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Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562

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Electric Power Systems Research

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Microgrid energy scheduling using storage from electric vehicles

Ebrahim Mortaz, Jorge Valenzuela
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Integrating electric vehicles (EVs) into a microgrid can provide additional energy and storage to the micro-
Received 14 July 2016 grid. The benets depend on factors such as market prices, EVs state of charge, and their arrival/departure
Received in revised form times. In this paper, it is assumed that the microgrid operates in a grid-connected mode and consists of
22 September 2016
thermal units, renewable energy resources and a parking facility. An optimization model for the energy
Accepted 28 October 2016
management that considers the energy and storage provided by the EVs is proposed. The objective func-
Available online 10 November 2016
tion of the model is to minimize the expected total operation costs including generation, day-ahead
market, battery wear, and real-time balancing costs for the next 24 h. The uncertainty of the demand
and the available EVs in addition to the intermittency of the renewable energy resources are taken into
Electric vehicles account. The model is solved using the Benders decomposition algorithm and results are obtained using
Energy storage a 14-bus distribution test system. The results show that using the storage and energy of the EVs reduces
Uncertainty the total operation cost of the microgrid.
Benders decomposition 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Day-ahead energy market

1. Introduction cost. In another article [5], the authors developed an optimal bid-
ding strategy for the EV aggregator in the day-ahead energy market.
The development of microgrids has sparked signicant interest The goal was to minimize charging cost while meeting the uncer-
in recent years because of the potential to improve the reliabil- tain demand of the EVs in real time. In Ref. [6], a similar framework
ity of the electric power system [1]. When the power grid fails to was proposed for an EV aggregator to purchase energy for the EV
deliver electricity, microgrids can operate independently and ful- owners based on the forecasted power price and the EVs demand.
ll the demand within their boundaries. In addition to improving In Ref. [7], the EV aggregator used energy storage devices to mit-
reliability, a microgrid can reduce the cost of energy by increas- igate the impact of uncertainty and inaccurate prediction in real
ing local load control, integrating different sources of renewable time. In these studies, the primary objective of the aggregator was
energy and trading energy in the electricity market. In Ref. [2], sev- charging the EVs at a minimum cost. The EV batteries were not
eral market-based pricing models were studied to minimize the exploited as a storage resource for improving the economics of the
cost of electricity in microgrids. The experimental results showed charging system.
that by using a sustainable microgrid, the energy cost of residential A microgrid can also act as an EV aggregator and integrate the
consumers can be reduced by 20%. EVs into the system. In Ref. [8], the authors developed an electricity
The electric vehicle (EV) is another entity that can exchange and heat generation schedule that was coordinated with the EVs
energy in the electricity market and contribute to the economic charging schedule in a microgrid. In Ref. [9], the plug-in hybrid
aspects of power systems. To allow EVs to exchange energy with electric vehicles (PHEV) were integrated into an ofce building
electricity markets, aggregators and microgrids can serve as an microgrid and the effect of different charging ratings was studied.
interface [3]. Several studies have analyzed the interaction between In Ref. [10] a model was proposed to simulate a solar parking lot for
aggregators and EVs. In Ref. [4], an aggregator collected the demand EVs. The authors used queuing theory to model the vehicles arrivals
of EV eets and purchased electricity from the energy market on and departures. The excess energy was exported to the grid and the
their behalf. The study compared the impact of centralized and excess EV demand was imported from the grid. In all of these stud-
decentralized charging schemes on the system-wide generation ies, the microgrid integrated the EVs but did not use the storage
capacity of the EVs.
Using storage capacity of the EVs in microgrids has also
been considered. In Ref. [11], the coordination of the PEV charg-
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 334 844 1381.
ing/discharging schedule with volatile wind power to optimize the
E-mail addresses: (E. Mortaz),
(J. Valenzuela). energy dispatching in a microgrid was studied. The coordination
0378-7796/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Mortaz, J. Valenzuela / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562 555

