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Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise sparklanguage.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the
options given in the brackets.

1. This material is different that. (from / to / with)

2. You should explain this them. (to / at / with)

3. He has been absent Monday. (since /for / from)

4. I havent been to the theatre a long time. (since / for /from)

5. He goes .. school by car. (to / at / on)

6. This is a comfortable house to live (on / at / in)

7. They are called . different names. (by / with / for)

8. We should not spend money . luxuries. (for / on / with)

9. I gave him a chair to sit . (on / at / in)

10. The new term begins . June 1st. (on / in / from)

11. He poured the tea .. the mug. (into / on / in)

12. He said that he was very pleased . my work. (with / on / at)

Put in the correct preposition:

1. Its so noisy I cant concentrate _____ my homework.

2. Dont worry Ill pay _____ the tickets.

3. The car belongs _____ my father, so I dont think we can use it.

4. I borrowed a pen _____ my classmate.

5. Ive been waiting _____ the bus for more than twenty minutes!

6. Julie: What time shall we eat dinner?

Gill: It depends _____ John well eat when he gets home.

7. When we arrived _____ the cinema, the film had already started.

8. Please explain this problem _____ us.

9. She was listening _____ the radio when the doorbell rang.

10. John worries _____ his exam results all the time.
Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

11. My flatmate listens _____ a lot of jazz.

12. David paid _____ the drinks.

13. Who does that house belong _____?

14. Dont worry _____ Gemma, shell be fine.

15. She borrowed a jumper _____ Julie.

16. Please be quiet I need to concentrate _____ this book.

17. I want to go to the beach tomorrow but it depends _____ the weather.

18. Who are you waiting _____?

19. When will we arrive _____ Beijing?

20. The policeman explained _____ the children why they should never run

across a road.

Put in the correct preposition:

She learned Russian ____________ the age of 45.

2. The book was written ____________ Mark Twain.

3. Ill show you the picture ____________ the palace.

4. We can only get to the camp ____________ foot.

5. He reminds me ____________ his old history teacher.

6. What are you talking ____________?

7. ____________ the end of next year we will have made over 100,000.

8. She always gets up early ____________ the morning and goes to bed late ____________

9. I went to work ____________ Tuesday but I didnt go ____________ Friday.

10. Youll have to wait. Hell be with you ____________ a minute.

11. Philip waited ____________ her at the movie theatre.

12. He started learning English ____________ 2005.

13. You have to pay ____________ the tickets on the day you order them.

14. We are very proud ____________ this company.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

15. Its very kind ____________ you to help us.

16. The old man suffered ____________ a heart attack.

17. Please write ____________ pencil.

18. Its ____________ time you told him the truth.

19. The manager didnt take part ____________ the discussion.

20. Hes very good ____________ telling jokes.

21. Ill see you ____________ the conference

22. We sat down ____________ the grass and ate our lunch.

23. My parents got married ____________ the 1970s.

24. Theres a good restaurant ____________ the end of the street.

25. We usually have turkey ____________ Thanksgiving.

26. I would like to travel ____________ Italy next summer.

27. I took a plane ____________ Munich to Rome.

28. Id like to speak ____________ the manager please.

29. I dont usually feel tired ____________ the morning.

30. My mother is abroad so my dad is taking care ____________ us ____________ the


31. Sonja gets ____________ the seven oclock bus in the morning.

32. She always looks ____________ herself in the mirror.

33. I met Donna ____________ a party ____________ Friday night.

34. My friend always borrows money ____________ me.

35. Darias books are lying ____________ the floor.

36. He arrived at the school building just ____________ time.

37. The audience threw tomatoes ____________ him.

38. Passengers are not allowed to use cell phones ____________ airplanes.

39. He is responsible ____________ what he does.

40. Im sorry ____________ the job you didnt get.

41. Im very bad ____________ mathematics.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

42. We had to climb slowly ____________ the hill.

43. He is always ____________ time.

44. How many people are ____________ your team?

45. A university is where you study ____________ a degree.

46. Her next birthday will be ____________ a Sunday.

47. The new factory is expected to go online ____________ May.

48. Many of us eat ____________ fork and spoon.

49. We have been searching ____________ a web designer for a few weeks now.

50. The TV is ____________ the corner of the room.

Put in the correct preposition:

