Dr. Fonyódi Jenő - Dr. Sarbu Aladárné - Tesztek A Nyelvvizsgán - Angol Középfok PDF

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Anyanyelvi Iektor:

tssN 1589-7842
lsBN 97896305 57283
Kiadja az AkadmiaiKiad'
az 1795.bena|aptottMagyar Knyvkiadk
s Knyvterjesk Egyes|snek tagja.
1117Budapest'Prie||eKornliautca 19.
www.akademiaikiado. hu

E|s kiads: 1998

Harmadik,javtottkiads: 2001
@ Szezk,

Mindenjog fenntartva,be|ertvea sokszorosts,

a nyi|vnose|ads' a rdi- s te|evziads,
va|aminta fordtsjogt, az egyes fejezeteketi|letenis.

A knyv tarta|mamegfe|e|az |degennye|viTovbbkpz

Kzpont ||ami|age|ismertoR|GT nye|wizsgja anyagnak.
Fele|s vezet: Gborin Lsz|ndr.

E|sz ....7

A tesztge ne rls s z empo n t j ai ... ....9

A teszt rtkelse 10

1. t e s z t . .. . . . 11
2. t es z t ...... 16
3. t es z t ......21
4.t e s z l ......26
S.teszt ......31
6.t e s z t ......36
T.t es z l ......41
B .t e s z t ......46
g. teszt
10.t es z t ......56
11.t e s z t ......62
l 2.L e s z t ......68
l 3. t e s z t ......73
14.t es z t ......78
l S .t e s z t ......88
16. t es z t ......88
17.t e s z t ......93
18. teszt 99
19.t es z t .....1,04
20. t es z t .....110

M e go l d so k ... 115


A feleleWlasztsteszt a nyelWudsmrs legobjektvabb mdia. A

feladatot rtszmtalan br|atellenre,amelyeka feladat letsze-
rsgtkrik szmon, a lg legtbb nyelwizsgzf"atintzmnye
hasznlja.Ennek nemcsaka gyors,objektvelbrlhatsgaaz oka'
hanem az sszehasonlt kutatsok eredmnyeiis, ame|yekkimu-
tattk, hogy sszefggsVan a wzsgz feleletvIasztstesztre ka.
pott pontszma sa tnylegesnyelWudsakttztt.
Az llami nye|wizsgn 50 krdsb| l| tesztet kell a vizsg-
znak 30 perc alatt megoldaniasztr hasznlata nlk|.Y|aszL-
st az eredmnylapon X-szel jelIi.A iavts t|tsz sab|onnaltr-
A fele|eWlasztstesztnek,mint vizsgafeladatnak|egfbbcl.
ja s rtelmea passzvnyelv[anis lexikai ismeretek mrse.
Passzvtudsona helyesnyelvtaniszerkezetek,szalakok sjelen-
tsekfelismersnek a kszsgt rtjk.Ez a meghatrozsegyben
rvi|gta feladat lehetsgeinekkorltaira is. Avizsgz a mega-
dott lehetsgek kozl kiv|asztjaa jt, nem pedigltrehozzaazt,.A
gyorsasgsobiektivitsmellett a teszt egy msik elnye az, hogy
elre adott a teljestendnyelvi sznvonal.Avizsgz, e|vigyza-
tossgb|,nem taktikzhat'(tgy,hogy kihagyia azokata szerkezete-
ket, amelyeketnem,Vagynem biztosanismer (mintpldula fogal.
mazsn|,ahol biztonsgbl trekedhet az egyszerisgre). Minde-
zeket a szempontokatmr|egelve a nyelwizsgafe|adatokkido|goz-
sakor a szakemberekgylttk clszernek, hogy a maximlisan
elrhet100 pontbl- optim|istesztmegoldssal - 15-tlehessen
A kzpfokvizsgatesztelssorban nye|v[aniismereteketkr
szmon,feltte|ezi a clnye|vnye|Wanirendszernek globlis isme-
reLt.Az 50 rszfeladatigyekszikminInagyobbterIetettfogni,
de semmikppen sem tt'rekszikteliessgre.Kiemeltenfoglalkozik


azokka| a problmkkal,amelyek a vizsgzk anyanyelves a c|-

nyelv kztti klnbsgekblkvetkeznek.Az azonos nyelvijelens-
geket bemutat lpsekgyakran hasonlak. Ez rszbena nyelvi
prob|ma lnyegbl addik (pldulbizonyosigeidketrtelemsze-
ren csak meghatrozottms igeidkke|vethetttinkssze), rszben
az ismereteke|mlytst szolg|ia. A tesztfeladatokategy szmt-
gpesadatbankbantroljuk, amelyekb|egy megadott szempont-
rendszer a|apjnegy tesztgenerlprogramv|ogat.A tesztgener-
ls szempontiaita kvetkezkbenrsz|etesen ismertetjk.
Jelen ktettinkben 20 darab 50 lpsb|ll feleletv|aszts
tesztfeladatotmutatunk be, amelyet a szmtgpvlasztot[ ki a
fent emltetttesztbankb|.Az sszeIltsreprezentatv, teht a|-
kalmat ad arra, hogy a nyelvtanul,a leend vizsgz, ill. tanra,
megbzhatpontossggaltudia mrni,hogyaz |taminye|wizsgn
adott pillanatban hogyan teljestene.Kt-hromfeladatsor mego|-
dsa utn pedigmind , mind tanra pontosantudni fogja,melyek
azok a legfbb nyelvi jelensgek,ame|yekelsajttsranagyobb
hangslytke||fordtania.Remlik,hogya kvetkezkben megadott
generlsi szempontrendszer, s az azon alapu| feladatok'ielen-
tsen javtjkmajd a nyelwizsgra val clirnyosfelksztilsha.
tkonysgt. A megoldsoka ktet vgn tallhatk.
Tancs:a nye|vetnem |ehettesztekmegoldsva|megtanu|ni.
A teszt mrsieszkoz.Kivlan alkalmas arra, hogy passzvnyelv-
tani ismereteinketelfogadhatpont'ossggalfelmrje,s gy tm-
pontokatadjona nyelWanulnak stanrnaka hinyossgokcsk-
kentsre. Ha teht va|akia gyakorlssorn |nyegesen 60o/oalatt
teljest,akkor nem aZ a megolds,hogy jjel-nappa| teszteketo|c|.
ion meg' hanemaz, hogynyelv[udstegybmdon fejlessze.


A tesztgenerls szempontjai
A rszfe|adato|t (|psek) megoszlsa

I. Verb Phrase (Igecentrkusszerkezetek) 23 lps

Simple Past
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Simple Present
Passive (Szenved)
Causative (Mveltets)
Non-finiteforms (lgenevesszerkezetek)

Noun Phrase (Fnvcentrikus itl.

rrominlis szerlrezetek) 1o tps
Countable,UncountableNouns (MegszmIlhatsg)
Pronouns(Re|ativepronouns)(Nvmsok, vonatkoz
Articles (Nvelk)
Modiiers(Bvtmnyek, je|zk)
Adjectives,Comparison(Mellknv fokozs)

II. Phrasal Verbs, Prepositions 7 lps

ilI. Szabadon vlasztott 10 |ps

(egybigeidk' egyeztets,
rtvid v|aszok,questiontags,tagads,but,
however,neither,nor, That'swhy, hatrozkstb.)
TES ZT EK A N Y E L vvI z sG N

A teszt rtkelse

A fe|eletvlaszts
1999mrciustn|az albbipontskla

0 -1 5 = 0 pont
l6 -lB = I pont
19-21 - 2 pont
22-24 - 3 pont
2-27 - 4 pont
28-30 = 5 pont
3 l-8 2 = 6 pont
33-34 = 7 pont
35-36 = B pont
37-38 - I pont
39-40 = lO pont
4 l-4 2 = I 1 pont
43-44 - 12 pont
46-46 = l3 pont
47-48 = l4 pont
49-50 - l5 pont

16 helyes vlaszts alatt nem adunk pontot, ugyanis ez az

eredmnylehet vlet|enszer(p|. ha a vizsgz minden krdsnl
csak az ,,A,,-thitzza be, akkor 250lokrli eredmny[rhet el).
A nyelwizsgznak arra kell trekednie, hogy60o/o-os
azaz 9 ponot,Vagyislegalbb37 helyesv|asztrjenel.



V|assza ki a helyes megoldst!

1. ...was a lovelyday,I went for a walk in the park.

A/ As it C/ For there
B/ For it D/ As there

2. "He said he had met my friendthree weeks before.""..."

A/ Has he? C/ Hadn'the?
B/ Did he? D/ Didn'the?

3. "... have changefor a dollar?""Sorry,no."

A/ Do you happento C/ What
B/ Will you D/ Can you

4. "...that fax yet?" "No, I'm still typingit."

A/ Would you send C/ Have you sent
B/ Are you sending D/ Did vou sent

5. The last time ... to the museumwas last month.

A/ I went C/ I have been
B/ I have gone D/ I was going

6. A/ We discussedthat the last week.

B/ I'vehad a cold for the last week.
C/ I was in New York at last Christmas.
D/ I saw him in the last month.

7. ... is the inflationrate that worries the government.

A/ Any time C/ Raising
B/ That D/ II

B. ... ! A train is coming.

A/ Look out C/ Look after
B/ Look at D/ Look for

9. ... compositionis goodenough.

A/ Both C/ Neither
B/ None D/ AII

1. teszt lO. ...he got,... the houseseemed.
A/ The near - the far C/ The more near _ the more far
B/ The nearer - the far[her D/ As near - as far

11. Don'tworry...it.
N bv C/ at
B/ because D/ about

12. Which paper wouldyou ... me to buy?

A/ recommend C/ say
B/ suggest D/ advise
13. The police...walkingpast ...church.
N are-- C/ is - the
B/ are - the D/is--

14. About two hundredpeople...when the plane crashed.

A/ thoughtto die C/ were thoughtto die
B/ arc thoughtto D/ thoughtto have been
have been killed killed

15. The watch has disappeared.Who ... it?

A/ need have stolen C/ should have stolen
B/ could steel D/ could have stolen

16. I couldn'thelp ... when I heard what had happened.

A/ laugh C/ to laugh
B/ laughing D/ to be laughing

t7. They... home by this time.

N are being C/ would be
B/ will been D/ will have be

18. You can have ... book.

A/ both C/ all
B/ either D/ each the

19. He wants his friendto pay ... the damagedone.

A/ because C/ for
B/ at D/-

20. As soon as we ... we'll giveyou a ring.

A/ arrived C/ rvill arrive
B/ are arriving D/ arrive


1. teszt
A/ got, too C/ got one, either
B/ got, either D/ got one, [oo

22. A meetingof the businesspartners... take place

before the contract was signed.
A/ had expected C/ had been expectedto
B/ was expected D/ expectingto

23. If you ... in July, I'd have givenyou accommodation

in my house.
A/ would come C/ had come
B/ came D/ would had come

24. Georgedidn'tcome to see the exhibitionon Monday

becausehe ... it before.
A/ had seen C/ has seen
B/ saw D/ was seen

25. We'd betternot wake her up, ...?

A/ shouldn'twe C/ wouldwe
B/ did we D/ had we

26. The workerswon't stop strikinguntil they ... the pay rise.
A/ don'tgot C/ will got
B/ haven'tgot D/ have got

27. "How long...workinghere?""Tenyears."

A/ you have been C/ are you
B/ have vou been D/ were you

28. Some friendsof mine dropped... for a drink afterthe theatre.

N off C/ on
B/ in D/ out

29. You may be able to find a pair of boots ...your size

at the TESCO.
A/ with C/ aT,
B/ in D/ for

30. The speakersmiled ... .

A/ friendlily C/ in a friendlyway
B/ friendly D/ as friendly


1. eszt 31. How long have_r'ou...?

A/ made Peter do vour C/ had done your
homervork homework
B/ madeyour D/ made Peter to do
homeworkdone vour homework

32. How ... has he tried to escapefrom home?

A/ long time C/ much time
B/ long ago D/ many times

33. He told ... drive his car.

A/ me I can C/ me I could
B/ I may D/ to me to

34. She looks very pale, she ... be ill.

A/ oughtto C/ must
B/ needs D/ can

35. My friendtold me ... his parcels.

A/ never open C/ don't ever open
B/ to not open D/ never to open

36. In the loungethere is a ... .

A/ nice small roundtable C/ nice round small table
B/ small nice roundtable D/ round small nice table

3 7 . Admittedly,makingup ... mind is not alwaysas easy as that.

A/ somebody's C/ his
B/ one's D/ our

38. Nick ... his dog to the vet;he would have cured him.
A/ ought to have taken C/ could take
B/ may have taken D/ shouldtake

39. I can't ... with his aggressivedrivingany longer.

A/ stand up C/ come down
B/ put up D/ make off

40. Her fatherwill not let her ...ves.

A/ safing C/ to say
B/ say D/ be said


41. If Joan ... everyday,she wouldn'tfail her exam. l. teszt

A/ practises C/ shouldpractise
B/ practised D/ rvill practise

4 2. Ted called ...wrong number.

A/ rhe c/ -
B/ any D/ a

43. Tom is by far ... boy in his class.

A/ the tallest C/ the taller
B/ a taller D/ tallest

44. How did you manage...that mountain?

A/ have climbed C/ to climb
B/ climbing D/ havingclimbed

45. I'vegot ... to do today,includingjobs both at home

and at the office.
A/ a lot of works C/ so manyworks
B/ loads of work D/ lots of works

46. "Sarahtold me yesterdaythat she'dfounda snakein her hotel

room.""l'm sure she ...your leg when she said that. "
A/ has pulled C/ has been pulling
B/ was pulling D/ had pulled

47. This is ... alwayshappensto inexperienceddriversat night.

A/ which C/ what
B/ that D/-

48. Graz, ... is in Austria, is his nativetown.

N - C/that
B/ what D/ which

49. By the time I get there,the film ... .

A/ will have finished C/ is finishing
B/ finishes D/ had finished

50. If only she ... soon.

A/ comes C/ will come
B/ would come D/ had come


Vlassza ki a helyes mego|dst!

l. "l'm afraid I'vespilt the coffeeon your new table-cloth.

A./Nevermind! C/ So much be the trouble.
B/ Nothingat all. D/ Don't care.

2. "... did you drive on the first day of your trip?" "To Berlin."
A/ How many C/ How long
B/ How far D/ How much

3. ... nothingfor breakfast,we had to go

to the buffetto buy a sandwich.
A/ Havinghad C/ We have had
B/ Having not had D/ Since having

4. ... peopledon'trealize the dangersof drivingin a busy city.

A/ Most C/ Most of
B/ The most D/ The most of

5. ... the centralstationthere is a lovelybeach.

A/ Near C/ Close at
B/ Next D/ In front

6. Shoes ... duringthe sale cannotbe exchanged.

A/ bought C/ having bought
B/ what you have bought D/ what you bought

7. By March I ... my exam,I hope.

fu will be passed C/ have passed
B/ will havepassed D/ pass

B. Don'tstand up until the bus ... .

A/ has stopped C/ will not stop
B/ doesn'tstop D/ hasn'tstopped

9. Each of them was busy doing... own homework.

/ his C/ the
B/ he's D/ theirs

T E S ZT E K NY E Lv v Iz s G N

10. For years and years they... for a new car, and now 2. teszt
A/ save C/ had saved
B/ have been saving D/ are saving

ll. He agreedto acceptthe offer ... he wasn'tsatisfiedwith it.

A/ while C/ although
B/ in spite of D/ since

12. He asked the pharmacistto give him something

for ... sore throat.
A/ the C/ such
B/ a D/-

13. She has movedout. Now she lives ... 99 Baker Street.
Nat C/ on
B/ in D/ under

14. Grandfathershowedme everything... he had collected.

N_ C/ what
B/ how D/ which

15. Father thinks he has the right to decideeverythingsince ...

gives the money.
A/ it is he C/ it is him
B/ it is he who D/ he is that who

16. She 's already... her mother.

fu as pretty as C/ as pretty than
B/ so pretty than D/ so pretty as

17. I ...him two weeksago.

A/ met C/ have met
B/ meet D/ was met

lB. I am not keen on football,and I don'tmuch like athletics... .

fu too C/ also
B/ either D/ neither

19. I have ... interestin econornics.

A/ hardly C/ any
B/ few D/ little


T ES ZT EK N Y E L V vI z sG N

2. teszt 20. I neverknervrvhere... .

A/ had the girls run C/ the girls have run
B/ the girls had run D/ have the girls run

21. I'd havelent him my bike if he ... me to.

A/ has asked C/wouldhaveasked
B/ had asked D/ asked

22. I'll haveto buy ...shoes.

A/ two pieces of C/ two
B/ a pair of D/ a coupleof

23. I'm awfully sorry, but I ... the passwordjust now.

A/ don'tremember C/ am not remembering
B/ couldn'tremembered D/ can'trememberback

24. If we takeoffnowwe shouldbe in Newyork ...B.

A/ by C/ from
B/ until D/ to

zlc. If you ... your wife didn'tlike beardedmen,you shouldn't

have grown one.
A/ knew C/ wereknowing
B/ have known D/ shouldknown

A/ seeing - to look C/ to see - to look

B/ seeing- looking D/ to see - Iooking

27. It's no use ... him of cheatingon his wife.

A/ criticise C/ accusing
B/ accuse D/ criticising

28. John ... his car repairedfor over sixteenmonths.

A/ hasn'thad C/ has
B/ does D/ is having

29. Last week my friendhad an accident.He ... to hospital

A/ neededbeingtaken C/ had had to be taken
B/ had to be taken D/ neededbe taken


30. A lot of old peoplewish they ... some sport when 2. teszt
they were younger.
A/ had done C/ rvouldhave done
B/ would do D/ shouldhave done

31. My friendahvayslooked...pilots.He had a greatrespectfor

A/ over C/ at
B/ up on D/ up to

32. Peter asked Mary how many books ...

A/ she had read C/ did she read
B/ she has read D/ was she reading

33. He'llhaveto give...smokingif he doesn'twantto die.

A/ up C/ over
B/ in D/ on

34. Thechildrenwill haveto attendschool,whethertheywantto

or . . ..
A/ don't C/ not
B/ no D/ rvon't

35 . John ... the words.but he refusedto.