Net active power injected to bus i at hour t in sce-
Indices nario s
j Thermal generation units Qnet Net reactive power injected to bus i at hour t in
t Hour scenario s
s Scenarios Si,n,t,s Apparent power in line between bus i and bus n at
i,n Bus in the network hour t in scenario s
max min
/ Upper/lower bound on bus angle
T The length of the V2G program (hour)
Emin Min allowed energy capacity of an EV (%)
Emax Max allowed energy capacity of an EV (%) goal was balancing the power generation and demand in real
t,s Min allowed energy capacity in the parking facility time. In Ref. [12], a new method for optimal integration of PHEVs
(MWh) at hour t in scenario s in microgrids was introduced. The proposed method determined
t,s Max allowed energy capacity in the parking facility the optimal parking capacity for the EVs in the microgrid. The
(MWh) at hour t in scenario s authors used the EVs batteries to store energy. However, they
SOC Average energy content of arriving EV (%) never considered the EV owners benets, the stochastic aspect
Rated battery capacity of an EV (MWh) of the storage capacity provided by the EVs and the power ow
t,s Number of arriving EVs at hour t in scenario s constraints.
dep The energy management problem for a microgrid has also been
Nt,s Number of departing EVs at hour t in scenario s
c Battery charging efciency (%) studied. A stochastic energy management model for microgrids in
d Battery discharging efciency (%) which the storage devices and the EV demand are integrated to the
t,s The net added/deducted energy to/from the parking system has been proposed in Ref. [13]. The EVs were considered as
facility at hour t (MWh) in scenario s a local load and the real-time energy imbalances were not consid-
CHmax Charger rated capacity (MWh) ered. In Ref. [14] the authors solved a similar model including the
t Price of energy in the day-ahead market at hour t real-time imbalances without considering economic dispatch. In all
($/MWh) of the microgrid studies, the variability and uncertainty aspects of
Battery wear cost ($/MWh) the storage capacity provided by the EVs have been neglected. Also,
up the integration benets and the cost of power imbalances in real
Sj Thermal units start-up cost ($/h)
time have not been considered.
j Thermal units shut-down cost ($/h)
In this paper, we propose a mathematical model for managing
Gi,n Real term of the admittance matrix in line from bus
the energy in a grid-connected microgrid that includes different
i to bus n
sources of energy and a parking facility for EVs. The parking facil-
Bi,n Imaginary term of the admittance matrix in line
ity, due to its ability to accommodate a signicant number of EVs,
from bus i to bus n
can supply a substantial amount of energy and battery capacity to
n Max voltage magnitude at bus n
the microgrid. By using the EVs storage capacity, the microgrid can
n Min voltage magnitude at bus n
import energy to be consumed or stored in the EVs batteries dur-
i,n Max apparent power capacity of line form bus i to
ing hours of low electricity prices; thereby reducing the need to
bus n
purchase power at high-price hours. The energy stored in the EVs
Energy price of the power distributor ($/MWh)
can be discharged using a vehicle to grid (V2G) program at hours
t,s Net demand at hour t in scenario s (MWh)
of high prices. We also assume that the microgrid does not operate
Dt,s Demand at hour t in scenario s (MWh)
as a commercial charging station. That is, the energy level of an EV
Wt,s Wind energy at hour t in scenario s (MWh)
at departure would be equal to its energy level upon arrival. The
St,s Solar energy at hour t in scenario s (MWh)
EV owners are compensated by obtaining access to free parking
s Probability of scenario s
and cash for battery wear. Since there is no contractual obligation,
EV owners can choose to participate in other markets or demand
response programs that may provide higher benets. Exploiting
xt Energy purchased or sold in the day ahead market
the energy and storage capacity can be complicated. For instance,
at hour t (MWh)
if the battery of an arriving EV is full and the owner decides to depart
t,s /yt,s Charged/discharged energy in the parking battery at
shortly at a high price hour, discharging that EVs battery might not
hour t in scenario s (MWh)
be economically justied. We propose an optimization model that
aj,t,s Energy generated by thermal unit j at hour t in sce-
enables the microgrid to manage the battery capacity and energy
nario s
content of the parked EVs. The energy management decisions are
zt,s Energy purchased/sold from/to the power distribu-
made based upon a two-stage stochastic optimization model. The
tor at hour t in scenario s (MWh)
model makes rst stage decisions a day ahead according to the
t,s Energy losses at hour t in scenario s
available data and determines the behavior of the microgrid in the
et,s Total energy content of the parking battery at hour
operation day after the uncertain data are revealed. We assume that
t in scenario s
the microgrid operator makes an arrangement with a local power
uj,t Commitment status of thermal unit j at hour t
distributor to export and import excess supply or demand in real
fj,t,s Amount of fuel type j used at hour t in scenario s (ft3 )
up time at xed prices. The contributions of this paper are:
sj,t Start-up cost of thermal unit j at hour t
Shut-down cost of thermal unit j at hour t
1. A mathematical model to manage the energy within a grid-
Vi,t,s Voltage magnitude in bus i, at hour t in scenario s
connected microgrid.
i,t,s Phase angle in bus i, at hour t in scenario s
2. A model that considers the variable and uncertain storage capac-
ity of the EVs parking facility.
556 E. Mortaz, J. Valenzuela / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562

3. An extensive analysis to assess the economic effects of integrat- 3. Problem formulation

ing the parking facility into the microgrid.
4. A cost saving mechanism to improve the economic benets of The formulation of the energy management problem includes
the integration. the objective function and all of the system constraints.

