl Zope & = Nae, OW Ve poy call esl Bigslall ped — gat és Oh 6 gel chins fad ‘ esi og® 4 yo p30 > determinism : J) 2 GAS yp oot SIS « Wlitly isles ad UKE S Je Vy bei hoor ol Ste Volo A J Ghet il Sipe cA GYTS bai bot 4 Hy Sly Le. ANG cll cu Ly @ obit Felix Kanfmans, Methodolgy of the Social Scieaces 1989 ch. (1) V. p. 141-278 & ch, XIN, p. 169 ff, -—a- Bohs SYolee plan byte Be pe 242 Of Regdall Nal pat « Sely acer doy Of Aseat alyle ge Beitbl ne of lis Vo toy « Paads ce Case Lt of tat y SKE A yy po al Slits 3 yaedly cm em ol 4 ptt Wipe 5 « Lengbs 1257 LN ie Ze 3 olla eNpayd, EN al LM piel Aale eal abe CE at We pet VELIY pl bt oT sans eda 2815G 6 Hebi yo lose Jou flo gl Yo ye Laid Gpapall yl 2 Er 3 cltst- Mea Rent 3 lll Oc gel eb yp tely MS Up DANY oS nde iy SE ltte BF Jaleo | Ft oT baer cozy 6 pb 4 esas Log Cbglbilly Jolacll ye fol yl ahoy ec dpegs Gr fy is Fb Jeusis leit Ue ly Agel le 4038 Be I nas ad y leper — SLL 50 2S de ay — Gk ec a alll oe J Udy ofl Rye By c laa lls pl pe OB pyle shard ¢ oly Gud fo lyiyse at Ll gle dy Sac » Aeghll oil ah Bs J Lela ob co sell cell ltsatal | die altel, « Jey Ad B Oi gH op Aadath pl da sheso S33 ogelll cay le placa ob dy! ye ual Bc yea, FG UAE le ge GER ISL Wy $ ietegfo Bly lanes I ye eset lvogbey Laas § OL LIY jolts Lbs G Gell he phased ay jc atl et WB yoag lonnit gl lay, flay tho GUL aN pelo Soe BM weir ST: oisd I ese wl Ahh) OSG Io (1) : 2 aS Lene Tall pap os Toh WLS ats Whe eT epee =ar appl ply iyo dh sel le ole ae cl al wp hb Joa WT IM OY 6 all aoy fp ent dolar lee se Mplipar Je Set er Din JEU et cy JS ge EIN ab Sse] dee Pcie bal Sol Ania a oll gy hte Jest lel eyes a gph tout aM Sead Ue tayaty Fecass gh Byete ct «geo tos do leash jul shag + lal 2 ONL ye TG cass GES Yy She bly all gat Of ctu ol eethaatet gM abl Gy Cpe An HT LB go lh eke JO wap Sy cleely oe $5, Shilpa b dae dads jot Lia iy JAN pil Jolt Uis any Jo cpl ope Sobel eg DM bry 6 icG AEN Fey Aaah psig Faury catioks siciill alas ye laglee (gdo « hegle (BF dae dyecetll Gl gts Ja ra Vieb eget elit J Jy 3) XE Wie got By ee ek & piles” fale Hypa oll u eat i! ye gla de dls Nach sel otal de dy i Us lye alls gs 32 1G Al jal ol Mia ge ATT Bedk op « obs vib any (ple dl pael cing dbaet)l Ml al jl Goat ake a ge tigl Mate she en be ge dal i 'g Kg] Dhal ol Heelies lb 21... sh cleat deel earl JL 4 69k Be OSB, y cdedy he de ahr PU ET yay go audaall Bde ilies cde lett 28 ol Eyallall ode Gaatlaas ya baw oF aclsly eS > 6 aes! Wo nd de ld gay “a OB tees loayes sary a —ar— git EB all fd — wee Gas gh tly gTe3 OT ae — ob ce VUS oly fangdb mhrayes Ub Osh Jl gXe gL Hele! ae alte solghll cub ley fal: ge tall a «LV a slog (eGig gag shall ye ha Glya daly Goi de 6.2 9 cate of cline pagdy YLIY! plybil oar dl Sst Ses gd BB Reghdl 5 AUB 6 oh ty Gal Se lead or cae ONY Lense geod est AB Jos Paes thay gah gabe LISI fbi pote ta Yc sly al a oll) nd ail Jp Goaell a J aie ol obty Spy Sele 5A Gp aba plo ol ey IV annie gbedll co Blt Agog lel llth JL go IT Upto welealy od Jeet Go ort we heaes cbse dead de het alata? Mb age ee endl JiR Lund LIV zl agh co GARG — cleilel cdl Lay pstt Spat aM Lait ST yo — Lagdl z plbi toy Leltel gl + Lesgeal pylal Cael dS Nal poty Mela cB gtd Tale crs 29 oF agli Ble ly gglall yl glad i GAS 5 45 ial b O81, y Ba pet the, of chy} ple be Fo dyed, bat VT 6 hat age BaF Sen pte all coe! re Jl ceed oN catelee SS tag Geta lh gall ll 4 pail go BLE Foote Leh Lib, Deeper BRIM a5 WF OL ye # alte No Gi Fase pb bad Vapente & jal ple ate lily ole oll al C99 de at Cre JOE Jalal oss ey ay GL pot el Ged Be Ma elee Se dl wad Os my gS ty a + Ana gua —-— appeal el gabe eg eA Rae weed bly yp Fly (Soh) vite Stel py lee shh OM ules gol ill OP CM ye at Garged dh ie. wpe gle de — clone SP art > Llc Beliele pe wea, pe od ab (hU Had) al gel pltsok cl acg ei OB ul gm bed LTH Cabal Bl ced cell See oa ull fe pled yoke GAL le Jy Ye Slo A i , ct Gel ay 8 jail ab we of Shel bel a at : eee, OL Sue ge ¢ teed bits J? Rea ghee OL «pe ast Ciel oS of att aed at Oe gltel ates? GEG ea tky Bethe df py ob doll of & i Vue shesl gl cep 6 abel lhe idee Lal en — edb i tote db Jol — Baty SY Spx Mins i tos, FLU Leyke — Gptl be Grule ye el deep ba Ie yyhdo 9 Rell pte ge b Ga Wl Pere pS ALM go lege The dl ide oldes Y eo lg 5 f By Papas oY Ub PRES LN Neg IT Vyelatol Spa, UF! Be Ses A BN pl all cl Ae FB kW geld ll is BW Uoton ya 8 de AL AG Sy lage oe ypc de HL gga Gal 0 gs # wh le steol —ie-— cpl leis ol polall bb eS rele ty at er pial SY pt ei ab aT lal of a Sil lagtll eye die Led Ke Mp Nall Sober pty 9 Cote sald Jeep slillede ce Spts ged Al Sye eile on ol eal grtbl ia sell ssid cpslall 2 aateead ll SA Ja) ger ASLAN Lab eel Lake plge