I Have No Idea

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My alarm rang, waking me up from my slumber.
Lazily, I stuck a hand out and pressed the snooze
button. I looked at the time, 5:55 was written with
big, green numbers.
I groaned at the thought of waking up early. I then
began slowly drifting back to sleep.
Cristina I heard a voice, like an angel, calling my
name. Cristina It called again, but in a singsong
tone. CRISTINA! I jumped out of bed, to face an angry
mother. My mother.
She had a hand on her hip, her lips pursed in a
very stern, thin line. I looked at her with a blank face,
my eyes barley open.
What type of Teenage dream are you dreaming?
Cant even be responsible! She said, as I slowly, but
not obviously, drifted back to sleep.
CRISTINA! my mother screamed again, but
lightly chuckling at her 15-year-old daughter.
Out of nowhere, memories of a person, a male,
with emerald green eyes and black hair come to me,
and I see him smirking at me, a girl by his side. She
was blurry, but so was she. I have been having these
for about a couple of days now, but I didnt dare tell
my mother.
She would freak out, have me tested for memory
loss and stuff like that.
I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my
bedroom door closing.


I looked at my door, and saw the door opening

the door again, my mother appearing.
And one more thing, Tina, I left a copy of your
school schedule on the table in the Family Room, and
with that, she left the room.
I groaned, thinking of the first day of school.
Correction, The first day of Year 10.
I was and am nervous on my first day. I hated
going to new schools. I just moved to California, but I
lived in Canada pretty much my whole life. I had made
some friends, because I moved here last year, but
waited for 1 year as I came in the middle of a
semester. I already finished Year 9 in Canada, but we
decided to come here because well, the reason is
unknown to me, but when I bring it up with mom, she
just shakes her head and tells me to study or read a
I pushed Canada to the back of my mind. I
pushed the comforter off of my legs, feeling the cold
air hit my legs.
God! Would it kill her to put the heat up? I
thought, as I turned a right turn, to make my way to
the bathroom.
I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the
shower. Once the hot water hit me, Goosebumps
spread out on my thighs and arms.
I am a really weird person, I thought as if I was
talking to somebody.


I heard the front door close, which was a relief as

it left me to think about the think about stuff that is
going on in my inner life.
Today was my first day of school. Wow. I began
to wash the shampoo out of my long grey hair. (Which
I obviously dyed. I dyed it about 3 years ago, but it
looked good so I stuck with it.) I began pouring the
shampoo in my hand as I heard my ringtone from my
Music filled the bathroom as I finished off my
shower. After the music was over, I hopped out and
wrapped a towel around my wet body. I caught a
glimpse of my eyes in the mirror, they were light blue,
and a hint of grey in the middle. I guess I got the blue
from my mother, but I did not even know my dad to
say I go my grey eyes from him.
And with the lack of photos of my ex-family, you
can say, before we fell apart; I cannot tell.
I skipped to my walk-in closet, grabbing a pair
of white short shorts, a white tank top and a grey
seasonal sweater.
I slipped them on, walked out of the closet and
back into the bathroom to dry my hair.
After a few minutes of blow-drying, I looked at
the clock, it read: 7:18, I had to be in school campus
by 8:15, so I was pretty much early. And plus, school
is only like 45 minutes away.


Britney, a girl I met over the time I was here,

went to the same school, so we would ride our bikes
together to school every day.
I plugged in my straightener and straightened
my hair then curled it with the straightener.
After I finished, I went downstairs to check my
schedule and it had a whole week of torture planned
I then walked back up the stairs and I packed my
bag and wore my black sneakers.
I then decided to check my phone, so I
unplugged it from the charger and the Home screen
immediately turned on. 2 missed calls from Britney
BFF: P came up. I called Brit back and on the second
ring, she answered.
Hello? she said, her voice muffled as if she was
eating something. Cereal bar? I asked, knowing her
morning routine.
Hello to you too. And come on Im outside.
Hurry up, she said and hung up.
I grabbed my backpack and raced down the
stairs, but careful not to fall.
I reached the front door and unlocked the door
thinking, Over protective mother while rolling my
I sat on my bike and sat down, and smiled at
Britney. Hey Cris, she greeted me.