3.1. Objective function

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the problem description. Section 3 proposes the mathe-
The objective function is given in Eq. (1) and minimizes the
matical formulation of the problem. Section 4 details the solving
expected total operation cost of the microgrid. The total cost
algorithm and Section 5 explains the stochastic modeling of the
includes the costs of rst stage decisions and the expected cost of
energy storage. Section 6 discusses a microgrid case study. Section
the second stage decisions over all scenarios. The rst stage costs
7 shows the simulation results and Section 8 draws the conclusions.
are the cost of energy purchases and sales in the day-ahead market
and startup and shutdown costs of the thermal units. The second
stage costs are the generation cost of the thermal units, cost of bat-
2. Problem description tery wear and the cost of power exchanges (balancing) with the
local power distributor at each scenario s.
Microgrids are usually composed of distributed generation
units, local loads and a central control unit that operates in accor-      
dance with the power grid. Smart Microgrids are able to efciently Min z = Pdt xt + sjt + sjtdn
+ Cfj fjt,s
and economically satisfy the consumers demands within their t t j t s j
boundaries. In addition, they can provide several opportunities   
for the consumers to participate in microgrids energy scheduling, + y+
t,s + yt,s + zt,s (1)
deliver demand response services for the grid and trade energy
in the energy market to improve the environmental and economic
benets. In this paper, we assume a microgrid consisting of conven-
tional thermal units, small scale wind turbines, solar panels and an 3.2. Constraints
EV parking facility. The microgrid is connected to the power grid
and can exchange energy in the electricity market. The microgrid Constraints in Eq. (2) ensure that the power supply and demand
operator determines the commitment status of the thermal units at each hour for each scenario are balanced. As the wind and solar
and the amount of energy to be purchased or sold in the day-ahead energy resources are assumed to be non-dispatchable, they are
market. Due to the stochastic nature of the loads, the storage capac- shown as negative loads [15].
ity and the output of the renewable resources, there will be some 
discrepancies between the forecasted demand and supply and their ajt,s + xt + zt,s y+ Loss
t,s + yt,s = pt,s + Dt,s Wt,s St,s t, s (2)
actual quantities. To resolve the imbalance between demand and j
supply, we assume that the microgrid operator agrees with a power
distributor to exchange excess supply or demand for xed prede- As noted, we model the parking facility as a single battery with
ned prices. A contract with a power distributor at a xed price a capacity equal to the sum of the capacity of all batteries in the
hedges against the highly volatile prices of the real-time market. parking facility. The total capacity will change over time because
of the variable number of available EVs in the parking. Eqs. (3) and
(4) represent the maximum and minimum capacity of the parking
facility at hour t.
2.1. Modeling uncertainty
Emin min
t,s = Et1,s + E
t,s Nt,s )) (3)
The energy management problem is formulated as a two stage
stochastic optimization model. In the rst stage, the price of energy dep
Emax max
t,s = Et1,s + E
t,s Nt,s )) (4)
in the day-ahead market is forecasted and the contracted prices
with the power distributor are assumed to be known. In this stage, The added and deducted energy to/from the parking battery
the optimal commitment schedule of the thermal units and the at time t is presented in Eqs. (5) and (6). It is assumed that the
energy purchases or sales in the day-ahead market are determined. microgrid returns the borrowed energy from the EVs at departure.
In the second stage, the net demand and the battery of the parking Therefore, the energy content of the departing EVs will be equal to
facility are modeled as stochastic parameters. To represent these, their energy content at arrival.
we generate scenarios for each parameter. In this stage, charg-  
ing/discharging schedule of EVs, balancing activities and generation Earr arr
t,s = SOC (Nt,s ] (5)
dispatch are determined for each scenario.

dep dep
Et,s = SOC Nt,s (6)

