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Lesson Plan 2

Teacher Candidate: Kelsey Mounce Date: 6/28/2017

Grade and Topic: 3rd Grade Social Studies Length of Lesson: 2 hour for 5 days

Mentor Teacher: Townes, Jennifer School: University of Memphis - IDT 3600


The President lesson plan is part of a unit covering the governance establishes structures of power
and authority in order to provide order and stability. Civic efficacy requires understanding rights and
responsibilities, ethical behavior, and the role of citizens within their community, nation, and world.

Given a list of presidents students will be able to identify the order of the presidents. (Blooms taxonomy:
Given a select images of the presidents students will be able to place the images in order of presidency
with a three out of four rubric. (Blooms taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, analysis)
Given access to a computer and Weebly, students will be able to work in a collaborative group to create
a website that tells about each president with a three out of four rubric. (Blooms taxonomy: synthesis)
Given access to a computer and Prezi students will be able to work in a collaborative group to create a
presentation about one of the presidents with a three out of four rubric. (Blooms taxonomy: synthesis)
Work together and present the information to their pierce with a score of three out of four on the rubric.

Student Participation

The goal of this lesson is for students to demonstrate a clear understanding of the presidents and when they were in
office. Students will complete a worksheet on the presidents, create a visual representation of each president using
Weebly and create a Prezi of a president of their choice.

TN Social Studies- 3.4.01 Discuss the structure and purposes of governance. b. Recognize who makes laws in the

ISTE Standard(s)

2. Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments
and media.
d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks
Presidents worksheet
Internet Access to: To create a website that tells briefly about each president.
(Example website will be at the bottom of the lesson.) To create a presentation about a president of the students choice.
(Example website will be at the bottom of the lesson.) to search for information they will need for the websites above.
Thumb drive
Paper (to jot down information they find on the web to add to their Prezi).


Students will provide a clear understanding of each president by providing a website visual of the presidents.
Students will provide a clear understanding of a president of their choice by creating a presentation of that
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
A week prior to the president lesson plan, we have talked about Governance in the United States.
Over a period of a month, for the Social Studys lesson plans we will talk about each president and their role as
Grouping the students together will help if a student is having difficult with the assignment and understanding the
Using technology students will be more engaged in what they are doing.


Introduction: Before allowing the students to do the assignment I will demonstrate an example of each
website as well as get them excited about wanting to learn about the presidents.
Prior to the computer:
Day one (1 hour)

Teacher procedures:

Give students a worksheet that has a list of presidents with dates and have them match
the dates of their term to the presidents to the names. (3 minutes)
Walk around while students are filling out worksheet.
Show the students administration of each website. (10 minutes on each website)
Group the students in 5 groups of 4 students. (2 minutes)
Assign computers and give out books that the students can use if needed for references.
(5 minutes)

Student procedures:

Match the dates of term to the presidents. (30 minutes)

After being assigned groups, discuss what president the students will pick for their Prezi.

Day two-four (10 minutes)

Teacher procedures:
Have everyone get in their groups.
Ask if anyone has any questions.
Help anyone who is having trouble.
Students procedures:
Get with their group around computer and briefly reflect on the president they did prior to
the day.
Day five (5 minutes)
Teacher procedures:
Have everyone get in their groups.
Make sure the projector is working and get the thumb drive set.
Students procedures:
Get with their group
Prepare to present their Prezi.
Using the computer
Day one (1 hour)
Teacher procedures:
Allow time for students to become familiar with the website.
(10 minutes on each website)
Help any group that needs help.
Students procedures:
Become familiar with the websites. (10 minutes on each website)
Each group of students set up a Weebly account, a Prezi account (5 minutes)
Each group of students will begin their research on each president and
start to create a Weebly.
(35 minutes)
Day two and three (1 hour and 45 minutes)
Teacher procedures:
Walk around to each group and make sure they are navigating the software correctly.
Answer any questions the groups may have.

Students procedures:
Students work in a collaborative to create a website using Weebly and
create a Prezi on the president of their choice.
Day four (1 hour and 50 minutes)
Teacher procedures:
Walk around to each group and make sure they are navigating the software correctly.
Answer any questions the groups may have.
Walk around and upload each students work on the thumb drive (last 5 minutes)
Students procedures:
Students work in a collaborative to create a website using Weebly and
create a Prezi on the president of their choice.
Groups will save their work and patiently wait for the teacher.

Presenting the presentation

Day five (15 minutes for each group)
Teacher procedures:
Listen to each individual group
Jot down important details during presentation
Student procedures:
While each group is preforming the students will listen quietly.
Wait for their turn to present their presentation.

Closure: To close the lesson the students will be given 30 minutes to do the same worksheet they did at
the begging of the week. After doing the worksheet we will reflect on what the students learn. The
worksheet at the end of the lesson will determine the progress of the students.


Topics 4 3 2 1
Research (group) Shows plenty of great Shows good information from Shows just Shows very little
information and uses more the websites provided and information from information from the
than the websites provided. some outside information the website website provided.
Group work (group) Shows great group work Show group work with Shows struggle Did not work
throughout entire project. some difficulties. of being able to together.
work together.
Presentation (group) Everyone in the group Everyone participates with Only few Only few
participates in the little understanding of the participate with a participate with
presentation with a clear information. clear little understanding
understanding of the understanding of of the information.
information. the information.
President worksheet Matched all the names Matched most of the Matched a few of Matched no
(individually) and dates accurately. names and dates the names and names.
accurately. dates accurately
For groups that are not mastering the assessment will work together with someone/ group who does
understand the concept and excels or the group will be given fewer presidents to do on their Weebly.
For groups that are excelling they will be asked to pick more presidents to do a Prezi about.

Student Sample:
There will be a student sample of the worksheet in the dropbox of what the students copy of the worksheet will
look like along with the completed form of the worksheet.

Weebly Example:

Prezi Example:

Website for students to find information:

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