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Holli Hutchinson CIED 1003

Mullins Library
Part A:
The author Matt Soeth is a teacher and author of this journal article Making the Most of Social
Media. He suggested to use social media as a tool to build relationships with your students
beyond the classroom. It allows teachers and students to get recognition, promote different
school or classroom events and to keep the students excited about their school!

Mr. Soeth provides 10 ways to use social media fun and effective for your students.
1. Model the behavior: Educators being online and modeling appropriate behavior of
social media. This is to guide the students behavior.
2. Make it interactive: Host a chat with students using social media, or tweet out
something for the first kids that show up to class receive a free item.
3. Choose time wisely: Find apps that help educators manage their scheduling of social
media posts. An example is to have a tweet go out at 6:30 am when students are waking
up and checking their social media.
4. Involve your students: Have the students help develop social media with you.
5. Coordinate your social media marketing: As the educator send out something to your
students and then have them send the same thing on any of their social media outlets.
This will help really get the information many times and in different formats to your
6. Make it relevant: Be sure to use social media platforms your students use and will
engage them best.
7. Learn how to use hashtags: This is a positive way to promote things for your school and
8. Change how you think: Be creative with different social media outlets to give the
announcements, such as making a snapchat video.
9. Take advantage of texting: This is a great tool for educators to use Remind or other apps
that utilize texting, especially for students that arent in social media groups.
10. Get familiar with technology: Make a point as an educator to know about the different
social media outlets. Not to be an expert but to allow teachers to explore.

In conclusion, there are many tools with social media that educators can use to connect
with their students beyond the classroom with online interaction.



Soeth, Matt. Advise; Reston 45.4 (Feb/Mar 2017): 24-27.
Part B:

Staying with the same topic of social media the author Joetta Sack-Min in her journal article
Social Media Helps Educators Build Professional Learning Communities. She discusses the
educators using social media to build professional learning communities with educators. She
goes on to suggest that educators not use social media only for as a tool. Create a space where
educators can build relationships in their education communities to ask questions or advise for
a tough dilemma, and to push each other to do more in their field. It is also a way to include
parents and community members into your classroom.

There are many different platforms that can be used such as Voxer, Twitter, Google Hangout,
Facebook or Periscope just to name a few. Using social media to build these communities can
be intimidating. It is a good way to put out good information and receive good responses,
however it can make you a target for negative responses. You will have to be prepared for the
negative. Start out with social media as a tool to share resources, lessons and ideas for your
classrooms and build from there. Social media is a very powerful tool that reaches across many


Social Media Helps Educators Build Professional Learning Communities

Sack-Min, Joetta. The Education Digest; Ann Arbor82.6 (Feb 2017): 25-29.

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