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Volume 21 Issue 4
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July / August 2017

Sarah Says Meet Agnes Sanford

In The Healing Light, Agnes Sanford describes the prayer of a minister for her sick
child. This prayer opened my mind to the possibility of a direct intervention of Happy 4th
Gods power. For, like so many who walk only in the dim light of their own feeble of July!
minds, I believed that God no longer manipulated His creation; in other words,
that creation had ceased. I did not know that even the flaming stars grow old and
die and the Creator throws out other balls of fire, inconceivably and gloriously vast,
to shine and whirl for eons in the illimitable deep of the far sky. I did not know that
the Creator forever broods over His creation, His arm still strong to save and to As a child of God, I am
re-create, and that He intervenes directly when the need and the faith of man make greater than anything that
it possible for Him to do so." can happen to me.
A.P.J. Abdul Kamal
The ministers prayer for her baby opened Agnes mind to the possibility of
physical healing. But her own need was for the healing of the soul and she did not ***
dare go to the minister and ask for this healing lest it fail. Those of you whose Summer night even
hearts are burdened overmuch will recognize this unwillingness to try the very the stars are whispering
thing that may save you. It is quite a sensible hesitation, really. We have the burden to each other.
of life adjusted so that at least we can carry it, albeit heavily and with much labor Kobayashi Issa
and sorrow. What if for a moment we dare to put it down and it is not, after all,
taken away, and we have not the strength to lift it again? ***
The aim of education is
A year later the Creator touched Agnes faltering soul at the communion rail. It the knowledge not of
was as if the clouds over my mind parted for a second and a command came to me: facts, but of values.
a voice that said, Go and see that minister. William S. Burroughs
Agnes waited a whole year because she was lacking the energy to make the ***
decision. But why did God wait? Why did He not speak to me sooner, saying Go Practice makes preachers.
and be healed? Alas, He has been so bold as to give us little blind ones free will Love makes pastors.
that we may play havoc upon this earth! And yet perhaps one should not say alas Clyde R. Webber Jr.
but Alleluia. For possibly He knows what He is about. And perchance it is
through the ordered use of our own free will that the Kingdom will come at last. If ***
it had been ten years later and someone had come to that church in need of healing Loss of control is the
of the soul he would not have had to wait during another year of sorrows. For there source of fear, and the
would have been many in that church praying for the Presence of the Creator to beginning of change.
reach those in need and to heal them. Possibly on this Sunday those near me at the James Ray
communion rail were Christians sufficiently in love and charity with their fellow
men to be open to God and to make a highway for Him into the wilderness of my

Therefore I speak out of my own heart when I suggest first of all that if we have
given Him up in despair, we may once more take courage and come near to Him in
His church, renewing those acts of loyalty that we had once felt to be our duty and
had abandoned. I suggest also that we pray for the right person to come into our
lives and help us. This is by no means so difficult [for me] as it was thirty years
ago. For while I no longer do this work myself, I have taught and am teaching many Ruggles House
others so to pray. And all over the world people are finding out the power of God
932 West St., Walpole
and teaching it.
Noon-ish to 5-ish!
From The Healing Gifts of the Spirit you can easily find these books and more through the internet.
Recordings of Agnes talks can be found at: and http://
Connections Page 2

Sharon, Gavan and

To the United Methodist Brenna outside the
Congregation in South Walpole: Thank you for every- Portland Free Methodist
thing. I wish to thank you for your many prayers: all so Church locate on Congress
helpful in bringing me back to health! Street in Portland, ME. It
Gratefully, Sally P. Ball is a quaint little church,
established in 1997.

