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Sustainable Food and Farming Systems

Newsletter of the
for Sustainable

Number 44 Summer 2003

By Brian Snyder
It has become increasingly clear in recent
years that if family farms are to flourish
once again across the American country-
side, farmers must reconnect in a meaning-
ful way with their closest neighbors and
with the rural communities in their region.
In fact, a growing chasm between farms and
communities has led to a sometimes brutal
public debate over such issues as land use,
property taxes, waste disposal, urban
sprawl, and funding for schools and other
public services.
Fortunately, at the same time that many
farmers are rediscovering the enduring
value of their neighbors, average consumers
are showing increased interest in the quality
and safety of their food supply. Increasingly
they are expressing a preference to buy food
that is grown on nearby farms, by farmers
who they know and can visit, using meth-
ods that assure accountability and high
Farmers and consumers, it would seem,
are yearning to find each other. They are
Buy Fresh/Buy Local website (, plus numer-
like two highway crews tunneling through a
Shows the Way ous point-of purchase materials and tradi-
mountain from opposite sides. The moun-
Recently in downtown Philadelphia, tional advertising to get the word out to
tain in this illustration represents all the
PASA joined the Philadelphia Fair Food consumers on where they can encounter the
complexities of today’s marketplace, includ- Project and Farm to City to unveil a mar-
ing issues of processing, transportation, agricultural bounty of the region. Already,
keting campaign called “Buy Fresh/Buy huge banners with the Buy Fresh/Buy
marketing, and government regulation of Local,” which aims to connect farmers and
the food supply chain. Local logo adorn the outside of the Reading
consumers through a network of farmers’
What they need in order to succeed is Terminal Market (one of our most notable
markets, CSAs, restaurants, caterers, and
some kind of navigation system to guide campaign participants), and materials
other market venues, focusing specifically
their efforts. Such a system is now becom- on Philadelphia for the first stage of the inside the market indicate which vendors
ing available in southeastern Pennsylvania, campaign. feature local fare.
with promise for every region of the state in The campaign will utilize a Local Food “Philadelphia is an exciting city for
coming years. Guide (already in its first printed edition), a Continued on page 3
Summer 2003

Pennsylvania Association 1 Pennsylvania Goes Local!

for Sustainable Agriculture
4 Director’s Corner: Wakeup Call on Raw Milk Products
114 West Main Street
P.O. Box 419 5 PASA-tively Speaking: Board President’s Corner
Millheim PA 16854
Phone: (814) 349-9856 • Fax: (814) 349-9840 6 Wanted: Farmers and Schools to Build Local Food Systems
8 Regional Marketing—Southeast
Passages STAFF & OFFICE 10 Regional Marketing—Southwest
Guest Editor: Dan Brannen Jr.
11 A September Harvest Dinner
Layout: C Factor
Advertising Sales: Lauren Smith,
12 PASA Welcomes New and Returning Board Members
PASA office,
13 Board Opening Reminder
Sustainable Ag Leadership Award Reminder
Volunteer Acknowledgment
President: Kim Miller,Westmoreland County
Vice President: Kim Tait, Centre County 14 Waterkeeper Alliance Brings Third Hog Summit to Gettysburg
Secretary: Lyn Garling, Centre County
16 Pasture Monitoring on Provident Farm
Treasurer: Chris Fullerton, Huntingdon County
Mary Barbercheck, Centre County
20 Business Member Profile: Barry Denk,
David Bingaman, Dauphin County Director of The Center for Rural Pennsylvania
George DeVault, Lehigh County 21 Business Members
Mena Hautau, Berks County
John Hopkins, Columbia County 22 The Compost Heap: Editor’s Corner
John Jamison,Westmoreland County 24 Opportunities and Classified Ads
Dave Johnson,Tioga County
Conference Opportunities
Don Kretschmann, Beaver County
Brian Moyer, Berks County 25 The Junior PASA Page
Anthony Rodale, Berks County
26 Calendar of Events
Kim Seeley, Bradford County
28 Don’t Grow Corn!
PASA STAFF 34 PASA Membership/Contribution Form
Brian Snyder
Executive Director Passages Summer 2003 Contributors WRITERS: Mary Barbercheck, Dan Brannen Jr., Gene Chenoweth, George DeVault, David Eson,
Lauren Smith Chris Fullerton, Kim Miller, Gayle Morrow,Virginia Phillips, Sally Roe, Lauren Smith, Brian Snyder, Ruth
Director of Development Sullivan.
& Membership Programs
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Pat Little, Lauren Smith, Brian Snyder.
Heather House PASA’s Mission is… PASA in the News
Farm-to-School Program Coordinator Have you seen articles about PASA in your local Promoting profitable farms which
produce healthy food for all people while newspapers or other media? PASA is active
Brandi Marks across the state, and we’d love to know what
Office Coordinator/Bookkeeper respecting the natural environment.
coverage we are getting in your area. Please clip PASA is an organization as diverse as the Penn-
any articles you see on PASA and mail them to
sylvania landscape. We are seasoned farmers
Regional Offices our Millheim headquarters to the attention of
who know that sustainability is not only a con-
Office Coordinator Brandi Marks.
Ruth Sullivan cept, but a way of life.We are new farmers look-
Director of Southeast Programs ing for the fulfillment of land stewardship.We are
Phone: 717-917-3731 Do you have a great
students and other consumers, anxious to article idea for Passages?
understand our food systems and the choices
Want to share a farming practice with members?
David Eson that must be made.We are families and children,
Director of Southwest Programs We’d love to hear from you. Please contact the
who hold the future of farming in our hands.This
Phone: 412-997-2343 newsletter staff at
is an organization that is growing in its voice on behalf of farmers in Pennsylvania and beyond. Deadline for Fall Issue: September 19, 2003.
Our mission is achieved, one voice, one farm,
Passages is printed with soy inks on recycled, chlorine-free paper
one strengthened community at a time.

PA Goes Local!
Continued from page 1
food,” notes Bridget Croke of the
Philadelphia Fair Food Project. “Restau-
rants participating in the Buy Fresh/Buy
Local campaign make special dishes fea-
turing locally raised ingredients. For
instance, Django Gypsy Café serves a deli-
cious Atlantic Bluefish and creamy mush-
room polenta made with locally grown
black forest mushrooms, and a smoked
tomato broth made with locally grown
tomatoes and bacon from locally raised
“We are blessed to have a tremendous
variety of farm-fresh products available
from southeastern Pennsylvania,” says
Bob Pierson, Queen Village resident and
manager of Farm to City farmers’ markets
in seven Philadelphia communities. “The
farmers’ markets in Philadelphia sell
everything from strawberries, tomatoes
and sweet corn, to naturally raised beef,
aged cheeses, locally made breads, and
mouthwatering BBQ chicken and ribs
cooked right at the markets.” Bob also
manages a Winter Harvest program that
extends the availability of seasonally
diverse farm products year-round.
It’s a Regional Effort…
By next year, PASA plans to expand
this buy local campaign to a growing net-
work of market venues throughout the
target region, and to make materials avail-
able to individual farmers in southeast
Pennsylvania who wish to label their prod-
ucts as locally grown. A similar program
will be launched to promote farm prod-
The three heroes of Buy Fresh/Buy Local Southeast share a moment of levity at the
ucts in southwestern Pennsylvania by next June 15th campaign launch. From left to right, Bob Pierson (Farm to City), Bridget
year as well. Croke (Philadelphia Fair Food Project) and Ruth Sullivan (PASA).
What is local food? The current cam-
paign focuses on Pennsylvania food grown identifying farm-fresh products grown in Stores in the southwest.
within a 75-mile radius of Philadelphia, their region by farmers who know the …That’s Happening
reaching as far as the areas around Lan- value of their local customers. Statewide and Nationwide
caster, Reading, and Allentown. PASA
In many cases this will mean partner- The Buy Fresh/Buy Local campaign in
and its partners will identify other buy
ing with private food retailers and distrib- Pennsylvania is part of an even larger,
local regions similarly, paying close atten-
tion, as in Philadelphia, to designations utors to properly designate the local nationwide Buy Local Initiative organized
and boundaries that farmers and con- by the FoodRoutes Network, our neigh-
products they carry. Current examples
sumers in the area find meaningful bor in Millheim, which provides technical
include partnerships with the Natural
In fact, consumer research has been a support to community-based groups
Dairy Products Corporation (Natural by working to strengthen regional markets
key to this campaign right from the begin-
ning. Our eventual aim is to make sure Nature), Kimberton Whole Foods, and for locally grown foods. FoodRoutes pro-
that consumers anywhere in the Com- the Swarthmore Co-op in the southeast, vides communications tools, networking
monwealth have a reliable method of and the McGinnis sisters Special Food Continued on page 30

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?

Director’s Corner our time with Secretary Wolff, and appre-

ciated his candor. But that does not mean
By Brian Snyder, Executive Director the issue has gone away as suddenly as it
You see, many consumers put consid-

Wakeup Call on erable pressure on certified raw milk and

cheese producers to stretch the rules a lit-
tle and sell butter, yogurt, and other non-
sanctioned products. Such farmers are

Raw Milk Products feeling a squeeze, as much from their cus-

tomers as from governmental regulation.
So it would seem the timing for review
of the state code, if it is to happen, is ideal
Dozens of phone calls from concerned sion, beginning sometime this fall. Fur- for helping these farmers expand their
raw milk producers this spring indicated thermore, I was told by a department offi- markets in a rational way.
to me that something was afoot. They cial that, sometime next year, the That would be the case, were it not for
were getting the message, by word or legislature is likely to approve new stan- powerful forces working in the opposite
deed, from some state inspectors and dards that will eliminate legal sales of raw direction. It would seem that three emo-
other sources that enforcement of dairy milk and raw milk products, partly in tionally charged arguments may be com-
sanitation standards would increase soon, response to pressure from the FDA. ing together to the detriment of small
followed by the possible elimination of The call also yielded the information dairy farmers who have found success
legal raw milk sales in Pennsylvania later that the revoked cheese permit was immi- with raw milk, as follows:
this year. nently being returned to the farmer in 1) Safety and security—People have
The issue caught me by surprise, as question, as due process had been neglect- long-held, outdated concerns about raw
nearly every producer of raw milk and ed, and in any case the farmer had done milk safety. Now add to that the security
cheese I know seems to be expanding nothing wrong with respect to selling his frenzy of the last two years. Proponents of
facilities for processing and marketing in cheese. industrialized agriculture have not hesitat-
order to handle increasing demand. Sales All of this drama was followed by an ed to take full advantage of both.
of raw milk and milk products are quick- opportunity in early July for me and other 2) Budgetary concerns—Wouldn’t it
ly generating a genuine family-farm suc- members of PASA’s staff to sit down and be cheaper for the state not to inspect all
cess story in this state. discuss the raw milk issue with our new those small farms and issue so many indi-
Still, the callers were insistent that state Secretary of Agriculture, Dennis vidual permits?
storm clouds were brewing, so a meeting Wolff. The meeting had originally been 3) Dairy industry pressure—Dairy
was scheduled to share information and arranged for other purposes, but the Sec- farmers across the country continue to be
plan a strategy. Then things got really retary seemed quite comfortable raising in a massive crisis over prices, and indus-
crazy. the issue of raw milk, even before we try reps find it easier to worry about the
Within 24 hours of the meeting, which would have. little guy taking away bits and pieces of
included a couple dozen farmers and sev- Secretary Wolff, a dairy farmer himself, the market than to focus on the real cul-
eral others involved with food marketing recounted his own family’s experience as a prit—gigantic confinement operations
and agricultural issues in general, one of holder of a raw milk permit some years out west.
the participating farmers had his raw milk ago, and gave us his personal assurance Now is the time for every sustainable
cheese permit unexpectedly revoked. that the department had no intention of farmer and consumer to WAKE UP and
The facts behind the decision to revoke eliminating the permitting process now. realize that these same arguments can be
the permit on that particular day remain I explained to him that we are interest- applied to any direct marketing or value-
murky at best. But the most important ed in working with PDA to find accept- added farming strategy. For instance, if
fact of the moment was that these farmers able ways for farmers to market other they prevail in shutting down raw milk
were told to expect trouble, and trouble byproducts of raw milk, including yogurt, sales, then why not other small pasteur-
showed up right on schedule. butter, and cottage cheese, all banned by ized bottling plants later, or any small
My subsequent call to Harrisburg current law, as many farmers are experi- dairy operation for that matter?
revealed that, for the first time in two encing strong demand for such products. Purveyors and consumers of pastured
decades, the Pennsylvania Department of He indicated his willingness to explore poultry that is processed on small farms
Agriculture had plans to “open up” the creative strategies with us. had better take note as well. Correspond-
Dairy Sanitation Code for possible revi- Needless to say, we were grateful for Continued on page 7

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?
yogurt, we would have a victory for eaters
PASA-TIVELY SPEAKING: Board President’s Corner and the economic viability of family dairy
By Kim Miller So far this story has a happy ending.
But it points out where industry wants to
take us as consumers. Believe this: there is