A/ shouldhave learned C/ must to learn
B/ must have learning D/ has learned

Grannyaskedwhetheranyone... her glassesanyvhere.

A/ sees C/ has seen
B/ saw D/ had seen

37 . They purchased... fromvarious manufacturers.

A/ a lot of differentforms of equipment
B/ a lot of differentform of equipment
C/ a lot of differentsort of equipment
D/ some equipments

He told us ... story that we all laughed.

A/ such funny a C/ so a funny
B/ so funny D/ such a funnv

39. This statue ... two years beforeyou graduated.

A/ had been erecting C/ erected
B/ had erected D/ was erected

T ES ZT EK N Y E LvVIzscru

2. teszt 40. fivo strangers \\.erestandingby the window.

One of them \\as smoking,... was drinkingvoclka.
A/ the other C/ other one
B/ the another D/ another

4 1. We ...our nextholidayin ltaly.

A/ probablyspending C/ witl spendprobably
B/ are probablyspending D/are goingto probabtyspencl

4 2. We ... to have coffeenow.

N can C/ are going
B/ will need to D/ will be

43. What ... you changeyour mind?

A/ did make C/ made
B/ got D/ did have

44. While I ...the bell rang.

A/ cook C/ was cooking
B/ had cooked D/ will cook

45. As I had plentyof money,I ... to help her.

A/ could C/ have
B/ was able D/ ought

46. Will you ... the dog while we are abroad?

A/ mind for C/ take care after
B/ look after D/ care of

47. He gave me everything... I had always wished for.

A/ that C/ what
B/ which D/ who

48. You havedrunkhardly....

A/ nothing C/ something
B/ anything D/ somewhat

49. You rememberedto lock the door when you left home,...?
A/ didn'tyou C/ hadn'tyou
B/ do you D/ don't you

50. Theirhouseis ...ours.

A/ similar to C/ as
B/ the same that D/ like to

TE S ZT E K N Y E Lv v Iz s G N

VIassza ki a he|yes mego|dst!

1. "Haveyour kids beento the zoo yet?""Yes,theysaid they...

A/ had been C/ rvere being
B/ would have been D/ rvill have been

2. "l don't like taking a cold shower.""l can never get used to
takinga cold shower... ."
/ either C/ too
B/ also D/ neither

3. "How many apples havewe got?""..."

A/ There isn't any apple C/ Ontytittle.
at home.
B/ There aren't some. D/ Not too manv.

4. ... a long time since I was in ltaly.

A/ It had been C/ There's
B/ There has been D/ It's

5. ...prettywomanshe is !
A/ What a C/ How a
B/ How D/ What

6. ... is not allowedin that room at all.

A/ No smoking C/ Smoking
B/ A smoking D/ Any smoking

7. Each ... in their home suitedthe style of their house.

A/ furnitures C/ piece of furniture
B/ items of furniture D/ furniture

B. ... of the telephonesat the receptionare working.

A/ Ones C/ Any
B/ None D/ No one

9. The sales manager... offereda companycar but he didn't

want it.
A/ has C/ had to be
B/ was D/ is


3. teszt 10. ...was appointedhead doctor.

A/ The friend of her's C/ A friendof her
B/ The friend of hers D/ A friend of hers

11. Can you ...the horsesfor me while I'm in hospital.

N care C/ take care
B/ look to D/ look after

12. ...with a host familyis a betterrvayof practisingEnglish.

A/ The living C/ Living
B/ Live D/ Lie

t3. ...yourselfand call me up everyevening.

A/ Mind for C/ Take care of
B/ Look out D/ Beware of

14. Tomorrowmy grandfatherand my grandmother...

for fifty years.
A/ will have been married C/ will have married
B/ will mamv D/ will be married

15. Could I ... the oil level checked?

A/ make C/ have
B/ want D/ ask

16. I can't lend you moneyuntil I ... my salary.

A/ collect C/ will collect
B/ won't collect D/ don'tcollect

17. What do you think of ... modernballet?

A/ the our C/ the
B/- D/a

18. Have you ever done ... worth mentioning?

A/ some C/ anything
B/ any D/ somewhat

19. She ... the gueststheir rooms.

A/ has iust shown C/ just showing
B/ just has shown D/ iust had shown

TE S ZT E K N Y E Lv v l z s G N

20. He has alwaysliked fitness.He ... bodystrengthening 3 teszt

exercises three times a dar,.
A/ is doing C/ does always
B/ does D/ had done

21 . She said sh e . ..me , but she didn't.

A/ rvill visit C/ rvouldhavevisited
B/ wouldvisit D/ will havevisited

22. We invitedfriendsto supperand it's too late

to put them ... now.
N away C/ off
B/ on D/ over

23. We ...neverto go neartheborder.

A/ havetold C/ have been telling
B/ havebeentold D/ was telling

24. It is veryurgent.I wantit ...as quicklyas possible.

A/ did C/ do
B/ will done D/ done

25. I wantedto buy a Sony camcorder,but the salesman...

the last one yesterday.
A/ has sold C/ was selling
B/ was sold D/ sold

26. I'd rather you ... it a secret.

A/ keeping C/ kept
B/ keep D/ to keep

27. If the teacher... me more time, I could have donethe test.

A/ had given C/ would give
B/ gave D/ has given

28. If we had not wateredthe plant everyday it ... .

A/ will have died C/ will die
B/ would have died D/ has died

29. When the doctorexaminedme he ... a prescriptionfor me.

A/ drew up C/ put down
B/ made out D/ filled

T ES ZT EK N Y E L vvI z sG N

3. eszt 30. It rvas the bottomshe|f... she kept her weddingring ...
A/ rvhere- - C/ where - in
B/ in that - - D/ what - in

31. It's beena fantastictour,...?

A/ hasn't it C/ wasn'tit
B/ isn't it, D/ doesn'tit

32. It's a greaterfeelingto give ... to receive.

A/ so C/ as
B/ then D/ than

33. Why don'tyou stay ... us duringyour holidayin Hungary?

MaL C/ by
B/ with D/ over

34. As a top athlete,he... run 10 miles everydaywhenhe was

preparingfor the Games.
A/ had to C/ could be
B/ should D/ might

35. Mary's baby ... goodcare of recently.

A/ hasn't been [aken C/ wasn'ttaking
B/ hasn'ttaken D/ isn't taken

36. One of their experts... inflationin Russia.

A/ has been studying C/ was studied
B/ has studying D/ had studying

37. Edwardis said to be a less knownrelative....

A/ to the King C/ by the King
B/ of the King D/ of the King's

38. Takeyour swimsuit... you decideto swim.

A/ may be if C/ for perhaps
B/ or else D/ in case

39. The students... noticeof what the teachersaid.

fu tooknot C/ did take not
Bi didn'ttakeanv D/ didn't[ake some

40. We will be touringScotland...June.

A/ in whole C/ duringthe whole of
B/ the whole of D/ duringthe whole


4|. The traffic sign sa1.sclear|1.thatdrivers ... not park on the 3. eszt
A/ should C/ might
B/ will D/ have

42. The small town ... they spent the weekend... had no cinema.
A/ in which - - C/ rvhere- in
B/ what - in D/ in that - -

43. There'sa parroton the shelf ...you.

A/ above C/ over
B/ at D/ of

44. What lovelypears!Hor,v... in a pound?

A/ manYare l,here C/ much are they
B/ much are there D/ manYare they

45. We bought ... for Christmas'

A/ three toasts C/ three loaves of bread
B/ three breads D/ three slice of bread

46. When I rvent into the living room, all the members of the
family... cards.
A/ had playecl C/ have PlaYed
B/ played D/ rvere PlaYing

47. When a Belgiangoes to Holland,... take his passport?

A/ need he to C/ does he have to
B/ oughtto D/ should

48. He behaved...a poor man,but he spentmoney"' he pleased'

A/ as - as C/ like - as
B/ like - like D/ as - like

49. I ...a new car.

N can afford buying Cl can afford buy
B/ can't affordto buy D/ allow myselfbuying

50. Your windowsneed ... . Wouldyou like me ... it for you?

. N washing- doing C/ to wash - doing
B/ washing - to do D/ to wash - to do


Vlassza ki a helyes megoldst!

t. "Someone's knocking.""l ... ."

A/'m to go C /' ll go
B/ go D/'m opening

2. I ...this hat sincemywedding.

/ had C/ had had
B/ 've had D/ was having

3. ... Georgewas ill in his later years,he still went for outings.
A/ But C/ In spite of
B/ Although D/ Despite

4. A/ How is Joe?
B/ How was the party like?
C/ How is the health service in your country?
D/ How do you call "corn flakes" in Hungarian?

5. ... like hamburgers.

A/ The most of the C/ The most Americans
B/ Most of Americans D/ Most Americans

6. Paul has no free time. ... .

A/ Judith also not. C/ Neither Judith has.
B/ Nor has Judith. D/ Judith hasn'ttoo.

7. ... open the window?

A/ Wouldyou like that I C/ Shall I
B/ Will I D/Do vou want that I

B. A/ The gbld is a kind of metal.

B/ Gold is a kind of metal.
C/ The gold is sort of metal.
D/ A gold is the sort of metal.

9. On this occasion the iury was not divided. ... vote was
A/ They're C/ Theirs
B/ Their's D/ Their

TE S ZT E K N Y E L v v I z s cN
lO. ...someoneget a car mechanic,please! 4. teszt
A/ Shall C/ I\{ay
B/ Should D/ Will

11. I saw your brochureat the erhibition,and I ... to ask you to

send me furherinformationaboutskiing in France.
A/ had written C/ rwite
B/ am writing D/ rvaswriting

12. Wouldyou pleasetell him to ring me back the momenthe ...?

A/ will have arrived C/ is goingto arrive
B/ will arrive D/ arrives

13. You must be here on time. Everyoneelse ... .

A/ is C/ does
B/ will also D/ are

14. You ...a drivinglicencelor lhis job.You'llonlyhave[o usethe

fu don'tneed C/ mustn'thave
B/ needn't D/ haven'tgot

15. I ... to work everysingle day when I had a iob in Canada.

A/ drove C/ drived
B/ drive D/ drew

16. I can turn ...way: right or left.What do you think?

A/ both C/ any
B/ either D/ each

17. Lions cannotlive withoutkilling ... food.

A/ for c/-
B/ ot D/ the

18. My wife suggested... some moneyfrom a friend.

N get C/ to get
B/ getting D/ for to get

19. We ... our new rvashingmachineonly for three days when it

broke down.
A/ had had C/ have had
B/ had D/ have

TEszT EK A NYE Lvvlzsc t .|

4. teszt 20. N{yrvatchdoesn'tkeep the right time. I ... .

/ must har.ehad i[ C/ haveto have it repaired
B/ can have repairedit D/ had to make it repaired

21. He ... doingmore exercisessince he had his heart attack.

A/ could C/ has
B/ has been D/ would have

22. If I ... some free time on Saturday,I'll go to the pictures.

A/ will have C/ had
B/ have D/ would have

23. The enginewon'tstart again.I ...a lot of troublewith it during

the last few clays.
A/ were having C/ have had
B/ had D/ had had

24. Your fathermentioned... in prison in 1957.

A/ having been C/ to be
B/ going D/ to have been

2d. I wonderif ...to drinkalcoholin the disco.

A/ I allow C/ I will allow
B/ I would be allowed D/ I have allowed

26. The ... that we got from the studywas completelyuseless.

A/ pieces of informations C/ information
B/ informations D/ amountof informations

27. The receipt ... within eight days.

A/ have to return C/ is to have returned
B/ is to return D/ is to be returned

28. Finally ...you who will regretmissingthe opportunityto learn

A/ there'llbe C/ that'll be
B/ it'll be D/ will be

29. She is the director with the ... sympathy.

A/ fewest C/ least
B/ the smallestamount D/ most minimum

T Esz T K N Y E L V v tz s ct .|
30. I have returned... of the books I borrowed. 4. teszt
A/ any C/ the most
B/ quitea many D/ most

31. When answeringthe questions,both applicantssounded...

the same.
A/ much C/ as like
B/ most D/ very

32. The case was full ... clothes.

A/ with C/ in
B/ of D/ by

33. Are you goingto the airportto see them ...?

A/ out C/ at
B/ off D/ away

34. If you can hold ... a minute,I'll tell Ann you'reon the phone.
A/ for C/ on
B/ off D/ up

A/ in the broadcast C/ at the air

B/ in the television D/ on the air

That was ... cases that the defenselawyer has had for years.
A/ much more easier C/enougheasy
B/ some easy D/ one of the easiest

37. My husbandactedas if he ...me.

A./would own C/ is owning
B/ owned D/ were had

38. I havewarnedher ... .

A,/several times C/ manv occasions
B/ much time D/ enoughoften

39. He studiedthe manuscript... was foundin the monastery.

A/ that c/ it
B/ what D/-

40. The robberwas a red-hairedman.That'sall ... I'vebeen told.

A/ what C/ which
B/ that D/ whom

TE sz T E K A N Y E L V V lz sG N

4. teszt 41. Alex has goneto ... hospitalto visit his grandmother.
Na c/ the
B/ some D /-

42. I haveno idea when ... on Fridays.

N the shops had closed C/ do the shops close
B/ are the shops closed D/ the shops close

43. I wanted... the pop star, but I had an accident.

A/ to meeting C/ meeting
B/ meet D/ to meet

44. "l've comehere for the windsurfing.""So you'vejust come ...,

have you?"
A/ to windsurfing C/ windsurf
B/ to windsurf D/ so that you windsurf

45. Sheilashouldbe in the officeby eightbut hardlyever turns ...

before half past eight.
A/ out C/ up
B/ in D/ back

4G. The psychiatristwanted to learn if his patient ... enough

A/ can get C/ has got
B/ is getting D/ was getting

47. The speaker ... to have arrived first.

A/ told C/ was said
B/ said D/ expected

48. "What...at I last night?I rang the bell but,nobodyanswered."

A/ were you doing C/ have you been doing
B/ could you be doing D/ had you done

49. Don'ttouch the screen,... you?

A/ should C/ didn't
B/ will D/ could

50. If I were you, I ... at a hotel.

A/ stayed C/ would stay
B/ will stay D/ had stayed
TE S ZT E K NYELvv!zscru

V|assza ld a helyes mego|dst!

l, "Wereyou sleepingrvhenI arrived?""Yes, ... ."

A/ I was C/ sleeping
B/ I slept D/ I did

2. The castle ... in the 16th centurv.

A/ built C/ was building
B/ had built D/ was built

3. ... love their homelandmore [han anybodydoes.

A/A French C/ The French
B/ F rench D/ The Frenchman

4. ...is correctand ... is no questionaboutit.

A/Ir-il, C/ There- it
B/ It - there D/ There - there

5. ... nearly everybodyat the reception,I enjoyedmyself.

A/ Having been known C/ After knowing
B/ I know D/ Ituowing

6. ... the applicants who had writtencame to the interview.

A/ No one of C/ Nobodyof
B/ Neither D/ None of

7. ...you dancedwith at the gardenparty,is gettingmarried on

A/ Jane Smith who C/ Jane Smith.
B/ Jane Smith, who D/ Jane Smith

B. As soon as I ... the book,I'll give it to you.

A/ read C/ have read
B/ will have read D/ will read

9. By Christmasthe old cathedralwill ... restored.

N_ C/ have
B/ be have D/ have been

10. AII ... landedsafelvafter the attack.

A/ the aircrafts C/ aircrafts
B/ the aircraft D/ aircraft

TE s z TE K A N Y E L vvI z sG N

5. teszt | |. Either the driver or the policeman ... to blame for the
A/ rvas C/ has
B/ rvere D/ will

12. She ... her arm when she fell down.

A/ has wounded C/ has injured
B/ hurted D/ hurt

13. She ...on the balconywhenthe fire brokeout.

A/ sunbathed C/ has been sunbathing
B/ was sunbathing D/ was beingsunbathing

14. He couldn'tmake himself understoodin Mexico becausehe

spoke ... Spanish.
A/ little C/ some
B/ a little D/ not

15. He didn'twant to marry her, and she didn'twant to marry him

A/ either C/ neither
B/ also D/ too

1 6. He first playedthe piano ... .

A/ when 4 years old was he C/ at the age o4
B/ when he had 4 years D/ at age of 4 years

17. She's ... satisfiedwith her marriedlife.

A/ no longer C/ moreso
B/ not more D/ alreadynot

lB. I ...if I had beenwarnedin advance.

A/ never have tried C/ wouldn'thave nevertried
B/ would neverhave tried D/ neverwould have tried

19. I ... at home since my mothergot betterlast week.

N ate C/ had been eating
B/ have been eating D/ was eating

20. I ... her if she had told me about her unwillinsnessto have a
A/ would have married C/ would neverhave married
B/ neverwould married D/ rvouldn'thave nevermarried


21. The love story I read last nightwas ... . 5. teszt

A/ such good book C/ such impressive
B/ rather too impressive D/ fairly good

22. I lent ... sugar to my next door neighbour.

N all C/ my all
B/ all the D/ all of

23. She didn'tlike him becausehe alwaysmadeher ... .

A/ to cry C/ crying
B/ cry D/ cried

24. My wife earns ... I do.

A/ twice as much C/ doublethe moneythan
B/ twice the money as D/ twice more money than

We still have a few ... left.