dl olde cy balls... pAb bag ge BP dia ied Send eet atlas Gh lytt hod «Ole ol git of oe asl poesise sl oa wide pla SV hl dele ehh diz Wath sie | pilsel ite stall Lin J iy ae gobs ZT J -. Jal oda tb ce 4 geil $I SS oF il plies Gk oe asl ob ts A Uey (pe Lal oglyal Ul doe gest Vole hob doe «hal b sels Eartl les Solna Le Tes pon G Ashd Yl pall ge chal oe bilge ge GLb eke gslasall oh cbs ddl Set Ghar 3 12 OO etlalys deck Jl ips Bale Bye cl fae cw pall evs 2 del — Sly obelit J $tej ge il uly (1) ll be foeney nth Lege pee on psd = jae Jo Lt tele US ge ty yom Fpl ele yatll fo Shel — al» yo all bh 5 J 92 eens gt Sell Led ese SLM! Lala ge GLb gs ae db g2.5 — plall ert le Gre HM Ae YL, LIT aL ln Sal LbLLy yee aly Jal sl IAM Se MEL Mind J Cash 7 pV Jol ell ols lhe GRU Jol teas os Nel all Loca leet dala oY Wally ‘ teat inl pabeny gil Col] Ja f lant al coll ge aT Ma Je bas . sige sal oy AIS «promis Ue yt Mel Ud ay Bl yaly songs 8 Sy bse gat aly dol Lyell angie «ll LE Ab Uy tant beats Fors Panty bl g SU oy ee thet By yall sepsis wa == on ey te ge ated Pe total! golly IM gyll at a pauls aye BELSON dots il ap tes? we nw sade # lence 8 gr Sl eott VO od BL a Brgy jy We La ge ell Me wes ill ‘— sp . 1. uly sagt Rey ele tl plein fed Ve ' Fak ae peecnte sel aot ia el del au ‘Te Bt bl eh OSs Panett gl ws 1 fe als pala st eel, ¢ WS Obes Oats © gmake cet y hy Ltn gai fo Yl ual 9) + Sled we ony UT eyed «aol pasall i op alll ole ge SU SG] of La Jo tis yy » be eel ds petal d asl! ade Send ste WT Lae oe ke gl BEY cos hy eb fe ray esl pf SISA de I gel eats , eel Ub 6 inte rate Ue pt Uke pyle Die ct J USE pala = Sia pala oo oe af— ppt fo ne wr stall spe vil pie, tees ont gelay Ail ler GORE yl agra d py SI Shy fo in i ns 1 sip ld ey age oan Pee dels il do Uy oe feat gad ah Jf eh eg Wig « Rabie pales HE bil all wg = pkey sl- al sleds gaa fla Gries 6 ceed alaball gay A Coke ST oot Page AE go gee atl Gube ge JF wal US] ons Ahn ot oe lal § ERM peste Ole goer 2a ej JB peel fo Lake cull Je a ote as (eGe el eel abe hed) pee Bike gyal oT ald gh lle Al apa Jo gales bee] ahd be oT pela tone Dae el bee kh ald es t TL OlLLL se gall s8# alba] c Gale a8 sa Y GLU pLill ped Jo gala Ulead gall dl Lali 1 pat, Oy = tee ay UF ati Hy al Ul ¢ Galt Seal patey TUM ole WF 5 pth onal SY Oo alse gabe ad eat oT ay ll cot cold al By ile yd pit Of SY pall SlielS ¢ Lea lal ge ol 7 FN GLU fle wh oline yy al Lyte gy — deel ob awh, al ol Slog EEN de bit (AF AS ge ie Hits Ul ted (1408 DFS SNe Saale Jey gy ed Mn oll J gists Hoa ob a J + a He bel tage sbeel synt Y tig Mp 2t) Gelert lal sil OP eB Bly fo Tal ¢ Soith y all Late ya ¢ Mbit] Stel ole bee SONG ip Li «eet pm agit SlCe Vy pl gle ict Uh) Lied : Saal it¥ien Salhl oyorall Lead gout oF Y] Abe Y USM olla all acim Go oN Ube gxtall Gj dkny — glee slay ppl ole US yin pd BLAS ga ag dll al all pled dig LEY GE See Bah ge pa Lyall eel «rat YG Bile de Ole yt Sigg ey Carty fade — GLY eget ers cee! Hale OSTA fc lemslie Listy ered les Bb Je aN WH oe BS — kag aLL 7“ cals) DUYL > Al Liye okey FIL the Jo ats sl apany del Ul cestyly teen thle Boo Jo tM ae — baby — oll Vp Oyles StL... ek eB ep SEL 6 Sng ye Mile pl all yo ASI) «sal GF IN «eyed Tele fp i SEN; She oly gS Me aH ayes: SOR LL Le GGL p pool Ty We bee £557 Bl cde gee Sob gi gah SILA UY BL « By AR SH ASLIY ple yal cary bey dee st all DLE Capes « ted Gees Mal tee sy Sood p poyeud leo Joke ll ey e ab 1 ELLIE go LIK; We let bade 5 Eilyall d2adal ols — ~ Pek aval 5 Cog) eae to C1) 2 UB Ot gg! id (2) — Syhl ypecll 8 Ce) + Hal tals oe gil HES UL JF Ds aedNa oy IAL lta RLM A Me Sl Shim oy BA Ble bel, 6 yay — feb fe — Wy. aa —— ua ; sub tase olf BAe bh SEE geo feet Flier we el AEE gis Soe BR bp vad Cais, jd el 2 EB ge CMe ange g robeadll Sar ace (1) _ a . po A FM Bag altho She 1M il ty ob hays % eee JH pall pce pte GIN LI as dy ae 3 thy call ath | § Jal al ero gonsh el Lael Lally hel, 1 lad Jot, p AE a] wise he Yul eon NEI jhe aed odo eealy se UW cs url gos ul Nig GS otae fa) SGN lage et osl- Updleay SLL lle: yo oly od Jt Jolt a ela feat fly lal Jl ye oB Pastas lends yal Hale cab torlal oboe allt Lie ya dab cll Ghoti clit : fy 6 3 le de ce tineyt fl deat ph Ale Selall the igs Go) gle ob plain bg Judd dd Ghost Gd Yyia lyp SIN EN of Leda | SB gl OM dual — pont y Lalas «edt Joe ob all g dp cee ctl, YASS gto l te ule ghesl Ole dey ea di pede f Arlstotle's Micomechean Ethics, (Cag. Troe. by Fe —a— UL si iE ge I ge tb lad fel all oN ATS BT y Gis ge ale ga Le Sill pms sit Jaye see co bey be — Ay J dl 8 ol bees coda Meld 4 ea Lal yall ge Cte UE CH pail HB] pt bag age GEM Gilee Goal! alll pt Setly ¢ (leah) Tay Salt LLL GG Yelle Say tea ae oe col pela g Mele BF