Children in Sunday School were learning about John. We

were learning about miracles, especially the one Jesus
performed at a wedding. He turned water into wine. This
miracle and other miracles proved that Jesus was sent Joe Wallan got a chance to show off his new room to
from God. We talked about compassion and how Jesus Cyndi and Dave Hoag and Pastor Sarah when they
was compassionate. We thought of ways we could be attended his house blessing on May 18th. The staff and
more caring and compassionate, especially during the assistants enjoyed the house blessing, and probably had
coming week. One idea I came up with was to send not seen one before!
letters to people on our prayer list. We sent cards to Gail,
Mr. and Mrs. Ruggles, Rich O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs.
Reeley and Ms. Burgess. The following children signed
all the cards: baby Sam, Gavan, Brenna, Grace, Salem
and myself. This was one example how our church offers
compassion to others. By Beth Wiley

From a Thanksgiving Meals Delivery recipient:

Thank you for the Thanksgiving Meal. It was delicious. I

am very grateful for your kindness. Jean Karas

Laureen McKeown was recently

recognized by the Norfolk County Angus Reeley passed away on June 8th, surrounded by
Teachers Association for his family. A celebration of his life was held on June 15.
Distinguished Service. Lou was It was a wonderful time of sharing the stories of his
also recognized by Franklin Highs lifeone that had many hard times, but also many times
Sunshine Club for being a of joy and happiness, especially with his family. Some of
knowledgeable, helpful and caring the church family had visited with them while he was
person who has touched the lives homebound and helped days pass happily.
of many of the students and
teachers who have passed through Alice wrote: I had a really hard time finding words to
express how very much everyone means to us all for all the
the doors of Franklin High.
kindness we have received.
Congratulations Laureen!
Connections Page 3

On Monday, June 12, South June 9: Beth Wiley & Joe Broughton
Walpole United Methodist Church
(SWUMC) hosted Breaking Bread
hosted Jeopardy night for kingdom kids &
at United Church of Christ (UCC). their secret pals.
We had over 15 volunteers that
helped to make this night a great success.

A big THANK YOU goes out to all of our volunteers,

and a special thank you to our head chef, Ken Van Hosen,
for preparing a delicious menu that was enjoyed by all of
the guests. We served 36 meals during the evening

South Walpole United Methodist Church will again be

hosting Breaking Bread on Monday, September 18.
Look for volunteer opportunities and sign-up in late

For those who might be unfamiliar with Breaking Bread,

it is an outreach program sponsored by the Walpole
Families of Faith. It is a community meal served every
Monday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at United Church of Christ
at 30 Common St. Walpole Families of Faith is comprised
of local churches, which started the Breaking Bread
program about six years ago, to feed homeless people and
the growing number of working poor. It now also feeds
many senior citizens. The meal not only provides
nourishment of the body, but also, nourishment for the

Churches in Walpole (United Church of Christ, Union

Congregational Church, St. Marys, Blessed Sacrament,
Epiphany Episcopal Church and South Walpole United
Methodist Church) each sponsor a night each quarter by
providing food and volunteers to this valuable outreach

If you have any questions regarding the Breaking Bread

program, please feel
free to contact me.

Danielle Nathan,
Breaking Bread

The two Pauls teaching Grace & Salem how

to fish while Sarah & Shannon were on
retreat at Camp Aldersgate Memorial day
Connections Page 4

How well do you

know the Bible?

Do you know the stories?

Do you know how the
Bible is organized and
how those texts were
chosen? Have you ever
thought about all the
different ways people
approach the Bible and
decided for yourself what
to think?

If you said "no" to any of

these questions, you need What Is the Bible?