A/ piece of fruit C/ fruit
B/ strawberry D/ oranges

26. I couldn'timaginewho ... from my glass before.

A/ had drunk C/ drank
B/ did drink D/ coulddrink

27. I'll be driving... B o'clock.

N to C/ as far as
B/ until D/ up to

28. I'll wash the car while you ... the grass.
A/ will be cutting C/ are cutting
B /'ll c ut D/ will be cut

29. If onlyI ...[raveller's checks to the Stateswith me last vear !

A/ took C/ would have taken
B/ had taken D/ have taken

30. If you helpedhim, he ... thankyou.

A/ might C/ can
B/ will D/ must

31. Is thereanythingI coulddrink...?

A/ out of C/ from that
B/ out of it D/ from what

T ES ZT EK N Y E LvvIzsc r.t

5. teszt 32. It looks ... it's goingto rain.

A/ as if C/ like as
B/ as D/ like as if

33. Nobodyknerv... any food left after the party.

A/ if there is C/ if there was
B/ if was there D/ if is there

34. Let's get going,...

A/ shall we C/ do we
B/ will we D/ won't we

35. My hair needs... .

A/ cut C/ to cut
B/ cutting D/ to be cutting

36. Mary has ... the shock causedby the crash.

A/ got over C/ got past
B/ got under D/ got round

37. No one knew exactlyhow the housingproblemwas ...

A/ solving C/ to be solving
B/ to be solved D/ have solved

38. He waited for the plane ...

A/ land C/ to land
B/ to have landed D/ beinglanding

39. I'd like to get marriedbefore... twenty-five.

A/ I will be C/ I have been
B/lam D/ I am being

40. George... his examsince his failure last June.

A/ may be passed C/ may have passed
B/ can be passing D/ can have passed

41. Someone...answerthe complaint.

A/ got to C/ need
B/ have to D/ must

A/ out C/ away
B/ up D/ off


43. Theski instructorshowedme how ...turn left or right. 5. teszt

A/ can I C/ am I able to
B/ could I D/ I could

44. They got married only last October but they don't seem to ...
N get round C/ get away
B/ get on D/ get through

A/ Ahist o ry- a C/ History - -

B/ History - a D/ The history - the

46. Don'tspendyourmoney...uselessthings.
A/ by C/ at
B/ for D/ on

47. You'd betternot ... to surf again.

A/ trying C/ tried
B/ to try D/ try

48. Where did you say...?

A/ had you gone C/ did you go
B/ you will go D/ you had gone

49. I don'twant to sack Bob. He's a friendof ... .

A/ her C/ ours
B/ our's D/ you

50. Stop worrying ... your son.

A/ about C/ of
B/ with D/ on


Vlassza ki a helyes megoldst!

l. "...the omeletteyet?""No,I'm still makingit."

A/ Will you eat C/ Have you eaten
B/ Do you eat D/ Were you eating

2. "Let'splay tennis,shall we?" "..."

A/ No, I'd better don't. C/ No, I would better not.
B/ No, I'd rather not D/ No, I would not.

3. ... did your wife last cook?

A/ Since when C/ How long ago
B/ How long D/ How many time ago

4. We ... 10 minutesbeforethe teacherarrived.

fu had waited C/ were waited
B/ have waited D/ should wait

o. ... goingto that party?I think it would be a waste of time.

A/ Is it worth C/ Is it any use of
B/ Is it senseless D/ Is there any point

6. I have boughtwoties but I don'twear ... of them.

A/ either C/ both
B/ none D/ any

7. We raised moneyto help ... .

A/ those homeless C/ the homelesses
B/ homeless D/ the homeless

B. ...youmind ...in shif[s?

A/ Would - to work C/ Do - working
B/ Would - work D/ Could - working

9. ... Jack was in [he shop, he had his car stolen.

A/ While C/ During
B/ As long as D/ Until

lO. My boss works ... than anybodyelse.

A/ more harder C/ more hardly
B/ harder D/ more hard


11. Doesthis key belongto you or is it ...? 6. teszt

A/ our C/ his
B/ my D/ her

12. Why do you insist ... dancingif you can't?

Nto C/on
B / in D/-

13. Tom crossedthe Saharaon his motorbikewithout... .

N any trouble C/ some trouble
B/ a single trouble D/ manvtrouble

14. Georgeis ... his televisiontuned.

A/ doing C/ making
B/ wanting D/ getting

t5. He almost neverlistensto anybody,...?

fu doesn'the C/ has he
B/ doeshe D/ hasn'the

16. "Howmanypeoplecameto the party?""...."

fu Very few C/ Not a lot of
B/ Hardlynobody D/ Quitesome

t7. The mountainguidesuggested... .

fu us returning C/ us to return
B/ to us to return D/ thatwe shouldreturn

18. She ... "yes"only a minuteago,but she is alreadysorry about

A/ had said C/ said
B/ has said D/ would say

19. I can't ... this noise any longer.

A/ stand up C/ put down
B/ stand D/ put up

20. I am gettingworriedaboutthem.They ... an accident.

A/ may have had C/ mightbe having
B/ may be having D/ mighthad

6. teszt 21. I ha te... .
A/ an office work C/ office works
B/ office work D/ the office work

22. I think she would be unhappyif you ... her to divorceyou.

A/ told C/ would [ell
B/ have told D/ tell

23. I wishwe ...in peace.

A/ wouldlive C/ have lived
B/ live D/ to live

24. I'm not used ...like that.

A/ to being talked to C/ to talk
B/ to talking to D/ thaL they talk to me

25. If our guest ... to arrive, I don't know what we would give him
to eat.
A/ happens C/ happened
B/ would happen D/ were happening

26. If you continueto learn so hard,you ... all the grammarby the
end of the course.
A/ would have learned C/ would learn
B/ will be learning D/ will have learned

27. Heavysmokingis likely ... his lung cancer.

A/ to be causing C/ causing
B/ to have caused D/ the cause of

28. It was ... to hide.

/ quite too dark C/ dark very much
B/ dark enough D/ enoughdark

29. Your face is red. ...?

A/ Were you drinking C/ Have you been drunk yourself
B/ Haveyou been drinking D/ Had you drunk

30. It's ages ... I saw you.

A/ since C/ before
B/ for D/ ago


31. Helen doesn'teat meat. ... her husband. 6. teszt

A/ So doesn't C/ Neither does
B/ So does D/ Nor doesn't

32. His father has three part-timeiobs ... keep his large family.
A/ in order C/ because
B/ to D/ that he will

33. Since his operationhe ... to smoke.

A/ wasn't let C/ wasn't permitted
B/ hasn't been allowed D/ hasn'tbeen let

34. We ... coffeewhile our host was phoning.

A/ were made have C/ were said having
B/ were told have D/ were asked to have

3 5 . The theme park was fun,beeause... .

A/ it was a lot of doing C/ it was such a lot t0 do
B/ there were so manv D/ there was so much to do
[o do

36. I asked my friend .;.she had had for breakfast.

Nif C/ what
B/ which D/ rhat

37. The doctorrecommendedthat she ... stay in bed.

A/ should C/ ought
B/ need D/ wouldbetter

38. It is still unclearwhat ... to the fire.

fu shouldhaveled C/ could lead
B/ may have led D/ was to have led

39. The notice said: "Look ... ! Childrencrossing."

A/ up C/ out
B/ at D/ away

40. Yesterdaymy boss walked into his room without his shoes on,
... made everybodysmile.
N_ C/ that
B/ what D/ which


T ES ZT EK N Y E Lvvlzsct v

6. teszt 41. Therewas ...we coulddo.

A/ anything C/ every[hing
B/ some D/ nothing

42 . Ron ... for half an hour when Julia arrived.

A/ has beenwaiting C/ was waiting
B/ had beenwaiting D/ had beenwaited

This is ... puddingI have evor eaten.

A/ the most bad C/ the worse
B/ baddest D/ the worst

A/ nor C/ either
B/ neither D/ not

45. When I was a child we ... footballeveryday.

A/ had played C/ have been playing
B/ used to play D/ were used to play

46. We were worried ... get lost in the desert.

A/ that we can C/ that we may be
B/ that we might D/ that we will

47. Whenyou...in England,you'llbe impressedbythe politeness

of the British.
A/ arrive C/ had arrived
B/ arrived D/ will arrive

48. Who ...with at this time yesterdafl

A/ were you having C/ you had dinner
B/ did have dinner D/ have you had dinner

49. I'm not sure ... the time.

Nin C/ by
B/ for D/ of

Thattable ... a lot of room.

A/ takes in C/ takes out
B/ takes up D/ takes on

T E S ZT E K N Y E L v v I z s c t .l

Y|assza |d a hetyes megoldst!

1. "l saw the cup final last night.""..."

A/ I saw also C/ So did I.
B/ So I saw. D/ I haven't.

2. "Did he breakhis leg whenhe fell down?""... ."

A/ I don'thoPe so. C/ I hope not.
B/ I hope no. D/ No, I hope.

3. ... I were able to swim !

A/ If onlY C/ I would like it
B/ I hope that D/ Wish I

4. ... a goodfeelingnot to know aboutthe dangers.

A/ It was C/ There was
B/ How was D/ What was

5. ... did you read ...haPPened?

A/ What - where it had C/ Where - it had
B/ How - had it D/ Where - had it

6. ... into the pool is Prohibited.

A/ Any jumping C/ Somekind of jumPing
B/ A jumping D/ Jumping

7. There is built-instoragespace in ... bedrooms.

A/ each one of C/ all
B/ every of D/ all of

B. Children... are not usuallyallowedin British pubs.

A/ under the age of 14 C/ Iessthan 14 year
B/ under 1,4 year D/ aged 1,4year

9. Nowadaysyoung professionals... their military service after

A/ have begun C/ usuallybegin
B/ used to begin D/ are used to begin

lO. Stop shouting,...?

A/ don't you C/ shall you
B/ won't you D/ do you


Z. teszt 11. My friend promised... me a lift home.

A/ to give C/ that he will give
B/ giving D/ having given

12. Do you really dislike ... rock music?

A/ all the C/ the
B/- Dla

13. The travel agenttold me no ... informationaboutthe hotel.

A/ further C/ somemore
B/ farther D/ anymore

14. I can'tput ... all that noise.

Non C/ up with
B/ along with D/ away

15. Mr Smith and Mrs Hull introducedus to a colleagueof ... .

A/ theirs' C/ their
B/ their's D/ theirs

16. The lovers first ... 20 years ago.

A/ met C/ have met
B/ meet D/ had met

17. She did her best at the exam.She ... any betterthen.
A/ wouldn'thave done C/ wouldn'tbe able to do
B/ couldn'thave done D/ couldn'tbe able to do

18. "Howdid vou like the cabaret?""Well.it was ... ."

A/ so fun C/ such funnv
B/ rather too interesting D/ pretty good

19. The foremanspoke ... behalf... the workers.

fuatthe -of C /o n-o f
B/ on - for D/ in - for

20. I wouldratheryou ... .

N are not going C/ not go
B/ didn't go D/ don't go

21. I'll vacuumthe carpetsafler [he baby ... .

A/ woke up C/ will wake up
B/ will have woken up D/ has rvokenup


22. She's still under age.... she can'tvote yot. 7. teszt

A/ as C/ because
B/ so D/ since

23. There'sno one to look ... our dog while we are on holiday.
A/ after C/ to
B/ for D/ up at

24. I want ... lhe best for mv children.

A/ nothingother C/ nothingelse except for
B/ nothingbut D/ nothingwith the exceptingof

25. I'vegot ... to do today,includingjobs both at home and at the

A/ a lot of works C/ so much works
B/ a great deal of work D/ lots of works

26, lf pensionswere satisfactory,we ... for the time we retire.

A/ wouldn't need save up C/ wouldn'thave to save up
B/ won't have to save up D/ shouldn't have saved up

27. Do you have ... in the tank?

A/ much petrol C/ lot of petrol
B/ many wine D/ a lots of petrol

28. "Mywatchis slow.""You ... ."

A/ must have had it C/ shouldhave it mended
B/ must have repairedit D/ shouldmake it mended

29. "Peter is unemployed."

"How long ... out of work?"
A/ has he been C/ was he
B/ he will be D/ had he been

30. My ftanceaskedme if ..' manygirlfriendsbefore.

A/ I had had C/ did I have
B/ I have had D/ had I had

31. Sue preferscoffee...tea.

A/ than C/ as
B/ to D/ from

T E SZT EK NY E LvvIzsct v

7. teszt 32. We built a fencearounclour garden so that nobody... on the

A/ can't walk C/ could have walked
B/ wouldwalk D/ will walk

33. Greg is a lot ... his brother.

A/ taller as C/ more tall than
B/ taller than D/ taller then

34. Mark is considered... an excellentleacher.All his students

love him.
A/ that he is C/ having been
B/ to be D/ being

35. Who ... havedoneit but he? He was the only personthat knew
about it.
A/ could Cl can
B/ need D/ will

36. Sorry aboutthe mistake- I ... all night.

A/ had worked C/ have been working
B/ had to have work D/ had been working

3 7. Thingslike that ...with.

A/ oughtnot to deal C/ shoulddeal
B/ shouldnot be dealt D/ oughtto deal

38. The getawaycar was red. That'sall ... I can tell you.
A/ what C/ which
B/- D/ whom

39. H is ne w car ... .

A/ has stolen C/ is been stolen
B/ has been stolen D/ will to be stolen

40. The younggirl didn'tget home ... dawn.

fu until C/ to
B/ as far as D/ up to

41. The announcerwas told ... gumrvhilespeaking.

A/ not to chew C/ not chewing
B/ don't chew D/ didn'tchew


42. It's no use going to the second-handmarket. The cheaper Z. teszt

articlesare ... .
A/ sold out C/ sold off
B/ sold up D/ sold away

43. Therewere ... applicantsto interview.

A/ rather many C/ too much
B/ attoo much D/ too many

44. Is there any chance of ... tickets for tonight'sperformance?

A/ we getting C/ getting
B/ having got D/ get

45. If I buy this dictionarytoo, I ... four.

A/ would have C/ will have had
B/ shall have D/ am having

46. All the passengers... with the bus journeyby the time they
arrivedin Sicilv.
A,/were feedingup C/ fed up
B/ have fed up D/ had been fed up

47. Everybodyis looking forward to ... a reply from you.

A/ be got C/ have got
B/ get D/ getting

48. What's the matter?You ... to have been meatedbadly.

N are tooking C/ look
B/ are seeming D/ seem

49. While the baby...,her mothercookeddinner.

A/ was sleeping C/ was to be slept
B/ had slept D/ was slept

50. The tast person ... was my grandfather.

A/ with which I played C/ I played chess with
B/ who with I played D/ whom I played chess


Vlassza ki a he|y.es megoldst!

l. "Will Betty come [o the parffi" "l'm not quitesure,

but I think ... ."
A./so C/ yes
B/ lt D/ rhar

2. ...,the longerthe days got.

N He went to the c/ The norther went he
north farther
B/ The more far to the D/ The further to the north he
north he went went

3. ... he didn'tearn much,he took part in an expensivetrip.

A/ Despite C/ Even though
B/ Contrary to D/ In spite of

4. ... a shamewe didn'trecognizethe boss in the street.

A/ What's C/ It's
B/ How's D/ There's

5. ... the two candidatessoundedgoodenough.

A/ Both C/ Neither of
B/ None of D/ No one

6. the piano since I took up the intensive course in

A/ I haven'tnever played C/ I played
B/ I haven'tplayed D/ I was plafing

7. I saw a man ... throughthe windowwhen I arrivedhome.

A/ to be climbing C/ climbing
B/ to climb D/ to have climbed

B. ...youfeedmy dog?
A/ Should C/ Do
B/ Will D/ Have to

9. Leavethe door of the fridgeopen until the ice ... inside.

A/ has melted C/ rvill not melt
B/ will melt D/ hasn't melted

lO. The inflationthis year has been ... than predicted. B. teszt
A/ more higher C"ra lot higher
B/ much more high D/ very higher

ll. She asked me if I ... to solvethe math homework.

A/ were able C/ could
B/ was able D/ had able

12. I asked Georgewhat ... drinking.

A/ he was C/ he will
B/ was he D/ will he

t 3. I can't use my car becausethe road ... .

A/ builds C/ is building
B/ is being built D/ has built

14. How long ... the engineersto find the fault?

A/ will take C/ takes
B/ take D/ didit take

15. While Mary was havinga bath Peter ... the detectivestory on
A/ had been watching C/ was watched
B/ has watched D/ was watching

16. In ItalyI bought... for my father.

A/ one trouser C/ trousers
B/ a pair of trouser D/ a coupleof trousers

17. We have been living in Budapestsince my husband... a good

iob here.
A/ has got C/ has been getting
B/ got D/ did get

18. I suggested... a car in America to explorethe country.

A/ to rent C/ him renting
B/ him that he rented D/ he should rent

19. The supermarketwon't close ... 9 o'clock.

A/ to C/ as far as
B/ rill D/ while

20. "Whv does he look so terrible?""Becausehe ... all nieht."

A/ had been drunk C/ has been drinking

T E S ZT EK N Y E L V vlz sc N

B. teszt B/ drinks D/ is drinking

21. If I hadenrolled
in thecoursea littleearlier,nowI ...queue
A/ r.vouldn't
haveto be C/ don,thaveto
B/ rvouldn'thave to D/ won't have to

22. If only I ... aboutthe dangersof hitchhikingin Africa.

/ wouldn,ttel| C/ had been totd
B/ weren'ttell D/ would have been told

23. Our lovewill last ... .

A/ forever C/ all time
B/ every time D/ always

24. I'll show him his timetablewhen he ... .

A./came C/ comes
B/ will come D/ would come

25. We eat ... the same thing for breakfasteveryday.

A/ much C/ most of
B/ most D/ very

26. I can't concentratein this noise.Everybody... .

A/ has talked C/ talks
B/ is talking D/ was talking

27. Peter hasn't receiveda penny for working extra time. John
tu it, too C/ one,either
B/ it, either D/ one, too

28. He ... a story to amusethe peopleat the party.

A/ made up C/ took up
B/ lifted up D/ put up

29. How wouldthey ... that problem,he wondered.

A/ get over C/ get in
B/ geI"under D/ get away

30. ... goodresults are to be repeated.