pe ped ye ang d Uapy tpt dala poe eal (Goad Uo Gy Uae dace, ee | Gkybly Leh Syl cepa AE a lot d BLAIS J bay FAME Li Fe Nsally Hear g egy — Sul dhe Blrg Sy Bh, Juan Vy abl g Os FAYE oe ileal b ily Jail Slsuk falas ale Jl gall f Halil ole yeh hy F op Gla Lah Jey hl lat th ae ie ZF dl wbbed opt fp LEv es ceod at Jat ale ey shay RE Ge GLI athe andy Calls gh lll Dt yay pol ERE ol gait a 2 ote (dOb Bye we Maus MEW iby cdl Ge AE dye Ge gb WU odo soy gait 5G ccotly Ed LO sh laser! evil (¢ sles) cfI2N am Jue chus cent sey Boe Uy se ball ty $89 « Sep bj FG Gicat Ballas » Ota daak Ofy That GU 7H! shel Loe ye igly Lily NW Gig WSUS «be em sole a LS” eh — ole tT Sebi Bh aplh y BUMS oe pM See Se EAS aS ga TON AM ge SUM Jord ge BW ab fata nas! Hye esl getdblpel ee ogte My Asa ae Jo HL Jas eet ye, aaa aioly Wi a pas EB alte co fab ce llily © ali ag © i taglb sT doled wl 2 Ment epee a, & - Ataraxia, Imperturbabiity id — aR — LANL gang, iyi Hall 4B GE gg 2,21 Jia BE Upbttel « Ga 5 an JH el asl den lab oly le de a deal agadld (0) oy gael ist ald Satetal Jeol yyeoull LMG A joy cee ty el cited yd bd pilly BOL oy gl Jilly JBI ay pel d os held eye rlle ae Satter Ob gee t+ calebyl ib c Matles aS Shiall sata oe —SS— MeYE a Shar SO gyol t yee fe ole dobas y Jal Gees Sle fe cosa sya Ti TL aS” sl ett ey oT gezall pol od cag DOG AS Se. Anselm 108+ WE SMUG a soy eal beet Jill sy 2 Obey Jit Sloe cae 6 al eal LU ob egfléll aT Aequinas = _ a 4 Scepticism Lill. jhay sAdl gr ahte Me Gal (1) = Teal, LEN dl Gate Ue iy di Jee Ball LST Pe hdl al A 3455 UL HL ala guind apegl gu tl of HS - Zeller, Stoics, Epicureans 1 Sceptics p, : jul Ve Set Nes oy » PLE LL Vagkay Ge MW egee Sdpl Gb SNM ope Ll] ULEYL — OLY te db eles a Suara Gl] debe Gat Gadl Jalan gl — da 2i, EOL on — ity eal callell oy Slat thle pais yay — SbaiSl jaalle date Salant Cds We GIG eT pty «doled Gina eBhy Oa) Pan ALl » peaall d (>) pis cpalltl og Jet gill Renaissance Lay pee ily 2g SOG she eel yall oll el le yg Jot te erally 6 edhe shop Sady Fea Ghyll Chiscel coal Jolt I] aly e eed OF ol Lb cel sh Ratt pad Sell Sal alyy HAG STI, Saad gil STEN lated my « Cred Ge cracks» Oey od pty Ce Gtel pall Lin G Bodh «Zea all abl «Ride Tpteae Heda iil laut) Paracelsus Vo8 4+ doef pil lL Delesins VeaAp esti» hie Gat gal Vésale toe Sud L fe Clndprwill a vac Yl sib, fe asi hy dy 6 Spach Spy 3H Hayvey OA + t Sleo GLA, ia 45k ja Geld Le 2 Sails — ne ol G Copernicus veer GG =e SI eal Ly cal gat gol ak Je kl) ga OSpy = Mo ye fd, EYL Soll gheeed Le (Yl aS joo ate L(y) Sane gt le lin sy On Gide ohdy Tunldl yaiel Las Bde ge eld heel ge hd —— =—wt— vial wi eae call gn Wa ab ds OSH GS, pel pollo he clit gal eA M aL yo gts : Bad Bete Slat ph Le Ne ide + Glad A se yarn Peto dad — ool te (Cas Glan tle E> aL aN ay cab artis 'y ley awAs x a ae oil els thay ¢ ah J: lt sy! os ce aged 6b 38 A elie BN SSH & opye peal dja aot Fle Salt seach foe wld diy ge beh tagal is yes oo “ps ve 28 oye pts Oy Ghar Jo Sahl SCal hy ayy aaa caf ONS ge oF coleadll ff bill 2 bab Geo 4b Sigel han GUT 3) c ueygctt sbeoul = can pol yn — ag ab No p38 o Shs oe lee ye! GEM Giga jhas Ulery 6 ul geaNb oe OSL hes Ike aby vel Jett ob te hye em et fo at y psd fet aha eb of ho ettny 6 Glu Fah. © GLIYN Abad Udlir ely [ple Spall Saphl_plylll Hjoe ok Al ate lly — BLN ade 582 yo LUKE gal ted del up xllo wey Lis ly all ogatny £ ple songy Seu jel Ta Gey ole le BAS My CA Shall siliteel J OKp Als as oo bly A all ago Jal do ole Gf cal Sy « Lull alLh Gla by, od HS, Fs Jeet Sead A Lada BB gl cubs che «Hb biel lS uel yy! Lage gp CH wulley, Ming 6 4 pote OL EAL pale DBO ph 9 « Tyell glide ye Hide JS 5 Jed, azo ALIS y er Jo WILL, chee LIYE Ade Ble Talal 3 Eft sta Acad Eis ab oll 6 pil oe ‘ors single ed F ant dLail, ash Ue ft JS peprolang til OF A SESE Ys «tele cpsen 9 Seedll Glad age pe iiss dol if Gaal p cha sacl ih bt ye Osea Bel By 6 Solis por SRAM MA yo lie QUG Hin of Mf Leh ove Slt yo oaual Le oi cy ney ay ht JB ol oF WKag ¢ lll Ly tole, 2) et WT pall LM Doty BLS ge le path Y — eis ven — Gull S4s}4 a Fi; Shai yb gle ULP heina Us eld ashy Oeil abl de Syn g lye Ge AS yg more gh og Descartes 23K O58 (1) “thY Ay Discours de [a Méthode ¢ iil § Les Princips de ta Philos, ode lila. y* coulel ws ) Discourse om Method dt yes ead J. Veitel Utes vena get He dy al Ree LL ah oe yy 8 Vee SEN) Gul ssl eaiyeg = ee Shy Jia Aa che, ai cada sue tal alas g othe Bole : bel em coe Cte re lS SY, ce deh ie , ; Jost caattly Yalealt sibel 2Leib — totally SN poe aay ual D Neal sella ae getely € ON gal Bd Bar 0b le ad etalon, A 295 de Hezll ode Gath Jee | 645 alan ay crlodl je Ses av Sail ale 38 Evstationiom a ve B pll gs acl Heil web (acd aely