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OXFORD hea Soe att) Present tense 'be\(+ Test. Created on 02/01/17 1, you, ete Choose the best way to complete the sentences. BON a [AlHello. Tom.[BJNice to [ She's, |, 'm] meet you. The students in room 7. [am, is, are] is a hotel [ We, They, It] fet My name's Sally.[B]Hello, [ She's, You're, He's ] _____ inClass 6. iar Jack. How are you?[B] [ We're, You're, I'm ] fine, thanks. Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible. 6 7 8 9 10 they Chinese? Miss Jones the new teacher at my school. [a]Who is Amy?[B] 's my friend. [alSorry, who are you?[B] Simon, the new student. I think they French. Present tense verb 'be'() and (?) Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 We British. [ not, isn't, aren't] She Irish. She's. isn't, not, aren't] Scottish Where from? [are you, you are, you ] IAlAre you italian7{3INo, [I not, | aren't, I'm 'm Spanish. not] [Alls he SpaniOTERy [he isn't, he not, he aren't | Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible. 6 Zz 8 9 10 We American, we're Canadian. you a teacher? She a student. She works for the school, Where your father from? [AJAre you from Berlin?[B]No, . I'm from Hamburg. Possessive adjectives:my, your, etc Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 I'm French. family are from [ Our, Her, My] Paris. 2 This is a new student. name [ Our, His, Its ] is Paul. 3 [AWhatare names?[BJMike —_[ their, your, our ] and Anna, | think. 4 This is my school. name is [ My, Its, Our] The International School. 5 We're teachers. These are [its, their, our } classrooms. Complete the sentences. 6 [A]What's name?[B]| think he's called Robert. 7 Ohno! | can't find keys. 8 [Aloes sister drive to work?|BJNo, my mother takes her. 9 The students opened books to page 35. 10 What a beautiful dog! What's name? Avan, plurals; this/that/these/those Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 [A]What's this?[B]It's [a, the, an] iPod. 2 [AlWhat's BII's a _[ that, these, those } plane. 3 Look at board, [the, a, an] please. 4 [A]Whal are those?[B]They're [diclionaries, a dictionary, dictionarys ] 5 [AlWhere are [ those, this, that] sludents from?[B]They‘e Malian Complete the sentences. 6 [AlWhat's 2[B]Oh, that's my new phone. 7 Can you give me book, please. 8 Ihave photo of my family In my room. 9 Would you like some of tissues? 10 Ihave egg for breakfast every day. ‘Adjectives Choose the best way to complete the sentences. She's 2 They're z 3 Its 4 It'smy 3 5 men. Complete the sentences. [a American politician, a politician American, an American politic [ bigs houses, big houses, houses big ] [a yellow taxi, a taxi yellow, yellow taxis ] [new mobile, mobile new, anew mobile ] [ They're olds, He's an old, They're old ] 6 My grandmother is very . She's 89. T [Allsitan book?[BJNO, it's quite cheap. 8 He was rich, but now he's : 9 [Alls your car 2B] No, it's very old. 10 Don'tlet him touch your food. He has Imperatives, let's Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 Please English in class. 2 there, you're in the way. 3 [AlI'm thirsty.[B] some water. 4 ! There's a car coming. 5 fight about it, ifs notimportant. hands, [ speaks. speak, speaking ] [Don't standing, Don't stand, Not stand ] [ Drink, You drink, Drank ] [ Stop, Stopped, Stopping ] [Let's not, Let's don't, Don't let's ] Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible. 6 [AlI'm bored.[B] play a game. 7 careful with that knife. 8 This is an English lesson. 9 on! We're late for the movie! 10 the music down! | can't hear you Present simple (+) and (-) Choose the best way to complete the sentences. pizza. every day speak Spanish in class, please. [don't like, don't likes, doesn't like ] [cook, doesn't cooks, cooks } 3 We in a restaurant. 4 She live with her parents 5 British people cappuccino. [ work, works, are work ] [ don't, do not, doesn't ] [drinks, are drink, drink} Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible 6 John and Angela their homework after dinner. 7 We listen to the radio, but we do watch TV. 8 Mysister a lot of exercise. She's really fit. 9 1 want to go out tonight. I'm too tired. 10 Tony eat meat, He's a vegetarian Present ple (2) Choose the best way to complete the sentences. you like Italian [Do, Does, Are ] [ don't, do, does ] [do Sam, Sam does, does Sam] [Do you live, Do live you, Live you ] [ does, likes, is ] food? 2. [A]Do your parents work?[B]Yes, they 3 Where live? 4 with your parents? 5 [AlDoes Sally like sushi7[B]Yes, she Complete the sentences.. 6 Where your parents live? 7 What they do in their free lime?. 8 Pam like pop music? 9 you go to the cinema much? 10 Why Word order in questions Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 What kind of food 7 2 Howtall 2 3 [AlWhat 27[B]She's a doctor. 4 Where 2 Harry like me? I'm always nice to him. {you like, fad you like, you ] [you are, are you, are ] [you mother does, does your mother do, does your mother ] [do live you, do you live. live you ] (Al SpantsreTeyves,Toan— Complete the sentences.. 6 [AJExcuse me, [Can speak, Can you speak, Speak you ] English?[B] Yes, | do. 7 [AlWhere ?[B]I'm from Japan. 8 Al with his parents?[BJNo, he has his own apartment. 9 [A\What 2[B]It's half past nine. 10 [Al a lot of fast food?[BINo, | prefer healthy food , possessives Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 It's pen. [ Tom's, Toms’, the Tom's ] 2 It's my car. [ parent's, parents, parents’ ] 3 That's | the tather ot Jason, Jason father, Jason's father ] 4 {like the [ beginning of the film, film beginning, film's beginning ] 5 They're glasses. —_| Marcus, the Marcus's, Marcus's ] Complete the sentences. 