2.2. Parking facility The total energy content of the parking battery at time t is given
by Eq. (7) and is constrained in Eq. (8) to the minimum and maxi-
In addition to power resources, the microgrid uses an EV parking mum capacity of the parking battery at that time.
facility equipped with a bidirectional ow capability to perform a
V2G program. The parking facility is assumed to be a virtual battery et,s = et1,s + (1/d )Earr
t,s (c ) Et,s + c yt,s 1/d yt,s t, s
whose capacity depends on the batteries of the available EVs in the (7)
parking. This capacity is variable as the available number of EVs in
the parking facility changes over time, and it is stochastic as the
arrivals and departures of the EVs to/from the parking facility are
not known with certainty. Emin max
t,s et,s Et,s t, s (8)
E. Mortaz, J. Valenzuela / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562 557

The maximum energy that can be stored or withdrawn from the

battery at each hour is also constrained by the rated capacity of the
charger and given by Eqs. (9)(11).

t,s + ht,s 1 t, s , h+
t,s & ht,s 0, 1 (9)

0 y+
t,s ht,s .CH
k,s Nk,s ) t, s (10)


0 y
t,s ht,s .CH
k,s Nk,s ) t, s (11)
Fig 1. Software interaction to solve the Benders decomposition.
The active and reactive power ow equations are presented in
Eqs. (12) and (13).
that we have penalized the active power variables in the objective
Vit,s .Vnt,s .(Gin . cos it,s nt,s + Bin . cos it,s nt,s ) function.
n (12) min wt,s = M PSlack t, s
i,s (17)
= pNet
+ pSlack
i, t, s i
Vit,s .Vnt,s .(Gin . sin it,s nt,s + Bin . cos it,s nt,s ) At each iteration of the BDA, the AC-OPF is solved for each sce-
(13) nario and the shadow prices associated with the injected active
power from each thermal unit (jt,s ), the parking battery (t,s ),
= QNet Slack
it,s + Qi,s i, t, s
and the power distributor (t,s ) are determined. We also obtain the
The apparent power ow constraints are given in Eq. (14). power losses at every dispatch. The Benders cuts Eq. (18) are added
to the master problem at iteration k. In Eq. (17), wt,s is the objec-
|Sint,s | Smax
in n, i = 1, . . .., N, t, s (14) tive function of the AC-OPF problem, Akjt,s , Yt,s
k , Z k are the output
The voltage magnitude and angle limits are given in Eqs. (15) of the master problem for the thermal units generated energy,
and (16). the energy withdrawn from the parking battery and the purchased
energy from the power distributor, respectively.
n Vnt,s Vmax
n n, t, s (15) The w is added to the objective function of the master problem
min max at iteration k. We also add the power losses to Eq. (2). Without
nt,s n, t, s (16)
adding the losses, the power losses would be compensated using
the virtual generators and the algorithm will never converge.
xt ; {, } , pLoss u u
s,t ; fjt,s ; sjt & sjt 0   
w w Akjt,s , Ykt,s , Zkt,s + jt,s (akjt,s Akjt,s ) + t,s
All thermal unit commitment constraints are also considered. (18)

ykt,s Ykjt,s + t,s zkt,s Zkt,s s, t
4. Solving algorithm
The AC-OPF is solved at each hour for each scenario. If the output
The proposed energy scheduling Model (1)(16) and all unit of the virtual generators is greater than zero, a Benders cut is added
commitment constraints is a MINLP problem which is complicated to the master problem. The solving algorithm is presented in Fig. 2.
to solve. There are multiple methods to solve this type of prob- The algorithm will iterate until the solution of the sub-problem
lems. We have chosen the Benders decomposition approach (BDA) does not change.
because of the successful application of BDA in Ref. [16] and the
block angular structure of the constraint matrix which makes it a 5. Stochastic modeling of the energy storage
good candidate for the BDA. In applying the BDA, the original prob-
lem is decomposed into a master problem and a sub-problem. After Due to the variability and uncertainty of the arrivals and depar-
the master problem is solved, its solution is examined by the sub- tures over time, the storage capacity provided by the EVs in the
problem. If the sub-problem is infeasible, a Benders cut is added parking facility is variable and uncertain. To model the arrivals
to the master problem. This process iterates until the solution con- and departures of the EVs to/from the parking facility, we use an
verges or until it reaches a stopping criterion [17]. To solve the inhomogeneous continuous-time Markov chain (ICTMC) [20]. The
proposed model with BDA based on (Khodr et al. [16]), we par- process is inhomogeneous because the arrival and departure rates
tition the problem into two problems: a master problem and a change over time. The state of the process represents the current
sub-problem. The master problem includes the entire model with- size of the population and the transitions are limited to birth and
out the AC-OPF Constraints (12)(16). The sub-problem includes death. Modeling the parking facility as an ICTMC captures the time
the AC-OPF constraints. To solve the master problem, we use the dependency of the transition rates. However, nding a closed-form
IBM ILOG CPLEX interactive optimizer with Concert technology in solution for the transition probabilities is believed to be very dif-
C++ [18]. We use Matpower 5.1 [19] to solve the sub-problem. Fig. 1 cult, if not impossible [20]. Several numerical methods have been
illustrates the software interaction to solve the proposed Benders proposed in the literature to solve the Kolmogorov forward equa-
decomposition. tions numerically.
As in Ref. [16], we add slack active and reactive power variables In this paper, we use the Monte Carlo simulation to generate
(virtual generation PSlack
i,s , Qi,s ) to the active and reactive power scenarios for the state transitions based on the ICTMC [20]. The
ow constraints to make the power ow equations always feasible. state of the process is the number of parked EVs. The birth and
We then set a positive cost (M) for the output of the virtual gen- death events are the arrivals and departures. We assume that an
erators to penalize the objective function of the AC-OPF problem. EV enters the parking at a rate  (t) and leaves the parking at a
The objective function of the AC-OPF is presented in Eq. (17). Note rate i (t) where i is the state of the system. Given the process is in
558 E. Mortaz, J. Valenzuela / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562