A/ Last years's C/ Lastyear's
B/ Last year D/ Last years


3 1. ... you and me, I thinkhe's ratherstupid. B. teszt

A/ Between C/ With
B/ Among D/ Together

32. You shouldput aside ... you inherited.

N - C/ that
B/ that what D/ what

33. Is this ... breadwe havefor ... supper?

N - -- C/--the
B/ the - the D/ the - -

34. This motorway...longago.

A/ shouldhave built C/ shouldbe built
B/ shouldhave been built D/ ouehtto have built

35 . The bed ... has beenremoved.

A/ in that I slept C/ which I slept
B/ I slept in D/ where I slept in

36. We were told ...uncookedfoodin India.

A/ never eat C/ to not eat
B/ never to eat D/ don't over eat

37. Why ... your car painted?

A/ don't you have C/ do you not make
B/ haven'tyou D/ you not get

38. The windowof my car has been smashed.Who ... it?

A/ need have done C/ shouldhave done
B/ could do D/ could have done

39. The police ...[wo people.

A/ is arresting C/ have arrested
B/ arrests D/ has aruested

40. I wonderif any of the passengers... the air crash.

A/ survives C/ has sundved
B/ survive D/ had sun'ived

41. Theyset ... for Australiayesterday.

A/ in C/ away
B/- D/ off


B. teszt 42. He can hardly walk. He ... be ill.

/ have to C/ must
B/ need D/ can

43. This medicineis not ... with food.

A/ to take C/ to have taken
B/ to be taken D/ have to take

44. The bank robber drove away,.. two hostageswith him.

A/ taking C/ to take
B/ took D/ were taken

46. She doesn'tbelieveshe will ever have ... .

A"/a roomof own C/ a room of her own
B/ an ownroom D/ a room of hers

46. We made... quickly.

A/ ffiend C/ friends
B/ the friends D/ our ffiendship

47. What...yousneeze? '

A/ doesmake C/ do you make
B/ makes D/ does it make

48. You ... muchmoneyfor hiking.

A/ don't need C/ mustn'thave
B/ needn't D/ haven'tgot .

49. Are we leaving?But wp have,seenhardly ... .

/ nothing C/ something
B/ anything D/ somewhat

50. Shedoesn'tcare ... fashion.

A/ for C/ of
B/ wi[h D/ on

resztrr a NyelvvlzscN
V|assza lri a he|yes megoldst!

1. "... good care of this otd house and ... accustomedto its
discomforts,"she said.
A/ I have took - have grown C/ I take - grew
B/ I took - get D/ I have taken - have grown

2. "Listen,the Prime Ministeris ... ."

A/ in the broadcast C/ at the air
B/ in the radio D/ on the air

3. "She said she hadn'tmet my sister at the party.""..."

A/ Has she? C/ Hasn'tshe?
B/ Did she? D/ Didn'tshe?

4. "Whichperiodof historyare you interestedin?" "ln ... ."

A/ World War the second C/ World War II
B/ Second World War D/ the World War two

5. ... a goodthingyour motherdidn'tfind out.

A/ It's C/ There's
B/ How's D/ What's

6. ... tickets are gettingmore expensive,I si|llike goingto the

A/ But C/ In spite of
B/ Although D/ Despite

7. It's impossibleto be a goodteacherwithout... children.

A/ love C/ Ioving
B/ the love D/ to love

B. ... has she knownJim?

A/ How long ago C/ For rvhattime
B/ Since how long D/ Horvlong

9. ...was wearinga black gown duringthe ceremony.

A/ Every graduate C/ Both graduate
B/ Every graduates D/ All graduate


g. teszt 10. Wouldyou help me to carry all ...?

A/ this luggage C/ these luggages
B/ these luggage D/ pieces of luggages

11. Doesthis umbrellabelongto ...or is it yours?

A/ hers C/ her
B/ he D/ his

12. I haven'tread any Dickens ... .

A/ too C/ also
B/ either D/ so

13. The police couldn'tfind any ... evidence.

A/ further C/ furthest
B/ farther D/ farthest

14. She has promisedto come to see me ... next month.

A/ in this C/ in
B/ the D/-

15. We arrangedto meet at the airport but she didn'tshow ...

fu out C/ up
B/ in D/ on

16. Howeverhard he tries to turn the key, it... turn.

N can't C/ shan't
B/ won't D/ not going to

17. L..go ridinga lot, but I haven'thad a chanceto do it since I

left school.
A/ frequently C/ used to
B/ am used to D/ ever

lB. I'd ratherTim ...at once.

A/ had left C/ left
B/ leaves D/ to leave

19. Theysay we can see their housewhen they ... in.

A/ will have moved C/ will move
B/ moved D/ have moved


20. He is studyingvery hard at the moment,becausehe ... his 9. teszt

exam next week.
A/ is taking C/ would take
B/ has taken D/ will have taken

21. Mv mother-in-lawis verv difficultto ...with.

A/ get on C/ get through
B/ keep on D/ keep of

22. If my father... aboutit earlier,he would have told you.

A/ heard C/ would haveheard
B/ had heard D/ would hear

23. If I won a lot of money,I ... a housewith a garden.

A/ ' d b u y C/ had bought
B/'d have bought D/'ll buy

24. Is that the shop ... yesterdafl

A/ have you seen C/ did you see
B/ vou'vesee D/ you saw

25. He said it was terrible.He felt the whole house ...

A/ to shake C/ to be shaking
B/ shake D/ to have shaken

26. Dining out was not somethinghe ever felt ... .

A/ like to do C/ to do
B/ like doing D/ as doing

2 7. Last night I ... when the lights ... suddenly.

A/ was havingsupper- came on
B/ had supper- came on
C/ was havinga supper- were comingon
D/ was havingsupper- were comingon

28. The mechanic... the paymentfor servicingthe car.

A/ will be sent C/ goingto send
B/ will sending D/ will be send

29. My daughteralways practisesthe violin in the afternoon,...

annoysmost or our neighbours.
fu what C/ that
B/ which D/-


9. eszt 30. Not ... members of the committee were present at the
N each C/ every
B/ all the D/ the whole

31. Jill askedJoe how manyrooms... .

A/ he had booked C/ did he book
B/ he has booked D/ was he booking

32. My girl-friendis much ... yours.

A/ nicer as C/ more nicer than
B/ nicer than D/ nicer then

33. When I ...the work of one departmentI was moveclto another

A/ had learnt C/ was learning
B/ Iearn D/ have learnt

34. Will you pleasestop,I'd like to get ... the car.

A/ out of C/ away
B/ from D/ rid

35. His motherwas ...she phonedall his friendsand colleagues.

A/ so much worried C/ so worriedas
B/ so worried that D/ as much rvorriedas

36. The tree was too high for the dog ... .
A/ to climb C/ for climbingto
B/ climbing D/ so that climb

37. This is Henry,... son works for my brother-in-larv.

A./whose C/ that of
B/ of whom D/-

38. The shop assistant... noticeof what the customersaid.

A/ took not C/ did take no
B/ didn'ttake any D/ didn'ttake some

39. The police ... goodenoughcars to catch all criminals.

/ doesn'thave C/ has not
B/ don't have D/ hasn'tgot


40. The tax on petrol ... go up this month. 9. teszt

A/ is expectedto C/ will expectedto
B/ expects to D/ is to expect

41. My grandmotheralwaystold me ... anwhingin the kitchen.

A/ not to touch C/ not touching
B/ don'ttouch D/ didn't touch

42. Theseorangeslook very nice. How ... in a kilo?

A/ many are there C/ much are they
B/ much are there D/ many are they

43. The librarian said we ... leaveour books on the table.

A/ weren'table C/ rveren'tallowed
B/ weren't D/ couldn't

44. The scientists ... experimentswith this material for years

now, but they haven'tgot any results yet.
A/ have been doing C/ were doing
B/ had done D/ had been doing

45. We ... to have a ride in the car. Will you join us?
A/ can C/ are going
B/ will D/ will be

46. This is the most difficultyear you are ... at university.

A/ during C/ in
B/ aL D/ on

47. The boss nevermakeshim ... for the damagehe causes.

A/ to pay C/ paying
B/ paid D/ pay

48. Shall I ... the alarm-clockfor you?

A/ woundup C/ ring up
B/ pull up D/ rvindup

49. You didn'tthink it was a goodidea, ...?

A/ did you C/ wasn'tit
B/ didn'tyou D/ was it

50. I have knownher ...we were children.

N or C/ from
B/ already D/ since


Vlassza |ri a helyes mego|dst!

l. "...travellinga lot?""No,I like it."

A/ Do you like C/ Do you prefer
B/ Do vou mind D/ Would vou rather

2. "Sheilaworks in a bank,doesn'tshe?" "That'sright, ... ."

A/ she works C/ she doesn't
B/ she does D/ she is

3. "Do you know whosethese books are?" "Theyare ... ."

A/ his C/ her
B/ my D/ their

4. "Sincewhen ...standingin this queue?""An hour.I don'tthink

I'll wait any longer."
A/ you have been C/ are you
B/ have you been D/ were you

5. ... did he tell you ...waitingfor me?

A/ What - where he was C/ What - where would he
B/ Where - he was D/ Where - was he

6. ... has a patternof white and red dots.

/ Neither shirt C/ Each of shirts
B/ Both shirt D/ Neithershirts

7. ... in listeningto that lecture?I think it would only be a waste

of time.
A/ Is there any point C/ Is it any use
B/ ls it pointless D/ Is it rvorth

B. It's very importantto choosethe right kinclof ... for your flat.
A/ furnitures C/ furniture
B/ items of furnitures D/ piece of furnitures

9. ... wagesyou earn, ... you live.

A/ The higher- the better C/ Highest- best
B/ Higher - better D/ The highest- the best

T E S 7Z T E K N Y E LVv l z s G N

10. ... rather ill. I went,to bed earlv. 10. teszt

A/ Feeling C/ Feelingmyself
B/ Becausefelt D/ I felt myself

tl. . . . yo uhelp m e , ple a se!

A/ Might C/ May
B/ Should D/ WIII

12. ... my cats while I'm away.

N Care C/ Take care
B/ Look to D/ Look after

13. ...was not till after2 o'clockwhen my husbandgot in.

A/ That C/ Then
B/ There D/IT,

14. I had to ask him severaltimes, but then he ... me his prize-
A/ didn'tshow C/ hadn'tshown
B/ had been shown D/ did show

15. Henry speaks ... languages;it will be easy for him to talk to
peoplein foreigncountries.
A/ a number C/ few
B/ more D/ quite a few

16. Michael wantedto ask Ann if ... him.

A/ will she marry C/ she marries
B/ she would marrv D/ she has married

17. I hope you can ... your brotherto repair my hoover?

A/ do C/ have
B/ make D/ get

lB. Mothersalwaysworry... their children.

A/ by C/ on
B/ because D/ about

19. Mini skirts, ...I really hate,are unfortunatelyvery

A/ which C/ what
B/ that D/-

10. teszt 20. She ... the officeas soon as she gets back.
A/ wouldring C/ will haverung
B/ rang D/ will ring
21. she asked the chemistto give her somethingfor
... bad cord.
N the C/ such
B/a D/-
22. He can fight...a lion.
A/ as C/ the same that
B/ like D/ similar than

23. My grand-daughter
is only two but she has alreadylearnt to
sing ...songs.
N any C/ few
B/ some D/ not many
24. How long ... your girl-frienrl,paul?
A/ do youknow C/ have you been knowing
B/ haveyou known D/ are you knowing

I ... this computerfor 2 years and it's no longer

/ have C/ am having
B/ had D/ have had

Grandfathercan neverfind his glasses ... .

A/ somewhere C/ everywhere
B/ nowhere D/ anffiere
2 7 . I hardlyever watch the news ... TV.
A/ in the C/ in
B/ on D/o na
28. I think ... a coat,it must be very cold outside.
A/ I must have put on C/ I'd betterput on
B/ I shouldhave been D/ I would put on
put on

29. I wish we ... to see that play.It was terribly

A/ didn'tgo C/ wouldn,tgo
B/ haven'tgone D/ hadn,tgone

T E S ZT E K N Y E L V v I z s c N

30. I would have explainedit all if he ... me to. lO. teszt

A/ has asked C/ shouldhave asked
B/ had asked D/ asked

31. I alwavsread a bookrvhile...on the beach.

N I've laying C/ lying
B/ I laying D/ beinglying

32. If I ... all my money,I'd be able to buy that hat'

A/ don'tlose C/ hadn'tlost
B/ wouldn'thavelost D/ didn'tlose

33. I had my ear-phoneson and could not hear that the telephone

A/ has rung C/ was ringing

B/ rung D/ has been ringing

34. Let's get a moveon, ...?

A/ shall we C/ will we
B/ let we D/ do we

Ted doesn'teat any meat.

A/ Neitherdoes John. C/ John doesn'ttoo.
B/ So doesn'tJohn. D/ John doesn'tthat either.

The TV reporter ... to find out if the Prime Minister would

meet the representativesof the maior parties the next day.
A/ wanted C/ is wanting
B/ wants D/ was asked

37. Peopleoftencomplain...feelingweak and tired in the spring

A/ for C/ over
B/ of D/ from

38. She ... to tell us aboutthe project.

A/ won't ask C/ rvill be asked
B/ will ask D/ rvill asking

39. He brokehis knee ...he was plafing basket-ball.

A/ until C/ while
B/ as long as D/ since n'hen

T E S ZT EK N Y E LvvIzsct v

10. teszt 40. My parentsdrop ... now and again to see us.
A/ off C/ on
B/ in D/ out

41. Speakto grandmaa bit louder ... she will hear you better.
A/ rhat C/ for
B/ in order D/ so that

42. The block of flats ... was renovatedlast year.

A/ the Browns live in C/ what the Browns live in
B/ in that the Browns live D/ where the Browns live in

43. I go swimmingtwice ...week.

N_ C /a
B/ the D/ on

44. The househasn'tchangeda lot ... we lived here a year ago.

A/ before C/ from
B/ since D/ after

45. Your shoes have ... everyday.

A/ cleaned C/ been cleaning
B/ to clean D/ to be cleaned

46. We must look for it until we ... it.

A/ find C/ don't find
B/ won't find D/ will find

47. When the childrengot to the cinemathey realizedthat ... to

buy tickets.
A/ nobodyhad C/ everybodyhave forgotten
B/ nobodyhas D/ nobodyhas forgotten

48. When you ... Helen,tell her I'm expectingher for dinner.
A,/have seen C/ are goingto see
B/ will see D/ see

49. While she was lookingout of the window,the pick-pocket...

to steal her purse.
A/ could C/ had
B/ was able D/ ought


50. He mentioned...her friendthe otherday. IO. teszt

C/ tu meet
A/ meeting
B/ had met D/ to havemet

T E s z T E l( - N Y E L v v ! z s c r.t

7 7. TESZT
Vlassza ki a he|yes megoldst!

l. "Roberttold me that he'd seen a UFO yesterday.".,1'msure he

... your leg when he said that."
A/ has pulled C/ has been pulling
B/ was pulling D/ had puiled

2. "Was he listeningwhen the lecturer beganto speak?"..yes,he

A/ was C/ had
B/ listened D/ did

3. "Thispalace... around1600,"the guidesaid.

A/ has been built C/ was building
B/ had built D/ was built

4. ... did you ride your bike yesterday?

A/ How long ago C/ How longer
B/ How far D/ How much

5. ... peopledon'treally listen when you complain.

A/ Most C/ Most of
B/ The most D/ The most of

6. The patientshavebeenwaitingfor the doctor... .

A/ since an hour C/ for half an hour
B/ since half an hour D/ for two o'clock

7. Don't try to open the drawer beforeyou ... the key to it.
A/ got C/ wiil get
B/ are getting D/ get

B. You shouldn'tthrow that paper ...,put it in the litter-box.

'Al off C/ out of
B/ away D/ over

9. Each of the girls was busy with ... own work.

A/ her C/ -
B/ hers D/ theirs

T E S ZTE K N Y E L v v I z s G N
lO. The driver...his arm in the accident. I 1. teszt
A/ has beenrvounded C/ has wound
B/ has hurted D/ has hur[

ll. The baby... ill in all his life.