Hey, I replied, staring at the dashboard in front

of me. So. I was thinking maybe youd like to come
with Luke and me to the movies? Maybe?
Luke was Britneys boyfriend, they are still going
strong and she told me that they have been together
for the past few years so, 3 or 3 and a half years now.
No thanks, I dont want to interfere with you
and Lukes love life, and plus, I dont want to sit next
to a couple who will probably be smooching halfway
through the movie, I said, smirking as I remembered
the first time I went to the movies with Britney and
Luke. They movie was halfway through when I hear
them kissing. I will NEVER do that mistake ever again.
I looked over at Britney and she was red as a
I promise it will be PG-13. Please? she begged,
but not looking at me as she was driving.
Hmm Promise? I said re-thinking the whole
thing. Promise, she said. And FYI, we are only 15.
You shouldnt be kissing nobody. I say and she rolls
her eyes. I laugh and say Fine, what I have to lose?
then I rest my hand on the arm holder.
Yes! Britney screamed-pure victory on her face.
Later, the subject changed to a sleepover at
Lisas house.
Lisa Wilson is my not so close friend, but we are
really good friends. She also goes to my school. I met
Lisa with Britney, for she is a close friend of Britney.


As we reached the school, I took out my pass to

give it to the secretary. Unlike all of the other
secretaries, she had blonde hair, no wrinkles, fair skin
and she was really nice.
Class? she said, punching a hole in my pass.
Class 10, new admission, I said as I felt Britney
walk beside me. New? Then I better take you to the
principals office. Just one second, she said, punching
a hole in Britneys pass then the bell ringing which
meant that you have 5 minutes to get to class.
Right this way, Angie said, taking me to
through hallways and turns.
We finally reached a glass and wood door with
big, black, bold letters written on the glass part,
Principle Christin George
As I walked in, I saw a big room, with 9-12 foot
glass windows, they were replacing the whole wall
behind his desk; showing a full access of the small
playground that they have set up.
A bug glass case of books, books, and more
books were stacked up, also replacing the wall next to
him desk, and a ladder attached to it.
I looked up and saw encyclopedias and history
books stacked all the way up, and normal novels of
these days, with a mix of some 1900s, stacked from
the bottom, to half way up.


I saw a man, good looking for 40 as claimed Lisa

and Britney, sitting in a chair behind his desk typing
on his computer.
I smiled when he looked up at me, grey, light
eyes stared back at me. He smiled at me, and told me
to have a seat. I sat down on the fancy chair and
examined his desk.
Welcome to school Cristina, I am Christin George, and
I will be your principle for as long as you stay here,
and the rules will be followed, no exceptions. He said
firmly, scaring me a bit with the look in his eye.
I nodded, and let him explain the rules.




T- o check out the school? she asked. Yeah, I said
Great and I guess you already have the time table for
your classes? I nodded and we parted our ways.
I reached my locker and put in the code: 32, 78,
55, and 12. I swung open my locker, and placed my
books in neatly, ignoring the fact that I had about 3
more minutes left for class.
I grabbed the tap from my backpack and taped
my smaller version of the schools timetable on there
with a small pocket holder I made from home. I looked
at my timetable and I had History first. I loved History.
I grabbed my books and just then, the bell had ringed.
I checked what number the room is, 212, and began
looking for it.
I went up, down, left, right, front, and then
turned around because it felt wrong.
I looked around to see if somebody was around
and then I saw a blonde haired girl coming, her head
in a book as if she was studying.
He hem? I cleared my throat to get her
attention as she looked up and smiled.
Hey, Im Becca. How can I help you? Becca
asked. Hey, my name is Cristina and I am looking for
room 212 for history; and I was wondering you could
just, like help me out? I asked her with a small smile
on my face.


Sure! Just take a right down this hall and its the
fifth door to your right! said Becca and hurried off to
her other class.
Thanks, I mumbled to myself. I hurried to the
end of the corridor as I was instructed and counted 5
doors to my right. I fiddled with my feet nervously
before giving myself 20 seconds (minuets) of courage.

I interrupted Mrs. Bella saying, as we all know,
the British invaded Australia in 1788, now we are
going to read about it in detail in the chapter named:
The British Invasion of Australia. Conflicts and
Desolation. Page number 1011, she smiled sweetly at
the class before turning around to face me.
Name? she asked me.
Umm, Cristina Smith, new admission I said
holding my books tightly.
Ahh, well I am Mrs. Bella, please take a seat
next to Mr. Harry smith, she said, her hand pointing
to a curly haired boy, with emerald green eyes.
Harry smiled at me and sat up straight.
Hey, my names Cristina Smith, 14 I smiled at
Harry. Harry Smith, Harry raised an eyebrow. Same
last names? Weird I said, laughing. Yeah! I know!
Harry said, shaking his head.


Mrs. And Mr. Smith! she said, and it couldnt be

any more awkward! Me and harry, same last names,
sitting together!
Arent you too young to be married? said a guy
behind us. I looked back to see this guy with a small
quiff, smirking.
Ha-ha, I said sarcastically.
Josh, out, said Mrs. Belle, pointing to the door.
Getting out my reader, I turned to page 1011.
I began reading, tuning out everybodys voices.