Geer ya OE te i = © « hoot Hat Cae Ys dh eo ltt ENS tntly EL Wy On, yh AUN Sea SN AK te 1692 Oe Ptos =e tal ods « alll gol Pragmaism Ny ex cp leygrs Mhal Ow & ; Mie Lil de ced OB SCE Heel gh Mls pl arly 6 Lad) eg galt Shall lel oF Wh CAT acl fl gH Lal casts) gt SGM ge OT Nhe tats adh olabs JBM jae oe fy, 4 OW olan Ged alal eel Ue of skl aus Jill ag 2 Panes Bye HIS alld gel Oe oS Oss ( poll We) east = JelsKely ena] alee JULI wali seY 2! in the Philos, of Descertless (Descartes NK. Smith, (1) New Studi as a Pioneer), 1925 (21 Decaries’ Philosophical Writings Selected & translate jal Gail) y Juab yet nll tall gabe ¢ esl ge A 0) Bye ov tage IE coal a Sy ¢ pl Na ge Nady eg tA? 1) IL fol bag HN fe anh Bgl = ill fA LES Me ga lady Ly of oF? (r) sd 1952 = Wale BEN sm Ugaall gh Late 22 SCI Cos 6 Ted ye rlaaill 23 ELS dans dot els 6 Alen BLL ag pps ey 98 shag gong dB gh DL si aldeh aul Jalil Gb « ayiles cash city Joa Oba Jeol ob anal” Salant compel ¢ wyaill salen J seeds «pail iley eI amet dey 3 oll Se pyle Joa OF tenis (+) Upelo sae opi Ade ab a2 loslarl Uli ad ol ey Wey we be Ge AW Sleeyy oe yea ED OSE — ee dy GH GAR 6 Npsadag RAB Jol ye oy SM org Helos — CAR SAH EM ogeg sed oak Lo ynall Bf AAU Yel OU ee Ap db g0s doko Gti, Jab ot ced Pde Leal Mert SUEY boo gps anny OT OBI Gey f Sf c lyall Geng AL pera apeal gy Fay Ody ogee Mylo Mel py Lib aK Ld] « le ats ON eiga ML! A] 5 BS cepa pls? opt Dill Glitiald Jiri y WRG AL ol 4 cpl ow lis ceed Jolty ¢ LULiH agony gil cis 2B sold Zl Buuedl Glas Jo Jed hig «OOS ib A lebanal be Yd! flei al Jeb; 1t og 5 Mgt get R. P, Perry. The Approsch to Philosophy, ch. kp. 3 ff. : O18 (1) G. Waits Cunninghan, Problems of philosophy ch. I M, Schoen & others, & Paulsen : Gly Jerusalem p. 6 10 (¥) . pe 1-3, 11 fi (o-t-¥) rn ayn SBN ak LANE 0 dyn OWT, ca ua tl SCE EAL Gt GL pa eet at? ni . Jd Ra Hg, as pide stad aay «OHM ae CLM Sy ap hake 3 b Ashes" pt cena ail pel uelB, Russell € J yy aj | telat Ralilt do fury od “ li hed eS, Y el ee of ct sh, nee a ip Lehi A ge bois Parent Byte ool AA jm egaleg Jb cell st Joc dt ad Bul be aa dada ae oie ET A ck Jy Hare db es pobtelle g Poly edi Ol ges le " pol eeostl 42, cme EB peg 6 sey #8 us ol al é © aah Hage dele wes ade Zack MF Yog » gat ge ileal adidas daa, clled be gh lp Nie gay « tlle 5 Js ApS) ol ae cali @ Zall! p SUH oh age jad a lls OKA y « Weld ! ge Cheb Eyer 6 Sp Mo op dy cll Gal op ip d erle dita fol ang oe} hs cae SOY Gaga dlp coll J er) oe ee sis oll Joi de otto cil Jed §) B, Russell, Oulline of Philos, ch 17 do (1) Caf ga OLY! OS dpe osaa git git Jail J) B, Russell, Gullize of Philosophy. cin 17 (¥) < (ofl ee Gail ose » fi Rnesell, ry of Western Patlozezhy p. 18 (f) saepeyee Sie tN Ghual, Jy lalyene Bal SHI le M2 pies EY «dahid pm fool ah Lay loa \dtey eset be Mf sale 9 GLEN EA oe sp ZY gill oF c aL oS af Bazer Nee bytiy oll Ble goss «EM he Barge (dow Cll Wait gall Lends bdo + pp | Rooted tells dee Le cul plied aby datab of lal peo cet taolyy SEG Y lead Nae Pate sh daliel Og ge bene usd) Se Sell SG J By Je ¢ Halll odo Gael 3,73 dl Seok bs = Spblell SLL le (KB Gal y n= (ualdlny TELM emlasall oy BasHl - Le * aby! eae” i pul oe o BEY) pA add bilky « Gal ss Le yea Lb Lut ola ge Wie das hey OF pgdh Bla le Gotlh «sta .iladl ail oy8 (IN aL) GEG « i sl pat ye Who ney so ge Ye etl ge Chae olin Skt p Gall Se pal SY OEY Whe g lpe sally “deg GALI gp onl Jel or Bey Migs 3 i Mylan bi GEOG oly BL} dab! « She pA Sed hart LD etal LE ga Ip sly — bigs de Gy A gD She as bs pet Feels Al Eyed ele sagt, O — Agel le eile este Jutl edi MEN Mcp AN ay Mal Es Case ab og Le ja ee * — aA a wey GH ape of ca : : a oF tel, 4 ay calle eal Big | Jeane Jet Ue ele eS! oF cnlesly oe Sally om ° i tl cy eh ae = ge ait ual: Jil ums deolly ga Oy St 3 Une — east oy philly oxy Oultly Oey, grsth Calg stata PAM all Ad tess SSF Wh ty cts gy ae esa a 3h Baty Be nad ye Goisg iioSl fo atel ceil el desltt le ga palell oy Ky Subp Reb ils ant il py gD Cal eo chs Hi Jee goo Gall Fee ITH Hilly salll nod Ja «PAIL g pety Ob aly os BA! all Bybee Ser Ma al say Shay pske Se arly AG pa ALL OF « Sal Lin U6 1 28 on AB LET, 2 way wl ECV yy dalegy D EH UL lecery Aout EVAN be ody > Sal DLN Syell Ip rlar yf andy VAEE Say ¢ abl Shaadi Gd oom gil Gli] ayhd] Le yee ve golill pKa bls tel Sond! 