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June 29, 2017

Honorable Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper

c\o Ms. Jacki Cooper Melmed
Chief Legal Counsel
Governor John Hickenlooper
136 State Capitol Building
Denver, Colorado 80203
303.866.3788 (direct)

Re: Notice of Intent to File Suit in Colorado US District Court

Governor Hickenlooper:

A succinct history of the issue at hand is required here. In

the summer of 2016, the Judicial Branch began a $50,000 campaign
consisting of 6 radio ads put on radio stations through a contract
with the Colorado Broadcasting Corporation. The ads were presented
by you to persuade the listeners to visit a private web page where
the Judicial Branchs retention recommendations [or not] of 109
Colorado judges were presented. The end of each ad ended with the
statement, Sponsored by the Colorado Broadcasters Association,
the Colorado Judiciary and this radio station
I filed a Campaign Finance Complaint with the Colorado Secretary
of State naming all members and employees of the Judicial Branch,
Colorado Broadcasters Association, Unknown Radio Stations that had
broadcast the ads and you Governor Hickenlooper. The Attorney
Generals office made appearances for the 3,964 Judicial Employees
and Governor Hickenlooper; the Denver City Attorneys office for
9 Denver County Judges and private counsel for Colorado
Broadcasters Association and the radio stations known at the time.

There were key issues from the start that were never addressed
starting with Judge Spencers refusal to compel the judiciary to
release the names of the unknown radio station Defendants so that
they could be served in accordance with the CRCP.

Then it became very apparent that Judge Spencer was in contact

with the Respondents and the Court Clerks were not forwarding
Orders of the Court.

I filed a complaint pursuant to the statue with Ms. Taylor

who was appointed by you. She retained Chief Judge Matt Azar who
was also appointed by you to investigate. Ms. Taylor dodged
important allegations put forth in the Complaint in what I believe


was a concerted effort to protect the judge, you and the judiciary.
I requested an appeal to the Executive Branch Ethics Commission.

As you were/are fully aware, there was not a commission to

appeal to in accordance with state statute.

Eventually, I was sent a list of candidates for perspective

Commission members. All were attorneys whose licenses are under
the regulation of the Respondents [Office of Attorney Regulation]
and were to be picked by you, also a Respondent in this case.

Then, Ms. Melmed pieced together some rules with some new
commissions all associated with your office and Ms. Melmed again
being under the regulation of the Judiciary Respondent and giving
me an ultimatum to file an appeal within 15 days.

Unless the Commission is reconstructed so that it not only is fair

but has the appearance of being able to administer a fair and just
review of Justice Spencer, I will file suit in Colorado US District
Court including but not exclusive of claims for:
1. Fraud on the Court resulting in a violation of due process
of law of my 1983/1985 civil rights.
2. RICO.
3. Civil obstruction of justice by you and the Governors

If I dont hear a response back in the next week, I will

assume that you are going to keep the status quo as far as the
structure of the Executive Ethics Commission and I will be left
with no choice but to file suit.

Thank you for your time and consideration in these matters.


/s/Peter Coulter


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