A/ isn't,being C/ hadn'tbeen
B/ hasn't been D/ wasn't

12. The tourists couldn'tspeak to the people in China because

theyspoke... Chinese.
A/ little C/ some
B/ a little D/ any

13. She got... pneumoniaand was takento see ...specialist.

N a-a C/the -a
B /--a D/the--

1 4 . My assistantis all right ... he's left to do the job the way he
wants to.
A/ as long as C/ meanwhile
B/ in case D/ so far as

1 5 . He is so interestedin his iob that nothing ... happens can

A/ whichever C/ what
B/ which D/ that

16 . The owner of the factorythinks he can do any[hingsince ...

pays our wages.
A/ it is he c/ it is him
B/ it is he who D/ it is who

17. If I had knownthe answer,I ... you,

A/ never have asked C/ wouldn'thave neverasked
B/ would never have D/ would have never asking

A/ would have tried C/ tried

B/ try D/ had tried

TE s z T E K A N Y E L vv! z sG N

11.teszt 19. I ... this magazinearoundfor dayswithoutopeningit, but I'll

start readingit now.
A/ carry C/ have been carrying
B/ am camying D/ had been carrying

20. My wife can hardlybelievethat she ... 40 next year.

A/ is going to be C/ would be
B/'ll have been D/ is being

21. My children don't like eatingspinach and they don'twant to

haveany carrots ... .
A/ too C/ also
B/ either D/ nor

22. I don't think your parents will put ... your bad temper any
A/ away C/ up
B/ up with D/ on

23. His boss needs some more ... before he can decide the
A/ informations C/ piece of information
B/ information D/ pieces of informations

24. Peopleusuallydon'tlike thosewho make ... they do.

A/ twice as much C/ doublethe moneythan
B/ twice as the D/ twice more monev as

25. Francis wonderedwho ... his camerabefore.

A/ had used C/ shoulduse
B/ did use D/ could use

26. He's tryingto learn ... language,it's his ... hobby.

A/ the Finnish - latest C/ the Finnish - latter
B/ Finnish - last D/ Finnish - latest

27. Dad is very hungry.Isn'tthereanythingleft ... from dinnerfor

A/ off C/ over
B/ of D/ out

TE S ZTEK N Y E L v v I z s c N
28. It's the ... I can do for you.
1 1. teszt
A/ less C/ fewest
B/ least D/ more

29. If only I ... if the ovenis switchedoff ! Now I'll haveto go back
to make sure.
A/ checked C/ would have checked
B/ had checked D/ have checked

30. If you told her, she ... help you.

A/ might C/ can
B/ will D/ must

31 . It wasn't known... any casualtiesin the accident.

A/ whether there are C/ whether there were
B/ whether were there D/ whether are there

32. Physics ... difficult.I supposeyou don'tlike ... .

A / i s -it C/ are - them
B/ are - it D/ is - them

33. The grass in our gardenneeds... .

A/ cut C/ to cut
B/ cutting D/ to be cutting

34. The passengerswaitedfor the coach ... .

A/ coming C/ to come
B/ to have come D/ came

35. Someone...the buildingsincethen.

N may be entered C/ may have entered
B/ can be entering D/ can have entered

36. Mary can't come with us, she ... look af[erthe children.
A/ got to C/ need
B/ has D/ must

37. I think I'll have to buy some milk, it ... .

A/ had all gone C/ is all gone
B/ was all gone D/ rventall


II. teszt BB. Children must eat some vegetables,whether they want to or

A/ don't C/ not
B/ no D/ won't

39. The first time ... to the opera this seasonwas yesterday.
A/ I went C/ I have been
B/ I have gone D/ I was going

40. My mother made me ... every[hingon my plate.

A/ eating C/ eat
B/ to eat D/ to have eaten

41. The reactionsof the mice ... by the vets.

A/ have observed C/ are being observed
B/ are observing D/ having been observed

42. The policeman explainedto me how ... get to the bank from
the station.
N can I C/ aml able to
B/ could I D/ I could

43. This morningour managingdirector got a letter of resignation

... by his deputy.
A/ wrote C/ signature
B/ signed D/ signing

44. You'vemissedtoo manyclasses.You'dbetternot ...any more.

A/ missing C/ missed
B/ to miss D/ miss

45. When we ... the room, the orchestra was playing a waltz.
A/ would enter C/ enteredin
B/ left from D/ entered

46. When she arrived in London she found that the

pronounciationwas quite differentfrom ... at school.
A/ such as she learned C/ what she had learned
B/ which she learned D/ she has learned

47. Do you think Tom will ... be there or will he have ftnished?
A/ any more C/ yet
B/ already D/ still

48. You neverdineout....?
A/ do you 11. teszt
C/ don't you
B/ haveyou D/ haven't you

49. Havesomemore! you havedrunkhardly....

A/ nothing C/ something
B/ anything D/ somewhat
50. Nancysta5as ln the shop uni|6 o'c|ock,and thenI1I... .
A/ takeup, C/ takeof
B/ take over D/ take on


Vlassza ki a he|yes megoldst!

l. I can'tdo it myself.I need ... .

A/ some helpings C/ little help
B/ a little help D/ a lot of helps

2. "How long ... John?""For ages."

A/ have you known Cl are you knowing
B/ do you know D/ have you been knowing

3. "I'm goingto the concerttomorrow.""..."

A/ I too will. C/ So am I.
B/ So might I. D/Also I.

4. "Thatyoungthief ... ."

A/ needs beating C/ could be beating
,B/ must beating D/ needs to beat

5. "Whoseglassesare these?""Oh, the/re .... ."

/ her C/ their
B/ mine D/ your

6. "Whydo theseeggssmell so strange?""l ...them,you know."

A/ have burnt C/ burn
B/ had burnt D/ was burning

7. "Did you see anything?" "..."

A/ No, I did nothing. C/ No, nothing.
B/ There was nothing. D/ There wasn't nothing.

B. ... uncles gaveme books for my birthday.

A/ Each of my C/ Each one of
B/ Every of my D/ Every one of

9. ... few peoplethey knew in Moscowhad a day off.

A/The C/ How
B/ Some D/ Such

10. As it ... dark, I decidedto stop working.

A/ was got C/ gets
B/ was getting D/ is getting

T EszTEK A N Y E Lv Vl z s G N

tt. As soon as I ... eating,I did the washing-up. 12. teszt

A/ had finished C/ have finishedwith
B/ will finish D/ did finish

12. Just as I enteredthe kitchen,I saw the kitchengloves... .

A/ to be burning C/ burning
B/ to burn D/ to have burnt

13. By this time tomorrowHelen ... her drivingtest.

A/ is passing C/ will Past
B/ has passed D/ will have Passed

t4. I'm sorry I lost sight of him, I ... him only if he hadn't been
runningso fast.
A/ would have been C/ had followed
able to follow
B/ will have followed D/ could follow

15. Don't throw that bag ...,it can be usefulone day.

A/ off C/ out of
B/ away D/ over

16. The robber ... comingout of the bank.

A/ had seen C/ will have seen
B/ has seen D/ was seen

17. Georgestartedwork only a monthago and he alreadyhas ...

A/ a few C/ not many
B/ Iot of D/ none

18. Mary listenedeagerlyto ... her motherwas saying.

A/ what C/ that what
B/ that D/ -

19. I ... hikingwith my friendsnow and then.

A/ have been going C/ am
B/ when D/ go

20. I don'tlike cookingbut I ... . Mywife is in hospital.

A/ ought, C/ need
B/ have to D/ must have to

TE s z TE K A N Y E L vv. ! z sG N

12. teszt 21. I offered... my car.

A/ for her C/ her
B/ to her D/ up to her

22. I told everysingle competitor... I expectedof them.

A/what C/who
B/ which D/ -

23. I used to play football a lot when I was youngerbut I ... a few
years ago.
A/ put it on C/ gave it up
B/ finished it off D/ put off it

24. I wish she ...me a little.

A/ can love C/ loves
B/ would love D/ has loved

25. I'm sorry that Helen has left,you. ..., you can always find
A/ Therefore C/ Still
B/ That's why D/ That was

26. If I were not so understanding,I ... you.

A/ wouldn'thave been C/ can't have forgiven
able to forgive
B/ won't forgive D/ can't forgive

27. In winterI wear... .

A/ this boot C/ pair of boot
B/ a boot D/ boots

28. It is two years since he last ... to me.

A/ hasn't spoken C/ spoke
B/ has spoken D/ didn'tspeak

29. It was kind ...me home.

A/ ofyour taking C/ ofyou to take
B/ that you taking D/ that you take

30. The forecastsaid rain, ...?You oughtto take a raincoat.

A/ maybe C/ isn't it
B/ didn't it D/ wrong

TE S ZTE K N Y E L v v I z s c t .t
31. My father neverhas any time. He ... work so much. 12. teszt
A/ shouldn't C/ mightn't
B/ oughtn't D/ wouldn't

32. My grandmothersaid that ...peopleare very insensitivethese

N_ C/ a
B/ that D/ every

33. Jack ... always ... his notebook.He should really be more
A/ loses - - C/ is - losing
B/ had - lost D/ used to - lose

34. Will you ... my dog while I am on holidafl

N care C/ Iook after
B/ take care for D/ mind for

35. My boss made ... everyMondaylast year.

A/ me do overtime C/ for me to make overtime
B/ me work overtime D/ me doins overtime

36. The pupils were told ... the microscopein their teacher's
A./never touch C/ to not touch
B/ never to touch D/ don't ever touch

37. The host askedwhere on earth ... .

A/ the guests had gone C/ went the guests
B/ the guests go D/ the guests are going

38. His coach made him ... the exercise.

A/ to repeat C/ be repeating
B/ repeat D/ to be repeating

39. Therewas somesalt in this box a minuteago.Now thereis ... .

A/ no C/ some
B/ fewer D/ not anv

40. This is not ...picture...the previousone.

A/ more beautiful- as C/ such a beautiful- as
B/ so beautiful- as D/ such a beautiful- than

V|assza ki a hetyes mego|dst!

1. "l ... goodcare of this old car of mine and .'. put up with its
ways,"the old man said.
A/ have took - am atrle C/ take - could
B/ took - have been D/ have taken - can
able to

2. "Did the childrenreallv ruin the furniture?""Yes,they ... ."

A/ did C/ ruin it
B/ have ruined D/ had ruined

3. "ls this coat Peter's?""Oh, it's ...,I think."

A/ her C/ my
B/ his D/ your

4. ... sisters gaveme booksfor my birthday.

A/ Each of my C/ Each of
B/ Every of my D/ Every of

5. ... is availablein Your size.

A/ Neitherblouse C/ Each of blouses
B/ Both blouse D/ Neither trlouses

6. ... is very expesivenowadaYs.

A/ Furnitures C/ Furniture
B/ Items of furniture D/ A piece of furnitures

7. ... is right, ... is no doubtatroutit at all.

A/ It - it C/ There - it
B/ It - there D/ There - there

B. ... are somewhatoverweight.

A/ Most Hungarians C/ Most of Hungarians
B/ The most Hungarians D/ The most of the Hungarians

9. After ... accidentat P. E. class, Mike was not allowedto go to

...schoolfor a week.
A/t h e-- C/--the
B/ the - an D/ ---


12. teszt 41. We are looking forward to ... in Mexico.

A/ landed C/ have landed
B/ land D/ Ianding

42. We askedthe hostess...have.

A/ which bed could we C/ what tredwe may
B/ which bed we could D/ what bed might we

43. Theywanted to go home ... bus, but they missed the last
A/ with C/ on
B/ by D/ in
44. Whenwe got to peter's house... a car parkedoutside
/ it was C/ therewas
B/ ihas been D/ therehas been
45. When I came back inomy room my wa||et... .
A/had been gone C/was gone
B/has gone D/went

46. Which of the followingphrases means:..Heasked me out.,,?

A/ He asked me a few questionswhen I got outside.
B/ He wantedme to go outside.
C/ He said he would meet me outside.
D/ He invited me to go out with him.

4 7 . W hat . .I'lt
. do ?
A/you do expect C/ do youexpect
B/ you expect D/ expectyou
48. whenI arrivehomewil you ...treawakeor wil youhavegone
to sleep?
A/ any more C/ vet
B/ already Of ititt
49. You needn'tbe grateful,it's ... I can do for vou.
A/ the leastest C/ a least
B/ the less D/ the least

50. Your face is red and you look so sad. you ...?
A/ has cried, hasn't you C/ had been crying, hadn,tyou
B/ have been crying, D/ was crying' wan't you
T E s z TE K A NYE LvVlzscr.r
IS. teszt lO. At... Easter we rventto ... Matras for a week.
A/--the C /t he--
B/--- D/r he-r he

ll. Bill has beenwaitingfor me ... .

fu an hour ago C/ for an hour
B/ since an hour D/ for one o,clock

12. By the end of the year the new buildingwill ... built.
N - C/ have
B/ be have D/ have been

13. Bythe time she left school,she... attthe booksin the school
A/ has read C/ had read
B/ has been reading D/ read

14. The professor wanted to live ... the university where he

A/ next C/ close
B/ near D/ on

15. He didn'tsleepall night,and she didn'tsleep ... .

A/ either C/ neither
B/ nor D/ too

16. He got his first passport... .

A,/when 14 years C/ at the ageo 14
were his age
B/ when he had 14 years D/ at ageof 14 years old

17. The receptionistsaid they ...pay extrafor usingthe swimming

A/ didn't have to C/ had better to
B/ would better D/ oughtn't

tB. I ... the opportunityto talk to him yet.

/ did have C/ hadn't got
B/ haven'thad D/ rvasn'thaving

19. He is alwaystooking... the morningpapers.

N for reading C/ at to read
B/ forward to read D/ forrvardto reading

TE S 7Z T E K NYELvvIzscn
20. His teachercan't... his lazinessany more. 13. teszt
A/ catch up with C/ come down with
B/ put up with D/ make off with

2|. I don'treallyknow ...he is talkngabout.

A/ what C/ that
B/ which D/-

22. He neversaid wherehe ... .

A/ borned C/ bore
B/ was born D/ was beared

23. I arrivedlate at the airport and saw my plane ... .

A/ to take up C/ take off
B/ akeup D/ to take off

24. He had to wait at the crossingbeforethe trafficlights ...

A/ were changing C/ have changed
B/ had changed D/ changed

25. My motherneverlet me ... no.

A/ saying C/ to say
B/ say D/ don'tsay

26. I wish I ... who to turn to.

A/ know C/ would know
B/ have known D/ knew

27 . I'm not sure whetherhe was serious or not. He ... have been
A/ mustn't C/ can
B/ could D/ oughtn't

28. If he ate less, he ... lose weight.

A/ had to C/ would have
B/ has to D/ might

29. In most officesin Britain.work ... at nine o'clock.

A/ begins C/ begun
B/ is began D/ will beginning

30. She looks ...she'sgoingto faint.

A/ as if C/ like as
B/ as D/ ir

T Esz TE K A NYE Lvvlzsc t .t

13. teszt 31. Let's sit downhere....?

A/ shall we C/ do we
B/ will we D/ won't we

32. One of the compan/s lawyers ... the case for months now.
A/ has been studying C/ was studying
B/ has been studied D/ had studied

33. She attendedan eveningcourse ... .

A/ for learn English C/ for learningEnglish
B/ to learn English D/ for to learn English

N have - renewed C/ get - to renew

B/ make - renewed D/ make - renew

35. The car, ...was a greenToyota,was on sale.

A/ that C/ whar
B/ which D/ -

36. My wife wanted to know where ... that night.

A/ I had been C/ was I
B/lam D/ I have been

37. Her boss madeher... the wholeiob again.

A/ to do C/ be doing
B/ do D/ to be doing

38. The visitors ... how candleswere made in the otd days.
A/ were shown C/ had be shown
B/ had shown D/ have showed

39. This is not ... problem... the one mentionedearlier.

A/ more important- as C/ such an important- as
B/ so important- as D/ such an important- than

40. Our landladytold us ... have.

A/ which room could we C/ what room may
B/ which room we could D/ what room might we

41, Therearc ... fish in this pond.

A/ few C/ a few
B/ a |ot o D/ manv
Ti E' S 4 :T. E K A N Y E L'V Y l Z S G t v

42. What...of thenewmanagement? 13. teszt

A/ is Bill thinking C/ has thought Bill
B/ does Bill think D/ has'been Bill thinking

43. What...whonthe inspectorarrived?

/ did he done C/ has he been doing
B/ was he doing D/ has he done

44. |youhad done as I told you, you ... .

A/ had succeeded C/ will succeed
B/ succeeded D/ would have succeeded

45. What would you do if the children ... the keys to the flat?
A/ wouldlose C/ lose
B/ lost D/ havelost

46. When I saw grandpa for the last time, he was driving ... his
N_ C/ by
B/ with D/ in

47. Whenwe ...the room,the radiowas playingsofmusic.

/ lef for C/ enteredin
B/ lef[ ffom D/ entered

48. Wheredid she say...?

A/ did she want to sit' C/ does she want to sit
B/ she wanted sitting D/ she wanted to sit

49. Which play would you ... me to see?

/ rather C/ say
B/ suggest D/ advise

50. ...you can do:isto listen to me.

A/ At least C/ The last
B/ The less D/ The least

Vlassza |ri a he|yes mego|dst!

l. "..."askedthe motherwhen she entered

the kitchenand saw
the mess.
A/ What had you done? C/ Whatwereyou done?
B/ What have you D/ Whatwas done?
been doing?

2' "l hope you didn'tforget... my card

on your way to schoor?,,
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I did."
A/ posting C/ having posted
B/ to post D/ to have posted

3. "l'm afraid I spilt some red wine on your table-cloth.

A/ Nevermind! C/ Cheerio!
B/ Nothing! D/ You are welcome!

4. ... weight you lose, the better you look.

A/ More C/ The more
B/ Themost D/ Much
5. Did you ask him ...he went in the car on Monday?
A/ how quick C/ how long
B/ how far D/ how much

6. ... employeesare satisfied with the new management.

A/ More C/ The most
B/ Most D/ The more

7, ...would like to meet you and your family.

A/ One of my friend C/ One my friend
B/ A friend of mine D/ A friend of me

B. After Tim ... his driving test, he will get a car.

A/ is passing C/ has passed
B/ will pass D/ passed

9. After work we wen[ to McDonard'sand had

two hamburgers
A/ everybody C/ for each
B/ each D/ ourself
T Esz T EK A NYELvvIzs cru
10. I am sure Jane ... the answer to al| difficult questions. 14. eszt
A/ had known C/ is knowing
B/ knows D/ is known

ll. Beforedecidingwhat to buy, ... the price?

A./were you asking C/ have you asked
B/ are you asking D/ do you ask

12. The children...in bed by B, but I foundthemup playingat half

A/ must have been C/ must be
B/ shouldhave been D/ wouldhave been

13. ByMayyou ...yourEnglishexam,I hope.

A/ will be passed C/ have passed
B/ will have passed D/ pass

14. I don't know where Newton ... .

A/ was beared C/ borned
B/ bore D/was born

15. She agreed [o come with us ... she wasn't very keen.
A/ while C/ although
B/ despite D/ since

l6. My friend askedme wht I ... beforehe called.