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Bronstein, & olhters, Basie Problems of | reedings with introduction, 195% I vee eal Jeon pabod erp ole (1) Gls): ell nae tol ol ged Cr) — Ceeoks TTB te) Salil Sal gee = pal bY Lee tye ust cod : rdeadial = de fal — 4 tal Bd est on epld— dodges ly (glecninsh be osl a dest gyebels Iso ob piel Wade St ‘ ays BE Sd ooh Sot ba Cer KM Css bes dust Jp O08 om Oe Jp agieidls £ Loa deel, sgge Geol Hasty JS ee ere Os Y « Ub sly Behl go gfael LEM bo yoy ¢ dele’ Stl Methodology dell Sed golieg alg lb plese tua gel il eal cll shall yp) ea els ais (sell Beall gl pole gees 3 or deyh wa! Mp: Remus (ove ee Jail € yeh od Fie Gaby Ugly goo J ghie yits ¢ abort pl ye wesso urbe OF (1) oe AS: aap ease L gs: at coll) Ley tals ¢ Ke pee Used tee (sted led gely al) Sle ty yall ale pe Ul ble dol Stel y Oyltll ELS shoal fo mene lel ae oA € Sie i € £ F i AN a sad 2h Ne gM Se tM rat oT ahd pada lay cosy gy Rb lel al atlas Urata | ot Heed peal ta Lia Glenys ge ebb ab Thee Felirly ten 2s GAL, oy gall + hall 6 si alt SEV eg a pet Bel gpa t SW pe ce Orage deal ee Sasi BEE oa yyee ob bat pda © egerell Late Gay Jaa € ila gh gob JM bldzo'ly ( eygeall Llize'll of) gate 2 OLE gall ade ge Bye JF ae G25 2 ble yi 1 : Syllogism or Formal 5.6) seall .ltil (1) BAY as Lysate 9 « ea JI cs oe agai lay! cased ge Stl Sih Irth alg feat Sed E Gemall erl FOE Wg iS eT Hab By Aid Logie ¢ 5 legen th. xe STN) «53 2gF oe Shag AS I Se ap—0 Boodle, Gall yey ¢ Brgeall Shall GL val lay AP cenit Ue (S apadh) call S i Ue Jel go ¢ Sale Gye Vos aged LM Mie Jf gis Aa Ul gu Wlny «es? x Chadie ye By no 5 BNR 26 col tical ol ola esate per Bake (al Gitiz gh « Cab lysed ab Soil sl ely, Mb ys fal Zol BS Fed ae YE ae: BN allt pte sh Gabel SEA Lp apa At AB CIT £ itd A cha Yokes Jl Ath Waker KG afl OV cit pe trace ads Olaf’ fade GARY a Cae ie asad encel be gay adhag aXaisl 8 yecy fe ed Eaye ph GM JEN wheat JS ge WATE dale oso hepa ately Jedh ogo! OM. ceulllen VI Upl,al Lia gly NEVE Hin SW ey Gaal atts ONS «seal lol ol BLM ody Syshh oll dlleey Rang par ob erste Sill oly Glad clue Say BID Cle ge oy Sa Ugh de eT leg ageedt GSB aS ep Mphns esletel us yyeall Ged! Mo gel yet, s Bind Bade go GAG Val Sailal VPs « Lmeh Cpa tcotless| gil ee Jide fp — WS Egrate papell Ghil laa ep cB ol fasoy Glaaill win Ler GL 8) O99 — Aya le Ah Adee Obata vlad Ue pb — Clashes ye aad Le vin Suaea'l of Spb cgtsdl aad oY ja Cdk ge ee Tikal g pbeey (glog Masel (4) = os ol ld pdt age OH E cep Wyloz] ciledds Je pel BM ll Hy Me" aloe oF Ny Ade gh deat Ghee ye ul Gap Yee al (v) bare oS BR Aad yo Sle [fleas gee Poel SNP) Mldat gT Zola ase 5 /ljte hot Ud COE UWE gent Gi VEL Sal age Cede be Ye Fb pts rll of J Lsbensl Ogg a ga f oy 6 agi, Cladile Je pgiy ihn, (rll og 38 lelye of ul ¥ NG Ne dial Sly cdapecd Cale ge shel Ghd Leif {clay Veg ae Gils Mla! fp ue, eon od ¥ PES Ov GoM pont Mn SB ball Sa aye Satl | yrecbe, Saal Salty a capil SMe: gl, : gad ofl bony 1D yeod asad oXoolend gels bl lp ee ee 2 eel ese SM Lat oy Lgl teal aby c és ayspall le Ue tak dys a dhallp od ee ea ey Ue Of Jy OF lnsery ¢ SEM Lio J Gag ol gT Lle ont ct 6 2b J SYS ge ley ella pate (pli Ce ety Du ¥en LS sy 6 glia (lal gab GSTs bl atl ats je) eda Ul — Poincaré 4 Kily Uy Lb — Lat Jun oF waht HS MS gy lS el cleata§ wl gu Valin EbH oI AY Lest ¢ coh tt SMa gol a I Ya AN SMasca 5 JULI QS Un. 5G toy ¢ Clad! go Ges EMS! etl gol Sta Lea ood OS eos (Sbsbelly otal ot) OUally ole coll le June ts pss 2 2 Gall Jo Ute tie Boe Be (Gabe nd lees Gell ke Geel Fay bly. GUS a oF QUI d osodl betel cel aio Bat OA bce Sy 6 Ll M gala aetleced gail eo UE a Gl Lie part 96 grltl Sn pico d Ogltel EM g £ ek toy OSS 6 Ob sd LM for ie 8S big gellay gl ayy fe EERE fb shards PDE Eo bles bo yall ob Jl lta Sy .. SB W¥8 ETSI padi 9 Sygcecl shall ezis ISN getidl Seb JS Jip el Biemets gstdl gg Jel » CPria sto ted yo 42h ABNF ooh N ACM OW a ile OF CANAL Jed oy chal as teat 252d Ub « leedl yeah oe Beatll yeedes Syde delt gll Euclides sb soy Euclide () Pe Tele (sk etd) U9 OLS cyt DANE yl pi ay PN 554 LIE JT S051 SLRs oye y Lass — Vie BLA go oy xO) ae Hill ba Bhs ie Bynt (am Se ob Bll enka’ iV Jaleo? pra i Js aged od alle i, ed ayall pal Ne Coe, te, Se kil pbab wl Gatteo WER FC gdlle 9 Ladi ot bey : crisis © phe teeg Aeehll gall Fey Gab Cal de 5 gob J = st Sy bopat B fel lit ZAZL I ad ye Jib dll KG Rod Ath aygle gill Co, Kio 0 G5 Al Eb GEM Ld sty, Vin Jelge ¢ 2b 0 bY LizH Gall a2 by epee id CLL! 4 Gately gob JM gepidl dpleial de GA Gree die A olWyT 1 Uobdl § iM Bl Ul Jeg G 2 (ceaaty cuabins a) cghaldt tas aw lise ly tnuiton yrabl GLE yp Goll gee SiGe oi gui, Cape Vat eal Sls} GAL ey y+ Deduction 2s leby tay GM sh ge lal GX wy oy aay cyt cells ely le EL atlas Ayal Pig sely teed cy ly Sate + coiled ide Ups geek nh Sp yoy Sill bit dey od Guhl sey “alee Sie op UG aai Jp ttnalg aly ¢ pals ast gw ye Be Hab, yaa A ist ya alata yy 6 Uple Gua ale AP eg Hoel gabe tb ly Nya QO epall 33h lysed Gal I Mee oly (1) Aly ahead y SITUS Ob Joe dh y ~ gal ylin Ufa gett ol yKey oLub se sels Sab cre dal