Exam 2

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OXFORD ACLS e Ras Test. Created on 02/01/17 Past simple of 'be':was / were Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 He president after [was, is, be] Lincoln. 2 They famous in the [be, are, were ] 1960s. 3 [AlWas Chopin from Poland?[B]Yes, [he were, was, he was ] 4 Where born? [you were, was you, were you] 5S They aclurs, ley were [wasil, was nol, weren't] writers. Complete the sentences. 6 The shop is open today, but it open yesterday. 7 You don't know what happened because you there. 8 Where they last night? 9 It ty birthday last Wednesday. 10 Lisa and Tom at school last week because they were on holiday Past simple‘raguilar verbs Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 1 TV yesterday. [didn't watched, didn't watch, not watched ] 2 at the weekend? —_[ Did you work, You worked, Did you worked ] 3 They in Australia. _[ lived, did lived, living } 4 English [ studied, studed, yesterday evening. studyed ] 5 We didn't the tickets. Complete the sentences. | in Italy for two years, but now | live in France. 6 7 8 [A]Did you have a nice time?[B]Yes, | | [ book, booked, booking ] at the end of Titanic. It was so sad. 9 [AJThe movie on TV last night was great.[BJReally? | 10 [Aid you enjoy your holiday?[BJNo, Past simplo:irrogular vorbs watch it. Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 We to a restaurant on Saturday night. 2 Where last weekend? 3 Did you to the cinema? 41 do my homework la8t night. 5 a friend ona | plane Tast week. Complete the sentences. 6 She a beautiful dress 7 I didn't go to work last Tuesday because | 8 [AlWhat did Adam say?[B]| don't know, | 9 They wanted to be healthy so they 10 The party was so much fun, we Past simple:regular & irregular verbs Choose the hest way to complete the sentences. 1 Where Alan yesterday? 2 We at the cafe on the way home. 3 she'd done it because | hér face wont bright red 4 Why you at the meeting last weel 5 | angry with him for lying. Complete the sentences. 6 [AJHow was dinner?[BJIL was greal, | really 7 [AlYou can borrow my book if you like.[B]No thanks, | year. 8 Sorry, can you repeat that, please. | 91 10 What time [ did went, were, went ] [did you go, did you went, you went ] [driving, drove, drive ] [ couldn't, can't, didn't can] [ meeted, meet, met ] sick. to him. salad for lunch. until 2am! [ wae, ie, were ] [ stoped, stopp, stopped ] [ knowed, knewed, knew ] [ weren't, wasn't, aren't ] [fell felt, feeled } it last you. to a really interesting museum last month. you get home last night? There is / are, some / any + plurals Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 a piano in the living [ There's. There, There room are 2 There any pictures on [aren't, isn't, are ] the walls 3 Is a shower in the it, there, they ] bathroom? 4 [Alare there any plants in the [ there are, they are, all?[BlYes, there is ] 5 There are olasses in [any, some, a] the cupboard. Complete the sentences. 6 There a lot of trees in the park. 7 Is there milk in the fridge? 8 | think there are biscuits in the cupboard. 9 (here @ supermarkel near here? 10 We have to stand, there chairs. There was / there were Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1. There two ghosts in Lis, was, were ] the hotel Tast night. 2. There TVin my room. [weren't a, wasn't a, weren't any ] 3. How many guests in [wag there, were there, the hotel? there were ] 4 — {A]Was there a horror film on TV last [isn't, wasn't, weren't ] riday?[BJNo, there : 5 There a good [ was, are, were ] restaurant in that hotel. Complete the sentences. 6 five CDs on the table. 7 a swimming pool in the hotel? 8 How many people there at the meeting? 9 [AlWas there any coffee left when you arrived?[BJNo, 10 any films on TV last night. Countable / uncountable nouns Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 There's tomato in the [any, some, a] fridge. 2 Weneed eggs. [an, some, any ] 3 There isn't rice in the Lany, a. some ] cupboard. 4 Doweneed sugar? [a, any, many] 5 [AJCan you get me [an, any, a] onion?(BJOf course. Complete the sentences. 6 I'm thirsty. Can | have 7 Doyou have bread? 8 She ate sandwich for lunch, 9 We can'tmake a cake because we don't have eggs. 10 Nick had carrots in his kitchen. water, please? Quantifiers: how much, a lot of, etc Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 How milk do you drink? [lot, many, much ] 2 I don'teat [a lot, not many, many ] vegetables: 3. [AJHow much wine did you drink?[B] [Any., None., Not many. | 4 [AJHow many biscuils did you eat?[B] [A lol., Quile lol., Many. | 5 I didn't eat fruit [ some, any, a] yesterday Complete the sentences. 6 They watch movies, five or six a week 7 Can you buy some ice cream? There's 8 How pages are in that book? 9 We visited places, but not many. 10 He didn't eat food at dinner time, just a few chips. in the freezer. Comparative adjectives Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 Mark is than [older, more old, old} Peter. 2 Their house is 3 than ours. Tonight's film is than last night's film. [expensiver, expensive, more expensive ] [ better, gooder, more good j 4 It's in your [hotter than, hoter county. than, holler that ] 5 She's now than (happier, happyer, more before. happy ] Complete the sentences. 