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NEET Introduction

National Eligibility cum Entrance Test or NEET is an entrance exam conducted by Central Board
of Secondary Education for students who aspire to build a career in the field of medical science.
Through NEET, students can get admissions into highly reputed and esteemed medical colleges
across the country. Becoming a successful doctor is a dream not only pursued by the candidate
but by his entire family. Taking NEET is moving one step forward towards the realization of your
dreams. NEET is undoubtedly one of the toughest entrance exams across the country. Though it
may seem difficult, to begin with, a clear aim and the right preparation strategy nothing
continues to challenge your endurance as an obstacle. The following key points must be kept in
mind for NEET preparation which will help you to crack NEET 2017 and get you into the career
of your dreams.

Preparation Tips for NEET 2017

1. Know NEET syllabus inside out

The very first thing you should keep in mind is to go through the syllabus required for NEET
preparation. You cannot row a boat without an oar. Similarly, without a thorough knowledge of
the NEET 2017 syllabus, you would not have a clue as for where to begin the preparations.
Therefore it is highly recommended that you go through your syllabus inside out before
planning anything else. As NEET 2017 covers most of the NCERT syllabus, a selective
comparative study from the syllabus of your board might save you a lot of time. Apart from this
make a list of topics which are highly significant and another list of the topics in the syllabus
which you think are slightly difficult for you. Try to study these topics more than once and
practice more problem sets based on these lists.

2. Create a study plan

Unless you make a commitment to yourself, there would only be promises and hopes without
success. Do not procrastinate. This is the very right moment to begin your preparations.
Committing yourself towards NEET preparation is a huge step which starts with formulating a
highly organized study plan. Prepare a schedule or ask a mentor to prepare one for you.
Mentors at Bijous will help you to create an efficient study plan which would help you to crack
NEET 2017. Schedule all your breaks, sleep cycle and study time within the boundaries of this
timetable and make sure you stick to it. Set short term achievable goals and include them as
part of your schedule. The goals you set can be daily or weekly depending on your comfort
zone. It is advisable to formulate a study plan which allows you to cover the entire syllabus and
to take practice tests within the suitable time limit. Also, make it a rule to prepare notes and
mark the important topics which carry more weight age in the exam. Set easy goals, divide your
syllabus into parts and make it an aim to finish off a topic in a time slot allotted to it. Plan for
the upcoming week and the topics you need to cover in them.

3. Channelize your efforts

The best strategy to overcome your fear in some topics is to prepare them first before
preparing anything else. It might sound hard but this way you will feel more confident after the
topic is done. Or the second method is to divide your day in such a way that half of the time you
study something which you think is easier for you and the other half must be dedicated to
rather tough topics. Always remember that certain things only seem to be difficult because we
do not dare. If you dare enough to walk through your fears, you can achieve anything in your

4. Practice and take mock tests

Remember the saying, Practice makes a man perfect. Allot sometime during the day to
practice random problems and solving previous years question papers. This will automatically
help you to brush up your concepts. Do not forget to attempt sample mock tests. Undertaking
these tests will help you to manage time and pressure of the actual examination. Also, taking
these test will help you to analyze your performance till date and can be considered as a metric
for your further preparations. Therefore, you should set conditions as ideal to the actual
situation with no distractions. Try to join an online test series which would cover up all the
topics required for NEET 2017 and will provide you a crystal clear idea of your performance.
5. Take breaks and ensure a healthy sleep cycle

A complete sleep is the best meditation. Not only a healthy sleep will revitalize you, but it also
boosts your concentration power. Make sure you take enough breaks (scheduled and not
random) and maintNEET Introduction

National Eligibility cum Entrance Test or NEET is an entrance exam conducted by Central Board
of Secondary Education for students who aspire to build a career in the field of medical science.
Through NEET, students can get admissions into highly reputed and esteemed medical colleges
across the country. Becoming a successful doctor is a dream not only pursued by the candidate
but by his entire family. Taking NEET is moving one step forward towards the realization of your
dreams. NEET is undoubtedly one of the toughest entrance exams across the country. Though it
may seem difficult, to begin with, a clear aim and the right preparation strategy nothing
continues to challenge your endurance as an obstacle. The following key points must be kept in
mind for NEET preparation which will help you to crack NEET 2017 and get you into the career
of your dreams.