On January the 23th, 1788, 11 British ships

under the command of Arthur Philip, first governor of
the new colony, Anchored on the coast of Australia at
the Sydney cave and raised the British flag, known as
First Fleet. The ships sailed from England, May the
16th, 1787. As told, the first fleet carried 1,500
comprised of comfits, crew and guards. As Batseon
points out:

The returns of the prisoners are contradictory,

but the best evidence indicates that the 6 convict
ships, sailed with 586 men and 191 female prisoners
A total of 759 convicts.

Following the direction of

Mrs. Smith? I just realized that Mrs. Belle was

calling me. Sorry what? I asked closing my reader.


How many people were carried on the ship? she

asked looked at me from over her glasses.
Umm, 586 men and 191 female prisoners,
making a total of 759 convicts I said.
Very well, sit down, Mrs. Belle said, smiling.
Umm, Miss? Can I just correct something? I said
standing up.
Yes? said, leaning a hand on her desk. Umm,
its supposed to be on the January the 26 th and May
the 13th not the 23 and 16, I reported.
Nerd, said some kid in the corner as Mrs. Belle
went to check her computer.
So you are correct, I thought there would be a
mistake in the book, Sit down, she said, and
continued her explanation.
Wow, you really know your history! exclaimed
Harry as the class ended. Yeah, kind of, I smirked
and held open the door for Harry and some other
students as we left the class.
Thank you, Harry said, while the other students
just walked past me, the last kid shoving me.
Hey! I said offensively and shut the door.
You OK? Harry asked me, while I just nodded
my head.
What do you have? I asked Harry as we pasted
the locker rooms for girls, hearing screeches and
gasps. I have Harry paused to think then said
Physics, Bummer I have Geography, I fake vomited
into my books, making Harry laugh.


I hate Geography too, Harry said shoving his

right hand into his pocket, his left hand holding his
Ha-ha, so Im going to go now, I said walking
towards my locker. I twisted my combination and
heard a little click giving me the signal that it was
I swung open my locker and placed my books in
very neatly, and grabbed my Geography books.
I walked to my Geography class and knocked on
the, opening the door to see a huge world map
covering the whole board, which was HUGE.
I knew it was one of my first classes, but I
already knew it was going to be boring.
My next class was English which was just a mere
introduction about the novel by Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist It was a really a sad story which made
me want to cry.
I walked through the halls, students walking past
me, talking with their friends, pushing me away, as I
tried to get to my locker.
I finally reached my locker, twisted my
combination and placed my books in it and grabbing
my lunch.
I found my way out of the maze of students and
stepped onto a big field, with about a million kids
chatting and talking.
I saw Lisa and Britney talking in a corner.


Britney raised her hand and waved to me. I

slowly began walking towards them, smiling once I got
Hey Tina, said Lisa, making me smile at the
rare nickname only her and my mom call me.
They talked about some new movie that came
out a while ago, I just nodded or laughed at the right
But, as Britney was my best friend, she knew
something was off about me.
Whats wrong? Britney frowned as we headed
for our class together (Physics)
I really dont know, myself. I just felt off these
last few days, I said, knowing I could trust Britney.
Its OK! I had that same feeling once I joined
school too.
OK, I said, sort of relived by the new piece of
information that she received from Britney.
I grabbed my physics books and headed towards
the physics room, (obviously finding my way for about
10 minutes first) I softly knocked in the door, hearing
the teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth scream, and JASMINE!
Britney and I stood awkwardly and waited for her
to notice us. She grabbed these two students who I
figured out were Logan and Jasmine and dragged
them out of the class, bumping my shoulder as she


As she entered the class again, she noticed me

as she tried to close the door in my face. Oh, sorry
dear, she said, her voice like a grandmas.
Class, we have a new kid, she said as she
moved to the center of the class, she narrowed her
eyes then raised her eyebrows, looking over her
Rhinestone glasses and said in a warning voice, Be.
Okay, sure, said a person in the corner. I
looked around the class and found that the whole back
row was occupied by sleeping children.
I watched Britney head the second last row and
mouthed an Im really sorry, then she frowned. I
nodded as a signal of I understand.
I better sit in the front row. I thought.
I began walking to the middle row, (There were 6
rows, 3 tables in a row) I heard somebody clearing
their throat. I looked back and saw Mrs. Ravel looking
at me with the same look.
Yes? I asked innocently.
Introduce yourself.
Um My name is Cristina Smith, and I am 15. I
am Canadian and I live with my mom. I said grasping
my books as tightly as possible, my legs going stiff.
Thank you, you can go now, she said, her eyes
adverting to the open textbook lying in front of her on
her maple wood desk.