After determining the holding time t, the sampling of the next

state j, is obtained by generating a random number U and select-
ing the state j that satises the constraint in Eq. (20). We continue
sampling the holding times and jumps to the next states until we
reach the end of the planning horizon (hour 24).



qik (t) < U < qik (t) (20)

k=0 k=0

In Eq. (20), qik (t) is the conditional probability of transitioning

to state k given that the current state is i. The value of qik (t) is given
by Eq. (21).
(t)/ (t) + i(t) if i < k
qik (t) = 0 if i = k (21)
i(t)/ (t) + i(t) if i > k

Notice that when the i equals the capacity of the parking facility,
qik (t) = 1 for i < k. We count the number of arrivals and departures
during each hour(Ntarr , Nt ) which are used to compute according
to Eqs. (4) and (3) the maximum and minimum storage capacity
(Etmax and Etmin ) at each hour. We generate scenarios for the values
of Ntarr and Nt by replicating the Monte Carlo simulation. After
generating the scenarios, they are reduced by using the K-means
clustering algorithm [21]. The number of scenarios is decreased to
reduce the computational time of the solving algorithm.

6. Microgrid description

6.1. Microgrid topology

We run our experiments on a modied 14-bus microgrid test

system introduced in Ref. [22]. The microgrid topology is shown
in Fig. 3. In the modied system, we add a 1 MW wind turbine at
bus 1 and 1 MW solar panels at bus 4. We also aggregate all the
Fig. 2. The solving algorithms ow chart. EVs batteries in the parking facility as a single battery and replace
the stationed load at bus 2 in Ref. [22] with the parking battery.
state i at time t  , the holding time t is sampled from the cumulative The parking battery is connected to the battery side convertor and
probability distribution function given in Eq. (19). a transformer (13.8 KV/2.4 KV, 3.0 MVA) on the branch connecting
   bus 2 to the feeder. Three small scale thermal units are also added at
Fi (t|t ) = 1 exp (t ) + i(t ) dt (19) bus 5, bus 10 and bus 12. The technical data related to the thermal
t units are summarized in Table 1.

Fig. 3. Modied 14-bus distribution test system.

E. Mortaz, J. Valenzuela / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562 559

Table 1 6

Net demand (MWh)

Unit commitment technical data.
Technical parameter 1 2 3 4
Start-up cost ($) 200 250 220 3
Shut down cost ($) 150 180 160 2
Min up-time (hour) 3 3 3
Min down-time (hour) 2 2 2
Ramp up (MW/h) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0
Ramp down (MW/h) 0.5 0.5 0.5 6:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 AM 6:00 AM
Max capacity (MW) 1 1.5 1.1
Min capacity (MW) 0.1 0.2 0.1 Fig. 6. Sample of net load scenarios.
Price of fuel ($/Mft3) 10 10 10

Table 2
Purchases/sales in the day ahead.
Number of parked

xt (MWh)