6 I'mauite tall, but my brother is 7 Fran is a good cook, but Henry's cooki 8 I prefer salads to hamburgers, they're 9 Formula 1 is dangerous, but | think motorbike racing is 10 I'm bad at singing, but my brother is me. Superlative adjectives Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 The elephant is [ the bigger, the most land animal in the world. big, the biggest } 2 Whuis studentin [Ure beller, the your class? goodest, the best ] 3 Thisis place in —_[ the most beautiful, the the world more beautitul, the beautifullest | 4 Is Everest [the more high, the mountain iri the world? highest. the most highest ] 5 It's day of the [ wetter, the most wet, year. the wettest ] Complete the sentences. 6 I'mthe student in my class. Everyone else is older than me 7 Maths isn’t easy. In fact it’s the subject for me 8 Arizonais State in the U.S. I's almost never cloudy. 9 Sarah has kitchen. There's no dirt in it at al 10 Mydadis singer in the world. He can't sing at all! Be going to (plans) Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 What do tomorrow? [ are you going to, are you going, do you go to | 2 go on holiday [ They going to, They go soon to, They're going to] 3) He have dinner —_[ not going to, isn't with going to, isn't going ] 4 {Al goingto see —[ She's, Is she, Is] her friends tonight?[B]Yes, she is. 5 stay ata [I'm going to, | going, friend's house. I goto } Complete the sentences. 6 Colin's going to university in Scotland next year. 7 1 to have lunch with a friend at the weekend. 8 We're take the train to Budapest. 9 [AJHow is Sally?[B]We don't know, we talk to her tonight. 10 [Al cook dinner tonight?[B]No, | want to gel a lakeaway. Be going to (predictions) Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 I think you're [ going to, going to be, very happy. being ] 2 to get married? [ Do they go, Are they going, Are they go ] 3 She toleave her —_ [isn't going, docsn't boyfriend: go, aren't going ] 4 Where are they going [live, living, to live ] % 5 I think rain. [ going to, it's going, it's going to] Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible 6 Take your umbrella with you tomorrow. It rain. 7 | think you're enjoy this movie. 8 Do you think he’s ever to leave home? 9 David going to do anything special for his birthday? 10 Stop running. You fall over. Adverbs (manner and modifiers) Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 | always: [hard work, work hard, work hardiy ] 2 Don't speak so .1 [fast, faster, fastly ] can't understand you. 3 I think | cat very [ healthily, healthilly, healthy } 4 My friend dresses really [ well, bad, good ] 5 The people here drive [more aggressive, aggressive, aggressively ] Complete the sentences Dan plays the piano really . He often plays concerts. We eat so "it's no surprise we're fat! My mum is quite tired. She works so all the time. She was hurt quite _ She's in hospital now. They are so rude. They should speak more Seoarnoa Verbs + ‘to’ + infinitive Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 to learn French [I'm like, | like, I'd one day. like ] 2 [A]Would you like to visit [ would, like, do ] Brazil?[B]Yes, | 3 James would like [to play, play, to the piano. playing f 4 I don't like [ study, studing, studying ] 5 to cule to diner [ Would yuu like, Du you this evening? ike, Would you } Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible. 6 They wanted married last year, but the wedding was last month. 7 1 like to speak to Gary, please. 8 She didn't ride a bike until she was 13 9 We need a new car, bul we have no money. 10 He loves comic books. Articles Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 1. go to work by . [the bus, a bus, bus ] 2 Sarah's cousin is [ the hairdresser, : hairdresser, a hairdresser ] 3 They goto every [aschool, school, the day school } 4 Ifyou can't find what you're looking [an internet, internet, for here, look on : the internet] 5 George goes to the gym twice [ week, a week, the week ] Complete the sentences. 6 She went to hospital to visit her uncle. 7 Itreally was incredible show. 8 late one ot biscuits that were on your desk 9 You're lucky you've got such great job. 10 Andrew is terrible actor. Present perfect Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 4 haven't this film [ see, seen, saw] before. 2 my leg three times. [I've broken, | break, I've broke ] 3 to that man before. [ We've spoke, We've spoken, We spoken ] 4 Have you ever eight —[ drunk, drink, drank } glasses of waterina day? 5 | haven't an e-mail [ writen, wrote, written ] in English before. Complete the sentences 6 Javk hasn't dune his exams bevause he's very ill evenly. 7 [AlWhy isnt Brian here today?[B]He away on holiday. 8 [A]Have you ever your arm?[B]Yes, | did it when | feel out ota tree. 9 He's the fastest man on earth. Usain Bolt the gold medal! 10 [AlWhere are my keys?[B]Oh no, them again? ‘Like! + verb + '-ing! Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 [AJHave you been to that [ do, have, have been ] hotel?[B]Yes, we . 2 She been to [isn't, haven't, hasn't] Canada. 3. [Alls Jack here?[B]No, he's [gone, go, been ] to Chile on holiday. 4 When that film? [do you see, have you seen, did you see] 5 this book before? [ Have you read, Do you read, Are you reading ] Complete the sentences. 6 to Spain last year. 7 (Al finished your homework yet?[B]Yes, | finished it an hour ayo. 8 What time you talk to her? 91 Been to Madrid, but | hear it's great. 10 [A]Do you have his phone number?[B]Yes, he it to me yesterday. hitpv/www.oup.com/elt/course Copyright Oxford University Pross 2006

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