Freedom of Choice no claim so far fetched that industry will

not make it if it perceives that it will either
boost sales or limit competition.
So we can expect, given the current
Madison Avenue would have us believe sumably to lower the national health care confusion in this country over the differ-
that we are lucky to live in this time, a burden. We might then be free to choose ence between safety and security, to see
time in which we are fortunate to have a product that has been processed by many more claims by industry that
such a plethora of choices. And yet, the industry and presumably made safe, if less unprocessed foods are unsafe. Industry
more I travel around, the more things nutritious and less palatable. will continue to claim that they should be
look the same. I still recall the first time I Well, I’m not buying it, and neither are the guardians of public safety and that leg-
visited a large toy store franchise shortly a number of family dairy farmers around islatures should create laws prohibiting
after it opened near our home; I naively Pennsylvania and their customers. Over the sale of fresh and raw foods on the
thought they might have toys available the last couple of months, some of these grounds of protecting the safety of the
that I had not seen before. In fact, there good farmers have prepared themselves to American public. They will continue to
was nothing new or unusual, unless you do battle over their right to sell raw milk lobby for the irradiation of food and call it
are impressed with a huge inventory. to their happy customers. The federal cold pasteurization. They will try to force
I find large supermarkets to be the Food and Drug Administration, not sur- all food production through this funnel,
same. Tractor-trailer loads of tomatoes, prisingly taking the side of industrial ag eliminating, along with nutrition, the
now in different shapes, all unpalatable. interests, wishes to end the right of right of us as farmers to sell directly to our
Apples that are green in color, but taste as license-holding farmers to sell raw milk in customers.
bad as the red ones they are meant to Pennsylvania, one of the few remaining Even though their methods have
improve upon. And don’t even get me states to resist their edicts. caused the death of several consumers
started on the nectarines. Fortunately we now have a Secretary of from tainted meat over the last couple of
Then there is the drudgery of nation- Agriculture in this state who is a family years, the industrial spin masters will con-
wide franchise restaurants. They are the farmer and a dairyman too boot. In a tinue to insist that it is the small, the mod-
same wherever you go—awful. Get in, get recent meeting with PASA staff, Secretary est, and the conscientious family farmer
out, feel sick. Such a deal. “Would you Dennis Wolff set the record straight, indi- that is the safety problem.
like the super size formerly known as the cating that the licensed farm sale of raw We cannot, we must not, be suckered
family of six size?” This is choice? They are milk to the public would continue. The by these false claims. Farmers and eaters
still French Fries, as dull one place as the family farmers of Pennsylvania and their must unite to demand the freedom to
next, and just as devoid of nutrition. customers thank you, Mr. Secretary. Now, choose the nutritious, the local, and the
The bad news for industry, and our if we could increase consumer choices by fresh over the falsely safe and nutritionally
consumption based economy, is that we providing for the farmstead production of impaired products being foisted upon us
are starting to figure out that size alone raw milk cottage cheese, butter, and by industry.
does not a choice make. Some of us like
our apple cider unpasteurized (anything
else is just juice) and our milk raw. Gener-
ations of red-blooded Americans have
26110 Nanticoke Rd, Salisbury, MD 21801
been raised on these products, but now
comes industry with the helpful informa-
Ph/Fx: 410-546-8480 • Cell: 410-603-6553 •Email:
Connie & Pat Dolbey
tion that these products are unsafe. Noth-
ing self-serving here, mind you, just trying
• Growers of quality vegetable & herb transplants for market gardeners
& large scale growers since 1985.
to point out, in a helpful sort of way, that
• Ability to custom-grow your variety choice for your planting date.
these uncooked products could, no will,
jeopardize our health. Further, those of us Ideally suited to start-up CSAs.
who choose to consume these products • Certified organic by MD Dept. of AG.
before the nutrition is cooked out of them “Flying Mother Nature’s Silver Seed To A New Home In The Sun.” Neil Young, after the goldrush
should be prohibited from so doing, pre-

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?
specs, arranging delivery schedules, and

Wanted: Farmers and writing grant applications to pay for

trucks, salad washers, and other equip-

Schools to Build Local Where it Goes

The school end of “Farm-to-School”
presents its own set of challenges, and

Food Systems House’s experience at SRU has prepared

her well to meet them too.
“The key at the universities is consen-
sus building,” says House. “You need an
By Dan Brannen Jr. So is persistence. After PLOW’s first innovative dining services program and a
“We’re gonna change the world,” season with SRU in 2002, the university network of staff, faculty, and students
laughs Heather House, PASA’s new Farm- changed food services companies. PLOW committed to the project.”
to-School Program Coordinator. “At least is supplying SRU for a second season Through trial-and-error, House learn-
Meadville, Pa.!” thanks in large part to farmer Jack Duff ’s ed that dining hall table tents and flyers
House came to PASA in May after efforts to cultivate a relationship with the are not the way to build consensus.
earning a graduate degree from the Sus- new company, AVI. Those efforts includ- Instead, if you want to get people excited
tainable Systems Program at Slippery ed an organized presentation containing about local foods, feed them local foods.
Rock University (SRU), where she created
and managed a farm-to-school project
from scratch. (See “Food for Thought,”
It’s not that they’re anxious to eat kale or spinach,
Passages # 41, fall 2002, p. 1.). Now she is
running PASA’s new Farm-to-School pro-
local or otherwise, but even my daughters wonder
gram to help farmers and school cafeterias
form supplier relationships that thrive.
why their diet at school is different from ours at
Thanks to a two-year grant from the
Pennsylvania Department of Environ-
home. The answers—convenience and cost—are
mental Protection (DEP), Farm-to-School not good enough from the point of view of the kids.
is already working on projects at Alleghe-
ny College in Meadville, plus Pennsylva- —Brian Snyder, Executive Director
nia College of Technology, Wilson
College, and SRU.
minimum order requirements, prices, and “We held several Good Food and
“If we connect farmers with large insti-
plans to fax AVI weekly lists of available Organic Lunches at Slippery Rock and
tutions like schools and universities,” says
products. distributed a Good Foods Cookbook,”
House, “the farmers get predictable, sub-
In addition to providing consistent says House. The simple yet attractive
stantial markets and fair prices, and the
quality, farmers who want to supply uni- cookbook gave attendees information on
schools get fresh food, improved town and
versities probably should consider season the benefits of local food systems, plus
gown relations, and educational opportu-
extension. recipes ranging from pasture-raised
nities for a variety of departments.”
“You really need product through “Roasted Rosemary Chicken” to the vegan
What it Takes Thanksgiving,” advises House. “And you “Soba Noodle Salad with Vegetables and
The SRU program provides good need alternative markets during the sum- Tofu.” According to House, visible sup-
examples of the qualities farmers need to mer, when university demand could be port from the turnout at such events gave
make a farm-to-school project succeed. lower because most of the students are the SRU project momentum.
Pittsburgh area farmers interested in sup- gone.” Interactive events could also feature
plying SRU had formed a cooperative For farmers prepared to meet these local foods cooking demonstrations, Iron
called Pennsylvania Local Organics Works challenges, House can provide assistance Chef competitions, and picnic tours of
(PLOW). By spreading the growing risks and guidance on forming cooperatives local farmers’ markets. House plans to
over many farms, cooperatives help farm- (for which seed money is available work with neighboring FoodRoutes Net-
ers attain a consistent, reliable supply, through organizations such as Keystone work in Millheim to develop innovative
which House says is essential. Development Center), meeting insurance Continued on next page

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?
Continued from previous page der wanted to launch PASA’s Farm-to-
farm-to-school campaigns. House can also School program.
help develop graduate assistantship pro- “At the Future Issues Forum at my first
grams (as she did at SRU) and organize PASA conference, some impassioned peo-
faculty and student petition drives to get ple asked, ‘why can’t we get our good food
farm-to-school projects off the ground. into schools for kids to eat?’” remembers
She emphasizes that the projects are great Snyder. “Even my daughters wonder why
opportunities for education and for build- their diet at school is different from ours
ing interdisciplinary partnerships on cam- at home. The answers—convenience and
pus. cost—are not good enough from the
“Almost all universities have programs point of view of the kids.”
and departments that can benefit from a To that end, PASA is in the prelimi-
farm-to-school project,” says House, nary stages of working with a secondary
“whether it be agro-economics, environ- school system in Centre County to
mental economics, or sustainable agricul- explore a farm-to-school project for school
ture.” lunches. According to House, the USDA
Indeed, the grant that PASA received Farm Bill has a Farm-to-Cafeteria pro-
came from DEP’s Office of Pollution Pre- gram that encourages K–12 schools to
vention and Compliance Assistance, purchase from local farmers. Schools that
which highlights the opportunity to are part of the Department of Defense’s
“National School Lunch Program” pro- Farm-to-School Program Coordinator,
explore how local food systems reduce the
gram may even be eligible for money for a Heather House
petroleum, CFC, and other pollution that
comes with our society’s current system of farm-to-school project. area of investigation.”
long-distance food transportation. “My main concern,” says Snyder, “is As for House, her main concern is
that mealtime in schools not be treated as hearing from Pennsylvanians who need
The Three R’s something separate from the curriculum. help with a farm-to-school project. House
Education, in fact, is one of the main Lunch is a tremendous opportunity to may be reached at 814-349-9856 or
reasons that Executive Director Brian Sny- inspire our kids to engage in an important

procedure that has ever been developed

Wakeup Call on Raw Milk Products for public health and safety…. We are
fortunate that we have access to the safest
Continued from page 4 merely fabricated by activists looking to food supply the world has seen.
ing to the raw milk situation, there are boost their own reputations. Take a look — Gary Heckman, president of the
legitimate health concerns with any poul- at the following comments made in the Pennsylvania Dairy Stakeholders
try products, and we are in the vicinity of press recently, “in their own words” as
a powerful and struggling poultry indus- they say: Such statements show that hyperbole
try. One easily forgets that on-farm poul- and deliberate misinformation, now staple
Much of the sustainable production on commodities in the public discourse of
try processing is already disallowed in
smaller farms cannot produce the desired our society, are certainly being employed
many other parts of the country.
end-product. Free range access can by the agribusiness industry to gradually
Almost no marketing strategy, regard-
increase the animals’ risks of being paint both traditional and innovative sus-
less of product or profitably, that now exposed to diseases, safety hazards are tainable farmers out of the American
flourishes on sustainable farms is safe from eminent since biosecurity is often over- landscape.
the power of the notorious, agri-industrial looked, and there is a greatly increased We will need everyone’s help to resist
triumvirate of maximized security, eco- threat of environmental endangerment this insidious effort to control the food
nomic efficiency, and commodity compli- due to relaxed management practices. and farming systems of our future. We
ance. So it behooves us all to pay attention will need your presence as well. Please stay
— attributed to Bob Gueldner, presi-
before it is too late. Don’t think twice; tuned regarding potential information ses-
dent of PennAg Industries Association
farmers could loose their local markets sions, action alerts, and probably even a
almost overnight in response to a crisis. Pasteurization, the final safeguard in the gathering in Harrisburg this fall to sup-
After all, concerns like these certainly production and processing of milk, is the port raw milk production in Pennsylvania.
do not come out of thin air, nor are they single most important food processing We’ll be in touch.

Qué PASA? Regional Marketing — Southeast
the DeVaults were well equipped to han-
Three Southeast dle guests because the chilly rain meant
folks stayed inside. While the food was
delicious—including fresh greens, a gor-

Potlucks a Success! geous frittata, and heaps of desserts—

what made the evening memorable were
the interesting connections made by folks
from a variety of organizations, such as the
By Ruth Sullivan exclaimed that this needed to be an annu- Emmaus Farmers Market, Wildlands
Early this spring, PASA held three al event. Conservancy, Sierra Club, Muhlenberg
potlucks in Berks, Chester, and Lehigh A picture-perfect day—sunny and sev- College, and Organic Gardening Maga-
Counties. The potlucks were a chance for enty-five degrees—brought a crowd of zine.
me to meet PASA members in the region seventy-five Chester County PASA mem- Besides serving up good food and com-
and for members to socialize with others bers, CSA customers, and friends to Hugh pany, the potlucks proved beneficial to
in their counties. Lofting and Claire Murray’s place in West PASA and its programs. We received good
The first potluck filled David and Joy Grove on March 22. This potluck had press coverage in the West Chester and
Stutzman’s house in Kutztown to bursting delicious food too, including a seemingly Continued on next page
on March 13. We had about thirty peo- giant turkey from the Loftings, a much
ple—all PASA members—who brought coveted nut pate from Janna Weil, and the Upcoming Potlucks
delicious dishes featuring ingredients from legendary yogurt drink from Seven Stars This fall and winter, PASA will be look-
their farms. Offerings included a savory dairy farm. Thanks to Claire’s efforts, we ing to host potlucks in the remaining
mushroom and onion bread pudding even had press coverage by several local regional counties of Philadelphia, Mont-
from Angela Evans of Oley Valley Mush- papers. gomery, Bucks, Lebanon, Lancaster, and
room Farm(see recipe in sidebar), Hawai- On March 26, George and Melanie Northampton. If you would like to host
ian chicken from Linda Bird, and a DeVault opened their Emmaus home to a such an event, please call Ruth at (717)
chicken pot pie from Holley and Brian group of over sixty Lehigh County folks, 917-3731 or email to ruth@pasafarm-
Moyer of Green Haven Farm. Neighbors including PASA members, friends, and
met neighbors for the first time and interested newcomers. It was a good thing

PASA members enjoy

good food, sunshine,
and fellowship at
Chester county
Potluck Party at
Inverbrook Farm.

Qué PASA? Regional Marketing — Southeast

until the late fall, but the list-serve is

SOUTHEAST “IN THE WORKS” active all year round. If you have photos
Replies or inquiries about any of name (through the sign-up sheet at the to share, or want more information
these items should be directed to: Ruth 2003 conference or by giving me a call about getting involved in this informal
Sullivan, Director of Southeast Pro- or email), I encourage you to do so. I network, let me know.
grams, (717) 917-3731, ruth@pasa- am looking for folks within my region n New Restaurant Wants to Buy (counties of Berks, Bucks, Chester, Local: Chef Jim Coleman’s new restau-
n Farmer-to-Chef Network in Delaware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, rant will be opening as part of the Nor-
Chester County: With the help of the Montgomery, Northampton, and mandy Farm conference center in
Chester County Economic Develop- Philadelphia) who are selling meat, Bluebell (Montgomery County) in late
ment Authority (PASA Member Gary poultry, or dairy products raised on July. Coleman is looking for local farm-
Smith) and Chester County Coopera- grass. (Depending on demand, I might ers interested in supplying product. If
tive Extension, PASA is spearheading fudge the regional outlines a bit.) Call, you want to participate, please contact
the development of a Farmer-to-Chef email, or drop me a note with a copy of me as soon as possible.
n Phoenixville Farmers’ Market
Network in Chester County. We are your brochure or product list at: Ruth
planning a training session for farmers Sullivan, Pastured Products Directory, and CSA Looking for Meat Producers:
who are considering selling to chefs at PASA-SE, P.O. Box 419, Millheim, PA, The Phoenixville Farmers’ Market, a
the next Keep Farming First conference, 16854. Saturday morning market in northern
and an event to bring together farmers n Photos for Southeast CSA Net- Chester County, is looking for fresh and
and chefs in February or March of work: This summer I will be pulling smoked meats and poultry. In conjunc-
2004. In the meantime, if you are a together press kits for CSAs involved in tion, the Charlestown Cooperative
farmer interested in selling to restau- the Southeast CSA Network. I am look- Farm, a nearby CSA, is looking to offer
rants, or a chef looking to buy from ing for good pictures of your CSA to go beef, pork, and poultry to their 85
local farmers, give me a call. on a CD. The Southeast CSA Network member families. The intention is for a
n Pastured Products Directory: I maintains a list-serve and has two or producer to take advantage of both
am still collecting names for the pas- three informal meetings a year to share opportunities simultaneously, ensuring
tured products directory for southeast information, cooperate on buying sup- good sales volume. If you are interested,
PA. If you haven’t already given me your plies, etc. The meetings are on hold contact me immediately.