1. Halloween is celebrated __________ the United States __________ October 31.

2. Are you going away for the weekend? I dont know. It depends __________ the weather.

3. Dont kiss the prince. He might turn __________ a frog.

4. He felt bad __________ no reason at all.

5. I have been living here __________ ten years.

6. Have you been __________ the cinema recently? Yes I was there a few days ago.

7. I happened to meet an old friend __________ town.

8. Have you read the article? It was __________ yesterdays newspapers.

9. He always drives __________ a tremendous speed because hes always __________ a hurry.

10. He is very fond __________ good food.

11. He married __________ the age of 28.

12. I bought many things __________ my stay in New York.

13. According __________ the guide there are three hotels __________ town.

14. I saw him standing __________ the queue but I dont know if he got __________ the bus.

15. I want to post this letter __________ a friend.

16. Im going __________ Glasgow on Monday. Would you like to come with us?
Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

17. John has got a very strange taste __________ clothes.

18. Mum sat __________ the back of the car.

19. Im interested __________ basketball but Im not very good __________ playing it.

20. Im returning __________ Spain __________ the end of the month.

21. My parents met __________ the war, in 1943.

22. Is it true that your mother died __________ cancer.

23. It was embarrassing. I didnt have enough money __________ pay for the meal.

24. It was __________ the radio yesterday morning.

25. Its a quick journey __________ Manchester __________ Leeds.

26. Jane goes to the office early __________ Tuesdays.

27. I saw him sometime __________ June.

28. Meet me __________ the station.

29. The lights are moving __________ us.

30. My country is famous __________ great musicians.

31. Who is that girl over there __________ the red dress?

32. I live __________ Sweden but every summer I travel __________ Spain for my holidays.

33. Turn right __________ the end of the street and then it will be right in front of you

34. My sister has a beautiful apartment. She lives __________ the third floor.

35. Please sit down. Mr. Brown will be __________ you in a moment.

36. I have to apologize __________ being late.

37. She tried to prevent the children __________ jumping into the water.

38. Sometimes I have to walk to work and sometimes I go __________ bus.

39. Thank you __________ coming to visit us.

40. The boys met __________ the corner of the street.

41. The smallest room is located __________ the left of the hall.

42. We entered the building __________ entrance number 3.

43. There was a dark spot __________ the ceiling.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

44. We arrived just __________ time to see the Queen.

45. We have to be at the airport __________ 6 p.m.

46. We ran __________ the doctor on our way to the bookshop.

Put in the correct preposition:

1. The two friends went _____________ the movies by themselves.

2. During the summer I stayed _____________ my grandparents.

3. Ill wait for you _____________ the bus stop.

4. The milk is _____________ the refrigerator next to the orange juice.

5. She came and sat _____________ her husband.

6. _____________ we saw the television show on bears we drove to the zoo.

7. _____________ the day, the rain came into the window.

8. The phone rang _____________ the middle of the night.

9. Some boys were crawling _____________ under the car.

10. His notebook fell _____________ the floor.

11. The plane flew _____________ the clouds.

12. Peter doesnt go to work _____________ Fridays.

13. Open your book _____________ page 9.

14. Can you see a yellow house _____________ the left?

15. There was a picture _____________ the wall _____________ the bed.

16. All the latest computers will be shown _____________ the exhibition.

17. He came to see how I was getting _____________.

18. I am very interested _____________ documentaries on TV.

19. I am surprised _____________ how much money they want to pay him.

20. Nobody in the family has heard _____________ the accident.

21. She comes _____________ a poor family.

22. I am quite good _____________ art.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

23. Jack came rushing _____________ the stairs.

24. Turn right _____________ the next traffic lights.

25. Her mother is looking forward _____________ going to Australia.

26. The film is based _____________ a novel by John Grisham.

27. John is totally obsessed _____________ football. He thinks of nothing else.

28. I prefer coffee _____________ tea.

29. Lets divide this money _____________ us.

30. I like travelling _____________ boat in summer.

31. When I was younger I was always afraid _____________ going to the dentist.

32. Marys in the kitchen looking _____________ her car keys.

33. Are you really happy _____________ your life here?

34. He was quite pleased _____________ the results.

35. This is a painting _____________ an unknown artist.

36. I am proud _____________ being a teacher.

37. Dont worry _____________ it. Everything will be fine.

38. My father tells us fascinating stories _____________ his years in the navy.

39. Did you call attention _____________ their mistake?

40. _____________ to the headmaster, both of the boys got involved in the fight.

