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Student Name: Adriana Reyes

Date: July 11, 2015

Artifact Description: Can of Town

What you accomplished: I made a label that best represents all the aspects of my home town that I
love. I like that I was using so many different applications on the project. I imported pictures from the
internet and my photo files. I used shapes and lines to create borders and barcodes (an orange). I used
word art to create a product title. There was research involved; I exported from the Citys website.

What you learned: I learned more about my old town in this project. For example, I didnt know that the
diversity in the population is more than 57%. I also learned that it is very difficult to make a barcode for
the bottom of an orange. I found it hard to find a picture of myself. I do not like to take pictures of myself.
Most of the pictures in my phone and computer are of other people, places and my dogs.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)T Addressed: This project covers
a few standards: 1) Create and Innovation, 3) Research and Information Fluency, 4) Critical Thinking,
Problem Solving and Decision Making, 5) Digital Citizenship, and 6)Technology Operations and Concepts

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I think that this is a great idea. The project not only allows
students to be creative, but gives them a chance to learn about a subject. I could use this in a Biology
class to help students learn the parts of a cell; animal, single cell, or plant. I think this allows students to
present research information in a different way. As a student, I would present information in an essay.
With this creative outlet, students can present a more visual and interesting way.

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