150 6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm

100 3.6 3.27 1.83 1.8 0.36 1.4 3.15 0.81

50 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm

0.42 0.98 1.03 3.96 0.33 3.01 1.29 1.38

6:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 AM 6:00 AM
10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am

Fig. 4. The scenario sample for the number of parked EVs. 0.33 0.51 4.23 2.22 1.29 3.15 2.70 1.29

6.4. Net demand uncertainty

The Monte Carlo simulation is used to generate scenarios for
Energy Price

representing the uncertainties in demand, wind energy and solar


400 energy. As the solar and wind energy sources are assumed to
be non-dispatchable, the net demand scenarios at each hour are
200 obtained by subtracting the wind and solar energy output from the
0 demand at that hour. To generate the scenarios, we use a truncated
6:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 AM 6:00 AM multivariate normal distribution (TMVN) [24]. The probability den-
sity function of TMVN is given in Eq. (22) [25]. The covariance
Fig. 5. Energy price in the day-ahead. matrix, , represents the between hour interdependency.

exp 1/2(x )T 1 (x )
f(x, , , a, b) = b  (22)
6.2. EVs parking battery
exp 1/2(x )T 1 (x ) dx

We divide a typical day into four 6-h intervals. The morning To estimate the parameters of the TMVN, we use wind and solar
interval starts from 6 am to noon with arrival rate1 , the after- energy output data provided by the renewables integration study
noon interval starts from noon to 6 pm with arrival rate 2 , the datasets in Ref. [26]. We also collected historical hourly demand
evening interval starts from 6 pm to midnight with arrival parame- data from Ref. [23]. We generate 100,000 net demand scenarios for
ter 3 , and the night interval starts from 12 am to 6 am with arrival 24 h and reduced them to 10 scenarios using the K-means clustering
parameter 4 . The parking capacity is 200 s and 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and algorithm. In Fig. 6, we show a sample of three of these scenarios.
1, 2 , 3 , 4 are 70, 60, 15, 10, and 0.33, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, respec-
tively. We generate 1000 scenarios for the number of vehicles in 7. Simulation results
the parking facility according to the process described in Section
5 and reduce them to 10 scenarios using the K-means clustering We run all of the simulations on a 2.8 GHz Core 2Due processor
algorithm described in Ref. [21]. In Fig. 4, we show three of these with 4GB of memory. The results are used to assess the effects of
scenarios. the parking facility, parking time, departure policies and net load
The battery capacity of an EV is 0.04 MWh and the average and parking uncertainties.
arrival energy content, SOC, is 50%. As we consider 10 scenarios for the net load and 10 scenarios for
The rated capacity of the chargers CH max is 0.02 MWh. The max- the parked EVs, the problem is solved for 100 scenarios based on
imum and minimum allowed SOC of an EVs battery is 0.9 and all combinations. It takes 1 h 56 min for the Benders decomposition
0.1, respectively. The cost of battery wear, , is assumed to be 10 to converge after 50 iterations.
($/MWh). In Table 2, we show the purchases/sales in the day-ahead mar-
ket. The expected total operation cost (ETOC) is $28,545 and all
thermal units are committed during the operation day.
6.3. Day-ahead energy prices and power distributor Table 3 gives the hourly maximum, minimum and average
charged/discharged energy to/from the parking battery over all
The energy prices on June 11, 2013 from Ref. [23] are used as scenarios in the operation day. These results show that the park-
the forecasted prices for the model. They are given in Fig. 5. For the ing battery is either charged or remains unused at 3 am, 6 am and
real-time transactions, the microgrid imports energy at a cost of 9 pm, and is certainly charged at 7 am, 5 pm, 7 pm and 12 am due
850 ($/MWh) and exports it at a price of 150 ($/MWh). to the low price of energy at those hours. At 8 am, 11 am, 12 pm,
560 E. Mortaz, J. Valenzuela / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562

Table 3 Table 5
Charging/discharging of the parking battery. Purchases/sales in the day ahead.

yt (MWh) xt (MWh)

6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm 6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm

Max 1.13 1.24 0.00 1.81 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.92 4.37 4.27 1.77 3.98 1.76 0.32 1.06 2.11
Min 0.00 0.41 3.05 0.93 2.61 2.35 2.24 1.88
Mean 0.78 0.66 1.02 0.82 0.32 0.79 1.97 0.00 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm

1.81 1.35 1.98 5.20 0.92 3.41 0.08 2.33

2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm

Max 0.55 0.34 0.68 3.26 0.00 2.30 0.00 1.33 10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am