Preparation Tips for NEET 2017

1. Know NEET syllabus inside out

The very first thing you should keep in mind is to go through the syllabus required for NEET
preparation. You cannot row a boat without an oar. Similarly, without a thorough knowledge of
the NEET 2017 syllabus, you would not have a clue as for where to begin the preparations.
Therefore it is highly recommended that you go through your syllabus inside out before
planning anything else. As NEET 2017 covers most of the NCERT syllabus, a selective
comparative study from the syllabus of your board might save you a lot of time. Apart from this
make a list of topics which are highly significant and another list of the topics in the syllabus
which you think are slightly difficult for you. Try to study these topics more than once and
practice more problem sets based on these lists.

2. Create a study plan

Unless you make a commitment to yourself, there would only be promises and hopes without
success. Do not procrastinate. This is the very right moment to begin your preparations.
Committing yourself towards NEET preparation is a huge step which starts with formulating a
highly organized study plan. Prepare a schedule or ask a mentor to prepare one for you.
Mentors at Bijous will help you to create an efficient study plan which would help you to crack
NEET 2017. Schedule all your breaks, sleep cycle and study time within the boundaries of this
timetable and make sure you stick to it. Set short term achievable goals and include them as
part of your schedule. The goals you set can be daily or weekly depending on your comfort
zone. It is advisable to formulate a study plan which allows you to cover the entire syllabus and
to take practice tests within the suitable time limit. Also, make it a rule to prepare notes and
mark the important topics which carry more weight age in the exam. Set easy goals, divide your
syllabus into parts and make it an aim to finish off a topic in a time slot allotted to it. Plan for
the upcoming week and the topics you need to cover in them.

3. Channelize your efforts

The best strategy to overcome your fear in some topics is to prepare them first before
preparing anything else. It might sound hard but this way you will feel more confident after the
topic is done. Or the second method is to divide your day in such a way that half of the time you
study something which you think is easier for you and the other half must be dedicated to
rather tough topics. Always remember that certain things only seem to be difficult because we
do not dare. If you dare enough to walk through your fears, you can achieve anything in your

4. Practice and take mock tests

Remember the saying, Practice makes a man perfect. Allot sometime during the day to
practice random problems and solving previous years question papers. This will automatically
help you to brush up your concepts. Do not forget to attempt sample mock tests. Undertaking
these tests will help you to manage time and pressure of the actual examination. Also, taking
these test will help you to analyze your performance till date and can be considered as a metric
for your further preparations. Therefore, you should set conditions as ideal to the actual
situation with no distractions. Try to join an online test series which would cover up all the
topics required for NEET 2017 and will provide you a crystal clear idea of your performance.

5. Take breaks and ensure a healthy sleep cycle

A complete sleep is the best meditation. Not only a healthy sleep will revitalize you, but it also
boosts your concentration power. Make sure you take enough breaks (scheduled and not
random) and maintain a regular sleep cycle. Since your brain is doing most of the hard work
here, you should give it sufficient time to recuperate. Sometimes you will notice that revisiting
difficult questions after a break becomes less strenuous. Sufficient rest also helps you stay
positive and continue to remain motivated.

6. Take a Quick Glance

Before starting any topic, quickly go through the main headings and subheadings of all the
subtopics in that chapter. This will help your brain mentally organize all the information and
also give you an idea of what all you will be learning. Organizing information will help you
retrieve it easily when required.

7. Divide and Rule

While learning big topics, it will be easier to learn them if you can create chunks of information.
For example, a single formula in Physics can be used to solve different type of problems. Find
out what is common in all these problems. You have created your first chunk. Create another
chunk, and very soon you would have learned the entire concept of a single formula by
automatically bridging the small gaps between your chunks.