A/ may be doing C/ had done
B/ do D/ should do

17. Can you give me an''thingfor ... bad toothache?

A/ the C/ such
B/ a D/-

18. When we workedin Liverpoolwe lived ...32, York Road.

Nat C/on
B/ in D/ under

19. He won'tbe a greathelp.He ... .

A/ hardly works C/ hardly is working
B/ works hard D/ is rvorkinghard

20. Richardneeded... moneyhe had in the bank.

A/ lot of C/ a few
B/ the whole of D/ all the


14.teszt 21. The competitorsswam as thoughtheir lives ... on it.

A/ depended C/ would have depend
B/ would depend D/ depends

22. He wrote down everything... he knew in his diary.

N - C/what
B/ how D/ which

23. I canrtgo, ... is expected.

A/ it is he C/ it is him
B/ it is he who D/ it is who

24. The cookwantedto buy 6 ...eggsand 2 ...of wine.

N dozen- C/ dozens - hundredbottles
B/ dozens - D/ dozen- hundredbottles
hundreds bottles

25. He ... on the motorway.

A/ used to driving C/ was used to driving
B/ got using to drive D/ used to drove

26. I ...you to help me, if there was anybodyelse here.

A./wouldn't ask C/ won't ask
B/ couldn't asked D/ would have asked

27. I hate modernart and I don'tenjoymodernmusic ... .

A/ too C/ also
B/ either D/ nor

28. My parentshave invited... peopleto our weddingreception.

A/ lot of C/ such a lot
B/ lots of D/ much

29. I'vegot tickets for the 'Titanic'.Would you like ...?

A/ come with me C/ coming with me
B/ to come with me D/ to coming with me

30. If you post your letternow it shouldbe in London...Fridaythe

A/ by C/ from
B/ until D/ to

31. I'vealwayslooked... musicians.I find themwonderful. 14. teszt
A./over C/ at
B/ through D/ up to

32. My mother is very ill, she ... for 3 days now.

A/ hadn't eaten C/ wasn't eating
B/ didn't eat D/ hasn't eaten

33. Everybodyknew what ... for a living, but nobodycared.

A/ did he do C/ he was doing
B/ he has done D/ was he doing

34. It's such a pity you are ... duty, I wanted to invite you to my
party tonight.
A/ off C/ of
B/ on D/ away

35. I can't cut this cardboardwith ...,it's too hard.

A/ the scissor C/ a scissor
B/ a pair of scissor D/ scissors

36. My hustrandis alwaystired. He ...work so hard.

A/ mightn't C/ shouldn't
B/ oughtn't D/ wouldn't

37. She mustn't... hope.All may be well in the end.

A/ give up C/ give over
B/ give in D/ give on

38. Drivers have to obey ilaffic rules and regulations,whether

theywant to or ... .
A/ don't C/ not
B/ no D/ haven't

39. My friend says that his house is not big enoughand so he is

... a room built on.
A/ got C/ having
B/ caused D/ making

40. Youngstersshouldn't... such noise on a Saturdaynight.

A/ to making C/ to make
B/ to be making D/ be making


14. teszt 41. This ... much better by an expert.

A/ could do C/ could be done
B/ would have done D/ could have to do

42. I saw two children sitting on the bench. One of them was
reading,... wasn'tdoingany[hing.
A/ the other C/ an other
B/ the another D/ another

43. When she arrived home,she ... not having stayed longer.
A./was regretted C/ regrets
B/ regretted D/ will have regretted

44. While I ... in the mountains,I ... my ankle.

A./was skiing - C/ was skiing - broke
was breaking
B/ did ski - broke D/ skied - was breaking

45. Wouldyou ... the childrenwhile I am away shopping?

A/ mind for C/ take care
B/ look after D/ care of

46. You can get everything... you wish for.

A/ that C/ what
B/ which D/ who

47. You needn't...for him, he'll go when he has finished.

A/ to waiting C/ to wait
B/ waiting D/ wait

48. You haveyour lunch at 1 o'clock,...?

A/ haven'tyou got C/ have you
B/ do you D/ don't you

49. Why didn't you leave earlier? I told you I ... .

A/ wouldn'thave come C/ didn't come
B/ have not come D/ wasn't coming

50. You'll be able to swim, if you ... .

A/ try hard C/ would try hardly
B/ tried hard D/ should try hardly

V|assza lii a helyes mego|dst!

1. A/ For I waited at the bus stop eight long hours.

B/ I waited for at the bus stop eight long hours.
C/ At the bus stop for eight hours tong I waited.
D/ I waited at the bus stop for eight long hours.

2. "Are you goingto teil him?""No,but I

...,if I knewmore about
N can C/ would
B/ am D/ wiil

3. "l ... cookingby the time you get home."

A/ witt be finished C/ will have been finishing
B/ will finished D/ will have finished

4. "Niceday.""..."
A/ Yes, there is. C/ I think ir so.
B/ Yes, it is, isn't it? D/ No, I think too.

5. ... Swiss speak German.

A/ Not each C/ Not every
B/ None D/ Not all

6. ... have you beenworkingfor Siemens?

A/ How much time C/ Howmanytimes
B/ Since what time D/ Howlong
7. ... he isn't rich, he spendsmuch moneyon luxuries.
A/ In case C/ However
B/ In spite of D/ Despite the fact that

B. Don't drive ... is gettingdark and ... is stiil ice on the

A/ It - there C/ It _ it
B/ There- there D/ There - it

9. .'. won't be back tiil sunday.Theyhavegoneskiing for

a week.
A/ Lambeths' C/ The Lamberhs
B/ The Lambeth D/ Lambeth's

TE s z T E K A N Y E L vvt z sG N

ts. teszt 10. Do you know my cousin - the one who ... to Rome and back
on a bicycletwice?
A/ had been driving C/ has ridden
B/ drove D/ has been riding

11. He told me that he ... his house for the previonstwo months.
A/ has built C/ have been building
B/ had been building D/ had been built

12. I ... myselfmore - it was a wonderfulconcert.

A/ wouldn'thave enioyed C/ wouldn'tbe able to enjoy
B/ couldn'thave enjoyed D/ couldn'tbeen able to enioy

13. I don'tfeel ...goodtoday...I did yesterday.

A,/a s-so C /a s-a s
B/ such - as D/ as - than

14. I hate watchingaction films ... TV.

A/ in the C/ in
B/on D/o na

15. He's looking... a job with goodprospects.

A/ for C/ to
B/ up to D/ after

16. Exhaustfumesare likely ... the air.

A/ to blame for pollution C/ blaming to pollute
B/ to blame to pollute D/ to be blamed for polluting

17. It ... nearly 5 years since I ... that book.

A/ is - wrote C/ was - have written
B/ was - wrote D/ has been - have written

lB. It didn'tworryme ... .

A/ none C/ a little either
B/ in the least D/ in all

19. It's ...you didn'tknow.

A/ some nonsense C/ no sense of pretend
to pretend
B/ no point in pretending D/ no good pretending


20. Sheila likes goingto the disco and ... . 15.teszt

A/ I like too C/ so go I
B/ so like I D/ so do I

21. Father is in his studyand ... to be alone.

A/ wishes C/ has wished
B/ is wishing D/ has been wishlng

22. My grandmother,... over 90, still likes outings.

A/ which's C/ that's
B/ whose D/ who's

23. No wonder you are tired! You ... all day.

A/ had worked C/ are working
B/ did worked D/ have been working

24. Two commandos... in yesterdafs fighting.

A/ have killed C/ killed
B/ were killed , Dl were being killed

25. He is said ... a very goodpainter.

A/ that he is 'Cl having been
B/ to be D/ for being

26. He soundedas if he ...just aboutto say yes.

A/ had had C/ had
B/ had been D/ were

27. She enioyssitting... the sun.

N in Cla t
B/ on D/ under :

28. Shehasn'tarrivedyet.I wonderwhat ... havehappened?

i A/ eould Cl would
B/ need D/ ought

29. Someof those...are reallyawful.

A/ furnitures C/ furniture
B/ items of furniture D/ item

30. He ...helphavingbig ears.

A/ must C/ needn't
B/ can't D/ is not to

3t. The cyclist rode away after '.. downthe old man'
15. teszt
A/ beingknocked C/ knocked
B/ was knocking D/ knocking

32. Thebutcher's...the cornerof oak sEeet andElm street.

N a, C/ in
B/ through D/ on

33. TheMediterran cruisewas ....

A/ great funnY C/ greatfuns
B/ a greatfun D/ greatfun

34. Last SaturdaYwe wen[to the cinemaand ... we wentto a

A/ than C/ at last
B/ afterwards D/ meanwhile

35. Theywould be rchif they ... my advice.

A/ have taken C/ take
B/ had taken D/ would take

36. There are ... unemployedthis year than last year'

N far many C/ most
B/ much more D/ far more

37. Thesetowelsneed ... .

A/ to change C/ changing
B/ be changed D/ havechanged

38. We are good neighboursand we ...well together'

A/ get along C/ get down
B/ get up D/ get off

39. Theywere goingto go on strike in June but now theyve "' the
A/ called down C/ called away
B/ called out D/ called off

40. They'll hate ... if we make them work together.

fu oneto another C/ oneto other
B/ eachother D/ eachthe other

TEszTE K A N Y E Lv v l z s G N
41. This is the first time I ... him.
15. teszt
A/ can meet C/ have been meeting
B/ met D/ have met

42. Everyonemust do ... best.

A/ her C/ one's
B/ their D/ his

43. we were surprisedwhenwe ...that the fencebetweenthe trvo

properties... removed.
A/ were learning - had beenC/ knew - was
B/ learned- had been D/ had known_ had been

44. We have ... food in the fridge.

A/ few C/ a few
B/ a lot of D/ manv

45. Theywentthroughthe war, ... was a traumafor everybocry.

A/ that C/ which
B/ what D/ -

46. We'reshor[of milk.Ask Bob ....some.

A/ that he brings C/ that he would buy
B/ in order to buy D/ to buy

47. He ... from his car while he was in the library.

A/ stole his wallet C/ had his wallet stolen
B/ had stole his wallet D/ had his wallet beenstolen

48. While I ... the W my housewas trrokeninto.

A/ was watching C/ have been watching
B/ had watched D/ have watched

49. Who ... me clear the road when there is a heavysnowfall?

/ do he|ping C/ helping
B/ did help D/ rviil help

50. You hardly ever get angry,...?

A/ have you C/ do 1'ou
B/ don't you D/ haven'tr-ou

T E S ZT EK N Y E L vvI z sG N

V|assza ki a helyes mego|dst!

l. "ls your house like the Greys'?""Yes, it's almost the same as

A/ them C/ they
B/ theirs D/ their's

2. "Canwe leavenow?""No,I ...my suitcase."

N am still packing C/ havestill been packing
B/ am packing yet D/ am alreadypacking

3. "How many bananashavewe got?""..."

A/ There isn't C/ Just little.
any bananasat home.
B/ Therearen'tsome. D/ Not too manv.

4. ...,the more I like him.

A/ I see him the C/ The most often
more often see I him
B/ I see him the D/ The more often
most of[en I see him

5. ...a pity I didn'tmeethim earlier.

A/ What's C/ It's
B/ How's D/ There's

6. ...did you hear ... called?

A/ What - how she was C/ What - she was
B/ How - how she was D/ How - what was she

7. ... the two men Iikedworkingin the city.

A/ Both C/ Neither of
B/ None of D/ Either

B. After ... accidentwith his motorbike,Bill had to walk to ...

A/the -- C /--t he
B/the -a n D/---

9. As soonas I enteredthe house,I saw something... .

A/ to be moving C/ moving
B/ to move D/ to have moved


1 0 . At... Easterwe went to... Alps for a few days. 16. t,esz
A/ --t h e C/ ---
B/ the - - D/ the - the

tt. By the time she was 20, she ... all Shakespeare'ssonnetsby
A/ has learnt C/ had learnt
B/ has beenlearning D/ learnt

12. He asked me if I ... to write with mv left hand.

N can C/ could
B/ was able D/ might

13. He wantedto know what ... doing.

A/ she was C/ she will
B/ is she D/ had she been

14. I ... any opportunityto see that film yet.

A/ didn't have C/ hadn'tgot
B/ haven'thad D/ wasn't having

15. I can'tunderstand...he is talkingabout.

A/ what C/ that
B/ which D/-

16. I don'tthinkshe ...in Hungary.

A/ broughtup C/ bringedup
B/ was broughtup D/ was bringingup

17. I don'tthink youngsters... to smoke at school.

A/ should be allowed C/ shouldallow
B/ should be permit D/ shouldlet

18. I buy ... shoes for my son everySeptember.

A/ one pair C/ a pair of
B/ rhe D/ a coupleof

19. I think ... Sundaysare boringin Britain.

fu each C/ none
B/ every D/ all

16.teszt 20, I waited and waitedfor her to get home. ... she was stuck in
a trafficjam.
A/ During C/ While
B/ Meanwhile D/ In meantime

21. I wishI ...whomto turnto.

A/ know C/ would know
B/ haveknown D/ knew

22. I'am goingto work in the office... 6 o'clock.

Nto C/ as far as
B/ until D/ as longas
23. If the securityguards... find him, he'll be in trouble.
A,/ever C/ whenever
B/ anyhow D/ anyray

24. He got what he wanted ... talking very cleverly.

N bv C/ with
B/ of D/-

zlc. Jim hasn'tgot a car. Andy hasn't ... .

A/ got, too C/ got one, either
B/ gol, either D/ got one, too

26. I hate flyrng.I think the most worryingpart is when the plane

A/ takes off C/ takes up

B/ lif[s up D/ raises

27. My husbandwas terriblyupsetaboutfailinghis exambut now

he 's ... .
N got"over it C/ go[ past it
B/ got under it D/ got round it

28, our school'sfootballteam for this year has much more talent
than ... .
A/ last years C/ last year's
B/ that of last year D/ last year

zg, Henry (meetingan old colleaguein the street):"Hellol I didn't

know you were in town.How long ... home?"
A/ haveyoubeen C/ were you
Bl areyou being D/ had youbeen
TEszTE K A N Y E LVv Iz s G N
30. She wouldlike to get marriedbefore... Bb.
16. eszt
A/ she will be C/ she has been
B/ she is D/ she is being

31. The managermade ... five times last month.

N me work overtime C/ me have overtime
B/ me to work overtime D/ me making overtime

32. The car, ... was a black Mercedes,was stolen.

A/ that C/ what
B/ which D/ -

33. The childrenwere told ... their father'sstudy.

A/ never enter C/ to not enter
B/ never to enter D/ don't ever enter

34- I had a sore throat.The beer was ... cordfor me to rlrink.

A/ so C/ too
B/ enough D/ fairly

35. My landladymade me ... for gas and electricity,too.

A/ to pay C/ be paying
B/ pay D/ to be paytng

36. Look, what beautifulroses ! Who ... them?

A/ need have brought C/ shouldhave brought
B/ could bring D/ could have brought

37. The police ... to questionthe suspects.

A/ is starting C/ have started
B/ has started D/ has

38. There is somethingwrong rvith our washing machine. I've

asked the mechanicto see ... it as soon as possible.
A/ into C/ for
B/ at D/ ro

39. The lights are on, so she ... rvorking.

A/ have to be C/ must be
B/ need be D/ is to be

40. ... the drawerhe took out a revolver.

A/ Opening C/ To open
B/ Opened D/ Open

T E s z TE K A N Y E Lvv.zs G N

16.teszt 41. Next week I ... 30.

A/ would be C/ shall have been
B/ shall be D/ am being

42. I bought... fruit at the market.

A/ few C/ a ew
B/ a lot of D/ many

43. What ... when the bomb went ofp

A/ did he done C/ has he been doing
B/ was he doing D/ had he been doing

44. It would be terrible if you ... out of petrol on a desertroad.

A/ have run C/ run
B/ would run D/ ran

45. I wonder what he would have done if he ... his wav in the
A/ wouldlose C/ Ioses
B/ had lost D/ has lost

46. He was busy packing,becausehe ... that,night.

A/ left C/ had left
B/ was leaving D/ will have left

47. You ... a drivinglicence for this iob. you'll only work in the
A/ don'tneed C/ mustn't have
B/ needn't D/ haven'tgot,

48. He worries too much ... monev.

A/ about C/ of
B/ over D/ on

49. He said he wouldlike to go,...?

A/ hadn'the C/ wouldn'the
B/ would he D/ didn'the

50. Your cheeks are wet. You ...?

A/ has cried, hasn'tyou C/ had been crying,hadn'tyou
B/ have been crying, D/ rvere crying,were you


Vlassza k| a helyes megotdst!

1. A/Always before starting you should check your oil.

B/ Before always starting you should check your oil.
C/ You always should check your oil before starting.
D/ You should always check your oil before starting.

2. "Let'sgo for a walk.""No, ...myW programmethen."

A/ I'll have missed C/ I'll miss
B/ I'm to miss D/ I'll be missed

3. "l've been having problemswith my stomach lately."

" o h, . . . ?"
A/you've been having C/ you've
B/ you have been D/ have you

4. "Lovelyweather.""..."
A/ Yes, there's. C/ I think it so.
B/ Yes, it is, isn't it? D/ No, there isn't.

5. "What ... at 9 last night?I rang the bell but nobodyanswered

the door"
A/were you doing C/ have you been doing
B/ could you be doing D/ had you done

6. ... babies cry at night.

A/ Not each C/ Not every
B/ None D/ Not all

7. ... haveyou been studyingmaths?