I kept walking and looked around until I saw this

guy removing his bag, and tapping on the seat next to
him, smiling.
I smiled back and sat next to him.
Hey. My name is Theodore, but people call me
Theo. Thats Lizzy, he said, pointing to a girl with nice
blonde hair and a Physics book open on her table, her
phone underneath her desk.
Thats William, he pointed to a kid sleeping in
the back. He continued naming out random people,
me losing track of the people after William.


The bell rang; signaling that the class ended, I

said goodbye to Theo and waited for Britney at the
door. She finally arrived and began wiggling her
eyebrows at me.
What? I said laughing at her horrible attempt to
wiggle her eyebrows. .
See you Theo, I said. You too, he said walking
towards a girl with a loose top, with a big V-neck, her
chest almost all exposed. I saw Theo bending down
and kissing her check, making her giggle. She had nice
brown hair, light brown eyes, and the deepest dimples
I have ever seen.


I unlocked my locker and grabbed my Math book

sighing as I walked to my class. The day ended like
that, me sighing, grabbing my books, seeing couples
snog in the corridor, same old same old. When the last
bell rang, I did not wait for Britney. I grabbed my bike
from the side of the school, and sped off home.




to change my clothes. As I was walking towards the
bathroom, which meant I had to pass my mothers
room. I peeked into the open door and I saw my
mother on her computer, her eyes blood shot. The
first thought I had was she was drinking.
Mum? I said cautiously. Mmm? she asked,
looked away from her computer. I saw her quickly shut
the computer at the sight of me.
Mum what time did you sleep yesterday? I
asked her, walking to her bed slowly and sitting down.
Ummm no sleep yet. Why? she said, smiling.
Mom. Get some sleep please. I said covering
her with her soft blanket.
No! she moaned, pushing my hand away. I
smiled at her and forced her hand down. Yes.
I watched my mothers eyes slowly close until
she started to snore. I put her computer on the desk,
I wondered what she was doing at 6 AM, with no
sleep, on her computer. Maybe I should investigate I
thought to myself.
No, that would be violating her privacy.


I left her room and closed the door behind me as

slowly as I could, afraid to wake mom up again. I went
to the bathroom and washed up.
I finally finished and grabbed my purse. I made
myself some toast and headed for the front door, the
house keys in my hand.
I locked the door behind me as I felt the cold
mornings breeze whip through my hair.
I walked to the garage and typed in the pin code
and waited penitently for the door to open. I grabbed
my bike and waited, on the steps of my front door, for
Britney. I waited for about twenty minutes when I gave
up and sped off to school. In about 45 minutes, I was
at the school, a scowl on my face.
I locked my bike to a cold, silver pole and
headed for the big, no good torturous building.
Groaning, I grabbed my books and headed for
my class.
I had English-and as much as I wanted to focus, I
couldnt. Not when I was wondering what my mother
was doing at 6 am, on her laptop. Or something that
needed the whole night to do. Or why Britney didnt
show up.
With a low humph, I waited for the bell to ring I
wanted to leave so bad to get to my class that I had
with Harry. He was a nice boy, sweet, funny, and
especially good looking.
You cant judge me. I am teenager.


Finally, the bell rang, and I sprung out of my

chair, and I was the first to be out of class. I wasnt
taking care of where I was going, so as I walked- more
like ran- out of class, I bumped into a girl with
strawberry pink hair and gum in her mouth.
She screeched so loud, I cringed when I heard
her. Everybody stopped and looked at us, some
gasping and some snickering.
I am so sorry! I said, and when she stood up,
with the help of two girls behind her, I took in her
appearance. High heels, crop top, showing off her flat
stomach, a short skirt, and a face covered in heavy
makeup. The gum which she had been popping was
stuck in her bang, and I bite my tongue off trying not
to laugh.
Classic mean girl. I guessed that she was one of
the cool kids around here. Or the rich kids. Or the
snobby kids. Or the kids who think they are better
that everyone else.
She fitted in every case in my mind.
You are going to pay! she jabbed a polished
finger in my direction and diverted her attention to the
gum. She fake cried while the two girls behind her
tried to comfort her. She cringed her perfectly painted
lips when she touched the pink, gooey gum-the size
of my thumb-and tried to get it out, only making to
I put my head down and pushed myself out of
the small circle that formed around us. Even if I was


about, thirty feet away from the crowd, I could still

hear the, chanting, Fight! Fight!
I shook my head, not being able to stop myself
from laughing.
I remembered the look on one of the two girls
standing behind the blond girl. I could have sworn
that her lips were pulled into a smirk before a scowl
over powered it.
I wonder why everyone looked so scared when
they saw her.
Wondering why I havent seen Britney, I
continued my way to my locker to grab my Physics
books. My blue locker door was open, so I could not
see on the right side of the hallway.
Suddenly, the locker door came closing on my
hand, but I pulled me hand fast enough only to leave a
few scratches making me gasp in pain.
Where. Were. You? I heard the venom in her
W-What? Where were you?! I was waiting by my
front lawn for like, thirty minutes! I said, staring at
her in the eyes.
Oh She said looking down at her hands.
Yes. Oh thats all you have to say for
everything. I rolled my eyes.
No! I was she said as if making up an excuse.
Aha! I was with Luke! she said as if it clears up