8. Practice, Practice and Practice

You have to subject yourself to tests to effectively learn the concepts regularly. These can be
full-fledged written tests or just mental recollection at the end of your study session to see if
you can remember everything you have just learned. The best way to sink information into your
brain is to be tested about it.

9. Use your own Codes

Use analogies to help remember certain information. Analogies help connect certain areas of
your brain to others and are effective in retaining information because they connect new
information to already existing information.

10. Take Scheduled Breaks

Avoid marathon study sessions, especially for difficult topics. While doing a challenging
crossword, you may realize that if you take a break and come back to the puzzle, you end up
with a solution faster. This is because although you arent consciously solving it, your brain is
still working in the background subconsciously. It does most of the hard work for you, so let it
do that. Plan and take timed breaks in between study sessions. Get more information on NEET
2017 Syllabus and NEET 2017 Eligibility criteria

Prepare for NEET 2017 in a month

The month before the NEET truly tests a students caliber and determines the real worth of the
student. Now, to be a part of this elite group that gets a seat in the coveted medical colleges of
the country, it is not merely enough to study and solve the problems in Physics, Chemistry, and
Biology. It has become extremely necessary to retain everything youve studied. So, it is quite
important that you build a strong strategic plan for the preparation before appearing in NEET
2017.To ease your job a little bit; one can consider the following methods for a well-planned

Strategy to Prepare for NEET 2017 in one month

Analyze your syllabus

The very first thing you should keep in mind is to go through the syllabus required for NEET
preparation. Try to cover all the topics in time and focus on all three subjects viz. Physics,
Chemistry, and Biology. Also, make use of good competitive books which consist of higher order

Formulate a study schedule

Prepare a schedule or ask a mentor to prepare one for you. Schedule all your breaks, sleep
cycle and study hours in this timetable and make sure you stick to it. Set short term goals and
include them as part of your schedule. The goals you set can be on a daily or weekly basis
depending on your comfort zone for optimal productivity. It is advised to formulate a study plan
which allows you to cover the entire syllabus and to take practice tests within the suitable time
limit. Also, make it a rule to prepare notes and mark the important topics which carry more
weightage in the exam. Make short term goals, divide your syllabus into parts and make it an
aim to finish off a particular topic in a time slot allotted to it. Plan in advance for the upcoming
week and the topics you need to cover in it.

Make Learning Interesting to overcome your fears

The best strategy to overcome your fear in a particular topic is to prepare it first before
preparing anything else. It might sound hard but this way you will feel more confident after the
topic is done. Or the second method is to divide your day in such a way that half of the time you
study something which you think is easier for you and the other half must be dedicated to
rather tough topics. Also, you could use the method of visualization or the technique of imagery
in the topic you find yourself stuck in as visuals are easier to remember than texts. To learn a
new concept and to retain it for an extended period, follow the 4R rule.





Take quizzes and mock tests

Allocate a particular time of the day to practice random problems and previous years question
papers. This will help you brush up your concepts. Do not forget to attempt sample mock tests.
Undertaking these tests will help you manage time and pressure during the actual examination.
Also, it is one of the best ways to gauge your skills and scope of improvement. Therefore, you
should set conditions as close as possible to the actual situation with no distractions. After
taking a test, you can analyze your areas of strength and weakness separately and work upon
them for further improvement.

Craft exquisite study techniques for yourself

Every human is unique and so are their methods of learning different things. You can use the
method of mnemonics and acronyms to memorize a topic which you have been struggling with
for a long time. Search for different methods in which you can learn and retain a piece of
information for a long time.