ysis « ogee UG 03] ST Ul: Cogito sn Sy + Gl. Ohl tly gd Oly shall -\Ww- DP pat SM Sk galllensS LM ge DIG bigse jl y Noite Alc idltel shaab Ulead Jp Gill py ol OS be Ged Med Gls LD ak eo SAM TL JIG lad J daadate pli és “ial Jolly iG Byte 4nd bUinn YI gl Lob f Sbadl GY co dok y Gal le ange Oy ctl, Bay tel sd oe gully c Bagel Use JI Jos Gal Lal ily Mill SBN flag Ge AT fe Jbl Se js oT ye BBL cL al pe ab ager od gett ob G0 Val alsa’ LEM JS ban al ¢& Mt & ot till be ay gi Lee Spo Hass Al eel ISG « Halal SAY ds Gab eos a ttl al, oy BALL AAT GSE oU aad « Geabl 9 ws Lill all WL, ALS! oF sill pdt Sh shall pla Ghte al, Maa Jol gay coals ga sel pl odin odie CPS 6 es i et I edad KE Tyee el gb et 2p Oe GAM eMpek oy af Ga cije la M ge al Je LeGt Jal Vs cnt Be — 4 de < Ul Gully précipitaion 5 ny cael ob gas EIT ees d de lal feats le) wel g Jes] Yy prévention bal USS eoage bab) Sle I Sd OY hat o ky tas & ST ene AL SEM Sow, oT JEL aye gay oe del gh eli due (inet eble Kal, 2 ans Sut Me ge Jah GLI Seal ye) Gl cval Descartes, Discourse de la Méthode : O55 (1) CHA ge WL a jdey —wWaS ol belt chins SM dell 2 Mably lps le Leyes EM ote 4 cit Cally eet eall Vac uM Gs ca \ ah eg Kell ge cabal as shel Gots gst Slopes “fay sly Spl O3| S2ebdt Lb - + fsesel SEAL CLL GY I, lees idols pes s Hts, aK Valor gm oes Tat yo jul Lt iL iss * gittel 5 fb, dip 5% og pall ne vis GREE (8 aes CuK blest J Ye Gl dele gout le yaF Jo thee sel Uf gl eB LCT LL dally « Lagi el ad il ay lo tse ule 4 Vag, GE Cal Cs cl lecee ek gO all oS Jt fa Ua Sot gy coho Gla des Ip! phil: gba ght 4 pbeng oe GS Geely Dapaall AN Ay ell py ‘I | ely i eG ce ches “egal «6 ob « Reghl rad ink Cee lie yey 6 ell 2 Spell SILI anata aS yo Targoe 5 aol, aye oy Coy Gedethaw (Mla cl, tail? he -\WAo ayn bese Baalall ode (al lal oh eres © ne) a a pet dye Rely ity adel Ul] died ye Ue by, aes “A ‘ iid . + UL edb A ll Shokan YU! ID pyil ol ay « pls elie duel — wer, talc Ges Sick b UT ye oxk de ghd dal Gheelyy ae fd pgings dhen b JT Jo hein & 5 4 oT Sell be wha d yay 6 GYWz Vl Yule Olile oy gyif gil Obell eels $ angen B Radel BAW cor pail gagll ole OK ea Gite eli ot Blas BIL syacall § Sack gl gold ai fe oy keds wohl gol Ghee gd Gaktl Oyo GO sol gal aby» egvbell jail ach yy Leibnitz (Ve -f Sud 48 ce amg OT 5 esl oh S ghd [ail ye @. Boole Vance Se case ited ya 6 E548 fle pall padlder Lip pall pues ctl + lal! fe coe odds ll Jpcill J le ol aoatery 6 Logistic el fle Ts igo Mall lea gil & all of Leedts Gol kl yey Se sth aes BOL y «ALM GA tenga Coes db Cage Leh fplasetal dl gb oo alley (cos prtlly oll) oxel Vy SOME casa Bull d GEE opal bts + F * sat Se 2 ell LL Lyte ass ey ths O85 A, Koy, Trois Lecons Sur Descartes : 0. (\) ae oily vary © 2S. d 559 By Ose cd 6S ayy SEMI Sy pli BE « a BLN ISy9 GLE ge CL Gly tgerll ge Dtiay def date Ge 0 pe ste S5L, J, Beck, Method of Descartes (A. Study of the Regalae) SL Sante Je dN tS HU Gap 8 worl aclye Je perl, Yo y ¢ y40r eC AnL Sal y Gel chant le hel a Bpll asl pall lo = in = | 3 ay eal gl Se Sas daa Ge Ky, il ye Jia gt Le AA a pal Jo CH ot J pieces 1h ny pagel tile pK 8 6 og eel dy! alate Ta tony 7 sil 4 gE Sill dat Nee etd BM oo Mois Sy = ae aly wo antes | Sikes Geet Okt Gael be — ay, ered 1 SyKRp 4 jel Hay 6 KS ool oo a Sy Geka G Glas dale ele dl all g9b gKicl G Casa ey a yl Bf odes eel Jocr ger thle geal, sin wt diay ral Sic wll GELS We yo Sted ayniey ¢ Balad Gap Bally yt dyol Joye aKa ay FFA b Seale yale Leh 4b eel GS byl, aby GL gales Gel eal ag [yD as taadithgn Coes oa Ky «altel crcl dl Gola gh) Ab SiH Gl Soll Gall Ged! pal ad fo eal pplllia Gale Dyce fly Like Oyu zal Ferrey Rade de GL La yey Fey lia Jel gat cd Jl Y ee sont gla gale Ch Baby ae pl eaall ofa dead, ke gl ol 221 gala sue bette Re gill ise A jing —t Hinguction ¢s:4 gent feel Je is all ml eee geeat py ale OF ERIE ob paid cag ML Gy ztelyl amet -— (litt coLEY Lak Vastly bale Bell oT OB pt ge tdis J ¢ Roache, OF gy ll Amalia plaice gllezel ai pe ob : sel ol dee of JS Mie Jel cay « puis Olel ye ON th GA 9 (AN ath yh ) dell Sol lin ct (ell geht! Glall bol coe E18 BLY Well cd a BN ec age cla OS By oho] Gal Gale el og ol ae the a Ger Chae She de HE up Lie ali AUN dL rll, Yat obs! die OS ben ey ¢ Hisle Git les hgeat gl al, gil Ul cto cath oa Slat Sale Ul LB che od pie LM J G8 Uy « UYl all O32 clea Go LI d «pe lsenne eV ge! Ont 7 petal : a Tih Gy yonten, Og tl SIL Se abl ont Oped a oh dy Ge (est eos Al BASS lal d Bole iqiillede Sa aly abst ahs c pS Lio J WHEE ( GS) LA pall Baa Vt psd acll lb de as! a eis Bl Geil) Slat 50 f lteny & yyall old oye Y Joill Mote bell Calerga gil gual 5 clea og al ial a A fo eg YM azHl Lye Mab Wa Jol ge Vi de ake Wi ydiby deepal Jubnly 