Doing I raised my eyebrows, waiting. Umm...

we were she shifted her eyes to the left, then bite
her tongue. We wer-She was interrupted by the final
bell ringing, signaling us that we have only five
minutes to get to class. Oops. I have to go, she
smiled at me and practically ran to her class.
Groaning, I opened my locker again and grabbed
my notebook; glaring at everyone who passed me or
talked to me as I walked to my class.
Finally reaching the class, I took a seat next to
Harry, and acting like I was taking notes when I was
just passing notes with Harry.
So, whats up? Its like I heard alarms sounding
in a distance the moment you walked in. Harry wrote.
No its nothing. My mom was awake till 6 am,
Britney is acting so weird, and on top of everything,
we have school today. I scribbled down and passed it
too Harry under the table.
It took Harry some time to read the note before
her looked at me; his eyebrows knitted together, a
deep frown on his face.
I wonder why he wrote and passed the paper
back to me, then looking at the teacher.
Sighing, I raked a hand through my hair and
jabbed my pen in the paper, scowling. I say Harry
looking at me from the corner of his eye, and I
couldve sworn I saw a small smirk on his face.
I huffed and pushed the small square paper into
my bag; then tried to pay attention to the teacher.


After what felt like one hour, the bell finally

rang, and I stood up, heading for the door.
Feeling annoyed, I pushed the door open, only to
hear, Ouch! Oh No.
I am so sorry! I said, putting my hand on my
mouth, making the back of my neck hair stand.
NO. NOT YOU AGAIN! said no other thank
bubble-gum girl. I WILL RUING YOU! she screamed.
Look! I screamed making her stop her empty threat,
and look at me with mixed emotion, anger and
The people walking by stopped to see what was
happening. I am sorry! But I cant change what
happened! So build a goddamned bridge and get over
it! I shoved her surprised face out of my way and with
a pounding head, walked to my locker and swung it
open and put my bag in halfway before realizing what
I swung open my locker. Without unlocking it. I
looked on the floor and there was the lock, opened
with a pin the keyhole. I looked up and saw a hooded
figure running to my left.
With something in his hands.
I took a closer look at the book and it was red,
with a black line in the middle.
My journal.
With a scream, I ran towards the figure, after
closing my locker without the lock.


I keep seeing this man when I am asleep or

when Im in class not paying attention, or even at the
most weird times! I see green eyes, and a girl with
brown hair next to him, but they are both very blurry. I
see a girl in the back with blonde hair, and it looks as
if she was sobbing. I hear the brown haired girl
laughing, and their faces are all up in my vision, I
cant see anything but them and a small washing
machine in the corner. It was like I was trapped or
something. This might sound crazy but I think I was
kidnapped without me knowing But thats crazy ! I
wrote in that book. Nobody can read that! NOBODY.
What if that anonymous person read it, then threw it
then somebody found it and it kept going on until it
reached my mother?!
This is bad.
I ran after the person as fast as I could, hitting
people as I ran.
WAIT! I screamed, earning a lot of stares. I
shoved a girl out of my way and saw long blonde hair
flying out of the hoodie. BECCA?! Wait. Becca has dirty
blonde hair and its shorter. I think.
I reach the front door and see the person
running across the football field.
NO! I scream and run as fast as my feet will
carry me. I run and run and I am finally about two feet
away from her.
I am a hundred percent sure that its a girl.


I pounce and I tackle the girl to the ground. She

is lying on her stomach so I still cant see her face.
She has something her hand and she shoves me
off. I try to garb her but she pushes me off. She runs
off and its too late to catch her.
I open my book quickly and I reach the last page.
Where is the paper?! WHERE IS THE PAPER?!
The paper in which I wrote that confession is
GONE. No. Crap.
Right there in the middle of the whole football
field, I curl up in a ball and begin to rock and forth. I
ignore the people telling me to get up and move out
of the way.
Baby please get up, my mothers voice was
muffled as my ears were covered with my blanket.
No. I said and moved around my bed, letting a
tear escape my eye.
Its been 3 days since I had been to school. I
couldnt take the embarrassment of me crying on the
football field.
Okay then, Im off to get the mail. Its a
Monday. My mother said and left the room.
I removed the covers off of my face and exhaled
The door opened and I was quick in covering my
head again.