Take ample rest and maintain good health

Ignored frequently but it is critical to be in the pink of your health. Do not stress yourself out
while preparations. Make sure you take enough breaks (scheduled and not random) and
maintain a regular sleep cycle. Since your brain is doing most of the hard work here, you should
give it sufficient time to recuperate. Eat nutritious and healthy food. Sometimes you will notice
that revisiting difficult questions after a b

Reach becomes less strenuous. Adequate rest also helps you stay active and motivated.
NEET 2017 Important Things to Remember

Every student who is preparing for NEET has access to the same study material and has almost
studied the same Concepts. Still, we observe difference in scores of various individuals taking
this examination. It all comes down to your state and presence of mind during the exam.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses and using them to your advantage is one of the most
important skills you must have. You should undergo a SWOT analysis before heading to the

What does SWOT mean?

S Strength

W Weakness

O Opportunity

T Threats

SWOT for NEET Preparation

For the purpose of tackling your exams by using a SWOT analysis the following information
should be known to you. Take up a couple of mock tests before you build this list. You can build
your list based on the table that has been given below,

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Build a list of the easiest topics according to you, from which all questions can be answered
correctly by you. Build a list of topics which you are not confident about and therefore
cannot answer all questions that come from here. Build a list of topics on which your
preparation amount is average and therefore problems can either be tackled or not depending
on the question. Build a list of topics which you always somehow do incorrectly. This may
also include types of questions that you mess up.

You have to be confident about any question that comes from these topics. Take efforts to
make sure that topics from this column do not shift to others. You may have to work and
think to an extreme amount to tackle questions from these topics. These topics need extra time
and work. These topics can be converted into strengths and eventually all questions from
these can be tackled. Take appropriate measures to shift topics and questions from this column
to opportunities.

Build a SWOT list for each subject separately which cover different topics for NEET 2017
preparation. This will help you to have an overview of where you stand and further preparation
can be planned based on this analysis.

Get more information on NEET notification and latest updates regarding NEET 2017ain a regular
sleep cycle? Since your brain is doing most of the hard work here, you should give it sufficient
time to recuperate. Sometimes you will notice that revisiting difficult questions after a break
becomes less strenuous. Sufficient rest also helps you stay positive and continue to remain

6. Take a Quick Glance

Before starting any topic, quickly go through the main headings and subheadings of all the
subtopics in that chapter. This will help your brain mentally organize all the information and
also give you an idea of what all you will be learning. Organizing information will help you
retrieve it easily when required.

7. Divide and Rule

While learning big topics, it will be easier to learn them if you can create chunks of information.
For example, a single formula in Physics can be used to solve different type of problems. Find
out what is common in all these problems. You have created your first chunk. Create another
chunk, and very soon you would have learned the entire concept of a single formula by
automatically bridging the small gaps between your chunks.

8. Practice, Practice and Practice

You have to subject yourself to tests to effectively learn the concepts regularly. These can be
full-fledged written tests or just mental recollection at the end of your study session to see if
you can remember everything you have just learned. The best way to sink information into your
brain is to be tested about it.

9. Use your own Codes

Use analogies to help remember certain information. Analogies help connect certain areas of
your brain to others and are effective in retaining information because they connect new
information to already existing information.

10. Take Scheduled Breaks

Avoid marathon study sessions, especially for difficult topics. While doing a challenging
crossword, you may realize that if you take a break and come back to the puzzle, you end up
with a solution faster. This is because although you arent consciously solving it, your brain is
still working in the background subconsciously. It does most of the hard work for you, so let it
do that. Plan and take timed breaks in between study sessions. Get more information on NEET
2017 Syllabus and NEET 2017 Eligibility criteria

Prepare for NEET 2017 in a month

The month before the NEET truly tests a students caliber and determines the real worth of the
student. Now, to be a part of this elite group that gets a seat in the coveted medical colleges of
the country, it is not merely enough to study and solve the problems in Physics, Chemistry, and
Biology. It has become extremely necessary to retain everything youve studied. So, it is quite
important that you build a strong strategic plan for the preparation before appearing in NEET
2017.To ease your job a little bit; one can consider the following methods for a well-planned

Strategy to Prepare for NEET 2017 in one month

Analyze your syllabus

The very first thing you should keep in mind is to go through the syllabus required for NEET
preparation. Try to cover all the topics in time and focus on all three subjects viz. Physics,
Chemistry, and Biology. Also, make use of good competitive books which consist of higher order

