Lesson Plan Cls A V-A

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SCHOOL: Grigore Hagiu Secondary School, Trgu Bujor.

SUBJECT: English Language
GRADE: 5th
TOPIC OF LESSON: Dos and Donts. Giving avdice. Should.
DATE: The 3rd of May
TIME: 50 min.
TYPE OF LESSON: Communication of new knowledge
TEACHER: Boboc Irina

TIMETABLE FIT : The students have previously discussed about should in general, they
know it meaning if discoverd in a context.

A1 To activate the students prior knowledge about the diferences between be going to and
Present Continuous Tense;
A2 To develop active reading/listening skills;
A3 To introduce relevant vocabulary;
A4 To promote and motivate discussion about various topics;
A5 To introduce and give further practice in giving advice;

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS : Some of the students may find difficult to listen for specific
information being influenced in the listening process by some possibly unknown words and
also some of them may find difficult to work in groups and share their opinion with another
members of the group.

AIDS : coursebook, handouts, posters, audio materials, images, speaking cards.

STRATEGIES : Conversation, joining elements, matching elements, explanation, multiple

choice, information transfer, role play, listening for specific information, blank completion.

TYPE OF INTERACTION : Whole class, individual, group-work, pair-work, teacher-

students, students-teacher, students-students.

SKILLS: Writing, speaking, listening, reading.

WARM-UP: Conversation The teacher will greet the students and will demand the Whole class Appendix 1
9 Joining elements students to get ready for the lesson. Group work
A1 The students will be asked about their previous lesson (i.e. Reading
Degrees of comparison) and they will be given some T-S Speaking
speaking cards in order to revise the contents previously S-S
discussed. S-T
The teacher will divide the class into five groups. Each group Whole class
will receive some coloured papers with one word written on
each of them. Each group will have to chose its leader and Appendix 2
then to ask them to come in front of the classroom with their Speaking
papers in their hands. The leaders will have to hold them so
as the rest of the class may rearrange the words in order to
form a coherent new sentence. The new sentence discovered
will suggest to the students the main idea of their new lesson.
The fastest group will get an extra point to the final grade.
PRE-READING: Matching The students will be asked to open their coursebooks on page Whole class Coursebook
10 elements 98. Then, they will be asked to solve exercise 1 by matching Individual Reading
A2 the sentences from a to e to the headings above them. T-S Speaking
A3 After that, they will have to solve exercise 2. Here, they S-T
should look at the pictures above the exercise and match
them to the mentioned phrases.
In the last part of this pre-reading activity, the students will
be asked to listen to an audio material and circle the correct
Multiple choice answer. The teacher will announce the students they will start Individual Listening
reading a text containing different instructions about how to
protect nature and the environment. Before this stage, they
will have to explain the words in bold to a better Individual Reading
understanding of the text. Speaking
A3 Matching

WHILE- Matching The students will be announced they will start reading their Group work Coursebook
READING: elements new text. The groups will be given 2 instructions based upon T-S Reading
5 Information their new text. First, they will have to read them and match Pair-work Speaking
A2 transfer the intructions to the pictures on page 98. After matching the S-S
A4 Role play elements, in pairs, they will have to ask and answer questions S-T
in order to find the reason for each instruction from the text.

POST-READING: Taking into consideration the dos and donts from the text, Whole class Coursebook
5 Conversation the teacher will try to elicit from the students the fact that the Individual Blackboard
A5 Explanation text gives to its readers some advice about protecting the T-S Appendix 3
Information environment. Also, the teacher will present the form of S-T Blackmirror 1
transfer should, uses, examples and another ways of expressing
advice. Appendix 4
The students will be given a leaflet about giving advice to Writing
dog owners and they will have to make sentences using Handout
should or shouldnt.

INITIAL Listening The students will be announced they will hear an audio Whole class Listening
PRACTICE: comprehension material about Steve who wants to keep fit and healthy. They Individual material
10 Matching will have to tick the things he should do and put a cross next T-S Speaking
A5 elements to the things he shouldnt do. Also, in front of the classroom S-T Coursebook
A2 the information from this exercise will be presented in a
poster for a quicker feedback from the students.
GUIDED Information Finally, they will have to use the expressions in the list to Group work Writing
CREATIVITY: transfer give advice to Steve in groups: I (dont) think its a good idea T-S Appendix 5
10 Blank completion to, You should (nt), Why dont you S-S Handout
A5 S-T
HOME The students will be given from their Grammar practice Whole class Writing
ASSIGNMENT: handout 3 grammar exercises. Also, they will have to T-S Reading
1 rearrange 12 sentences in order to discover some tips for Handout
visitors to England, China and Japan.
Appendix 2



Appendix 3
Blackmirror 1

We use should to say what the best thing to do is.

We should use public transport - affirmative form.

We use shouldnt to say what isnt the best thing to do.

We shouldnt use aerosols. -negative form.
There can use another phrases to give advice:

Why dont you? -Why dont you use public transport?

I think its a good idea to use public transport.
I dont think its a good idea to use aerosols.
Appendix 4
Read the leaflet below giving advice to dog owners and make sentences using should or
shouldnt, as in the example:

1. take/for a walk three times a day

You should take your dog for a walk three times a day

2. X keep/ cage


3.feed/ once a day

4. X leave/ at home alone


wash/ once a week

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