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by Kate Kirkhope, ‘Kiltynane Estate’.

I first became interested in

biodynamics in 1996 while
studying grape growing for
winemaking. I wanted to
make the best Pinot Noir in
the Yarra Valley – a
challenging mission that
would require skill beyond the
In Burgundy, France, many of
the top producers had and were
turning to biodynamics to assist in
the production of better quality
wine. Also, with laws becoming
more stringent with regard to the
use of chemicals in agriculture,
European farmers had discovered
that by using biodynamics they
could produce better quality
produce with few or no chemical
inputs, while improving their soil
and with less expense.
Some of the most expensive
French Burgundies are grown and
produced biodynamically.
This was to be my calling. Kate Kirkhope turned to biodynamics to fullfill her dream of producing the best Pinot Noir in the Yarra Valley.

Here at Tarrawarra, I am surrounded by

some of the biggest guns in wine
production – Yering Station, De Bortolli,
Tarrawarra Estate, Domaine Chandon,
Coldstream Hills, Yeringberg and Mount
Mary to name a few. I knew my own niche
was to be the pursuit of absolute quality
and a highly value added product.
The first block of Pinot Noir was
planted in 2000 on five acres of gently
sloping loam over clay, which had been
heavily farmed in the past. The second
block of five acres was planted in 2001.
My greatest obstacle was, and still is
‘water’. With only a small dam and limited
catchment, I knew I would need my soil to
create miracles to avoid needing large
amounts of water (that I didn’t have).
Before we planted, I started applying
the (500) preparation. The soil itself
needed a lot of work to improve its
moisture balancing so that it wouldn’t
water log in winter and it could hold more
54 Town and Country Farmer • Spring 2003
careful companion planting deep chocolate brown, showing excellent
around the vineyards. friability when dug and with enviable
Right from the start, we worm and micro biotic populations.
followed the planting and The new block is obviously one year
activity calendar provided by behind and still cracks in summer.
the Biodynamic Association. Another year of biodynamic balancing will
This outlines for the year, the make all the difference.
day by day lunar, solar and The rest of the property, which is still
constellation activity in their grazing land, is treated two to three times
relationship to daily farming a year with (500), manure concentrate,
practices. seaweed tea and Biodynamic fish
I had known that for emulsion.
centuries, farmers, printers, My experience with biodynamics has
wine makers and others had driven me to a passionate belief in the
discovered the benefits of benefits of this way of life for the pursuit
planning activities to coincide of excellence. The first vintage is in the
with the heavens. This has barrel, and quote “is an excellent award
made our planning easier. We winning wine”.
can now set down our planning The inputs of bringing the vineyard to
calendar in the shed, exactly this level have been minimal. The wine
when we plant, spray Horn will attract a premium price in a market
Manure Preparation (500) and that cannot be fulfilled at present. I
put the other preps out. I can already have an order for multiple cases
then schedule the other work from the UK, sight unseen, at premium
around these times to price and bottling is still 14 months away!
minimise labour and I have to tell you, biodynamics becomes
equipment changeover. a way of life – you start to realise how our
Jarna flow forms are used to energise the preparations before In reality, the entire season lives follow rhythms and patterns.
they are put out. can be planned out to minimise If we can work with nature and these
labour, fuel, vehicle, equipment rhythms, while still using our knowledge of
moisture in summer. This was the first
and vine maintenance costs. commerce and the consumer society –
priority and where the (500) came in.
We now make a lot of our biodynamic then nature and man can come to a win
We repeated the spraying monthly from
preparations here on site – they are so win outcome. ■
August to February and then again in
simple to produce. The rest we buy from
Biodynamic AgriCulture Australia.
When the vines were in full leaf and
We also use a Jarna flow
fruit, we also used the Biodynamic
form to ‘energise’ the
Preparation (508), originally the
preparations before putting
equisetum form. Now we use the dried
them out.
leaves of Casuarina, made into a tea and
The ‘Jarna’ is a series of
used either fermented for the soil or fresh
stepped concrete bowls that
brewed for the canopy. The high levels of
the (Biodynamic) preparations
silica in (508) build up leaf tissue strength
in their 200 litres of water flow
and help prevent fungus attack.
down for one hour before
From time to time the (500) would be
spraying out.
followed up by Horn Silica Preparation
The flow form is an
(501) the following morning – this
empowering experience and
wonderful crushed quartz sprayed into the
my workers love to just hang
atmosphere, assists in photosynthesis and
around while the bowls are
helps to balance the plants development.
flowing – their rhythmical flow
It has taken two years of work to really
creates a great sense of well
get the soil in top condition and for our
being in even the most
miracle to happen.
reluctant worker.
Last season, we were able to have
This season will be the third
beautifully balanced vines with fruit that
season for the old block and
the local experts claimed was enviable
we will repeat the Biodynamic
with only 2-3 litres of water per vine per
Preparations (500), (501),
week – that’s all there was! The
(508) with additional
surrounding vineyards use up to 30 litres
Biodynamic fish emulsion,
per vine per week.
seaweed tea, and manure
The vines show incredibly strength and
health with no deficiencies. I use no
The old block continues to
pesticides, instead encouraging a daunting
improve with the soil turning a
population of predatory insects through Kate stirring biodynamic seaweed brew.
Town and Country Farmer • Spring 2003 55
By Cheryl Kemp*