A/ How long time C/ How many times
B/ How much D/ How long

B. ... is gettingdark and ... is still no electricityin the district.

A/ It - there C/ It - it
B/ There - there D/ There - it

9. ...won't be back till Sunday.Theyhavegoneto the mountains

for two weeks.
A/ Taylors' C/ The Tal,lors
B/ The Taylor D/ Taylor's


17.teszt 10. A new briclge... over the Danubethese days.

A/ is beingbuilt C/ is beingbuilding
B/ is building D/ is built

ll. He ... studying hard ever since he came back from his
A/ was C/ has
B/ has been D/ is

12. The customsofficersaid they ... pay duty on those botiles of

A/ had to C/ had betterto
B/ would better D/ ought

13. Last year her fatherwas terriblyupset abouther leavingthe

country,but now he's ... it.
A/ got round C/ got over
B/ got past D/ gounder

14. She ... my favouriteactress.

A/ has been always C / is always
B/ has always been D/ tends being

15. I can'tbear ... animalsbeaten.

A/ havingseen C/ to have seen
B/ seeing D/ see

16. I told them to stay,but ... of them left.

A/ none C/ a few
B/ few D/ any

17. He wantedto find out how often... .

A/ the trains ran C/ bave the trains run
B/ do the trains run D/ run the trains

tB. I wish you ...talking.I can'thear what the speakeris saying.

A/ would stop C/ would havestopped
B/ stop D/ had been stopping

19. I'd be interested... what the rate of exchangeis.

A/ knowing C/ if I shouldknow
B/ to know D/ if I know

20. I'll do the dishesafter I ... lunch.
17. teszt
A/ had C/'ll have
B/'ll havehad D/'ve had

21. He was keen on ...her a diamondring.

A/ buy C/ buying
B/ to buy D/ to have bought

22. I'm looking... a housewith three bedroomsand a big garden.

A/ for Cl tu
B/ like D/ back

23. Her father is not sure whether sarah was telling the truth or
not. She ... have been lying.
A/ mustn't C/ can
B/ could D/ oughtn't

24. If you ... on BoxingDay,you can taste our christmaspudding.

N came C/ come
B/ shall come D/ coming

2. It looks ... it's goingto clear up.

A/ as if C/ like as
B/ as D/ if

26. It's a year now since my husband... his job.

A/ lost C / was lost
B/ has been lost D/ has lost

27. In the course of an exchangeprogram a Dutch girl stayed...

us for a coupleof weeks.
Nat C/ by
B/ with D/ over

28. Tim likes goingftshingand ... .

A / s o am l C/s ogol
B/ so I like D/s odol

29. My... brotheris 4 years ... than me.

A/ elder - older C/ elder - elder
B/ older - more old D/ older - elder

T E S7 T E|K A N Y E L vvI z sG N

17. teszt 30. My mother-in-larv, almost g0, still goes to the hair_
A/ which's C/ that's
B/ whose D/ who' s

31. Now I ...what havinga dog ... .

N am seeing- means C/ see - is meaning
B/ see - means D/ am seeing- is meaning

32. The teacher wanted to find out how tong ... his students to
completethe task he had given them.
A/ does it take C/ has it taken
B/ it took D/ would it take

33. She will probabtycome unlessyou ... tell her not to.
A/ will C/ don't
B/_ D/ won't

34. Our family'llgo to the seaside becausewe like lying ... the
Nin C/ at
B/ on D/ over

35. someof the ...shownin themuseumare reallyvaruable.

A/ furnitures C/ furniture
B/ itemsof furniture D/ item

36. Nobody... help the way he feels.

A/ must C/ needn't
B/ can D/ may

37. The big dog ... downon the rug.

A/ laid C/ lied
B/ Iay D/ was laying

38. He didn'tstop his car after ... downthe poor cat.

/ being knocked C/ knocked
B/ to knock D/ knocking

39. The supermarketis ... [he corner of Main Street and park
Na t C/ in
B/ upon D/_


40. The new shoppingcentreis ...beingbuilt on the site of the old 17.teszt
A/ hardly C/ actually
B/ monthly D/ formerly

11. Our Christmaspartyis always... .

N great funny C/ great funs
B/ a great fun D/ great fun

42. I haven'tgot ... with my car.

A/ any problem C/ the problems
B/ any problems D/ problem

43. Theywere goingto get engagednext week but now the/ve ...
A/ put it down C/ put it up
B/ put it away D/ put it off

44. They'llhurt ... if we don'tstop them from fighting.

A/ one to another C/ one the other
B/ each other D/ each the other

45. This teachercan get alongnot onlywith his studentsbut also

with ...parents.
A/ their's C/ theirs
B/ their D/ there

46. We ... our new computerfor three dayswhen it broke down.

A/ had had C/ havehad
B/ have D/ were having

47. We can't sit in the car until the rain ... .

A/ stops C/ will be stopping
B/ will stop D/ will havestopped

48. We heardabouther accident,...upsetus all.

A/ rhat C/ rvhich
B/ what D/-

49. What ... you choosesuch a dangerousjob?

A/ made C/ got
B/ had D/ did get

17, Ieszt 50. You look exactly....
A/ like your sister C/ as yoursister does
B/ as vour sister D/ similaryoursister

T E S ZTE K N Y E L v v l z s c N

V|assza |ri a helyes megoldst!

l. "Michaelstudiesat the university,doesn'the?" "That'sright,

A/ he studies C/ he doesn't
B/ he does D/ he is

2. "l wonderwhat the children....there is much noise."

N can be doing C/ would be doing
B/ must be doing D/ shouldbe doing

3. "l think the)/llget divorced.""..."

A/ No, I don'tthink C/ No, I don'teither.
they won't.
B/ Yes, so do I. D/ Neitherdo I.

4. "l am afraid your homeworkis very much like Tom's and

Peter's.""But.it's not the same as ... ."
A/ them C/ they
B/ theirs D/ their's

5. ... the childrento bed by the time your wife arrived?

A/ Had you been put C/ Were you put
B/ Had you put D/ Have you put

6. ... crossingthe Channel,we got into a terrible storm.

A/ While C/ For
B/ln D/ At

7. ... did he tell you ...doingon Saturda/

A/ What - what he was C/ Whv - what would he
B/ What - he was D/ Horv - rvas he

B. ... is my favouritesport.
A/ Any riding C/ Riding
B/ The riding D/ Some riding

9. ... slipperythat we decidednot to go b1-car.

A/ It was so C/ It was so much
B/ There was so much D/ There \\'asso


18. teszt 10. ...liked the historyteacher.

A/ Every student C/ All student
B/ Both student D/ Each students

ll. Two girls entered,... was carryinga big bag.

A/ each C/ any
B/ every D/ some

12. ... theywent to Malta on holiday.

A/ Last spring C/ In last spring
B/ The last spring D/At last spring

1 3 . All weekendthe water pipes were ... .

A/ havingbeen mended C/ beingmended
B/ mending D/ having mended

14. You shouldn'twear mv shoes....

A/ Put off them! C/ Put them on!
B/ Take them off! D/ Pull downthem !

t5. He ... here this afternoonyet.

A/ isn't being C/ hadn'tbeen
B/ hasn't been D/ wasn't

16. Dad ... you as soon as he hears the news.

A/ would ring C/ will haverung
B/ rang D/ will ring

17. Mum asked me if I ... write to her when I ... there.

A/ would - got C/ would - will get
B/ will - getting D/ could - will get

l B . I neverbelieveda word ...he said.

N - C/ in which
B/ that which D/ what

19. The poor child got injuredand ... to the doctor'ssurgery.

A/ had been C/ had taken
B/ took D/ was taken

20. He wantedto find out if ... to smokein the school.

A/ he allows C/ he will allow
B/ he would be allowed D/ he has allowed

t0 0
T E S ZTE K N Y E Lv Vl z s c N

21. My son is alreadyabout ... his brother. 18. teszt

A/ as strongas C/ as strong than
B/ so strongthan D/ so stronglike

22. I ... for threehoursand now I'll stop.

A/ have been ironing C/ had ironed
B/ have to iron D/ am ironing

23. The pupils ... school uniformsfor the past decade.

A/ have had to wear C/ mustwear
B/ have to wear D/ hadwear

24. I always have ... dinner in the same restauranton Sundays,

but ... I had last Sundavwas the tastiestof all.
A / --o ne C/ the - one
B/ a-t h eo ne D/--the one

25. I alwaysask my mother... me when I haveto get up early.

A/ that she will wake C/ to wake
B/ waking D/ wake

26. I was the first to finish ... my test-paper.

A/ to write C/ of writing
B/ writing D/ write

2 7. I have retired,so I have ... free time and ... moneynow.

A/ a lot of - little C/ many - few
B/ few - many D/ a little - a few

Poor grandfatherhas been in hospitalfor 2 weeks now. ... he

is better now?
A/ Do you think C/ Are you thinking
B/ Have you thought D/ Did you think

29. Agnes has lost her purse but she hopes it will turn ...
NLo C/ in
B/ back D/ up

30. Dinneris ready.Let's sit downto the table....?

A/ shall we C/ rvill rr,e
B/ let we D/ do n'e

TE s z TE K A N Y E L vvlz sG N

IB. teszt 31. None of the ... refusedto fill in the questionnaire.
A/ studentsasked C/ studentshaving asked
B/ asking students D/ studentsasking

32. This room needs...up.

A/ tidy C/ to tidy
B/ tidying D/ to be tidying

33. This letter ... posted2 days ago.

A/ has been C/ had been
B/ was D/ will have been

34. Not ... membersof the choir were presentat the rehearsals.
A/ each C/ every
B/ all the D/ the whole

35. Films like Casablancaalways ... .

A/ make me to cry C/ have me cried
B/ make me cry D/ let me to cry

36. The performancestarts ... .

A/ 11 o'clock C/ on 1 1 o'clock
in this morning this morning
B/ at 11 o'clock D/ on this morningat
this morning 11 o'clock

37. Read the text out for him... he will learn the pronunciation
A/ that C/ for
B/ in order D/ so that

BB. I alwaysdid ... she asked me to.

A/ that C/ which
B/ what D/-

39. The numberof childrenwho can'tread properlywill rise if the

presentteachingmethods... unchanged.
A/ will remain C/ haveremained
B/ don'tremain D/ remain

40. You ...theseexercisesfor an hour, but you finishedaf[erhalf

an hour.
A/ shouldhave practised C/ must to practise
B/ must have practising D/ have practised

1 02

18. teszt
41. It's time you ... earningyour own living.
A/ starting C/ would have started
B/ will start D/ started

42. The school has changeda lot ... I left it 2 years ago.
A/ before C/ from
B/ since D/ after

43. What nice apples ! How ... in a kilo?

A/ much is C/ much are
B/ manv are there D/ manyis

44. Politicianssaid people... in bad housingconditions.

A/ were not living C/ had not been lived
B/ have not lived D/ have not been lived

4. I'm goingto a partywith Peter.He is cal|ing... me at eightso

I must be readythen.
N at C/ out
B/ up D/ for

46. We ... to that lecture. We didn't hear anythingof interest

A/ ought not to go C/ needn'tgo
B/ needn'thave gone D/ wouldn'thave gone

47, You can get out as soon as the car ... .

A/ stops C/ will stop
B/ stopped D/ is stopping

48. Your teethwon't be white unlessyou ... them.

A/ won't brush C/ brush
B/ don'tbrush D/ will brush

49. This puppyis so sweet,just ... mine !

A/ like C/ similar
B/ the same that D/ alike

50. The printingof this book is terrible.I ... .

N can read it hard C/ can read it hardly
B/ can hardly read it D/ can hard read it


Vlassza lri a helyes mego|dst!

1. A/ What did he say how much it would cost?

B/ How much did he saY it had cost?
C/ How much he said would it cost?
D/ What did he say how much was it goingto cost?

2. A/ Washingup is that I hate doing.

B/ What I hate doingis washinguP.
C/ That I hate doingis washinguP.
D/ It's washingup what I hate doing.

3. "How long ... him?" "Oh, for a few years,I think."

A/ have you known C/ are You knowing
B/ do you know D/ have you been knowing
..I .....''
4. hope Marll pass her exam.''
A/ No, I don't think C/ No, I don'teither.
she won't.
B/ Yes. so do I. D/ Neither do I.

5. "Why does this fish taste so strange?""l am afraid I ... it."

A/ have burnt C/ burn
B/ had burnt D/ was burning

6. "Canyou tell me the time please?""..."

A/ Not at all C/Yes.of course.
B/ Excuse.I can't. D/Yes,please.

7. ...moneyhe has,the happierhe is.

A/ More C/ The more
B/ The most D/ Much

B. ... do whatevershe wanted.

A/ She made the dog C/ The dog was made
B/ She forcedthe dog D/ She got her dog

9. ... the lake there is a lovelyold church.

A/ Near C/ Beneath
B/ Next D/ In front

lO. ... would like to ask you a favour. 19. teszt
A/ One of my friend C/ One my friend
B/ A friend of mine D/ A friendof me

ll. ...lie is ... lie no matterhow you put it.

N--- C/The--
B/--rhe D/A-a

12. She has beenreadinssinceshe ... .

A/ has arrived C/ had arrived
B/ arrived D/ was arriving

1 3 . After the concert we went to our local pub and ordered a

glass of beer....
A/ everybody C/ for each
B/ each D/ ourself

t4. Tom ... at the dentistat 7.30, but he didn'tarrive beforeB.

A/ must have been C/ must be
B/ shouldhave been D/ would have been

t5. Don't decideuntil you ... thoughtthingsover very carefully.

A/ have C/ don't have
B/ will have D/ won't have

16. Each ...cost $50 last year.

A/ of these gadgets C/ of our device
B/ instruments D/ equipments

1 7 . Dave is temiblylazy. He ... .

A/ hardly works C/ works a great deal
B/ works hard D/ works nearly nothing

lB. He took ...moneyhe couldfind.

A/ lot of C/ a few
B/ the whole of D/ all the

19. I can't understandwhy it takes my rvifeages to ... whenever

we go out.
A/ dressout C/ dress on
B/ getdressed D/ dress herself

TE sz T K A N Y E L vvI z s G AN

tg. teszt 20. Jim ... the car while I was cookingdinner.
fu washed C/ was washed
B/ has washed D/ was washing

21. I ... this report aroundfor a week and haven'teven

lookedat it.
N am carrying C/ carry
B/ have been carrying D/ was carrying

22. I ...you, if I had heard the news.

A/ wouldn'task C/ won't ask
B/ couldn'tasked D/ would have ask

23. I am looking... to you.

A/ for talking C/ at to talk
B/ forward to talk D/ forward to talking

24. I have invited ... friends to our Christmas party.

A/ lot of C/ a lot many
B/ lots of D/ much

25. I was standingin the queue ... I got completelyfed up and lef[.
A/ ritl C/ as while
B/ as far as D/ up to

26. I wishI ...youthetruth.

A/ won'ttell C/ hadn'ttold
B/ don't tell D/ am not telling

27. I'm so sony for my grandmother.She suffers ... a lot of

A/ of C/ from
B/ by D/ for

28. I'vegot some tickets for the footballmatch on Sunday,I'd like

A/ comewith me C/ coming with me
B/ to comewith me D/ to comingwith me

29. If I'd been you, I ... so impoliteto peoplewho wantedto help

A/ won'tbe C/ hadn'tbeen
B/ weren't D/ wouldn'thave been

| 0

30. I couldsee a ... in the hall. 19. teszt,

A/ prettysmall C/ prettyround small table
round table
B/ small pretty D/ roundsmall prettytabte
round table

3I. It is not worth ...your dishwasher.Buy a new one.

A/ to repair C/ repaired
B/ repair D/ repairing

32. Your homework is full ... mistakes. You could have done
A/ with C/ in
B/ of D/ by

33. My guests... when I got home.

A/ alreadyarrive C/ had alreadyarrived
B/ had arrived yet D/ have already arrived

34. Nearly ... to buy their own homes.

N each of neighbours C/ everybodywants
B/ everyonewant D/ both wants

35. The teacher didn'twant the studentsto go on talking during

class.S h e sai d ... .
N "II were you, I'd stop ta|king.''
B/ "Stop and talk, will you?"
C/ "What aboutstoppingand talking?"
D/ "1'llmake you stop to talk."

36. Her husbandis said ... a very popularpainter.His paintings

sell very well.
A/ that he is C/ having been
B/ to be D/ beins

37. That old houseis at last ... .

A/ being renovated C/ renovating
B/ been renovated D/ renovates

38. The teacher suggestedthat they ... their school uniformsat

the party.
A/ would wear C/ n'earing
B/ shouldall wear D/ all nearing


19. teszt 39. The tree ...standsnear the river is the oldestone in the park.
A/ what C/ the one
B/ which D/-

The cooking... by somebodyelse everyday.

A/ is doing C/ beingdone
B/ is done D/ is being done

4 1 . The porter asked ... the door open for me.

A/ if shouldhe leave C/ shouldhe have lef[
B/ if he shouldleave D/ if do I want him to leave

4 2 . This steak smells bad.We ... it awav.

A/ had better throw C/ had to throw
B/ had rather throw D/ must have throw

43. We went out for a walk ... the bad weather.

A/ in spite of C/ insteadof
B/ although D/ even though

44. I wonderwhat ... at this time next week.

A/ will he be doing C/ will he doing
B/ will he to do D/ he will be doing

46. Whilethey...we'll do the shopping.

N are playing C/ will play
B/ will have played D/ will be playing

46. She was everlthing... John has alwayswished for himself.

A/ rhat C/ what
B/ which D/ who

47. You shouldhave foldedthe sheets ...

A/ like this C/ as this
B/ as I told D/ similar this

48. You shouldn'thave spilt your milk, ... you?

A/ did C/ should
B/ would D/ have

49. If you ... kindlywait a momentI'll see what can be done.

A/ will C/ shall
B/ should D/ wouldn't


TEszTE K A N Y E Lv Y Iz s G N

50. Sheila has always been ... great help to her mother. ,r. ** f
N- C/the
B / so D/a


Y|assza ki a he|yes megoldst!

l. My father ... subscribeto the Newsweek.

