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The Doves Love

There was a hunter as black as dark crow. He was looking

like Yama.He doesnot have kindness at all. He was very much
interested in doing wrong deeds.
He had neither friends nor relatives. His relatives have
also forbidden him because of his wrong deeds.Throwing the net,
catching the birds, killing and selling them was his business. He
doesnot know Dharma and Adharma. He was ignorant and
doesnot like to make living by anyother proper business.
One time, a big cyclone hit when he was in the forest,.
Big tress shook like they were to fall down. There were clouds,
thunder and lightning. It rained like that it will sink the earth.
The hunter shivered out of cold, he was not able to see ups
and downs in his way, lost his stability and fell down.
The birds got drenched in rain and took shelter in trees.
The wild animals like deer, lion and pigs feared the rain, and
suffered hunger.The hunter also wandered in the forest shivering
in cold.
At that time, the hunter saw a female dove had fallen on
the ground, shivering and suffering in cold.The hunter did not
leave his bad thought even in that suffering scenario. He took
the female dove and put it in his cage.
There was a big tree in the same forest. The lord
Brahma had created this tree to help others like the good
people help the needy.The hunter on seeing this big tree, came
and stood below it.
The rain stopped.The hunter turned and looked in all
directions and realised that the time has gone. Since the village
he lived was very far from that place,he decided to sleep below
the tree that night.
Immediately he joined his hands and prayed to surrender
to the lords of that Tree. Then, he spread the leaves sadly, and
started sleeping by resting his head on the stone under the
Since a very long time, a dove was living in a branch of
the tree with its family. The female dove, who was his
companion went in search of food had not returned home even
after it was night.The male dove on seeing that its female dove
has not returned felt sad.
It was heavy wind and rain. My love has not yet
arrived.Why hasnt she returned? Whether my lovable wife, who
went into the forest is fine? The Home without her seems
nothing. Eventhough, the man who is in family life is surrounded
in all directions by children, grandchildren, in-laws, servants, etc.,
it would seem nothing without his wife.
The people of great knowledge has not refered to the
material house as home.They have described the wife who
belongs to that house as home.The home without wife is equal
to a forest. If my lovable wife who possess red eyes, many
colors on her body, sweet voice does not return, then there is
no use of me being alive. She is so much devoted that she
does not eat if i didnt eat, she does not bath, if i dont bath,
she feels happy on seeing my happiness, she feels sad on
seeing my sorrows. she will have dull face when i go out. when
i am angry, she used to speak with love. She followed the
virtue dharma of the Chasic women. she is meek. She is more
worthy than my soul.The man who gets such a wife in his life
is gifted in this world.
I am a man with inabiity,suffering from hunger whereas
my wife is one who has love, confidence, devotion, friendliness,
fame, etc. She is the one with such qualities and knows
everything about me.
Though a man lives under a tree, if he lives with his
wife, it is his home. A man who lives separated from his wife,
eventhough if he lives in a highly sophisticated house, it is
surely a forest. A wife stands and helps her husband during the
times of performing Dharma, Artha, Kama, etc.
She is the one who creates confidence in her husband
when he goes out to different places. The most adorable thing
in this world for a husband is his wife. There is no equivalent
friend during sorrow. There is no medicine other than a wife to
her husband. There is no abode equivalent to a wife. While
doing Dharma, there is no equivalent help other than his wife.
He who doesnot have a wife satvik in character, and
doesnot speak pleasingly, should go to forest. His home is
equivalent to a forest. groaned the male dove.
The female dove in the cage of the hunter was listening
to the groaning of her male dove. Though she is in difficult
situation of being caught by the hunter, looked towards her
husband and said, I am here in the cage below only. Hear
what I say and do it as it is. You should protect the people
who surrender to you. The hunter who catches birds has come
to our home and suffers from cold and hunger. A family man
who practices the Dharma to his maximum possible strength
reaches the undestructable world after his death.
You takeoff and leave your interests on your material
body, and do the deeds according to the dharma that will make
this hunters mind happy. Do not worry about me. you can
remarry to continue your life.Saying this the female dove looked
up keenly on her husband.
The male dove on hearing his wifes speech, got down
from the tree, neared the hunter and welcomed him with love
and said
you need not suffer. Tell me what i should do.This is
your house.Tell me soon. What do you want? It is virtous to be
hospitable with love, even to the enemy who comes home. The
tree gives shade even to the man who cuts it.The family man
should be hospitable with special efforts to the people who come
home. If he doesnot, he is not fit to live in this world and the
worlds above.Trust me.I will do whatever you say. Dont worry.
On hearing this the hunter told I feel too much cold.
Save me from that.
Immediately the male dove made great efforts and spread
the dried leaves, and hastily went to bring fire. It brought fire
from the smiths workshop and fired the dried leaves.Then it told
the hunter You can heat your body and get rid of this cold.
He also did accordingly and got rid of cold.
The hunter being happy on getting rid of cold said to the
bird , You also bring me food like this. I am very hungry.
The male dove on hearing this said, I do not have that much
wealth to quench your hunger. We live in forests and lead our
lives with what we get here daily. We are like the ascetics in
the forest. We do not have anythings saved.
After thinking for a while, it said Be patient for sometime. I will
fulfill you. Saying so, it made the fire burn brightly by adding
some more dried leaves.
According to rishis, Gods, mahathmic ancestors serving
Athithi (Guests) is the biggest dharma. My mind is confident in
the act of serving you. The male dove on saying this to the
hunter,have decided to give its body. It came around the fire
three times and jumped into it.
The hunter on seeing the acts of the male dove to fulfill
his hunger felt sorry and started groaning This has happened
because of my mindlessness and cruelty. The sins out of this
act will not leave until my life on this earth. Eventhough there
are various good business, I have become a hunter who catches
birds and kill them!
The Mahathmic Dove, by burning its body for me have
adviced me. There is no doubt in it. My wishes now is to
perform penence and do dharma to reach the ultimate world.
Groaning these words he decided to go in the north direction to
attain death.
He immediately pushed the cage that prisoned the bird.
He took the female dove outside and set it free. The female
dove, thought of her husband and groaned in agony. My Dear!,
I have not even thought of those things that you have not liked.
Though we begot several children, isnt a highest grief to lose a
husband? You have been lovable to me in all times! You
always spoke pleasingly without being harsh. We have roamed
around the Sky, the mountain, the river, the trees and played
well. I have lost you. I cannot live in this world without you.
There is no great relation or rich wealth in this world other than
the husband. Saying this , the female dove also jumped into
the fire.
Then, the female dove took the holy form decorated in
rich clothes and ornaments, attained her husband who also was
decorated similarly in a holy vehicle and both of them attained
The hunter who witnessed this said , I also should attain
their holy destiny and having decided went in the north
direction. The thorns pricked the hunter who went on without
taking food, losing interest in his body. Blood flowed from his
body. He did not take care and went on.
At that time, there was forest fire, since the branches of
the trees were rubbing against each other. On seeing this, the
hunter eagerly and happily jumped into the forest fire to sacrifice
his life. His sins also got burned.He also took the divine form
and attained heaven.
Bheeshmar says the benefit of this story One who hears
this divine story and realises its inner meaning doesnot attain a
bad destiny.
This story was also told by Rama when Vibhishana
surrenders himself to Rama, inorder to make people understand
the glory of Surrender. It can be seen in the verses of
( from Kambaramayanam )
If the married life possess love and virtue,
These will accordingly be its natural character and destiny.
Wishing you to have a good Love life with better understanding ,
beget children soon, beget grand children and have unconditional
love and be made for each other.
-Collected and translated by-
-Venkatesh Kumar -

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