This six-week course in basic biblical literacy assumes no

prior knowledge of the Bible and is not biased toward
any particular Christian tradition. In fact, it is being
successfully used in both Protestant and Catholic
churches, in ecumenical groups, in interfaith groups, and
in groups that mix church folks, agnostics, and atheists.
Ally Brown was confirmed as a member of the United
Methodist Church and South Walpole United Methodist We will meet on Tuesday evenings August 1- September
Church on June 11. Laureen McKeown was her teacher 5 and, if we can get a quorum, on a second weekday time
and mentor over 8 weeks of learning. Part of her as well.
preparation was about prayer. The prayer above was
one she wrote specifically for her Confirmation. She did
a good job! We welcome Ally as a full member of Independence Day Lessons for Church Life
Return to the basics On July 4 we commemorate the
origins of our country. In terms of faith, we also
RESOLVE Peer Group to Start in August periodically need to hear again the foundational stories of
Creation, the Israelites and, of course, Jesus.
One result of the Lenten Retreat on Discipleship that we Honor the gift of freedom For freedom Christ has
had with Rick McKinley is an inspiration that Shannon set us free do not submit again to a yoke of
Hunchard got to start a program to address bullying. We slavery (Galatians 5:1, ESV). We strive as citizens to
are working with the Walpole Public Library to some preserve and live out our national freedom. Likewise, as
Resolve Peer Group meetings for kids going into grades 3 citizens of Gods kingdom we live gladly in the freedom
-8. We hope to schedule a couple in August. Resolve of salvation and share that gift with others.
stands for Real, Emotion, Self, Optimism, Love, Value
and Everyone. Focused on bullying prevention, we will Enjoy community July 4 is known for picnics,
help participants develop strategies to boost courage, parades and other community gatherings. Similarly, the
confidence and caring. Please keep this new ministry in church is nourished by coming together for worship,
your prayers. meals and other special events.

Be light in the darkness As fireworks brighten the

Bring your extra garden sky with light and color, the church is called to display
produce to church the Gospels unique light in a dark world. Our word
dynamite and the Greek word for power as in, You
and we can all share will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on
in the bounty you (Acts 1:8) share a root. Through Gods power in
God has given us! us, we share Jesus dynamically! with others.
Heidi Mann
Connections Page 5

Salem Mission Trip 2017! Mark your calendars!

Sunday July 16th, following the joint service with East Saturday October 28th
Walpole UCC at South Walpole, the 2017 Mission Team 9am2pm
will be off for a week of hard labor (done in love) to help
some of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the area of I am already collecting items for the Silent Auction. Gift
Salem Township, ME. cards, theme baskets, tickets to attractions, sporting
events and concerts. You name it, I will accept it. If you
Our team consisting of myself, Dianne Langer, Lou are able to donate, please let me know long before fair
McKeown, Marge Dean, Bob Lomus and Mary Wallan, day, so I can plan the auction paperwork.
will meet up with the eleven team members from the
Another way of helping out could be to help us pay for the
UCC. We are never quite sure of what our jobs will be, Bouncy House and blow up games that we get to help
but we know that the work is needed and will be greatly attract families to the fair.
appreciated by those whom we are able to help.
This year, along with the Princess Tea Party, we will be
One of the many missions that offering the Pirate Treasure Hunt. Lots of volunteers will
takes place through the Economic be needed to help out. Would the Mens Breakfast Group
Ministry is a back to school be up to a challenge????
program. They try to make it
possible for each child who is in The pre-fair set up will start on Thursday Oct 26th, about
6pm - moving stuff to the appropriate areas. Friday Oct
need to receive all of the necessary
27th, from about 8 am, set up will continue, as well as pie
tools that they need to go to school baking in the kitchen all day long.
and do their work. We will be
bringing supplies up with More information to follow in the next edition of
us. Pencils, pens, crayons, colored Connections!
pencils, markers, erasers, pencil
sharpeners, scissors, staplers and staples, notebooks, With thanks for your continued support,
glue sticks, lunch bags and back packs are just some Sharon Gunn, Fair Chairperson
of the items needed. Anyone who would like to donate
these supplies can please bring them to church for
Sunday July 16th (OR BEFORE). These items are much
in need!
Enter His Gates
Our team works hard,
and lunches are eaten
at the worksite. All
lunches include
sandwiches, fruit and
dessert. We are asking
for donation of a
cooked ham for us to bring up to use for the The Trustees will begin working on church landscaping
sandwiches. I will be making 2 meatloaves, and this year, and they are looking to improve the front
someone from the UCC is making a turkey. entrance to the sanctuary with plantings and some
fencing, similar to these photos. The committee will
We are also looking for any homemade goodies that announce at a later time a period of fundraising to help
we can share for snacks and desserts. Again, let me finance these lovely gardens!
know if you can bake for us.