4 jlply Ue dM lsat « ol, gl dah cpilyal hc Zlask WS gtcay Ey y Ll Seal J, Nell peti Awnily solylll Uae he Le pale ole GT gy We ty feat SLA fo rll ogi Legs clea, AEDT DUA eof alll us, (ot- A) — ir A soa al de FE cba” oe Gites Lol dey, ctl 5 (aAati coll) Bk y $ Ll lees adeeb Woy hoy) Jeg eHU Mate let SULT pay, Lb ok 4B Led — ale SWE wale ge Fr Vaygaal él Vell 7, 355 loders gs rae ( Psy ye a5 pil NAGY « be aIhy Uses z plat GRELM opty cay LE AAW ggigall Gh Mba goog 64 ct ihe oatll y Ne As ob OKs LL ok wy (gS est als aks Ko Je ° ltl 4): ask 2 é yal pos ce BS etal J ll Sse Loti ( ote dele debits ax loo, slapue alin lity clilerlsiil os —\Wwer- gh — Beadle WLS — 47 Use omy ee eel EG cia iledl SCM | ge Be ley lene agnegh coll lel SY) hall gall S PUEAV Gell placl Ipecles « seh Utes (My SASL EM ST tay pall Lonel geod bel us halis, fill LUGAM cg eal feel Lymer ol sy \ikay pot d abe] sole soy 6 erpall pli Je age glil patil gis ONLI EG bail be lias She glb dade Bee oe GET ti » Be seed tds old lt Ug ps Paes — © oeel at ee eels ES Bel Sey LU — ctl Sul! gl Lege tly ick. te eho ag —AelL ere cnr e Lash pall ded 38 Bal LA cope oP Nye laden « Seed alts ps cll Sith Mabe Hy — Olabe JF ye CHEB Bly gt Seal at alba 4 Cte SB DANG cor 8! cell eel OSG ip edagd — eles AG I stil — oyle gil 4 ested Novem Organum ¢.4abl Qi BUM Ge Guedes elegy HEE ghagT cay sill 25) « La Discours de la Méthode © gel! ye ll > ak G25 6 € Kiel GAD pedlsie Port Royal Cbs) 399 MW % ne ol ‘ . 7 aN oe C1, (50 Soedl Malebranche € (fille » dp sale Byrde (de Gass — pte eal — Gy Ne det ay 'W. Libby, Am Introduction to the History of Science GkO OU (1) # gplill doll pgs go 1 aad cE ees —\Wt— peg Rs ened le pA Nie 3 OIG ale a fre Orlyol J: pati al files Giplees tly gee Cha IEY a Sesh Saat, obs SK pissed MB a LN Aes SESEW i pd ertroe cede do gly + 1 pe poly 75 any Fyne sali azailuo! 6A Sy thl ge 2 Zitat yh yroepe 4 genesis a 5 49 -.\Lueleabl panty Saal ahd (GAY gael lly ales py baie Hat gg Le go ode angie LEI! pslll Cocker’ «pale way wh yaie le 9 Se 4 ee yl aby eorel ya dl ot Bahl p esl; JTL! Jad Sia cls Jo GS dat g J eras HAI pepe os cateldl yey purely rational jae Ji paspagintellectualisis O 6 cil, Ge Cese atal Jay REAL eng elec JA SK boly) nonrational |i Y -gayisy intuitiona ists cy, Om FT rears [es AS pH, Bergson Syn, iia Gilat! yo palit y - ( all ae mt ony 4 lic lish Vol lal ye peng dle b cols dyn g 6 Ady BF AMMy Loo oy yyy 6 alison Gb lbbly LE gle gl Gall Mie ge fel Gy — lady bey VY Ge 1 Giead Libby, (1) Sad Erle ¢ ULbal Rath oe Sal, (SoS!) sels Ce sell) aM Cai y JS, Jstedl Sle ois abetasd Eels Kage al aller JS ws desl cy 6 gelal Sma te all oyll Gel Ms ete Ob per OY: wT a!s (+) 24 ge SU Ll Libby, Sl = Xe pb eo byl PY, us yy LS Vio Ul Jar gt lal de 4 ot, Faced, Cill Jia I oN ale db LO yabl nit gal gyal GH Wyse ited Ly « Sida § Gd poe esl g JI Je ca Pal GeS Gi pale lege Lg ity — A whe FA Seth Le kis cay $ legge Soph of LE, GALI oe ae? Beg ol ange ish ale gt celta Co gl — 6 leh Cy pity Y Ace Gallet oj Gai WE Up alll a oly asp Id pal See 1 ggisbl Ceol a wee SM ge (Shae al del SV) cee pall Seal ae th aed Cea Meal ghia pal Mead BMG Jes ole og yh shal USA pretty « Help & 5-2 ye 85 git aL ba ra - Le gala aelaly « ple Ost gl & 3 ge GCI JY ud gh” oReal gl se ey HE bale, Gand lpn RH GIN Se SI Jol Nake tue GAN) — ay Baten ee Sao 5 ye a Byucd Ay aly + Observation &Experiment 4 yey anil Nf) _A\= V4 ye Cunningham, Prolesiné of Philosophy j3! (1) Bergson, intr, to Metaphysics, Eng. Trans. by TH. : Wis O58 ¢) Hulme. H.W, Carr, Philosophy of Change, sresay chapters M-lV. Bergson, Creative Evolution). 3 RB. Perry, ch. Vo: O08 Sb aw ge Cate cpl all Jers Jo ental gt psd cakes fos SUN Sob tt ae yeil l Kebler vue +e Juco B cel ge gay Me ge CaF go (OJ te tad potl Sym Dbealt , SM eie asl GF J vl 96 dT phe, gay to} SS Nooete ud mall U2 ib 6 ney fall aes 3} By ll Fell ly pa Gb, V cyt Yon cls Naas, OT pet iy S9) ttl Bouts 50lbh Sol jf 3B “Jelgly iil weg ages ge CAN OY lage SVU ad shay 28 Gs ge Vall 22 Vb eb al Gee op Jetan “ual “gtd Sindh GL SY! gdm 29.08 « Gatall oS Gol oS ot Gh — 1A apollo pts Vea ANN Vin gb Uf von Med ca git alahill qa Jp Gilt OD gs ; shat ot + Vetification of H. U3! Gale (>) ci ye ab gl aye +o cat ak wb oS Sue al ost us oat te le Vals «Jo Ge Oe? Sab eee ee el La Op Alla gpbit J — poly Be G— Bub — : Method of Agreement 6 Unles ayes pins dell agey ob aL) fe Si, bi odo pits 1 Bo fon Mel hs WB perelKtey call she yo dig Nya all lab ay SpA ast lel) quddt oay 6 Uy Gate oye eB 13 Yaseh Jlo cyo E0B ab gD Gale tle gee ot gh Job pleb its GalKe Be Be lee ye Geptll go doly rut BY, \SA2L) eel ct bbb Les Galt ge Ua gh 2 dpi Gg Mo gf JANE LM Jo jai 