Rudolf Steiner first described So how do the Biodynamic soil arthropods. In other words it is nearly
biodynamics in 1924, after requests Preparations work? dead! And this is the reason many have
This is a huge subject and could take us been turning to Biodynamics.
from farmers, who were experiencing
on a whole amazing trip of discovery, which How can I help my soil? It used to
an increasing degeneration in seed
is what actually happens once you get be alive and now it is dying.
strains, cultivated plants and animal involved. The questions keep arising and What practices can bring the soil
health. Steiner gave the farmers answers lead to the next question, and life back to life?
indications for nine special becomes most interesting. So lets just start In Biodynamics we work to keep life in
“preparations” (500-508), which with the soil and we can move on upwards. the soil, to attract specific bacteria and
form the foundation of Biodynamic Recognising Vital Forces In Nature fungi that help absorb trace elements and
In the past few years new discoveries nitrogen in the soil. Biodynamics brings
have been made in the areas of soil structure and tilth in the soil. Humus is
Horn Manure Preparation (500) is a
microbiology. David W.Wolfe, in his book made and the capacity for the soil to hold
specially prepared manure, Horn Silica
‘Tales From The Underground –a Natural water is improved. More oxygen becomes
Preparation (501), a silica-rich rock
History of Subterranean Life’i describes available and soil life multiplies incredibly.
powder; 502-508 are herbs and other
this time of discovery as “reminiscent of To achieve this the Biodynamic farmer
materials all with their own beneficial
where marine biology was 50 years ago, utilises a range of Biodynamic
qualities for soil and plant health. Each
when Jacques Cousteau was first Preparations.
preparation in conjunction with natural
perfecting his Aqua–lung for exploration Horn Manure Preparation (500)
forces stimulates and enhances biological
of another hidden realm – the oceans. You have probably heard of “Horn
activity in a specific way to achieve
Such explorations have verified the Manure Preparation (500)” the most
optimum results on the farm.
existence independent ecosystems at all famous of Biodynamic Preparations which
levels below the surface”. is made from cow manure placed in a cow
Biodynamic practice has at its horn, buried in fertile soil over winter,
very foundation an acknowledgment producing a sweet smelling humus-like
of working with many levels of colloidal substance, when retrieved in the
activity in both the earth and spring. It is applied at 75g per Ha, stirred
atmosphere to bring health to the in water for one hour and spread in
whole farm enterprise. You may droplet form to the soil after 3pm (when
remember from our previous article the earth is breathing in).
that the Biodynamic farmer Used to build soil structure and tilth, it
develops a greater awareness of works with calcium and helps make
nature and the utmost respect for
both the visible and invisible forces
that shape life. The recognition of
some of these vital forces in the soil
is now readily understood thanks to
Dr Elaine Ingham’s pioneering work
on the Soil Food Web.
Dr. Elaine Ingham, a Soil
Microbiologist from Ohio, USA has
found that she can tell how the soil
has been treated by the soil bio-life
found in a soil sample.
The healthiest soils are in the old
growth forests, where fungi
outnumber the bacteria and the
whole system works in a symbiotic
way to support each other.
Soils that have been compacted,
treated with water soluble fertilisers,
herbicides and pesticides have very
little bacteria, no fungi and poor
Horn Manure Preparation (500) pit oxygen levels and very low of any
56 Town and Country Farmer • Spring 2003
humus, attracts earthworms and the soil mist into the air at first
bacteria Azotobacter. The Azotobacter light. Used later in the
are 15 times more potent at making day around midday it can
Nitrogen out of the soil than any other burn – so it is important
bacteria. It also attracts rhizobia, which to only spray out at
helps nodulation on plant roots especially sunrise (when the earth is
supporting increased clover growth. Soil breathing out).
depth increases, roots go deeper and grow This amazing
more luxuriantly and most importantly preparation works with
water is held, like in a sponge in the humus photosynthesis. It helps
materials created, when regularly using the the plant keep up its
Horn Manure Preparation (500). sugar sap levels and the
Here is an effective solution for excess sugar saps are sent
Australia’s water and salinity problems! to the roots as root
exudates to feed the Stinging Nettle and Dandelion are just two of the plants used to make
Biodynamic farms use 25%-50% less the Biodynamic Preparations
bacteria and fungi that
water than their neighbours working
are forming a symbiotic
conventionally! We recently heard of the Organic wholesalers know that
relationship around them. In turn, the
water authorities ringing to see if the Biodynamic produce has the best flavours
increased activity and nitrogen formation
Biodynamic farmers were cheating, as they and their customers keep coming back for
helps the plant grow – so we have the
came in with much lower water use than more. Several Biodynamic Herb growers
complete circle.
their neighbours in a recent Irrigation By keeping the sugar sap levels high, are now topping the list for the highest
audit. (Refer “Kiltynane Estate” story) then plants are resistant to insect attack quality and smell of oils in distillation.
Horn Silica Preparation (501) and disease. If conditions are extremely Most exciting is the discovery by grape
The Horn Silica Preparation (501) wet and prone to fungal disease, then the and fruit growers that use of the Horn
works in the atmosphere and with the Horn silica can help restore the balance. Silica Preparation (501) can lift the Baume
silica and light forces as the opposite to the The Horn Silica preparation also helps or Brix sugar levels at least one full point
Horn manure Preparation (500). It is with the dry matter content of fruit, within a few hours – critical at harvest
made from ground quartz crystal and is increasing flavour, colour, weight and time.
buried in the horns in the soil for the keeping qualities. This is borne out in the Summer & Winter Horn Clay
summer months. Only the smallest number of Biodynamic growers who This is a fairly new addition to the
amount – 1-2g per Ha is used and it is consistently receive medals or prizes for Biodynamic repertoire. It is a clay mixed
stirred for one hour and sprayed as a fine their wines, fruits and grains. to a slurry and placed in a cow horn over