Continued from previous page

Kennett Square newspapers in Chester RECIPE
County. Many new folks who attended
the potlucks vowed to become PASA MUSHROOM BREAD PUDDING
members. Current members learned This recipe, courtesy of Angela Evans, was one of the
about my role as Regional Director and yummy dishes at the Berks County potluck on March 13.
got to network with each other on local 2 cups milk
projects such as the Emmaus Farmers 2 cups stale bread (I like to use nice crusty white bread)
Market, Farm-to-School projects, and the
2 eggs
Seem Seed Farm project in Lehigh Coun-
2 cups mixed mushrooms (shiitake, oyster, etc.)
ty. Finally, PASA farmers requested that
the association prepare lists or maps of salt & pepper to taste
PASA farms organized by county so that herbs optional (parsley, chives, etc.)
farmers can refer customers to other PASA canola oil

n Mix milk, eggs, and broken pieces of bread together and let stand at
Thanks to all three host families for least 1/2 hr.
n Chop onion and mushrooms and saute in canola oil. Mix all ingredients
their hospitality, and to all of the attendees
for the great food and fellowship. Once together.
n Pour into baking dish, and bake at 375°F. for about 1 hr. or until knife
again, I feel privileged to be part of such a
warm, generous, dedicated, and inspiring comes out of center clean.
group of folks.

Qué PASA? Regional Marketing — Southwest

Teachers of the Grass-Fed Gospel

Come to Armstrong County
By Virginia Phillips three are essential, according to Shinn and n Pastured animals are healthy and
More than thirty grass ranchers and Frye. unstressed. They never see a feedlot, graz-
would-be grass ranchers converged on Shinn, former NELA executive direc- ing calmly instead on the diet nature
host David Collier’s Hill Farm in Arm- tor, works closely with Frye, who heads his intended them to eat.
strong County May 3 to learn about tech- own bovine genetics firm. The two have n Grass ranch operations nourish the
niques, both startlingly new and elected to pursue an independent partner- land. Ecological benefits are undisputed.
reassuringly old, for assessing the mar- ship, working and teaching on their own. Meantime, Ridge observes, the market
ketability of grass-fed beef. Their educational tours through north- for truly high quality grass-fed beef is far
Collier, who has honed intensive rota- eastern states have included several stops from satisfied. Suppliers, such as Pasture-
tional grazing for sixteen years, was eager in Pennsylvania, where they have present- Perfect, the for-profit arm of NELA, find
to volunteer his exclusively grass-fed cows ed the “grass-fed gospel” and tested grass themselves posting “sold-out” website
for the two-part demonstration. farmers’ cattle. messages a few months after announcing
Tests were performed by Ridgeway Their message concerns improved supply.
Shinn and Gerald Frye, the principal health for people, animals, and environ- Still, there is a learning curve, covering
spokespersons for the New England Live- ment, and improved economics as well. aspects like genetics, quality of grass,
stock Association, a nonprofit marketing They say: humane care, skillful processing, and
effort for producers of top-grade grass-fed n People who eat pastured beef receive aging of the beef, all of which affect
beef. The NELA visit was coordinated by multiple health benefits, derived from the whether grass-fed beef will have what
Laurel Hoffman of the Armstrong Coun- beef ’s fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids and Shinn calls the “dead-tender” prime meat
ty Conservation District. CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) are quality essential for consumer acceptance.
For the first test, each animal stood as believed to boost cardiovascular, immune- Shinn and Frye intend to make anoth-
Shinn waved an ultra-sound wand along system, and developmental health. Continued on page 31
the length of its long back muscle. A
miniscreen image reflected the amount of
intramuscular fat, to a degree precise SOUTHWEST “IN THE WORKS”
enough to determine which animals qual-
ified on the tenderness scale to become PASA’s Southwest Regional Market- n Farmers’ Market: From mid-July
choice or even prime quality steaks, and ing program includes the following to October, PASA will be working with
thus candidates for an upscale mail order counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Focus on Renewal and the Greater
market. Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Wash- Pittsburgh Food Bank to manage the
No high tech was required for the sec- ington, and Westmoreland. Check this new McKees Rocks Farmers’ Market.
n Grass-Based Networks: After
ond test, only the ability to perform sim- listing quarterly for projects ‘in-the-
ple linear measurements and to observe works’!
Gerald Frye’s successful first trip to
sharply. Based on decades-old theories n Farmer to Chef Networks: There western Pennsylvania, Armstrong
refined by Frye, farmers learned to com- are now thirty businesses interested in County Conservation District is inter-
pare ratios of body length and girth, to purchasing locally produced food prod- ested in hosting him again this fall. I
note patterns of hair growth, and other ucts. If you are interested in either buy- will keep us posted on this upcoming
diverse details of conformation. The seem- ing or selling local products, please call field day, which will address grass-fed
ingly unrelated elements add up to a use- or email me. beef genetics.
n Buy Local Campaign: PASA
ful picture. They predict with a high
Let’s Work Together
degree of accuracy, says Frye, three things: Southwest is in the initial stages of We’re eager to hear from you. Please contact:
how likely an animal is to thrive on pas- developing its own “Buy Fresh, Buy
ture, to produce tender meat required for Local” campaign. The Buy Local label
David Eson,
an excellent “eating experience,” and to will be tested this summer, so look for it
Director of Southwest Programs
perform well in its reproductive life. 412-997-2343 •
at your local farmers’ market.
For raising profitable pastured beef, all

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?

A September Harvest Dinner

By Chris Fullerton
Perhaps Wendell Berry’s most quot-
ed line is “eating is an agricultural act.” It
comes from a short essay by the farmer-
poet entitled “The Pleasures of Eating,”
in which he notes, “Eating with the
fullest pleasure—pleasure, that is, that
does not depend on ignorance—is per-
haps the profoundest enactment of our
connection with the world.”
His argument is that one cannot truly
enjoy food that is anonymous, that is
produced through industrial practices
that are beyond our knowledge and
consent. A good meal, a pleasurable
meal, is not only tasty and healthy, but
one in which the ingredients are pro-
duced locally and in a responsible man-
ner, by ourselves or by people we know.
Many PASA members have experi-
enced this kind of pleasurable eating at
our winter conferences, where the
pleasure is heightened by eating in com- Chef Mike Ditchfield (right) is planning the menu
munity with so many of our friends and featuring local foods for the Harvest Dinner
Celebration, which will be prepared by student
colleagues. Last summer, PASA members chefs from the School of Hospitality.
and Slow Food members sat down to a
This is a continuation of a great part- beginning stages of a tradition that will
great meal featuring local ingredients
nership between Penn College of Tech- continue for years to come and take
and prepared by local talent at the Gam-
nology and PASA. Not only does the place in communities all over the Com-
ble Mill restaurant in Bellefonte (Centre
college buy from local farmers, but its monwealth.
County). Now, another opportunity is
chefs and students have helped create Invitations to PASA’s 2003 Harvest Din-
approaching to experience the pleas-
the special meals at our last several ner will be mailed to all PASA members in
ures of the table with other PASA com-
PASA conferences. August.
munity members.
On the evening of September 20th, in Chefs at Penn College of Technology
are working right now with PASA staff PASA Harvest
the beautiful Mountain Laurel Room on Dinner Celebration
the grounds of the Penn College of to develop a menu for the Harvest Din-
Date: Saturday, September 20
Technology in Williamsport, there will ner that will feature as many items as
Time: 5:00 pm
be a wonderful ‘Harvest Dinner Cele- possible grown or made by PASA mem-
Where: Mountain Laurel Room,
bration’ of local farms and local flavors. bers. The dinner will also include local Penn College of Technology,
This “strolling feast” will feature that beer and wines. Williamsport
evening’s food producers and their sus- If Williamsport (Lycoming County) is For more details: Contact
Lauren Smith at the PASA office,
tainably raised foods, while benefiting a little too far to travel for you, take
PASA. heart; PASA hopes that we’re just in the

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?

belief that good communities start with

PASA Welcomes good food, they founded the Skippack
Farmers’ Market and helped open the
Indian Valley Farmers’ Market in Telford.

New and Returning Moyer agrees with Barbercheck that

fundraising is one of PASA’s top chal-
lenges today. He also cautions, “As PASA’s

Board Members membership continues to grow, and we

become involved in many different things,
we need to always keep in mind what
PASA is all about: healthy farms, healthy
food, healthy communities.”
By Dan Brannen Jr. Management, Sustainable Agriculture, As for support, Moyer urges members
In PASA’s great traditions of sustain- and Biomass Energy. Bingaman also has to contact him. “Let me know who you
ability and diversity, members at the real farm experience. are. What do you like about PASA? What
Annual Meeting last February elected “Growing up on a small diversified don’t you like. How can we help you with
three new Directors and re-elected two farm in Dauphin County was good to pre- your farm or community? I am your vol-
incumbents, giving the Board connections pare me and help me identify with PASA,” unteer representative. Use me.”
to academia and government while main- says Bingaman. “Our operation direct-
taining its strong farmer makeup. We marketed poultry, beef, fruits, and vegeta- John Jamison
recently spoke with the new members bles from this location for five Jamison joined the Board last summer
about their visions for PASA generations. Our markets included ped- when he was appointed to fill a mid-term
dling door-to-door and selling at the old vacancy. For 25 years, John and wife
Dr. Mary Barbercheck Sukey have been raising and marketing
Barbercheck is a professor in the Chestnut Street market. I fondly remem-
ber bus trips with my mother when I was what the Chicago Tribune has called “the
Department of Entomology at Penn State
five or six so she could help at the sales best lamb in America.” Their marketing
University and works with Cooperative
counter. Later, to foster responsibility, I efforts include mail and Internet orders
Extension in forage and pasture manage-
received chores on the farm that included for retail cuts as well as lamb stew and
ment. In her research, Barbercheck studies
raising animals and vegetables.” pasta sauces.
the soil level connections between diversi-
As a PASA Board member, Bingaman Jamison thinks that development of an
ty, stability, and productivity. She’s also
taught courses on women’s studies and wants to increase direct-marketing infrastructure for marketing Pennsylvania
ethics in agriculture. through better animal processing regula- sustainable ag products throughout the
Asked to name PASA’s top three chal- tions, improve relations between large and northeast is one of PASA’s challenges. He
lenges today, Barbercheck replies, small producers so both can focus on eco- urges PASA farmers to realize that market-
“Finances, finances, finances. I think we nomic viability, and create more local ing, in whatever form it takes, is as impor-
need to work on creating a more stable markets to reach the 54 million people tant to sustainable ag as production.
financial base so that PASA can continue who live within 200 miles of Pennsylva- Kim Seeley and Kim Tait
to offer and improve on all the great work nia. PASA members re-elected Kim Seeley
that it does to help farmers and promote When asked what members can do to and Kim Tait to the Board in February,
sustainable agriculture.” help him in his role with PASA, Binga-
leading Board President Kim Miller to
Barbercheck invites PASA farmers to man says, “Provide input on all of the
applaud “the return of the three Kims.”
share their research and Extension needs above issues, especially any that you dis-
Seeley and his family run Milky Way
with her so she may convey them to the agree with. We all benefit from the per-
Farms, which grazes 170 cows and has one
university. spective of others and need to be open to
of the oldest on-farm bottling operations
new and opposing ideas.”
Dave Bingaman in the state. Tait is President of Tait Farm
Bingaman brings to PASA’s Board the Brian Moyer Foods, which manufactures over 40 spe-
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Brian Moyer operates Green Haven cialty food products and has a 150-mem-
where he has worked for thirty years, cur- Farm in Berks County with his wife Hol- ber CSA in Centre County. On July 9,
rently as Chief of the Division of Conser- ley, raising pastured poultry, sheep, and Tait and her company were featured in a
vation and Ag Technology. His post gives dairy goats. The Moyers market through CBS Evening News segment on women in
him responsibility for PDA activities in two CSA’s plus farmers’ markets, restau- agriculture. (See “The Compost Heap,”
Nutrient Management, Integrated Pest rants, and on-farm sales. Building on their this issue, p. 22)

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?

Board Opening Reminder

As always, five seats on PASA’s board of Sustainable Ag Leadership Award Reminder
directors are up for election at the Farm- Know someone who stands out in the promotion of sustainable agriculture? Someone
ing for the Future conference in February whose day-to-day work gives exceptional lifeblood and energy to our movement, or
2004. If you or a member you know someone who quietly leads by example using new and innovative methods to produce
would like to do PASA the valuable favor and market their commodities. PASA Award Committee Chair David Bingaman is
of board service, please send a nomination accepting nominations for the Sustainable Ag Leadership Award until December 15,
suggestion with brief biographical infor- 2003. Please contact David at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 2301 North
mation to Nominating Committee Chair Cameron Street, #G-13, Harrisburg, PA 17110, phone 717-772-5208, email dbinga-
Kim Seeley (570-673-5690) or to the As always, PASA will present the award at the Farming for the Future
PASA headquarters by November 7, conference in State College, February 2004.


Doug Ayres Chef Mike Art King Patti Olenick

Fall Volunteer
Mark Besterman
Ditchfield Kathy King Virginia Phillips
Jackie Bonomo
Bill Deitrick Larry King Craig Richards n Volunteer at a PASA Field Day.
Jack Duff Laura King Contact Kate Gatski at 570-387-
Carl Callenbach Louise Schorn
Isabella Eson Tim Lillis 6327.
Sam Cantrell Smith
Wendy Eson Jeff Mattocks n Volunteer to represent PASA at a
Sabine Carey Ian Smith
William Eson Tom Maurer community event in your region.
Tom Carey Ron Stanely Contact Lauren Smith at PASA
Elody Gyekis Tara Merenda
Gene Chenoweth Amy Trauger Headquarters.
Joe Gyekis Gayle Morrow
Kelly Coleman Bernie Hoffnar Anne Nordell Mary G.Whittam n Help with office work. Contact
Eileen Clark Kelle Kersten Eric Nordell Alma Wynne Brandi Marks at PASA head-
Shown “playing around” are some of the volunteers that met recently from n Get involved with the Regional
the 2004 Conference Planning Committee. Marketing Programs. Contact
David Eson in the southwest
regional office, or Ruth Sullivan
in the southeast regional office.
n Help sell tickets to the Harvest
Celebration Dinner. Contact
Chris Fullerton at chris@tog.
coop, 814-448-2173
n Assist with soliciting items for
the Silent Auction in February.
Contact Lauren Smith at PASA
n Clip articles in your local news-
paper that feature PASA or sus-
tainable ag. Send them to Brandi
Marks at PASA headquarters.

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?