I heard her sigh and leave something on my bed.

There was something in the mail for you, she said
and then left.
I wondered what it was as I moved the covers off
of me. I grabbed the envelope and ripped it open.
Once I saw what was in it, I couldve sworn my
heart stopped.


4. MAIL.


Nes. I am sorry I had to steal this very important
piece of memory Cristina. Keep it safe and away from
the wrong eyes. I know this might be a lot to take in at
the moment, but you need to trust me. You might me
in danger. You need to stop writing you memories in
notebooks. Keep them in your mind and only you
mind. Youll know when the time is right and you will
tell Amy. I am sorry to leave you at this lets say
cliffhanger, and I know that you have about a million
questions, which will be answered at the appropriate
time. I love you Linda.
I re-read the letter 5 times. I had a million
questions to ask this lady. And who is Linda? How did
she know my mothers name is Amy?
I realized that there was another paper in the
thick brown package.
I opened the folded paper and there it was, the
paper that was stolen from my journal. Laughing like a
madman, I pushed my hands into my hair to loosen
the knots. This seemed like a very important job to be


And then I got the strongest headache I had ever

had. I screamed and grabbed my forehead in pain. I
rolled off my bed and curled into a ball, pressing my
head as strong as I could against my knees.
Flashing images began to hit me.
Images of the man with the green eyes and the
girl with the brown hair. I wanted to know about them
so much.
The man was laughing and hugging the brown
haired girl, and she laughed with him. Their faces
were blurry as usual, and the man was holding a cup
filled with champagne as if he was celebrating for
some reason. I felt happy when I saw them so happy.
The mans face cleared up a bit and you could
see holes under his eyes as if he hadnt been sleeping.
The girl looked less tired and drunk, but she was
dancing around so I wouldnt doubt that she was
drunk too.
I felt attached to the man in some way.
I did not know why.
There was a flash of red and the vision was over.
I felt as If I was Harry Potter having a vision of
I woke up in my bed with my mother beside me,
and a doctor next to me. There was something on my
forearm. I did not care to ask what it was.
I looked up and my mother had her head on my
left arm.


Mom? my voice came out a whisper.

Oh! Cristina! Thank god you are awake! You
were out of a whole day! I came into your bedroom at
night and you were on the floor, passed out. I got so
worried I called a doctor. He gave you some medicine
and told me if that happened again I need to go see a
doctor, She said in one breath. I am sorry, how are
you? I woke up in my bed with my mother beside me,
and a doctor next to me. There was something on my
forearm. I did not care to ask what it was.
I looked up and my mother had her head on my
left arm.
Mom? my voice came out a whisper.
Oh! Cristina! Thank god you are awake! You
were out of a whole day! I came into your bedroom at
night and you were on the floor, passed out. I got so
worried I called a doctor. He gave you some medicine
and told me if that happened again I need to go see a
doctor, She said in one breath. I am sorry, how are
you? Thank you. I am fine mom. I said.
Despite all the sleep I had, my eyelids were
heavy. Without saying anything, I dozed off.
+++ Formatted: Centered
Sunlight pouring from the open curtains woke
me. My first thought was, What time is it? I looked at
the clock and it read 7:30 AM. I woke up just in time
for school. I cant hide from the world any longer.
I got dressed and sat on my bed, wondering if I
should go to school or not.


I decided I should go.

I pulled my hair up in a ponytail. I liked the way
my grey hair looked today.
I walked down the steps and saw my mother in
the living room ready for work.
Good morning mom. I said and adjusted the
backpack on my shoulder.
My voice startled my mother.
What? Oh good morning. What are you doing?
You cant go to school! You are too ill! Not until the
doctor says you can go you wont. by the time my
mom finished saying this I was halfway to the door.
Love you mom. I said and left the house.
I grabbed my bike and rode to school. It was
very humid. I was thankful I tied my hair.
Once I reached school I looked for Britney or
I was 10 minuetsminutes early, so I searched the
halls but found no luck. I found Lisa in the hall next to
the cafeteria.
Hey Lisa, I said as I reached her. Hey she
said and turned away from me. She walked away with
outwithout looking back. I noticed a bruise on her
wrist. I wonder if she was hiding others and who
would do such a thing to her. LISA! I screamed and
ran after her.
JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! She screamed and ran
What the-? I said and stopped in my tracks.


Everybody looked at me like I was crazy.