Formulate a study schedule

Prepare a schedule or ask a mentor to prepare one for you. Schedule all your breaks, sleep
cycle and study hours in this timetable and make sure you stick to it. Set short term goals and
include them as part of your schedule. The goals you set can be on a daily or weekly basis
depending on your comfort zone for optimal productivity. It is advised to formulate a study plan
which allows you to cover the entire syllabus and to take practice tests within the suitable time
limit. Also, make it a rule to prepare notes and mark the important topics which carry more
weightage in the exam. Make short term goals, divide your syllabus into parts and make it an
aim to finish off a particular topic in a time slot allotted to it. Plan in advance for the upcoming
week and the topics you need to cover in it.

Make Learning Interesting to overcome your fears

The best strategy to overcome your fear in a particular topic is to prepare it first before
preparing anything else. It might sound hard but this way you will feel more confident after the
topic is done. Or the second method is to divide your day in such a way that half of the time you
study something which you think is easier for you and the other half must be dedicated to
rather tough topics. Also, you could use the method of visualization or the technique of imagery
in the topic you find yourself stuck in as visuals are easier to remember than texts. To learn a
new concept and to retain it for an extended period, follow the 4R rule.


Take quizzes and mock tests

Allocate a particular time of the day to practice random problems and previous years question
papers. This will help you brush up your concepts. Do not forget to attempt sample mock tests.
Undertaking these tests will help you manage time and pressure during the actual examination.
Also, it is one of the best ways to gauge your skills and scope of improvement. Therefore, you
should set conditions as close as possible to the actual situation with no distractions. After
taking a test, you can analyze your areas of strength and weakness separately and work upon
them for further improvement.

Craft exquisite study techniques for yourself

Every human is unique and so are their methods of learning different things. You can use the
method of mnemonics and acronyms to memorize a topic which you have been struggling with
for a long time. Search for different methods in which you can learn and retain a piece of
information for a long time.

Take ample rest and maintain good health

Ignored frequently but it is critical to be in the pink of your health. Do not stress yourself out
while preparations. Make sure you take enough breaks (scheduled and not random) and
maintain a regular sleep cycle. Since your brain is doing most of the hard work here, you should
give it sufficient time to recuperate. Eat nutritious and healthy food. Sometimes you will notice
that revisiting difficult questions after a break becomes less strenuous. Adequate rest also helps
you stay active and motivated.

NEET 2017 Important Things to Remember

Every student who is preparing for NEET has access to the same study material and has almost
studied the same Concepts. Still, we observe difference in scores of various individuals taking
this examination. It all comes down to your state and presence of mind during the exam.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses and using them to your advantage is one of the most
important skills you must have. You should undergo a SWOT analysis before heading to the

What does SWOT mean?

S Strength

W Weakness

O Opportunity

T Threats

SWOT for NEET Preparation

For the purpose of tackling your exams by using a SWOT analysis the following information
should be known to you. Take up a couple of mock tests before you build this list. You can build
your list based on the table that has been given below,

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Build a list of the Build a list of topics Build a list of topics on Build a list of topics
easiest topics which you are not which your which you always
according to you, from confident about and preparation amount is somehow do
which all questions therefore cannot average and therefore incorrectly. This may
can be answered answer all questions problems can either be also include types of
correctly by you. that come from here. tackled or not questions that you
depending on the mess up.

You have to be
You may have to work
confident about any These topics can be
and think to an Take appropriate
question that comes converted into
extreme amount to measures to shift
from these topics. strengths and
tackle questions from topics and questions
Take efforts to make eventually all
these topics. These from this column to
sure that topics from questions from these
topics need extra time opportunities.
this column do not can be tackled.
and work.
shift to others.

Build a SWOT list for each subject separately which cover different topics for NEET 2017
preparation. This will help you to have an overview of where you stand and further preparation
can be planned based on this analysis.

Get more information on NEET notification and latest updates regarding NEET 2017?

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