Waterkeeper Alliance Brings

Third Hog Summit to Gettysburg
By Gene Chenoweth
Warriors on the frontlines of CAFO
battles, and hog farmers providing sus-
tainable solutions, convened for the third
annual “Hog Summit” at the Eisenhower
Conference Center in Gettysburg on June
7. The event was sponsored by Water-
keeper Alliance in partnership with organ-
izations whose names suggest diverse
concerns about modern day pork produc-
tion: PASA, PennFuture, White Dog Café
Foundation, GRACE Factory Farm Pro-
ject, Animal Welfare Institute, and
Delaware Riverkeeper Network.
PASA even added a second day to the
event with its June 6 Field Day on rota-
tional pastured hog raising, held on the
Alvin Stolzfus family farm in Lancaster
History of Hog Summits
North Carolina’s farmers were never
major marketers of hogs. Yet, to that state
went the distinction of hosting the first
Hog Summit. Why? Conditions for devel-
oping concentrated animal feeding opera-
tions—CAFOs or CAOs—were ideal in
North Carolina during the1980s. By
2000, hog production in NC had
increased five-fold, while the numbers of
independent hog farmers dropped more Helen Browning, of Eastbrook Farm in Great Britain, talks to participants at the
than 75%. pastured-pork field day. Helen also spoke at the Hog Summit the next day…her inform-
ative descriptions of the organic hog operation she owns and operates were a highlight
Feed merchant and venture capitalist of the Summit.
Wendell H. Murphy did all he could to
make NC a welcoming venue. While serv- tinues to mount across the US. feeders requiring high profile litigation to
ing in the NC General Assembly and Sen- The achievements of Wendell Murphy support flagrant lifestyles.
ate (1983-1992), Murphy pioneered and associates spurred Waterkeeper The second Summit convened in Clear
CAFOs and sponsored laws worth mil- Alliance and its Board president, Robert F. Lake, Iowa on April 5, 2002. Summit 2
lions of dollars to his company, treating Kennedy Jr., to initiate the “Annual Sus- emphasized innovations in producing and
hog and poultry CAFOs like diversified tainable Hog Farming Summit” in 2001. marketing sustainable pastured pork. It
family farms by exempting them from tax, Joining in was the “NC Hog Round- had an international flavor thanks to a
zoning, and environmental statutes that table,” a number of national organizations report on hog farming in Sweden, which
normally apply to such capital intensive concerned about the issues, including ani- has a national prohibition on the routine
operations. The policies and practices not mal friendly, healthy, and sustainable agri- use of antibiotics. It also sparked contro-
only devastated NC’s environment, prop- culture practices. Kennedy and versy with the thought, attributed to
erty values, quality of health and life, but Waterkeeper were depicted in NC as New Kennedy, that CAFOs pose greater threats
also sparked a great divisiveness that con- York trial-lawyers and other bottom Continued on next page

Qué PASA? What’s up with your organization?
Producers Council, and Penn Ag Indus-
Overheard at the Third Annual Hog Summit: tries Association would have representa-
tives on hand to provide an alternate point
“The problem is not hogs, chickens, cows, or dairy. of view to Summit attendees. CAO oper-
ators were incensed by characterizations of
The problem is the social, environmental, and economic their enterprises. An assistant to PA Sena-
tor Mike Waugh (R-28) said, “I’m con-
problems resulting from concentration of anything. cerned that the driving movement behind
this (Summit) is a national movement
Nature abhors concentration, and will react to it.” against progressive agriculture. I contend
that we will remain free as a country only
Jim Brown, Hog Summit panelist and concentrated hog so far as we are able to feed our-
selves.” One wishes he and Senator
farmer turned factory farm opponent. Waugh had joined us on the Stolzfus farm
to see a viable, prosperous example of sus-
Continued from previous page activism stretching from Utah, Colorado, tainable pork production. Well, maybe
to the nation than Osama bin Laden. Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, and else- next year?
where to here in Pennsylvania. Local par- It is true Senate Bill 1413 (a Pennsyl-
Bringing the Battle to Gettysburg vania legislative effort to end local regula-
ticipants included the Concerned Citizens
Hog Summit 3 at Gettysburg this June tion of factory farms) died in committee
of Nippenose Valley, a year-old group try-
7 carried over the energy and controversy last year, but the issue has not gone
ing to protect Limestone Township,
from earlier summits. The format was away. High-density hog operations are
Lycoming County, from factory farms.
similar to the annual PASA conferences, here and, as activist organization Citizens
Old hands moved to comfort and person-
with two morning plenaries, one on for Pennsylvania’s Future pointed out,
ally reassure anxious, frightened, angry
“shortcomings of industrial agriculture,” they are on the increase. Struggles over the
individuals from York County, where a
the other on “creating meaningful solu- economic, environmental, and social haz-
showcase CAFO is being funded by
tions.” ards posed by factory farms are apt to
USDA’s Young Farmer Program.
A new voice at the Summit was Helen
In April, the National Pork Producers dominate Hog Summits for the foresee-
Browning, who spoke on operations at
Council announced that NPPC, PA Pork able future.
Eastbook Farm in southern England. In a
similar vein, the Stolzfus family’s Spring
Water Farm bespoke the success and
enthusiasm of the increasing numbers of
modest-sized, low-tech, imaginatively
managed sustainable units. These immac-
ulate facilities permit enjoyment of sweet,
clean country air in the midst of energetic
and responsive animals on lush, managed
Lunch was delicious, sandwiched
between networking, browsing packed
stalls, and attending two afternoon break-
out sessions, each featuring six panels of
speakers. The first session I chose was the
“Roundtable Forum on Citizen Activism
and Options: Responding to Factory
Farms.” Moderated by Bill Weida of the
GRACE Factory Farm Project and Rick
Dove from Waterkeeper, the session fea-
tured participation by people from across
this nation who have struggled—are
struggling—with CAFOs. It was both The crowd at PASA’s pre-Summit field day observe these handsome Tamworth sows at
chilling and moving to hear details of Alvin Stoltzfus’ farm.The hut behind the hogs is used for farrowing.

Qué PASA? Farm Based Education
intensively-managed rotational grazing as
Pasture Monitoring
Continued from previous page an alternative to crop production. The
Johnsons milk 40–60 cows and raise stock
on the farm with the help of a Normandy

on Provident Farm bull. The cows are milked, eight at a time,

twice a day in an airy New Zealand swing
parlor. It takes Dave about 45 minutes to
milk the herd. The cows are moved to a
By Mary Barbercheck, mately 160 acres at 1800 ft elevation on new paddock after milking. Each paddock
PASA Board Member moderately drained Wellsboro soil. Dave has 40–50 cows and is one-half to two
Dave and Maggie Johnson and family and his family have a deep commitment acres in size, depending on the condition
were the hosts for a pasture monitoring to stewardship of the land. Dave of the grass. The Johnsons also direct mar-
field day at their organic dairy, Provident explained: ket beef and chicken raised on the farm.
Farm, near Liberty, PA, on June 25. The I see farming as just one part of life’s stew- The farm has been producing milk for the
focus of the day was management of pas- ardship. It is the noble legacy we received last five years, is PCO certified, and mar-
tures and soils to maximize the capture of from Adam and Eve. All we have and kets through Organic Valley.
sunlight to provide energy for vegetation enjoy is a gift from God and we are here
“Monitoring fields is critical to getting
that will be converted to milk production to be caretakers of the creation. Our man-
where you want to be,” explained Dave,
that goes to market. who built up the lush pastures from weedy
agement should nurture and enhance
Various monitoring tools were demon- meadowland that had been out of produc-
whatever we set our hands to do. When
strated. Jim Weaver (PSU cooperative tion for eight years in a government set-
we farm, we should enhance the natural
extension in Tioga County) discussed the aside program. “We overseeded the fields
systems to function even better, and the
philosophy behind monitoring methods with a perennial rye/clover mix into the
land should look better than when we
developed through Holistic Management. meadow in April with a no-till drill, frost-
started. If we seek short term gain and
Paul Shaffer (NRCS) and Kris Ribble seeded alice clover every three years, and
exploit the ecosystem through chemicals
(NRCS and the Project Grass coordinator fertilized with lime and two tons of broil-
or monoculture, we have missed the foun-
for NE Pennsylvania) demonstrated some er litter to the acre to bring up fertility.”
dations of stewardship, of husbandry.
of the tests in the NRCS Soil Quality Test The cows are outside year-round, with
Stewardship is a long term commitment,
Kit. Other less technical methods of the barn being used as a holding area and
an eternal commitment. Immediate prob-
assessing soil quality and forage condition for feeding grain. The Johnsons recently
lems are far less important than where invested in three tractors because there are
were demonstrated: the soil quality test things are heading. These things help clar- no custom harvesters available in the area
card developed by producers, grazing yard ify what sustainable agriculture is all and organic hay is too expensive to buy. In
stick, and a forage plate meter. about. addition to the 160 acres on the farm, 140
Provident Farm The Johnsons, who are full-time farm- additional rented acres are used to pro-
Provident Farm is located on approxi- ers, bought the farm in 1993 and practice Continued on next page

Participants at the Provident Farm field day have close encounters with cows of many different kinds.

Qué PASA? Farm Based Education
Continued from previous page land, agriculture, and wildlife manage- effectively; 4) the nutritional requirements
duce hay and forage. Dave makes large ment. Decision-making revolves around a of the livestock and wildlife are adequate-
round bales and has a bale tuber for wrap- holistic goal. All decisions are tested ly met; 5) there is minimal stress on the
ping baleage. He considers this a good against the goal and made in the context animals, as well as on the people, from
investment, especially in a year as wet as of available tools and information gath- physical handling; 6) there is maximum
this one has been. With all the rain, the ered through monitoring procedures. Jim’s coordination with cropping, wildlife
cows had a hard time keeping up with the approach to Holistic Management has needs, and other land uses, as well as with
growth on the pastures. Dave estimates it been influenced by John Ikerd and the the personal schedules of those who will
costs $.02/lb to produce forage as pasture idea of the new American farmer, one who operate the plan; and 7) the manager is
in comparison to $.04–.05/lb to produce engages in environmentally-conscious constantly moving toward the holistic
baleage. land stewardship on appropriately scaled goal.
Full grazing starts in spring around family farms; builds relationships that cre-
ate value-added direct marketing so that a Monitoring Procedure
mid-April. Dave limits earlier grazing
greater proportion of profits are kept by Jim Weaver demonstrated a simple
because some of the land is wetland with
the farmer rather than by processors and monitoring procedure that has been used
fairly heavy clay soils that are damaged by
other middlemen; and nurtures a high and improved by holistic managers for
traffic. Perennial grasses come on first and
quality of life through family and com- over 25 years to detect change on land
grow late into fall. The rest period for the
munity. grazed by livestock. The purpose of this
paddocks ranges from about 15 days in
Holistic management is based on the monitoring is not just to record change,
spring to 45–60 days in summer. Grass is
idea that the whole chain of the farm but also to steer all changes in the direc-
stockpiled to graze into November and
enterprise is only as strong as its weakest tion of the holistic goal. Indicators of
early December. To rejuvenate and
link. The holistic manager finds the weak resource condition monitored include
increase fertility, Dave chooses a paddock
link in the production chain, pays atten- water, minerals, energy, and community
for use as a winter feedlot in which round
tion to it by applying resources to dynamics. The measurements of the indi-
bales are placed, then gives that paddock a
strengthen it, and continuously monitors cators are used to produce an ecograph,
rest the following year.
the chain to identify weakest links. Wealth where progress is measured based on goals
With the farm situated at the headwa-
is generated by the allocation of expenses for the farm.
ters of Pine Creek, Dave would like to put
and the elimination of expenses, because Ideally, for ease of calculation, 100
in more permanent lanes to protect water
once an expense is eliminated, it can’t rise. points on the farm are monitored and
quality. Thistle has become a weed prob-
Management of grazing animals and converted to percentages. The monitoring
lem in an area where drain tile was
monitoring for early-warning biological points are selected randomly along a tran-
installed because of soil disturbance, and
indicators is central to holistic manage- sect that crosses as many different types of
he is not able to control the weeds there
ment. Livestock are used to help create the systems on the farm as possible (for exam-
with clipping because of wetness, so he
landscape that is envisioned. Periodic dis- ple, hay fields, pastures, and woodlot). To
plans to try vinegar (10%) as an organic
turbance (grazing and/or clipping) is help keep the choice of sample points ran-
herbicide. Dave recently started a collabo-
needed to maintain soil cover and to keep dom so that the manager is not biased by
rative research project with Ron Hoover, a
plants fresh and high in nutritional quali- appearance of an area, Jim suggests using
Penn State University on-farm research
ty. In this system, livestock are used as a marker (in this case, a flagged dart). Jim
coordinator, to investigate organic weed
land reclamation tools, but are also man- used the “throw the dart over the shoul-
management through different practices
aged to take into account other functions der” method to randomly choose moni-
such as clipping, adjusting soil fertility,
of the ecosystem, such as wildlife habitat. toring points.
and aeration.
This enables the use of the herd to benefit At each of the 100 monitoring points,
Holistic Management the whole environment and, ultimately, to the manager measures indicators of
Jim Weaver, a member of the Northern create the landscape that will sustain the ecosystem function: the closest plant or
Penn Holistic Management Network, production and quality of life described in plant type (grass, broadleaf, forage, weed);
presented a pasture monitoring method the holistic goal. amount of plant cover; soil condition
that was developed by Alan Savory The outcomes of this type of grazing (wet, dry, eroded); evidence of worm or
( Jim management are several: 1) in the growing insect activity within six inches of the
explained, “Holistic Management is a months, the land can produce the maxi- point; and other animal activity (manure,
decision-making framework through mum amount of high quality forage on an ground-nesting birds) within six feet of
which people can make decisions that are increasing or sustained basis; 2) in the the point.
environmentally, socially, and financially non-growing months, there is adequate Soil condition measurements are best
sound in both the short and long term.” forage and/or cover for livestock and made when soil biological activity is high
Holistic Management has its roots in wildlife; 3) droughts can be dealt with Continued on page 18