5 Une esi EMD elte syo ATT gl GMa toely yo eb gat 13] » 16% ple 0b (law gh) te eal Ka at wl Ae gh Bites oot Haak) Gee sie, UF SL Gal all apne Wi, 1 hoy we J. S. Mill, Syaiem of Logic, Book If, Chapier Vili lie § sl (\) + oll obs ly cen Ue 3 py etl deed Sa VAdt Seb An dl Yor {+ OS eee Bayt SU td (y) ibid p. 263 (¥) ee =i Ade bee Mell SC GTB Ladlail op gil, 98 EAT Ls Methed of Difference’ AR a p< 6 sles Obs ol] ergs 4 gE Cae bhialie Sats BSG pip lines cntal gb doh 20 bo segl BAU U3 GENS bia JBM at olyo ule vba dd JH dels by gb — Let cide ge — TE. Sheen! hid ot, Bl cgoubl Legie ple dle if oll ee «JN Lo ab ob Mth, We fle cntle t dlsl pla b BBP explode af BY A Seay cob ad sl JON Dds wll ge sols AM ice de ols lla odd too G38 a Hee gl oth OS hye 33 hey te gl ie alge ge G52 | + oa bal cab obs eA ot Gee od lee ge Y aae op Lilet fy f af talye go doly eld eile ip gM JSF ps8 SEM, Pol 4 » oot Khosla bp OAs « “" @ ot ey b als « ast eek ee i aalaiel (mab ‘sf HSb Jogi cola yt Ye dott jp (cides Yy BBY cu, ot eror The Joint Methed of pApreement & Diiicrence Pacem 43 (1) Ogle Be diet by egerly The Indirect Mcihod of Difference aha gpa db eh BE it Uses ga rydh Ul OM gat colt oxi, Slow pe 24d, Jail oda Ulan PB Sale gag t Usher tary Soaps ge sl Cosas fogey Lagey sew po Ball a Ol yo> ye pS Je olde Susd 5, + Msi WIT Id Kelly » Jl Vc Lado bile Sha QE 13]: yoy LNs aig GG Jil ole Jo Fle aby solynggtd GUL gble Aatiy ¢ U5 alle lad ltt (OMe 520 1) odo ad AY (eel ode of) ob el yldle Sie O65 6 lye oso cade oelihl Go ae eal og ole bY ols Y, alk 0 Dleegadl bile 4g Ge gal ogtll Ol lasiel ( {SI OMLI JT), (cm 2 Shi of haan 5 excig i cual J sey lll poy) SVL Ytle ye sg -2 ee ght de sl lla Jstee go The Method of is G pil gl (gil yal Gi, bb — ¢ : Cancomiiant Variations oe fla Pah Gb US boo Lig’ ot UES GT SIEM gals 3 co JB eG Sa she 3 Jot 5) OL Nay Uy aa SF yao Udell, IH oy BM ar ll Ark, OM oay lo Lalgl « Wjlao 5 Wolds Uyar ask, Ute Je Lh, Jol aa ally ays Ceoddatul L8y ¢ Bode duel Goo pall Whe ol cdc Salt ley ee ty ill 1 day ees pa Sh lg ge GMI dos + Hechell pall G shel puss tel ay WY alt sladiYly Cabs beet Redd ogl ll ge et ol ge Uh BM ado LAK Ay “lege (ST aby Stimutus 750 52 Leh, ell Gf te dyad US Y —\eT— ad 2H oh ele fe dst FS yb By de fap Sol gaily 2 al Anaied Oy Adal 4D dae Loudll pithy (Jp 6 Moet lS tusé ele Yt de Gael cast Whos Dhl oylal § de LM od Ja Byes bs i sat g# Je ee all gh gad Coles ish 08 & ab ge dele Gal, ar SU dae gph de 52! The Method of Residues «Sl pi! 44, — ° ve {pb Coal Gale Blan gt de ciple gl: Bly LaF gel a ae coelell gael ab ey cate or oY dea Li BB Hay LM olin Jo yok ofp alt dad Caisse OSS der Mal deegt ol gle Lael hohe jal yo Cadecel | s Dil sl gh Splat Gh a oa dliel Vis geay Pla oie lt U Tagite g Sala ote al ail ald Lo dh eo As Sew (laste e Lid | UKey seul Jie sleen'fl Joo Me Sel ges beally Salis, og hyd alga oLyel nant ole UA aatb paitely lat Gop Cle steer ely oly d JP Lay Salad Vly gle Ges all Lod algal oe Zt Gel Cagse ald ype algal del GHP Jot ail Lee Ses AEN Ay ol lll ode Gaal (LY ye Syl Sa ihid p. 263 (4) ibid p. 260 (¥) —wr- yb pan Opa AEM Ger sty « Oe Gandy pany ce ucla cnoditel bok py Political arithmetic ig-leadloled-t, MY stall Hae GLY) Rell ell aay «JN gh Heh J! Ob fa D5, sil) Gb IN hog “et gM beter oN st cg veil eel @ IM ot UE Uh UG added elo odes $ C2; eal Baws falts « sla D Al ae Joer ge gure gel pine o» cxtelloe Vig AT eb ag slay Vy ghee cd ag 2U ler gi aid B Vo Jp ef ght oF oh ola shal CIs tore BA KL, gn by ol Bee eke Syne f al Yc taade) gles ley ol ell 5 yger oy Ry dell Sond Cage dele Sek: coll wre o he eb Jacl deed Cae EA NINE oS odd JL wt Novo ¢2bl sylessMl » geal Dob” Ye by 4 dels ghee ead jassl @dgleyshe Je >) Organum 2 le i Ee ye Sheehy yc Mg ttl dead ool aly 4 ppithy SOLKCH Jeg heel, ys : ' ot os ext asl ul 3B anay aly. 3S — Nige Cagpheer gf fase ‘gm th al lhe cade I @ Slt Ge of 3 i ue fed de Bai ptt EMS dy col deel Gab ge Ua OS Lat Bowley, A, Ly Elements of Statistics O24 q) Mills, F.C, Statistical Methods - Ft pte ge ing « hints Wodlll Je pg Oye oe got vale «pc est ell cosy edit) eats lil yg ol seed tb vee Jes Je Al ald ele i ge deste gh Gila ge SL phe —& petlly Uae Wl — et {dae oa gh gt co ath GS tea yoy deel gM Eni e aan gail Jp Gil ws po Biel Bye ge Jy Jee ol ee fall le ealZael calle cale \si hb obspe Boe IS} 6 enete gp Cad fo op Sada ue ur gh cul 5 pealy «Casey (ayery Utes go asa dah a ae can Mla JCal fy ¢ GD je gotdle® lye d ogabl ae gh eal Bete Ol fe belo Lid afb 60, H. Lewis jie SLM yo oat ad The Ethics of hS G. Henry Lew bef gl Gatto (4) egg da Ley glee) pt Ube col a yo XIN dl XVE yo Aristotte

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