Why do I have a habit of drawing attention to
I turned around and took a deep breath.
Once the bell rang, I fell to the ground holding
my head. This was the biggest headache I have ever
It was the same as yesterday, but it continued
from where it stopped the last time. There was a
blonde girl chained to the water pipes in the corner.
She was screaming and crying and saying Please
dont hurt her! but as usual, she was blurred.
I wanted to know so much; I wanted to see so
I completely forgot that I was in school.
The vision did not stop.
The next thing I know there is someone
screaming my name, but it sounded like a whisper.
There were hands grabbing me from everywhere.
ItsIts like half of my mind was still connected to
reality, and the other was in the dream like vision.
In the vision, the man then walked over to the
blonde girl and slapped her then told her to shut up.
I wanedwanted the brunette to help the blonde
so bad! Why is she just standing there watching him
abuse that girl?
I screamed like crazy. I didnt stop. I wondered
how I looked in reality. I stopped screaming on a same


pitch, and began to scream, Help her. Help her! Why

are you just standing there?
I began to shake all over, as the man was not
stopping. But he was screaming and hitting harder. I
began to feel hot tears stream down my face.
I heard a laugh then I blacked out.
+++ Formatted: Tab stops: 1.66", Centered + 2.32", Left
Its been 5 days as my mother tells me. I can
hear everything. But I cant seem to move any muscle
in my body. I can only breathe and swallow the water
and baby food my mother stuffs in my mouth. She
sometimes cries by me, and I feel the cold tears on my
Baby? Cristina? Are you awake? My mother said
on the seventh day. I used every muscle in my body to
move my finger.
It twitched a bit, but my mother caught it.
+++ Formatted: Font: Bold

I woke up taking a deep breath as if I wasnt Formatted: Centered, Tab stops: 1.66", Centered +
2.32", Left
breathing for a minuetminute.
I startledstarted my sleeping mother out of her Formatted: Tab stops: 1.66", Centered + 2.32", Left
sleep. There was a very fast beeping sound, which I
soon learned to be a heart monitor.
Are we? Are we in a hospital?
CRISTINA! my mother said with tears in her
eyes. She rushed over to the bed and presses the
nurse button. Three nurses rushed in and began to
check my heartbeat and other medical things.


How long have I been out? I ask a nurse nearby.

Its been two weeks Hun, she replies. TWO WEEKS? I
ask with my mouth open.
I rip out the IV in my hand and I try to get up.
The nurses try to stop me but I push them. The
moment my feet touch the cold floor, my head spins
and my feet fail me.
My body hits the floor and my mother screams. Formatted: Tab stops: 0.06", Left
A doctor walks in just about when I fall.
Woah Woah, the doctor exclaims and reaches
out his hands but the nurses caught me first.
Get her back in bed, please, he tells the nurses
and they oblige. They push me back in the bed.
I do not fight because I was too dizzy from the
Now, I found this very shocking, but you are
regaining pieces of your memory that you didnt even
know you lost, silence filled the room as I tried to
comprehend what he was saying.
He fiddled with his fingers and paced around the
room before finally sighing and stopping in the center
of the room before restarting the process again.
Doc! Spit it out! I said forcefully while turning Formatted: Tab stops: 0.06", Left
my hair to the side.
Doctor, I dont think this is appropriate to talk
about here, lets talk about this somewhere else. My
mother said, trying to shut him up.


No! Tell me. Now! tears brim my eyes as I feel a

sting of betrayal. Why would my mother hide the truth
from me?
Doctor! Please. I dont want her to know! As her
mother I forbid you to say anything. My mothers
voice rises.
Mother! Stop! Get out! Get out! I scream at her
until she leaves.
As she opens the door and leaves, you can see
all the eyes staring back into our room.
Continue. I say, wiping a tear off of my face.
Now, this may sound even stranger but,
Cristina, you were drugged with a certain drug that
makes you looselose your memory.
And my mother runs back into the room.
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NOW, THE DRUG ERASES 2 YEARS OF YOUR Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans Unicode
memory. Suppose someone drugged you when you Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans Unicode
were 13 you would looselose the past 2 years of your Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans Unicode
life. So, you would only remember the life you had, Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans Unicode


well at least from when you got drugged till the time
the person stops the dosage. Then you remember
everything from after the dosage is stopped. Now you Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans Unicode
dont really notice this because you dont reach back
into your past life for anything important, Once he
said that, I felt like my life just slipped between my
controlcontrol. Some oneSomeone brain washed me! Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans Unicode
I looked at my mother and she was fidgeting Formatted: Font: (Default) Lucida Sans Unicode
with her fingers.
Mom? I said and looked at her. Its okay
darling, we will find who did this. I dont know how
but she trailed off.
Oh god, I said and sank into the bed.
Now, we can run some tests to see if we can
bring your memory back, the doctor said.
No! my mother said and stood up. Now if
there is nothing else I would like to remove my
daughter from the hospital. She said forcefully.
Actually I would like to keep Cristina here for
just two more days, he said and once he saw the look
on my mothersmothers face, he added, Only to make
sure that she is okay.
Fine then. She said and sat down.
Once the doctor left the room, she immediately
took out her phone and dialed a number. Once it
began to ring she left the room.
Okay then, I said and looked around. I saw my
phone on the nightstand next to my bed and reached
for it.