Qué PASA? Farm Based Education
Continued from page 17 ered a good population. Healthy soil drought management, and the pastures
and with adequate soil moisture; for smells good. A rich earthy smell indicates and fields at Provident Farm have an
example, two days after a good rain or irri- high biological activity. No smell indicates SOM content of about 5–6%. SOM
gation. To determine how well a soil takes an intermediate condition, and a bad or improves water-holding capacity, and
in water, about a pint of water is poured chemical smell indicates a poor condition. reducing runoff is especially important on
on the soil from a distance of about one Ecographs for recording the indicator clay soils like the moderately drained
inch. You pour the water within five sec- values are available at the Holistic Man- Wellsboro soil at Provident Farm.
onds, slow enough so that the soil surface agement website, www.holisticmanage- The take home message for the day was
is not disrupted, but fast enough to deter- To check progress toward the this—to get your pastures to sustain ani-
mine how long it takes the water to soak holistic goal, the farm should be moni- mal nutrition and environmental quality
into the ground. tored annually at the same time of year. needs, it is important to monitor the
Upon observation, a small wet spot The ideal monitoring time is at the peak changes that accompany management.
indicates rapid infiltration and is usually of the forage growing season around the 12345678901234567890123
due to a well-aggregated surface condi- G R O E R’

summer solstice. However, consistency is
tion. A soil aggregate is a cluster or crumb 12345678901234567890123
critical, so it is important to be aware of 12345678901234567890123
of soil particles stuck together with a com- time limitations on a particular farm and G
bination of weak electrical forces from the choose a time of the year that consistency 12345678901234567890123
soil particles and from substances pro- 12345678901234567890123

is possible.
duced during the decomposition of organ- 12345678901234567890123
Soil Quality Test Kit 12345678901234567890123
ic matter. A well-aggregated soil accepts 12345678901234567890123

water easily, provides room for vigorous Farmers generally have a sense of what 12345678901234567890123

root systems, and for aeration of the soil. good soil does: it takes in water rapidly, O12345678901234567890123
A poorly aggregated soil crusts and erodes holds moisture well, resists erosion, drains 12345678901234567890123
easily, and will not accept water very rap- well, remains uncrusted, decomposes crop 12345678901234567890123
idly, leading to water runoff. residue rapidly, and produces healthy
plants. Soil scientists from the USDA
To maintain the aggregated state, a
healthy population of soil organisms is have developed a kit that ag professionals
and farmers can use to help monitor their
Labels for direct
necessary to provide the glue that holds
the soil particles together. The organisms soil quality—the soil’s ability to perform marketing
Labels and
for direct
that decompose crop residues and cycle its critical functions of supporting plant
nutrients need organic matter and mois- and animal productivity, contributing to value-added
marketing and
clean surface and ground water supplies,
ture. A well-aggregated soil is loose and
crumbles easily through your fingers. A and enhancing human health.
poorly aggregated soil is cloddy and crust- Paul Shaffer and Kris Ribble demon-
strated some of the measurements possible
ed. Adequate ground cover for long peri- We design and print labels
ods of the year fosters higher water with the Soil Quality Test Kit (available
for flowers, honey, fruit,
infiltration, and provides food for the soil from Gempler’s, We design and print labels
including soil pH, electrical conductivity vegetables, sprouts, milk,
organisms that drive nutrient cycles. for flowers, honey, fruit,
Ground cover also helps reduce soil ero- (as a measure of salinity), and water infil- yoghurt, cheese, meat,
vegetables, sprouts, milk,
sion and water runoff by giving the water tration rate. The Kit also includes supplies eggs, nuts —
to assess soil respiration (a measure of yoghurt, cheese, meat,
more time to infiltrate the soil. labels for almost anything!
To determine the soil organisms pres- microbial activity), bulk density, soil eggs, nuts —
ent, move aside surface residue and look nitrate, aggregate stability, earthworms, labels for almost anything!
for ants, millipedes, beetles, snails, or compaction, soil structure, and soil tex- SERVING GROWERS
other small animals on the soil surface. ture. A DEP Growing Greener Grant pro- SINCEGROWERS
Two or more within a two-foot circle is vided funds to test the Kit on 17 farms
considered a desirable amount. These with grazing plans. SINCE
request 1975
a free catalog
organisms help break down coarse crop NRCS and Project Grass personnel are
residue into smaller particles and make it also testing a tool developed by Dr. Ray request a free catalog
more available for nutrient cycling. Look Weil in the Department of Soil Science at
for earthworm holes or casts at the surface
and then turn over a shovelful of soil and
the University of Maryland to measure
biologically active carbon in the soil as an
count the number of earthworms. Two or indicator of organic matter. Soil organic
more earthworms per shovelful is consid- matter (SOM) is a key to soil fertility and
Continued on page 24

Eli M. Reiff 570-966-0769
922 Conley Road • Mifflinburg, PA 17844

Scalder — (above center) 42 gallon rotary, gas fired with auto con-
trol temp timer. 34,000 BTU, all satinless steel. $1,895.00
Mechanical Plucker (above right) — ⁄4 HP motor, motor totally
enclosed. 10:1 Gear reduction, 27” diameter, stainless steel with
shower. $1,395.00

Manual Scalder — Hand dunk birds. 42 gallon, 45,000 btu.

PASA Business Member Profile

An Interview with Barry Denk,

Director of The Center for Rural Pennsylvania

By Gayle Morrow state government, a “line item appropriation” that provides

In the most recent issue of The Center for Rural Pennsyl- research and data to Harrisburg as well as making it all avail-
vania’s newsletter, state Rep. Sheila Miller, who is the Center’s able to the private sector, academia, and others.
chairman of the board, touches on a variety of topics, includ- “We have an extremely broad-based audience,” notes
ing agriculture. Denk, who has served as director since 1996. As a bipartisan,
“While some of our farmland has been blessed with corn bicameral legislative agency, the Center awards grants for
that lived up to the ‘knee-high by the Fourth of July’ meas- applied research and model projects (including PASA proj-
uring stick, other areas see crop fields that are at least a ects in the southwest region), maintains and disseminates
month behind in maturity,” Miller writes. “All of us in rural information on rural trends and conditions, publishes
Pennsylvania who are linked to the agricultural land are hold- research and project results, and sponsors forums on rural
ing our breath and hoping that this year’s harvest brings bet- issues.
ter yields for our farm community than has been experienced The Center has been a PASA member since 1993 and has
during the past several cycles.” sponsored the conference annually since 1994.
As a cattle farmer, Miller is “in the business,” says Barry Think about “all of us in rural Pennsylvania who are
Denk, Center director. “She’s committed to this industry. linked to the agricultural land….” That is all of us; we are all
She experiences the issues affecting small farms, and she has inextricably linked to the land. And as Miller encourages, “be
helped educate other members [of the legislature] on agricul- sure to purchase some of Pennsylvania’s great direct-from-
ture issues.” the-farm fruits and vegetables as your travels take you
The Center is fortunate to have Miller as its chair; rural through the Keystone State’s bountiful and beautiful rural
Pennsylvania is fortunate to have the Center. This “legislative areas.”
service agency” was formed in 1987 as part of the Rural Revi- To find out more about rural Pennsylvania and the Cen-
talization Act of 1986, Denk explains. The Center is part of ter, visit or call 717-787-9555.

What is unique about your business? benefit to your business? sylvania to endure and withstand
We are unique on the national scene in The conference is obviously a great change—to understand it and to act and
that we are a legislative service agency. forum. With our booth there, we get to not just react, whether specifically in agri-
Pennsylvania is the only state with a provide our literature and hear and share culture or in other sectors.
research agency that is dedicated to rural information. The Center is currently What do you see as some of the criti-
issues and housed under the general looking at getting locally grown food into cal issues facing agriculture and ag-relat-
assembly. our schools, so membership has been ed businesses today?
Why did you join PASA? helpful there, too. There is a whole host of them! It is an
It was a natural connection, given what What does the term “sustainable” ever-changing and diverse industry. One
PASA is all about. It helps us in terms of mean to you and how do you incorporate simple definition doesn’t really describe
research. We get to hear about issues that that into your business? agriculture, so that’s a challenge. One
may affect our membership. PASA serves One definition is to endure and with- voice doesn’t necessarily speak for it. Then
an audience we believe we need to hear stand. We work to help rural Pennsylvania there are Jane and Joe Consumer who
from, and a sector that is critical to the endure and withstand, and maintain a have no concept of the agriculture indus-
state’s economy. quality of life that sets Pennsylvania apart. try and don’t know any of the behind-the-
How has your membership been a We help the government help rural Penn- Continued on next page

Continued from previous page
scenes things that go on.
What do you see as the connection between sus-
tainable agriculture and the consumer?
I think there is a great opportunity for all of us who
support Pennsylvania agriculture to develop a strong
educational program geared toward that Jane and Joe
Consumer. There is a need to understand what’s going
on as it relates to them and their decisions as consumers
and their personal choices. There is a connection
between sustaining and keeping agriculture, in all the
shapes it has, as a viable industry in Pennsylvania, and
consumers will play an increasingly important role.

Business Members Are

Important To PASA!
Membership plays a vital role at PASA—
member support, interest, and involvement build
the foundation for our mission. Business Mem-
bers play a key role in that vitality. These farms
and businesses are committed to working with
other progressive members of the business com-
munity in the struggle to protect and preserve
Pennsylvania farmers and farmland. They know
this crusade will not be won without our collec-
tive effort. The strength these companies con-
tribute is deeply appreciated, and we look
forward to an ongoing partnership in furthering
the vision of “promoting profitable farms which
produce healthy food for all people while respect-
ing the natural environment.”
PASA needs and appreciates the member-
ship support of the business community, and
extends an enthusiastic invitation to all interested
in becoming a Business Member. Join other lead-
ers in sustaining Pennsylvania agriculture while
enjoying extra PASA member benefits. Contact
the PASA membership office in Millheim for more


Future Harvest/CASA
Stevensville, MD

Slow Food Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA

Watershed Agricultural Council

Walton, NY
Omitted from the full list/Spring 2003
big Burrito Group
Pittsburgh, PA

were all delighted (and sated) by a buffet of

The Compost Heap: savory, healthful foods, such as chevon stew,

sweet strawberries, spring salads, moussaka,
organic milk and cheeses, hearth-baked
breads, and oven-roasted vegetables. Just
Editor’s Corner crumbs and casserole scraps were left over
by the end of each gathering. Exchanging
ideas and sharing laughter and fundamental
By Dan Brannen Jr.
beliefs about sustainable farming and com-
munities are just some of the possibilities
when dynamic, hardworking PASA folks con-
verge for fine socializing and dining. Perhaps
you can form a regional group in your area.

Women Helping
Women in Farming
Some of Pennsylvania’s leaders in sustain-
able agriculture met in July to promote the
Pennsylvania Women in Agriculture Network
(WagN), which provides women with a
space that responds to their unique needs as
CBS Evening News organic. The release says the market for female members of the state’s farming com-
Features Tait Farm Foods organic food and products is growing at an munity. Amy Trauger, a doctoral candidate at
Kim Tait, Vice-President of PASA’s Board estimated 20–30% per year and currently Penn State University (PSU) who specializes
of Directors, appeared in a July 9 CBS accounts for more than $11 billion in annual in gender roles in farming, leads the group
Evening News “Eye on America” segment, sales. through emails and face-to-face monthly
the third in a series entitled “Making Ends Rodale, whose grandfather, J.I. Rodale, meetings.“Because of the persistence of gen-
Meet.” Reporter Wyatt Andrews said of Tait, coined the term organic in 1942, said in the dered occupations, women in agriculture
“She represents the fresh new face of agri- release, “Are we willing to sit back and wit- tend to be excluded from certain spaces of
culture—women who own, manage, and ness the degeneration of our environment, knowledge and authority about farming, and
market the American farm.” Tait attributed and quietly lose control of the quality of are often reluctantly let into the ‘farmer club’
the success of Tait Farm Foods to her will- food we eat every day?” Instead, he “called as an ‘honorary man,’” Trauger explains.
ingness to create a year-round, seasonal on leaders to pool resources and work Participants in WAgN-Pennsylvania
retail store on the farm. together towards a common, quantifiable include farmers, agricultural extension
The report also featured PASA member vision.” Rodale received OTA’s Organic agents, trainers, researchers, legislators, and
and former Director Carolyn Sachs, whose Leadership Award at the May meeting. See brokers. Organizations represented include
university research on women in agriculture the press release at Pennsylvania Certified Organic, The Rodale
reveals, “women who own farms tend to pressroom/pressreleases/press052203.shtml Institute, PSU, and PASA. To get involved,
have smaller farms, to carry less debt, to use contact Trauger at 814-422-0634 or
fewer pesticides, and to have smaller niche Potluck News
markets for what they produce.” Summariz- from the Susquehanna Valley
ing her research, Sachs concluded that the By Leah Tewksbury BOOK REVIEW:
new image of the American farmer is “not a The annual PASA Conference provides Bringing the Food Economy Home:
guy in overalls.” To see the report and excellent learning opportunities, cama- Local Alternatives to Global Agribusiness,
accompanying article online, visit raderie, cuisine, and business resources.Yet it by Helena Norberg Hodge,Todd Merrifield, can be difficult to find time to meet PASA and Steven Gorelick, Kumarian Press, 2002.
main562415.shtml. members who may be neighbors down the (Reviewed by Ruth Sullivan)
road or in the local area. So to learn more Bringing the Food Economy Home was an
Rodale Institute about local PASA people, a good crowd of engrossing, absorbing, and quick read. And
Launches Organic Initiative folks from the Susquehanna Valley region boy did it open my eyes. Full of memorable
Announcing “the single-most ambitious (north-central Pa.) gathered together this quotes and useful facts, the book highlights
agricultural initiative of this century” at the spring and then again in early summer to the social, ecological, and economic impacts
Organic Trade Association (OTA) meeting in share potluck and get acquainted. of the global food system. It takes you
Austin, Texas, this May, Anthony Rodale, The potlucks provided a friendly environ- through the landmarks of the global food
chairman of Rodale Institute, called for at ment for exploring sustainable living and system, from consolidation in feed, seed,
least 5% of America’s remaining 2 million business concepts, such as developing local chemical, production, and processing sectors
farmers to transition to organic farming by cooperative relationships between produc- to the structure of globalized trade. The
2013. According to a Rodale Institute press ers and buyers, using various marketing authors simply and elegantly describe the
release, 12,200 farmers—just over half of strategies, and compiling a list of local pro- basics of the World Bank, the International
one percent of all U.S. farms—are certified ducers for consumer use. Of course, we Monetary Fund (IMF), the General Agree-