Min 1.39 2.05 0.47 1.47 2.22 0.93 1.92 0.00
Mean 0.11 0.19 0.09 2.57 1.01 1.87 2.05 0.81 1.23 1.36 5.95 2.17 1.82 4.52 2.12 1.26

10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am
Table 6
Max 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.23 0.24 0.74 0.45 0.00 Effect of battery wear cost.
Min 1.24 1.12 0.03 0.48 0.86 0.00 0.14 0.76
Mean 0.86 0.62 0.66 0.23 0.62 0.27 0.06 0.41  Average hourly Hourly cost of Expected cost
($/MWh) charging/discharging battery wear ($) savings ($)
Table 4
2 1.48 2.96 2864
Purchases/sales in the day ahead.
4 1.42 5.68 2804
xt (MWh) 6 1.36 8.16 2739
8 1.28 10.24 2666
6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm 10 1.20 12.00 2561
12 1.02 12.24 2509
3.12 2.44 0.33 0.11 0.12 0.21 0.49 0.93
14 0.86 12.04 2416
16 0.71 11.36 2329
2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm
18 0.52 9.36 2246
0.81 0.86 0.81 1.03 0.82 0.91 0.59 0.67 20 0.29 5.80 2073

10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am

0.69 1.37 3.36 1.99 1.86 2.33 2.63 1.91 EVs and 10 scenarios for the net load. The ETOC of the solved prob-
lem is $30,746 which is $2,201 higher than that of the stochastic
problem with 100 scenarios.
6 pm, 8 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm and 5 am, the parking battery is either For the combined effect, we use one net load and parked EVs
discharged or remains unused and at 2 am the battery is certainly scenario. The ETOC of the solved problem is $34,179, which is
discharged due to the high price of energy at those hours. For $5,634 higher than the stochastic model with 100 scenarios. The
the remaining hours, the parking battery is either charged or dis- purchases/sales in the day-ahead market are given in Table 5.
charged based on a particular scenario. The ETOC is calculated by determining the rst stage decision
variables and then using them to obtain the second stage decisions
7.1. Effect of using the parking facility for each of the 100 scenarios. The ETOC is obtained by averaging
the operation costs of each scenario.
To show the effect of the parking facility on the microgrid, we
solve the model without the parking facility. We set the number of
available EVs to zero to simulate that no parking facility exists. As in 7.3. Effect of battery wear cost
the case we have the parking facility, all thermal units are commit-
ted during the operation day. The ETOC with no parking facility is To evaluate the effect of battery wear cost on the EVs charg-
$31,106, which is $2,561 higher than using it. The purchases/sales ing/discharging amounts and the expected cost savings, we solve
in the day-ahead market are given in Table 4. Without parking facil- the model with different values for . The results have been sum-
ity, the microgrid does not have any storage capacity, and thereby marized in Table 6. We computed the hourly charging/discharging
it has to purchase energy from the day-ahead market at prevailing amounts at each case by averaging the EVs charging or discharging
price. values over all scenarios and dividing the obtained number by 24.
As  decreases, the cost of battery wear decreases and the micro-
grid discharges the EVs batteries deeper. Clearly, the expected cost
7.2. The value of considering uncertainty
savings is higher for lower  values. However, lowering the value
of  can reduce the EV owners motivation for participating in the
As we have considered the uncertainty of the net load and the
V2G program.
number of parked EVs, we assess the individual and combined
effects of these two uncertainty sources. To assess the individ-
ual effects, we solve the problem considering one scenario for 7.4. Effect of the EVs parking time on expected cost savings
one parameter and 10 scenarios for the other. The one scenario
is obtained by averaging the 10 scenarios of each parameter. For To evaluate the effect of the EVs parking time, we solve the
instance, to compute the value of considering the net load uncer- model considering different values of . The expected cost sav-
tainty, we solve the model using one scenario for the net load and ings are computed in comparison to the case where the parking
10 scenarios for the parked EVs. The ETOC of the solved problem is facility is not used for energy storage. Fig. 7 shows the impact
$31,794 which is $3,249 higher than that of the stochastic problem of the expected parking time (1/) on the microgrids expected
with 100 scenarios. cost savings. Clearly, as the expected parking time increases, the
Similarly, to compute the value of considering the parked EVs expected cost savings increase. The contribution of the parking
uncertainty, we solve the model with one scenario for the parked facility becomes more signicant as the vehicles are available to
E. Mortaz, J. Valenzuela / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562 561