Once I had it I dialed Britneys number.

Hello? Britney said. Hi! Britney you wontwont
believe what happened! I am in the hospital! I said in
a breath.
Really? Why? she said almost un-amused.
Because the doctor is saying that I am drugged
and that I lost my memory and that I am getting it
back, thats why I have been missing school and Ive
been having headaches a lot. Sorry I didnt tell you
before too.
WHAT? she screamed and I heard something
break. I think it was a glass cup.
Umm yea I said.
I adjusted my pillows and leaned back, resulting
in me hitting my head on the bed frame.
Huffing, I sat up again and put my pillows in a
seeping position. As I was swung my head back on the
pillows, I hit my head on the bed frame again but this
was full force.
Ow! I screamed and heard Britney saying,
Cristina! Cristina! before I blacked out again.

Lights, flashing lights that would gihive you a

head ache in a snap. I felt a very sharp pain on my
right side and I screamed in agony.
I felt hands on me; almost lifting me but I
couldnt see who it was. All I saw were masked people
grabbing and pushing me.


I felt someone hold down my hand. But I

screamed and pushed it away, fearing it was the
enemy, or whoever this person was.
And then, with no coincidence, the flashing
green lights come up, and its over, just as his face is
revealing its self.

I wake screaming. But not knowing what day it

I look around me, but nobody is there. I feel a
heavy steam in my body. I see a light flickering in the
distance, and get out of my bed to check it out.
Mom? I call out, silence.
Mom? I scream louder, beginning to get scared.
Sweat breaks out on my lips and forehead, as I
forcefully open the bedroom door.
I run out side to see that the hospital is empty.
Not a single sound but my heavy breathes.
I hear a voice across my room; and I wake into
the room, but the scene changes. Its in a basement? It
dark and a lifeless body lies on the ground, a woman,
her face bloody but I notice small movements on her
back, as she is flipped on her face,
I see a bright spotlight, shining on a pole, with a
girl cuffed to it.
As I walk into the light, I am horrified by what I
Its me.


But bloody, crying and unconscious.

You are never going to find me B. Just leave me
alone! Shes mine too! The only reason I do this is
because you wouldnt let me see her! a man with
black hair screams into a telephone.
He grabs his hair in stress and throws the phone
on the ground.
He walks over to my body and touches my face.
Its going to be okay baby. He says and kisses
my forehead.
I got a little out of control but you wouldnt be
quiet. You cant blame me for this. I am sorry. But this
has to be done. He said and wipes my head with a
cloth that he took from his back pocket.
After my face is a little recognizable, he takes a
syringe out of his pocket and inserts it in me.
Then as the syringe is inserted, I wake from my
bloody slumber screaming and he looks away.
As I cover my face with my hand to stifle the sob,
he looks at me. And not the bloody, screaming one.
No. Me. The one watching all this.
His face is so beautiful, with circles under his
eyes, rosy checks and bright green eyes.
His nose is kind of crocked as if he was punched
several times.
He seems harmless, despite what I had just seen,
as his lips pull down into a small frown, and his eyes
fill with sadness.


He looks at me with wide eyes and comes closer

to me.
My instinct is to run, but I am frozen in place,
He touches my face, though I half excepted it to
go right through me, and says, its time to wake up
baby girl. And I snap out of it.
I wake up horrified, with sweat covering me from
head to toe.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? I scream, completely
lost track of time, waking my mother.
Cristina! How long have I been out?
Doctor! Doctor! Shes awake? she screams and I
then notice an oxygen mask on my mouth and rip it
What? says a young male doctor around 20
years old, way different then my old doctor who had a
beard and was around 40 years old.
This is incredible! How remarkable! he says as
he walk over to the machines next to my bed.
He pushes the nurse button and then in about
thirty seconds? Around 3 nurses come running in, and
they all begin to take notes on me and my heartbeat
and other medical things I dont understand.
This is a miracle. We all supposed this is
become another outcome but he is left speechless.
Move! Let me see her! my mother says and
pushes the nurses as she grabs my face, which is now
soaked with tears and sweat.
Mom. I say trying to push her away.


Mom! I try to say more forcefully with no use.

Shes going to flip. No I need to talk to her. She
murmurs and I finally push her away and gain the
strength to ask the doctor the question that I am
dying to ask.
Doctor? I say, trying to get his attention.
Hhm? he says without looking at me.
H-How long have I been out? I ask, my heart
beating fast.
Cristina, you have been out for 5 months.
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