Yarrow Yarrow flowers placed in a stags bladder. Stimulates the potassium, silica and selenium activating
Achillea millefolium bacteria and helps combine sulphur with other substances. Remedies weaknesses in flowering and
PREPARATION 502 fruiting and strengthens the plant against insect attack.

Chamomile Chamomile flowers placed in the small intestines of the cow. Helps retain nitrogen, calcium and
Chamomilla officinalis sulphur. Also stimulates manganese and boron, as well as azotobacter activity – the best bacteria for
PREPARATION 503 making nitrogen in the soil.

Stinging Nettle Nettle is buried without an animal sheath. Conveys intelligence to the soil helps proper
Urtica dioca decomposition, aids chlorophyll formation and stimulates iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and
PREPARATION 504 sulphur bacteria activity in the soil.

Oak Bark Oak Bark placed in a cow skull and in water over winter. Helps restore balance when water activity
Quercus robur is working too strongly, such as after lots of rain or at full moon. It also helps protect against fungal
PREPARATION 505 diseases. Helps calcium and phosphorus work into the earth in a living form.

Dandelion Dandelion placed in a cow’s mesentery. Stimulates the potassium /silica bacteria and fungi in the soil
Taraxacum officinale to enable it to work more effectively. Silica makes the plants more inwardly sensitive. Can help
PREPARATION 506 increase flowering and filling of fruit out to tips. Also stimulates the magnesium, boron and selenium
soil activity.

Valerian A Tincture made of valerian flowers. Stimulates the phosphorus process and mobilises the
Valeriana officinalis phosphorus-activating bacteria in the soil, as well as selenium and magnesium. Prevents the
PREPARATION 507 flowering process becoming excessive. Forms a warmth blanket around compost heap. If sprayed
onto blossoms in spring can provide protection against late frost.

Equisetum/Casuarina As Equisetum is seen as a noxious weed in Australia, we have found Casuarina to be a good
Equisetum arvense substitute. Fresh Casuarina Preparation works with the water balance in the atmosphere as a fresh
PREPARATION 508 tea and is used to prevent and stop fungal growth, sooty mould and tightens plants against becoming
soft and open to mildew infection. Fermented Casuarina tea works in the soil to stimulate the
growth of beneficial fungi and large hyphae & is applied with the afternoon soil sprays. All Casuarina
seems to be effective, especially the Casuarina equisetifolia from eastern Australia.