4000 Table 8
ExpectedCost saving

3500 Microgrids cost savings under different uctuation ratios.

3000 Fluctuation rate Expected cost Increase/decrease (%)
2500 saving ($) compared to 3.5 rate

1500 1 0 100%
1000 1.5 706 72%
500 2 1104 57%
0 2.5 1652 35%
3 2113 17%
0 5 10 15 20 25
3.5 2561 0%
Expected parking time during the day (h) 4 3111 21%
4.5 3598 40%
Fig. 7. The effect of parking time on the expected cost savings. 5 3996 56%

Table 7
Table 9
Arrival rates () at each hour for different cases.
Day ahead market price proles ($/MWh).
Time 6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm
Price prole 6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm
Case 1 60 60 40 40 50 50 30 30
A 800 800 200 200 800 800 200 200
Case 2 60 60 60 60 20 20 20 20
B 800 800 800 800 200 200 200 200
Case 3 60 60 60 60 20 20 20 20
C 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
D 500 500 200 200 500 500 200 200
Time 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm
E 500 500 500 500 200 200 200 200
Case 1 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20
Case 2 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 Price prole 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm
Case 3 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20
A 800 800 800 200 200 200 800 800
B 800 800 800 800 200 200 200 200
Time 10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am
C 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Case 1 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 D 500 500 500 200 200 200 500 500
Case 2 20 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 E 500 500 500 500 200 200 200 200
Case 3 20 10 10 10 10 5 5 5
Price prole 10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am

A 800 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

the microgrid for longer hours. Note that the capacity of the parking B 200 800 800 800 800 200 200 200
facility restricts the expected cost savings to $3,600. C 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
D 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
E 200 500 500 500 500 200 200 200
7.5. Effect of arrival and departure rates

The benets of the EVs integration into the microgrid depend Table 10
on the arrival and departure rates. In Table 7, we show the different Cost savings under different price proles and arrivals/departures.
arrival rates of three different cases during a day. For cases 1, 2, and A B C D E
3, we use as departure rate () the values 0.5, 0.33, and 0.2, respec-
Case 1 $352 $102 $0 $156 $73
tively. Notice that these three cases represent short-, medium-, and
Case 2 $330 $583 $0 $134 $291
long-time parking behaviors. The expected cost savings for cases Case 3 $419 $684 $0 $197 $374
1, 2, and 3 are $243, $409, and $537, respectively. Notice that the
expected cost savings in case 3 are relatively higher than those in
cases 1 and 2 because the average parking time of the EVs is longer. under these different conditions are summarized in Table 10. The
expected savings under no price uctuation (prole C) are zero,
7.6. Effect of market price uctuations regardless of the arrival and departure rates. In case 1, the higher
expected cost savings are obtained under price proles A and D. The
To assess the effect of market price uctuations on expected cost reason is that in case 1 the arrivals exceed the departures during
savings, we modify the forecasted market prices (shown in Fig. 5) to high price hours. The microgrid operator can discharge the arriv-
create different uctuation ratios. The uctuation ratio is calculated ing EVs at high price arrival hour and return the borrowed energy
by dividing the highest energy price by the lowest price during when the price is low. However, under proles B and E, the arriving
the operation day. The uctuation ratio of the forecasted prices is EVs should not be discharged at their arrival hour because the bor-
3.5. The expected cost savings for different uctuation ratios are rowed energy would need to be returned at a high price hour. Case
shown in Table 8. The table also shows the percentage of increase 1 under proles B and D illustrates the interaction effect between
or decrease in the savings compared to the savings of the original price uctuations and EVs arrival and departure rates.
forecasted prices. Clearly, higher price uctuations generate higher Although under prole B the price uctuation ratio is higher
expected cost savings. than prole D, the expected savings under prole D are higher than
under prole B. Similarly, cases 2 and 3 illustrate the interaction
7.7. Interaction effect of market price uctuations and EVs effect.
arrival and departure rates
7.8. Effect of restricting the departures
We dene ve hypothetical uctuation proles AE, given in
Table 9, for the day-ahead market prices and use the EVs arrival and Enforcing some restrictions on departures can increase the
departure rates dened in Table 7 to assess the interaction effect. expected cost savings. Any restriction should be compensated so
Proles A and B represent high uctuation ratios, C no price uctu- that there is enough motivation for the EV owners to participate in
ation, and D and E low uctuation ratios. The expected cost savings the restricted program. In the restricted program, the participating
562 E. Mortaz, J. Valenzuela / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 554562

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