ment on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and the filed in the U.S. or face economic sanctions, ter for email updates at
World Trade Organization (WTO). If your also known as cross retaliation. In other event/misc/enroll.asp in case more tickets
eyes normally glaze over when you hear words, the U.S. can legally impose economic are released.
these names, this book will do an excellent sanctions on Mexico if the Mayan people use
job of showing you, succinctly and startlingly, their traditional herbal medicines without New! Farm-Fresh Recipes:
why you should care.To wrap up, the authors paying royalties to transnational corpora- Ready-to-Copy Recipes Cards for
focus on how communities around the tions like Dow Chemical, which now owns Produce Marketers
world have succeeded in regenerating their patents on some of these thousand-year-old Farmers who sell direct to the public
local food system. remedies. agree that recipes increase sales. Most cus-
Put out by the International Society for Heck, it’s even legal to patent the genes tomers just need a little inspiration to get
Ecology and Culture, this book takes a of the shaman who gives you that medicine. them cooking with fresh ingredients. A new
broad, international view, with many exam- Since the mid-90s, there has been a deluge of book, Farm-Fresh Recipes, is packed with easy,
ples from both north and south of the equa- U.S. patent applications on human genes of enticing recipes that use a lot of fresh pro-
tor. I highly recommend Bringing the Food tribal peoples all over the world. Thanks to duce. Nearly 300 recipes are printed three
Economy Home for anyone interested in the WTO, even your genes can be legally on a page, all focused on one major ingredi-
understanding the impact of globalized trade owned by corporations or individuals. And ent. The book is designed so that you can
and industry consolidation, and learning now the Bush Administration plans to use a take it to the copy shop, make all the copies
about solutions yet to be implemented. secret trade tribunal of the WTO to force you want, and have them cut down into
Available from Kumarian Press in Bloomfield, Frankenfoods down the throats of Euro- recipe cards. Copyright permission is specif-
CT, at (860) 243-2098 or peans and consumers worldwide. ically granted in the front of the book, and
for $18.95. Ticked off? Do something about it! Join the book is spiral bound so it lays flat on the
the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) copy machine, with trim marks for accurate
Snyder Gives Cuban on an escorted OCA delegation to attend cutting.You can either stamp the back of the
Agriculture Slide Show the historic teach-ins and protests at the cards with your farm’s name, or you can use
On July 10 at West Chester University, next international WTO Ministerial meeting one of three templates included in the book
PASA Executive Director Brian Snyder gave in Cancun Mexico (Sept. 4–11) www.organ- to design your own message that can be
a 1.5-hour presentation on sustainable agri- photocopied on the back of the recipe
culture in Cuba, complete with slide photo- pages.
graphs that he took during his recent trip Farm-Fresh Recipes was written by Janet
there with the Food First/Institute for Food Majure, a food writer and cookbook author.
and Development Policy. (See “An Excursion A comprehensive index lists recipes by
through Cuba: A Clue to Our Future?” Pas- ingredients, which comprise every major
sages #43, spring 2003, p.1.) Over fifty peo- type of produce grown in North America.
ple attended. Anyone interested in Although most recipes use only produce,
scheduling a presentation may contact Sny- some recipes include fish, chicken, and beef.
der at 814-349-9856 or brian@pasafarm- The book costs $20 plus $4 shipping from Growing for Market, PO Box 3747,
Lawrence, KS 66046; 800-307-8949. Or
Forget rBGH! Try Bach Instead. order online at www.growingformarket
Research psychologists at the University .com. Wholesale orders get a 40% discount
of Leicester, UK, played loud, soft, and no for 12–49 copies, and a 50% discount for 50-
music to a herd of 1,000 Friesian cattle from plus copies.
5 a.m. to 5 p.m. over a course of nine weeks.
According to a report by the Organic Con- Yes,We’ll Have No Bananas
sumers Association, the researchers found By Robert Alison
that milk yield rose 3% when the cows lis- Farm Aid Coming to Ohio The banana is about to disappear from
tened to slow music instead of fast music. Willie Nelson and company will bring store shelves around the globe. Experts say
Favorite pieces included Beethoven’s “Pas- FarmAid 2003 to the Germain Amphitheater the world’s favourite fruit will pass into
toral Symphony” and Simon and Garfunkel’s in Columbus, Ohio, on September 7. Nelson oblivion within a decade. No more fresh
“Bridge Over Troubled Waters.” and fellow FarmAid Board members Neil bananas. No more banana bread. No more
Young, John Mellencamp, and Dave Matthews banana muffins or banana cream pie. Why?
Patenting Nature will perform as usual, joined by artists Sheryl Because the banana is the victim of centuries
(From Organic Bytes, #15, June 11, 2003) Crow, Brooks & Dunn, Trick Pony, and oth- of genetic tampering. Scientists say they will
Thanks to the World Trade Organization ers.The concert comes as the Ohio Farmers be unable to prevent the extirpation of the
(WTO) and a host of “free trade” agree- Union and dozens of organizations urge banana as an edible commercial crop.And its
ments, it is completely legal for a large cor- Ohio Governor Bob Taft to veto Ohio demise may be one more powerful argument
poration to patent and own the genes of House Bill 142, which makes it illegal for in the hands of those who are concerned
individual plants, animals, indigenous medi- local governments to regulate large livestock about genetic modification of foods. (For the
cines, and even humans.The WTO states that operations. While the concert is currently full article, see
all member countries must honor all patents sold out, the website invites people to regis- /views03/0719-02.htm)

Opportunities & Classified Ads Passages
Ad Rates and Policy
Advertising Inquiries: Please call or
OPPORTUNITIES write the PASA office for a full advertising
and flower production (preferably in a
package and rate card. Special rates avail-
Learn the Basic Principles of Biodynam- CSA), production and marketing experi- able for PASA Business Members and mul-
ic Farming & Gardening, September 13, ence, management, leadership, and ability tiple advertising packages. Contact the
2003–Summer 2004. A part-time, one- to work with youth a must. Complete PASA office.
year program presented by the Pfeiffer infrastructure of 20 acres certified organic Display Ads Rates: Full page $150; Half
Center in Chestnut Ridge, NY, consisting land, heated greenhouse, barns, tractors, page $90; Quarter page $60; Eighth page
of eight Saturday workshops and a final (business card) $40. All rates based on
and all equipment needed for daily opera-
camera-ready copy. Contact PASA office
one-week intensive. Taught by leading tion. Housing, noon meal, stipend/profit for complete rate card.
practitioners including Will Brinton, Stef- sharing possibilities. Contact Chuck
fen Schneider, Jennifer Greene, Craig Classified Ads: $5 for first 30 words, and
Crimmins at 501-889-5124 x3650 or $.20 per word over 30. PASA members
Holdrege, Mac Mead and Pfeiffer Center receive one free 30-word ad per year.
Director Gunther Hauk. For information
CLASSIFIED ADS Opportunities & Calendar Listings:
contact The Pfeiffer Center at 845-352-
PASA is pleased to offer these listings at
5020 ext. 20. Grass Finished Beef. Limited supply of no charge as a service to our members.
Pennsylvania Energy Harvest Grant Pro- quarters, halves, or whole available Please limit entries to no more than one
November 2003. No grain — ever. No paragraph.
gram Applications. The Pa. Dept. of
Environmental Protection announces the hormones. From old-fashioned grass- Advertising Disclaimer: PASA cannot
based herd. Mike or Barb Wahler, (717) investigate the products or claims of
availability of $5 million of grant funding advertisers and we don’t necessarily
through the new Pennsylvania Energy 899-6934. endorse any products advertised in Pas-
Harvest Grant Program. Grants will fund sages. However, we encourage you to sup-
Organic Layer houses wanted. Interested
projects that promote awareness and build port the companies that support PASA.
in areas north of Harrisburg, south of We reserve the right to accept or reject
markets for cleaner or renewable energy
Route 192. For more information call any ad.
technologies. Proposals should manage
the Commonwealth’s energy resources in a Keith Fleetwood or Dale Smeltz at Back Issues: Are available from PASA.
way that also improves the environment, Kreamer Feed 800-767-4537.
supports economic development, and
enhances quality of life. Eligible proposals
include biomass energy projects. Special
consideration will be given to proposals
Opportunities…to support
that assist farmers. Applications are avail- PASA’s Farming for the Future Conference!
able from the Grants Center at 717-705-
5400 or at the SPONSORS
directLINK “2003 Energy Harvest PASA’s commitment to convening Farming for the Future remains strong, and
Grant.” Applications must be postmarked
sponsorship support is key to its success. Sponsorship carries wonderful ben-
or received by 4:30 p.m. on September
19, 2003, at the Department Grants Cen- efits and demonstrates your support for strengthening farming in our com-
ter, 15th Floor, Rachel Carson State munities while increasing the visibility of your business.
Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO
Box 8776, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8776. LOCAL FOOD
It means a lot to the PASA membership, to bring responsibly grown and local-
Rent-Free Land in Centre County. PASA
ly raised foods to the table for conference meals. Consider becoming involved
members Claire and Dan Brannen Sr. live
on a seven acre parcel of farmland near in providing these healthy foods and beverages for the conference.
Centre Hall (Centre County). They
would like to see up to six acres farmed SILENT AUCTION ITEMS
sustainably and organically (though not Great excitement was generated at the auction tables in 2003, and we’re excit-
necessarily certified as such). Farmers ed to top last year! We are assembling some terrific items to be auctioned off
interested in rent-free land should call and invite you to contribute to the mix! Do you have a weekend stay at your
them at 814-364-2004 or e-mail Inn or Farm? Perhaps a piece of art or antique farm equipment? Something
Dan_Brannen@yahoo .com. handmade or unique to Pennsylvania? We are looking for items of all sorts and
Experienced farmer needed to manage would love to hear from you.
and operate 100+ family sustainable
Community Supported Agriculture oper- For more information or to become involved in the above opportunities,
ation at Heifer International’s educational contact Lauren Smith at PASA headquarters (814) 349-9856
ranch in central Arkansas. 3+ years experi- or
ence in a wide range of vegetable, herb,

Summer vacation is almost over, so I
hope you have enjoyed a much deserved
break from tests, homework, and assign-
5. Protect your drinking water. Find
out about your local watershed. (It’s
not a building where water is kept!) East-
ments. If the pool, summer trips, soccer, ern Pennsylvania is part of the Chesapeake
reading, seeing friends, and simply relax- Bay watershed, which means that the
ing are getting too boring, here is some- water that falls here drains into the Atlantic
thing to think about and perhaps to do! Ocean by way of the Cheasapeake Bay. Call
Last year, most of the people in our your local conservation agency (check the
part of Pennsylvania suffered through a Yellow Pages or ask your parents) to learn
very dry summer. Up until June, 2002 more about your area’s watershed. In a
was a moderately wet year, but farmers watershed, all the rain and other water
and gardeners were desperate for rain the goes through the soil to the water table,
rest of the year. the place where water is stored under- Since we have been talking about
So far, 2003 has been very wet. As a ground. This is usually where your family’s water this month, here are some ques-
matter of fact, a local radio station well gets its water. If any pesticides or fer- tions you might want to research. Try
reported that there were only six sunny tilizers are used in this region they end up using an atlas or other reference book, or
days in all of May. This has meant that going downstream to the Atlantic or they ask your parents!
flowers and yards have grown and flour- go down into the water table that is the
ished. However, this could change source of the drinking water for many of 1. What is the longest river in the
quickly. Since summers are usually dry, a the families in that region. Keep your water world?
dry spell would be more likely. clean by not pouring harmful substances 2. What is the longest river in North
Here are some ideas for helping your down the drain or on the ground outside. America?
family conserve water. It’s a good thing,
whether or not there’s a drought! 6. Try a new way of gardening.
Xeriscaping uses plants well adapt-
ed to the amount of rain in a given region.
3. Which is the largest ocean?
4. Is that ocean growing or is it
1. Are you a gardener? Water your
plants early in the morning or in the
evening so that the water doesn’t evapo-
Since summers can be dry, it is wise to
select drought resistant plants, for looks
shrinking? Do you know why?
5. The surface (top) of one body of
rate as quickly. and to conserve water. Some beautiful water on earth is actually more than 400
choices are echinacea (purple cone feet below sea level. Do you know which
2. Water your plants thoroughly once
a week (or more if it is very dry)
rather than lightly a few times a week.This
flower), yarrow, sedum, and rudbeckia
(black-eyed Susan).
6. Which country is home to the
actually helps your plants to develop nice wettest (rainiest) place on earth?
deep roots that help them survive.
Write and let me know if you can

3. Use mulch—bark, leaves, even old

your garden. Laying this
find the answers to these questions.
(Send to the Junior PASA Page, care of
the PASA main office.) Enjoy the rest of
around the plants on your summer!
top of the soil helps to
hold in the moisture. Here are the answers to the matching
game in the last issue:

4. When your par-

ents turn on the garden hose,
take a walk along the length of it to check
Ovine — relating to sheep
Bovine — relating to cows
Canine — relating to dogs
for any holes. If you see a fountain coming Equine — relating to horses
from the hose at the wrong place, let your Caprine — relating to goats
parents know. Porcine — relating to pigs

Send your gardening and Junior Page ideas to:The Junior PASA Page, c/o Sally Roe, RD3 Box 44,Troy, PA 16947.