As always, your love and prayers with us are greatly

appreciated. We thank you all for your continued support With Thanksgiving
in this one part of our Mission for Christ.

Peace and Love,

Sharon Gunn, Missions chairperson
Connections Page 6

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2 Choir Practice 9 am 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sunday. Worship
for all ages 10:00 am

Trustee Meeting
7 p.m. Chapel

9 Choir Practice 9 am
10 11 12 13 14 15
. Sunday Worship
for all ages 10:00 am

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Choir Practice 9 am
Sunday Worship
for all ages 10:00 am

Union Congregational
worships with us.


23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Connections Page 7

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5

Trustee Meeting
7 p.m. Chapel

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sr. Choir Practice 9 a.m.

Sunday Worship
for all ages 10:00 a.m.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Sr. Choir Practice 9 a.m.
Sunday Worship
for all ages 10:00 a.m.

20 21 22 23 24 25
Sr. Choir Practice 9 a.m.

Sunday Worship
for all ages 10:00 a.m.

26 27 28 29 30 31
Sr. Choir Practice 9 a.m.

Sunday Worship
for all ages 10:00 a.m.

Saturday Oct. 28th

Connections Page 8
Worship Forecast for the first half of the Summer Sunday Schools Origins
July 2 I Dont Get It! Its healthy to admit when we Sunday school began in England as early as 1751. Better
dont get passages of the bible or a particular teaching of known is Robert Raikes work in Gloucester 30 years
the church. That allows us to be open to new insights and later. Concerned about poor children who worked in
perspectives provided by the Holy Spirit and Gods word. factories six days a week and often turned to crime, he
July 9 Sarah on Vacation Sharon Gunn Preaching offered classes on the only day kids were free. Soon
July 16 Sarah on Vacation Heather Josselyn Cranson, various organizations offered a loose network of such
United Methodist PhD from Maine preaching Union is Sunday schools, which taught basic reading and writing,
with SWUMC sendoff to mission trip using the Bible as a text.
July 23 We worship at Union
Ten years later, Samuel Slater started the first U.S.
Promoting Bible Study 101 What is the Bible? Sunday school in his Rhode Island textile mills. By the
mid-1800s, Sunday school attendance was an
I will use these texts to illustrate how to see ourselves and almost-universal childhood experience. As society
our relationship when we read the Bible. I did this a bit became more secular and public education was mandated
in July 2011 with a short series called mirrors not by the 1870s, Sunday schools focused on spiritual
morals but moved to other things in August that year. practices: prayers, hymns, catechism knowledge and
For example with July 30 we can see how even though Scripture memorization.
Jacob the trickster is embattled in one of the great
dysfunctional families God fulfills the promise to make Well into the 20th century, Sunday school served as the
Abrahams descendants a great nation as the fathers of churchs main outreach tool. Many adults fondly
the 12 Tribe of Israel are born. So there is no moral of remember their teachers and lessons, and Sunday school
be good and God will bless you but instead even continues to play a significant part in faith development.
when we are at our worst God blesses us!

July 30 Genesis 29:15-28 John Wesley Quotes:

August 6 Guest preacher Anne Robertson - The best of it is, God is with us.
Head of the Mass Bible Society
August 13 Genesis 37:1-28 Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.
August 20 Genesis 45:1-15
August 27 Exodus 1:8-2:10 Once in seven years I burn all my sermons;
September 3 Exodus 3:1-15 for it is a shame if I cannot write
better sermons now than I did seven years ago.
Hold fast to the Bible as the [main] anchor of your
liberties; write its precepts on your hearts and practice Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness.
them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are
indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.
and to this we must look as our guide in the future.
Ulysses S. Grant The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.

Postmaster: Address Service Requested To:
P.O. Box 144, So. Walpole, MA 02071
Published Bi-Monthly
Pastor: Rev. Sarah Mount Elewononi
Lay Leader: Steve DiMattei
Church Office: 668-2530 Parsonage: 668-1171
Editor: Dianne Langer

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