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Director’s Corner

possible agricultural result over the • Regeneration — An idea that has

longest time span imaginable. In this gained traction and relevance ever since
sense, sustainability is simply the oppo- we began to acknowledge that the health
site of simplistic, short-term thinking of of our planet and its people is in jeop-
any kind, and stands in distinct contrast ardy, we now understand sustainable
to programs that, for instance, merely agriculture to involve practices that will
preserve farmland. restore health to the land and everything
The technical definition of sustainable that depends on it. In its essence, this
agriculture is the successful employment means we are trying to abandon a degen-
of farming practices that achieve three erative system in favor of one that will
things at once, without diminishing any improve life as we know it indefinitely.
one of them: economic viability, environ- This idea and its many variants is likely
mental soundness, social responsibility. to sound disruptive, dismissive or even
arrogant by others who encounter it for
Key Concepts in Implementing
the first time, but then lately everyone is
Sustainable Practices
starting to understand just how urgent
• Diversity — Nothing is more impor-
the need to change our ways in so many
Understanding tant to the practice of sustainable farming
than the idea of diversity. This term is
areas of life has become. The twenty-first
Sustainable used in many different contexts, includ-
century will be all about restoring health
“from the ground up”…or else.
ing diversity of types and locations of
Agriculture farms, race/ethnicity/background of • Continuous Improvement — The
farmers themselves, varieties of crops and main point to be made here is that the
By Brian Snyder, Executive Director livestock, market venues used in selling path taken by sustainable agriculture
products, and so on. A lack of diversity in wherever it occurs is to be understood
any of these areas often, and perhaps distinctly in contrast to the idea of
S everal months ago I was asked to jot
down some basic concepts about sus-
tainable agriculture to help a public offi-
inevitably, leads to failure of the system
as a whole. Maintaining diversity in every
“progress” or mere “technological
advancement.” History does not run
respect is considered the quintessential according to a straight arrow; our society
cial who wanted to be able to talk about
“risk management” strategy, contrasting is more aware than ever these days of the
it intelligently. More recently, this exer-
with other strategies that rely only on cyclical nature of many aspects of life,
cise came to mind again as I, along with
conventional insurance and/or govern- including politics, economics, religion
many of you, had to endure the Mon- ment assistance for survival. and yes, even science. Proponents of sus-
santo “greenwashing” campaign on tainable agriculture love science and
National Public Radio wherein they • Balance — Before there was sustainable
research as much as anyone out there, but
claim to be supporting sustainable agri- agriculture, our major land grant univer-
they also understand the folly of believing
culture as a priority. sities talked about “balanced agriculture.”
that science itself leads to inevitable,
Since Monsanto, and many other This was really the same idea, and was
uninterrupted progress. In contrast, they
companies by the way, are currently busy itself preceded by other ideas and even
believe that continuous improvement in
trying to misrepresent themselves as hav- folk wisdom that emphasized the impor-
agriculture is a product of the collective
ing been right there at the forefront of tance of “common sense” over “book
wisdom of a community of common val-
the sustainability movement, I thought it learning.” In the technical definition
ues and practice working very hard
appropriate for us all to review what we given above, one can understand that the
really mean when using the term “sus- economic, environmental, and social
tainable agriculture.” Following are some aspects of any farm must be in balance • Alignment — There is a spiritual side
of my thoughts on the subject: for the operation to be sustainable. Aside of sustainable agriculture that receives
from any hazy, philosophical thinking more or less emphasis depending on
Definition of involved, this idea has real, practical one’s variety of faith and religious prac-
Sustainable Agriculture power in the everyday world. To wit, tice (another area where diversity is
First and foremost, sustainable agri- farming done merely for profit without required). But whether an individual
culture is a philosophy or an attitude regard to environmental impact, or for practitioner believes literally in creation-
adopted by the farmer in question, usu- profit and environment protection with- ism, intelligent design or the scientific
ally characterized by an intention to out regard to social factors (like, can nor- theory of evolution, there is frequent ref-
operate the farm holistically with respect mal people afford to eat?) is ultimately erence made in everyday practice to the
to the context in which it is situated considered irresponsible. And yet, we also alignment of one’s methods with divine
(environment, community, etc.) and to understand that farming that does not purposes, the laws of the universe or the
show continuous improvement. keep the farmer in business financially sometimes mysterious ways of nature,
Ultimately, any sustainable farmer/ will fail altogether. To achieve success, almost interchangeably. This is a primary
farm is attempting to achieve the best everything must be in balance. continued on page 24

Sustainable Agriculture
continued from page 6
When I see or hear a major corporation like
reason why nearly any gathering of the Monsanto using the term “sustainable agricul-
sustainable agriculture community
includes people with extremely varied
ture,” I comfort myself with the knowledge
backgrounds, from the most conservative that they have no idea what they’re getting
sects of farmers to some of the most
highly educated practitioners of the natu- themselves into.
ral and social sciences, and many folks in
between. The idea of aligning our agri- dumbfounds many public officials). ness processes and product lines.
cultural practices with “the way things We also insist that bigger, more “effi- But every time the term is used, we are
are supposed to be” has a tremendously cient” farms are not the best way to “feed afforded an opportunity to talk about
unifying effect, and leads to the enthusi- the world,” since such systems are what we do and reaffirm our commit-
asm often experienced at such gatherings. inevitably doomed to failure because of ment to the authentic values and prac-
One would need to understand the the lack of diversity and imbalances they tices of sustainability in agriculture. If
above concepts, and probably a few create. There are many implications for you think about it, it’s downright gener-
more, before fully comprehending the policies regarding healthcare, the econ-
ous of these big companies to use their
attitude of the sustainable ag community omy, global warming and energy as well.
massive marketing budgets to give us
with respect to some of the major public So, when I see or hear a major corpo-
ration like Monsanto using the term such opportunities.
policy issues of our day. For instance, we
are much more interested in government “sustainable agriculture,” I comfort Their ignorance is our gain. It’s
programs that improve public access to myself with the knowledge that they have almost as though our food system is
fresh, locally grown foods, than we are in no idea what they’re really getting them- working to balance itself that way, giving
seeing government subsidies of any kind selves into, i.e. a system of thinking that us a real shot at achieving alignment with
for farmers (which will seem self-evident would naturally lead to their own demise, the way things should be even more
to most readers of this column, but at least without adjustments to their busi- quickly than we could have imagined. n


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