Calendar of Events

allocation and budgeting of forages.Will be Sept 19 Carcass Composting, Foster

AUGUST held at KTS Farms from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Brothers Dairy, Middlebury,VT. Bob Foster,
Aug 20 Food as Medicine: A Personal (lunch provided). Sponsored by Northern dairy farmer, and Brian Jerose, SARE
Story of Healing, Trinity Methodist Penn Holistic Management Network. Con- researcher, will give this presentation. Cost
Church, Montpelier, VT. Come learn Jerry tact Jim Weaver at 570-724-7788. is $5 for NOFA-VT members and $8 non-
Brunetti’s remarkable story of surviving members. Call 802-434-4122.
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and hear how human
health practices relate to agricultural SEPTEMBER Sept 19–20 Passive Solar Greenhouse
Workshop. Featured topics: Design, Con-
health practices. Jerry is the founder of Sept 6 Diversified Mushroom Produc- stuction and Year-Round Production. Come
Agri-Dynamics, a consulting firm, and lives tion Techniques, The Intervale Founda- learn how to begin a sustainable green-
in PA. Cost is $5 for NOFA-VT members tion, Burlington, VT. Erik Wells and David house business from design to marketing.
and $8 for nonmembers. Call 802-434- Demarest will give a tour of their facility Contact Steve Moore for more informa-
4122 to register. and a presentation about cultivation tech- tion at 717-225-2489 or sandcmoore@
niques for a variety of mushroom species.
Aug 21 Organic Fertilization and Irri-
After lunch there will be a hands-on
gation of Pastures, Forgues Family Farm,
demonstration of the use of bag culture for Sept 20 PASA Harvest Celebration
Alburg Springs, VT. The Forgues and Bill
indoor production of oyster mushrooms Dinner, Penn College of Technology,
Murphy are starting a three-year experi-
and log culture for outdoor production of Williamsport, Lycoming County. See article,
ment to study pasture yield with organic
shiitake mushrooms. Bring a bagged page 11.
nitrogen fertilizer and soil amendments
lunch. Cost is $5 for NOFA-VT members
under irrigation.This workshop is free. Call Sept 20 Pasture Walk: Established Pas-
and $8 for nonmembers, plus a supplies
NOFA-VT at 802-434-4122 to register. ture Management & Pasture Renova-
cost of $25. Call 802-434-4122.
tion. NHUNH Cooperative Extension,
Aug 22–23 Northeast Organic Dairy
Sept 6 Family Farm Fall Festival, High 603-563-9978.
Producers Alliance (NODPA) 3rd
Falls, NY. Dina Falconi, 845-687-8938; Jen
Annual Producer Meeting and Field Sept 22 Grazing Demonstration Pro-
Prosser, 845-657-6059.
Day, Albion, Maine. Anne Lazor and Henri- ject: Sheep Pasture Feed & Manage-
etta Beaufait will focus on methods of dry Sept 9 Grazing Demonstration Pro- ment Concerns for Fiber Flock.
off and reproductive problems. Jerry ject: Organic Fertilizer Applications Gwyneth Harris, 802-656-3834, Gwyneth.
Brunetti will follow with information per- to Crop and Grazing Land, Randolph
taining to soil quality.The afternoon session Center. Gwyneth Harris, 802-656-3834,
with Jack Lazor will focus on alternative Sept 26 High Tunnel Field Day-Fall
forage systems. Contact Lisa McCrory, Event, Ag Research Station, Rock Springs
802-728-4416, or Stephanie Meyers at the Sept 12–14 Three-Day Cheesemaking (Centre County). High-tunnel research to
NOFA-VT office, 802-434-4122. Course. Linda Faillace, 802-496-4559. be highlighted includes Biocontrol Pest
Management, use of compost, plant propa-
Aug 22–24 The 16th Annual Women’s Sept 13 Boondocks Grazing: Sheep in gation, and Haygrove High Tunnel Systems.
Herb Conference, Hyde Park, 802-479- the Woods. Gwyneth Harris, 802-656- Event includes regional high tunnel bramble
9825. 3834, grower forum. Register fee $15, includes
lunch. See your PASA Field Day Calendar,
Aug 27 Oak Shade Cheesemaking Sept 18 Stoltzfus Farm Pasture Walk,
or call Kate Gatski at 814-349-9856, ext. 6.
Workshop, Kirkwood (Lancaster Coun- Centre County. Come to this pasture walk
ty). Israel Kinsinger will demonstrate the to see a rotational Holstein grazing opera- Sept 29 2nd Annual Farm Fresh & Fab-
cheesemaking process from start to finish. tion and to learn about IPM and forage ulous, Saratoga Springs, NY Regional Farm
Standard PASA Field Day fees apply. See management. Free event includes lunch. & Food Project, 518-427-6537, farm-
your PASA Field Day Calendar, or call Kate See your PASA Field Day Calendar, or call
Gatski at 814-349-9856, ext. 6. Kate Gatski at 814-349-9856, ext. 6.
Sept 30 Community Supported Agri-
Aug 27 Seed Cleaning and Processing Sept 18 Cut Flower Production Man- culture, Fulton Farm, Chambersburg
Techniques, Harmony Essentials, Spring agement and Marketing, Lilac Ridge (Franklin County). Event includes tour of
Grove (York County). Get hands-on expe- Farm,West Brattleboro,VT.Tour Lilac Ridge Fulton Farm CSA and presentation by Eliz-
rience by joining this demonstration of Farm, winner of the 2003 Sustainable Farm abeth Henderson, co-author of Sharing the
seed cleaning with the Public Seed Initia- Award, with grower Amanda Thurber, who Harvest. Standard PASA Field Day fees
tive’s mobile seed cleaning unit. Free event. will share her tips on marketing and cover apply. See your PASA Field Day Calendar,
See your PASA Field Day Calendar, or call the important aspects of growing such as or call Kate Gatski at 814-349-9856, ext. 6.
Kate Gatski at 814-349-9856, ext. 6. production techniques, planting, bed layout,
weed control, and post-harvest han-
Aug 27 Drought Management in a
Grazing System Pasture Walk, Mans-
dling. Cost is $5 for NOFA-VT members
and $8 nonmembers. Call 802-434-4122.
field, PA. What can we do to maintain our Oct 1 Late Harvest Planting at Village
pastures through the summer slump? By Sept 18 Pasture Walk: Mixed Species Acres Farm, Mifflintown (Juniata Coun-
following our grazing plan, we develop Grazing. NHUNH Cooperative Exten- ty). This morning field day at Village Acres
strategies for timing livestock moves, plus sion, 603-863-9200. Farm, a 20-acre CSA, will highlight the

Calendar of Events

farm’s new winter shares program. Stan- Oct 13 Beech Grove Farm Field Day,
dard PASA Field Day fees apply. See your Trout Run (Lycoming County). Worked by NOVEMBER
PASA Field Day Calendar, or call Kate Anne and Eric Nordell, Beech Grove Farm Nov 22 A Study of Rudolf Steiner’s
Gatski at 814-349-9856, ext. 6. is one of eleven “focal farms” for a North- “Agriculture” Lectures, Chestnut
east Organic Network study of systems Ridge, NY. For the first time, Gunther
Oct 1 Retail Farm Market Tour. Join management at exceptional organic farms. Hauk, program director of The Pfeiffer
PASA and the PA Retail Farm Market Asso- NEON researchers will summarize their Center, offers an in-depth study of the nine
ciation for a tour of premiere direct mar- findings at this event. Standard PASA Field lectures that are the basis for the spiritual
kets in Elkton, MD, Wilmington, DE, Elwyn Day fees apply. See your PASA Field Day renewal of agriculture now known as “Bio-
PA, and Westtown, PA. Registration fee of Calendar, or call Kate Gatski at 814-349- dynamics.” Participants should read the
$30 includes lunch and bus transportation, 9856, ext. 6. lectures in advance. Contact The Pfeiffer
which will pick-up participants near Harris- Center at 845-352-5020 ext. 20.
burg, Lancaster, and Allentown. See your Oct 17–19 Bioneers Conference, San
PASA Field Day Calendar, or call Kate Rafael, CA. An event dedicated to focusing
Gatski at 814-349-9856, ext. 6. on creative social strategies that help
implement solutions for environmental
Oct 4 Organic/Biodynamic Fruit crises. Visit for more
Orchard Management, Claverack, information. FEBRUARY 5–7, 2004 — PASA’s
NYRegional Farm & Food Project, 518-
427-6537, Oct 17–19 Three-Day Cheesemaking 13th annual Farming for the Future
Course. Linda Faillace, 802-496-4559. Conference, State College, PA. “Path-
Oct 5 Seed Cleaning, High Mowing Seeds, ways to Prosperity: The New Face of
North Wolcott, VT. Tour High Mowing Oct 22 What Worked & What Didn’t?
Agriculture” Newly expanded to
Seeds and their new seed cleaning facility Pasture Walk, Mansfield, PA. The Holistic
Management perspective of farming in the three days. See more detail on back
with grower Tom Stearns. Free event, pre-
Northern Tier. How can we improve the page of this newsletter. Please join us!
registration required. Call NOFA-VT at
802-434-4122. planning and monitoring of on-farm activi- For a complete brochure, call 814-
ties, including financial and grazing plan- 349-9856 or sign-up at www.pasa-
Oct 11 ABGA Sanctioned Boer Goat ning. Sponsored by Northern Penn Holistic
Show, Ithaca, NY. John Bloomer, 607-546- Management Network. Contact Jim
2825, Weaver at 570-724-7788.

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Don’t Grow Corn!
And other sage advice on crops and marketing for beginning farmers

By George DeVault
Never mind that he is based in Des Why would anyone want to invest hundreds of
Moines, Iowa, the heart of the western
Corn Belt.
Never mind that 90 percent of the
thousands of dollars in machinery to grow corn
440,000 people who read his magazine
grow at least some corn. that might net you $200 in one of those rare years
Never mind that the best Midwestern
growers can net $95 to $175 an acre on when you have a good crop?
corn, plus $30 an acre from the federal
does not a farmer make. In fact, with low Moines Register to Successful Farming mag-
When it comes to getting started in
commodity prices and rising production azine, he wrote an entire book about peo-
farming today, Successful Farming Business
costs, corn can easily break a farm. ple getting started in farming. It’s called
Editor Dan Looker has this advice: Don’t
“According to Dick Funt, a small fruit Farmers for the Future. Even though the
grow corn!
specialist at Ohio State University, estab- book was published in 1996, Looker said
“That net income of roughly $200 an
acre pales in comparison to what an acre lished raspberries can return $1,000 an most of the farmers he featured are still in
of established raspberries might produce acre or more over costs. His numbers farming today, although maybe not exact-
in Pennsylvania,” Looker told a crowd of make you wonder why anyone would ly in the way they thought they would be
about 200 at the Ninth Annual New & want to invest hundreds of thousands of in the beginning. That, Looker and the
Beginning Farmer Workshop in dollars in machinery to grow corn that other speakers said, is because getting
Grantville, Pa., in early March. might net you $200 in one of those rare started in farming today requires flexibili-
“Why you don’t need to grow corn to years when you have a good crop and ty and a diverse mix of high-value crops
get started in farming” was the title of most of the world doesn’t. According to that may include:
Looker’s keynote address at the popular Funt, raspberry farms have the potential • Pastured poultry, for both meat and eggs
conference sponsored by Pennsylvania to return about 12 percent on your invest- • Controlled grazing of any kind of live-
Farm Link. By a show of hands, about 95 ment. That’s a lot more than the three to stock to help keep capital investment
percent of the people in the audience said five percent that investors in Midwest and production costs low
they wanted to become farmers. corn ground might expect these days,”
Looker said. • Organic production
“The title of my talk today was
inspired by my experience at The New Of course, raspberries are not an • Vegetables
Farm,” said Looker, who worked at the instant key to success. It takes a few years • Dairy goats
magazine in the early 1980s. (Although and maybe $6,000 to establish an acre of
• Farmstead cheese
New Farm folded as a magazine in 1995, raspberries with trickle irrigation. So,
raspberries may not be for everyone, but • Agritourism, or entertainment farming,
it was just revived as a webzine by the
there are plenty of other profitable crops as some call it.This can include every-
Rodale Institute at
“One of the people on the Rodale Press you can produce. thing from corn mazes and hayrides
staff owned a small raspberry farm that “If you can rent a small plot of land, through you-pick pumpkin patches to
was profitable. It provided some part-time you may be able to sell vegetables in the fee fishing and hunting and even running
income that supplemented his salary at summer and pumpkins in the fall,” Look- a bed and breakfast on your farm.
Rodale. But what he really wanted to do er said. “If that goes well and if you have “We need to look at living and working
was to someday have enough land and the long-term access to land, then Dick Funt on farms in the broadest possible
machinery to grow a crop of corn. Even in suggests moving into pick-your-own ways. Land can be used for more than
those days, it didn’t seem like you were a strawberries, which reach full production producing food. Pennsylvania is blessed
real farmer unless you could grow corn.” in three years. And, eventually, raspberries with a lot of beautiful farms that would
Nothing could be further from the or blueberries may fit in.” appeal to city folks,” Looker
truth, according to Looker and all the Looker knows a lot about beginning observed. Having a good website for your
other workshop speakers. Growing corn farmers. After moving from The Des Continued on next page

Continued from previous page
farm is essential to success in any kind of BEGINNING FA R MER R ESO UR CES
agritourism, since so many city people Farmers for the Future Midwest Small Fruit and Grape
plan their vacations with the help of the by Dan Looker (ISBN #081382383 8) Network
Internet. The book costs $21.99, plus $6 shipping.
While crop and enterprise mix can and Visa, MasterCard and American
North American Farmers Direct
will vary greatly from farm to farm and Express accepted.
Marketing Assn.
region to region, all of the speakers said Iowa State Press
there are timeless “guiding principles” that 2121 State Ave.
Ames, Iowa 50014 Northeast Workers On Organic
can help any beginning farmer. Here is a
Call toll-free 1-800-862-6657 Farms
n Start small and go slow.
Pennsylvania Farm Link Organic Farmers Agency
Today, Charles Conklin produces 2708 N. Colebrook Rd. for Relationship Marketing
300,000 pounds of trout and largemouth Manheim, PA 17545
bass a year at his Pocono Mountain Fish Phone: (717) 664-7077
Beginning Farmer Center
and Seafood Company. He started the E-mail:
Iowa State University
business 31 years ago—with just 100 fish. USDA Agritourism Website
“By starting slowly, I mean doing your
homework before you ever put a seed in erprise
the ground. Chip Planck, a college profes-
n Add value to what you produce.
sor who became a vegetable farmer out-
consumers. Eliminate middlemen and
side of Washington, D.C., has put how
put the whole food dollar in your pocket. “Value-added is where farmers here in
you should do this in the right order,”
n Find a mentor.
Pennsylvania and the rest of the Northeast
Looker said, quoting Planck from Farmers
can beat the socks off of those of us in the
n Know thy enemy, even if it means
for the Future:
Midwest who raise corn,” said Look-
“The best ag school of all is your own
working a summer at a confinement hog er. “We may have some of the best soils
farm. The next best, working at another
operation. You’ll learn what they’re doing and flattest fields on earth, but you’ve got
farm for money. The next, working at
wrong—and what you can do better. millions of potential customers.”
another farm for no money. The worst, an
n Join a trade group like the North
Holley Moyer, Brian’s helpmate, said
ag school where you must pay them.”
she does that by turning her goat milk
n Make sure your first customers are sat-
American Farmers Direct Marketing
into several different kinds of “pot
Association to meet people in the same
isfied. There is no better advertising than cheese,” which is exempt from food pro-
type of farming and exchange ideas.
word-of-mouth. cessing laws. Just one gallon of milk pro-
n Don’t rush out and buy land.
n Don’t try to do everything.
duces one pound of cheese that retails for
“Buying land these days would be eco- $14, which is more than most dairy pro-
“A lot of these agritourism businesses
nomic suicide for many young farmers,” ducers receive for milk by hundredweight.
are very time consuming, just as is a lot of
Looker said. “Land prices have hit all-time The Moyers first bought goats to
direct marketing,” Looker cautioned. “I’ve
highs in many areas. It’s probably best to reclaim overgrown land.
visited some CSA farms that raise and
n Buy crop insurance, advised John
start out renting. This is where the linking
market 40 or 50 different vegetables. That
programs may be able to help you.”
variety is part of the appeal over the bland- Berry, Extension marketing specialist for
Instead of buying land, Charles Mar-
ness of supermarkets. But I can’t imagine southeastern Pennsylvania. It is a good
shall from the federal Farm Services
doing that and then having to cook break- risk management tool, comparable to
Agency advised beginning farmers to “put
fast and wash bedding for tourists every homeowners, health and auto insurance.
your money into income-producing
n Explore the financial, land, housing
day on top of that.”
things. You have to reduce the amount of
“Agriculture is becoming more special-
money you need. Do not buy land at the and other resources of your extended
ized but also a lot more diverse these
outset.” family before turning to lenders and real
days. Our system of food production
n Use credit sparingly, and wisely.
estate agents.
includes Joel Salatin’s system of pasture
Federal farm programs, the speakers
n Save your money.
poultry production and Tyson Foods. No
said, won’t do much for beginners since
facet of this is simple. Some of it, includ-
“Don’t go out to eat, buy new cars or a they mostly help larger, established farms
ing pasture farrowing and organic veg-
lot of new clothes,” advised Brian Moyer, that are getting bigger and pushing land
etable production, is far from
a Berks County pastured poultry produc- prices higher. That’s especially true of
simple. There are good reasons why many
er and newly elected PASA board mem- commodity programs.
farmers would never try either one.”
ber. “Go to the store very little. Make do Hog production, once a traditional
n Sell everything directly to with what you have.” Continued on page 31