Town and Country Farmer • Spring 2003 57

Summer (Summer Horn Clay) and over Their purpose is to infuse the compost can all be brewed in 200 litre drums with
Winter (Winter Horn Clay). It works to heap or fermenting brew with living forces. the Compost preparations (502-507) to
restore a balance between the atmosphere They help the breakdown of organic make very beneficial foliar sprays. The
and the earth, acting as a meditator matter take place in the right way so that distinguishing feature of these plant tonics
between the Horn Manure Preparation the life is not lost, but recycled for the use from those used in an organic system is
(500) and the Horn Silica Preparation of the soil. that the Biodynamic Compost
(501). It creates a boundary around the “When used on manure they help it Preparations have been added to enhance
area sprayed to keep the farm integrity become vitalised so it can transmit this the availability of nutrients and bio-
intact and help the soil hold moisture and vitality to the soil where the plants will stimulants.
give back more over the dry periods. It grow.” ii Biodynamic Tree Paste
can be used even if the soil is highly When the compost or other tea or A paste applied to the trunk of trees
clayed. fermented product made with the that nourishes, stimulates growth and
The Winter Horn Clay is typically used Biodynamic Compost preparations is protects the bark and cambium of the
as part of the soil spray to assist in holdingadded or sprayed on the soil, it has the trees and vines, sealing over crevices in
nutrients in the soil’s digestive and capacity to make the soil more sensitive which pests may settle in winter. Made
nutritive processes. The Summer Horn and reconnect to the Planetary from equal parts of cow manure, silica
Clay is used in the atmosphere spray and movements within our cosmos. This is sand or diatomaceous earth and clay or
assists in vegetative processes of the what has been happening to our earth over bentonite it is mixed to a thin paste, stirred
plants. thousands of years as it loses it’s immense with the Horn Manure Preparation (500).
Manure Concentrate vitality and ages - we have lost our For a small number of trees it can be
This is also known in Australasia as connections – just like we get a little deaf painted on with a whitewash brush or in a
‘Cow Pat Pit; and in Europe and the USA and blind as we grow older. The commercial situation the paste should be
as ‘Barrel Compost’. Made from cow Biodynamic Compost Preparations are thin enough to be sprayed out and only
manure, basalt rock dust and ground able to help restore the vitality of the soils made with the diatomaceous earth instead
eggshells and 3 sets of the Biodynamic again. of sand .
compost Preparations 502-507 – it is mixed The Compost Preparations also appear Moving into Biodynamics
and then fermented for 4 months in a 20cm to work as a stimulant to attract specific If these descriptions of the Biodynamic
pit. It can be used as a general soil spray bacteria and fungi and trace elements in Preparations sound too daunting as a
to get the benefits of the compost the soil. It is not a case of putting in method of farming, you can relax in the
preparations over large areas. microbes and hoping they will survive, it is knowledge that all the Biodynamic
It is especially useful when used for any more a case of making the soil attractive Preparations and some of the plant tonics
organic matter breakdown, such as and the soil bio life will appear – rather can be purchased through Biodynamic
mulches, stubble, sheet composting, like the smell of brewing coffee attracts us AgriCulture Australia in commercial
turning in green manures, dairy shed to the coffee shop. Then the increased root quantities. The association provides the
effluent and piggery effluent. It is usually exudates from the plant (through use of convenience of ready-made preparations
recommended for use with the Soil spray – the Horn Silica Preparation (501) will as a service to their members who consist
Horn Manure Preparation (500) and support their life and increase their of growers from across Australia. So once
Winter Horn Clay. activity and thus the plants growth in the you have completed two days at a Basics
The Biodynamic Compost right way. workshop on how to work with
Preparations (502-507) The Compost Preparations (502-507) Biodynamics, acquired some basic
These are made up of various flowers are sold as a set and used in any product equipment for stirring and spraying out,
and animal parts treated in special ways. being recycled and fermented such as you can place your order and get
compost, manure underway.
concentrate, (Cow Pat For those that are keen to learn the
Crossword Solution Pit), seaweed tea, fish whole process, once a year the Association
1 1 4 6 emulsion, fuzzy brew, has a Preparation Making weekend and
B B R O O M S weed teas, blood and also run’s Master Preparation Making
9 bone brews etc. workshops to assist local regions in
P L A T O A A L P S Biodynamic Plant making their own Biodynamic
O R O R A G E H Tonics Preparations. ■
12 15 In addition to the
T L A M B L I E E soil and atmosphere *Education Officer, Biodynamic
preparations, the AgriCulture Australia
B A L E E P I C K E R Biodynamic Farmer In the Summer issue, we will look at the
19 17 21 22
T Y R A R E R also uses a number of different types of equipment used for
plant tonics to support stirring and applying the Biodynamic
C O W B A C O N F L Y the biological and Preparations, Equipment Calibration and
26 24 dynamic processes of timings for putting the preparations out.
A A N T S S L plant growth. A large
S A V I N G T Y E A R number of plant tonics i Tales for the Underground. David W
32 34 35 can be made on farm. Wolfe. Perseus Pub. ISBN 0-7382-0128-6
H A R K B R E D M Plant and animal ii Agriculture – Spiritual Foundations for
materials such as the Renewal of Agriculture – Rudolf
E L I S T A N A seaweed, comfrey, Steiner
W O E S A T R E E S nettle, tree lucerne, BDFGA Kimberton USA.
casuarina, chamomile,
T H O R P E Y cow manure and fish

58 Town and Country Farmer • Spring 2003

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