41. Except _____________ that one, all the sentences were easy.

42. Be careful. They will lose faith _____________ you.

43. The girls worked _____________ their lessons for half an hour.

44. He depends _____________ his sister for help.

45. Miss Wilson is very fond _____________ French food.

Put in the correct preposition:

1. There were _____________ a thousand people at the concert.

2. You must be _____________ 18 in order to see the film.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

3. We are travelling _____________ the road.

4. He is suffering _____________ an unknown illness.

5. I listened to the game _____________ the radio.

6. How are you getting _____________ at school?

7. Dont be impatient _____________ us. We are trying!

8. Could I speak _____________ Tom please?

9. We didnt see the whole performance because we left _____________ the last act.

10. There were some beautiful pictures _____________ the walls.

11. The march started in the park. _____________ there we moved to City Hall.

12. Pessimism is bad _____________ your health

13. He asked his mother _____________ money.

14. I bought many things _____________ my stay in New York.

15. My country is famous _____________ historical sights.

16. Im not _____________ a hurry. I can wait.

17. Have you ever been _____________ the theatre recently?

18. We arrived _____________ the airport _____________ time for the plane.

19. My grandfather died _____________ cancer.

20. The resort lies about 1,500 meters _____________ sea level.

21. His hands are _____________ his face.

22. theres a chair _____________ my desk

23. The thief jumped _____________ the window.

24. Both o my neighbors can take care _____________ the cat while you are gone.

25. I rarely think _____________ the weather.

26. They were always arguing _____________ silly things.

27. _____________ first I found the work very tiring but _____________ a few weeks I got
used to it.

28. My house is _____________ the end of the road.

29. The article was _____________ yesterdays papers.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

30. The classroom is _____________ the fourth floor.

31. I applied _____________ a few jobs last week, but nobody wrote back.

32. He wants two seats _____________ the concert on Friday night.

33. You ought to be ashamed _____________ yourself _____________ coming in with dirty

34. Theres no point _____________ going _____________ car if we cant park near the

35. he started his training _____________ November

36. Whom did they vote _____________ ?

37. The bus stopped _____________ the corner of High Street and congress Avenue.

38. I love listening _____________ classical music.

39. He is _____________ Dallas, Texas but he was born in California.

40. She goes _____________ church every Sunday.

41. Its 7 a.m. We need to leave _____________ work at once or else well miss the bus.

42. I asked the policeman _____________ some information.

43. The great player hit the ball _____________ the net.

44. Can you find our holiday beach _____________ the map?

45. Please turn _____________ the volume of the radio. Im getting deaf.

Q . Insert a or an ARTICLES
1. I moved to __________ USA when I was 15 years old.

a) a b) the c) no article

2. I can spell as well as __________ most students.

a) a b) the c) no article

3. He is __________ most famous actor I know.

a) a b) the c) no article

4. Hurry up. We dont have __________ lot of time.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

a) a b) the c) no article

5. I live around here = I live in __________ neighborhood.

a) a b) the c) no article

6. I dont know at all = I dont have __________ clue.

a) a b) the c) no article

7. I have __________ idea!

a) an b) the c) no article

8. ___________ tea in my cup is too hot to drink.

a) A b) The c) no article

9. The US President lives in __________ White House.

a) a b) the c) no article

10. My parents live in __________ white house.

a) a b) the c) no article

Q . Insert a or an ARTICLES
Indefinite article

1. This is .......... orange.

2. That is ......... book.

3. This is .......... hospital.

4. That is .......... egg.

5. He is eating .......... apple.

6. This is .......... umbrella.

7. That is ......... university.

8. I'll be away for ........... hour.

9. What ......... nice day!

10........... horse is ........... animal.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

Que. Insert definite or indefinite articles, the an, a, where necessary:

1. Greeks like ........... coffee.

2. English like .......... tea.

3........... exercise he is writing is very easy.

4........... exercise is good for our health.

5. He lives in ........... Japan.

6. Is ,........ Chinese easy?

7. ....... Chinese language is difficult.

8. Mr. Brown is ......... teacher.

9. They took him to ....... hospital in .............. ambulance

10. ....... good student work hard.

11.........., students must work hard.

12. He is having............. lunch.

C. Supply the definite article the, where necessary:

1. study .......... history of Crete next year.

2 .......... History is an interesting subject.

3. ......... water in your glass is hot.

4. He always drinks ........... cold water.

5. She lives on .......... bridge street.

6 .......... Mississippi river is ............. longest river in ....... world.

7. A lot of ships cross ........... Pacific Ocean.

8. We drink .......... tea out of ........... cups.

9.......... tea in this cup is too cold.