A/ said to me C/ suggestsme to
B/ suggestedthat I D/ encouragedme

2. "lf you want to drive a car, do you ... an internationaldriving

/ need C/ ought to
B/ must D/ have to

3. ...her photosis verygood.

A/ Every C/ All
B/ All of D/ Each of

4. This is the first time that his paintings... in Hungary.

A/ have exhibited C/ have been exhibited
B/ exhibited D/ were exhibited

5. I must ring ... now,my boss is coming.

N- C /o ff
B/ up D/ on

6. I'll sendyou a cableas soon as I ...there.

/ shall get Cl get
B/ will have got D/ will get

7. This bed-linenneeds... .
A/ be changed C/ have changed
B/ to change D/ changing

B. You ... the doctor.I'm much betternow.

A/ hadn'thad to call C/ wouldn'tneed to call
B/ mustn'thave called D/ needn'thave called

9. ... peoplewill acceptthe price-riseshappily.

A/ No one C/ Few
B/ A little D/ None

TEsz T EK A N Y E L v v l z s G N

10. You can first vote ... . 20. teszi

A/ at the age of 18 C/ when you are 18 years
B/ when 18 years Dl a,age of 18 years old
are your age

ll. While they ... dinnerwe'll go for a drive.

A/ will have C/ will be having
B/ will have had Dl are having

12. The chickenswere ... when we ... .

A/ feeding- were arriving C/ being fed - arrived
B/ fed - were arriving D/ to feed - arrived

13. If this horse goes on winning,... most of the races by tho end
of the year.
A/ she would have won C/ she will be won
B/ she would win D/ she.will have won

14. ... windows are usually made of ... glass.

N--- c/the--
B/ the - the D/ - - the

t5. Our new car cost far ... than the old one.
A/ most C/ much
B/ more D/ manY more

16. Do you ... everyspring?

/ have cleanedyour coat C/ eet cleanedyour coat
B/ have your coat cleaned D/ make your coat cleaned

17. I am so unlucky.I boughta car ... enginewon't start.

A/ whose C/ that
B/ - D/ which

18. Nick was ... that he didn't get a promotion.

A/ much disappointing C/ awfully disappointing
B/ terrible disappointed D/ bitterly disappointed

19. ...was Mrs. Smithwho came late.

A/ Who C/ It
B/ There D/ This

T E SZT EK N YE LvvIzsc t .t

20. teszt 20. ... has achievedgreat,results in science.

A/ The man C/ The men
B/ Man D/ Men

21. I can'tlive ...You.

A/ without C/ from
B/ instead D/ together

22. "Did they l,ryany famouswine?""Yes,they said .--some."

A/ they have tried C/ did they my
B/ they had tried D/ they do try

My eyes hurt - I ... the computertoo long.

A/ have been using C/ use
B/ have used to D/ am using

2 4 . The police ... suitatrleinformationabout organisedcrime.

A/ don't have C/ doesn'thave
B/ has not D/ is of

After I ... writingmy paper,I read it through.

A/ having finished C/ was finishing
B/ have finished D/ had finished

26. Who did you say ... with?

A/ you wantedto go C/ do you want to go
B/ did you want to go D/ you wantedgoing

27. ... saw your boss in an expensiverestaurant.

A/ One of my friend C/ A friend of my
B/ A friendof mine D/ One my friend

28. "Julia said she had givenup her job.""..."

A/ Did she? C/ Has she?
B/ Didn'tshe? D/ Hadn'tshe?

29. My fathertold me ... Ray again.

A/ not to meet C/ don'tmeet
B/ not meet D/ not meeting

If therewere no price-rises,we ... so much moneyon food.

A/ wouldn'thave to spend C/ won't have to spend
B/ wouldn'tneed spend D/ shouldn'tspent


31. The hitch-hikerwanted to get...the car, so the driver 2o.teszt

A/ on C/ out
B/ out of D/ off

32. When the customerenteredthe shop,the shop assistants...

and nobodypaid any attentionto him.
A./were chatting C/ chatted
B/ had chatted D/ have chatted

33. I can ... well with my colleagues,althoughthey are much

older than I am.
N get round C/ get on
B/ gel through D/ get awaY

34. We were lookingat... was a strongtowersomecenturiesago.

N it C/ what
B/ that D/ which

35. It's no use ... to learn to ski, just by watchingother people

A/ to try C/ in trYing
B/ try D/ trYing

36. Since the accidentshe ... to drive [he car.

A./wasn't allowed C/ hasn'tbeen let
B/ wasn't let D/ hasn'tbeen allowed

37. Theysay that the ... longerthan the ... .

A/ rich live - poor C/ rich lives - poor
B/ riches live - poors D/ rich live - poors

38. "Do you need to clean the whole flat?" "No, but I ... if you
A/ would C/ shall
B/ may D/ rvill

39. He could not deliver... becausethe audiencewasn'tlistening.

A/ very many C/ the most of his speech
of his speech
B/ his all speech D/ very much of his speech

40. It's not a good idea ... this small knifefor choppingup the
20. teszt meat.
A/ to use C/ using
B/ to using D/ you use
41. Agnes has no brothersor sisters. ...
A/ Nor has Sarah. C/ Sarah hasn'ttoo.
B/ Sarah also not. D/ NeitherSarah has.

42. Thereis a planewhich ... Milan in 20 minutes.

A/ arrives C/ arrives to
B/ leavesto D/ leaves for

43. They invited all their friends to the weddingparty, but hardly
A/ somepeople C/ someone
B/ anyone D/ everyone

44. She ... cookedand servedthe dishes.

A/ neither C/ both
B/ either D/ or

4. The bank clerk askedme ... .

A/ if sign my name C/ whethersign my name
B/ signing my name D/ to sign my name

46. It was my birthdayyesterdayand she didn't... phoneme.

A/ still C/ even
B/ already D/ else

47. "How did he go to London?""...the company'scar."

Nln C/ On
B/ Wilh D/ By

48. She ... her aunt since her uncle died.

A/ didn'tvisit C/ hasn'tvisited
B/ visits D/ wants to visit

49. I think ... my medit cards with me in case I want to buy

A/ I must have taken C/ I should have been taken
B/ would take D/ I'd better take

50. He was typingwhen he ... someone... the officedoor.

A"/saw - passes C/ could see - to pass
B/ was seeing- pass D/ saw - passing

aa 4



A B c D A B C D
1 X x
2 \ z X
3 X 3 X
4 x 4 X
5 x 5 X
o X tt X
7 X X
I X q

0 X 0 ^ X
I X 1 X
2 x 2 x
IJ X 3 X
4 X 4 X
5 X 5 X

6 X 6
7 x 7 X
8 X B X
9 \ I X
20 X 20 X
21 x 21 X
22 { 22 \
23 X 23 X
24 x 24 X
zc X 25 I
26 x 26 X
27 x 27 X
28 X 28 L
29 X 23 X
30 X 30 \
1 X 31 X
32 X 32 X
.) rl X 33 \
4 X 34 x
35 \ 35 \^
3tt X 36 X
37 X 37 X
3B X 3B X
39 X 39 ,
40 X 40 \
41 X 41 X
42 x 42 X
43 x 43 \
44 X 44 X
45 x 45 X
46 X 46 X
47 X 47 .I
48 \ 4B X
49 x 49 -l
50 x o0 -l

I t5
ME G o

A B c D A B c D
I X x
2 X 2 X
3 I X
4 X 4 X
5 X 5 X
6 X o X
X l X
0 X 10 X
I x 't1 x
2 X 12 X
3 X 13 X
4 X 't4 X
5 X 15 X
6 x 16 X
7 X 17 X
8 X 18 X
I X 19 X
20 X 20 X
21 I 21 X
22 x 22 X
23 x 23 X
24 x 24 x
25 X 25 X
26 X 26 X
27 X 27 X
28 X 28 X
29 X 29 X
30 X 30 X
31 X 31 X
32 \ 32 x
33 X 33 X
34 x .t x
35 X 35 x
3ti X 36 X
37 \, 37 X
.)r X 38 X
39 X 39 X
40 x 40 X
41 X 41 X
42 X 42 X
43 X 43 X
44 X 44 X
45 x 45 X
46 X 4 X
47 X AT f
48 X 48 X
49 X 49 X
50 X 50 X



A B C D A B c D
2 x 2 X
3 X J X
4 X 4 X
o X o
6 X ti X
7 X 7 X
I x I X
0 X 0 X
2 X 2 X
X 3 X
4 x 4 X
o X o x
16 X t6 \
X 7 X
I X I x
20 X 20 X
21 x X
22 X 22 X
z X 23 X
24 X 24 X
25 X 25 x
26 X 26 X
27 X 27 X
28 X 28 X
29 X 29 X
30 X 30 X
31 X 31 X
32 \ 32 X
33 X J !t X
34 X 34 X
35 X 35 X
36 X 36 X
37 X 37 X
38 X 3B X
39 X 39 X
4tJ X 40 X
41 X 41 X
42 X 42 {
43 X 43 X
44 X 44 .{
45 x 4 (
4 X 46 I
47 X I I
48 x 48 t
49 X t9 X
50 x CU I

ME G o L D s o K

A B C D A B c D
1 X 1 X
2 X 2 x
3 X 3 X
4 \ 4 ,Y
x o X
6 X 6 X
7 x 7 X
I X 8 X
I ,t I X
10 X 1U X
X 11 \
12 \ 12 X
13 X 13 x
14 X 14 x
15 X 15 I
16 x 16 x
17 X 17 X
18 X 18 X
19 X t9 I
2) X 20 X
21 X 21 X
22 x 22 \
23 Y 23 X
X zL, X
25 X 2 X
26 x 2) x
27 X 27 X
28 \ 28 X
29 X 29 ,Y
30 X 30 X
31 x 3l X
32 X 32 X
33 X 33 (
.t{ X 34 I
35 X 35 X
36 x 36 X
37 X 37 X
38 x 3B X
39 x 39 X
40 X 40 .Y
41 X 41 x
42 X 42 X
43 X 43 X
44 X 44
X 45 x
46 x 46 X
47 x 47 X
48 X 48 X
49 x 49 X
50 X 50 X

ME GoLD s o K

A B c D A B C D
2 X 2 X
3 X 3 X
4 X t

c x 5 x
6 X 6 X
I X I x
I X I x
I x I X
0 \ 0 X
1 X x
2 X 2 X
3 x 3 X
4 X 4 X
X 5 .l
6 X 6 X
7 X 7 X
I x I ,I
,^ X 20 X
21 X 21 X
22 X 22 x
23 X 23 X
24 X 24 X
25 X 25 X
26 X 26 X
27 X 27 \
28 X 28 X
29 X 29 X
30 X 30 X
3'l \ 3l X
32 X 32 \
33 x 33 X
34 I 34 X
35 X 3 X
36 X 36 X
37 \ 37 X
38 X 38 X
39 x 39 X
40 X 40 X
4l X 41 \
42 X 12 X
43 X 43 X
44 X 44 x
45 X 45 X
46 X 46 -t
47 X 47 I
48 x 48 X
49 X 49 .I
50 \ 0 (

M E Go LD s o K
1 1. TESZT 12. TESZT

1 X X
2 x 2 X
X !t ,(
4 X 4 X
o X 5 X
ti X ti x
X a
I \ I X
X q
10 X 0 X
I x (
t2 X 2 ,Y
l! ) X J X
14 X t X
15 X X
Iti I 6 (
17 X 7 x
1B L I X
l9 X I X
20 X 20 X
21 X 21 {
22 X 22 -(
23 X 23 X
24 X 24 X
25 x 2 X
26 X 26 X
27 X 27 X
28 X 28 X
29 X 29 x
3U X 30 X
31 X 31 X
X 32 X
JJ X r) r) x
34 X 34 X
35 X 35 X
36 X 36 X
37 X 37 x
38 X 38 X
39 X 39 X
40 X 40 \
41 X X
42 f 42 X
AJ X 43 x
44 X 44 X
45 x 4 X
4b X 46 X
47 X 47 X
48 X t X
49 X 49 x
50 X 50 X

t2 0


A B c D A B C D
1 X X
f, z X
a \ 3 X
4 f, 4 Y
x 5 X
6 X (t X
X 7 Y
B x I Y
I X I {
0 x 10 \
1 X I X
f, 12 X
X 13 X
4 X 14 X
c X 15 x
6 X 16 \
X 17 X
I X 1B X
9 X l9
20 X 20 X
21 x 21 X
22 X 22 T
23 X 23 \
24 x 24 X
2 X 25 X
26 ,t 26 X
27 X 27 X
28 \ 28 x
29 X 29 x
30 X 30 t
X 31 X
32 x 32 x
!)r) X 33 X
X 34 X
35 X 35 x
36 x 36 X
37 X 31 X
3B X 38 X
39 X 39 X
40 x 40 X
41 X 41 ,l
x 12 .l
\ -t3
^t )

44 X +{ x
45 x -15 -t
46 X {6 T
47 \ 17 x
4B x {8 X
49 { {9 X
o0 X 50 I

ME G o L D s o K
15. TESZT t ut tra"t

A B c D A B C l)
X 1 \
2 X 2 X
3 X 3 X
4 X 4 X
5 X 5 X
6 X 6 X
X 7 x
B X B x
I \ I I
0 X 10 X
X 11 x
12 X l2 x
3 X l3 x
4 x t4 x
\, l5 x
X 16 X
I x 17 x
18 X 1B X
I x 19 X
2t) X 20 X
21 X 21 X
22 x 22 X
23 X 23 \
24 X 24 X
25 f, 25 X
26 X 26 X
27 X 27 X
28 X 28 \
29 x 29 X
30 x 30 X
3l x 31 X
32 \ 32 X
33 X 33 X
34 X 34 X
35 X 35 X
36 X 36 X
37 X 37 \
38 X 3B \
39 X 39 X
40 X 40 X
4'.L X 41 X
42 X 42 X
43 X 43 X
44 X 44 X
45 X 45 X
46 x 46 X
4I X 47 x
48 x 48 X
49 x 49 x
50 X 50 X

MEG o LDs oK

A B c D A B c D
2 X 2 x
.J \ \
4 X
a X
X x
6 \ 6 X
X 7 X
0 x U X
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4 X 4 X
6 X tt x
7 X 7 x
2t) X 20 X
2"t \ 2'.L X
22 X 22 x
23 X 23 X
24 \, 24 x
25 X 25 X
26 X 2b X
27 X 27 X
28 X 28 x
29 X 29 x
30 X 30 x
31 X l X
32 X 2 X
.)r X 33 x
)1 X 4 X
35 f, 35 X
3ti X 36 X
\ 37 X
38 X 38 x
39 x 39 X
40 \ 40 X
41 X 41 x
42 \ 42 X
.t X 43 X
4 x 4 X
45 x 4 X
46 X 46 X
\ 7 x
48 x 48 Y
49 \ 49 f,
0 x 50 X



1 X X
2 x z X
3 X 3 x
4 X 4 X
c X o X
o X 6 X
7 X 7 X
I I 8 Y
X q
10 X 0 X
il x X
t2 X 2 x
13 X X
l{ X 4 X
t5 X c x
16 x ti X
17 X 7 X
18 X I X
19 r 19 X
20 X 20 X
21 X 21 X
22 X 22 X
23 x 23 x
24 X 24 X
25 X 25 X
26 X 26 X
27 x 27 X
28 x 28 X
29 X 29 \
30 X 30 X
31 x 31 X
32 X 32 X
33 X 33 X
34 X 34 \.
35 X 35 X
36 X 36 X
37 x 37 X
38 X 3B X
39 x 39 \
40 X 4t) X
41 X 41 X
42 X 42 X
43 X 3 X
44 x 44 X
45 X 45 X
46 X 46 X
47 x 47 X
48 X 48 X
49 X 49 X
50 X 50 X


A kiadsrtfele|saz AkadmiaiKiad igazga|)a

Fe|e|sszerkes: Pomzi Gyngyi
A kiadvnyrt fe|e|s:ThimarMrta
Termkmenedzser: SrynBenk Krisina
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Nyomtatta:Kinizsi NyomdaKft,Debrecen
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elks71t tarfofuant
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Angol rettseg
feladatlapok audioCD -uel
BARTA va-LoCH g.'.s
KIRLY Zso\t-JILLY Viktor-HALPI Magdolna
BluebirdI.II. - Coursebook
felksryta kti4ps{nt rettsgire
KIRLY Zso\t-JILLY Viktor-F{LPI Magdolna
Bhrebird- IVorkbook
KIRLY Z solt-JILLY Vi ktor_HALPI Magdolna-Chris topher RYAN
Bluebhd -Teacher'sBook
RADVNYI T ams_SZrcs Gyrgyn
Englisbfor Basinessand,E,ueg,da1Use k(ffikil s{eti n1elakri\1u
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Akadmiai Kiad Zrt., L gr fikapcsolat
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ANGoL szrner Az AKADvrrerrreoNr
o ns zcu Lszl_N{AGAY Tarns-rursz D ezs_I(oVE,CSES Zo|tn
A trya/-lnagyar k7is7tr hangos CD -uel
kadmiaiI(ad, Budapest,2007
M l\GA Y Tams_oRS Z LszI
AIagyar--ango/ k{ s7t^GH
r CD.u e/
kadmiaii{iad, Budapest,2004
MAGAY Tams_I{ISS Ls z1
Akadhniai angol- n agyar s4tr
Akadmiaii{iad, Budapest,2008
MGAY Tams_I{ISS Lsz|
' A kadni ai ntaglar_ango/ sptr
kadmiail(ad, Budpesi 2008
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Akadmiail{iad, Budapest,2003
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