PA Goes Local! “People everywhere are attracted to this issue
Continued from page 3
opportunities, and information resources regardless of whether they seek local food for rea-
to organizations working to rebuild local
food systems across the country. sons of personal health, support for family farm-
“People everywhere are attracted to this
issue regardless of whether they seek local ers, concern for the environment, to strengthen
food for reasons of personal health, sup-
port for family farmers, concern for the their local economy, or simply because local food
environment, to strengthen their local
economy, or simply because local food tastes better,” says Joani Walsh, Program Coor-
tastes better,” says Joani Walsh, Program
Coordinator for FoodRoutes. “Food has dinator for FoodRoutes Network. “Food has the
the power to unite and reconnect people
in a way that gives this movement unique power to unite and reconnect people in a way
A public event to celebrate and that gives this movement unique potential.
“launch” the southeastern Pennsylvania
Buy Fresh/Buy Local campaign was held
on June 15, Father’s Day, at Yard’s Brew- greetings from Secretary Dennis Wolff come just in time to address the rising tide
ing Company in Philadelphia, with 130 and made clear the department’s intention of controversy that has occupied so many
local food enthusiasts in attendance. Fare to promote Pennsylvania-grown products municipal meeting agendas and editorial
for the day included a roasted pig from on a local basis as a priority in the future. pages across rural Pennsylvania in recent
Country Time Pork in Berks County, zuc- Cook explained PDA’s plans to imple- years.
chini and eggs from Green Meadow farm, ment a “Pennsylvania Preferred” label that Now more than ever, the lasting solu-
cheese from Farm Fresh for Chefs (both can be used in a complimentary way with tion for Pennsylvania family farmers is to
Lancaster County), and a variety of marketing efforts that are more locally be introduced to Pennsylvania consumers.
breads, beverages, and other foods pro- based. As it turns out, that’s a darn good thing
duced in the southeast region. With the Buy Fresh/Buy Local cam- for the consumers involved, and the com-
Cheryl Cook, recently appointed paign, a new era of mutual appreciation munities in which they live as well.
deputy secretary of the Pennsylvania and benefit between Pennsylvania family Editor’s Note: An abbreviated version of
Department of Agriculture (PDA) and a farmers and consumers may indeed have this article appeared on the cover of the July
featured speaker at the event, brought begun. If that is the case, it may have 5th edition of Lancaster Farming.

The crowd at Yard’s Brewery for the Buy

Fresh/Buy Local campaign launch listen
intently to the lineup of locally produced
(and mostly fresh) speakers on the program.

Farmers or consumers who are

interested in the Buy Fresh/Buy
Local campaign should contact
our regional program directors,
Ruth Sullivan in the southeastern
part of the state (717-917-3731),
and David Eson in the southwest
(412-997-2343), for more infor-
mation. If you live outside these
regions, you might want to organ-
ize folks where you are to form a
new region for the campaign. Give
us a call at the main office (814-
349-9856) when you are ready to
explore the possibilities.

Grass-Fed Gospel
Continued from page 10
er visit to southwestern Pennsylvania in
the fall. PASA and Slow Food Pittsburgh
Sincere Thanks
would like to incorporate that visit into a
grass-fed beef BBQ, shaping up now for
September or October. It will be a chance
for a Job Well Done
for SW grassfarmers to show their stuff The staff and Board of PASA would like to extend our heart-felt thanks to
and for Western Pennsylvania chefs, farm- Dan Brannen Jr. of Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania. As our readers know, Dan has
ers, and enlightened eaters of all stripes to
been guest editor of Passages for the past five issues. Not only has Dan done a
see how good grass-fed beef can be.
P.S. Collier’s herd passed the tenderness commendable job in continuing to bring the membership news of the organi-
tests with top honors. He expects to sell to zation and sustainable agriculture, but he has also sustained our reputation for
NELA and to keep some product for his producing one of the best sustainable agriculture publications in the country.
regular customers back home.
Internally, Dan’s dedicated efforts on Passages have allowed the Board and staff
Don’t Grow Corn! the time necessary to develop editorial policies and interview candidates to be
Continued from page 29 the next permanent editor.
“mortgage burner,” is also risky for begin- Dan is moving to Santa Fe with his wife Jen and their two daughters Kaya
ners, unless they specialize in pastured or
and Malina, to pursue new interests. But Dan’s mark on PASA and environ-
organic production and direct marketing,
usually to some niche market. mental issues in Pennsylvania is assured, and folks in New Mexico will be lucky
Successfully getting started in farming to have him there. We’re excited for the Brannen family and wish them food for-
today all comes down to learning to be a tune.
successful entrepreneur, not just an agron-
Thanks again Dan, for being there to serve and for helping Passages get to the
omist or tractor driver, concluded Marion
Bowlan, executive director of Pennsylva- next level!
nia Farm Link.
Key personality traits include passion
and persistence, good health and lots of
energy, creativity and innovation, inde-
pendence and self-reliance, good intu-
ition, self-confidence, market awareness,
lack of need for status, acceptance of chal-
lenge and a strong work ethic.
As what she called a “calculated risk-
taker,” you’ll no doubt figure out pretty
quickly on your own that corn is definite-
ly not the place to start.
[Editor’s note: A shorter version of this
article appeared in Lancaster Farming.]

Hope to see you at the

Harvest Celebration Dinner Show your support with a
September 20, 2003
Penn College of Technology PASA FARM LANE SIGN
See page 11 for details These beautiful three-color signs have been created exclusively for PASA members.
They are a bright addition to your farm or business.
PASA member signs are available in two sizes.The large “farm lane size” measures 18” X 24”, and
the smaller “farm market size,” great to post at any business, measures 10” X 14”. Both are con-
structed of heavy gauge white aluminum, with a bright three-color logo in yellow, purple and green.
Created in durable nylon, the image will last for many years.The signs are two-sided, so people will
see your support coming and going!
Buy one today! Prices are as follows:
Small Sign — $28 + $4.00 shipping = $32.00
Large Sign — $58 + $4.00 shipping = $62.00
To order, send your check or credit card information, along with your name, mailing address and
phone to PASA Merchandise, P.O. Box 419, Millheim, PA 16854

For the latest information on
PASA activities, visit us at:

Certified by PCO


Are you looking for a more sustainable way of life?

Hundredfold Farm is a unique, agriculturally-based co-housing community
in south-central Pennsylvania recognized for its innovative design, use of passive
and active solar power, and incorporation of water conservation strategies.
Patterned on successful co-housing communities in the West, Hundredfold Farm is one of a growing num-
ber now developing in the mid-Atlantic region. In fact, Hundredfold is the one of the most affordable in the
region with single-family homes starting at $135K. Hundredfold Farm is a multigenerational community of
households who have come together from across the mid-Atlantic region. Our members are united by a
vision of a more ecologically sound, cooperative pattern for living. Hundredfold Farm Community will break
ground in Spring 2004 for the construction of 14 homes. Currently, eight sites are available.

80 acre property in spectacular setting, Single-family homes offer

8 miles west of Gettysburg, PA • Option of designing your own floor plan
• Site features woodlands, fields, pond, walking paths, hills. • Passive solar design and southern site orientation
• 180o view of surrounding area • Finished home cost ranging from $90-$140K
• Several barns and outbuildings • Land and infrastructure costs of $45K per household
• Working Christmas tree farm (based on 14 households)

• Community vegetable & flower

gardens Houses and site plan
• Community Supported Agricul- incorporate eco-friendly design
ture (CSA) onsite • Grant funding available for photo-voltaic (solar) panels
• Under 2 hours from Baltimore/ Washing- • Superb, energy-efficient construction
ton, DC metro area
• Innovative water treatment and recycling system
• Built-in water collection and conservation systems
Community-friendly site design
• Planned in cooperation with the American Home Builders
• A village concept of 14 homes,
Research Center, and the Adams County Planning Com-
(designed for both privacy and social interaction)
• Green way between the homes
• Convenient parking at perimeter
• Existing 8-room, 2-bath common house with
wrap-around porch
• Designed for both privacy and interaction.
• Vision for site includes gazebo, sauna, meditation
spots, and other communal gathering spaces

You are invited for a visit to tour our site and attend our weekly meetings.
To contact us or find out more go to, e-mail or call (717) 334-9426 to talk with Bill or Sandy.
Perhaps you know someone else who might like to know about Hundredfold?
Please help us spread the word!

PASA Membership/Contribution Form
Please clip this application and return with payment to: PASA Membership, PO Box 419, Millheim, PA 16854.

About You A. Student or Individual Membership

Name Please list one name for this membership level.


B. Family/Farm or Sustaining Lifetime Membership

Please list all names for this Family/Farm membership. You may include
children between the ages of 14–22, and also multiple generations directly
City State involved in the farm.

ZIP+4 County

Home Phone Work Phone


C. Nonprofit or Business Membership

Web Address Please list up to two additional people associated with your business to
receive individual membership privileges.
Are you farming: NO YES — how many acres:
How did you learn about PASA:

Membership Category State ZIP+4

Student Please complete Field A $ 15

Individual Please complete Field A $ 35
Are you farming: NO YES — how many acres:
Family/Farm Please complete Field B $ 55

$ 100
Would you like to receive mailings from PASA: NO YES
Nonprofit Please complete Field C

Business Please complete Field C $ 150



Sustaining Lifetime Membership City

Your contribution as a lifetime member will be managed with care as part State ZIP+4
of our Founder’s Fund, sustaining both your ongoing membership and
the long-term future of PASA. E-mail
Sustaining Lifetime Member Please complete Field B $ 700
Are you farming: NO YES — how many acres:
Would you like to receive mailings from PASA: NO YES
Gift Memberships
In addition to your own membership, you may give PASA membership to D. Gift Membership
a good friend, family member, business associate or other worthy recip- Name
ient on an annual or lifetime basis…a gift that keeps on giving!
Please complete Field D Address
Student $ 15
Individual $ 35
State ZIP+4
Family/Farm $ 55

Lifetime Sustaining Member $ 700 Gift from:


Donation Payment
Tax-deductible donation to Annual Fund SUBTOTAL $ Total amount due Check Make check payable to PASA
$ Credit Card Complete below

Card No.

Exp. Date
Total Amount Due VISA MasterCard
Cardholder Name


Top left: These two enthusiastic participants at the Buy Fresh/Buy Local campaign launch
in Philadelphia seem insistent about where their food is produced.
Top right: Local chef at the Buy Fresh/Buy Local launch serves a grass-fed hog from Coun-
try Time Farm in Berks County.
Bottom right: Jim Weaver explains the basics of holistic resource management (HRM) to
participants at the Provident Farm field day.
Bottom left: Bill Brownlee, of Wil-Den Farm, explains the function of his innovative pas-
ture farrowing hut to captivated onlookers at the Fair Winds/Wil-Den field day.The Brown-
lees use a wagon wheel pasture system for year-round management of hogs outdoors.

PASA’s 13th Annual
Farming for the Future
Pathways to Prosperity: The New Face of Agriculture
5-7 2004
February 5, 6, and 7th , 2004

The Speakers Pre-Conference 2004 Notes

OPENING KEYNOTE New in 2004 — PASA is excited to pres- n PASA is dedicated to keeping regis-
Paul Hawken, author of ent an additonal day (Thursday) featur- tration fees the same as 2003!
n The Conference will feature national-
Ecology of Commerce ing four all-day intensive tracks
and Natural Capitalism, (additional fees apply).
ly recognized speakers, over 50 work-
serves as co-chair of The n New and Beginning Farmers: Get the shops, a 45-vendor ‘Sustainable Trade
Natural Step, a non- nuts and bolts from PASA’s pros! Show and Marketplace’, meals featur-
profit educational foun-
n Small Ruminants: The best in the
ing sustainably, organically, and
dation that assists businesses and regionally raised food, the Sustainable
organizations in creating a long-term field lecture on health, production,
Ag Leadership Award Banquet & live
commitment to environmental sustain- and marketing.
entertainment. Look for the full con-
n Women in Agriculture: Back and
ability as a core part of their overall pol- ference brochure in early November.
icy and practices.
n Expanded Youth Program — we’re
expanded by popular demand!
n Timber Framing: Participants will
bringing back the popular K–7 pro-
Anuradha Mittal, a build a corncrib in this hands-on gram, and new this year — the teen
native of India, is the class led by Hugh Lofting Timber “PASA Future Farmers” program for
Co-Director of the Framing Inc. 8th through 12th graders.
Institute for Food and
Development Policy Look for updates on the Conference on
(AKA Food First), a PASA’s website at
leading progressive think tank and edu- “One of the great conferences
Complete Conference information will be
cation-for-action center focusing on of sustainable agriculture available mid-November.
food as a human right. Their work aims For information on sponsorships and
to re-shape our — global food system to around the country”
exhibiting space, contact Lauren Smith at
make it more socially-just and environ- — John Ikerd PASA headquarters.
mentally — sustainable

Non Profit Org.

Pennsylvania U.S. Postage
Association for PAID
Sustainable Agriculture State College, PA
Permit No. 41
114 West Main Street • PO Box 419 • Millheim, PA 16854

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