6 That hat belongs to my father. It's my hat. 7 [AJ|____ jacket is this?[B]It's mine. 8 He's married to my cousin. He's my husband. 9 My children have bikes. These are my bikes. 10 [Alls that your mum and dad's car?[B]Yés, its my car. Prepositions:at, in, on, to etc Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 Iget up late weekend. 2 Her birthday is 8th July. 3 The festival starts at three o'clock the afternoon. 4 He goes to bed midnight. 5 The testis Complete the sentences.. [in the, at the, the ] [at, in, on] [in, on, at] [in, on, at] [on Tuesday morning, on Tuesday the morning, in the Tuesday mot My sister's birthday is ___ October. I'll pick youup ___ 8:15. [A]How do you get to work?[B]l go ___ train. Don't forget to study for the test ___ Thursday. They're going ____ Portugal this summer. Seorns ‘Adverbs & expressions of frequency Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1041 to work. [am always walk, walk always, always walk ] 2 late in the [He's usually, He morning. usually's, He usually is ] 3 She to the [hardly ever goes, goes cinema. hardly ever, doesn't hardly ever go ] 41 to the radio. [don't never listen, never listen, listen never ] 5 How often [you do, you, do you do } exercise? Complete the sentences. 6 His room is so dirty! He cleans it. 7 usually walk home, but my dad gives me a lift. 8 That's strange, Mike doesn't wear glasses. 9 You're never on time. Why are you late? 10 We sometimes go to concerts, but we don't go very Can/can't Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 the guitar quite [ can, can to play, can well. play | 2 {Al swim?[B]Yes, | [Can you, You can, Can] can. 3 He follow [ doesn't can, can't, not instruchons. can | 4 take a photo of us, [Can you to, Can you, please? You can } 5 Shecan on Saturday. [ comes, to come, come ] Complete the sentences.. 6 fA) give this to Paula, please?[B]Of course. 7 Dave asked me to be in his band, but | the guitar. 8 He's busy before 6:00 but meet you after then. 9 I don't want to go to the pool. I can’ 10 Present continuous“be' + verb + '-ing’ Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 Ohno! The neighbours a party again 2 Listen! He playing the violin. 3 the children doing their homework? 4 [AlWhat ‘BIThey're watching football, Think. 5 They arguing, theyre talking go to the party if you want to, but be home by 11:30. [have, having, are having ] [are, does, is ] [ls, Are, Do] [ they doing, they are doing, are they doing ] [not, don't, aren't ] Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible. {BIT tying to hear the radio. a party on Saturday, vu can come if you like. 6 [AlWhat are you 7 Where do you think you're 8 We 9 The baby Maybe he's hungry. 10 [A]What's that horrible noise?[B]it's Tom. He Present simple or continuous? Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 4 [A]What 2BII'm a tourist guide. 2 [AjWhat 7IB]I'm listening fo music. 3 He usually to work by bus. 4 on the phone at the moment. 5 He a jacket. the drums again. [do you do, are you doing, you do ] [do you do, you do, are you doing ] [ go, is going, goes ] [ She does talk, She talks, She's talking ] [isn't usually wearing, doesn't ustially wear, wears usually | Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible. 6 Take an umbrella, it 7 lusually to work by bus. 8 At the moment | 9 [A]What's that sound?[B]My phone 10 We a very good book. TV when we get home every evening. Object,him, ete Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 He doesn't love [her, she's, she ] 2 She sees James and falls in love with —_[he, him, her] 3. fAlWhat do you think of his new [like him, like it, like ] book?[B]I don't 4 {AlWhat do you think ofthe Rolling [ they, their, them ] tones ?[B]| like 5 [ADo you think he loves [me, |, my] Wives do. Complete the sentences. 6 He calls but she doesn't answer. 7 My sister and I need your help. Can you help 2 8 Anne meets her friends after work and has a coffee with 9 Call me back, | need to talk to 10 You can talk to about anything, I'm you friend. ‘Like’ (+ verb + ‘-ing’) Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 love clothes. [ buy, buying, to buying ] 2 Ihate in the evening [| work, working, work ] 3 [AJDo you like driving?[B}Yes, | [love, love it, like ] 4 Thate atthe weekend. —_[ shoping, shopeing, shopping ] 5 1 trying on clothes. [like don't, don't like, not liking ] Complete the sentences. 6 [AJSorry, but you need to do this again.[B]II's alright, | 7 Vike the newspaper before | go to work. 8 My brother really loves football. He plays every weekend. 9 [A]Do you want to learn salsa?[BJNot really, | don't ike 10 My friend hates in the sea, he thinks it's dangerous or ‘do’ Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 it sunny today? [ Does, Is, Be ] 2 He go to the gym. He's [ doesn't, don't, isn't ] too lazy. 3 Joe like basketball?. [ Does, Is, Am] 4 (Allplay ina band.[B]What type of [do, are, does ] music you play? 5 What you eating? [ does, do, are ] Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible 6 Where those students from? 7 She like salad. 8 Jerry at school today because he feels sick. 9 What your brother do for a living? 40 you get the bus the school? http:/ Copyright Oxford University Press 2006

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