10. For me breakfast is ., ............ best meal of ....... day. D. Put a, an, the, where necessary

1. Napoleon ......... great was born in Corsica. coffee comes from ......... ..Mocha .......... town in ......... Arabia.

3........... Alps are .......... longest mountain in Europe.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

4........... Aegean sea is usually rough.

5. He fell and was taken to ....... hospital.

6. We must help ....... poor.

7. This is made in .......... United Kingdom.

8........... Americans like whisky but ............ Germans prefer beer.

9........... silver is one of the heaviest metals.

Que. Complete with a, an , the or - if no article is needed.

1. Paris is .capital of France. Id like to visit it one day.

2. Bruce is the only boy at school who can speak .. Chinese.

3. My grandmother has been playing .tennis since she was 12.

4. Alice loves walking in rain. She likes rainy days rather than sunny ones.


5. Ted is listening to on He looks worried.

6. Peter is blind and has got .guide dog that goes with him everywhere.

is a collie. He couldnt live without it.

7. When we were in Madrid we stayed at .Ritz, which is .very expensive hotel.

8. Stella drove .children to town centre last Monday.

9. Its very hot today and Ben has turned on to get some fresh air.

10. Granny always makes dinner on Thanksgiving Day. She is ..excellent cook.

11. Annas cat is sitting on ..window ledge looking at ..moon.

12. Yesterday John and Larry went to zoo.

13. Kent goes to ....bed late when he has ..exam.

14. David always has breakfast in kitchen.

15. .......... little boy fell off............... bicycle.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

16. .......... children like.............. sweets.

17. . I have lost................ book I took out of.............. library.

18. . ............ cats love.............. fish.

19. Smoking................ cigarettes is unhealthy.

20. Mr and Mrs Jones go to.................. church on............ Sunday.

21. They go to.................... church round..............corner.

22. .................. students read.................... books.

23. .................. student was you gave him.

24. . ................. world is coming to an end on..........Friday.

25. He goes to............... work while Mrs Jones stays at................... home.

26. ................. children go to..................... school.

27. Mr Jones goes to................. office while Mrs Jones stays at................. home.

28. They live in................... house on..................corner of................... street.

29. ................ children go to................. school over there.

30. . .............. dogs are not allowed in................ park.

31. ................... Amazon flows from....................Andes to .................... Atlantic.

32. .................... Queen will speak on....................Christmas Day.

33. Mary wants to learn................. French before she goes to.................. Continent.

34. In Paris, we stayed at................ George Vhotel, ate at............... Maxims, and


35. .............. Smiths were supposed to come to............... lunch we gave at............ Ritz,

but ................. Mrs Smith phoned to say they had to take................ young one

Uncle Bert told me he had _____ (sell) his car for one dollar to a needy family.

No one answered when Freddie _____ (ring) the doorbell.

Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

We nearly _____ (freeze) our toes off in a bedroom that wasn't heated.

Jessica suddenly remembered that a week ago she had _____ (lend) her brother a hundred dollars.

My sister left the birthday party early because she had _____ (drink) too much Coca Cola and made
herself sick.

Last Sunday morning we discovered that the old boiler had _____ (spring) a leak.

John went to the blackboard and _____ (draw) a picture of the playground.

Don't call the world dirty because you _____ (forget) to clean your glasses.

Jobie had _____ (string) a clothesline from the top of the trailer to the woodshed eaves.

The group had _____ (begin) to split up into cliques and factions.

Buddy had never _____ (ride) in a limousine before.

"Habit is a cable; we _____ (weave) a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it." (Horace

The paper reported that a major earthquake had _____ (shake) the interior of Mexico, killing

When we were five years old, Mike and I solemnly _____ (swear) to remain friends forever.

Moira had _____ (mean) to send her father a birthday card, but as usual she forgot.

The force of the shock from the explosion _____ (break) every window in the old school building.

Uncle Bert had _____ (go) to the post office at lunch time but never came back.

D. Choose the correct verb form:

1. Money (are, is) not very important for me.
Mr. S. H. Patil Grammar Exercise

2. His scales (is, are) not correct.

3. My father's advice (is, are) very useful.

4. The fish in your plate (is, are) small.

5. The news (is, are) very bad.

6. Where (is, are) your glasses.

7. My furniture (is, are) very old.

8. My luggage (is, are) very heavy.

9. Information (is, are) always useful.

10. The police (is, are) looking for the thief.

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